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Descrição arquivística
Elliott School
GB 0347 S15 · Coleção · 1912-2004

This collection is made up of material produced by Elliott School, Putney. It includes annual reports, school magazines and newsletters, prospectuses and a copy of the curriculum for years 10-11. There is also a small series of miscellaneous material containing architects plans for a new building, copies of the Inspectors Report in 1989, and a guide to the school for first years.

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Streatham College for Girls
GB 0347 S3 · Coleção · 1898-1934

The collection consists of several scrapbooks containing newspaper cuttings, letters, programmes, lists of prize winners and sports team members, and other material. One was compiled by the headmistress Miss Lefroy and contains handwritten entries. There are also photograph albums showing the school, teachers and pupils. There are also numerous examples of artwork by the pupils mostly in the form of programmes for music, drama and sports events held at the school.

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Wandsworth School
GB 0347 S4 · Coleção · 1932-1985

The collection consists of records and photographs relating to Wandsworth School. The administrative records consist of punishment books, copies of the school rules, lists of prefects, and registers of staff absence. The photographs consist of images of the staff, sports teams, and school trips. There is an extensive collection of letters from old boys and their families written to the headmaster Mr King during World War Two providing information on casualties, career progressions, and involvement in the armed forces.

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Glengyle Preparatory School
GB 0347 S6 · Coleção · 1938-1986

The collection is made up of papers belonging to the second headmaster of the school W.V. Wallace and his wife who also taught at the school. The papers include correspondence with the parents, a visitors book, exercise books and other material produced by the students, school newsletters and magazine, as well as papers and letters relating to the closure of the school in 1986. There is also a significant amount of photographs from the 1960s onwards showing various school events such as sports days, concerts, plays and other events.

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Battersea Christ Church Primary School
GB 0347 S8 · Coleção · 1874-1976

Includes admission registers, punishment books, time books and plans and illustrations of the Battersea Christ Church Primary School.

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Auerbach, Berthold (1874-1960)
GB 0367 BAA.1 · 1881-1960

Auerbach's archive consists in large part of letters from German actors, theatre agents and directors, of which roughly half date from the pre-emigration period. Many of these items were written to Auerbach in his capacity as an employee of the theatre agency E. Drenker and Co. and concern the writer's availability for work. They also include several from actor Albert Bassermann dating 1915-1927 and two from actor Pamela Wedekind dating from 1932 asking for Auerbach's advice. There are also several testimonials by theatre directors and actors with whom Auerbach had worked; many of them date from 1933 and 1934 and were written following Auerbach's dismissal from the Paritätischer Stellennachweis der Deutschen Bühnen after the Nazis came to power in 1933. Of the letters sent to Auerbach after his emigration to the UK, only one letter, from Austrian exile actor Lucie Mannheim, dates from the wartime period 1939-1945. The rest of the post-emigration correspondence is from the post-war period and includes several letters from opera director, Carl Ebert, dating 1948-1954; two letters from poet Herbert Eulenberg dating 1946 and three letters from actor Fritz Valk dated 1947-1948. There are also numerous items of correspondence of congratulation sent to mark on the occasion of Auerbach's 85th birthday in 1959. Note that the correspondence is almost all incoming; there are very few (copies of) letters written by Auerbach himself.

In addition to the correspondence, there are typescripts of articles and speeches written by Auerbach following his emigration to the UK. Some of the articles were published in the journal 'Theater der Zeit', but in some cases it is not clear whether the articles were actually published. They include a text entitled 'Gedächtnisfeier für Stefan Zweig zum Geburtstag am 25.11.1943', written after Zweig's death in exile in 1942; an account of the first performance of Gerhart Hauptmann's play 'Hanneles Himmelfahrt' at the Königlichen Schauspielhaus in Berlin in 1893 (undated); a fragment of a text on the awakening of consciousness concerning the arts in Germany after the oppression of the previous decade, dated 1945; and an account of the founding of the 'Literarische Gesellschaft' and the Ibsen Theater by Carl Heine in Leipzig in the 1890s, entitled 'Frühlingsgewitter über Leipzig' (dated 1950). The latter includes Auerbach's recollection of how the prologue of Frank Wedekind's 'Die Erdgeist' came to be written, a copy of the first handwritten draft of which is also in the archive. [According to a letter from Auerbach's daughter, Hilde Auerbach, on 7 August 1986, the original first draft was sold in 1974 or 1975 at Sotherby's auctioneers to a dealer, Otto Haas. The original draft is now in the Moldenhauer Archives at the US Library of Congress.]

