Showing 16246 results

Archivistische beschrijving
South African Army
GB 0101 ICS 132 · Aug 1941 (covers 1940-1941)

Photocopy of account of activities of No 1 Company Indian and Malay Corps (No 101 South African Reserve Motor Transport Company), Aug 1940- July 1941; including training in Kenya, Sep-Dec 1940, return to South Africa, Dec 1940, following decision to make the Company 100% Indian, active service in Somaliland Campaign Feb-Aug 1941.

Zonder titel
GB 0101 ICS 133 · 25934

Photocopy of text of speech by B S (Steve) Biko, South African Students' Organization, 'White Racism and Black Consciousness' at First Inter-University Worksho on Students and Youth in South Africa, Jan 1971, at Bailey Institute of Inter-racial studies, University of Cape Town.

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GB 0101 ICS 135 · c1955-c1978

Research notes and papers of John Michael Lee on Africa, 1956-1967: subjects include statistics on African Officer Cadets training in Britain, 1953-1967; rates of pay for army and police in Kenya, Malawi, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Zambia and Nigeria, 1960-1968; notes on the Nigerian officer cadre, 1960-1966; papers on the introduction of the Ministerial system in Uganda, 1955-1962; papers on Colonial Social Science Research Council Working Party on Colonial Elections, 1956; copies of official correspondence on Banyaruanda refugees, 1961-1962; copies of official correspondence on strike of students at the Nakawa Engineering School, Uganda, 1957-1958; documents on scheme for 300 scholarships, offered by the Government of Uganda, 1961-1962 and documents on the integration of the Department and Ministry of Education, Uganda, c1957-1962.

Zonder titel
GB 0101 ICS 136 · 1937

Photocopy of typescript diary of a visit to South Africa by Ralph Johnson Bunche, 1 October - 31 December 1937, recording the impressions of an African American on South Africa; subjects include race relations; black living conditions in the reserves, mines and townships; black political and labour leaders and organisations, education, health care and the legal system. There is an account of the Silver Anniversary meeting of the African National Congress in Bloemfontein in December 1937.

Zonder titel
COPE, John Patrick (b 1906)
GB 0101 ICS 14 · 1929-1961

Correspondence and papers of John Patrick Cope on his work as a journalist in South Africa, Abyssinia and China; comprising printed, typescript and manuscript material including articles by Jan Hendrick Hofmeyr, 1919-1914, papers on the Afrikaner Broederbond, 1941, note of discussion between J P Cope and Hofmeyer on Hofmeyr's relationship with Jan Christian Smuts, 1948, report on Mau Mau outbreak in Kenya [c 1952]; correspondence, mainly letters from Jan Hofmeyr to Cope on South African politics, 1929-1948, letters from R J Kingston Russell, editor, Natal Mercury, on journalism, 1929-1937, and correspondence on his decision to leave the United Party and to found the Progressive Party, 1959; books of press cuttings on articles by Cope in the Rand Daily Mail, Natal Mercury and Cape Times, 1924-1932; papers on his vist to Abyssinia, 1937, including copies of his articles, and photographs; papers on his visit to China 1937, including account of his experiences during the bombing of British, US and Chinese ships on the Yangtze River, Dec 1937; papers on political weekly Forum, 1948-1951.

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GB 0101 ICS 145 · 1929-1964

Papers of Stephen Norman Godfrey, 1929-1964, comprising printed material including 'Memoranda on training schools and reports of examiners', (Education Department, Ceylon, 1932-1933); 'Administration report of the Director of Education for 1931: Education, Science and Art' (Ceylon Government Press, Jul 1932); circular on school furniture, 13 May 1929; memorandum on training schools; The Ceylon Civil List, 1932; 'Ceylon Radio Times', May 1931 and examination results for training schools, 1934-1935. Personal letters to Godfrey giving news from Ceylon, 1935-1964; typescript account by Mabel and Neville Wynne Jones of their personal impressions of the visit of Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh to Colombo, Ceylon, Apr 1954; typescript handbook 'Notes for student teachers' by Godfrey and photograph of a souvenir map of the parliamentary general election, Ceylon, 1947 with photographs of politicians.

