Affichage de 34 résultats

Description archivistique
GB 0402 HSP · 1918-1955

Papers of Harry St John Bridger Philby, 1918-1955, including notebooks, journals, observations, letters and annotated typescript of Arabian Highlands. The journal and notebooks cover his journey across the Empty Quarter (Al Rub al Khali) in 1932. Typewritten reports cover his motorised journeys around Saudi Arabia from 1946-1955. His observations formed the basis for maps of Arabia prepared and published by the Royal Geographical Society.

Sans titre
STEERS, James Alfred (1899-1987)
GB 0402 JAS · 1921-1970

Papers of James Alfred Steers, 1928-1970, including diary of voyage to Australia and Great Barrier Reef Expedition, 14 Jun 1928-11 Jan 1929; reports prepared for the Ministry of Town and Country Planning on coasts of England, Scotland and Wales, 1943-1949; report and recommendations by Steers on the conservation of coasts in certain countries of Europe, 1969 and 'Protection of coastal areas', a paper by Steers prepared for the European Committee for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, May, 1970.

Sans titre
GB 0402 JRT · 1889-1919

Collection of news cuttings from American and English newspapers on African subjects, especially the Emin Pasha Expedition, made by Mrs Rose-Troup, 1889-1896.

Sans titre
ALDRICH, Pelham (1825-1875)
GB 0402 PEA · 1872-1875

Journal of the scientific research voyage of HMS Challenger from 1872-1875. Illustrated with watercolours and line drawings. The typescript contains the text of the journal.

Sans titre
CHEESMAN, Major R E (1878-1962)
GB 0402 REC · 1921-1927

Papers of Robert Ernest Cheesman, 1921-1927, comprise sketch maps; notes on survey positions and altitudes, Abbai River, Abyssinia; correspondence, 1925-27; astronomical observations and meteorological notes made at oases in the eastern Najd, Arabia, 1923-24; extracts from diary; topographical sketches; astronomical observations; notes on vocabulary, 'Ojair to Salwa', Arabia, 1921.

Sans titre
YOUNG, Capt Allen (1827-1915)
GB 0402 SAY · Collection · 1857-1920

Papers of Sir Allen William Young, 1857-1920, including ship's logs of the voyages of the PANDORA and the HOPE to the Arctic and the COROMANDEL and the MARLBOROUGH to India; journals kept on the FOX (the search for Sir John Franklin) and other voyages; nine scrapbooks of press cuttings entitled 'Shipping' and miscellaneous items.

Sans titre
BANKS, Sir Joseph (1743-1820)
GB 0402 SSC/1 · 1788-1811

Papers of Sir Joseph Banks, 1788-1811, comprise microfilm, and enlarged prints from the microfilm, of papers held in the Sutro Collection, State Library of California concerning subjects including the Africa Association.

Sans titre
ALLEY, William (fl 1660-1685)
GB 0402 WAL · 1665-1679

Journal of William Alley describing fourteen voyages to India, Malaya and the East Indies in several ships. The typescripts cover most of the journal's text and include material from the records of the East India Company reporting Alley's activities.

Sans titre
ARCHER, Amelia (c 1885-1975)
GB 0402 AAR · 1904-1944

Two volumes of handwritten memoires describing the life of Amelia Archer on the Pampas in detail. There are 7 photographs of family groups and six postcards of scenes in the Pampas and at Punta Arenas held, also correspondence with Reading Museum, in a separate envelope.

Sans titre
MILL, Hugh Robert (1861-1950)
GB 0402 HRM · 1847-1945

Papers of Hugh Robert Mill including manuscript and printed papers relating to Antarctic whaling expeditions; collection of approximately 200 letters to Mill from officers of the Royal Geographical Society chiefly concerning the affairs of the RGS, 1847-1944; collection of approximately 800 letters to Mill from geographers, travellers cartographers and others, 1833-1944; 'Daily Doings', two volumes, 1861-1919 and 1920-1945, which briefly record the events of each day, contain lists of Mill's published works and the appointments he held, and are indexed by personal and place names.

Sans titre
JACKSON, Sir Keith George (1842-1916)
GB 0402 KGJ · 1868-1916

Diaries of Sir Keith George Jackson, 1868-1916, which include records of some long periods of residence in Argentina as an estancia owner. Also includes some periods of residence in England and Canada. One of the volumes contains photographs of Jackson with companions.