In addition to the correspondence and texts by Auerbach, there are also a number of his early school reports, photographs and some news cuttings.

Originally catalogued together with the German Theatre Collection, for which see GTC.

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Exile Archive
GB 0367 EXS · c 1939-1998

This collection contains personal papers, correspondence, official documents and literary and autobiographical scripts created by or relating to German-speaking exiles and exile-related organisations mainly in the UK. Some of the material dates from the period before and during the Second World War, such as a biography of Hitler by Rudolf Olden in the 1930s, and records of the activities of prisoners in internment camps on the Isle of Man in the early 1940s. A significant proportion of the collection is material created in the post-war period on the subject of exile, such as autobiographical accounts of exile by individual refugees, and the research papers of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies. There are also records (including some copies of publications) of literary and other scripts focusing on the experience of exile and the events leading to it, written by exile poets, scholars and journalists and others before and after they emigrated.

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Gundolf, Friedrich (1880-1931)
GB 0367 FGU · 1898-1947

Correspondence and papers of Friedrich Gundolf, 1902-1931, comprising:
Poems: manuscripts and typescripts of c 1100 poems by Gundolf, 1899-1931
Manuscripts: manuscripts and typescripts of published and unpublished books, lectures, and articles by Gundolf including lecture notes for Deutsche Literatur in der Reformationszeit, [c 1930], Deutsche Bildung von Luther bis Lessing, Deutsche Geistesgeschichte von Luther bis Nietzsche, Barok, a survey of German literature from Opitz to Lessing, 1923-1930; Klopstock; Frhromantik, and Deutsche Literatur im neunzehnten Jahrhundert; draft of biographical study of Johannes von Müller; unpublished short drafts on Dante, Shakespeare, Dostoyevsky and others;
Letters from Gundolf: typed copies of letters by Gundolf, collected after his death by Elisabeth Gundolf, correspondents include Magda Bezner, Ernst Robert Curtius, Herbert Cysarz, Franz Dornsieff, Tilly Edinger, Eduard Fraenkel, Marie-Louise Gothein, Maria Geiger, Sir Herbert Grierson, Romano Guardini, Lucy and Wolfgang Heyer, Paul Hensel, Karl Jaspers, Gräfin Leonie Keyserling (Baronin Ungern-Sternberg), Julius Landmann, Sabine Lepsius, Friedrich von der Leyen, Georg Misch, Mabel MacInnes, Harry Maync, Emil Praetorius, Julius Petersen, Max Pulver, Herbert Steiner, Karl Vosler, Alfred Weber and Marianne and Max Weber;
Letters to Gundolf, mainly 1920-1931, c 930 correspondents including Erich Aron, Ernst Bertram, Bruno Arverardi, Ernst Robert Curtius, Franz Deibel, Tilly Edinger, Heinrich Friedemann, Wilhelm Furtwängler, Ernst Gundolf, Jacob Geis, Maris Luise Gothein, Lucy Heyer, Gustav Richard Heyer,Heinz Hartmann, Wolfgang Heyer, Helene Hermann, Kurt Hildebrand, Else Jaffé, Fine von Kahler, Erich Kahler, Walter Kempner, Gräfin Leonie Keyserling (Baronin Ungern-Sternberg), Raymond Klibansky, Marianne Kassner, Ludwig Klages, C A Klein, Else Kuhner, Edith Landmann, Sabine Lepsius, Josef Liegle, Melchior Lechter, Ernst Morwitz, Thankmar von Münchhausen, Hans Oettinger, Emil Praetorius, Arthur Salz, Lothar Treuge, Berthold Vallentin, Karl and Hanna Wolfskehl, Walter Wenghöfer, Friedrich Wolters, Christianne Zimmer (Hofmannsthal);
Biographical papers including material on Gundolf's work as Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at Heidelberg, a list of his lectures and seminars, obituary notices and speeches, recollections of Gundolf by Marie-Louise Gothein, Anna Hinterreiter and Robert Oboussier, poems and humorous verses by or concerning Gundolf, and esays by Ernst Gundolf;
Varia: bibliographical material including copies of Gundolf's contributions to newspapers and learned periodicals, incomplete collection of offprints sent to Gundolf;
Elisabeth Gundolf: papers on Elisabeth Gundolf including letters of sympathy on the death of FG, 1931; translations of Rilke and Hölderlin (with J B Leishman), three chapters from Gundolf's Shakespeare: Wesen und Werk, translated by EG;
Press Cuttings; mainly reviews of Gundolf's publications, comments, obituaries and criticism, c 1902-1931;
Miscellaneous: Small collection of photographs of Gundolf, family and friends; galley proofs; Vistors Book; paintings and drawings by Ernst Gundolf;
Stefan George: copies of early correspondence between George and Gundolf, press cuttings on George, c 1902-1933;
Karl Wolfskehl: copies of correspondence with Karl and Hana Wolfskehl, occasional poems by Wolfskehl, copies of four letters from Karl and Hana Wolfskehl to Stefan George.