Zonder titel
DAVIS, W A (fl 1931-1935)
GB 0101 ICS 15 · 1931-1935

Papers of W A Davis, comprising photographs, maps and souvenirs of Ceylon, 1931-1935; including photographs, seascapes, plantations, historic monuments and people, all unidentified; map of the City of Colombo, 1932 and motor map of Ceylon, 1931; programme of the Installation Banquet of the Duke of Connaught Masonic Lodge, Colombo, 1935.

Zonder titel
Okoya inquest papers
GB 0101 ICS 167 · Archief · 1971 May-June

A bound volume of the coroner's (the Hon. Mr. Justice A. R .F. Dickson) inquest no. 4 and 5 of 1971 (16 June 1971) in the matter of the death of Brigadier Pierino Yere Okoya and his wife Mrs. Anna Akello Okoyaw. Also includes a 37 page typed letter dated 24 May 1971, from Uganda's former President, Milton Obote, to the Hon. Chief Justice, Sir Dominic Sheridan, in relation to the inquest.

Brigadier Pierino Yere Okoya was the deputy army commander and the commander of the Second Infantry Brigade of the Uganda army in Masaka. He and his wife Mrs. Anna Akello Okoyaw were murdered on 25 January 1970 and Idi Amin was rumoured to have had a role in the murder of his deputy, then the second ranking army officer in Uganda, though these claims were never proven. President Milton Obote stripped Amin of most of his powers after this incident, but in January 1971 Amin led a coup toppling Obote.

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Falkland Islands, 1982
GB 0101 ICS 18 · 1982

Material relating to the Falklands Islands conflict 1982, including official statements, press releases, presscuttings, and printed books.

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GB 0101 ICS 2 · 1937 and nd

Photocopy of article: 'Beyond the borders of the Cape Colony', 1937 [? by Abdullah Abdurahman], with notes by Dr Hendrickse on the Abdurahman family.

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HJUL, Peter (fl 1954-1968)
GB 0101 ICS 33 · 1954-1968

Papers of Peter Hjul on the Liberal Party of South Africa and civil rights, 1954-1968; comprising papers of the Civil Rights Defence Committee, 1962; papers of the Defence and Aid Fund, 1961-1965, including report on prison conditions relating to, and medical treatment of detainees in the Transvaal; papers of the Liberal Party of South Africa, 1954-1962, including election posters and leaflets, papers on Cape Provincial Congress, 1962, undated open letter to Alan Paton and copies of publications Liberal News and Contact.

Zonder titel
GB 0101 ICS 35 · 1955

Uncorrected proof copy of Australia by John Campbell Horsfall, 1955. The book is mainly concerned with the economic and political aspects of Australia's post-war development, and was aimed at prospective 'New Australians'. It was published by Ernest Benn Ltd in the Nations of the Modern World series. The published version has a foreword by William Keith Hancock, which is absent from this proof copy.

Zonder titel
Basutoland Memorandum
GB 0101 ICS 4 · 1961

Manuscript copy (sent by Josiel Lefela to the High Commissioner for Basutoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate and Swaziland) of memorandum on relations between the British Government and Basuto Nation, presented to the United Nations, 1961.

Zonder titel
GB 0101 ICS 60 · 1972

Material issued by Rhodesian pressure groups, concerning the Pearce Commission visit, 1972, on the reaction of black africans to the sanctions against Rhhodesia, including article by the Christian Council of Rhodesia and an open letter to the Commission from white Rhodesian citizens living in Britain.

Zonder titel
GB 0101 ICS 68 · 1950

Correspondence and papers on discussions between the Royal Empire Society and the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, London University on the proposed creation of a Commonwealth Library Centre, Jan-Sep 1950.

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GB 0101 ICS 76 · 1917-1922

Photocopies of papers of the South African Police on native meetings and affairs, 1917-1922: comprising file of reports of meetings of International Socialist League, the Bantu Womens' National League, the Transvaal Native National Congress and Industrial Workers of Africa, 1917-1918; file of correspondence on meetings of Africans organised by the International Socialist League, and on Native unrest and opposition to the Native Land Act Bill, 1917-1922; file of miscellaneous papers, including report of Inquiry into ill-treatment of natives by Police officers in Johannesburg, 1919 and inquest report on 11 Africans killed during a riot at Vrededorp, Feb 1920; file of papers on strike at the Meyer and Charlton mine, 1917; file of press cuttings relating to the International Socialist League, 1917-1920.

