Affichage de 19 résultats

Description archivistique
GB 0402 JMS · 1830-1997

A collection of articles and letters sent to the Royal Geographical Society for publication in its Journals. This material covers all aspects of geography and exploration across the globe. This includes material from some of the most celebrated 19th and early 20th Century explorations, throughout the World. The articles were often sent to referees and their reports are often to be found with the article, in some cases the referee report has been retained even though the article has been returned to the author.

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GB 0402 CB11 · 1941-1946

Royal Geographical Society Correspondence Block, 1941-1946, consists of correspondence with the Society covering administrative matters as well as all aspects of geography and exploration throughout the world. These files contain incoming letters only, replies are held separately in the out-letter books. Authors include Prof Hans Ahlmann, William G V Balchin, Miss Lucy Evelyn Cheesman, Francis Chichester, Augustine Courtauld, Charles Frederick Arden-Close, Thomas Walter Freeman, Rupert Thomas Gould, Edward Heawood, Arthur R Hinks, Thomas Henry Manning, Einar Mikkelsen, Prof Eva Germaine Rimington Taylor, Prof James Alfred Steers, Sir Mark Aurel Stein, Frank Sydney Smythe, James Mann Wordie, the War Office, United Nations, K S Sandford, Scott Polar Research Institute, Wilfred Thesiger and the Ordnance Survey.

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NANSON, Dr Fridtjof (1861-1930)
GB 0402 DFN · 1890-1930

Papers of Fridtjof Nansen, 1890-1930, including letters to Mrs Tweedie, 1 May 1892, answering her questions about himself; sketches by A E Boyd and H M Paget of Nansen at the Royal Societies Club in Feb 1897; sketch of polar bear made by Nansen in 1927; proposal by Sir Clements Markham for a grant to Nansen put to the Council of the Royal Geographical Society, 1892; remarkd by G H Richards on Nansen's paper read before the Geographical Society of Norway, Feb 1890; paper by Nansen, 1892; typescript introduction to Nansen's Farthest North; description of Nansen's reception at Rouen, 10 Aug 1903, by George Yonflier and two letters from Nansen to Sir Napier Shaw, 30 Dec 1929 and 30 Jan 1930.

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GB 0402 CB1 · 1830-1833

Royal Geographical Society Correspondence Block 1830-1833 consists of correspondence with the Society in the first four years after its foundation. The letters cover administrative matters as well as all aspects of Geography and exploration throughout the world. These files contain incoming letters only, replies are held separately in the out-letter books. Authors include John Arrowsmith, Sir George Back, Friedrich Bialloblotsky, Robert Fitzroy, William Richard Hamilton, Baron Alexander von Humboldt, Alexander Maconochie, William Marsden, Paris Geographical Society, Dr John Richardson and Robert Hermann Schomburgk.

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MILL, Hugh Robert (1861-1950)
GB 0402 HRM · 1847-1945

Papers of Hugh Robert Mill including manuscript and printed papers relating to Antarctic whaling expeditions; collection of approximately 200 letters to Mill from officers of the Royal Geographical Society chiefly concerning the affairs of the RGS, 1847-1944; collection of approximately 800 letters to Mill from geographers, travellers cartographers and others, 1833-1944; 'Daily Doings', two volumes, 1861-1919 and 1920-1945, which briefly record the events of each day, contain lists of Mill's published works and the appointments he held, and are indexed by personal and place names.

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Palestine Association
GB 0402 PAL · 1805-1834

Minute book of the Syrian Society, 1805-1808; letters to and from W R Hamilton concerning Joseph Marpurg, Joseph Hammer and others; draft of resolution of disbandment of the Association and the transfer of its assets to the Royal Georaphical Society, 1834.

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GB 0402 CB2 · 1834-1840

Royal Geographical Society Correspondence Block, 1834-1840, consists of correspondence with the Society covering administrative matters as well as all aspects of geography and exploration throughout the world. These files contain incoming letters only, replies are held separately in the out-letter books. Authors include William Ainsworth, Sir George Back, Sir John Barrow, Captain F Beaufort, F W Beechey, William Bollaert, James Brooke, Sir Alexander Burnes, F R Chesney, Colonial Office, Charles Darwin, Capt Robert Fitzroy, W R Hamilton, William Hilhouse, Alexander Maconochie, Woodbine Parish, Henry Creswicke Rawlingson, Dr John Richardson, Robert H Schomburgk and Sir J Gardner Wilkinson.

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GB 0402 CB4 · 1851-1860

Royal Geographical Society Correspondence Block, 1851-1860, consists of correspondence with the Society covering administrative matters as well as all aspects of geography and exploration throughout the world. These files contain incoming letters only, replies are held separately in the out-letter books. Authors include the Admiralty, Sir James Edward Alexander, Capt Henry Haversham Godwin-Austen, Dr William Balfour Baikie, Samuel W Baker, John Thomas Baines, John Bartholomew Junior, Dr Heinrick Barth, James Silk Buckingham, Richard Francis Burton, Board of Education, Earl of Ellesmere, Lt Col George Everest, Lady Jane Franklin, Francis Galton, Sir John W Herschel, Joseph Hume / India Office, London Missionary Society, Sir Roderick Impey Murchison, Erasmus Ommanney, Maj Gen Edward Sabine, Dr Norton Shaw, Charles Stuart, the War Office and Alfred Russel Wallace.

