Armitage Dispensing Chemist prescription registers 1899-1943, a total of 30 items, 1-27: registers, 1899-1940; 28-30: Records of Prescriptions Dispensed for Particular Doctors, 1919-1925, 1928-1943.
Armitage Dispensing ChemistsMinute books of the Council and Executive Committee of the Association for the Advancement of Medicine by Research, with inserted loose papers, from its formation in 1882 until 1892; minutes of the sub-committee on the Promotion of Research, 1882-1883, and letters to Stephen Paget, 1891-1892.
Association for the Advancement of Medicine by ResearchJournal and account book of Thomas Baker comprising journal of a visit to Paris containing narratives of visits to the Surgeons' College of Saint-Côme, and to the hospitals of Les Invalides, L'Hôtel-Dieu, and La Charité. At the latter Baker witnessed operations for fistula in ano and facial abscess by Sauveur François Morand (1697-1733), whose collection on the pathology of bones he also inspected and account book containing accounts of his income and expenditure. Included are accounts of annual income from surgery and bleeding, and from named apprentices, dressers and surgical pupils at St Thomas' Hospital, London, where Baker held the post of Surgeon from 1739. On ff. 1, 2, 40, 41 and on the end-papers are notes by Baker and others on his family and on surgeons at St Thomas' Hospital, 1703-1768.
Baker , Thomas , 1710-1770 , surgeonCopy of holograph manuscript of Edward Barclay-Smith's 'Advanced Course of Lectures on Anatomy', for the use of Cambridge students (this copy lent to Leonard Bousfield).
Smith , Edward , Barclay- , 1861-1945 , Professor of AnatomyHistoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres de Berlin, avec des Mémoires: Classe de Philosophie Expérimentale. Illustrated with folding and other pen and wash drawings. Produced in Berlin, 1748-1757.
Königliche Akademie der Wissenschaften'Cours d'anatomie pathologique...', transcribed by Augustin Palle, a medical student, year 10. An apparently complete transcript of Bichat's final course of lectures on pathological anatomy, delivered at the Hôtel-Dieu, Paris, between September 1801 and the spring of 1802. Palle must have written up his notes sometime between 1 August 1802 (the date of a letter from Bonaparte copied before the text) and 22 September 1802 (the last day of year 10). The arrangement of the text broadly conforms to that of the version published by F.-G. Boisseau, Anatomie pathologique, dernier cours de Xavier Bichat (Paris, 1825).
Bichat , Marie Francois Xavier , 1771-1802 , French anatomistCorrespondence and papers of Thomas Bickerton, 1884-1927, mainly concerning professional matters. The papers reflect Bickerton's interest in colour blindness, and his studies of seamen and railwaymen in this respect. Also his work at Liverpool Medical Institution is well documented, with details of opthalmic surgery and case photographs surviving.
Bickerton , Thomas Herbert , 1858-1933 , ophthalmic surgeonTwo volumes of notes, on medical and chemical books, and on diseases and their treatment, c 1800-1823.
de Villiers , F. T. , Bidault , 1775-1824 , physicianBlood transfusion certificates and reports issued by the British Red Cross Society Blood Transfusion Service, 1926-1939. Also some papers relating to South East London Mass X-Ray Service, 1960-1973.
British Red Cross Society Blood Transfusion ServiceNotes on anatomy and physiology illustrated with many carefully executed anatomical drawings in coloured inks. At the end of Vol. II, are a few notes on surgery, dated 1873.
Boddy , Evan Marlett , d 1934 , anatomistNotes on Herman Boerhaave's lectures and material extracted from his publications, with some material by others, 18th century.
Boerhaave , Herman , 1668-1738 , chemist and physicianRecords of the Brain Research Association (BRA), 1968-1992, comprising committee and Annual General Meeting minutes and papers, and Honorary Secretary's correspondence. There are, however, no committee minutes after 1987 or correspondence before 1977.