Zonder titel
GB 0101 ICS 77 · 1984

Transcripts of interviews by Roger Southall with South African trade union and political leaders, 1984, comprising: T Adler, National Automobile and Allied Workers Union; Neville Alexander, National Forum Committee; Saleem Badat, Grassroots; Jane Barrett, Transport and General Workers Union; Graeme Bloch, United Democratic Front; Andrew Boraine, United Democratic Front; Phiroshaw Camay, Council of Unions of South Africa; Moss Chikwane, United Democratic Front; Sathasican Cooper; Charles Daris, US Consulate, Johannesburg; Des T East, Motor Industry Combined Workers Union; Alec Irwin, Federation of South African Trade Unions; Brian Fredericks, National Automobile and Allied Workers Union;Dirk Hartford; Paddy Kearnly; M P Lekota, United Democratic Front; Lybon Mabasa, Azania Peoples Organisation; M Maluk, National Union of Mineworkers; Jeff McCarthy, Geography Department, Durban University; Ismael Mohammed; Curnick Ndlovu, United Democratic Front; Jemma Payne, National Union of Textile Workers; Ebrahim "Cassim" Saloojee, United Democratic Front; L Tsholi, United Democratic Front; Theo Van Der Bergh, Personnel Manager, Toyota; A J Van Der Watt, South African Boilermakers' Iron and Steel Workers, Shipbuilders and Welders Society; Zac Yaccoob, Natal Indian Congress.

Zonder titel
GB 0101 ICS 78 · 1961

Typescript copy of memorandum, dated 7 Feb 1961, to Minister of Native Affairs, Southern Rhodesia concerning compensation for financial losses by 28 former political detainees and restrictees (released in 1961) during their two year detention, the failure of Native Commissioners to look after their property during their detention, the cancellation of the allowance paid to detainees families during their imprisonment, and their difficulty in obtaining employment.

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Capricorn Africa Society
GB 0101 ICS 8 · 1955-1966

Correspondence and papers of the Capricorn Africa Society (CAS), 1955-1966: comprising publications, including copies of society pamphlets and leaflets, 1955-1959; duplicated material including report from Nyasaland [c 1956]; notes of a talk with Dr Albert Schweitzer, 20 Sep [? 1956]; note on the activities of the College of Rhodesian Citizenship, 1959-1960; biographical notes on Ugandan Ministers [c 1956]; progress report to members in the United Kingdom, 1958; programme of the Central African Branch, 1959; letters from U S Information Service, Salisbury, Rhodesia on events in Rhodesia, and the activities of Rhodesian students in the USA, 1958-1960; report on tour of Southern Rhodesia by officials of the CAS Central African Branch, 1959; CAS Newsletters, 1956-1965; newspaper cuttings, 1955-1959, including copies of articles by David Stirling on self government and common citizenship in Africa; correspondence, 1957-1960 including copies of 'Weekly Summary' a duplicated letter sent to CAS members from London; letters to David Hamilton and David Stirling on society business and African politics; miscellaneous notes and papers.

Zonder titel
GB 0101 ICS 82 · 1982-1983

Papers relating to the University of Cape Town's opposition to the South African Universities Amendment Bill, under which univerisities were to be prohibited from admitting black students beyond a quota to be stipulated annually by the Government, 1982-1983.

Zonder titel
GB 0101 ICS 83 · 1964-1967

Papers concerning Rhodesia's Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI), 1964-1967; comprising copy of the Proclamation of Independence, Nov 1965; letters regarding sanctions, and democracy in Rhodesia; message from the Prime Minister of Rhodesia (Ian Smith) to the African people of Rhodesia regarding independence; press cuttings, mainly from the Rhodesia Herald, Nationalist, The Observer (London) and the Sunday Times (London).