Sans titre
WEDDERBURN, Sir David (1835-1882)
GB 0402 SDW · Collection · 1866-1892

Copies of the travel journals of Sir David Wedderburn, 1866-1892, including Vol 1: 1866, United States, Canada, Atlantic passages; Vol 1A: 1868, Ireland; 1873, France, Germany, Luxembourg; Vol 2: 1869, Hungary, Turkey, Syria, Palestine, Egypt; Vol 3: 1870-1871, France, Spain, Gibraltar; 1873, Algeria; Vol 3A: 1871-1872, France, Switzerland, Italy; Vol 3B: 1872-1873 Austria, Channel Islands; Vol 4: 1874, Ceylon. Australia; Vol 5: 1874, Australia, and New Zealand; Vol 6: (Missing); Vol 7: 1876-1877 India; Vol 8: 1877-1878, Ceylon, Java, China, Japan; Vol 9: 1877, Japan and USA, June 1878 Iceland; Vol 10: 1878 Denmark, Russia, Greece, Italy: Vol 11: 1880, Brittany, Ireland, Russia, Pyrenees; Vol 12: 1881-1882 South Africa and a 'Life Sketch' of Sir David Wedderburn 1835-1882, by D A Percival.

Sans titre
BAKER, Sir Samuel White (1821-1893)
GB 0402 SWB · 1844-1894.

Papers of Sir Samuel White Baker including diaries (which include sketches) of expeditions to the Upper Nile between 1861 and 1873, and notes on hunting in Ceylon 1844-1853; cash book for 1869; observations taken in Central Africa, 1860-1873 and papers and letters to John Petherick (1863) and Mr Kerrison (1873).

Sans titre
BALFOUR, Andrew F (fl 1850-1890)
GB 0402 ABA · 1873-1896

Seven bound journals of Andrew F Balfour with enclosures including three journals covering Balfour's service on the HMS Challenger scientific expedition; one journal describing his command of the gunboat HMS Stork off east Africa (1889-1891); and three journals describing his command of HMS Penguin on a Pacific survey (1893-1896). Loose papers and newspaper cuttings are enclosed with the journals.

Sans titre
NINNIS, Aubrey Howard (fl 1914-1917)
GB 0402 AHN · 1914-1962

Journals, charts and other papers relating to A H Ninnis' commission as purser in SS AURORA on the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition, 1914-1916 and the Relief Expedition, 1916-1917.

The papers include diaries of the Imperial Trans-Antarctic expedition, 23 Dec 1914-12 Feb 1917, with a single volume typescript summary of the diaries; notebook entitled 'The Log of Taroona Camp, H E Wild and A H N with the 26 and stores for dog teams' including notes of equipment and stores for the dog teams; list of the dogs' names and a journal headed 'RMS Ionic, Hobart, Ocean Quay', 31 Oct-24 Dec 1914; copies of letters from Ninnis including to Ernest Shackleton, 6 Jan-5 Feb 1920 and to John Lachlan Cope, 9 Jun 1920; press cuttings, 1919-1920; papers reviewing Antarctic exploration achieved and proposals for another expedition under J L Cope in TERRA NOVA, for 1923; printed prospectus of Cope's Antarctic expedition; Ninnis' certificate of discharge made out at Wellington, New Zealand, Feb 1917; three large charts titled 'Map of the Antarctic East Longitude 150°-180° showing drift of SY Aurora', 1931 (the three are similar but two have small insets of landscape sketches); small chart entitled 'Map of the Bay of Whales', from a survey by Blackburn and Coman, Byrd Antarctic expedition, 1929-1930, with a second sketch map showing the route of Byrd's polar flight; three volumes of uncorrected typescript of High Latitude by J K Davis.

Sans titre
GB 0402 AJP · 1903-1904

Papers relating to the SS TERRA NOVA's relief mission to the DISCOVERY, 1903-1904, including seven log books with pencil sketches [possibly by Second Mate Thomas Elms], 1903-1904; diary of First Officer A P Jackson on the above voyage (very few entries) and letters from T B Jackson, brother of A P Jackson.

Sans titre
DENHAM, Dixon (1786-1828)
GB 0402 DD · 1815-1827

Journals, notebooks, papers and letters of Maj Dixon Denham, 1815-1827, chiefly relating to the Denham / Clapperton / Oudney expedition from Tripoli to Bornu 1821-1825; also including diaries kept during the Waterloo campaign and subsequent travels around Europe; papers relating to Ensign Tootle and to the Sahara expedition of 1822-1824.

Sans titre
WILDING, Edward H (1875-1939)
GB 0402 EWI · Collection · 1926-1929

Diaries of Edward Wilding, 1926-1929, comprising diary in four volumes, illustrated with photographs, postcards, etc, of voyage to South America and a journey to Corriented and Posada on the River Parana and its tributaries, 1926 and diary in five volumes, illustrated with photographs, postcards etc, of a voyage to South America and a journey up the River Parana and in northern and western Argentina, 1929.