Brain Research AssociationCorrespondence of William Thomas Brande, 1825-1878, with some letters by his son, William T.C. Brande. Brande's advice on chemistry was sought by many of the correspondents in this small collection. They include Timothy Bramah on experiments relating to minting coin, Samuel Brown (1776-1852) on metal used in lighthouse construction; Frederick Richard Lees (1815-1897) on distillation of alcohol; Thomas William Clinton Murdoch (1809-1891) on fumigating 'coolie labour' aboard ship; and John Morillyon Wilson (1783-1868) on the danger of tobacco smoke to teeth. Other letters refer to publications and Royal Institution matters and Brande's own health.
Brande , William Thomas , 1788-1866 , chemistPapers of the British Medical Association compring files [1915-1960], from the following subject series: Medico-Political, Science, Groups, Ethics, Public Health, Hospitals, Organisation. Also incomplete set of copy minutes of Council, Committees and of the Annual Representatives' Meetings and Special Representatives' Meetings, [1907-1982].
British Medical AssociationManuscripts from the collection of the British Medical Association, formerly held in the BMA Library, Tavistock Square, London. The manuscripts were numbered and catalogued at the BMA, with two exceptions among these papers - however the numbering of surviving documents is not consecutive, so that the original collection must have contained at least 26 catalogued items and an unknown number of unrecorded acquisitions. Former BMA MSS.1-6 (transferred at the same time as the manuscripts described here) are now GC/140; one fugitive BMA manuscript was purchased separately and is now MS. 6881. The location of the remainder is not known. The contents mainly comprise transcripts of medical lectures and case notes.
British Medical AssociationPapers of the British Phrenological Society, 1915-1966, comprising minutes of the council and annual general meetings, 1951-1964; class attendance books, 1915-1938 and 1951-1966; and a visitors book, 1955-1966.
British Phrenological SocietyReports of Thomas Lauder Brunton's lectures on therapeutics and notes from a lecture on chloroform with three fragments of lectures on eye affections, on the effects of alcohol, and the effect of drugs on the brain given at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 1892-[1895].
Brunton , Sir , Thomas Lauder , 1844-1916 , first baronet , physician and pharmacologistRegisters of patients treated by Frederick Burkitt in private practice, 1923-1959.
Burkitt , Frederick Thomas , 1891-1961Miscellaneous historical essays, written by individuals employed by or associated with the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum. Authors include Alban Doran (1849-1927), Charles Thompson (1862-1943) and Marion Spielmann (1858-1948).
Doran , Alban Henry Griffith , 1849-1917 , surgeon Thompson , Charles John Samuel , 1862-1943 , physician and local historianSpielmann , Marion Harry Alexander , 1858-1948 , art historian Wellcome Historical Medical Museum
Material comprises typescript papers by Buxton on anaesthesia and dentistry, and notes by Buxton on The muscles of the human body grouped according to their action, with their vascular and nervous supply, C J Manning and F H Elliot (London: H K Lewis, 1875).
Buxton , Dudley Wilmot , 1855-1931 , anaesthetistPapers of Sir Stanford Cade including series of detailed manuscript and typescript case summaries, many illustrated with diagrams and photographs, 1929-1970. Original indexes to some of the case records are included, facilitating access by patient name.
Cade , Sir , Stanford , 1895-1973 , Knight , radiologistMSS.1456-1499 comprise chiefly drafts of essays and papers by Cantlie, spanning his entire career but with the bulk (MSS.1461-1486) dating from his years in Hong Kong. The subject is generally tropical medicine; diseases discussed include leprosy, dropsy, kala-azar, beri-beri, cholera and malaria, with particular emphasis upon leprosy. Worth individual notice are MSS.1456, in which Cantlie describes a case of blood poisoning that he acquired in the dissecting room at Charing Cross Hospital; MS.1459, commemorating the military surgeon Paul Bennett Conolly (died at Khartoum on the Gordon Relief Expedition of 1885); 1461, 1466 and 1463, two diaries and a cashbook respectively to do with his Hong Kong medical practice; 1469, a fragment of a register of patients in the Hong Kong Hospital; 1480-1481, casebooks compiled in Hong Kong; 1489, a dummy copy of the first edition of the Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, founded by Cantlie; and 1499, a collection of questionnaire responses relating to the life history of Eurasian "half-castes" in which Cantlie is one of many respondents drawn from the western fringes of the Pacific (China, Japan, Australia and New Zealand). MSS.6931-6941 contain correspondence, personal and travel papers, medical notes, printed material (including much material relating to papers published in the Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene), illustrative material and certificates, the last also including items relating to other members of Cantlie's family.