Zonder titel
GB 0101 ICS 84 · c1880-1933

Most of the Ashmead-Bartlett collection are papers of the younger Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett (1881-1931), though there are papers relating to his father, Sir Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett (1851-1921).
Sir Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett: correspondence - album of letters replying to an appeal for financial assistance for his newspaper England and letters of congratulation on knighthood (1892-93) and album regarding speaking engagements for Conservative Party (1892-93); articles - account of trip to South Africa and Swaziland (1900-01); press cuttings - album on activities (1891-95) and album of obituary notices (1902); miscellaneous items (ref. F/1), including letters, press cuttings, voting card from 1900 election.
Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett - There is a substantial amount of material relating to Ashmead-Bartlett's involvement in the Gallipoli campaign spread throughout the collection, as well as other material relating to the rest of his career: diaries and autobiographical sketches (1897-1925), including descriptions of Turkey (1897), South Africa (1900), France, England (1901) London and visit to West Indies (1902), life in England (1906-09, 1911), Morocco (1908), visits to America and Tripoli (1911), Dardanelles (1915), lecture tour of America, Australia and New Zealand (1916), Hungary (1919-20); correspondence (1892-1930, predominantly 1907-1930), relating mainly to journalistic activities, particularly in the Dardanelles, and with Daily Telegraph and William Burdett-Coutts; articles and writings (1900-1930) written by Ashmead-Bartlett, mainly as war correspondent, but also [unpublished?] material on foreign affairs at Westminster, including his maiden speech to the House of Commons; photographs
(c1890-1930), including Ashmead-Bartlett and family members, and pictures of South Africa, siege of Port Arthur, North Africa, Dardanelles, France, including picture agency material; press cuttings (1908-33) on conflicts which Ashmead-Bartlett reported on; drafts of publications, including The Uncensored Dardanelles and The Tragedy of Central Europe; research material - pamphlets and maps.

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BASNER, Hyman M (1905-1977)
GB 0101 ICS 88 · c1930- 1991

Papers of Hyman Basner comprise manuscripts of the biography "H.M. Basner - 20 Years in South African Politics" by his wife Miriam, the autobiography of A.S. Mopeli-Paulus co-authored with Miriam Basner, Basner's book "The Black Price of Gold in South Africa from 1870-1960" and random chapters from his unpublished autobiography and books on Ghana and "The Union of Smuts and Strydom"; research notes on his time in Ghana and his legal work involving Basutoland/Lesotho and Harrismith; transcripts of an interview of Basner by Brian Willan on South African politics between 1930-1950 and an interview with David Wilcox Bopape; correspondence including those relating to the publication of articles by Basner, political refugees in Swaziland, Connor Cruise O'Brien and Brian Willan and correspondence between Miriam Basner and various others; copies of published articles by Basner and seminar papers by Baruch Hirson and others; bound reports by various departments of the South African government; letters and pamphlets for his election campaign for the Senate and legal and court papers relating to cases Basner was working on (SOME ARE CLOSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT) and his imprisonment.

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MONEYPENNY, R M G (fl 1958)
GB 0101 ICS 90 · 1958

Notes compiled by RMG Moneypenny, on his retirement as Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Labour, Housing and Social Services in Ceylon, for his successor, C B Kumarasinha, 24 Nov 1958; including copies of official papers relating to the Department; details of aid received under the Colombo Plan, and from the United Nations and its agencies, (International Labour Office, World Health Organisation, Food and Agriculture Organization, and UNESCO); papers on Labour Exchanges; notes on Industrial courts and Labour tribunals; papers on technical training; papers on trade unions; papers on communal disturbances and compensation and assistance to those in distress as a result of riots and papers on the National Housing Department.

Zonder titel
GB 0101 PG.AT · 1970-1988

Leaflets, letters, newsletters, journals, posters, badges, stickers and pamphlets at federal and state level issued by the Australian Democrats Student Organisation, the Australian Heritage Society, the Australian Independence Movement, the Australian League of Rights, the Aboriginal Mining Information Centre, the Australian Peace Committee, the Australian Union of Students, the Council for Civil Liberties, Citizens for Democracy, Combined Unions Against Government Cutbacks, the Federation of Adelaide Metropolitan Residents' Association, the Higher Education Round Table, the Immigration Control Association, the Libertarian Socialist Association, the Movement Against Uranium Mining, the New South Wales Labor Day Committee, the No Ties With Apartheid Campaign, the National Workers Control Conference, People for Nuclear Disarmament, the Proportional Representation Society of Australia, Resistance, the Southern Africa Liberation Centre, the Socialist Labour League, the Sydney Working Women's Group of Women's Liberation, the Transnational Co-operative, Tax Payers United, the Union of Australian Women, the Women's Action Alliance, the Women's Electoral Lobby, Words for Women, and the Wilderness Society.

