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FERRIER, Sir David (1843-1928)
GB 0113 MS-FERRD · 1873-1913 (1873-1883; 1906; 1913)

Papers of Sir David Ferrier, 1873-1913, include his notebooks of experiments, particularly in relation to the cerebral cortex, with sketches and photographs, 1873-83; Drafts of addresses given by Ferrier, on the nature and physiology of tabes, 1906, and on the cerebro-spinal fluid, 1913.

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GEE, Samuel Jones (1839-1911)
GB 0113 MS-GEES · 1860-1904

Gee's papers, 1860-1904, including eight medical notebooks with an index, 1860-90; Lists of clinical clerks at St Bartholomew's Hospital in two notebooks, 1879-1887, 1887-1904; and a Manuscript of 'Caelius Aurelianus, Swift Passion Books I-III', translated by Gee, n.d., c.1872.

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HUTCHINSON, Sir Jonathan (1828-1913)
GB 0113 MS-HUTCJ · 1889-1906

Papers of Sir Jonathan Hutchinson, 1889-1906, consisting of his author's copy of Archives of Surgery (1889-1900), printed with annotations in his hand and interleaved with letters to him from practitioners whose patients' cases he describes.

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MEAD, Richard (1673-1754)
GB 0113 MS-MEADR · 1695-mid 18th century

Mead's papers and seal, 1695-mid 18th century, include his diploma of DM from the University of Padua, 1695; Notes on materia medica, ealy-mid 18th century (date on edge of volume reads 'Michis [Michaelmas] 1690', but thought to have been written later); Mead's prescriptions, with those of other physicians, which follow 'Observations from Mr Boyle's Usefulness of Experimental Philosophy and the Abridgement of the First Volume', thought to be in Mead's hand, early-mid 18th century; Gold seal believed to be Mead's, n.d. (early-mid 18th century) (located amongst museum objects).

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SIEVEKING, Sir Edward Henry (1816-1904)
GB 0113 MS-SIEVE · 1846-1960

Sir Edward Henry Sieveking's papers, 1846-1960, include his medical notebooks, with case notes, 1846-1873; Notebooks recording visits to patients, 1854-1879; Author's copy of On Epilepsy and Epileptiform Seizures, interleaved with his annotations, 1858; Diaries detailing his attendance of the Prince and Princess of Wales, 1863-1873, with related correspondence, 1886 and 1935; Chapters on 'physical organisation of the human race' by Sieveking, printed, undated; Correspondence with colleagues and family, and correspondence relating to Sieveking, 1863-1904; Papers relating to his professional appointments, such as material relating to his honorary degree from the University of Edinburgh, 1884, copies of the laws of the British Balneological and Climatological Society, undated, and St Mary's Hospital annual report, 1902; Addresses and lectures given by Sieveking, 1876-1890; Obituaries and memorials to Sieveking, including an introduction by his son, Albert Forbes Sieveking, 1904; Correspondence relating to Sieveking's papers, 1959-1960; Summary of, and commentary on, his diaries by Neville M. Goodman, c.1960; List of Sieveking's papers donated to the College, 1960; There is also a medical notebook thought to be in the hand of Alfred Robert Sieveking, which was found amongst Sieveking's papers.

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GB 0114 · 1745-date

Legal Records: Charters and Bylaws (1462) - date

Court and Council : Court of Assistants 1745-1827; Council 1827-date; Council in Committee 1963-1989; Revision committee 1981-1987; Nomination Committee 1934-1970; Annual Reports of Council 1884-date

Secretariat: Correspondence, arranged by subject c.1880-1983; Letterbooks 1810-1866, 1900-1925; General Purposes Committee 1808-1962; Joint Secretariat Committee 1961-1974

President: Committee of President and Vice President 1836-1855; Presidential Committee on Examinations 1985; Presidential Committee on the College's Educational Policies for the Future 1981-1982; Presidential Correspondence 1945-1948; President's Conversazione 1899-1934; President's newsletter 1967-1991

Museum: Board of Curators 1800-1844; Museum & Building Committee 1799-1814; Museum Committee 1844-1988; Hunterian Trustees 1805-present; Letter books 1800-1883; Museum Accounts 1800-1832; Annual Reports 1827-1946; Correspondence 1845-date; Special Collections Committee 1989; Donations Registers and Correspondence 1802-1967; Human Remains [archaeological Finds} 1907-1937; Visitors 1805-1989; Odontological Museum correspondence 1943-1989;

Building: Building Committee 1844-1966; Committee on Accommodation 1982; Committee on the Extension of the College Buildings 1885-1891; Furniture & Building 1966-1992; Hospitality & Catering Committee 1956-1988; House Committee 1944-1961; Building Estates Committee 1989-1992; Property Committee 1978-1982; Rebuilding of College 1946-1955; Plans for rebuilding 1957; Correspondence 1910-date, photographs 1880-date.

