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Archival description
ACC/1850-1 · Collection · 1875-1939

Records relating to the Elizabeth Street Methodist Church, North Woolwich, comprising list of trustees of land in North Woolwich, 1875; directions for the appointment of new trustees, 5 Dec 1935 and correspondence concerning the sale of Elizabeth Street chapel to the East Ham Corporation, Nov 1935 - Feb 1939.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
GB 0074 ACC/2712/EWC · Collection · 1830-1870

Records of the Ellis Wolfe Charity, consisting of minutes and a cash book.

PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

Ellis Wolfe Charity , charity for relief of poor Jews
GB 0074 E/DCE · Collection · 1884-1932

Records relating to the Balham Estate of the Dean and Chapter of Ely comprising ground rents and financial accounts, 1884-1932.

Dean and Chapter of Ely , Church of England
GB 0074 P73/EMM · Collection · 1843-1963

Records of the parish of Emmanuel, Camberwell, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations and church services; cash book; inventory; Parochial Church Council minutes and parish magazines.

Parish of Emmanuel, Camberwell , Church of England
GB 0074 P81/EMM · Collection · 1885-2003

Records of the parish of Emmanuel, Hampstead, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage and confirmations; registers of church services; preachers' books; orders of service; papers relating to the benefice; Churchwardens' financial accounts; minutes and papers of the Parochial Church Council and the Annual Vestry; papers of church societies including the Emmanuel Men's Society; newsletters and yearbooks; papers relating to the church building, parsonage, and church hall including legal documents, correspondence, photographs, faculties and plans; and financial accounts. Also, Emmanuel Church of England Primary School is located in this parish. Documents relating to the governance of the school from 1999 are catalogued with the parish records.

Parish of Emmanuel, Hampstead , Church of England
GB 0074 P83/EMM · Collection · 1886-1945

Records of the parish of Emmanuel, Hornsey Road, Islington, including registers of baptisms and marriages; records of the Permanent Church Building Fund; and Churchwardens' financial accounts.

Parish of Emmanuel, Hornsey Road, Islington , Church of England
GB 0074 P85/EMM1 · Collection · 1869-1966

Records of the parish of Emmanuel, Distin Street, Lambeth, including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns; Parochial Church Council minutes; account book; registers of church services; terrier and inventory.

Parish of Emmanuel, Lambeth , Church of England
GB 0074 P89/EMM · Collection · 1883-1950

Records of the parish of Emmanuel, Northwick Terrace, Maida Vale, including registers of baptisms, marriages and confirmations; records of the Chapel Trustees; Parochial Church Council minutes and accounts; papers of the Infant School and Sunday School; and papers of the District Visiting Society.

Parish of Emmanuel, Maida Vale , Church of England
GB 0074 DRO/135 · Collection · 1900-1998

Records of the parish of Emmanuel, Northwood, including registers of baptisms, marriage, banns of marriage and church services; orders of service; papers of the incumbent; papers relating to parish boundaries; papers relating to the benefice; faculties, inventories, plans, drawings, photographs, reports, contracts and specifications for the church building, vicarage and church hall; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; minutes of other committees; reports and correspondence; financial accounts; correspondence relating to parochial charities; Managers' Minutes, deeds, plans and correspondence relating to the school; papers of church societies and clubs; parish magazines; yearbooks; historical notes and pamphlets; and photographs.

Parish of Emmanuel, Northwood , Church of England
GB 0074 P87/EMM · Collection · 1886-1990

Records of the parish of Emmanuel, Harrow Road, Paddington, including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns; registers of church services; orders of service; plans of the parish; papers relating to the benefice and the glebe; papers relating to church buildings including the church, vicarage and church hall; financial records; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; and parish magazines.

Parish of Emmanuel, Paddington , Church of England
GB 0074 P85/EMM2 · Collection · 1872-1986

Records of the parish of Emmanuel, West Dulwich, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations and banns; registers of church services; papers relating to parish missions; administrative papers including correspondence; papers relating to parish boundaries including plans; Churchwardens' papers; correspondence and faculties regarding the church and church hall; Parochial Church Council minutes; and financial records.