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GB 0101 PG.BB · 1980-1986

Leaflets and pamphlets issued by the Barbados Employers' Confederation, Glenroy Straughn and the People's Pressure Movement (Barbados).

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GB 0101 PG.CY · 1957-1994

Proposals, statements and pamphlets, 1957-1994, issued by the Britain-Cyprus Committee, the Britain Turkish Cyprus Committee, the Committee for the Cyprus Scroll, the Cypriot Students Association, the Pancyprian Committee of Parents and Relatives of Undeclared P.O.W.s and Missing Persons and the Yialousa (Cyprus) Association.

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GB 0101 PG.DQ · 1938-1976

Constitutions, pamphlets and appeals issued by the Desmond Trotter Defence Committee and the Dominica Peasant Proprietors' Union, 1938-1976.

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GB 0101 PG.GY · 1950-1987

Pamphlets, memoranda, bulletins, leaflets, flyers, letters, guides, notices, reports, press releases, programmes, cards and addresses, 1950-1987, issued by the British Guiana Rice Producers' Association, the Civil Liberties Action Council (Guyana), the Committee Against Repression in Guyana, the Guyana Human Rights Association, Guyanese Against Dictatorship, the Pan-African Secretariat, the Women's Progressive Organisation (Guyana), and the Women's Revolutionary Socialist Movement (Guyana).

Zonder titel
GB 0101 PG.INT · 1950-

Material issued by the following groups: Anti-Apartheid Movement; Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Movement; Africa Bureau; Action for Southern Africa; Alf's Imperial Army; Africa Publications Trust; Anti-Slavery International; Association of West European Parliamentarians for Action Against Apartheid; Africa Youth Movement; Catholic Institute for International Relations; Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers; Empire Industries Association; International Association of Democratic Lawyers; Justice and Peace Commission; Monday Club; Movement for Colonial Freedom; Movement for Religious Freedom in Africa; Pan-Africa; Southern African Development Coordination Conference; Union of Democratic Control; World Summit on Sustainable Development; Women's World Summit Foundation.

