Showing 1883 results

Archival description
GB 0074 LMA/4631 · Collection · 1951-2013

Records of the Association of Consulting Actuaries, 1951-2013, including minutes of the main committee, sessional meetings and annual general meetings, 1951-2003, and various publications, including annual reviews, Parliamentary Pensions Briefs, survey reports, histories and a fiftieth anniversary dinner souvenir programme.

Association of Consulting Actuaries , 1952- Society of Consulting Actuaries , 1951-1952
GB 0120 SA/ABO · 1937-1946

Volumes of minutes containing annual alphabetical indexes of ophthalmologists who joined the Association of British Ophthalmologists, together with subject indexes.

Association of British Ophthalmologists
GB 0074 CLC/B/017 · Collection · 1832-1990

Records of predecessors of the Association of British Insurers, comprising:

  • Accident Offices Association (Overseas);
  • Accident Offices Association;
  • Aircraft Insurance Committee;
    Association of Life Assurance Offices in India;
  • British Insurance Association;
    -British Life Assurance Trust;
  • Building Society Indemnities Committee;
  • Coal Pool;
  • Consequential Loss Committee;
  • Debris Clearance Pool;
  • Engineering Offices Association;
  • Fire Offices' Committee;
  • Fire Offices Committee (Foreign);
  • Fire Offices Committee of Ireland;
  • Glasgow Rate and Salvage Association;
  • Home Office Vehicles Pool;
  • Industrial Life Offices Association;
  • Insurance Companies (War Settlement) Committee;
  • Life Offices' Association;
  • South African Accident Council;
  • London Australasian Insurance Committee;
  • London Continental Fire Insurance Committee;
  • London Fire Engine Establishment;
  • London Salvage Corps;
  • London South African Insurance Committee;
  • London West Africa Insurance Committee;
  • London Wharf and Warehouse Committee;
  • National Amalgamated Approved Society;
  • National Conference of Industrial Assurance Approved Societies;
  • Printers and Theatres Rating Committee (Southern Committee);
  • Trading with the Enemy Joint Insurance Committee.

PLEASE NOTE: further minutes and files of the British Insurance Association and files of other predecessor bodies, along with minutes and files of the Association of British Insurers (ABI) from 1985-2000, remain uncatalogued. The uncatalogued records are available by prior appointment only quoting accession reference B11/056. In addition access requests to ABI records from 1985-2000 are subject to prior permission from ABI. Please contact staff for further details.

GB 0074 CLC/B/016 · Collection · 1860-1995

Records of the Association of British Chambers of Commerce, as follows:-

Ms 17363 - Articles of association;
Mss 17364-7 - Affiliated chambers, United Kingdom and overseas;
Mss 14476-7 - Executive council;
Mss 14478-9, 14485, 17394-5 - Standing, advisory and special committees;
Mss 17368-72 - General purposes committee;
Mss 17373-83 - Internal organisation, personnel and visitors;
Mss 17384-6 - Circulars and out-letter files;
Mss 17387 - Meeting with Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Finance and taxation division:-
Mss 14480 -1 - committee minutes;
Ms 17388 - circulars;
Mss 17389-93 - press releases and newsletters;
Mss 17394-475 - subject files, listed alphabetically;
Ms 17476 - printed booklets.

Home affairs division:-
Mss 14482-4 - committee minutes;
Ms 17477 - circulars;
Mss 14485 and Ms 17478-94 - education committee papers and education subject files;
Mss 14488 and Ms 17495-9 - post office services committee papers and postal subject files;
Mss 17500-1 - power committee papers and power and fuel subject file;
Mss 14485-6 and Ms 17502-37 - transport committee papers and transport subject files;
Mss 17538-50 - other subject files, listed alphabetically;
Ms 17551 - printed booklets.

Overseas division:-
Mss 14487 and 17552 - committee minutes and papers;
Ms 17553 - circulars;
Mss 17554-63 - subject files, listed alphabetically;
Mss 17564-83 - correspondence and papers relating to outside bodies and other trade organisations;
Ms 17584 - files labelled miscellaneous;
Mss 17585-8 - printed booklets;
Mss 17589-93 - Association of Secretaries of British Chambers of Commerce.
Mss 17593/A-C Statistics and report.

In addition to the committee minutes, the five series of circulars (Mss 17384, 17388, 17477, 17553 and 17592) will be found to supplement the subject files which form the bulk of the Association's archives.

Also papers of the National Chamber of Trade, including minutes, register of members, circulars, press cuttings and handbooks.

Association of British Chambers of Commerce x British Chambers of Commerce National Chamber of Trade
GB 2127 AAGBI PHOTOGRAPHS · 20th century

Photographic material accumulated by the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (AAGBI), relating both to the history of the AAGBI and to the wider history of anaesthesia and associated subjects from 1774 to 1997, largely comprising prints and slides, both colour and black and white, some undated, including some copies. The photographs include a series of portraits of the AAGBI Council, members of staff, and the AAGBI Group of Anaesthetists in Training (GAT) Council, and a large series of photographs used in the AAGBI publication Anaesthesia News. The collection also covers a wide range of subjects in the history of anaesthetics, and includes numerous portraits (including some photographic copies of oil paintings) of individual anaesthetists, including many eminent figures such as John Snow, Joseph Clover and Sir Ivan Magill, and various Presidents of the Association; photographs of anaesthetists at work; photographs of places associated with eminent anaesthetists and the history of anaesthetics, including various hospitals; photographs of anaesthetic apparatus of the 19th and 20th centuries, sometimes in use, and of various related medical procedures, including dentistry, obstetrics, and intensive care; photographs relating to A Charles King and his instrument-making business A Charles King Ltd, including its premises at Devonshire Street, London; photographs of the practice of anaesthesia in wartime, including World War One, World War Two and the Gulf War; photographs of documents relating to the history of anaesthesia, including some relating to Queen Victoria; photographs of events including conferences, award ceremonies and social events; photographs of the Association premises at no 9 Bedford Square, London, including its museum; photographs of exhibitions on the history of anaesthetics at no 9 Bedford Square held annually from 1987.

Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland
GB 2127 AAGBI AUDIO-VISUAL · (1916-1998) 1982-2000

Video cassette tapes accumulated by the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, relating to the history of anaesthesia in the 20th century. The tapes, made between 1982-2000, with the original films dating from 1916 to 1998, include some compilations, and comprise some black and white and silent material but focus predominantly on the latter part of the period. The subjects cover various anaesthetic drugs, equipment and techniques, and related subjects including midwifery, dentistry, paediatrics, emergency medicine, resuscitation, artificial respiration and intensive care, and the locations include various hospitals, and military situations. A series of oral history interviews feature eminent anaesthetists talking about their work. Some of the videos were made for conferences or training purposes, and some relate to the Association of Anaesthetists itself, including a video of the opening ceremony of no 9 Bedford Square.

Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland
GB 2127 AAGBI · 1848-2002

Archive, 1932-2002, of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (AAGBI), also including some material relating to the history of anaesthesia dating back to 1848:

Council minutes, 1932-1995; Annual General Meeting minutes, 1932-1988, 1997, and various other papers, 1934-1995 (with gaps); Advisory Committee minutes, 1978-1984, and papers, 1987; papers of various other committees, including the Safety Committee, Education and Research Committee, Archives, Library and Museum Committee, International Relations Committee, and Finance Committee.

Records of the Group of Anaesthetists in Training (GAT), including yearbook, 1993, 1995, 1997; GAT committee election papers, 1998-1999; circulated papers concerning 'New Deal Working Patterns', 1997.

List of Linkmen, 1995-1997; Linkmen's newsletter, 1995-1997, 1999.

Papers on constitutional matters, including transcript of grant of arms, 1945; constitution, 1962; amendments to rules, 1971 and undated; report on the constitution of the Council, 1974; printed Memorandum of Association [after 1981] and Memorandum and Articles of Association, 1985; copy of coat of arms, 1991; papers on composition of Council, its sub-committees and working parties, 1992-1993; Standing Committee in the Republic of Ireland constitution, 1997.

Album containing photographs and obituaries of Presidents, 1932-2002; Presidents' newsletters, 1970-1971, 1978; miscellaneous Presidential correspondence, including letters from HRH Princess Margaret (Patron of AAGBI), 1990-1998; list of Presidents (1932-1992), 1993; undated album containing photographs and biographies of officers; papers relating to elections, 1984-1998.

Annual reports, 1933-1999 (with gaps), including lists of members to 1969.

Papers relating to membership, including material on Fellowships, 1946-1949, 1953, honorary membership, 1987-1996, and subscription rates, [1991]-1995; lists of members, 1976-1995 (with gaps).

Accounts, 1983; directors' report and accounts, 1987-1995 (with gaps); financial papers, including charitable donations, 1991, 1995-1996.

Printed or typescript reports of the AAGBI, its Working Parties, or Irish Standing Committee, 1963-1997, on subjects including staffing and manpower, anaesthetists' workload, stress, the Lewin Report (1970) on the organisation and staffing of operating departments, provision of anaesthetic services and accommodation, private fees, dental anaesthetics and anaesthesia in general practice, day case anaesthesia, paediatric anaesthetic practice, management of trauma, intensive care, management of pain, use of drugs, anaphylactic shock, HIV and other viruses, anaesthetic equipment, recovery facilities, standards of monitoring, and other professional techniques and practices.

Publications of AAGBI, comprising guidelines, booklets and leaflets (largely aimed at Anaesthetists), 1975-1998, on subjects including anaesthetists' workloads, career appointments, professional references, fees for and conduct of private anaesthetic practice, anaphylaxis under general anaesthesia, prescription of Noscapine, consent forms, checklist for anaesthetic machines, standards of monitoring, obstetrics, intensive care, AIDS and Hepatitis B, and other professional matters; also including some information leaflets on anaesthesia aimed at the general public.

Programme of the first Scientific Meeting, 1957; papers on the Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), 1991-1997; papers on the Winter Scientific Meeting (WSM), 1992-1997; papers, including programmes and minutes, relating to various other AAGBI meetings, seminars, training events, lectures, dinners and other events, 1958-1998, including some joint events with other bodies, and some events relating to the history of anaesthesia rather than its current practice. Papers of the GAT ASM and annual Linkman Conference, 1995-1998, including some sound and video recordings, 1997. Ephemera and other material relating to events, including congratulatory address on the silver jubilee from the Finnish Society of Anaesthetists, 1957; historical note on AAGBI for the golden jubilee, 1982; diamond jubilee flag, 1992; ephemera relating to various social events, 1967-1998; menus for AAGBI Ancient Brethren Luncheon, 1995-1997; visitors' books, 1951-1972, 1984.

Various papers relating to honours and prizes awarded by the AAGBI, 1946-1998, including the Sir Ivan Magill Gold Medal and John Snow Silver Medal, John Snow lecture, and Pask Certificate of Honour; undergraduate prize essays, 1987-1997 (with gaps); entries for the AAGBI Safety Prize, 1995, 1997; reports and papers of recipients of travel grants and scholarships, 1997-1998.

Papers, 1984-1987, including correspondence, plans, press cuttings and other printed material, relating to the appeal for funds, acquisition and opening of the new AAGBI headquarters at no 9 Bedford Square, London, including material relating to the earlier history of the premises.