Examinations: Court of Examiners 1796 -1832; Registers 1745-1983; Committee of Management Conjoint Board 1884-1929; Letters books 1832-1865; Committee on Courses 1981-2; Working Party on Future of Examining Board In England 1972-1981

Membership: Signature books 1800-1970; Apprentices 1800-1846; Death Registers 1800-1889; Membership lists 1788-1970; Discipline Committee 1915-1955; Licentiate registers 1885-1898; Certificates 1850-1870; Register of Certificates 1821-1835

Fellowship; Fellowship Election Committee 1943-1975; Fellows Committee 1988-1999; Overseas Fellows Committee 1986-1989; Honorary Fellows 1900-1978; Fellows & Honorary Fellows photo albums 1840-1968;

Lectureships & Awards: Lectures & Orations 1810-1842; Erasmus Wilson Committee 1879; Jacksonian Lectureship Committee 1800-date; Prize & Medal Committee 1956-1987; Macloghlin Scholarship committee 1965-1975; Joseph Toynbee Memorial Lecture Committee 1988; Lionel College Memorial Fellowship Committee minutes 1982-1985; Norman Capener Travelling Fellowship Advisory Board 1981-1988; Ratanji Dalal Research Scholarship Committee 1963-1990; Tudor Edwards Memorial Fund Committee 1989; Walker Prize Committee 1956-1980; Windsor Prize Committee 1982

Publications: Transactions Committee 1841-1842; Annals Committee 1947-1989; Almanacks 1903-date

Annual Meetings: Annual & Provincial Meetings Committee 1965-1966;

External Affairs: External Affairs Board Minutes 1989-1992; International Relations Committee 1983;

Finance: Accounts 1745-1974 ; Committee of Auditors 1811-1888; Finance Committee 1888- 1977; Cashbooks 1887-1959; Finance & General Appeal Committee 1967-1972; Building Committee Accounts 1806-1838; College Chest 1978-1982; Committee on Income & Expenditure 1868

Fundraising: Appeals Committee 1956-1978; Restoration funds records 1945-1956

Library: Library Committee 1833-1989; Acquisitions 1833-1850; Letter book 1828-1851; Correspondence 1935-1965; Donations 1868-1957; Purchases 1887-1952; Visitors 1889-1946;Binding 1856-1951; Books Received 1839-1951; Periodicals Received 1881-1938; Binding 1951-1964

Media: Audio Visual Techniques Committee 1980-1982;

Surgical Specialities & Training: Examiners in Anatomy & Physiology Minutes 1880-1918 ; Examiners in Midwifery minutes 1852-1857; Board of Examiners In Dental Surgery 1860-1909; Board of Surgical Specialities 1976-1988; Committee on Higher Specialist Assessment in General Surgery 1984; Committee on Training of Surgeons later Surgical Training Board minutes 1959-1971; Courses & Lectureship Committee 1982; Committee on Courses 1981-1982; Special Advisory Committee on General Surgery 1978-1981; Surgical Teaching Films Committee 1985-1986; Joint Committee for Plastic Surgery, Postgraduate Orthopaedic Training 1948-1959; Postgraduate Education Committee 1947-1959

Research Laboratories Committee 1890-1905; Ethical or Research Ethics Committee 1974-1983; Hunterian Institute Board Minutes 1986-1989; Hunterian Institute Academic Advisory Committee 1986-1989; Institute of Basic Medical Research Correspondence & Minutes 1946-1983; Joint General Board 1966-1983; Joint Research Board 1975-1979; Museum & Research Committee 1937-1974; Research Establishment at Downe Management Committee minutes 1974-1977; Research Grants & Development Committee 1979-1985; Research Ethics Committee 1985-1992; Streatfield & MacKenzie Mackinnon Research Fund Committee 1989; Anatomy Correspondence 1948-1980

Club College Council Club minutes, photographs, correspondence 1931-date

Dinner: Hunterian Festival programmes 1881-1975; Buckston Browne 1928-1956

War: Committee of Reference 1916-1919

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BOWES, Christopher (fl 1792)
GB 0114 MS0003 · 1792

Medical log of the slave-ship LORD STANLEY, kept by Christopher Bowes the ship's surgeon between 23 March-26 July 1792. The ship traded between the African coast and the Isle of Grenada, West Indies. Of the 389 slaves on board, 16 died. The log gives the daily sick rate and there are brief notes of the cases and treatment.

At the end of the manuscript, Christopher Bowes states it is a "just and true journal" which he then presents to Custom House, at St George, Grenada in 1792. This is witnessed and signed by George Ferguson [Possibly George Ferguson, Governor of Tobago c1781]. The next page of the volume contains a statement signed by George Ferguson, saying that this is a "true copy of the original journal", and is dated September 5th 1792. Therefore it is likely that this manuscript is a copy of the original journal, which was perhaps retained in Grenada.

At the front of the volume is a letter to Arthur Bowes Elliot (grandson of Christopher Bowes) dated 5th October 1911, from Sir Ronald Ross (FRCS) 1857-1932, regarding the contents of the volume, and the diseases the slaves were suffering from.

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BOWLBY, Sir Anthony Alfred (1855-1929)
GB 0114 MS0004 · 1914-1919

Papers of Sir Anthony Alfred Bowlby, comprising a diary, 1914-1919, recording his experiences as Consulting Surgeon to the British Army.