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Breul, Karl Hermann (1860-1932)
GB 0367 KHB · 1885-1918

Correspondence and papers of Professor Karl Hermann Breul, 1885-1918, comprising:
General correspondence with academic friends and colleagues, students, benefactors, and publishers, correspondents include Hermann Hager, 1886-1893; Robert Priebsch, 1896-1913; Arthur Napier, 1888; Patrick Cahill, 1906-1907; W I McGowan 1902-1907; F C Nicholson, 1902-1913; Thomas Rea, 1904-1911; E L Milner-Barry, 1907-1911; Marshall Montgomery, 1910-1914; Walter Rippmann, 1906-1914; F E Sandbach, 1903-1911; Max Freund, 1909-1914; Charles Harold Herford, 1903-1913; Arvid Johansson, 1905-1913; J Kirkpatrick, 1906-1912; A C Benson 1904-1914; Oscar Browning, 1884-1907; Francis Darwin, 1899-1918; Sir James Frazer, 1912-1914; John Gibb, 1904-1906; A E Housman, 1911; Henry Jackson, 1890-1910; R C Jebb, 1894-1904; C S Kenny, 1907-1914; J B Mullinger, 1913-1914; J P Postgate 1892-1910; E S Roberts 1889-1913; W W Skeat, 1890-1907; Sir Adolphus William Ward, 1905-1912; Eugen Frisch, 1903; Wilhelm Viëtor, 1893-1903; Carl Dunker, 1908; Henry and Agnes Tiarks, 1909-1911; W T Stead, 1906; Theodor Lorens, 1905-1910, and Edward Bell, 1904-1913;
Correspondence on address for Professor C A Buchheim, 1897-1898;
Correspondence on 25th anniversary of the Medieval and Modern Languages Tripos at Cambridge, 1909;
Correspondence with the English Goethe Society, 1897-1910;
Correspondence with the Modern Language Association, 1897-1910, but mainly relating to meeting in Cambridge, 1910;

Personal Papers comprise:
Letters of congratulation on award of Prussian Order of the Red Eagle (4th Class), 1909;
Testimonials for posts of Professorship at Prague University, 1888, Examiner in the University of London, 1892, Professorship at Bedford College London, 1896, Professorship at University College London, 1897, Professorship in London University, 1902, and post of Examiner in German, Glasgow University, 1903;
Correspondence and papers on appointment as Schröder Professor of German at Cambridge, 1909-1910, including letters of congratulation and press cuttings;
Photograph of Karl Breul, 1885.

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Berger-Hamerschlag, Margarete
GB 0367 MBH · Arquivo · [1902-2008]