Sans titre
STEVENSON, Frederik James (1835-1926)
GB 0402 FJS · 1863-1869

Copies of diaries of Frederick James Stevenson, of his travels in North and South America, 1863-1869, comprising Vol. 1 USA and Havana, 1863-1867; Vols 2 and 3, eastern States of South America, 1867-1868; Vol. 4, Patagonia, 1868 and Vol. 5, Bolivia and Peru, 1868-1869.

Sans titre
SMITH, Joseph S Kellet
GB 0402 JSS · 1895-1897

Papers of Joseph S Kellet Smith, 1895, concerning explorations in the country west of Lake Nyasa including diary, Jun-Sep, 1895; five unpublished short stories, 'The revolution of Benjamin-wad-Wiri', 'The Lake Trader', 'The sacrificial altar of the Sandili', 'The Brimming cup' and 'The thraldom of Stephen Clinch'; loose pages, untitled, beginning, 'A man's enjoyment of golf...'; fifteen chapters of an unpublished book based on events of the 1895 expedition with 38 photographic prints prepared as illustrations including of river Shire, Hora camp, tribesmen and river steamers.

Sans titre
WILSON, John (1811-1879)
GB 0402 JWI · Collection · 1839-1843

Log and private journal of John Wilson as ship's surgeon on the second voyage of the South Seas whaler GYPSY, 23 Oct 1839-19 Mar 1843 and portfolio of 23 watercolours, illustrating places named in the journal.

Sans titre
GB 0402 RMC · 1836-1853

Papers of Captain Robert McClure, 1836-1853, including journal, Jun 1836-Sep 1837, as mate on HMS TERROR, on George Back's second expedition in search of the North-West Passage; letter and order book, Dec 1849-Oct 1851; journal Jan-Sep 1850, while in command of HMS INVESTIGATOR on the Franklin search expedition; copies of despatches to the Admiralty, Aug 1850-Apr 1853; photocopy of record deposited on Banks Island, 1851 and copy of a letter to Sir George Back from HMS INVESTIGATOR, Apr 1853, describing the discovery of the Northwest Passage.

Sans titre
WILSON, Sir Arnold Talbot (1884-1940)
GB 0402 ATW · Collection · 1911-1940

Papers of Arnold Talbot Wilson, 1911-1940, comprising a journal and other papers of the then Capt A T Wilson, in Luristan, South West Persia, 1911-1912, with a supplement of miscellaneous notes and correspondence numbered 1-24 and reviews and related correspondence, 1928-1938, relating to Wilson's book The Persian Gulf, (Oxford, Clarendan Press, 1928).

Sans titre
HAYLES, Miss Dorothy May (fl 1921-1933)
GB 0402 DMH · 1921-1933

Diaries of Mis Dorothy May Hayles on tours in Europe, 1921-1923, including Switzerland, Belgium, Scandanavia and Germany, illustrated with postcards, tickets, dried flowers and other souvenirs.

Sans titre
OMMANNEY, Adm Sir Erasmus (1814-1904)
GB 0402 EO · 1842-1857

Papers realting to Sir Erasmus Ommanney's career in the Royal Navy, to his part in the administration of poor relief in Ireland from 1847-1849, and the Franklin search expedition of 1850-1851, including documents concerning his appointment as a midshipman; an order book and letters and reports from and to Ommanney on board HMS VERSUVIUS in the Mediterranean 1842-1844; official letters from the HMS MIRANDA and HMS BRISK in the Baltic fleet; a rough report and letter book of 1858; a personal letter book of 1851-1887 and other correspondence (with the Admiralty, Hyde Parker, William Walpole, Captain Hamilton and Sir James Graham); a folder of sketches, mainly of Arctic subjects, by George Morant, W H Church, and Ommanney; papers concerned with the Franklin search expedition of 1850-1851 when Ommanney was Captain of HMS ASSISTANCE, including a log book; order book; official reports; Admiralty communications; reports and correspondence exchanged among ships; personal letters (Dr. J Richardson, Captain John Ross, John Barrow, H Austin, Lady Franklin and others); and a scrap book of papers about the ASSISTANCE, RESOLUTE, PIONEER and sledge parties, copies of the Franklin reward poster, posters and programmes printed on board ship, sketches and notes.

Sans titre
THOMSON, Edward Laidlaw (1870-1897)
GB 0402 ETH · 1976

Typescipt draft for a book entitled 'Letters from Mlanje,' extracts from letters from Edward Laidlaw Thomson, employed with the African Lakes Company on a new coffee plantation, to his family in Scotland, 1893-1897, edited with a foreword by James MacEwan, 1976.