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GB 0402 CB5 · 1861-1870

Royal Geographical Society Correspondence Block, 1861-1870, consists of correspondence with the Society covering administrative matters as well as all aspects of geography and exploration throughout the world. These files contain incoming letters only, replies are held separately in the out-letter books. Authors include Charles T Beke, William Bollaert, Richard Francis Burton, John Thomas Baines, Ney Elias, Col Sir George Everest, Francis Galton, Joseph Dalton Hooker, Dr John Kirk, Clements R Markham, John Petherick and the Zoological Society.

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GB 0402 CB9 · 1921-1930

Royal Geographical Society Correspondence Block, 1921-1930, consists of correspondence with the Society covering administrative matters as well as all aspects of geography and exploration throughout the world. These files contain incoming letters only, replies are held separately in the out-letter books. Authors include the Alpine Club, Charles Frederick Arden-Close, John Baddeley, Brig R A Bagnold, Dr John Ball, Louis Charles Bernacchi, Brig Gen Clarence Dalrymple Bruce, Commader Richard Evelyn Byrd, Sir Douglas Carruthers, Gertrude Caton-Thompson, Maj Robert Ernest Cheesman, Augustine Courtauld, Sir Percy Cox, Frank Debenham, George Miller Dyott, Lincoln Ellsworth, Filippi de Filippo, Rosita Forbes, Sir George Fordham, Sir Douglas William Freshfield, Sir Harry Hamilton Johnston, William Joseph Harding King, Dr Tom George Longstaff, Halford J Mackinder, Sir Douglas Mawson, Dr Hugh Robert Mill, Fridtjof Nansen, Mrs Wilhelmina Ness, Edward Felix Norton, Noel Ewart Odell, Harry St John Philby, A Hamilton Rice, Hugh Ruttledge, Frank S Smythe, Michael A Spender, Prof James Alfred Steers, Vilhjalmur Stefansson, Sir Mark Aurel Stein, Sir Percy M Sykes, Prof Eva G R Taylor, Bertram Thomas, Frank Kingdon Ward, James Mann Wordie, Sir Francis Younghusband and Henry Gino Watkins.

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GB 0402 FC · 1840-1988

Fellowship certificates of Fellows, Honorary Corresponding Members and Life Fellows of the Royal Geographical Society, 1840-1988. The certificates contain the following information: names of proposers, dates candidates were proposed and elected and details about the candidate including place of residence, description and on occasion their qualifications for becoming a Fellow.

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GB 0402 LB · 1836-1916

Out-letter books of the Royal Geographical Society, including manuscript copies of official letters, 1836-1893 and press copies of Secretaries' letters, 1863-1872 and 1877-1916. These files contain outgoing letters only, ingoing correspondence is held separately in the correspondence blocks.

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GB 0402 LES · [1979-1989]

Papers of Lord Edward Shackleton, including papers and correspondence relating to the following: 'In the Footsteps of Scott Expedition', 1985-1986; Monica Christenson and 90 degrees South, 1979-1986; Geographical Club minutes and other papers, 1980s; the British Geological Survey Open Day, 1988; Irish expedition to North East Greenland, 1987; Scott-Amundsen Anniversary South Pole Flight, 1987 (Paul Lynch); correspondence with Keith Black, 1979-1984; Royal Geographical Society Council and Committee Minutes and accompanying papers, 1980's and papers relating to the Kimberley Australia Project, 1988.

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GB 0402 AP · 1830-1945

The Royal Geographical Society Additional Papers relate to all aspects of the RGS's history, 1830-1945, including Council minutes; committee minutes; Prospectus of 1830; reports on the state of the RGS, 1833 and 1837; correspondence concerning special meetings; financial statements and reports; notes on the Map Room and the Library; papers relating to the RGS's awards; regulations and byelaws; lists of Council and committee members; papers of the African Exploration Committee, 1877-1881; the fire-watcher's log books, 1940-1944; papers relating to the election of women as Fellows; papers on scientific enquiries, instruments and instruction; papers relating to the Kosmos, Raleigh and Geographical Clubs; formal addresses and diplomas; papers relating to anniversaries and other events; evening meeting minute books and papers relating to the leasing and furnishing of premises for the RGS, 1837-1930, in particular the purchase of Lowther Lodge.