Papers, 1953-1995, relating to the King collection of historic apparatus, including its acquisition, and to the administration of the AAGBI museum, archives and library, including advertisements for museum exhibitions on the history of anaesthesia, 1991-1997 (with gaps), and offprint of K Bryn Thomas's 'The A Charles King collection of early anaesthetic apparatus', Anaesthesia, vol 25 no 4, October 1970.

Papers, 1947-1999, on professional issues accumulated by the AAGBI, relating to anaesthetics but also touching on wider medical issues, including papers of AAGBI working parties on professional topics, and also papers and publications, for instance reports and discussion documents, produced by government bodies (e.g. NHS Executive and Audit Commission) and by other medical organisations, including other professional bodies representing anaesthetists in the UK and overseas, among them papers relating to the implications of the creation of a College of Anaesthetists and the structure of anaesthetic organisation, 1974-1979.

Various papers relating to international conferences, 1978-1999, including joint meetings of the AAGBI.

Papers, 1857-1998, relating to the history of anaesthetics, including material on eminent anaesthetists, such as Sir Ivan Magill, John Snow and Sir Robert Macintosh, and the restoration of graves of some eminent anaesthetists; anniversaries in the history of anaesthesia including the 150th anniversary of the first public administration of ether at Massachusetts General Hospital (1846); the history of anaesthetic apparatus; a letter written at Lucknow, India, concerning an amputation, 1857; memoirs including Vernon Hall's Reminiscences and Anaesthesia in India 1939-1946 (privately published, 1997); published items including copies of articles on chloroform and vinic ether, 1875, and vapour of aether, 1933, and a facsimile edition, 1996, of Allen & Hanburys Ltd catalogue of anaesthetic and oxygen apparatus (1938); material relating to the history of the AAGBI, including its coat of arms.

Miscellaneous printed items relating to other organisations, 1987-1997, including the Pain Society.

Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland
GB 0120 MSS.5310-5312 · 1882-1892

Minute books of the Council and Executive Committee of the Association for the Advancement of Medicine by Research, with inserted loose papers, from its formation in 1882 until 1892; minutes of the sub-committee on the Promotion of Research, 1882-1883, and letters to Stephen Paget, 1891-1892.

Association for the Advancement of Medicine by Research
GB 0120 SA/RRG · 1964-1988

Papers of the Association for Research into Restricted Growth, 1964-1988, now called the Restricted Growth Association, comprising administrative records, 1970-c 1988; records relating to the Association's links with other organisations, 1976-1987; publications; general correspondence, 1969-1987; correspondence concerning individual cases, 1972-1986; and biographical material relating to Dr William Geoffrey Shakespeare.

Shakespeare , Sir , William Geoffrey , 1927-1996 , 2nd Baronet , general practitioner
GB 160 3AMS · Fonds · 1824-2006

The archive consists of:

GB 160 AMS/A - Administrative records (1897-2006): Executive Committee minutes; Minutes of Sub-committees; Minutes of Annual General Meetings; Financial records; Constitutional and organisational papers; Correspondence; Papers relating to the Josephine Butler Collection.

GB 160 AMS/B - Enquiries and Campaigns (1824-1999): Memorial of the Contagious Diseases Acts; Canvassing Parliamentary candidates regarding solicitation laws; Ten Towns Enquiry; Solicitation (papers and publications on amending solicitation laws eg Street Offences Act 1959); Venereal diseases; Procuration; Armed Forces; Seamen in ports; Sexual morality; Women in the Colonial Office / Colonies Service Committee; Traffic in Women; Employment of Women Police; Russian Women's Hostel in Shanghai; Executive Committee Correspondence; Sexual offences and age of consent; Prostitution; Mrs Bligh Scrutton's papers; Female circumcision; Human rights (majority of papers relate to Human Rights Year 1968); Women's Action Group; Correspondence and reports of W Moody; Press cuttings

GB 160 AMS/C - International work : India (1867-1979): Acts, Regulations and Parliamentary Papers; Correspondence and papers of Henry J Wilson; 1893 Cantonments enquiry; Secretary's India files 1913-1925; Meliscent Shephard: correspondence 1928-1946; Organisation of the work in India 1929-1937; Papers relating to work in Bombay (1878-1934), Ceylon (1899-1955), Madras, Mysore, Delhi, Calcutta (1929-1939); Association for Moral and Social Hygiene in India (1943-1979)

GB 160 AMS/D - International work : other countries (1869-1970): Papers concern the international work of the Association for Moral and Social Hygiene in opposing the state regulation of prostitution (apart from India). Material consists of fact-finding (reports, enactments and press cuttings) and action (memoranda, articles and correspondence). Countries: Africa, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, British Guyana, Canada, China, Colonies, Congo, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, Ireland, Ethiopia, Germany, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Hong Kong, Mui Tsai in Hong Kong and Malaya, Hungary, Indonesia, Israel [Palestine], Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Rangoon (Burma), Romania, Seychelles, Singapore and Malaya, South Africa, Southern Rhodesia, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tangier, Turkey, Uganda, USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), United States of America, Uruguay, West Indies

GB 160 AMS/E - Papers relating to the International Abolitionist Federation (1876-1999): Minutes of meetings of the International Committee and of the Executive Bureau of the International Abolitionist Federation; Reports; Papers relating to Congresses of the Federation and other related conferences; Correspondence concerning the publication of Congress proceedings; Papers relating to Constitutional reform; Publications