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HEAVISIDE, John (fl 1792)
GB 0114 MS0013 · c1792

Papers of John Heaviside, c1792, comprising transcript of lecture by John Hunter on fractured patella, gunshot wounds, cancer, scrophula, locked jaw, mortification or partial death, undated; notes from poisons by John Hunter, c1790; notes on lecture by John Hunter on venereal disease;

notes on an introductory lecture to a course of 58 lectures on surgery; notes on a lecture on inflammation; notes on opium; accounts of cases and post-mortem examinations, 1792.

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LISTER, Joseph (1827-1912)
GB 0114 MS0021 · [1841-1900]

Papers of Joseph Lister, [1841-1900], comprising notes and drawings on suppuration, 1851-1907, including experiments on the histology of suppuration at Glasgow, 1865; notes on a new method of treating compound fractures, manuscript draft of the first published paper on his method, [1867]; notes on the preparation of antiseptic catgut, coagulation of the blood, [1862];

papers presented to the College under the terms of Lord Lister's will, including notes on gauze; cases taken by Lister for the Fellowes Clinical medal at University College Hospital whilst a student, [1844-1853]; papers on early stages of inflammation; germ theory of putrefaction, 1875; correspondence on cases; copies of anatomical drawings, 1841-1843; physiological drawings and notes, [1851]; pathological sketches, [1851]; notes on clinical lectures by Jenner, Erichsen, Quain, Walshe and Garrod, 1851-1852; observations on the contractile tissue of the iris, [1853]; introductory lecture at Edinburgh, 1855; notes on external applications, 1855; lecture delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 1856; observations on early stages of inflammation and nerves, with some sketches, 1857; notes and sketches on the cutaneous pigmentary system of the frog, 1857; summary of experiments on the 'Hemmings' nervous system, 1858; notes and sketches on the minute structure of involuntary muscle fibre, 1858; notes on spontaneous gangrene from arteritis, 1858; coagulation of the blood, 1858-1860; Croomian lecture on Coagulation of the blood, 1863; notes and sketches of horse's blood, 1863; notes, sketches and photographs on excision of the wrist for caries, [1866]; notes on the antiseptic system of treatment in surgery, 1868; sketches and notes illustrating ligature, 1868-1869; notes on the ligature of arteries on the antiseptic system of treatment in surgery, 1871; sketches, notes and lecture on granulations, 1864-1871; drawings for plates on the natural history of bacteria, 1873 and germ theory of putrefaction, [1875]; address at opening of medical session, King's College Hospital, 1877; clinical lecture at King's College Hospital, 1877; sketches of spores and botanical sketches, 1872-1877; notes on the healing of wounds without antiseptic treatment, 1878; on the lactic fermentation, [1878]; notes for address to the Hunterian Society, 1889; observations on division of median and ulnar nerves, 1890; notes on anaesthetics and amputations, [1882];

drawings of fungi, 1872-1877; notes for extra-academical lectures in Glasgow, 1860-1863; address to Glasgow students, 1894; common-place books, by Lister and Lady Lister, on subjects including bactiera, catgut and antiseptic dressings, including drawings; letters from Erichsen and others; signed prescriptions, 1889; letters to and from Lister, 1868-1900, including letters to Sir George Darwin, 1899-1900.

Notes on lectures on surgery delivered by Lister at the University of Glasgow, 1864-1865, transcribed by P H McKellar; notes on lectures on the theory and practice of surgery delivered by Lister at Glasgow, 1863-1864, taken by Dr Robert W Forrest; notes on the surgical lectures delivered by Lister at the University of Glasgow, 1863-1865, taken by Alex Forsyth.

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Black Jack Public House: signature books
GB 0114 MS0031 · 1854-1892

Signature books of the Black Jack Public House, 1854-1892, comprising 3 volumes of signatures, comments and illustrations by young surgeons upon becoming members of the Royal College of Surgeons.

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Falconer, John
GB 0114 MS0033 · 1852

Papers of John Falconer, 1852, comprising one manuscript volume of notes detailing activities, such as dissections performed and visits made, whilst a student of anatomy at the Royal College of Surgeons, 1852-1853.

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Erichsen, Sir John Eric
GB 0114 MS0039 · 1881

Papers relating to Sir John Eric Erichsen, 1881, comprising a volume listing the names of subscribers to the University College London Testimonial Fund for Sir John Eric Erichsen in 1881. The fund was to obtain a permanent memorial to acknowledge his services to the School of Medicine of University College, and to students of surgery in all parts of the world. Including a printed list of names and a letter inviting subscriptions to the fund, folded into the front of the volume.

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ADDISON, Mary Winifred (fl 1928-1940)
GB 0100 KH/NL/PP1 · 1928-1940

Papers of Winifred Addison comprising King's College Hospital certificates of Invalid Cookery, 14 Dec 1928; practical work and instruction, 1932; extra service, April-Oct 1932;
Central Board of Midwives certificate, 27 May 1933;
British Red Cross Society, First Aid in Chemical Warfare certificate, 26 Jun 1936;
letters from Mary Herbert, Lady-in-waiting to the Duchess of Kent, relating to arrangements for Addison's visit to the Duchess, Jun-Sep 1940; letter from Marina, Duchess of Kent (1906-1968), relating to examinations, 24 Jul 1940;
testimonial from Jane S Forbes relating to Addison's secretarial skills (undated);
newspaper cuttings relating to bravery award given to Addison following the rescue of airmen from a crashed RAF aeroplane; and reporting inquest into the death of a King's College Hospital patient from `ether convulsions' [1940s].