Cantlie , Sir , James , 1851-1926 , Knight , surgeonNotes of lectures by Giuseppe Canziani, on veterinary medicine, anatomy, physiology and phrenology, [1840-1845].
Canziani , Giuseppe , 1815-1849 , veterinary surgeonNotes from Pierre Chirac's lectures, 1696-1734.
Chirac , Pierre , 1650-1732 , French physicianNotes of Pierre Jean Baptiste Chomel on plants and on medicine, [1715-1730].
Chomel , Pierre Jean Baptiste , 1671-1740 , physician and botanistTwo volumes entilted 'Institutionum Physicae particularis pars prima [et secunda]'. The first volume is illustrated by many inserted pen-drawn astronomical and other diagrams and figures: the second by three anatomical drawings of the cerebrum, the internal organs of a man, and of the eye. Vol. I. 'De corporibus inanimatis': Vol. II. 'De viventibus'. At the end of Vol. I is the inscription 'Proeunte D. Josepho Cyrillo haec anno aere vulgaris 1776 scripsi ego Januarius Pelliccia in Seminario Aversano'. Produced in Aversa.
Cyrillus , JosephusNotes from lectures of Nicolaus Cirillus, 1699-1735.
Cirillus , Nicolaus , 1671-1734 , physician x Cyrillus , NicolausAnatomy by Henry Cline and Mr. Astley Cooper, Surgeons, 1804, St. Thomas's Hospital, Southwark, London, and by Henry Cline, Junior. (Vol. I.) The second volume contains notes of lectures, extracts, receipts, and some case-records at Guy's Hospital, by the same hand. Illustrated by a few rough pen-drawn anatomical figures, etc. The first volume is lettered on the spine: 'Anatomical Notes', and 'End of the first volume' is written on the last leaf of text. The second volume is lettered 'Notes.', and appears to be a continuation of another volume now missing. Some of the notes in this second volume are dated January and February 1805. Produced in London.
Cline , Henry , 1750-1827 , surgeonCollection of note-books containing six volumes on Botany and Comparative Ostology, a Register of Photographs, and a Bicycling Diary. The 5 Botanical notebooks and the single volume on Comparative Ostology are illustrated with mounted and other drawings, some in pencil.
Crawshay , Lionel Henry , de Barri , 1882-1928Papers of Henry Edward Crooks, [1967-1998] including reminiscences relating to his work as radiographer entitled 'Shaftesbury Military Hospital: A Radiographer's World War II recollection of 21st Company, RAMC Military Hospital, Dorset (with map and photographs)', Nov 1998; extract from 'Once Upon A Ward: VADs' own stories and pictures of Service at Home and Overseas 1939-1946', compiled by Doreen Boys, containing further information about Shaftesbury Military Hospital; paper by Crooks, 'The Introduction of the Copper-Reference X-Ray Pentameter', Oct 1998; United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Research Group Memorandum, 'Diagnostic X-Ray Beam Quality', by GM Ardran and Crooks, 1967 and Curriculum Vitae of Crooks.
Crooks , Henry Edward , b 1918 , radiographerThe papers consist primarily of Daly's meticulous records of experiments, covering the period 1919-1965, in a series of large notebooks, all indexed by him, some of which represent compilations of material gathered over many years from a variety of sources. There is also correspondence with, and biographical information regarding, several eminent physiologists including Sir Edward Sharpey-Schafer and Sir Charles Sherrington. William Sharpey is represented by five autograph letters to Sir Charles Lyell, 1858-1871.