GB 160 AMS/F - Other organisations (1948-1997): Papers relating to: Anti-Slavery Society for the Protection of Human Rights and their relations with Minority Rights Group, Interights, Liberty, Human Rights Network; British Council of Churches; British Federation against the Venereal Diseases; British Social Biology Council and British Social Hygiene Council (both formally the National Council for Combatting Venereal Diseases); Commonwealth Countries' League; Commonwealth Secretariat; European Parliament; International Council of Women; Mothers' Union; National Council for Voluntary Organisations; National Council of Women; Status of Women Committee; United Nations including the United Nations Status of Women Commission and United Nations Association (UNA) Women's Advisory Council (WAC); Wel-Care; The Women's Council (co-operating with Women of Asia); Women's Freedom League; Women's National Commission; Papers relating to French organisations; publications

GB 160 AMS/G - Photographs (c 1850-1997): Portraits of Josephine Butler; Representations of Josephine Butler; Photographs of the Butler family; Individual portraits; Group portraits; Photographs of buildings associated with Josephine Butler

GB 160 AMS/H - Memorials and centenaries (1882-1983): Josephine Butler Centenary Memorial at Westminster Abbey in 1928; Josephine Butler Memorial Appeal and setting up the Josephine Butler Fellowship; post-centenary memorials (Chrystal MacMillan Memorial, Centenary Dinner of Association for Moral and Social Hygiene, 150th anniversary of birth of Josephine Butler in 1978); Alison Neilans's anniversary and memorials

GB 160 AMS/I - Publicity (1947-2006): Papers relating to the Josephine Butler Society publications 'Newsletter' and 'News and Views'; papers relating to articles written about the Josephine Butler Society in journals or newspapers; material concerning radio and television broadcasts about the Josephine Butler Society or film proposals about the life of Josephine Butler

GB 160 AMS/J - Josephine Butler miscellanea (1873-1993): Manuscript material by Josephine Butler; Printed material by Josephine Butler; Material relating to death of Josephine Butler; Articles about Josephine Butler; Material about the Grey Family; Representations of Josephine Butler; Play and screenplay about Josephine Butler; Audio cassette

GB 160 AMS/K-L Objects and Paintings are uncatalogued

GB 160 AMS/M - Publications (1847-1960) (Please note that publications can be found throughout this collection): Acts and statutory instruments; various pages from House of Commons Parliamentary Debates: Hansard; 3 volumes 'Social Evil Extracts'; 3 volumes of reports, press cuttings, flyers and posters

GB 160 AMS/N - Press cuttings (1950-1970) (Please note that press cuttings can be found throughout this collection): These press cuttings are uncatalogued

This catalogue includes material previously referenced as 3/AMS2 and 3/JBS/2.

This archive contains many publications. Any duplicates have been removed and can be consulted in The Women's Library Printed Collection. A note to this effect is made in the archive description.

Association for Moral and Social Hygiene [from 1962 The Josephine Butler Society]
GB 0074 A/EDT · Collection · 1866-1869

Minute book of the Association for Employment of the Destitute and Truant Poor. The minute book, A/EDT/1, appears to be the first of a series from the remainder of which it has been divorced. From the papers, A/EDT/3-5, addressed to or written by E.C. Bellamy, the Secretary of the Association, it seems that his resignation was accepted in January 1869, but that he did not return the volume (and possibly others) to the Association as requested.

Association for Employment of the Destitute and Truant Poor
GB 2812 H · 1909-1975

Records of Associated Organisations of the Carpenters' Company, comprising records of the Old Carpentarians, 1909-1975, namely minutes of the committee, 1909-1972, including the inaugural working committee, menus, newspaper reports, balance sheets and annual reports to the membership; address books with members details, 1910, 1922-1974; annual reports, 1960-1970, compiled by the Honorary Secretary giving an account of the annual reunion and containing members' greetings and correspondence; correspondence to and from the Honorary Secretary, 1974-1975, relating to annual reunions and prizegivings; The Story of the Carpenters' Company's Technical School (1891-1905) and of The Old Carpentarians, published by the Committee of the Old Carpentarians' Association, 1964; scrapbook, [1950]; menu for the Jubilee Reunion, 1955; sound recordings of annual dinners held at Carpenters' Hall, 1961-1964.

Carpenters' Company , Worshipful Company of Carpenters
GB 0366 AMA · Collection · 1898-1978

Records of the Assistant Masters Association from 1898 until its amalgamation in 1978, including minutes, officers' files, correspondence and publications.

Assistant Masters Association
GB 0074 ACC/2281 · Collection · 1973-1986

Records of the Assistant District Surveyors' Association, including Secretary's correspondence and papers; and subject files relating to building regulations and proposals affecting District Surveyors.

Assistant District Surveyors' Association
GB 0099 KCLMA Ashton · Created 1941-1946

Two reports on ordnance engineering services in Malaya during the period 1941-1942, written by Ashton following the destruction of all records at Malaya Command in 1942, [1946]; papers relating to the above reports, principally comprising Ashton's report to Air Cdre Modin on RAF Senior Training Corps mechanics attached to the Royal Army Ordnance Corps, Malaya, [1942-1943], an account of ordnance engineering services in Malaya during 1941-1942 by the Assistant Director of Ordnance Services (Engineering), 3 Indian Corps, [1942-1946], reports on ordnance services in Malaya during the period 1941-1942, written for Ashton by Capt E J Coulthard, H J Howland and Lt G A Neale, [1946].

Ashton , William Proctor Bell , 1897-1981 , Brigadier
GB 0402 SCA · 1894-1899

Notebook of Sir Cromer Ashburnam containing details of a journey from Mombasa to Uganda, 1894, with notes on surveying and lists of kit and typescript copy of letter from Ashburnham to Lady Baker offering to send her Sir Samuel Baker's gun, plus photocopy of original.

