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Descripción archivística
GB 0096 MS1166 · Fondo · [1880-1925]

Invoices, reviews and accounts including manuscript reviews by Herbert Foxwell of works by the historian William Arthur Shaw; details of Foxwell's monthly expenditure on books, sorted by location; invoices from bookshops, [1880-1925].

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Lahr family papers
GB 0096 MS1172 · Fondo · 1897-1970

Marriage certificates, passbooks, passports, family correspondence, posters, sketch of D. H. Lawrence.

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GB 0096 MS1178 · Fondo · -42754

This handwritten volume is concerned with the freedom of trade which has caused the disappearance and bankruptcy of many small businesses. Bruyard also alludes to the fact that the only reason French manufactures are still exported is due to the war in which England presently is engaged and which absorbs a lot of attention and financial resources. The author claims that once the English have their hands free, the French will soon find out that they have little resources in comparison with the English. In the inner margin of the first page is a note stating 'Remis à M. de Montaran, le 9 Xbre (December) 1782.'

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Chalmers, George
GB 0096 MS30 · Fondo · 1641-1808

A manuscript volume containing a collection of papers made by George Chalmers chiefly relating to Ireland including notes and transcripts relating to royal activity in Ireland from the time of King Henry II, tables of imports and exports for Ireland made in the late seventeenth or eighteenth century, a letter by Sir Peter Pett dated Dec 1678, and letters to Chalmers from General Charles Vallancey, Apr 1791, and Francis Douce, [1808]. On one paper, giving the exports of Ireland for 1641, 1665 and 1669, Chalmers has written 'This paper is worth more than its weight in gold'.

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GB 0096 MS301 · Fondo · 1612

Deed of power of attorney given by Sir Julius Adelmare alias Caesar, knight, and his wife Alice, to William Clarke and Hugo Dod for the transfer of the Manors of Chamberleynes and Challers in Eastread [i.e. East Reed], Hertfordshire, from Sir John Peyton and his son to Sir Julius Caesar and his wife. The deed bears the signature of Sir Julius Caesar and the initials of his wife, and is dated 29 June 10 James I [1612]. Amongst the endorsements is a record that the attorneys named received, on 8 July 1612, possession of Reed Hall.

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Shakespeare, William - notes on
GB 0096 MS306 · Fondo · 1826-1922

A notebook containing information about early editions of Shakespeare, collected from various sources. On the flyleaf is a note signed by F.J. Burgoyne, Librarian, Lambeth Library, stating that "This MS. from page 19 is in the handwriting of John Payne Collier." (Collier (1789-1883) was a Shakespeare scholar with a reputation for forgery.)

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Letters and Parliamentary speeches
GB 0096 MS309 · Fondo · c1600-1700

Letters and Parliamentary speeches, [1600-1700]; Containing the following items: ff 1-100. A Collection of Divers Arguments and speeches delivered to Kinge James, and propounded to the House of Parliament. Touching the necessitie of calling of parliaments with divers Consideracions of his Majesties Estate, and his Majesties propositions thereof to the Lords of his Councell with the Councells Annswere thereunto, by Robert Cicill late Earle of Salisburie, and Lord Treasurer of England. [The pages containing the King's Propositions and the Council's Answer were evidently lost shortly after the MS. was written: for there are two indexes, the later of which (on f.2 before the original index), in a hand almost contemporary with the original MS., contains only those items which are still present.] ff 103-132. The Fore Runner of Revenge Uppon the Duke of Buckingham For the poysoning of the most potent King James ... And the Lord Marquis Hamilton and others of the Nobilitie. Discovered by Master George Eglisham one of King Jameses Phisitians ... Franckford 1626. [Evidently copied from the first edition of the English translation of "Prodromus Vindictae", which bears this imprint.] ff 134-159. The King's Propositions and the Council's Answer, missing from section (1). ff 161-175. An unhappie view of the whole behaviour of the Lord Duke of Buckingham at the Ile of Ree. [The expedition of 1627] Secretlie discovered by W.F. an unfortunate Comander in that untoward service. ff 177-181. Of Robert Devereux Earl of Essex and George Villiers Duke of Buckingham Some Observations By way of Parallell in the time of there estates and fortunes and measure of favours [By Sir Henry Wotton]. ff 182-203. The Disparitie Between the Earle of Essex and the Duke of Buckingham. [By Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon. This version lacks the last thousand words of so of that printed in the "Reliquiae Wottonianae" 1685] ff 206-237. To Mr. Anthony Bacon. An Apologie of the Earle of Essex against those which falsly jeaslously and maliciously takes tax him to be the only hindrance of the peace and quiet of his Country compiled penned by himselfe Anno Domini 1599 1598. imprinted at lo[ndon] 1603. [The readings between ** are interlinear additions, in a different hand, which continue throughout the text. They correspond with the readings of the 1603 edition. There are occasional marginalia in a third hand, but they have been heavily cropped by the binder.] ff 240-271. A Speech delivered by Robert [Cecil] Earle of Salisburye Lord Treasurer of England by the appoyntment of the Kings Majestie unto the Lords Knights and Burgesses of both houses of Parliament ... [14th February] 1609 [n.s. 1610] Anno regni Regis Jacobi etc Septimo [Some marginalia in a different hand]. ff 272-285. An Apologie upon the death of Sir Robert Cecell knight late Lord Threr [Treasurer] of England written against his libellers and presented to Kinge James. ff 286-301. A Discourse written by Sir John Suckling Knight to the Earle of Dorsett. ["An Account of Religion by Reason". Preceded by an introductory letter. There are considerable annotations at the beginning and end of the text in a different hand; some of the matter is lost by cropping.] ff 302-348. A Collection of divers letters, written at sundry tymes, and upon severall occasions, to many of the Nobilitie and gentrie of this Kingdome, by that famous Councellor at lawe Sir Francis Bacon knight late Lord Chancellor of England. ff 351-390. An answere to Tom-Tell-Troth the Practise of Princes and the Lamentacions of the church. [By George Calvert, Baron Baltimore]. ff 393-403. A True relacion of the Treaty and ratificacion of the mariage concluded ... betweene ... Charles kinge of greate Brittaine ... and the Lady Henrietta Maria Sister to the French Kinge. [Dated 8 May 1625]. ff 407-438. A discoverie of the Hollanders fishing or Trades and their circumventing us therein and the meanes how to make proffit by the fishing with the profit honnour and security that will redound to his Majestie and all sorts of Subiects within his three Kingdomes by it.

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Morgan, Professor Augustus De
GB 0096 MS321 · Fondo · 1854, 1864-1867

Papers of Augustus De Morgan including letters and notebooks relating to various mathematical subjects and general correspondence 1864-1867.

1-4. Letters to Augustus de Morgan, mostly about mathematical books and the history of the signs + and -.

  1. John Bellingham Inglis, 15 Sep 1864
    2-4. John Thomas Graves, 20 and 27 Sep and 8 Oct 1864
    5-7. Items concerning John Dawson of Sedbergh
    1. Thomas Harrison, 18 Apr 1867
    2. Edward Cust, 9 Sep 1867
    3. Short biography of John Dawson, manuscript copy of article in the 'Kendal Times', 24 Nov 1866
    4. MS notes by Augustus de Morgan, mostly concerned with mathematical books and the first use of the signs + and -.