This archive contains the personal papers of the Austrian-British artist and designer Margarete Berger-Hamerschlag. Just over half the collection consists of her artwork, which includes designs and sketches for costumes for theatre or dance performances or as fashion wear; handmade picture books and illustrated poetry books; sketches and pastel drawings of theatre scenes sketched either during performances or from memory; and portraits and illustrations for her own and other writers' stories. Notable theatre costumes include designs for the Schauspielhaus in Vienna in 1928; the Teatro degli Indipendenti in Rome in 1928 and 1930; the pioneer of modern Israeli dance, Yardena Cohen in 1935; Italian revue theatre in 1954; Austrian choreographer Gisa Geert in 1954; and the Austrian exile puppeteer Bruno Tublin. There are also a number of fashion designs for the actor Elisabeth Bergner. In addition to the artwork, there are over two boxes of typescripts and manuscripts of MBH's writing, most of which remained unpublished. This includes her children's stories such as 'The Bungalow at Boxhill' and 'The Lost Tune', stories incorporating elements of MBH's autobiography, and a large number of poems reflecting on her experiences in Palestine in the 1930s and her life in the UK after 1936. There is also a set of paintings depicting key moments of MBH's childhood and an autobiographical text covering the period 1902-1918. As well as her artwork and literary writing, there are 14 folders of correspondence, the majority of which is that exchanged by MBH and her husband, Josef Berger, during the numerous periods when they were separated, including his internment as an enemy alien in 1940. There are also some letters to and from other members of the Berger family and various friends and officials, particularly concerning Berger's release from internment. The archive also contains a small number of official documents and fragments of MBH's diaristic writing.

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Mollo Collection
GB 0367 MOL · 1856-1982

Papers of Evgenii Semenovich Mollo, comprising:
writings on Imperial Russian orders and military equipment, c 1960, 1979; documents and notes on Russian military orders and uniforms, c 1958-1982l; correspondence, mainly concerned with Russian military history and related interests arising out of his collection of Russian militaria, orders and objets d'art, 1958-1982, correspondents include the State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg; genealogical papers including family trees on the Veselitskii and Gol'tgoer (de Holthoer) families, including a number of letters in French from Michael de Holthoer, member of the Council of the Empire, to his niece Felicia de Holthoer in England (1882-1896). Also some letters (1856-1864) from other sources

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Placzek/Philipp Papers
GB 0367 PLA · 1966-2000

Literary papers of Adolf Placzek and Ernst Philip, 1966-2000, comprising:
Adolf Placzek: typescripts of eight plays, seven short prose works by Adolf Placzek, 1968-1994; typescripts of poems by Adolf Placzek, 1940-1982, some in memory of Jan Struther (d 1954).
Ernst Philipp: typescripts of literary works, 1966-1994;
Miscellaneous papers including obituary of Placzek from The Independent, Apr 2000; correspondence between M C Ives and the Institute of Germanic Studies relating to the Placzek/Philipp papers; typescript of article by Ives Cousins in exile: an anthology [undated].

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Allan Collection
GB 0369 ALL · c 1919-1940

Papers of Robert Gerard Allen, 1919-1940, comprising:
notebook of poetry presumably by Allan, c.1930-1940; photographs and postcards of interwar Prague, the Sokal gymnastics movement and T G Masaryk c 1919-1939; prints of Prague; maps of Czechoslovakia, 1930, 1937; collection of Six linocuts by a Czechoslovak soldier - somewhere in England 1940. The artist was probably Dr V Vanderlik; collection of ten linocuts Cesta (the trail), depicting various scenes from Europe and the middle east by Dr V Vanderlik "a Czechoslovak soldier"; typescript entitled Repetitorium ceske literatury v otazkachi i odpovedich by Prof J Maly, 1936; typescript Czech-English dictionary of engineering terms, probably by Allan

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Amfiteatrov Collection
GB 0369 AMF · 1927-1936

Two files of correspondence mostly concerning Aleksandr Valentinovich Amfiteatrov's membership of the anti-Soviet secret society, Bratstvo Russkoi Pravdy [Brotherhood of Truth], 1927-1936. The letters are from the society's leader, Sergei Alexandrovich Krechetov and another member known only as "Izyumets". The box also contains a typescript article giving background and commentary to the collection.

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Artefacts Collection
GB 0369 ART · 1944, 1980

Artefacts given to the Library comprising a cup, saucer and tea plate commemorating the Marie Curie University (Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Sk³odowskiej), Poland 1944; and a miniature replica of the Czech crown jewels (c1980) including the Crown of Saint Wenceslas, royal orb and scepter.:

There is also a small enamel pin badge of the Marie Curie University:

The artefacts are accompanied by a brief multilingual description.