Ashburnham , Sir , Cromer , 1831-1917 , Knight , Colonel Colonial Governor
GB 0099 KCLMA Ash · Created 1873, 1955-1963

Typescript and manuscript texts of fifteen speeches by Ash, mostly after dinner and school and college prize days relating to aspects of RN Electrical Engineering, 1955-1963, notably including apprentices' passing out parade, HMS COLLINGWOOD, Fareham, Hampshire, 1955; Admiralty Electrical Engineering Officers' annual dinner, 1955 and 1957; Devonport Dockyard Technical College prize day, 1956; inaugural address as Chairman to the South Western Sub-Centre, Institute of Electrical Engineers entitled 'Electrical engineering in HM Dockyards', 1958, with typescript copy of memorandum 'Electric firing - torpedoes and torpedo gear', 27 Feb 1873; Trafalgar Night dinner, HMS COLLINGWOOD, Oct 1960; Victoria County Secondary School speech day, Barrow-in-Furness, Lancashire, 1962; Rodway Technical High School speech day, Bristol, 1962; RN and RN Reserve Electrical Officers' reunion dinner, HMS COLLINGWOOD, 1963.

Ash , Walter William Hector , 1906-1998 , Rear Admiral
Artists' Suffrage League
GB 106 2ASL · Fonds · 1905-1912

Papers of the Artists' Suffrage League, 1905-1912, including correspondence, drawings, cartoons, prints, poster, postcard, programmes and their covers, notices press clippings, album of designs by Mary Lowndes.

Artists' Suffrage League
GB 0074 LMA/4054 · Collection · 1909-1987

Records of the Artists League of Great Britain, formerly the Imperial Arts League. The records relate mainly to the administration of the league. The earliest material are the council minutes from 1909. There are also files of individual members; especially interesting is the file of Sydney Cockerell, bookbinder, which includes samples of hand made end-papers. Also of interest are the subject files on sketching and painting in war time (1915-1942) and a file of newspaper cuttings (1939-1940) concerning exhibitions and bequests during the war.

Artists League of Great Britain x Imperial Arts League
GB 0074 CLC/114 · Collection · 1810-1990

Records of the Artists' Annuity and Benevolent Fund, including records relating to the establishment of the fund, and joint records of both branches; records of the Annuity Fund; records of the Benevolent Fund; and records relating to John Pye, a founder member of the fund.

Artists' Annuity and Benevolent Fund
ARNOTT, Lewis (1898-1971)
GB 0099 KCLMA Arnott, Lewis · Fonds · 1915-1919

91 copies of photographs relating to Lewis Arnott's service with Royal Garrison Artillery (RGA), North West Frontier, India, 1917-1919, including: captioned images of the Afghan delegation to peace talks with Britain, 1919; British forces in camp and on marches (including one dated 3 Nov 1915); views of Peshawar; fortifications; ammunition; artillery; motor cars; pack animals; gardens; daily life for soldiers and local people. Also 69 copies of informal snapshot photographs relating to the service of John Henry Cooper Arnott (brother) with Royal Engineers, Plymouth, World War One, including groups of unidentified soldiers and views of coastline.

Arnott , Lewis , 1898-1971 , soldier
ARNOLD, Roxane
GB 106 7RAR · Fonds · c 1993

The archive consists of papers relating to Roxane Arnold's work as Treasurer of the International Federation of Women Lawyers (UK section). The archive contains the following:

  • Subscription form for the International Federation of Women Lawyers (UK section), c 1993

  • Flyer for the International Federation of Women Lawyers (UK section), c 1993

  • List of participants at an International Federation of Women Lawyers conference held in Paris, 7-11 Sep 1989

  • Balance sheets for years ending 1968, 1990, 1991 and 1992

  • 2 letters in Italian

  • Two photographs of the Married Women's Association Tea Party, House of Lords, 23 Jun 1988.

Arnold , Roxane , fl 1950-1993 , feminist
GB 1538 S37 · 1915-1967

Papers of Vivian Bartley Green-Armytage, 1915-1967, comprising certificates as Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, 1952, Foundation Fellow of the British College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1930, as officier and chevalier of the Legion d'Honneur, 1958, 1967, Membre D'Honneur of the Societe Francais de Gynaecologie, undated; display labels for the display cabinet, and certificate of Green-Armytage having been mentioned in a despatch during action in World War One, 1915.

Armytage , Vivian Bartley Green- , 1882-1961 , gynaecologist
CLC/B/005/ANG04 · sub-fonds · circa 1950-1961

Business records of Army, Navy and General Assurance Association Limited comprising specimen policies and proposal forms.

Eagle Star Insurance Co Ltd Army, Navy and General Assurance Association Ltd x Army and General Assurance Association
Army ordnance papers
GB 0096 MS 48 · 1683-1702

Manuscript volume, 1683-1702, containing transcripts of orders, warrants and commissions relating to the offices of Paymaster-General of the Forces in Great Britain, Ireland and Flanders, and of the Secretary of War, the administration of musters, the Chelsea Royal Hospital, and the Ordnance Board with details of offices within it after 1683. There is also a printed copy of His Majesties orders for regulation of the musters, (Charles Bill, Henry Hills and Thomas Newcomb, London, 1687). There is a possibility that this manuscript was compiled by William Bromley.

GB 0074 LMA/4179 · Collection · 1725-1992

Records of the Army and Navy Club, including Committee and Annual General Meeting minutes; annual reports with printed members lists (1847-1933); annual statements of accounts and other finance; Members admissions, deaths and resignations, members accounts and payments, candidate books, and newsletters.