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HERBERT, Julia Ashbourne (Daisy) (1881-)
GB 0100 KH/NL/PP13 · 1914-1919

Papers of Julia Ashbourne (Daisy) Herbert comprising letter to Herbert from Sidney Brown, TFNS Matron-in-Chief, concerning joining the TFNS unit in Lincoln, Aug 1914; from Matron-in-Chief British Expeditionary Forces, congratulations on award of Military Medal, 20 Oct 1917; certificate recording Herbert's mention in dispatches, 7 Nov 1917; telegram and letter relating to investiture ceremony at Buckingham Palace, Jul 1919; membership papers for TFNS [1922];
letters to Herbert's aunt, Miss Lucy Herbert, describing her activities and surroundings, Sep 1919-Jan 1919 (20 letters) including a New Year greeting card from No 1 Casualty Clearing Station, Mons, France, 1918; dance cards for Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, Mons, 29 Nov 1918; and Soiree Dansante, Mons, 5 Dec 1918.
black and white photograph portrait of Herbert in nursing uniform;
newspaper cuttings recording wounded nurses, Oct 1917; announcement of award of Military Medal to Herbert and other nurses, including Gloucester nurse's bravery - awarded the Military Medal' Gloucestershire Chronicle, 1 Dec 1917; 'The Nurse who "carried on"', Daily Express, 1917; and the investiture at Buckingham Palace (with illustrations), 1919; printed copy of An historical roll (with portraits) of those women of the British Empire to whom The Military Medal has been awarded during the Great War 1914-1918 forbravery and devotion under fire', compiled by Lt-Col J H Leslie, Sheffield, 1920;
small envelope with medal ribbons; souvenir German wartime string made from paper; also includes correspondence with St Margaret's Convent, East Grinstead, relating to the deposit of Herbert's papers, 1975-1978.

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JONES, Mary (1813-1887)
GB 0100 KH/NL/PP16 · 1861-1868

Material relating to Mary Jones comprising a collection of photographs of letters from Florence Nightingale to Mary Jones 1861-1868; photocopy of letter to [Jones] from Florence Nightingale, 12 Jan 1867, and 25 Jan1868;

photographs of letters to Jones from William Rathbone, 27 Jun 1860, relating to the building of the Liverpool Royal Infirmary, also a list of specifications for the new hospital; letter from Jones to Nightingale relating to the Liverpool Infirmary, 29 Jun 1860; letter to [Jones] from William Rathbone, Secretary, Central Relief Committee, 8 Dec 1864, relating to the work of District Nurses.

Also typescript list of Florence Nightingale letters photographed; biographical information on Mary Jones (undated).

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PARKINSON, Elsie M (fl 1913-1919)
GB 0100 KH/NL/PP23 · 1913-1919

Small photograph album of Elsie M Parkinson containing images of King's College Hospital, nurses, staff, wards, patients, etc. Also includes some pencil sketches, rhymes and poems [1913-1919]. Most photographs have captions.

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RAMPTON, Barbara Cecilia (fl1939-1942)
GB 0100 KH/NL/PP27 · 1931-1942

Papers of Barbara Rampton comprising:
record of lessons and proficiency in training undertaken at King's College Hospital (KCH), 1939;
printed rules of the General Nursing Council (GNC) for England and Wales, 1931;
receipts for GNC fees, 1940, 1942;
question papers for the GNC Preliminary Examination, and Preliminary State Examination, 8 Oct 1940; and the Final State Examination for the General part of the Register, 23 Sep 1942;
GNC printed Syllabus of subjects for examination for the Certificate of General Nursing, 1939; GNC Regulations for Conduct of Examinations, for Preliminary and Final Examinations, 1939;
KCH School of Nursing prospectus; printed KCH `Rules for the Nurses', Apr 1938;
receipt for payment of KCH Preliminary Training School fee, 9 Aug 1939;
copies of question papers for KCH Junior Nurses Examination, 1940; and KCH Examination on medicine and medical nursing, 17 Feb 1942.

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CLEMENT, Minnie (fl 1929-1992)
GB 0100 KH/NL/PP9 · 1929-1932

Certificates of Minnie Clement including King's College Hospital certificates of nursing training, 1929-1932, and Invalid Cookery, 28 May 1929; and King's College Hospital badge, 1932.
Also includes letter from depositor, 1992.