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Banknotes Collection
GB 0369 BAN · 1898-1947

Collection of banknotes, 1898-1947, comprising:
State credit notes from Gosudarstvennii Bank of Russia, 1898-1918, (10 items, from 1 Rouble - 1000 Roubles); Polish banknotes, c 1919, (2 items, 5 Marks, 100 Marks; German/German Occupied Territory banknotes,1906-1916 (3 items, 10 Marks, 20 Marks, 100 Roubles); Soviet Union banknote (5 Roubles), 1947

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British Broadcasting Corporation Collection
GB 0369 BBC · 1928-1991 (mainly 1948-1991)

Scripts of BBC radio broadcasts in Czech and Polish, 1951, with English translations, comprising:
Radio Astronomy Polish programme 31 Jan 1951; Measure of exploitation - step three Polish programme 8 Feb 1951; The breakup of Czech democracy by Dr Otto Friedman reviewed by Betty S Nicholls Czech programme 20 Feb 1951; World affairs by Sir Robert Bruce Lockhart, Czech programme 23 Feb 1951

BBC Current Affairs Research and Information Section's files on Soviet personalities, 1928-1991 (mainly 1948-1991); containing material from BBC monitoring reports, news agency reports, BBC correspondents' despatches, commentaries by BBC staff and cuttings from newspapers and specialist journals on individuals in the fields of cinema, music, theatre, economics, literature, press and broadcasting, from the Russian Federation and from the republics of Azerbaijan, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Tajikstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, subjects include Abel Aganbegian, economist, 1971-1986; Kirghiz writer Chingiz Torekulovich Aimatov, 1981-1984; journalist Viktor Berkhin, 1986-1987; biologist Trofim Denisovich Lisenko, 1928-1965; theatre director Iuri Petrovich Liubimov, 1983-1986; writer Boris Leonidovich Paternak particularly the publication of "Dr Zhivago" and Pasternak's subsequent refusal of the Nobel Prize for Literature, 1957-1961; cellist Mstislav Leopol'dovich Rostropovich and his wife, opera singer Galina Vishnevskaia, 1963-1977; writer Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov, 1956-1991; film director Andrei Arsenovich Tarkovski, 1962-1990; poet and editor Aleksandr Trifonovich Tvardovski, 1968-1979; economist Evgenii Samoilovich Varga, 1948-1970; poet Evgenii Evtushhenko, 1972-1983; economist Tatiana I Zalavskaia, 1983-1987.

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Benes Collection
GB 0369 BEN · c 1938

Anonymous typescript biography of Edvard Benes, President of Czechoslovakia entitled Ein Mann für Europa [A Man for Europe]. The text is accompanied by 2 sheets inscribed 'Fahrten und Abenteuer in Zwei Jahrzehnten meines Lebens. Selbstbekenntnisse von Richard Turba' [Journeys and Adventures in Two Decades of my Life. Self-confession of Richard Turba]. It is not clear whether Turba is the author of the biography.

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Berson Collection
GB 0369 BES · 1962

University of London D.Phil thesis by Alan Charles Berson entitled Changes in structure and personnel in the Soviet State and Communist Party from 1953 to 1959: a study of party-state relations, 1962.

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Branfoot Collection
GB 0369 BRN · 1926

Draft chapters 2 and 3 for a SSEES Ph.D thesis by Anne Branfoot entitled A critical survey of the Russian Narodnik movement 1861-1881, 1926

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Budgen Collection
GB 0369 BUD · 1976

D.Phil thesis submitted by D E Budgen to the University of Oxford entitled The world of F A Emin (1735-1770): literary and intellectual transition in eighteenth-century Russia

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Cholokny Collection
GB 0369 CHO · c 1987

Extracts from a Hungarian publication Magarorszag Földrajza [Geography of Hungary], translated into English

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Clissold Collection
GB 0369 CLI · 1958

Notes by Stephen Clissold on Petar Hektoroviæ; Archbishop de Dominis; Dalmatian portraits and Dalmatian history, 1958

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Czechoslovakia - Velvet Revolution Collection
GB 0369 CZH · 1989

Leaflets, newscuttings, bulletins and posters relating to the events of November and December 1989 in Czechoslovakia - the "Velvet Revolution"

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Dare and Hollander Collection
GB 0369 DAR · 1959

Report by Paul Hollander and Alan Dare, written for limited circulation entitled "Hungarian students in Great Britain: past experiences - present attitudes", 1959. It reported on an enquiry into why Hungarian students in Britain had left Hungary and what difficulties they had found in adapting to life here.