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GB 0402 CB10 · 1931-1940

Royal Geographical Society Correspondence Block, 1931-1940, consists of correspondence with the Society covering administrative matters as well as all aspects of geography and exploration throughout the world. These files contain incoming letters only, replies are held separately in the out-letter books. Authors include Latham Valentine Stewart Blacker, British Grahamland Expedition; Francis Chichester; Vivian Fuchs; Tom H Harrison, William Harold and Doreen Constance Ingrams, Ronald Kaulbeck, Eric Shipton, Wilfred Thesiger, Brig Ralph Alger Bagnold, Dr John Ball, Louis Charles Bernacchi, Charles Kenneth Howard Bury, Commander Richard Evelyn Byrd, Douglas Carruthers, Gertrude Caton-Tompson, F Spencer Chapman, Augustine Courtauld, Sir Percy Z Cox, Frank Debenham, George Miller Dyott, Lincoln Ellsworth, Filippi de Filipo, Rosita Forbes, Douglas William Freshfield, William Joseph Harding King, Halford J Mackinder, Thomas Henry Manning, Sir Douglas Mawson, Dr Hugh Robert Mill, Mrs Wilhelmina Ness, Edward Felix Norton, Noel Ewart Odell, Harry St John Philby, Alexander Hamilton Rice, Hugh Ruttledge, Francis Sydney Smythe, Prof James Alfred Steers, Vilhjalmur Stefansson, Sir Mark Aurel Stein, Sir Percy Molesworth Sykes, Prof Eva Germaine Rimington Taylor, L R Wagner, Frank Kingdon Ward, Henry 'Gino' Watkins and Sir Francis Younghusband.

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GB 0402 CB7 · 1881-1910

Royal Geographical Society Correspondence Block, 1851-1860, consists of correspondence with the Society covering administrative matters as well as all aspects of geography and exploration throughout the world. These files contain incoming letters only, replies are held separately in the out-letter books. Authors include Roald Amundson, Herbert Henry Austin, Louis Bernacchi, James Theodore Bent, Carsten E Borchgrevinck, William Spiers Bruce, Sir William Martin Conway, Charles Montagu Doughty, Douglas William Freshfield, Francis Galton, Sir David Gill, James Augustus Grant, Rev George Grenfell, Sven Hedin, Dr Joseph Dalton Hooker, Col Thomas Hungerford Holdich, Sir Harry Hamilton Johnston, Sir John Scott Keltie, Mary Kingsley, Sir John Kirk, Prince Peter Kropotkin, Henry Savage Landor, F.D. Lugard, Sir Halford John Mackinder, Sir Clements Markham, Fridtjof Nansen, Adolf Erik Nordenskiold, Adm Sir Eramus Ommanney, Robert Edwin Peary, Dr John Rae, Capt Cecil Godfrey Rawling, Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson, Dr. A Donaldson Smith, Sir Marc Aurel Stein, Otto Sverdrup, Everard im Thurn, Joseph Thomson, Gen James T Walker, Rev Horace Waller, Edward Whymper, Lt. Gen Francis Reginald Wingate, Sir Francis Edward Younghusband and Col Henry Yule.

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GB 0402 CB8 · 1911-1820

Royal Geographical Society Correspondence Block, 1911-1920, consists of correspondence with the Society covering administrative matters as well as all aspects of geography and exploration throughout the world. These files contain incoming letters only, replies are held separately in the out-letter books. Authors include Roald Amundsen, the Anglo Swedish Antarctic Expedition, Henry Haversham Godwin Austen, Miss Gertrude Bell, William Spiers Bruce, Prof Hiram Bingham, Douglas Carruthers, Charles Frederick Arden-Close, Sir William Martin Conway, John Lachlan Cope, Lord George Nathaniel Curzon, Charles M Doughty, Douglas William Freshfield, Sven Hedrin, Sir Thomas Hungerford Holdich, Sir Harry Hamilton Johnston, Dr Alexander Mitchell Kellas, Sir John Scott Keltie, Prince Peter Kropotkin, Sir Clements Robert Markham, Kate Marsden, Dr Douglas Mawson, Dr Hugh Robert Mill, Fridtjof Nansen, Dr Hamilton Rice, William Routledge, Katherine Routledge, Capt Robert Falcon Scott, J Foster Stackhouse, Vilhjalmur Stefansson, Sir Mark Aurel Stein, Sir Everard im Thurn, Frank Kingdon Ward, Lt James Mann Wordie and Sir Francis Younghusband.

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GB 0402 DC · 1947 onwards

Director's Correspondence collection, 1947 onwards, consists of correspondence with the Society since 1947. The material consists of communication with the Director's Office, both incoming and out-going letters, covering a wide range of administrative matters and geographical subjects. Files may contain a variety of printed items such as journal off prints, lecture bills and photographs.

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SMYTH, Admiral William Henry (1788-1865)
GB 0402 WHS · 1845-1862

Papers of Rear-Admiral William Henry Smyth, including article 'The Royal Geographical Society and its labours' with title page, preface page and page headed appendix; photocopy of letter from Smyth to Captain Francis Beaufort 11 May 1830 about the founding of the RGS and extracts copied from the journals of his wife, Apr 1849-Jan 1851, referring to Smyth's work as President of the RGS.

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