Daly , Ivan de Burgh , 1893-1974 , physiologistPapers of Peter Daniel, 1971-1990, including correspondence concerning the Jenner Trust and Appeal, Physiological Society, William Gibson, and the Sir Hugh Cairns memorial, plus some notes on medical cases and Daniel's research grant applications.
Daniel , Peter Maxwell , 1910-1998 , neuropathologistEarly eighteenth century transcript by an unknown writer of John De Gorter's [Jan van Gorter] Commentaries.
UnknownTranslation of Alfred Denker's 1904 monograph Die Otosklerose (Otosclerosis) into English by Alexander Robert Tweedie (d 1936).
Denker , Alfred Friedrich Amandus , b 1863Notes by John Dixon on medical matters and on things of personal interest to him such as astrology and photography spanning his entire career, 1848-1903. MS.5191 comprises more formal material, namely certificates and indentures.
Dixon , John , 1832-1930 , physicianMSS.2208-2216 comprise notebooks and essays. MSS.2210-2211 are broader in subject than the rest of this block of material, comprising lectures in physiology; the remainder of the manuscripts in this block focus on issues of specifically tropical medicine. Kala-azar and malaria are particularly featured. MS.2208 also includes a list of birds in Dunduan. MSS.5692-5697 consist of illustrative material (primarily water-colours from microscope slides relating to tropical parasitic diseases), correspondence, cuttings and offprints, and miscellaneous other papers relating to Donovan's work on tropical medicine.
Donovan , Charles , 1863-1951 , physician and specialist in tropical medicineMuch of the collection is made up of diaries and notebooks relating to expeditions sent to Africa by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine to study diseases such as malaria and trypanosomiasis. From Todd's subsequent career there is also material on journeys to Western Canada to study Swamp Fever in horses and to Poland to study Typhus, some general notes on tropical diseases, a laboratory notebook on experiments with fever ticks and a paper on the Congo Free State as a political unit. The dates covered are 1901-1920. A final block of material consists of letters and loose papers including sketches, covering 1890-1949.
Dutton , Joseph Everett , 1874-1905 , physician and tropical medicine specialist Todd , John Lancelot , 1876-1949 , physician and tropical medicine specialistPapers of Thomas Renton Elliott on clinical record keeping in the First World War, 1916-1918; regarding History of the Great War: Medical Services; clinical research on massive lung collapse and gas poisoning; administration of clinical medicine in University College Hospital, 1929-1932; Therapeutic Trials Committee (MRC), 1930s; letters, 1886-1937; silhouettes of Elliot and others in France.
Elliott , Thomas Renton , 1877-1961 , physicianNotes of lectures on dental surgery, dental radiology, and oral surgery, Aberystwyth, c 1940. It contains notes on 'Inflammation', 'Dental Surgery', 'Radiology' (mostly oral and dental), 'Oral Surgery', and 'Dental Surgery Coaching Class'. There are a number of illustrative sketches among the notes.
Ellis , Ieuan , d 1954Hans Epstein papers including on anaesthesia and inhalers, 1906-2002. Within Epstein's papers is a large amount of correspondence with work colleagues and companies employed to manufacture his inhalers. Occassionally, Epstein kept copies of the out letters he sent, however, their retention appears to be more of a random occurance than one based on a considered filing scheme. The correspondence covers a wide range of topics (usually related to the field of anaesthesia) which include Epstein giving advice on certain subjects, being invited to lecture at specific events, discussing inhaler designs and test result data (of both his own products and those of others). Also existing is a significant amount of correspondence on various aspects of the book Epstein co-wrote, Physics for the Anaesthetist. Correspondence related to Epstein's own education is also included.
Also relating to Epstein's research and development activities are a number of laboratory notebooks and loose papers which record, amongst other things test results of various anaesthetic inhalers and anaesthetic gases. Epstein also kept notebooks in which he wrote out general maths, physics and chemical equations and formula, often citing who discovered the relevent information/data and when.
Amongst the papers are large amounts of published material. The majority are journal articles, written by third parties, which covered current and historical developments in anaesthesia or focussed on the development of specific anaesthesia apparatus. Epstein also compiled a set of research papers, journal articles and information on the specific subject of the history of resuscitation.