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GB 0100 TH/M, TH/C, TH/AD, TH/AC, TH/FR · 1836-2001

Administrative records of St Thomas's Hospital Medical School, 1836-2001, comprising minutes of meetings of St Thomas's Hospital Medical & Surgical School 1836-1845; St Thomas's Hospital Collegiate Establishment Committee 1847-1852; Committee of Lecturers 1849-1979; Medical and Surgical Staff Officers 1864-1901; Obstetric Physicians 1866-1879; Surgeons' Meetings 1867-1924; Physicians Meetings 1871-1879; Museum Committee 1865-1879; Registration Sub-committee (and Publication Committee) 1867-1896; Medical School Committee 1871-1879; various committees 1880-1909; School Council 1913-1921; Medical Council 1929-1939; Combined Hospitals Committee 1934-1939; St Thomas's Hospital Gazette Committee 1953-1968; House Committee 1973-1974; School Academic Board 1978-1982 (copies); School Council 1978-1982 (copies); Finance Committee 1980-1982 (copies); Index 1971-1881; Committee members 1937-1947; Rules and Regulations 1874-[1886];

Dean's and Secretary's Files 1929-1946; General administrative files 1870-1873, 1938-1975; Anatomy Catalogues c.1904; Museum Catalogues 1829; Library Committee Minutes 1888-1985; Library Suggestions Book 1935-1957; Library Accessions Register 1952-1972; Library Annual Reports 1939-1979; Lambeth Hospital Medical Library Subcommittee 1964-1976; History of Works of Art committee 1984-1990; Librarian's administrative files 1945-1990; Biographical Information 1960s-1980s; Research Subject files (A-Z) 1825-1990; Material relating to Archive collections 1933-2001; Library Financial Accounts 1955-1989;

Departmental Records 1945-1955; St Thomas's Hospital Medical School timetables and notices 1932-1940; Examinations question papers, 1909-1976;

Building estimates 1867; War Memorial Fund Committee 1919-1932; War Memorial Fund files 1919-1927; Cash books 1953-1979; Ledgers 1934-1972; Journal of payments 1980-1981; Working papers for annual accounts 1974-1978; Register of Benefactors 1963-1981; Richard Dimbleby Cancer Fund 1967-1982; Wages books 1908-1910; Publications Ledger 1936-1938; Annual Accounts 1842-1845; Deeds 1892-1895.

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CULLEN, William (1710-1790)
GB 0100 TH/PP18 · 1771

Papers of William Cullen, comprising notes of his lectures, taken by an unidentified student, 1771, entitled 'Methodus medendi febrium', including lectures on arthritis and gout, malaria and measles.

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DAVIES, George William (fl 1808)
GB 0100 TH/PP19 · 1808

Papers of George William Davies comprising his notes on lectures on surgery delivered Sir Astley Paston Cooper, 1808.

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ELLIOTSON, John (1791-1868)
GB 0100 TH/PP23 · 1829-1830

Papers of John Elliotson, comprising notes on his lectures on the theory and practice of medicine, delivered at St Thomas's Hospital, 1829-1830, taken by an unknown student.

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RAYNER, Charles (fl 1800-1810)
GB 0100 TH/PP48 · [1800-1810]

Papers of Charles Rayner comprising his notes on lectures on anatomy by Sir Astley Cooper and Henry Cline, delivered at St Thomas's Hospital, [1800-1810].

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SIMON, Sir John (1816-1904)
GB 0100 TH/PP56 · [1850], 1866

Letters to John Simon, from Joseph Henry Green, [1850]; and letter from E Headlam Greenhow (1814-1888), Apr 1866 relating to a 1849 report on cholera.

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SOLLY, Samuel (1805-1871)
GB 0100 TH/PP59 · [1828-1856]

Papers of Samuel Solly, [1826-1856] comprising surgical casebook containing notes on patients examined by him at St Thomas's Hospital, privately, and at Hanwell, including operative details and post mortem findings, [1828-1846], with some water colour sketches, mostly of the brain; letter to Solly from Sydney Jones, 1856; and two letters from John Sharpe (undated).

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VALANTINES, J William (fl 1802)
GB 0100 TH/PP75 · [1783]-1802

Manuscript volume comprising J William Valantines' 'fugitive extracts' and 'practical remarks' from Henry Cline's lectures on anatomy and surgery, 1802, delivered at St Thomas's Hospital, 1783.

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Gilbert Papers
GB 0103 GILBERT · c1930-1955

Working papers and correspondence, c1930-1955, in manuscript and typescript, assembled by Lionel Felix Gilbert for a proposed biography of William Hyde Wollaston, comprising notes (some by P J Hartog) from various printed and manuscript sources on Wollaston's life and work, publications, and associates; copies and extracts of letters from Wollaston to the Rev Henry Hasted, Charles Babbage, and others; copies and notes of letters to Wollaston and on other letters relating to him; engraving of Wollaston, 1830; prints of Wollaston and various of his contemporaries, and of various places and artefacts associated with him; correspondence and notes relating to portraits of Wollaston; notes on Wollaston genealogy; notes, drafts, typescripts and correspondence on Gilbert's publications and lectures on Wollaston, including parts of his unfinished biography; correspondence on sources relating to Wollaston, and various correspondence on aspects of his life and work. The collection almost entirely comprises material of 20th century date, but refers to and duplicates various 19th century sources. The material extends beyond Wollaston's own life to refer to many prominent scientific contemporaries.