Together with 14 request slips for books in the British Museum, one dated 1854 and the rest 1864.

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Mexia de Bargas, Francisco
GB 0096 MS328 · Fondo · 1572

Letters patent of Philip II of Spain declaring the nobility of Francisco Mexia de Bargas of the town of Barcience, 21 Feb 1572.

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Maltes y Negron, Joseph
GB 0096 MS330 · Fondo · 1702

A certification of the nobility of Don Joseph Maltes y Negron, issued by Sebastian Munoz Castblanque, King of Arms, to Philip V of Spain.

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GB 0096 MS337 · Fondo · 1729-1854

Accounts of the fraternity of shoemakers (apparently the same organisation as reference MS336) for October 1729 and February 1818-March 1854.

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Madrid: San Jeronimo el Real
GB 0096 MS340 · Fondo · 1470-1493

Traslado autentico de la merced, y Privilejio que concedio a este Real Monasterio de s. Geronimo de Madrid el Senor Rey Don Jenrique Quarto su fundador de las Tercias de Valdemoro, Parla, y Polvoranca. This is a copy (dated 1493) of a grant made in 1470.

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Madrid: Partido de Madrid
GB 0096 MS341 · Fondo · 1770

Demonstrado por Pueblo en Verada, con Noticia de los Vecinos Casas Parroquias y Hermitas qua cada uno tiene.

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Henry IV, King of Castille and Leon
GB 0096 MS342 · Fondo · c1690

'Comienza la Cronica del Illustrissimo Principe Enrique 4 Rey de este nombre de Castilla y Leon'.

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GB 0098 ABM-AX · Created 1852-1994 (ongoing)

Correspondence and papers relating to institutions, societies and bodies with some association with Imperial College, 1852-1994, comprising publications and histories, press cuttings, reports, minutes, and correspondence with Imperial College, for the Victoria and Albert Museum, 1860, 1937-1953 (ABM); Science Museum, 1909-1976, including correspondence concerning the provision of a site for the new Science Museums at South Kensington, 1912 (ABS); Science Museum Library, 1901, 1962-1970 (ABSL);
papers relating to the Select Committee on Education and Science, 1969-1981, including papers of the sub-committee on sea bed engineering and papers on College courses, 1973-1974 (AC); Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1956-1970, including correspondence relating to research grants, 1956-1958, and minutes of the National Hydrogen Bubble Chamber Management Committee, 1959-1963 (ACD); Royal Mint, 1907-1923, including drawing of the College coat of arms, 1908 (ACM); National Research Development Corporation, comprising minutes and correspondence, 1950-1967 (ACN); Science Research Council report on postgraduate training, 1971-1973 (ACR); Social Science Research Council, 1981 (ACS);
papers relating to the Royal Society of Arts, including correspondence, 1945-1956 (AD); Royal College of Music, 1911-1980, including correspondence, 1911-1994 (ADM);
papers relating to the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, including Commissioners reports, 1852-1951; minutes relating to the scheme for the new technological institution [Imperial College], 1907; negatives of the last of the Great Exhibition Elms in Hyde Park, 1988 (AE); Royal Albert Hall, 1866-1967, including charter, 1866 (AED);
papers relating to the Dyers Company, 1929-1935 (AFA); Clothworkers' Company, correspondence on grants, 1910-1976 (AFC); Goldsmiths Company, 1955-1998, including grants, 1955-1967; Empire Cotton Growing Corporation grants, 1921-1955 (AGC); Handley Page Limited, 1945 (AGH); Nuffield Foundation, 1930 (AGH);
papers relating to the Imperial Institute, 1887-1989, including correspondence concerning the demolition of the Institute, 1961-1965, pamphlets and articles (AI);
correspondence with the Colonial Office, 1911-1922; Safety in Mines Research Board, 1926-1933; National Coal Board, 1945-1953; Home Office, 1907-1962; Privy Council, 1907-1916 (AK); London County Council papers relating to grants, 1903-1930 (ALA); Westminster City Council correspondence, 1910-1934 (ALW); Royal Society of London papers, 1909-1989, including correspondence, 1909-1937, and tercentenary papers, 1958-1960 (AR);
papers relating to the Institution of Chemical Engineers comprising correspondence, 1925-1932 (ASCE); Physical Society papers, 1905-1974 (ASF); John Innes Horticultural Institution correspondence, 1935-1967 (ASJ); Rothamsted Experimental Station, 1926-1970, including correspondence relating to plant research, 1926-1954 (ASK); correspondence with the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 1908-1922, 1950 (ASN); correspondence with the Academic Assistance Council, 1933-1939 (ASW);
papers relating to the Treasury and University Council Grants Committee, including correspondence, 1895-1934; Meston Committee correspondence, 1921-1923; Departmental expenditure schedules, 1921-1938; reports concerning university development, 1921; halls of residence, 1957; supperannuation of university teachers, 1960; visitations to Imperial College, 1929, 1934, 1985; correspondence concerning Departmental research interests, 1946-1947; relations with industry, 1953-1954; annual returns, 1934-1969; development of postgraduate teaching and research, 1949-1950 (AT); correspondence of the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals, 1966-1970 (AUA); correspondence with the Association of Scientific Workers, 1936-1965, and Association of Scientific Managerial and Technical Staff, 1968-1980 (AX).

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ARMSTRONG (Second Series)
GB 0098 B/ARMSTRONG · Created 1819-1945

Papers of Professor Henry Edward Armstrong and Edward Frankland Armstrong, 1819-1945, comprising personal papers, 1865-1951, including tickets, receipts, autographs, printed material and correspondence of Henry Edward Armstrong relating to Finsbury Technical College and the Central Institution of the City and Guilds Institute (later City and Guilds College), 1884-1885; press-cuttings concerning Edward Frankland Armstrong, 1922;
photographs and prints, 1819-1929, including family photographs; print of the London Institution, 1819;
correspondence, 1864-1945, notably between Edward Frankland and Henry Edward Armstrong, 1899-1911, concerning Edward Frankland Armstrong's studies, their joint research; London Chemical Society, 1872-1938; City and Guilds of London Institute, 1879-1911; Sir William Crookes, 1885-1915; James John Day, [1867]-1869; Sir James Dewar, concerning research and the politics of the Royal Society and Royal Institution, 1893-1920; Sir Joseph Henry Gilbert, 1887-1897; Sir John Bennet Lawes, 1891-1897; Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge, 1884-1935; Sir William Augustus Tilden, 1874-1896; William Palmer Wynne, 1904-1943;
notebooks kept by Henry Edward Armstrong's children of experiments devised by him, 1898.

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BEIT, Sir Otto (1865-1930)
GB 0098 B/BEIT · Created 1909-1932

Papers relating to Sir Otto Beit, 1909-1932, comprising his correspondence with Imperial College administration department, and correspondence concerning his bequest to the College, 1930-1931.