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Dickson Collection
GB 0369 DIC · 1988

Photocopy of concise Anglo-Russian dictionary of biblical words, written by Alfred Dickson, 1988.

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Duckworth-Baker Collection
GB 0369 DUC · 1984 (covers 1930s)

Copy of letter from Vernon Duckworth-Baker to Professor G F Cushing about his involvement in the 1930s with plans to introduce Hungarian studies to the School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES), 1984.

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Gardiner Collection
GB 0369 GAI · c 1925

Essay by Kathleen M Gardiner entitled "Charles IV, King of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperor, an interpretation", c 1925

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Galton Collection
GB 0369 GAL · c 1929-1985

Papers of Dorothy Galton mainly relating to Sir Bernard Pares and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES), c 1929-1985, comprising:
Papers on SSEES (formerly the School of Slavonic Studies, King's College London) and former staff members, particularly Sir Bernard Pares, including notes on the history of the School, 1929-1981
Papers on Galton's visit to report on Slavonic studies in the United States and Canada, including diary of visit and Report to the Rockefeller Foundation, 1945;
Notes on the history of the Anglo-Russian Literary Society, c 1935-1960;
Translations by Galton, 1963;
Photographs of Russian Orthodox Chapel at Fort Ross, California c 1975-1985

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Gaselee Collection
GB 0369 GAS · 1920-1942

Bound volume of correpondence relating to Sir Stephen Gaselee's membership of the Committee on the Relations of the Church of England with the Eastern Churches; also some group photographs of the Committee, 1920-1942

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Golovin Collection
GB 0369 GOL · c 1875-1920

Orest Golovin's translations into Russian of seven sonnets entitled "Shekspirovskie stikhi" and one other poem by William Shakespeare and of a poem in honour of Shakespeare by Konstanti Gasziñski, c 1875-1920

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Havel Collection
GB 0369 HAV · 1985

Literary material relating to Vaclal Havel, including rough copies of letters from Karel Hubka to Havel, letter from Havel to Hubka, carbon copy of Havel's notes on his play "Largo Desolato" and copy of Hubka's literal translation of "Largo desolato" from which Tom Stoppard made his adaption, 1985

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Hessen Collection
GB 0369 HES · c 1935-1950

Autobiography and self written bibliography of Sergius Hessen (1887-1950); letters and copies of letters from Hessen to Lev Sergeevich Loewenson and typescript writings, c 1935-1950

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Horne Collection
GB 0369 HOR · c 1985

Translations, by Joseph Christopher William Horne into English of Hungarian poetry. These were intended for an anthology which never reached the stage of publication, although some poems may be included which have already been published. Not all the poems on the list of titles are included in the folder and a few are included that are not listed.

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Karadzic Collection
GB 0369 KAR · 1832

Copies of Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic's letter to Prince Milos Obrenovic and of his accompanying letter to Jernej Kopitar, 1932

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Malnick Collection
GB 0369 MAL · 1935

Ph.D thesis of Dr Bertha Malnick entitled "The origin and the early history of the theatre in Russia, 1672-1756", 1935.

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Mann Collection
GB 0369 MAN · 1921-1985

Papers of Stuart Edward Mann, 1921-1985, comprising:
writings and notes on Albanian language and literature, 1930-1979; writings and notes on Czech and Slovak languages and literature, 1934-1979, including annotated proofs of his Czech Historical Grammar, and Essays on the history of Czech literature; writings and notes on Indo-European language and on language generally, c 1926-1984, including annotated typescript of An Indo-European Comparative Dictionary; writings and notes on other languages and literature, particularly Armenian and Cypro-Mycenæan, 1927-1980. including many examples of "minimum dictionaries", attempts by Mann to produce basic vocabularies for a wide range of languages; personal correspondence and papers, 1938-1985, including correspondence with publishers and papers on linguistics; reprints of articles by Mann and others, 1935-1984.