Zonder titel
GB 0101 PG.SA · 1919-

Speeches, pamphlets, leaflets, letters, newsletters, press releases and journals at national, local and youth levels issued by Action White Natal, the African Education Movement (South Africa), the African People's Democratic Union of Southern Africa, the African Peoples Organization, the African Resistance Movement (South Africa), the Afrikaner-Weerstandsbeweging, the All African Convention, the All-In-African National Action Council, the Alliance for Radical Change (South Africa), the Alliance of Radical Methodists, the Anti-Asiatic League (South Africa), Association for Rural Advancement (South Africa), the Athlone Students Action Committee, the Azanian People's Organization, the Azanian Students' Organisation, the Bantu Benevolent and Welfare Society (Port Elizabeth and District), the Black Consciousness Movement of Azania, the Black Parents' Association (South Africa), the Black Peoples' Convention, the Black Sash, the Campaign Against Racial Discrimination (South Africa), the Cape Action League, the Christian Institute of Southern Africa, the Citizen's Action Committee (South Africa), the Civil Rights League (South Africa), the Coloured Arts Association (South Africa), the Coloured People's Council of Action, the Coloured Welfare Association (Cape Peninsula Division), the Committee on South African War Resistance, COSAS (South Africa), the Council for Asiatic Rights (Johannesburg), Education for an Aware South Africa., the End Conscription Campaign (South Africa), the Episcopal Churchmen for South Africa, the Federation of South African Women, the Fourth International Organisation of South Africa, Grassroots (South Africa), the Information Centre on South Africa, Inkatha (Organization : South Africa), the Inter-Denominational African Ministers' Federation, Kwazulu Natal Indaba, the Methodist Church of South Africa, the Moderate Student Movement (Cape Town), the Mowbray Inter Racial Group, the Muslim Students Association (Cape Region), the Natal University Students' Union (Non-European Section), the Natal Workers Club, the National Anti-Coloured Affairs Department Committee, the National Committee Against Removals, the National Committee of Liberation (South Africa), the National Council of Coloured Welfare Organisations (South Africa), the National Forum Committee (South Africa), the National Union of Students Education Department (South Africa), the National Union of Students Welfare and Social Action Department (South Africa), the Native Recruiting Corporation (South Africa), the New Unity Movement (South Africa), the Non-European United Front, the Non-European Unity Movement, the Pondoland Anti-apartheid Movement, the Pretoria Indian Commercial Association, the Progressive Students Association (University of Cape Town), Project Vote (South Africa), the Socialist Forum for Southern African Solidarity, the Socialist League of Africa, the Society of Young Africa, the South Africa First Campaign, the South Africa United Front, the South African Catholic Bishops' Conference, the South African Coloured Peoples' Organisation, the South African Labour Education Project, the South African Non-Racial Open Committee for Olympic Sports, the South African Peace Council, the South African Students' Organisation, the Southern African Committee on Industrial Relations, the Southern African Freedom Foundation, the Springbok Legion (South Africa), the Student Representative Council (University of Cape Town), the Student Representative Council (University of Natal), the Students Democratic League (Cape Town), the Students Representative Council (Witwatersrand University), the Students for Social Democracy (South Africa), the Teachers' Educational and Professional Association (South Africa), the Teachers' League of South Africa, the Transvaal Indian Congress, the Transvaal Indian Youth Congress, the Transvaal Rural Action Committee, the United Anti-Peri-Urban Areas Action Committee, the United Women's Organisation, the Wages and Economic Commission (University of the Witwatersrand), Western Areas Protest Committee, the Western Cape Youth League, the Western Province Council of Churches, the Workers Democratic League (South Africa), the Workers' International League (South Africa), the Workers' Organisation for Socialist Action, the World Campaign for the Release of South African Political Prisoners, the Young South Africans for a Christian Civilization, and the Zulu Society (South Africa).

Zonder titel
GB 0101 PG.TR · 1962-

Trinidad and Tobago pressure groups material, 1962 onwards, comprising reports, statements, pamphlets and addresses issued by the Caribbean Employers' Federation, the Committee for Labour Solidarity (Trinidad and Tobago), the National Joint Action Committee (Trinidad and Tobago), the New Beginning Movement (Trinidad and Tobago), the Organisation for National Reconstruction, the Peasant Farmers Association and the Workers' Educational Association (Trinidad and Tobago).

Zonder titel
GB 0101 PG.ZW · 1953-

Zimbabwe: Pressure Groups Material, 1953 onwards, including press statements, letters, membership cards, statements of accounts, newsletters, pamphlets, constitutions, reports, minutes and miscellaneous materials issued by the African Peoples Association, the Christian Action Group, the Catholic Bishops of Rhodesia, the Conservative Association of Rhodesia, the Christian Council of Rhodesia, the Cold Comfort Farm Society, the Commission for Justice and Peace in Rhodesia, the Committee to Organise Support for a Settlement (COSS), the Interracial Association of Southern Rhodesia, the Legal Aid Organisation (Rhodesia), the Masase Residents' Association, Moral Re-Armament, the Movement for Democracy in Rhodesia, the Rhodesia Christian Group, the Ruskin Students' Action Committee on Rhodesia, the Salisbury Committee for Prison Education, the Save Rhodesia Campaign, the Settlement Council (Rhodesia), Silveira House, Women for Rhodesia, the Zimbabwe Information Group, the Zimbabwe Solidarity Action Committee and Zimbabweans in Great Britain.

Zonder titel
GB 0101 PP.AQ · 1960-

Pamphlets, papers, manifestos and constitutions issued by the Antigua-Barbuda Democratic Movement, the Antigua Caribbean Liberation Movement, the Antigua Labour Party, the Antigua People's Party, and the Progressive Labour Movement (Antigua).