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GB 0098 B/BUCKMASTER · Created 1923-1934

Papers of Stanley Owen Buckmaster, 1st Viscount Buckmaster, comprising correspondence with Imperial College administration department, 1923-1934, as Chaiman of the Governing Body.

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CARR, Francis Howard (1874-1969)
GB 0098 B/CARR · Created 1890-1969

Papers of Francis Howard Carr, 1890-1969, comprising research notes on laboratory work on aconitine (poison taken from aconite plants), [1892], at the Pharmaceutical Society Research Laboratory, and Imperial Institute, [1896-1898]; papers and correspondence, notably photographs of Leverkusen, Germany, 1919; lecture manuscripts, 1890-1960, including an essay on lectures by Professor Raphael Meldola; press cuttings, 1908-1967; obituary for Dr Carr, 1968-1969.

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DINGLE, Professor Herbert (1890-1978)
GB 0098 B/DINGLE · Created 1904-1978

Papers of Professor Herbert Dingle, 1904-1978, comprising personal papers, 1904-1970, notably papers relating to appointments at Imperial College, 1924-1927, and University of London, 1946-1970; lecture course on astronomy, 1930-1931; visits abroad, 1932-1965; articles for publication, in various scientific and other journals, concerning astronomy, cosmology, history of science, religion and philosophy;
correspondence relating to publications and with readers, 1921-1974, with publishers, societies and institutions, 1924-1978, including scripts and agreements with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC); correspondence and papers relating to material published in Nature, 1929-1978, notably on the special theory of relativity; correspondence with individuals, notably with Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett, 1958-1969, Max Born, 1941-1969, Sir Cyril Lodowic Burt, 1951-1959, Ernest Geoffrey Cullwick, 1954-1968, Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington, 1935-1944, John Anthony Hardinge Giffard, 1955-1968, Desmond George King-Hele, 1967-1975, Sir William Hunter McCrea, 1955-1975, John Theodore Cuthbert Moore-Brabazon, 1939-1947, Dorothy Leigh Sayers, 1950-1957, Erwin Schrödinger, 1940-1959, Sir Edmund Taylor Whittaker, 1938-1956; press cuttings, review articles relating to Dingle's publications, obituaries, 1922-1973.

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GB 0098 B/FORSYTH · Created 1898-1921

Papers of Professor Andrew Russell Forsyth, [1898-1921], comprising papers and lectures concerning mathematics, notably relating to Abels theorem, Abelian functions, binary forms, quintic equations and other modular functions, Fourier's and other series, algebraic functions, 1909, differential equations of mathematical physics, 1917-1921, elements of theory of functions, 1915-1916, elliptic functions, 1898, 1914-1915, spherical harmonic series, expansion in polynomials, expansion theorems, solid geometry, differential equations of dynamics.

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FOX, Professor Harold Munro (1889-1967)
GB 0098 B/FOX · 1905-1968

Papers of Professor Harold Munro Fox, 1905-1968, comprising biographical papers, 1905-1965; notebooks and working papers, 1915-1967, including a journal, scientific observations and photographs relating to the Suez expedition, 1924-1925, laboratory notebooks,1925-1967; broadcast talks to schools, 1937-1939; lectures, chiefly from his last years at Bedford College, 1953-1955; publications, 1960-1967, including notes, correspondence, obituaries; personal and scientific correspondence, 1936-1970.

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GB 0098 B/GREGORY · Created 1918-1959

Papers of Professor Frederick Gugenheim Gregory, [1918-1959], comprising notebooks, [1918-1957], with some correspondence, notably concerning nutrition of plants, assimilation, respiration, stomata, metabolism, plant growth, auxins; pencil and watercolour botanical drawings; citation for the award of the Royal medal, 1957; printed papers, 1921-1957; Journal of Experimental Botany, 1957; correspondence.

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GROOM, Professor Percy (1865-1931)
GB 0098 B/GROOM · Created 1917-1927

Papers of Professor Percy Groom, [1917-1930], comprising files of correspondence, reports and papers relating to timber technology, notably concerning machinery and apparatus, tests and test machines, 1918-1927; Royal Aircraft Establishment reports, 1918; supply of aeroplane timbers to Egypt, 1917; correspondence with Indian Munitions Board, Royal Air Force (India) concerning the use of timbers for aircraft construction, 1918-1919; types, properties and testing of timber, 1917-1920; use of plywood in aircraft construction, 1917; work for the Manilla Hemp Association, [1920]; dry rot, 1925-1926; wood pulp; seasoning and Powell process of seasoning, 1917; specific gravity of wood; water in wood, including warping tests; preservation of mine timbers, [1917]; analyses of infected imported timbers, 1920-1927; fireproofing, 1917-1927; home grown timbers, [1919].

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GB 0098 B/HEWER · 1918-1974

Papers of Professor Humphrey Robert Hewer, 1918-1974, comprising biographical papers, 1918-1974, including diaries, photographs; notebooks, journals and working papers, 1929-1973, relating to field trips, his work on seals, zygaena and woodpeckers; papers and correspondence of various natural history committees and societies on which he served, 1967-1974; drafts and material relating to Hewer's publications (especially British seals), 1926-1972; photographs, drawings, notes, and scripts for various wildlife films, 1951-1974; correspondence;
notebooks on zoology, cytology, made whilst a student at the Royal College of Science (Imperial College), [1920-1926].

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GB 0098 B/JACKSON · 1916-1970

Papers of Lord Willis Jackson, 1916-1970, comprising papers transferred from his office in Imperial College, namely personal and biographical papers, 1923- 1970, including student notebooks, [1923], visits abroad, 1961-1968, speeches and addresses, 1950-1970, family correspondence, Parliamentary correspondence, 1957-1970, photographs [1916]-1967, mainly of official events, laboratories and apparatus, Willis Jackson; papers relating to Associated Electrical Industries and Metropolitan-Vickers, 1951-1969, notably appointment as Director of Research and Education, 1953, correspondence and press cuttings, 1951-1969, engineering and staff courses, 1954-1959; papers relating to Imperial College, 1950-1969, notably lectures and speeches, 1950-1968, correspondence, 1953-1970, including with Professor Colin Cherry, 1950-1969, the Rector, Lord Penney, 1967-1970, papers concerning academic matters, 1955-1968, Committees, 1963-1969, societies and associations, 1950-1970, Electrical Engineering Department, 1964-1969; correspondence with Ministers, reports and papers relating to Government Departments, principally concerning committees and advisory councils, 1944-1970, notably the Admiralty (later Ministry of Defence), 1950-1968, Ministry of Education, 1954-1969, Ministry of Technology, 1965-1970, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1944-1965, Ministry of Overseas Development, 1965-1969, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (ORCD), 1961-1969, University Grants Committee, 1953-1969, Royal Commission on the Civil Service, 1953-1958, Delhi Institute of Technology, 1957-1970; correspondence, reports and committee papers relating to the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1950-1968; correspondence, 1950-1970, notably with professional institutions and associations, such as the Association of Supervising Engineers, 1960-1968, Educational establishments, notably the University of London, 1953-1970, Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, 1951-1970, Sir Eric Ashby, 1959-1966, Bertram Vivian Bowden, 1958-1968, Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett, 1957-1969, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 1961-1969, Sir John Douglas Cockcroft, 1953-1964, Dennis Gabor, 1951-1969, Sir Harold Hartley, 1961-1968, Eric Balliol Moullin, 1953-1958, Kathleen Mary Ollerenshaw, 1958-1964, John Arthur Saxton, 1960-1967, Joseph Sidney Weiner, 1967-1968.

autobiographical scrapbooks, 1916-1970, from Lady Jackson, comprising 91 loose-leaf binders compiled from 1952, containing heterogeneous papers, including photographs, biographical material such as letters of appointment, comments and narratives, manuscript and published texts of lectures and speeches, press cuttings, social correspondence, travel schedules and reports on visits.

