Papers of the Ackland and Littlewood families, 1809-1970. The items in this collection can broadly be categorised as follows: day-books and a diary recording visits to patients and medicines prescribed; patient accounts ledgers; apprenticeship indentures of William Ackland; recipe books and medical notebooks; casebook, medical notes and correspondence of Charles Kingsley Ackland; memoirs, correspondence, photographs, diplomas and miscellaneous papers of the Ackland family.
Ackland , William , fl 1791-1867 , general practitioner Ackland , William Henry , fl 1825-1898 , general practitioner Ackland , Charles Kingsley , 1859-1940 , general practitioner Littlewood , Martin Wentworth , 1888-1972 , general practitionerThe collection comprises medical notes and associated personal material. MSS.835-853 comprise notes by Acland on scientific and medical subjects, spanning the period from his schooldays to the First World War. MSS.3652-3653 are Acland's notes of clinical lectures given in 1876-1877 at St. Thomas's Hospital by Charles Murchison (1830-1879). MSS.5798-5800 comprise loose papers: letters, wall-charts and diplomas.
Acland , Theodore Dyke , 1851-1931 , physicianPapers reflecting the many different areas of Robina Addis's life and work, including her training and research; her involvement with both British and international societies and associations in the mental health field; visits abroad; lecturing, teaching and writing. After her official retirement she continued her involvement with the National Association for Mental Health, but was also able to extend her interests by working for the Save the Children Fund and other organisations, and these activities are also reflected in the collection.
There are, however, many gaps in the papers. While RSA's early training and research are covered, her work in child guidance in the prewar and Second World War periods are represented mainly by lecture notes and publications. Her long career in the NAMH is chronologically well covered from 1950 onwards, but the quantity of material is not great and it can be assumed that most of the papers were retained in the Association's internal filing system. With certain exceptions most of the papers representing RSA's other activities date only from the 1960s onwards and it is impossible to say what proportion of the total survives. The sequences of lecture notes and publications, do, however, seem to be fairly comprehensive.
Addis , Robina Scott , 1900-1986 , psychiatric social workerLectures delivered at Dr. Affleck's Class of Physic, Surgeons Hall, Edinburgh. Winter Session 1897-1898: On the Practice of Medicine. Holograph notes taken by Dr John Dixon Comrie [1875-1939]. Written on the rectos only, with inserted printed summaries pasted in: and in Vol. I, a 'General Outline of the Course'. Produced in Edinburgh.
Affleck , Sir , James Ormiston , 1840-1922 , Knight , PhysicianOne notebook on practical chemical analysis while at St Hilda's School Cheltenham, notebooks of lectures and courses while a student at London School of Medicine for Women, notes of cases seen while medical student, some later notebooks on matters of medical and surgical interest, and accounting lectures, diploma from the Comité Britannique de la Croix Rouge Française for service to France during the First World War, resolution from the Medical Women's Federation congratulating her on being made a Dame of the British Empire.
Blake , Dame , Louisa Brandreth , Aldrich- , 1865-1925 , surgeonThe three volumes, which are paged continuously from 1 to 1497 are throughout written in the autograph of Charles Alston (1683-1760), Professor of Botany from 1720-1760. The heading is "Lectures on the Materia Medica. Begun in November 1720 and since several times revised, corrected and enlarg'd. By C. A." Wide margins have been left throughout, in which later additions have been inserted. The latest date is 1754.
Alston , Charles , 1683-1760 , physician and botanistLecture notes of Anthony Angel as a physiology student at University College London, 1950s, and material from the physiology course that he taught as a Professor at Sheffield University, 1960s to 1980s.
Angel , Anthony , b 1937 , physiologistCopy of holograph manuscript of Edward Barclay-Smith's 'Advanced Course of Lectures on Anatomy', for the use of Cambridge students (this copy lent to Leonard Bousfield).
Smith , Edward , Barclay- , 1861-1945 , Professor of AnatomyPapers of the Beit Memorial Fellowships for Medical Research Trust, 1910-1994. The bulk of the archive is made up of the files of Beit fellows. The first Fellowships were awarded in 1910 and the lists in Section B.1 cover all the Fellows, 1910-1994. The Fellows' files in A.2 date from 1912-1990. Other records include minutes of the Board of Trustees and the Advisory Board (Fuller sets of minutes remain in the hands of the Trustees), correspondence, handbooks, some financial records and Directors' Reports and a newscuttings album. There is also a printed history of the Fellowships in section G.2.. A great deal of the correspondence on individual subjects survives from TR Elliott's time as Honorary Secretary.