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Bentham, Mrs: letters
GB 0096 AL376 · Arquivo · 1816-1818

3 letters from Mrs Bentham of Ryde, [Isle of Wight], 3 letters to Richard Wilson, Esq, of 47 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, 1816-1818. Enquiring about payments of money to her as she has very little, and her rheumatism is the cause of heavy expenditure on doctors' bills; the doctor had charged 10s 6d a visit and had advised her to move to Bath rather than risk another winter on the Isle of Wight. She had received a quarterly payment of £25 from a Charles Bacon, withdrawn for the year 1817-1818. Enquiring about payment from Mr Bentham [?her husband], to be arranged through Sir James Graham, and about money owing to her from 3 shilling stock, for which she has apparently waited 10 years. Autograph, with signature.

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Charing Cross Hospital
GB 0098 Charing Cross Hospital · Created 1821-1976

Records of Charing Cross Hospital, 1818-1976, comprising Dr Golding's minute book, 1818-1821; minutes of the Hospital Management Committee, 1821-1976 (formerly the Committee of Management and Board of Governors); Weekly Board Minutes, 1836-1911; minutes of the Finance Committee, 1865-1919, 1932-1971; Medical Committee, 1863-1968; Medical Advisory Committee, 1966-1976; Group Medical Committee, 1958-1966; Executive Committee, 1967-1974; House Committee, 1948-1972; General Purposes and Finance Committee, 1913-1917, 1948-1967; Establishment Committee, 1948-1953, 1964-1965; Medical and Dental Staffing Committee, 1948-1949; Special Appeal Committees, 1896-1911, 1926-1928; Survey Sub-Committee, 1949; Building Committee, 1828-1833, 1885-1905; Convalescent Home Committee, 1890-1915; Subcommittees' minutes, 1884-1914; Ladies Guild, 1904-1933; Planning committee of new medical school, 1959-1963; Pathological Services Committee, 1963-1966; annual reports, 1868-1974; Chairman's Reports, 1931-1937;
charters, rules and bylaws, 1883-[1957], notably Charters of Incorporation, 1883, 1887, 1948, bylaws, 1947, standing orders [1950-1957];
audited accounts, 1953-1964;
administrative records, notably hospital visitors' book, 1870-1917; list of pharmacists, 1868-1878; plans of the hospital; insurance and legal papers; plans and charts; photographs; hospital diet, 1828; legacy book, 1835-1894; souvenir programmes, [1899-1901];
operating theatre lists, 1892-1900; case books of John Howship, [1817-1831]; prescription book of the hospital dispensary, 1930s.

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National Heart and Lung Institute
GB 0098 National Heart and Lung Institute · 1877-1972

Records of the National Heart and Lung Institute, 1877-1972, incorporating records of the Brompton Hospital, comprising catalogue of pathological specimens at Brompton Hospital, 1877; Dr Pollock's register of females admitted to the Brompton Hospital, 1878-1881; food supervisor's report book, 1924-1933; matron's report book, 1941-1954; illustrations of physicians and scientists, [1905-1913]; resident medical officer's report books, 1937-1947, 1967-1972;
correspondence to Dr Marcus Paterson as medical superintendant of Brompton Hospital Sanatorium, comprising letters from physicians, medical officers of health, former patients and their relatives and employers, trade correspondence relating to the sanatorium and treatment of tuberculosis, [1905-1912];
papers relating to Frederick Rufenacht Walters, [1882-1932], including notebooks concerning his publications, reprints, press cuttings, memoranda and some letters.

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GB 2127 AAGBI AUDIO-VISUAL · (1916-1998) 1982-2000

Video cassette tapes accumulated by the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, relating to the history of anaesthesia in the 20th century. The tapes, made between 1982-2000, with the original films dating from 1916 to 1998, include some compilations, and comprise some black and white and silent material but focus predominantly on the latter part of the period. The subjects cover various anaesthetic drugs, equipment and techniques, and related subjects including midwifery, dentistry, paediatrics, emergency medicine, resuscitation, artificial respiration and intensive care, and the locations include various hospitals, and military situations. A series of oral history interviews feature eminent anaesthetists talking about their work. Some of the videos were made for conferences or training purposes, and some relate to the Association of Anaesthetists itself, including a video of the opening ceremony of no 9 Bedford Square.

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Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London
GB 2130 · 1617 to present day

Papers of The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London, 1617 to present day, chart the history of its development and its changing roles and activities and notably comprise constitutional records, 1617 to present day, including charters, grants of arms, rules and ordinances, and bye-laws; records of governance, 1617 to present day, including Court and committees' minutes and standing orders; membership records, c 1670s- present day, including Yeomanry and Livery lists, freedom admission registers, quarterage books and apprenticeship bindings, and financial records, 1626 to present day, including Wardens' accounts, ledgers, bonds and annual accounts.