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GB 0098 B/KENNEDY · 1915-1993

Papers of Professor John Stodart Kennedy, 1915-1993, comprising biographical and autobiographical papers, 1915-1992, including Kennedy's autobiographical notes, family and personal papers, diaries;
papers relating to research, 1939-1992, documenting most stages of his scientific career from the 1930s, including wartime service; his periods at Cambridge, Imperial College and Oxford, categorised alphabetically by topic including aphids, behaviour/behaviourism, ethology, locusts, mosquitoes and motivation; photographs and observations in Albania, 1939; drafts and exchanges of ideas for his book of 1992;
papers and correspondence relating to Imperial College, 1963-1987; papers relating to lectures, papers and broadcasts, 1935-1987; publications, 1939-1992; societies and organisations, 1937-1991, including the Anti-Locust Research Centre; scientific and general correspondence, 1937-1992, with friends and colleagues such as Donald Livingston Gunn, Vincent Brian Wigglesworth, many overseas correspondents including scientific exchanges; papers relating to references and recommendations, 1954-1991, including correspondence with editors, authors and publishing houses; photographs, 1942-1985, notably of the work of the Middle East Anti-Locust Unit, 1942-1944, wind-tunnels, group photographs of meetings and symposia.

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GB 0098 B/PENNEY · Created 1967-1991

Papers of Lord Penney, 1967-1991, comprising Royal Society memoirs, [1967-1968], including for John Douglas Cockcroft, (W Penney joint author) and transactions, 1970; addresses, lectures and some related correspondence, 1967-1973, delivered at various institutions and events, including memorial lectures, openings of buildings, dinners, services; correspondence with Sir Harold Hartley, [1968], retirement arrangements, 1972-1973; obituaries, 1991.

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GB 0098 B/PLAYFAIR · Created 1795-1910

Papers of Lyon Playfair, 1st Baron Playfair of St Andrews, 1795-1910, comprising general correspondence, 1795, 1840-1910, covering a range of subjects relating to Playfair's scientific and political interests, notably with Prince Albert, 1851-[1853], and via Charles Grey, 1850-1861, concerning the Great Exhibition, Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh, 1865-1886, Matthew Arnold, 1883, Sir Charles Barry, 1795-1860, Thomas Francis Bayard, concerning 'Venezuela dispute', 1896, Queen Victoria, 1883, and via Sir Arthur John Bigge, 1895-1898, Charles Booth, 1895, Sir David Brewster, concerning lighthouses,1851-1868, Robert Wilhelm Bunsen, concerning their research, 1841-1849, Edwin Chadwick, concerning agriculture and politics, 1855-1899, concerning pensions, Joseph Chamberlain, concerning the Aged Poor Commission, Venezuela, 1894-1899, Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein, concerning the 1851 Commission,1882-1896, Sir Robert Christison, concerning vivisection bill, 1867-1876, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1852-1874, Charles Darwin, concerning vivisection bill, 1875, Sir Thomas Henry De La Beche, concerning the Geological Survey, 1842-1852, Sir James Dewar, 1885-1898, Albert Edward, Prince of Wales (later Edward VII), 1879-1898, Michael Faraday, 1842-1857, William Ewart Gladstone, 1859-1892, Thomas Graham, 1839-1867, Thomas Henry Huxley, 1854-1891, Henry James, 1898, George Granville Leveson-Gower, [1850]-1889, Justus von Liebig, 1841-1873, Joseph Lister, 1876-1898, David Livingstone, including an account of his exploration in Africa, 1861, John Stuart Mill, 1868, Viscount Horatio Nelson to 'Pollard', 1795, Sir Robert Peel, [1842]-1850, letters of condolence to Lady Playfair on the death of Lord Playfair, 1898.

Family correspondence, comprising letters to various correspondents from Playfair, 1854-1898, notably his son George and daughter-in-law; letters from Edith Playfair (third wife), to her step-son, 1898.

Papers relating to diplomas and appointments, 1840-1892, notably appointment as Professor of Chemistry, Edinburgh University, 1858, Charity Commissioner, 1886, Lord-in-Waiting to Queen Victoria, 1892, Privy Councillor, 1873.

Papers relating to orders and decorations, 1851-1898, notably Order of the Bath, Order of the Legion of Honour and Jubilee Medal.

Sin título
RUNCORN, Stanley Keith (1922 - 1995)
GB 0098 B/RUNCORN · 1936 - 1995

Papers of Stanley Keith Runcorn, 1922 - 1995, comprising biographical papers, including papers relating to the various honours accorded; diaries, 1967 - 1984; papers on history of science and history of earth sciences; notebooks and loose notes from school and undergraduate period.

papers relating to Runcorn's career at the University of Manchester, 1946, mainly teaching notes adapted from time at Cambridge.

papers relating to Runcorn's career at the University of Newcastle, mainly concerned with University policies and administration.

papers relating to research from 1940s to 1990s, notebooks from Runcorn's time at Radar Research and Development Establishment, University of Manchester and University of Cambridge, including details of work on the Earth's magnetic field; later research notes relating to work on continental drift, lunar magnetism and planetary science.

papers concerning publications, comprising published and unpublished papers, [1950-1993], correspondences to scientific and national press on topics such as geophysics, university reform, book reviews, and request to write articles.

papers relating to Lectures, public and invitation lecture, 1972 - 1993; support material.

papers relating to societies and organisations, comprising correspondences, committee papers, draft reports, notes on meetings, reflecting Runcorn's involvement with 29 UK, international and overseas organisation, in particular material from services on Royal Society and it committees, including British National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics, the British National Committee for Geodynamics, the British National Committee for Space Research, the Planetary Sciences Study Group, Space Ranging Research Committee; material on concerns about inadequate facilities in British universities; papers deriving active work with COSPAR, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, European Science Foundation, European Space Agency.

papers concerning visits and conferences, 1956 - 1964; material relating to attendance at conferences, meetings, lectures, informal visits in Europe, USA, Australia and Asia,; comprising of draft lectures, programmes, itineraries, travel arrangements.

correspondences 1948-1995, short sequence of correspondences additional to those retained within other papers.

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SYKES, John Charles Gabriel (1869-1952)
GB 0098 B/SYKES · Created 1908-1917

Papers of Sir John Charles Gabriel Sykes, comprising correspondence with the administration department of Imperial College, 1908-1917.