The collection also includes material related to World and European Congresses of Anaesthesiologists attended by Epstein, including invitations, travel arrangements and congress itineries. Epstein also retained invitations to lecture and lecture notes as well as details (invoices) of a variety of work-related expenses incurred during his career.
Other papers include those related to Epstein's work with Penlon, a medical apparatus manufacturer as well as papers related to Sir Robert Macintosh (Epstein's boss at Nuffield). The Penlon section includes correspondence between Epstein and Penlon and inhaler test data from tests conducted by Epstein for Penlon. The Macintosh section includes documents concerning Sir Robert's 90th birthday and his obituary.
Epstein , Hans Georg , 1909-2002 , medical researcherAn Essay on the motions of the iris, and the power of adapting the eye to objects at different distances illustrated by a few pen-drawn diagrams. Pasted on the verso of the first end-paper of Vol. I is a small label 'Bound by J. McLaren, Glasgow.'
UnknownMalcolm Flemyng's Course of Physiology. Neatly written in Latin by the same hand throughout, but there is no indication of the writer's identity. Vol. i fol. 1, has the title "Physiologia , auctore M. Fleming M.D. celeberrimo."
Flemyng , Malcolm , c 1700-1764 , physiologist and writerNotes and photographs of experiment by John Edward French and Arthur Gordon Sanders at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford, concerning effect of cholesterol feeding on the liver, 1956.
French , John Edward , 1919-1970 , physician Sanders , Arthur Gordon , 1908-1980 , physicianJournal kept by John Gallop during the building of the MRC Cyclotron Unit, Hammersmith, 1949-1956, plus reports, correspondence and photographs, regarding the MRC cyclotron and many in American institutions. The 'MRC Policy' files contain reports and correspondence generated during the planning and execution of the cyclotron project, and give a good picture of the background negotiations as well as the day-to-day administration. Gallop's tutorial to the Stafford Hospital Postgraduate Medical School (G.1) summarises his view of the process. Both Gallop and J W Boag sent detailed reports of the cyclotrons which they visited in the USA in 1949-1950 (C.1-6), which Gallop prepared for publication (C.7) and lectures (C.8). The correspondence in Sections D and E contains further reports, and the personal correspondence (Section F), especially the letters from Boag, includes further thoughts on cyclotron development and use.
Gallop , John Winston , b 1910 , engineerGeneral Optical Council administrative records, 1959-2000: minutes of the meetings of the Council and its various committees including related memos and correspondence, Annual Reports of the Council and Committees, Notices of Motion, Registers of Opticians and Lists of Corporate Bodies.
General Optical CouncilPapers of Alfred Glucksmann, 1930-1985; comprising microfilm of diaries, 1930-1948; correspondence with colleagues and radiologists, 1933-1985, including Professor Hugh C McLaren and Dr Constance A P Wood, 1942-1969; offprints of articles, 1929-1966.
Glucksmann , Alfred , 1904-1985Papers of Rickman Godlee as a student comprising notes of lectures given by Thomas Huxley, sketches of anatomical dissections, and volume on surgery for the anniversary of University College London, 1867-1924.
Godlee , Sir , Rickman John , 1849-1925 , 1st Baronet , surgeonCase records on vascular diseases of the heart, [University College Hospital, London], 1919-1921. These case cards of patients first seen for vascular disease of the heart (VDH) between 1919-1921, were brought together by R D Grant for his study of this condition. The results of his research were published in Heart, Vol VI, June 1933, as 'After histories for 10 years of 1000 men suffering from heart disease: study in prognosis'.
Grant , Ronald Thompson , 1892-1989 , cardiologistPapers of Professor Sir Alexander Haddow including correspondence, diaries, autobiographical notes, photographs; scientific notes, 1920s-1970s.
Haddow , Sir , Alexander , 1907-1976 , Knight , pathologistNotes by Charles Hall from lectures and other sources on anatomy and the practice of physic, 1752-1763.
Hall , Charles , d 1805 , army surgeon