Army and Navy Club
GB 0099 KCLMA Armstrong · Created [1925-1945]

Papers principally comprising text of lecture on the outbreak of hostilities between Japan and China in 1937, including a detailed account of the Battle of Shanghai as witnessed from HMS DANAE, 1937; draft of lecture recounting his experiences on board HMS DIDO during the evacuation of Crete, Apr-Jun 1941, [1945].

Armstrong , Sidney John , fl 1921-1941 , Engineer Commander
Armed forces proposal
GB 0096 MS 753 · [1715- 1733]

Draft proposals for altering the strengths of the regiments at Gibraltar and Minorca, in order to effect a saving of £99, 670, with marginal notes in a different hand (possibly that of Henry Pelham, Secretary at War 1724, and Paymaster of the Forces 1730) forming a draft address on the subject to the king. From internal evidence, the document appears to have been written between 1715 and 1733.

GB 0102 MS 380596 · 1949-1957

Papers, 1949-1957, of Sir Charles Noble Arden-Clarke, giving an insight into events during the transition of the Gold Coast to independent Ghana, including the State of Emergency (1950). The papers comprise typescripts of speeches to local clubs and societies, discussions with the Legislative Council, and some correspondence arranging meetings, 1949-1957, including two congratulatory telegrams received on the independence of Ghana, 1956, and speech when sworn in as Governor-General of Ghana, 1957; text of a radio broadcast on democracy and elections at the General Election, 1956; other papers, 1954-1957, comprising letters received congratulating him on his work, legal documents concerning a libel by the Ghana Nationalist newspaper, articles on Arden-Clarke from The Observer and The Ghana Evening News, and copy letter by Arden-Clarke concerning appointment of the next Governor of Ghana, 1957.

Clarke , Sir , Charles Noble , Arden- , 1898-1962 , Knight , colonial governor
Architectural Association
GB 0098 J · Created 1960-1970

Records of Imperial College relating to the Architectural Association, 1960-1970, comprising press cuttings and correspondence on the proposed merger with Imperial College, 1960-1970, minutes and correspondence of the Joint Negotiating Committee, 1963-1969.

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
GB 0099 KCLMA Archer · Collection · 1889-1938

Papers of Capt John Archer, 1889-1938, including: diaries, 1889-1896, 1901, 1908-1910, 1919, 1921-1922, 1925 and 1938; correspondence with family, friends and colleagues detailing his military experiences, 1893-1913; papers relating to Archer's career, including notebook containing details of service record, examinations passed, certificates gained and financial accounts, 1889-1894; list of warrant and non-commissioned officers at School of Musketry, Hythe, Oct 1895; printed map of Mashonaland, 1896; issues of The Rhodesia Herald, 1896, concerning the Mashonaland Uprising; general instructions for non-commissioned officers, 1897; timetable for movement of Archer's unit from Omdurman, 1898; poem 'The Night Attack on Surprise Hill', by Pte J Gibbons, 1899; sketch map of Lydenburg and the surrounding countryside, South Africa, by R Verney, 2 Lieutenant, Rifle Brigade, [1899]; lithograph map of Cairo, War Office, 1901; special orders announcing proclamation of peace, June 1902; Intelligence summaries, Jan and April 1902; order of service for Military Thanksgiving Service for the Restoration of Peace, Pretoria, Jun 8 1902; order of service for Coronation Day, 26 Jun 1902; parade service for visit of the Amir of Afghanistan to Agra, Jan 1907, with map showing locations of troop billets and plan of organisation of troop review; papers relating to Archer's time as POW, Germany and Holland, 1914-1918, and press cuttings, correspondence and reports relating to Archer's job as Superintendent of Prisons, Nyasaland, 1920-1936.

Rifle and athletic meeting programmes, with press cuttings recording Archer's successes, 1898-1914. Photograph album showing manoeuvres, Malta, 1897; Crete, 1898; punitive raids on Transvaal farms, including taking Boer women into concentration camps, 1901; Middleburg and Groot Oliphant Camps, 1901-1902; views of Egypt including parades, inspections, sports and camps, 1902-1905; photographs of groups of POWs, Merseburg Camp and examples of paper money used in the Merseburg Camp, 1914-1919. Also copy of A Fine Chest of Medals: The Life of Jack Archer, Colin Baker (Mpemba Books: Cardiff, 2003).

Archer , John , 1871-1954 , Captain x Archer , Jack
GB 0099 KCLMA Anwyl · Created [1975]-1983

Memoir covering the period 1940-1945, including details of his experiences in the Battle of Leros, Greece, 1943, as a POW, 1943 and in operations in North West Europe in 1944-1945, [1975-1983]; copy of obituary from school magazine, 1983.

Anwyl , Reginald A , 1911-1983 , Reverend , Army Chaplain
GB 0074 CLC/002 · Collection · 1704-1989


Records of the Antiquarian Horological Society, comprising: AGM notices, 1966-date (Ms 20510); minutes, 1950-70 (Ms 20511, 20512-13, 20575); lists of members, 1957-67 (Ms 20511A); publicity material, 1954-ca. 1974 (Ms 20514-15); Benjamin Gray's daybook, 1704-26 (Ms 23726); Robert Gardner's commonplace book, ca. 1887 (Ms 29842); and miscellaneous papers, ca. 1915-89 (Ms 29186-7A, 29287, 29292, 30794-4A).

Ms 20514 is a series of printed pamphlets recording the history of the Society in a summary form, 1955-ca. 1974.

They were catalogued at various dates from 1983 by members of Guildhall Library staff. Access to records should be sought from the Society (contact details may be obtained from the enquiry desk).