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WHITELEY, Martha Annie (1866-1956)
GB 0098 B/WHITELEY · Created 1897-1934

Papers of Martha Annie Whiteley, 1897-1934, comprising notebooks containing notes on a course of practical work for science mistresses by Professor Henry Edward Armstrong at the City and Guilds College, 1897; lectures by Professor Tilden, 1898-1899; lectures by Dr Philip at the Royal College of Science concerning physical chemistry, 1899-1900; notes on analysis of organic compounds, 1899; laboratory notebooks, 1902-1931; lectures concerning practical organic chemistry; elementary organic chemistry, [1922-1926]; papers relating to lecture experiments, 1899, 1913; obituary notices; presentation volume, 1934.

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WILSON, John Sigismund (1875-1955)
GB 0098 B/WILSON · Created 1928-1938

Papers of John Sigismund Wilson, 1928-1938, comprising correspondence and related papers concerning the Unwin Memorial Fund, including presentation to Professor Unwin on his 90th birthday, 1928-1929; donation of Professor Unwin's library to the City and Guilds College, 1933; Memorial Fund Executive Committee reports, 1834-1838.

Sin título
GB 0098 D · Created 1851-1966

Records relating to the Royal School of Mines and Royal College of Science, 1851-1966, comprising articles on the Museum of Practical Geology; report of the Royal School of Mines Committee, 1902; a history of the Royal School of Mines, 1966; prospectuses, 1851-1907; annual reports, 1882-1906; minutes of the Council of Professors, 1851-1911; lecture accounts, 1851-1881; Normal School of Science and Royal School of Mines student fees, 1881-1883; Royal College of Science student fees register, 1900-1901; staff lists, 1903-1908; entries to lectures, 1851-1879; student entries, 1879-1881; register of passes, 1881-1893; Royal College of Science and Royal School of Mines ledgers, 1893-1896; Royal College of Science ledgers of students, 1897-1908; lecture bills, 1851-1900; inaugural addresses, 1896-1905; Royal School of Mines examination returns, 1851-1881; registers of examinations, 1883-1901; examination results, 1882-1908; apparatus accounts, 1895-1909.

Sin título
GB 0098 GC · Created 1911-2000 (ongoing)

Records of the Board of Studies and related Committees of Imperial College, 1911-2000, comprising minutes of the Board of Studies, 1911-1998, the Senate, 1998-2000 (GC); papers of sub-committees, relating to the Associate Royal College of Science diploma, 1923-1926, the Associate Royal School of Mines course for Cambridge University, 1927-1929 (GCA); Rectors' correspondence relating to the Board of Studies, 1962-1975 (GCB); papers relating to the Infrastructure Working Party on the Board of Studies, 1967-1972 (GCD); papers of the 1970 Committee, comprising correspondence, 1962-1967, minutes, 1962-1964, reports, 1964, papers of the Rector, Sir Patrick Linstead, 1962-1965 (GCE); records of the Admissions Policy Committee, comprising minutes, 1958-1960, papers of the Rector, Sir Patrick Linstead, 1958-1960, correspondence of the Registrar and departments, 1955-1969, general correspondence, 1967-1973, including Headmistresses' conference (GCCB); Academic Development Committee papers, 1977-1978 (GCCC); papers relating to the Science of Materials Committees, comprising agendas and correspondence, 1962-1974, minutes, 1962-1978 (GCCS); papers relating to working parties, including the Working Party on infrastructure, 1968-1978, and on Energy Studies, 1973-1977 (GCF).

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Committees of Imperial College
GB 0098 GD · Created 1912-1996 (ongoing)

Records of committees of the Governing Body, Board of Studies and Rector of Imperial College, comprising papers of the Vacation Work Committee, notably annual reports, 1935-1956, introductory leaflets, [1957-1976], papers relating to the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Expertise, including correspondence concerning vacation training, 1956-1975, conference, 1962, Memorandum and Articles of Association, 1960, (GD1); papers of the Appointments Board, including minutes, 1912-1971, reports, 1920-1933, and correspondence, 1969-1971, statistics, 1926, 1954-1961, sub-committees papers 1953-1963, correspondence, 1920-1945, 1960-1961 (GD3); papers relating to careers, notably booklets, 1912-1956, talks, 1985, recruitment programme, 1986-1994, annual report, 1996 (GD4);
Overseas Students Committee papers, including minutes, 1958-1970, introduction courses, 1961-1964, correspondence between Chairmen and the Rector, 1958-1963 (GDAA); Senior Common Room Committee minutes, 1956-1972 (GDAC); Exploration Board papers including minutes, 1955-1973, reports, 1955-1981, reports and correspondence relating to expeditions, 1936-1971, photographs and maps of expeditions, 1956-1966 (GDAE); Garden Committee minutes and correspondence, 1959-1967 (GDAG); Student Residence Committee papers, including minutes 1957-1988 (GDAH); Catering and Conference Services Management Committee minutes, 1985-1988 (GDAI); papers relating to Computing Committees, including minutes of the Computing Commitee, 1960-1980, Computing Policy Committee, 1971-1975, Computing Services Committee, 1971-1974 (GDAK); papers relating to Health and Safety, comprising Safety Committee (later the College Safety Council and Technical Advisory Safety Committee) minutes, 1966-1980, Safety Council minutes, 1975-1992, Safety precautions for the use of equipment and laboratories, 1970-1974, Safety Officer annual reports, 1964, Safety policy, 1976-1991, permits for students, 1937-1965; papers relating to accidents, 1975; papers relating to the Radiation Safety Committee, including codes of practice, 1957-1986, Rector's correspondence, 1960-1976, Health and Safety visits, 1972-1982 (GDAS); Parking and Traffic Committee minutes and correspondence, 1958-1988, papers of Sir Patrick Linstead, 1962-1966 (GDAT);
papers of the Joint Committee of the Union, Rector and Governors, 1968-1970 (GDB); notes and correspondence relating to Rector's meetings with non-professorial staff, 1957-1971 (GDC); Dean's Committee minutes, 1954-1979 (GDD); papers of the Rector's Policy meetings, 1979-1987 (GDDE); Management and Planning Group papers, 1987-1992 (GDDM); Growth Points Steering Committee papers, 1969-1971 (GDDP); papers relating to Heads of Departments' meetings, 1968-1988, (GDK).