Sans titre
VEREKER, Foley Charles (1850-1900)
GB 0402 FCV · Collection · 1884-1886

Journals and logs of Foley Charles Prendergast Vereker, 1865-1886, relating to his service in RN Survey ships: Vol. 1, 1865-1867 as a midshipman in HMSs VICTORY, MUTINE, SUTLEJ, MALACCA, SCOUT and MUTINE again, home and South American (Atlantic and Pacific) stations; Vol. 2, 1867-1870 as a midshipman in HMSs MUTINE, NASSAU and DUKE OF WELLINGTON, Pacific and Home stations; Vol. 3, 1870-1872, as officer in HMS DUKE OF WELLINGTON, East Indies and China Seas; Vol. 4, 1873-1877, in HMSs NASSAU and THAMAR, Pacific; Vol. 5, 1878-1883, as lieutenant in HMS ALERT, South American Stations; Vol. 6, 1883-1884, as lieutenant in the P and O ships SS CLYDE, ROHILLA and BAUCA and as a lieutenant commanding HMS MAGPIE; 1884-1886, as lieutenant commanding HMS RAMBLER. Illustrated with watercolour drawings and charts, with mounted photographs at the end of each volume.

Sans titre
BEAZELEY, Col George Adam (1870-1961)
GB 0402 GAB · 1900-1952

Papers of Col George Adam Beazeley with photographs and maps interspersed throughout including papers relating to Kashmir; papers entitled "My experiences", 1900-1901 and "My Somaliland Diary".

Sans titre
JACKSON, Lady Amelia (d 1872)
GB 0402 LAJ · 1790-1868

Travel diaries chiefly of Lady Amelia Jackson (née Waddell) describing tours through France, the Netherlands and Wales, 1822-1828 and diaries describing her life in England (Bath, East Malling, Taunton), 1861-1868. Also diary of her father George Waddell in Benares, Malabar and Bombay, 1799-1800 and diary in Bombay including of his marriage to Amelia King, 1800-1803 and diary of her brother George Waddell Junior on tour in Wales, May-Sep 1828.

Sans titre
GB 0402 LMS · Collection · 1881-1987

Poulett Weatherley's diaries of journeys through Lake Bangweulu region: Vol. 1 Oct 1889-Jan 1899; Vol. 2 Jun-Jul 1898 and Jan - Mar 1899 and 16 watercolours and pencil sketches of central Africa.

Sans titre
GB 0402 NAX · 1853-1854

Correspondence and other papers of 1853-1854 on the planning and preparation of the expedition including letters of Charles Sturt, 1853-1854; notes and correspondence on negotiations with the Government and the City Merchants Committee; correspondence on the reimbursment of Ernest Haug of money spent in preparation of the expedition, Feb-Aug 1854; correspondence on personnel, plans and purpose of the expedition, 1853-1854 and press cuttings, 1854.

Sans titre
GB 0402 TDC · 1921-1980

Papers relating to the Tristan da Cunha fund, comprising 1) St Mary Bourne with Woodcott Parish Magazine with article about the Island, Jan, 1980. 2) News cuttings about Tristan da Cunha. 3) Tristan da Cunha Fund reports, 1934-1937 and 1937-1951. 4) Tristan da Cunha Fund: Mr. Douglas M Gans's Accounts, 1921-1934. 5) Tristan da Cunha Fund: Accounts of the Trustees (RGS and Royal Colonial Institute), 1922-1934. 6) Tristan da Cunha Fund: Mr. Douglas M Gane, two bank books for Fund accounts. 7) Tristan da Cunha Fund: Trustees (RGS and Royal Colonial Institute), two bank books for Fund accounts. 8) mortgages for properties in Middlesex and Essex (Connection to Fund unclear). File also contains letter relating to donation and plastic bag containing several lead soldiers.

Sans titre
HOOPER, Lt William Harvey (d 1833)
GB 0402 WHH · 1818-1825

William Harvey Hooper's journals as purser on HMS ALEXANDER, HMS HECLA, and HMS FURY, 1818-1825, and extracts from meteorological observations, on the John Ross and W E Parry expeditions in search of the Northwest Passage.

Sans titre
BARCLAY, William Singer (1871-1947)
GB 0402 WSB · 1901-1918

Papers of William Singer Barclay, 1901-1918, comprise diaries, 1901-1918, of residence and travel in Uruguay, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina Ecuador and Colombia; reports on the Misiones region, 1904-1907 and miscellaneous notes and news cuttings from a variety of sources concerning South America.

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