Zonder titel
GB 0101 PP.BB · 1941-

Manifestos, speeches, pamphlets, leaflets, letters, newsletters, journals, posters, stickers, recordings and miscellaneous election material at national and youth levels issued by the Barbados Electors' Association, the Barbados Labour Party, the Barbados Progressive League, the Democratic Labour Party (Barbados), the Movement for National Liberation (Barbados), the National Democratic Party (Barbados), the Progressive Conservative Party (Barbados), the People's Political Alliance (Barbados) and the People's Progressive Movement (Barbados).

Zonder titel
GB 0101 PP.BG · 1971-

Pamphlets, leaflets, manifestos, election posters, constitutions and conference reports issued by the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, the Communist Party of Bangladesh, the National Awami Party and the National Socialist Party of Bangladesh.

Zonder titel
GB 0101 PP.BH · 1960-

Manifestos, conference reports, posters, and speeches issued by the National Independence Party (British Honduras), the People's United Party (Belize) and the United Democratic Party (Belize).

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GB 0101 PP.CN · 1933

Manifestos, speeches, pamphlets, leaflets, letters, newsletters, journals, posters and miscellaneous election material at federal, state and youth levels issued by the Alberta Social Credit League, the Bloc Québécois, the British Columbia Social Credit Party, the Canadian Communist League (Marxist-Leninist), the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), the Communist Party of Canada, the Communist Party of Canada (Ontario), the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation, the Feminist Party of Canada, the Green Party of Canada, the Groupe marxiste révolutionnaire, the Liberal Party of Canada, the Liberal Party of Canada (Ontario), the Libertarian Party of Canada, the Labor-Progressive Party (Canada), the League for Socialist Action/Ligue socialiste ouvrière (Canada), the Mouvement national des Québécois, the Mouvement socialiste, the National Progressive Conservative Women's Federation, the New Democratic Party, the New Democratic Party of Alberta, the New Democratic Party of British Columbia, the New Democratic Party of Manitoba, the New Democratic Party of Ontario, the National Liberal Federation of Canada, the Parti nouveau démocratique du Québec, the Nova Scotia Liberal Association, the Ontario Progressive Conservative Youth Association, the Parti acadien, the Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta, the Progressive Conservative Association of Canada, the Progressive Conservative Association of Ontario, the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta, the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario, the Progressive Conservative Student Federation, the Progressive Conservative Youth Federation, the Parti libéral du Québec, the Parti québécois, the Parti Rhinocéros, the Parti des Travailleurs du Québec, the Rassemblement pour l'Indépendance Nationale, the Reform Party of Canada, the Revolutionary Workers League, the Social Credit Association of Canada, the Social Credit Party of Canada, the Social Credit Rally, the Socialist Labor Party of Canada, the Voice of Women, the Western Canada Concept, the Western Canada Party, the Workers Communist Party (Canada), the Young Communist League, the Young Progressive Conservative Association of Canada, and the Young Socialists.

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GB 0101 PP.FJ · 1972-

Manifestos, speeches, posters, constitutions, leaflets, newspapers, convention reports and miscellaneous election materials issued by the Alliance Party, the Fiji Labour Party, the Federation Party and the National Federation Party.

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GB 0101 PP.HK · 1990-1994

Manifestos, leaflets, programmes and miscellaneous election materials issued by the Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood, the Liberal Party (Hong Kong) and the United Democrats of Hong Kong.

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GB 0101 PP.KE · 1946-

Manifestos, speeches, pamphlets, leaflets, letters, newsletters, journals, posters and miscellaneous election material issued by the Capricorn Africa Society, the Democratic Party of Kenya, the European Elected Members' Organization, the Electors' Union (Kenya), the Forum for the Restoration of Democracy-Kenya, the Independent Group of Members of Legislative Council (Kenya), the Kenya African Democratic Union, the Kenya African National Union, the Kenya Coalition, the Kenya Empire Party, the Kenya Indian Congress, the Kenya Party, the Kenya People's Union, Muungano wa Wazalendo Wa Kukomboa Kenya, the New Kenya Party, the Northern Province People's Progressive Party (Kenya), the Progressive Local Government Party (Kenya), the Reform Party (Kenya), UKENYA, the Voice of Kenya and a variety of independent candidates.