Parish of Emmanuel, West Dulwich , Church of England
ACC/1391 · Collection · 1860-1879

Records of the Harrow Methodist Church, 1860-1879, including committee minutes, financial records, papers regarding the construction of a Sunday School, article "Early Methodism in Harrow" by Edwin Field, "Handbook of Diamond Jubilee Celebration of The Methodist Church, Bessborough Road, Harrow, 1905-1965" and list of principal dates in history of Methodism in Harrow, 1809-1972.

Also register of baptisms for Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Enfield Highway, 1860-1879.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
ACC/0757 · Collection · 1834

Record of the Enfield Old Chapel [Zion Chapel?], comprising printed notice of two sermons to be preached by the Reverend John Stribling, 1834.

Christ Church United Reformed Church x Zion Chapel x the Independent Chapel
GB 0074 ACC/2776 · Collection · 1944-1987

Records of Enfield Wel-Care, 1944-1987, including minute books; annual reports; papers relating to fundraising; newsletters; financial accounts; correspondence; papers of the Chairman; pamphlets; and papers relating to the winding up of Enfield Wel-Care.

Enfield Wel-care
GB 0074 CLC/351 · Collection · 1819-1919

Register of services at the English Church, Archangel [Arkhangelsk], Russia.

English Church , Archangel, Russia
GB 0074 CLC/352 · Collection · 1839-1953

Records of the English Church, Bagni di Lucca, Italy, including register of baptisms; registers of burials and graves; plan of the English cemetery; service register; preacher's book; financial accounts; minutes of the church trustees; churchwarden's books; and subscription books.

English Church , Bagni di Lucca, Italy
GB 0074 CLC/353 · Collection · 1874-1946

Records of the English Church in Bruges, Belgium, comprising minute books and account book.

English Church , Bruges, Belgium
GB 0074 CLC/354 · Collection · 1817-1829;1920-1932

Records of the English Church, Geneva, Switzerland, comprising: register of baptisms, marriages and burials, 1817-29 (Ms 10926A/1); orders of service, 1922 and 1933 (Ms 23514); and official regulations, 1920 (Ms 23515).

English Church , Geneva, Switzerland
GB 0074 CLC/355 · Collection · 1972-1989

Service register for the English Church in Haarlem, the Netherlands.

English Church , Haarlem, The Netherlands
GB 0074 CLC/356 · Collection · 1902-1919

Records of the English Church in Hughesovka, Russia [now Donetsk, Ukraine], including transcripts of baptisms, marriages and burials.

English Church , Hughesovka, Russia
GB 0074 CLC/357 · Collection · 1912-1958

Records of the English Church in Minas de Riotinto, Spain, comprising registers or notes of baptisms, marriages and a death 1933, 1950-7 (Ms 23639-41), service register 1931-58 (Ms 23640), and offertory account book 1912-28 (Ms 23640). They were catalogued in 1988 by a member of Guildhall Library staff.

English Church , Minas de Riotinto, Spain
GB 0074 CLC/358 · Collection · 1825-1962

Records of the English Church, Moscow, Russia, including registers of baptisms, marriages and burials, accounts and correspondence. They were catalogued by members of Guildhall Library staff in 1964 and 1982.

English Church , Moscow, Russia
GB 0074 CLC/359 · Collection · 1883-1918

Records of the English Church, Odessa, Ukraine, comprising registers of baptisms, marriages, banns, and burials.

English Church , Odessa, Ukraine
GB 0074 CLC/360 · Collection · 1836-1998

Records of the English Church at Ostend, Belgium. They comprise registers of baptisms, marriages and burials 1836-1998 (Mss 34987-9), service registers 1904-67 (Ms 38537), register of donations 1860-70 (Ms 38538), cash books 1925-67 (Ms 38539) and miscellaneous papers 1863-1967 (Ms 38540).