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Financial records of Imperial College
GB 0098 GP, GQ · Created 1907-1992 (ongoing)

Finance records of Imperial College, including College accounts, 1911-1960; regulations, 1986, 1992; correspondence of the College auditor, 1909-1926; Internal auditor's reports, 1977-1979, and information leaflet, 1992;
papers relating to college appeals, comprising Appeal Committee papers, 1919-1921; Botany Research Appeal papers, 1920; Centenary Appeal brochures and reports, 1945-1954; Roderic Hill Memorial leaflet and appeal correspondence, 1954-1957; 1969 Appeal correspondence, papers, press releases, and minutes, 1965-1972; Queen's Gate Trust minutes, 1969-1970;
papers relating to donations to the college, including correspondence, 1908-1967; ledger of donors, 1907-1938; correspondence relating to donations from Charles Hawksley, 1908-1914; Goldsmiths' Company, 1934; Bryson Mulberry bequest, 1949-1952; Gregory bequest, 1961-1979; Frank Merricks Associates fund, 1936-1952; Tanner fund, 1960-1966; Jackson fund, 1968-1974; Armstrong Memorial Trust, 1952-1968; correspondence and minutes relating to the Hilary Bauermann bequest, 1933-1978;
records relating to departmental finance, including finance office log book, 1945-1956; correspondence relating to equipment grants, 1968-1970; suspense accounts, 1968-1976; special pensions, notably the Judd fund, 1935-1944;
papers relating to research and development, including university and industry liason correspondence, 1966-1970; report on university research and its commercial exploitation, 1969-1970; conference proceedings, 1983;
papers relating to Imperial College companies, notably Impel annual reports, 1988-1990; Imperial Biotechnology minutes and reports, 1982-1989; Imperial College Consultants Limited, 1991;
correspondence relating to research grants, 1968-1971; outside income, 1977-1978; report of the working party on patents, 1979 (GP);
City and Guilds College ledgers, 1913-1953 (GQ).

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Staff records of Imperial College
GB 0098 GS, GT · Created 1907-2000 (ongoing)

Records relating to Imperial College staff, 1907-2000, comprising administrative, staff clubs and association records, namely staff handbooks, 1963-1973; terms of service, 1918-1963; correspondence relating to superannuation schemes, 1909-1971, including City and Guilds College, 1912-1925; absence regulations, 1929-1939; gratuities, 1931-1971 (GSA);
papers relating to Chairs and Readerships, including correspondence relating to inaugural lectures policy, 1955; lectureships, 1967-1969; Academic and related Staff Joint Committee, 1976-1977; retirement arrangements, 1955-1982; Student Demonstrators, 1973-1979; lists of Research Assistants, 1921-1967; papers relating to Pro-Rectors, 1956-1980; minutes and papers of the Deans and Advisory Committee, 1942-1957, including papers relating to the office of Dean, 1958-1966, wardens' posts, 1957-1984; papers of the Fellowships and Emeritus Professorships Committee, 1932-1979; correspondence of the Honorary Associateship of Imperial College, 1936-1980; papers of the Academic Staff Assembly, including minutes, 1971-1977, correspondence, 1970-1975; papers of the Working Group on the Federal University, 1975-1978;
Canteen Committee minutes, 1960-1962; papers relating to secretaries and clerical staff, 1940-1969; correspondence with the Holland Club, including a history, 1956-1973; correspondence relating to the Newsletter, 1955-1971; Rector's Bulletin, 1950-1971; Rectors' papers, 1938-1981; papers relating to Technical Staff, notably Technician's Committee, including minutes, 1949-1966; University of London sub-committee on training, 1963-1971; pensions, 1955-1968; Training committee, including minutes, 1950-1976; appointments and promotions, 1967-1970; laboratory assistants, 1907-1909 (GSJ);
papers relating to Departmental Superintendants, including minutes, 1962-1970; religious services, 1963-1975; Staff Christian Association, 1955-1972; personnel notes and circulars, 1986-2000; correspondence relating to the Consort Club, 1965-1978; Yacht Club, 1968-1978; Imperial College Wive's Club (later Women's Club), 1975-1998;
papers relating to staff working for external bodies, 1939-1977; correspondence with St Mary's Hospital concerning patents and royalties, 1958-1959; papers relating to the representation of the College at Congresses, 1950-1958; National Fruit and Cider Institute Governing Body, 1925-1983 (GTR).

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Geology Department of Imperial College
GB 0098 KG · Created 1876-1996 (ongoing)

Records of the Department of Geology of Imperial College, 1876-1996, including histories and notes on the department, [1851]-1996; papers relating to courses, 1878-1949, comprising notes, 1896-1942, including laboratory work, 1878-1883; courses for teachers, 1895-1908; lectures and addresses by Professor Herbert Harold Read, 1942-1949; Rectors' correspondence, 1955-1981, concerning grants, headship, transfer of the department, courses; newletters, 1969-1995; research report, 1988; papers of Professors' and Heads of Sections' Meetings, 1969-1988; papers of historical interest accumulated by the department, 1876-1964, including Professorial correspondence, 1876-1916; departmental reports, 1907-1930; financial papers, 1906-1936; war work, 1914-1919; papers of Professor Percy George Hamnall Boswell, 1932-1960; Professor Charles Gilbert Cullis, 1923-1937; Professor Herbert Harold Read, 1944-1964 (KG);
papers relating to Geochemistry, concerning the opening of new laboratories, 1956; Wolfson Foundation grant, 1978 (KGC); items from the Murchison Museum, [1773-1825] (KGM); papers relating to Geophysics, including correspondence with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and the Royal Society concerning the foundation of a postgraduate school, 1929-1943; leaflet, 1956 (KGP3); papers relating to Oil Technology (KGO).

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SLATER, George (1874-1956)
GB 0098 KGA SLATER · Created [1922-1949]

Papers of George Slater, [1922-1949], comprising notebooks, containing drawings, photographs, maps, expenses and letters; notes on Leighton Buzzard, 1922, journals of field trips to Rügen, Germany, 1926, Switzerland, 1926, notes of trips to the Rhone Glacier, 1927, Capetown, South Africa, 1929; notes on a book and Geoloogical papers, 1929; reprints of papers, photographs of model glaciers; correspondence, [1925]-1949.

Sin título
GB 0098 KIS · Created 1965-1981 (ongoing)

Records of the Social and Economic Studies Department of Imperial College, previously the Industrial Sociology Unit, 1965-1981, notably the papers of Professor Joan Woodward, relating to departmental organisation, lecture and course notes, [1959-1971]; course brochures and outlines, 1966-1978, press cuttings 1971-1978; Rectors' correspondence, 1968-1981, concerning the Joan Woodward Memorial lecture, 1971-1978; papers of the Committee on Sociological Studies, 1965-1970.

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GB 0098 KMATH · Created 1903-1981 (ongoing)

Records of the Department of Mathematics of Imperial College, 1903-1981, including histories of the department from 1910-1955; lecture notes, 1903-[1946]; report on the computer engine, 1948-1952; departmental correspondence, 1908-1947, notably of Professor John Perry, Professor Andrew Russell Forsyth, Professor Sydney Chapman, with the administration department, 1908-1928; proposed Mathematics Institute, 1947; Committee papers relating to departmental organisation, 1912-1926; Rectors' correspondence, 1955-1981, notably relating to the headship of the department.