Zonder titel
GB 0101 PP.LO · 1958-

Manifestos, journals, constitutions, programmes, letters, petitions, resolutions, interviews, press releases, pamphlets, statements, reports, election results, conference papers and histories, 1958 onwards, issued by the Basotho National Party, the Basutoland Congress Party (BCP), the Basutoland Progressive Association Party, the Communist Party of Lesotho, the Lesotho Unity Party and the United Democratic Party (Lesotho). The substantial holdings of BCP material from this period include a number of conference papers originating from the Round Table Conference of Political Leaders which sought to resolve the political crisis which followed the 1970 poll.

Zonder titel
GB 0101 PP.MZ · 1962-

Poetry, letters, bulletins, congress proceedings, constitutions, statements, pamphlets, interviews, speeches and newsletters, from 1962, issued by FRELIMO, Frente da Libertação de Moçambique, the Mozambique People's Conventional Movement and Uniao Nacional Africana de Rumbezia.

Zonder titel
GB 0101 PP.NR · 1957-

Nigerian-related pamphlets, leaflets, badges, posters, speeches, reports, conference reports, letters, newsletters, cassette boxes and miscellaneous election materials, from 1957 onwards, issued at national and state levels by the Action Group (Nigeria), the All Peoples Party, the Alliance for Democracy, the Committee Against Nigeria's Exploitation, the Dynamic Party, the Greater Nigeria People's Party, the Kano People's Party, the Mid-West State Movement (Nigeria), the National Association of Nigerian Students, the National Committee on Civil Liberties (Nigeria), National Electoral Commission (Nigeria), the National Party of Nigeria, the Nigeria Advance Party, the Nigeria Labour Congress, the Nigerian National Alliance, the Nigerian National Democratic Party, the Nigerian People's Party, the Nigerian People's Union, the Nigerian Young Revolutionary Organisation, the Nigerian Youth Congress, the Nigerian Youth Movement, the Northern People's Congress (Nigeria), the One Kamerun Party, the People's Democratic Party (Nigeria), Progressive Peoples Party (Nigeria), the People's Redemption Party (Nigeria), the Social Democratic Party (Nigeria), the Socialist Workers and Farmers Party of Nigeria, the Talakawa Party (Nigeria), the United Progressive Grand Alliance (Nigeria), the Unity Party of Nigeria, and the Workers Party of Nigeria.

Zonder titel
GB 0101 PP.SB · 1961-1970

Constitutions, memoranda, newsletters and pamphlets, 1961-1970, issued by the National Unity Party (Sabah), the Sabah Alliance Party, the Society of Kadazans, the United National Kadazan Organisation and the United Sabah National Organisation. The majority of the materials held here date from the period just prior to independence and federation and originate from newly formed parties debating the benefits of both for Sabah in the context of a fear of excessive Chinese or Malay influence.

Zonder titel
GB 0101 PP.SE · 1964-

Seychelles political and trade union material, from 1964 onwards, including constitutions, manifestos, speeches, letters, newsletters, lists of candidates, congress reports and policy statements issued by the National Workers Union (Seychelles), the Seychelles Democratic Party, the Seychelles People's Progressive Front, the Seychelles People's United Party and the United Opposition (Seychelles).

Zonder titel
GB 0101 PP.SK · 1962-[1970]

Sarawak political material, 1962-[1970] produced by the following groups: Barisan Pemuda Sarawak, Sarawak Government, Parti Bumiputera Sarawak, Party Pesaka Sarawak, Sarawak Alliance Party, Sarawak Chinese Association, Sarawak National Party, and Sarawak United People's Party.

Zonder titel
GB 0101 PP.SX · 1965-

Constitutions, manifestos, leaflets, pamphlets, press statements, letters, programmes, conference reports, posters, badges, rosettes and miscellaneous election materials from 1965 onwards, issued by the Congress of Democrats, the Democratic Turnhalle Alliance (Namibia), the Directorate of Elections (Namibia), the Independence Celebration Committee (Namibia), the Namibian National Democratic Party, the National Patriotic Front of Namibia, the South West Africa National Union, SWAPO, the SWAPO-Democrats and the United Democratic Front of Namibia.

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