The collection also includes records concerning associated trade/professional organisations including the Royal College of Physicians of London, Royal College of Surgeons of England, Royal College of General Practitioners, University of London, Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain and British Medical Association. Also those of specialist interest bodies of the Society, including The Friendly Medical Society, The Association of Physicians and Surgeons of the Society of Apothecaries Limited, The Association of Certificated Dispensers; the Society's educational charities The Faculty of History and Philosophy of Medicine and Pharmacy and The Faculty of Conflict and Catastrophe Medicine; The Court of Examiners and Examinations Committee, including minutes, correspondence, lists of Licentiates including Elizabeth Garrett and Ronald Ross, lists of 'Assistants to an Apothecary', candidates' entry books, questions papers and marking sheets; Chelsea Physic Garden, including Garden Committee minutes, account books, catalogues of plants, deeds and photographs; the pharmaceutical manufacturing and retailing businesses including the Laboratory, Navy and United Stock companies; Society's awards and lectures including the Rogers Prize, Gillson Scholarship in Pathology, Galen Medal, Strickland Goodall Memorial Lecture and Gold Medal and the Keats Lecture.

Papers include administrative and legal records, including those of the Clerk's office, Counsels' opinions, those concerning hospitality and ceremonial events, year books, Royal Addresses, Royal Commissions of Enquiry and staff records. Records of gifts and charities including Distressed Members' Fund, Widows' Fund, donations and bequests, and records of the Hall including deeds, plans, inventories, rentals, records of building works and photographs.

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GB 2130 E/8/1/2 · sub-series · 1830-1894

Society of Apothecaries of London: Prizemen in Botany and in Materia Medica and Pharmaceutical Chemistry collection, 1830-1894, comprises records relating to the two prizes offered to male medical students by the Society of Apothecaries and include various registers detailing entrants and prizewinners, press notices, the Clerk Robert Brotherson Upton's letter to the Royal College of Physicians regarding Willam Wyon's design for the Galen Medal and his letter to Joseph Hooker at the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew requesting his assistance in editing a press notice and Hooker's reply, 1862, prizewinners' bookplates (blank) and copies of examination papers, 1893 and 1894.

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RCGP English Faculties Records
GB 2134 AFE · Arquivo · 1953-2001

Records generated by faculties in English regions, including correspondence with central departments.

A FE A Midland
Records of Midland Faculty. [Existing faculty, 1998]

A FE B North Midlands
Records of North Midlands Faculty.
The North Midlands Faculty, based in Sheffield, was renamed the Trent Faculty in 1975. At some date after this a subfaculty in Leicester was created. Trent Faculty ceased to exist in October 1983, when the area was divided between three faculties, Sheffield, Leicester and Vale.

A FE C Sheffield
Records of Sheffield Faculty.
[Existing faculty, 1998]. The Sheffield Faculty was one of three faculties which replaced the Trent Faculty in 1983. See AFE B (North Midlands, Trent Faculty).

A FE D Leicester
Records of Leicester Faculty.
The Leicester Faculty was one of three faculties which replaced the Trent Faculty in 1983. A Leicester subfaculty existed previously.
(See AFE B (North Midlands, Trent Faculty) for other documents relating to this area before 1983.)

A FE E Vale of Trent
Records of Vale of Trent Faculty.
The Vale of Trent Faculty (Nottingham) was one of three faculties which replaced the Trent Faculty in 1983.
See AFE B (North Midlands, Trent Faculty) for documents relating to this area before 1983.

A FE F East Anglia
Records of East Anglia Faculty.

A FE G Wessex
Records of Wessex Faculty.
This faculty was established in 1964, covering the counties of Dorset, Hampshire, including the Isle of Wight and the Channel Islands and southern part of Wiltshire (these areas previously being parts of the South East England and South West England faculties).

A FE H South West England
Records of South West England Faculty.
Part of the faculty merged with part of South East England Faculty toform the Wessex Faculty in 1964.

A FE J Tamar
Records of Tamar Faculty.
The Tamar Faculty was formed in 1980

A FE K Severn
Records of Severn Faculty.
Severn Faculty was formed in 1980.

A FE L North West England
Records of North West England Faculty.

A FE M Yorkshire
Records of Yorkshire Faculty.
The Humberside (previously Hull and East Yorkshire) Subfaculty of the Yorkshire Faculty became a separate faculty in 1988.

A FE N North East, North England
Records of North East England, later North of England Faculty.
[Existing faculty, 1998]. The North East England became the North ofEngland Faculty in November 1973. A subfaculty was formed in Cumbria in 1976, which became a faculty in 1984.

A FE P Cumbria
Records of Cumbria faculty
Cumbria was formed as a subfaculty of the North of England Faculty in 1976. It became a faculty in 1984. See A FE N. A FE Q Merseyside and North Wales, Mersey
Records of Merseyside and North Wales Faculty, subsequently the Mersey faculty. [Existing faculty, 1998]. The Merseyside and North Wales Faculty was founded in 1954. From November 1987 when the North Wales subfaculty achieved full faculty status, it became the Mersey Faculty.

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London Ambulance Service Strike
GB 0097 LASS · Coleção · 1987-1995

Papers, correspondence, reports and official publications regarding the London Ambulance Service strike, disputes and select committees on the ambulance service, 1987-1995, collected by Nigel Spearing.