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Matthews Collection
GB 0369 MAT · 1911-1958, mostly 1930-1958

Papers of William Kleesman Matthews on East European linguistics and literature, 1911-1958, comprising:
papers on Baltic languages, c 1926-1947, including drafts of an anthology of translated Baltic poetry and a Latvian calendar of Saints; notebooks on Bulgarian linguistics, 1921, 1947-1951, including notebooks on the grammar and phonetics of Bulgarian and Old Bulgarian; papers on Estonian literature, 1939-1950, comprising drafts of an anthology of Estonian poetry which Matthews began before the Second World War; papers on German lingusitics, 1943-1944; papers on Polynesian linguistics and the Marathi language in particular, 1945-1946; papers on Russian linguistics and literature, 1911-1958, including mss and proofs of published works, notes and translated poems some intended for publication, articles, minutes of meetings of the Kings College London Russian Society, Russian appointment diary and typescript by Emmanuil Kazakevich; notebooks on Slav languages, 1935-1958; notebooks on Ukranian linguistics, 1946-1954; general papers on the study of literature and linguistics, 1930-1958, including bibliographies, articles and notes on linguistics and literature, translated poetry and correspondence; typescripts and manuscripts of Matthews' (mainly) unpublished poetry, c 1935-1958

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Meyendorff Collection
GB 0369 MEY · c 1921-1933

Bibliography, compiled by Baron Alexander Felixovich Meyendorff of English books on Russia, covering a variety of wide subject areas such as literature, history, politics, economics and religion, c 1921-1933

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RLHBL · Arquivo · 1994/2012

Records of Barts and the London NHS Trust, previously the Royal Hospitals NHS Trust, 1994-2012, comprising:
Administrative records, including foundation documents and records relating to corporate governance (1994-1995); meeting papers of the St Bartholomew's, Royal London and London Chest Hospitals Project Management Committee (1993-1994), Trust Board (1994-1998), Sub-Committees and Working Groups (1995-1998), Trust Forums (1995-1998) West Wing [St Bartholomew's Hospital] Project Board (2002-2004); Consultants' reports relating to income generation and cost savings (1999-2000); proposals for the management of Queen Elizabeth Hospital for Children, East London Primary Care Development Agency, St Mark's Hospital (1993-1994); annual reports and accounts (1994-1996; 2007-2008); copies of The Link, issues 1-151 (incomplete series, 1994-2011); Save Bart's Campaign: Royal Hospitals NHS Trust response and correspondence (1994-1996); annual plans (2000-2001; 2003-2004); St Bartholomew's Hospital Redevelopment: planning and options appraisals (1998-2000); records relating to the Lord Mayor's Appeal 2001: Barts Cancer Centre of Excellence (c.2000-2001); papers of the Fundraising Planning Committee (1998-2001);
Title deeds, leases and trusts, including signed agreements, heads of leases, transfers of assets and associated correspondence and annotated copy plans (1994-1996);
Estate records, including proposals for the Refurbishment of North Wing, St Bartholomew's Hospital (1998-2002); papers re: the West Wing [St Bartholomew's Hospital] refurbishment (1996-2001); Business Plan (1997-1997); Estate Management reports (c.1996);

Records concerning Public Relations and Events Management, including records relating to openings and events (1998-2002).

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City and East London Area Health Authority (Teaching)
RLHCA · Arquivo · 1973-1988

Minutes, agenda papers, papers of committees and working parties, plans and reports, administrative files, financial records and miscellaneous administrative papers.

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Eastern Dispensary
RLHED · Arquivo · 1808-1952

Administrative records.

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East End Maternity Hospital
RLHEM · Arquivo · 1884-1968

Administrative records, Chaplain's records, financial records, patient records, nursing records.

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East London Nursing Society
RLHEN · Arquivo · 1904-1968

Annual reports and 'The History of a Hundred Years: East London Nursing Society 1868 - 1968' by Edith Ramsay, M.B.E. (missing).

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St George in the East Hospital
RLHGE · Arquivo · [1930s]-1956

Minutes of the House Committee and photographic postcards.

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London Chest Hospital
RLHLC · Arquivo · 1848-2009

Administrative records, deeds, financial records, patient records, nursing records, photographs, pharmacy records, surveyor's records and papers, photographs and paintings from unofficial sources.

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Medical Club of the London Hospital
RLHML · Arquivo · 1792-2000

Minutes, constitutional and membership papers, meeting and agenda papers, secretary's papers, medical agency papers and miscellaneous papers.

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Queen Mary's Maternity Home
RLHQM · Arquivo · [1914]-1990

Administrative records, deeds; financial records, patient registers; photographs, plans and architect's drawings and records from unofficial sources.

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