Antiquarian Horological Society
Annual Reports and Reviews
GB 1538 RCOG/N3 · Fonds · 1932-1933, 1939-1944, 1948, 1950-2007

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists reports running annually from 1930 to the present; numbers 1-3, 6-10, 17-19, 21 are missing, but one memorandum has survived from No.3. For each year, the Report lists the Honorary Fellows and Officers and reports on the following: honorary appointments and adminstration; the structure of the College; Council Membership; New Fellows and Members; the annual general meeting; awards; overseas activities; obituaries; gifts; RCOG publications; financial activites. It also includes reports of Council and from the standing committees, representative committees, reference committees and other committees of note, and a full financial report from the College Treasurer.

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
GB 0120 GC/52 · Collection · 1911-1916

Minutes of the Executive Council of the Animal Defence and Anti-vivisection Society, 26 May 1911-17 Aug 1916.

Animal Defence and Anti-vivisection Society
GB 0099 KCLMA Anderton · Created 1930-1953

Eighteen captioned photographs of operations in Waziristan, North West Frontier, India, Jul 1930, of troops of the Durham Light Infantry and 20 Medium Battery, Royal Artillery. Eight uncaptioned photographs of parades, groups and individuals officers, UK, 1940. Papers relating to the Allied campaigns in North Africa and Italy, 1943-1945, including printed map of Tunisia, scale 1: 1, 000, 000, 1943, and two printed maps of Anzio and the surrounding area, scales 1: 50, 000 and 1: 1, 000, 000, 1944; typescript 'The First Division in action. Tunisia 1943', with printed booklet entitled 'The First Divisional Artillery, Tunisia, 1943. Banana Ridge' [1943]; manuscript graph entitled 'Casualties-1st British Division and attached troops-Anzio', 21 Jan-6 Jun 1944; typescript report entitled 'The First Division in action, Anzio, March to June 1944'; typescript account by Anderton, Assistant Director of Medical Services, 1 Div, entitled 'History of the Divisional medical services in the Anzio campaign', Dec 1945; two volumes, History of the First Division. Anzio campaign. January-June 1944 (Ahva Press, Jerusalem, Palestine, [1946]) and History of the First Division. Florence to Monte Grande. August 1944-January 1945 (Schindler's Press, Cairo, Egypt, [1946]). Papers and photographs relating to Hong Kong and Korea, 1946-1952, including map of 'Hong Kong and the New Territories', scale 1: 80, 000, GSGS 3961, 1946; typescript memorandum by Anderton, as Deputy Director of Medical Services, Hong Kong, entitled 'The medical aspects of the expansion of the Hong Kong garrison in 1949', 1950; nineteen photographs of Korea and Hong Kong, 1950-1952, including visit by Edwina Cynthia Annette Mountbatten, Countess Mountbatten of Burma, to Hong Kong, 1950; large annotated manuscript map showing positions of UN medical units, near the Imjin river and north of Seoul, Korea [1951]; edition of the Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, Jan 1953, with article by Anderton entitled 'The birth of the British Commonwealth Division, Korea'. Typescript article on the Louise Margaret Hospital, Aldershot, 1949, with group photograph of the staff.

Anderton , Geoffrey , 1902-1981 , Colonel
GB 0099 KCLMA Anderson V · 1929-1946

Papers of Lt Col Victor Dennistoun Winstanley Anderson, 1929-1946, relating to service with the Indian Army, comprising group photograph including Anderson and published material including History of the 1st Battalion 14th Punjab Regiment, Sherdil Li Paltan. [by Lt Col G H Thompson], 1946; Passing it on: short talks on tribal fighting on the North West Frontier of India by Gen Sir Andrew Skeen (Gale & Polden, 1932) and the Manual of Military Law, 1929.

Anderson , Victor Dennistoun Winstanley , 1900-1942 , Lieutenant Colonel
GB 0074 CLC/001 · Collection · 1637-1974

Records of the Ancient Society of College Youths, including membership books, peal books, minutes, and notes on the history of the Society.

The records were microfilmed in 1985 and 2003. Mss 21656-7A and 33992 are positive copy microfilms and microfiche presented to the Archive by the Society, which has retained the master negatives and the original manuscripts. Permission to take reproductions from the films or to publish extracts from the records should be sought from the Society's Hon. Secretary (please ask staff for further information).

Ancient Society of College Youths
GB 0099 KCLMA Amlot · 1938-1950

Collection includes manuscript memorandum by Amlot to 6 Sqn RAF Headquarters relating to the suppression of terrorist activities in Palestine, 15 Sep 1938; and press cuttings relating to the Royal Pakistan Air Force, 1948-1950, including mention of Pakistan's procurement of Dakota aircraft, Nov 1949; Amlot's inauguration of the first University Air Sqn at Dacca, East Pakistan, Nov 1949; articles written by Amlot relating to Royal Pakistan Air Force training, strategy, and force strengths, Aug-Sep 1950.

Air Commodore Douglas Lloyd Amlot
GB 0074 CLC/023 · Collection · 1843-1845

Minute book of the Amicable Debating Society, 1843-45.

Amicable Debating Society
GB 0099 KCLMA Amery · Created 1954-1957, 1965-1966

Correspondence with Capt Basil Liddell Hart, 1954-1957, notably relating to Liddell Hart's papers for the Army League on army manpower requirements and divisional organisation. Papers relating to the Army League, 1955, 1965-1966, principally comprising draft and final copies of 'British defence policy in South East Asia', a report produced and published by the Army League, 1965; 'The Reserve Army and national security' by Maj Gen Robert Burrell Frederick Kingslake Goldsmith, published by the Army League, 1966; 'The Army in the nuclear age: report of the Army League Sub-Committee', published by the Army League, 1955.