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Hunterian Letters: Grey-Turner Bequest
GB 0114 MS0191 · 1775-1793

Hunterian letters, 1775-1793, comprising a photograph of the donor, Professor George Grey Turner (1877-1951); letter from John Hunter of London to Edward Jenner, 24 May [1775], regarding a scheme to teach Natural History including both Human and Comparative anatomy, and requesting Jenner to assist him by coming to London; letter from John Hunter of Leciester Square to Robert Adam, 31 May 1789, concerning a testimonial for his nephew, Dr Baillie, for the position of Physician at St George's Hospital; letter from John Hunter to an unidentified correspondent, 15 Jan 1793, concerning natural history specimens; letter from William Hunter of Windmill Street to an unidentified correspondent, 6 Nov 1779, concerning some coins, and the dissection of a body where death was caused by sudden contraction of the heart; and a letter from Anne Home Hunter of Lower Grosvenor Street, to an unidentified correspondent, regarding collection of a manuscript.

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Davies-Colley, Eleanor: Reference
GB 0114 MS0278 · 1932

Papers of Eleanor Davies-Colley, 1932, comprising a letter of reference by Davies-Colley, written on the headed paper of 16 Harley Street, 23 Mar 1932. Recommending Sister Perry, who worked at the South London Hospital for Women, 1929-1930. Including a note by Perry.

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Blagden, Sir Charles (1748-1820)
GB 0117 CB · 1771-1820

The correspondence, papers and diaries of Sir Charles Blagden. Blagden's papers are interesting on several levels, generally for his close contact with European men of learning, and his relationship with Sir Joseph Banks. Blagden's professional researches are represented by medical notes in the boxed sequence. These are grouped with papers on other subject interests, including linguistics, e.g. a draft Tahitian-English dictionary, compiled from conversations with Omai, whom Blagden inoculated after Omai's voyage to England with James Cook. Blagden's interest in antiquities and travel is documented by diary entries, as is his intercourse with fellow scientists, particularly those associated with the founding of the Royal Institution.

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GB 1538 A12 · 1929-2001

Registers of Fellows and Members and related records of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1929-2001, comprising register of Fellows, 1931-1939; register of Members, 1929-1939; printed registers of Fellows and Members, 1946-1947, 1966-2002; Oath Book signed by Foundation Fellows and by Members on admission to the College, c1932-1967; forms giving particulars of directors and managers of the British College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1932-1946; printed Annual Report, 1932-2001 (some gaps); printed notes describing the functions and organisation of the College, 1967-1998; Honorary Fellows' Admission Book (gift of William Blair-Bell), 1931-1979; Members' admission ceremonies programmes, 1995-2000; Fellows' admission ceremonies programmes and papers, 1987-1998; combined Fellows' and Members' admission ceremony programmes, 1996.

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Manpower Working Party
GB 1538 M31 · 1967-1980

Correspondence of E A J Alment, papers and background material, 1967-1980, of the RCOG working party on manpower in obstetrics and gynaecology, including survey papers on London, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and papers on the employment of junior staff from overseas and a survey of North East Thames region.

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CLAYTON, Sir Stanley George (1911-1986)
GB 1538 S11 · 1938-1986

Personal papers of Sir Stanley George Clayton, 1938-1986, including copies of speeches made as President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, personal copies of President's Letters, Clinical and surgical research notes, 1938-1945, case notes, 1962-1979; correspondence and other papers concerning the House of Commons Select Committee on Abortion, 1974-1976; correspondence concerning the Margaret Pyke Centre, London, 1978-1984.

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SOLOMONS, Bethel (1885-1965)
GB 1538 S15 · 1935-1942

Papers of Bethel Solomons, 1935-1942, including Bethel's survey of pathology treatments of the fallopian tube and comprising c.60 responses to a questionnaire compiled by him, and papers comprising an exchange of letters with Victor Bonney on ovarian cysts and myomectomy.

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LAWSON, John Bateman (1922-1997)
GB 1538 S29 · 1991

Copy of Lawson's "The export of British obstetric traditions", a Hugh McLaren lecture delivered to the Birmingham and Midland Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society in 1991, and communications on the subject from C A Carlaw, Olive Frost FRCOG, Hugh Philpott FRCOG, and Coralie Rendle-Short FRCOG.

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BAILEY, Kenneth Vernon (1898-1989): case notes
GB 1538 S31 · 1933

Private case records of Keith Vernon Bailey, bound in one volume, relating to cases treated by Bailey at Altrincham General Hospital, Cheshire, during 1933.

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PEEL, Sir John: biographies of the Fellows of the RCOG
GB 1538 S4 · 1970-1974

Papers, 1970-1976, consisting of biographies of lives of the Fellows collected by Sir John Peel for his book The Lives of the Fellows of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 1929-1969 (Whitefriars Press Ltd, 1976), including notes and correspondence.

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SAVAGE, Wendy Diane (b 1935)
GB 1538 S41 · 1985-1986

Photocopies of papers relating to the dispute between Professor Wendy Diane Savage with the London Hospital and the Tower Hamlets Health Authority, 1985-1986, in regard to the enquiry into Professor Savage's competence.

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