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Physics Department of Imperial College
GB 0098 KP · Created 1882-1985

Records of the Department of Physics of Imperial College, 1882-1985, including a departmental history from 1851-1960; papers relating to courses, 1885-1982, including course syllabus, 1885, 1903, 1928; laboratory experiment papers, 1982; research on uranium, 1940-1941; laboratory notes, 1895; papers relating to a departmental photograph, [1893]; lecture notes, 1892;
correspondence, including with the adminstration department, of Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, 1908-1929; Professor Robert John Strutt, 1908-1920; Professor Alfred Fowler, 1910-1924; Professor Frederic John Cheshire, 1917-1925; Professor Louis Claude Martin, 1917-1950; Professor Alexander Oliver Rankine, 1927-1937; relating to photography, 1945-1951; Rectors' correspondence, 1955-1980; purchase of equipment, 1965-1974; examination papers, 1933-1969; inventories of apparatus, 1947-1969; students' newspapers, 1985;

papers relating to Astronomical Physics, including reports of the Solar Physics Committee, 1882-1911; demonstrations and practical work, 1889-1931; Spectroscopic laboratory record, 1906-1936, equipment, 1912; examinations notebook, 1883-1921; Astronomical laboratory visitors' book, 1907-1914 (KPA);

correspondence of Professor Herbert Dingle, 1928-1944, principally relating to the acquistion of a spectrograph (KPAB); correspondence of Reginald William Blake Pearse, 1931-1950 (KPAC); papers written by Sir William de Wiveslie Abney (printed), 1874-1917 (KPC);

course booklet for Atmospheric Physics, [1977] (KPM); papers of the Applied Optics Section, including correspondence, 1912-1918; minutes and correspondence of the Technical Optics (later Applied Optics) Committee, 1918-1974; papers relating to events, including open day, 1961; Jubilee celebrations, 1968; 60th anniversary celebrations, 1978; general papers, 1943-1979 (KPT); inventory of apparatus, 1917-1960 (KPTA).

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University of London related records
GB 0098 UL · Created 1901-1989

Records of Imperial College relating to the University of London, 1901-1989, including correspondence concerning syllabuses and examinations, 1901-1905; Principal's correspondence, 1910-1914; centenary celebrations, 1935; 150th anniversary, 1986; student accommodation, 1943-1944; Commissioners, 1927-1928; University of London Act and Statutes, 1926-1956; reports and proposed Act, 1975-1981; establishment of Imperial College as a University School, 1907-1908; correspondence with the Court concerning grants, 1930-1946; visitations and inspections, 1923-1985, including reports; papers relating to Quinquennial estimates, visits, developments and policy, 1946-1980, including Rector's papers, 1957-1969; academic plan, 1965-1970; governance of the university, notably Rector's correspondence, 1970-1983; reports, 1972-1982; Senate minutes, 1987-1989 (UL4-ULB);

Military Education Committee and Officers' Training Corps correspondence and papers, 1908-1958, including D Company roll book, 1927-1936; University Air Squadron correspondence, 1935-1939 (ULC); Conference and Committee papers on Engineering, and award of degrees, 1909-1926; correspondence concerning the recognition of Imperial College courses, 1945-1969; entrance and pass requirements for BSc degrees, 1954-1963; papers relating to postgraduate courses, 1961-1987 (ULG); correspondence relating to examinations and curricula, 1908-1934; student registration, 1952; confidential theses, 1940-1945 (ULH); Boathouse Committee papers, 1934-1947; University of London Students' Union ephemera, 1989 (ULM);
papers relating to the Nuclear Reactor Centre, Silwood Park, 1958-1980, notably opening, 1964-1965; purchase of the reactor, 1958-1965; Reactor Safety Committee, 1964-1974 (ULN);
papers concerning University Chairs and Readerships, 1908-1968, including regulations, 1922; correspondence concerning proposed Chairs and appointments, 1943-1968; Chairs tenable at Imperial College, 1943-1957; conferment of title of Professor and Readerships, 1931-1965; endowment of a Chair and Readership in Electrical Engineering, 1953-1958; applications for Assistant Professorships in Mining and Botany, 1908-1910 (ULO); papers concerning appointments to Chairs, with some papers concerning funding and administration for the Departments of Aeronautics, 1943-1975; Biochemistry, 1955-1979; Biology, 1952-1953; Botany including Biochemistry and Plant Physiology, 1936-1979; Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology, 1935-1977; Analytical Chemistry, 1964-1975; Organic Chemistry, 1937-1978; Physical Chemistry, 1937-1977; Civil Engineering, 1945-1973; Computing and Control, 1974-1977; Electrical Engineering, 1944-1978; Geology, 1929-1975; Industrial Sociology, 1967-1978; Mathematics, 1946-1978; Mechanical Engineering, 1931-1978; Metallurgy, 1939-1976; Meteorology, 1933-1974; Mining, 1912-1980; Physics, 1937-1977; Zoology, 1930-1977 (ULP); appointments of readers in the Departments of Aeronautics and Aerodynamics, 1949-1972; Botany, 1942-1970; Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology, 1932-1970; Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, 1937-1965; Organic Chemistry, 1944-1971; Civil Engineering, 1946-1977; Computing and Control, 1967-1968; Electrical Engineering, 1947-1965; Geology, 1936-1976; Mathematics, 1932-1977; Mechanical Engineering, 1936-1967; Metallurgy, 1937-1970; Meteorology, 1938-1970; Mining, 1950-1975; Physics, 1938-1970; Zoology, 1937-1970 (ULR);
correspondence concerning the recognition of college staff as teachers of the University, 1908-1949; establishment of the London Graduate School of Business Studies, 1963-1966; collaboration with Queen Elizabeth College, 1968-1981; with the Royal Postgraduate Medical School, 1968-1974; correspondence with Royal Holloway College, 1918-1974; with University College concerning a course on air navigation, 1936-1953 (UM).

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Royal British Nurses' Association
GB 0099 KCLCA RBNA · 1887-1996

Archives of the Royal British Nurses Association (RBNA) and the British College of Nurses (BCN), comprising:
RBNA administrative records including: General Council minutes 1887-1961; Annual General Meeting minutes 1889-1946; Executive Committee minutes, 1887-1982; Registration Board minutes, 1890-1904; Registration Committee minutes, 1904-1923; Membership Registers, 1888-1966; Register of Midwives, 1890-1908; Nursing Journal Editorial Committee minutes, 1891-1906; Finance Sub-committee minutes, 1895-1909; Auxiliary Nurses Society minutes, 1903-1904; Trained Nurses Annuity Fund minutes 1912-1931, salary book, 1957-1965; Princess Christian Memorial Committee minutes and accounts, 1919-1927; House Committee minutes, 1921-1926; League of Private Nurses minutes, 1929-1949; Visitors Books, 1917-1961; Annual Reports (printed) 1902, 1913, 1915-1916, 1918, 1926, 1936, 1953-1954- 1959-1971, 1975, 1978, 1982, 1983, 1986; Accounts (printed) 1912, 1914, 1916, 1919-1920, 1923, 1927, 1929, 1932-1938, 1944-1946, 1950-1953, 1955, 1959-1963, 1965-1969, 1971-1973, 1976-1978, 1981-1983, 1985, 1988, 1990-1996; Edith Mary Fletcher Fund accounts (printed) 1963-1969, 1971-1973, 1975-1976, 1978, 1986, 1990-1996; Trained Nurses Annuity Fund Annual Reports (printed) 1887-1888, 1890-1895, 1897, 1899, 1906-1909, 1922-1924, 1929-1949, 1951, 1953, 1980; Trained Nurses Annuity Fund accounts (printed) 1919, 1926-1928, 1935, 1937, 1950, 1952-1955, 1959-1966, 1968-1970, 1972, 1974, 1978-1979, 1984, 1987, 1989, 1991-1996