Amery , Harold Julian , 1919-1996 , Baron Amery of Lustleigh
GB 0074 LMA/4428 · Collection · 1872-1986

Records of the Amalgamated Engineering Union. The collection has large gaps in the records. However, most of the material contains valuable details on engineers who were members of the union, and on those receiving benefits, for reasons including illness, accidents and deaths.

Amalgamated Engineering Union Amalgamated Society of Engineers, Machinists, Smiths, Millwrights and Patternmakers
GB 0099 KCLMA Allwood · Created 1945, 1950

Thirty one captioned photographs of RAF Tebrau, Malaya, 1945; two typescript essays, written by Allwood in 1950, on improving bombing accuracy, and the advantages and disadvantages of the New Trade Structure from the airman's point of view.

Allwood , D Peter , 1918-1998 , Squadron Leader
GB 0099 KCLMA Allfrey · Created 1928-1947

Memoranda, 1941-1942, circulated to 43 Div by commanders of 12 Corps; transcripts of speeches by Allfrey, 1942-1944; papers relating to the Tunisian campaign, 1942-1943, including operational reports; Italian campaign, 1943-1944, including diaries; miscellaneous papers, 1943-1944, including texts of German propaganda leaflets; miscellaneous correspondence, mainly photocopies, 1942-1944; additional papers copied from scrap album, 1928-1947 including confidential report by Gen Sir Miles Christopher Dempsey, 1947.

Allfrey , Sir , Charles Walter , 1895-1964 , Lieutenant General
GB 0099 KCLMA Allenby · Created 1881-1950, 1955

Papers relating to his life and career, 1881-1936, including letters to his family, 1890-1922, notably covering his service in UK, 1890-1896, and South Africa, 1899-1902, including operations around Colesberg, Dec 1899-Jan 1900, relief of Kimberley, Feb 1900, Battle of Diamond Hill, Jun 1900, and operations in Transvaal and Orange Free State, 1900-1902, on Western Front, 1914-1917, including the first battle of Ypres, Oct-Nov 1914, Battle of Arras, Apr 1917, and in Palestine and Egypt, 1917-1922, including third Battle of Gaza, Oct-Nov 1917, capture of Jerusalem, Dec 1917, Battle of Megiddo, Sep 1918, and fall of Damascus, Oct 1918; correspondence relating to Allenby's role as High Commissioner for Egypt and the Sudan, 1919-1925, including telegrams exchanged by Allenby and the Rt Hon (Joseph) Austen Chamberlain, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, over Nevile Meyrick Henderson's appointment as Minister Plenipotentiary and Allenby's resignation as High Commissioner for Egypt and the Sudan, 1924-1925; manuscript, typescript and printed texts of speeches, lectures and articles, [1929-1936]; newspaper cuttings, 1899-1936, including obituaries of Allenby, 1936; photographs, 1881-1936. Papers collected by Gen Archibald Percival Wavell during the writing of Allenby: a study in greatness (Harrap and Co, London, 1940) and Allenby in Egypt (Harrap and Co, London, 1943) principally comprising correspondence and notes written by Allenby's army colleagues, 1936-1943; notes and letters from Gerald Delany concerning Allenby in Egypt, [1940-1943]; letter from Gen Sir Henry George Chauvel to Director of Australian War Memorial concerning Seven pillars of wisdom by Thomas Edward Lawrence (also known as Thomas Edward Shaw) (Jonathan Cape, London, 1935), 1936, and printed appreciation of Lawrence by Allenby, 1935.

Allenby , Edmund (Henry Hynman) , 1861-1936 , 1st Viscount Allenby of Megiddo , Field Marshal
GB 0099 KCLMA Alison · 1851-1919

Papers, 1851-1919, relating to the military career of Sir Archibald Alison, including: detailed sketch map of Lucknow Garrison, India, 1851; memoranda to Alison from Lt Gen Sir Colin Campbell, Commander of British expedition to suppress Indian Mutiny, concerning troop movements, India, and operations at Lucknow for the relief of Lucknow Garrison, India, 1857; correspondence relating to British military operations in India, 1858-1862; records of service and correspondence relating to Alison's appointments, 1858-1892, with correspondents including Sir Henry Thurston Holland, 1st Lord Knutsford, Secretary of State for the Colonies, George William Frederick Charles, 2nd Duke of Cambridge, Commander in Chief of the British Army, and Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, Secretary of State for War; press cuttings relating to Alison's career, 1863-1907, including article, 'The brains of the Army', The Word, 17 Nov 1880, detailing the work of the Intelligence Department under Alison; official correspondence, 1868-1892; lithograph map of the battle of Amoaful (Amoafo), Ghana, printed by the Topographical Department of the War Office, 1874; letter from Alison's cousin, Gen Sir Montagu Gilbert Gerard, with detailed account of the capture of Kabul, Afghanistan, 1880; official correspondence relating to the campaign in Egypt, 1882-1883, chiefly concerning appointments, the state of the troops, organisation, and the necessity of retaining a permanent force in Egypt; memoranda by Alison, 1885-1886, on subjects including the Government of India proposals for a permanent increase in British troops in India, demobilisation in Egypt, Colonel Sir Charles Wilson's failure to reach Khartoum in time to relieve General Charles Gordon, and the importance of mounted infantry; notes [1889], by Alison on his career, 1845-1881; correspondence and press cuttings relating to Alison's death and funeral, 1907; correspondence between the Alison family and Blackwoods publishers, 1914-1918, concerning a possible biography of Alison; article, 'The European Brigade under Brigadier General Sir Archibald Alison in the Ashanti War, 1873-1874' by Major General Sir Charles Walker Robinson, Alison's son-in-law, [1919].

Alison , Sir , Archibald , 1826-1907 , 2nd Baronet , General