English Church , Ostend, Belgium
GB 0074 CLC/188 · Collection · 1818-1938

Records of the English Reformed Church, Hamburg, comprising registers (and related papers) of baptisms, marriages and burials. They were catalogued by members of Guildhall Library staff.

English Reformed Church, Hamburg
Entomology: Great Britain
GB 0120 MSS.2295-2297 · 1878-1914

Three note-books by an unidentified naturalist, containing records of insects observed, 1878-1914.

GB 0103 MS GERM 9 · Late 15th century

Manuscript volume, late 15th century, containing an exempla: Tales of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of the Saints. Incomplete. Written in Guelderland or Overysel, probably in the neighbourhood of Deventer.

GB 0120 GC/193 · 1885-1987

Papers of Dr. Letitia Fairfield, reflecting her interests in social hygiene, in mental health, in medico-legal matters and criminology, mother and child health and welfare, and as a Roman Catholic convert, as well as her broader political and feminist convictions. There is also some biographical material.

Fairfield , Josephine Letitia Denny , 1885-1978 , doctor x Fairfield , Letitia
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP64 · 1881-1923

Papers, mainly notebooks of Farmer, 1881-1923, mainly comprising notes by Farmer on books of the Bible, including notebooks entitled 'Conjectural emendation in the New Testament', 'Parallels between the Revelation and other Johannine books'; notes for sermons by Farmer, 1891-1908, including sermons by Farmer entitled 'The Patriarchate and Exarchate', 'The Psalter as a Christian manual', and outlines for sermons and papers on the Christian priesthood, ecclesiastical advertising, Christian unity, and missionary problems; other notes and papers , including A manual of confirmation for educated adults by Farmer, and printed sermons by the Very Reverend John Plumptre, Dean of Gloucester, and the Reverend George Croly, 1844-1874.

Farmer , George , 1851-1925 , Reverend , Anglican clergyman
GB 0074 ACC/2893 · Collection · 1887-2007

Records of the Federation of Synagogues, 1887 - 1988. The records include a comprehensive set of minutes of the Federation; a less comprehensive but nonetheless interesting collection of minute books from the individual congregations; and minutes of other institutions connected with the Federation. There are also financial accounts, reports, property files (including synagogue plans), notice books and correspondence files which give a fuller picture of life of the Federation; and records of the East London Mikvah Committee; Federation Burial Society and London Talmud Torah Council.

Federation of Synagogues
FEENY, Everild
GB 106 7EMF · Fonds · 1977-1999

The archive consists of:

  • press cutting album (1977-1994) and index

  • UK research material relating to St Joan's Alliance, Catholics for a Changing World, Women in Ministry, Distinctive Dioconate, the Society of St Margaret, etc (1988-1995)

  • United States of America and Canada research material relating to Priests of Equality and the Women's Ordination Conference (1992-1995)

  • correspondence re Catholic Women's Ordination Day (1993-1995)

  • campaign file for Catholic Women's Ordination Day (1994-1995) and Vatican II and Planet Earth; further resource material (1994-1995)

  • books and photocopy manuscript by Feeny (1995-1996)

  • scrapbook by Feeny (1937-1999).

Feeny , Everild M , 1911-fl 2000 , Campaigner for the Ordination of Catholic Women Priests
N/M/022-1 · Collection · 1863-1886

Log Book for the Girls School, 1863-1836.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
N/M/036 · Collection · 1890-1969

Minutes of Minister's House Trust, including minutes of Sutherland Gardens Minister's House Trust, 1890-1964 and Minister's House Trust account Book, 1890-1969.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
GB 0074 CLC/361 · Collection · 1913-1926

Service register for the Ferrol Anglican Chaplaincy, Spain.

Ferrol Anglican Chaplaincy , Spain
N/C/31 · Collection · 1721-1912

Register of baptisms, 1730-1869; minute books of Church meetings, 1707-1828; minute book of Deacon's meetings, 1838-1867; minute book of Building Committee, 1832-1835; documents relating to lease of Chapel site, 1721-1839; list of Subscribers to the Fetter Lane Auxiliary Missionary Society, 1819-1826; annual report, 1904; papers of the Provident Society, Fetter Lane Chapel, including financial accounts, minutes, reports and membership lists, 1806-1912.