Letters from HRH Princess Christian to officers of the Association (mainly Isabel Macdonald), 1893, 1900, 1917-1921 (22 items)

Other Royal correspondence, 1917-1998 including letters from Princess Arthur of Connaught: (25 items)

RBNA general letters and papers, 1886-1994, including letters to Ethel Fenwick (Mrs Bedford Fenwick) on the establishment of the RBNA, 1887-1888; correspondence and papers on the Association's application for a Royal Charter, 1891-1893; correspondence and papers on introduction of Nurse Registration Bills, 1908-1910; correspondence and papers on the foundation of the College of Nursing, and possible merger with the RBNA, 1916-1917; correspondence and papers on the College of Nursing's petition for a Royal Charter, and the RBNA's opposition, 1927; correspondence on the RBNA's opposition to the new Nurses' Registration Act, 1940; correspondence with the Standing Conference of Essex Matrons and the Ministry of Health on the position of assistant Nurses, 1942-1944; correspondence with the Ministry of Health on the Society of Chartered Nurses, 1953-1955;

British College of Nurses (BCN) general letters and papers, 1926-1955; including Council minutes, 1926-1927; correspondence and papers on constitution and bye-laws, 1926-1927; press cuttings, 1926-1930; visitors book, 1929-1955; Book of Remembrance, 1926-1953; name and subject card indexes

BCN: papers on the history of nursing, 1870-1955; including letters on the employment of lady nurses at the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London, and the East London Hospital for Children, 1870; press cuttings about seven nurses involved in criminal proceedings, 1905-1910; copy of the British Journal of Nursing, containing account of the execution of Nurse Edith Cavell, 1915; correspondence and papers on nurses' registration, 1917-1918; notes on the nursing career of Mildred Heather-Bigg, (1857-1928) and Catherine Wood (1841-1930)

BCN: material relating to Florence Nightingale, 1852-1939; including correspondence between Nightingale and William Clark, on sanitary reform in India, 1871-1875; obituaries, 1910; letters to Miss Bushby about Nightingale letters sold, given and loaned to her for the BCN's History of Nursing Section, 1930-1934;

Papers relating to Ethel Fenwick (Mrs Bedford Fenwick), 1896-1937, including: press cuttings on exhibition on nursing held at St Martin's Town Hall, Charing Cross, London, 1896; business papers for the Nursing Journal and the British Journal of Nursing, 1899-1909; annotated copy of the Nurses' Registration Bill, 1914; annual reports of the Matrons' Council, 1926-1927; correspondence and papers on the Isla Stewart memorial committee, 1929; file of papers preserved by Fenwick relating to her being voted off the Florence Nightingale Foundation Standing Committee, 1937-1938

Papers relating to the International Council of Nurses (ICN), 1900-1937, including minutes of meeting of Provisional Committee, 1900; letter from Sister Agnes Karll, Berlin, on nurses in Germany, 1911; letter from Margot Larsson, Norwegian Council of Trained Nurses on nurses in Norway, 1915; papers on the 1929 ICN Congress in Montreal, Canada, 1929; papers on the 1933 ICN Congress, in Paris and Brussels, 1933; papers on the 1937 ICN Congress in London

Printed material: RBNA Publications including Annual Reports, 1889-1890; Register of Trained Nurses, 1892; Roll of Members, 1909; Books on the history of nursing, Florence Nightingale and the Royal Family; Pamphlets on the history of nursing; Periodicals including British Journal of Nursing, 1888-1955; Nurses' Journal, 1891-1918 [merged with British Journal of Nursing, 1918]; International Nursing Review, 1926-1939; Journal of the Royal British Nurses' Association, 1947-1963

Photographs and illustrations, 1863-1950, including photographs of the Royal Family, Florence Nightingale, Mrs Bedford Fenwick and her family, and other officers of the RBNA including Isobel Macdonald, Margaret Breay and Miss H M Campbell; photographs and illustrations relating to the history of nursing, including photographs, training certificates and papers relating to the nursing career of Agnes Wotherspoon-Baird, 1911-1950; Embroidered silks commemorating the Coronation of King George IV, 1821, the International Exhibition, London, 1862, and Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, 1897

Artefacts including RBNA badges, other badges and medals and RBNA banner

Sin título
BACKES, Alice (fl 1930-1934)
GB 0100 KH/NL/PP3 · Colección · 1930-1934

Papers of Alice Backes comprising St Giles Hospital certificate in Sick and Convalescent Cookery, 31 Mar 1930; London County Council St Giles Hospital certificate of training 1928-1931, 12 May 1931; General Nursing Council for England and Wales, certificate of registration, Oct 1931; Central Board of Midwives certificate 27 Feb 1932.
Also includes two lidded small silver trophy cups, of St Giles Hospital Nurses Tennis, engraved Consolation cup, 1932, A Backes', and1934, Consolation, won by A Backes'.

Sin título
SHAXSON, Evelyn Margaret (fl 1924-1925)
GB 0100 KH/NL/PP30 · 1925

Papers of Evelyn Margaret Shaxson comprising manuscript volume of lecture notes, with diagrams on Anatomy and Physiology, Mar-Apr 1925, also including loose copies of examination question papers, 1925; notebook containing water colour paintings of flowers, each named with a note where seen [1920s].

Sin título
ACLAND, Thomas Dyke (1851-1931)
GB 0100 TH/PP2 · 1895-1910

Papers of Thomas Dyke Acland comprising: letters relating to cases of actinomycosis, and the publication of research by Peverell S Hichins, 1905, including manuscript of thesis 'Actiniomycosis and allied disorders', Peverell Hichens, MA MD Oxon, MRCP London; reprint of 'Some remarks on a case of actinomycosis of the lungs' by P S Hichens, published in the British Medical Journal, Nov 4 1905; photograph of case of actinomycosis involving skin; letters from W K Treves, 1905; S G Shattock (1852-1924), 1895, 1906; W Stanley Melsome, 1895; H D Rolleston, 1906; J J Pringle (died 1922); Sir Alfred Pearce Gould (1852-1922), 1893; C J Cullingworth (1841-1908), 1902; and a number of anatomical illustrations; survey of published reports of actinomycosis; and table of English cases of actinomycosis, 1886-1906; letter from Dr Graham F Harford, Church Missionary Society, concerning one of Acland's patients, Feb 1910; bound volume containing offprint of 'Mitral Stenosis: a clinical lecture, delivered at the Hospital for consumption and diseases of the chest, 1889' by Thomas Dyke Acland, reprinted from The Lancet, Jul 1889; also contains extract of The Lancet, 26 Oct 1889, Acland's reply to criticism of his article; two manuscript letters to Acland from [N Bandner] relating to corrections in the article 7 Jul 1889, 17 Aug 1889. Also contains correspondence between St Thomas's Hospital Librarian F A Tubbs with Professor Philip Rhodes, concerning his research on Charles Cullingworth, Dec 1968-Jul 1970; also typescript transcript of letter from C J Cullingworth to Acland, 10 Jul 1902; and extract related to Cullingworth from the St Thomas's Hospital Gazette, No 49, 3 Feb 1951.

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