Congregational Church of England and Wales
Fidler, William
GB 0102 MS 380725 · 1825-1827

Diary, 1825-1827, of the Rev William Fidler, describing his voyage from Bristol to St Vincent accompanied by his wife Anna and other Methodist missionaries, and containing detailed descriptions of events and places during his first two years in the West Indies, and religious reflections.

Fidler , William , 1795-1866 , missionary
GB 0100 KCLCA Finch · 1930

Annotated typescripts, 1930, entitled 'The Tosephta Tractae Aboda Zara (idolatry). Text, translation and notes', 'The Law, the Prophets and the Writings. A study of the Old Testament Canon' and 'The Mishna and Tosphta Tractae Vadaim on the Washing of Hands. Text and translation of the Abendana'.

Finch , Rowland George , Reverend , Anglican clergyman
LMA/4329 · Collection · 1892-1970

Records of Saint Margaret's Presbyterian Church, later Saint Margaret's United Reformed Church, including Court of Session minute books, 1893-1970; annual reports, 1894-1937; Year Books, 1938-1940 and 1946; Deacon's Court minute books, 1892-1970; Communicants' roll books, 1893-1962 and collections book, 1893-1926.

Presbyterian Church of England
GB 0074 ACC/2712/FNS · Collection · 1954-1988

Records of the Finchley Synagogue, consisting of registers of kethubot [marriage contracts] and marriage authorization certificates, issued by the Chief Rabbi.

PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

Finchley Synagogue
GB 0074 LMA/4242 · Collection · 1902-1973

Records of the Hayes Certified Industrial School for Jewish Boys, later known as Finnart House School, comprising a series of annual reports covering the years 1902 to 1938 (with gaps) and minute books from 1939 to 1973, which include sections devoted to accounts and to payments made to staff.

Hayes Certified Industrial School for Jewish Boys Finnart House School
N/C/06 · Collection · 1824-1891

Records of the Finsbury Chapel including register of baptisms, 1824-1889; register of marriages solemnized in Finsbury Chapel, 1838-1864; minute book of Managers of Finsbury Chapel, 1835-1841 and 1864-1890; minutes of special meetings of members and seatholders, 1889-1891, including minutes of meetings of trustees concerning closure of chapel and disposal and copy letter of trustees to Reverend J. Vench requesting him to deliver up his keys "also any papers or documents he may have in his possession belonging to the Chapel", and photograph of exterior of chapel, [1890].

Presbyterian Church of England
GB 0074 ACC/2712/FPS · Collection · 1904-1998

Records of Finsbury Park Synagogue, including correspondence; kethubot [marriage certificates]; membership payment registers; memorial book; accounts book; educational pamphlets; certificates; and photographs of Synagogue officers.

Finsbury Park Synagogue
O/376 · Collection · 1826

Certificate of Mrs Jane Leach for £10 share in Finsbury Chapel, Finsbury Circus, 25 Dec 1826, including signature of Chapel founder and trustee Alexander Fletcher.

Presbyterian Church of England
N/M/019 · Collection · 1863-1891

Records of Weymouth Terrace British School, Shoreditch, 1863-1891.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
N/M/042-6 · Collection · 1827-1837

Account book of the stewards of the First West London Circuit and the Second London Circuit, 1827-1837.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
Fisher, Humphrey
GB 0102 MS 380641 · (1938-1946) 1973-1978

Journals of Humphrey Fisher, 1973-1978, describing in detail trips to Liberia, Sierra Leone, Gambia, and Ghana, on study leave, as visiting lecturer at Cuttington College (Liberia), or as external examiner to Fourah Bay College (Sierra Leone), with appendices of relevant documents and source material, including transcripts of correspondence between or concerning the Ahmadiyya movement and the Muslim League in India (1938-1946).

Fisher , Humphrey John , fl 1963-2002 , historian