Beit Memorial Fellowships for Medical Research TrustCharles Berry collection of 3 notebooks: pathology, bacteriology, tropical medicine, c 1920.
Berry , Charles Ernest , b 1893 , Chief Technician of the Wellcome Bureau of Scientific ResearchLecture notes, examination scripts and essays by Sir Colin Leonard Berry as a medical student, 1955-1959.
Berry , Sir , Colin Leonard , b 1937 , Knight , physician and professor'Cours d'anatomie pathologique...', transcribed by Augustin Palle, a medical student, year 10. An apparently complete transcript of Bichat's final course of lectures on pathological anatomy, delivered at the Hôtel-Dieu, Paris, between September 1801 and the spring of 1802. Palle must have written up his notes sometime between 1 August 1802 (the date of a letter from Bonaparte copied before the text) and 22 September 1802 (the last day of year 10). The arrangement of the text broadly conforms to that of the version published by F.-G. Boisseau, Anatomie pathologique, dernier cours de Xavier Bichat (Paris, 1825).
Bichat , Marie Francois Xavier , 1771-1802 , French anatomistLectures on chemistry: three sets of holograph notes of Joseph Black's lectures taken by students at Edinburgh University. Students taking the notes include the future Sir Charles Blagden (1748-1820) (MSS.1219-1227). Produced in Edinburgh.
Blagden , Sir , Charles , 1748-1820 , Knight , physician Perceval , Robert , 1756-1839 , Professor of ChemistryNotes on Herman Boerhaave's lectures and material extracted from his publications, with some material by others, 18th century.
Boerhaave , Herman , 1668-1738 , chemist and physician'Notes médicales prises dans les hôpitaux de Paris aux Cours de MM. Velpeau, Claude Bernard, Wurtz, Orfila, etc.' Produced in Paris.
(1) Bouillaud (J. B.) médecine clinique. n.d. (40 ll. + 4 bl. ll.).
(2) Velpeau (A. A. L. M.) Clinique chirurgicale. 1852 (46 ll.).
(3) - Observations de chirurgie. 1852 (32 ll.).
(4) Andral (G.) Observations de chirurgie. 1852 (46 ll.).
(5) Velpeau (A. A. L. M.) Pathologie externe. 1854 (26 ll. + 12 bl. ll.).
(6) Bernard (C.) Cours de physiologie. 1849-50 (46 ll.).
(7) Wurtz (C. A.) Chimie organique. 1849 (92 pp.).
(8) - Chimie organique. 1849 (48 ll.).
(9) - Chimie inorganique. [Incomplete] (27 ll.).
(10) Orfila (M. J. B.) Chimie inorganique (26 ll.).
(11) Velpeau (A. A. L. M.) Notes de pathologie chirurgicale. (14 ll. + 10 bl. ll.).
(12) Notes de médecine légale. (30 ll.).
(13) Notes de médecine légale. [Incomplete] (18 ll.).
(14) Notes de l'hygiène. (34 ll.).
Bonnet , Charles , fl 1854 , medical studentCollection of 9 'cahiers' containing a student's notes of lectures on medicine and allied subjects: Volume 1: (1) Médecine clinique de la Charité de Paris du 7 Prairial inclus le 22 Messidor l'an 3me; [1795] (76 ll.). (2) Clinique externe de l'Hospice de l'Humanité [Hôtel-Dieu] le Paris. Maladies des os. L'an 3me de la République, [1795] (54 ll.). (3) Clinique externe de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Paris. an. xi [1803] (6 ll.). (4) Dartre [etc.]. an. xi [1804] (8 ll.). (5) Candolle (A. P. de) Physiologie végétale. an. xi [1803] (33 ll.). Volume II: (1) Vauquelin (L. N.) Chimie. Analyse des eaux minérales et chimie végétale. an. xi [1803] (54 ll.). (2) [Cuvier (G. L. C. F. D. de)] Anatomie comparée. an. xi et xii [1803, 1804] (48 ll.). (3) Dumas (C. L.) Extrait des Principes de physiologie. n.d. (30 ll.). (4) Mémoires lus à l'Académie des Sciences. n.d. (68 ll.). On Meteorology. The writer's name appears on the 5th and 6th leaves of the 'Physiologie végétale' (No. 5), in the form of a copy of a Certificate of Attendance given to Hyacinthe Bonnet by [Joseph Claude Anthelme] Récamier [1774-1752], 'Chirurgien en chef de l'Hospice de l'Humanité à Paris [Hôtel-Dieu], et professeur de l'École de Médecine à Paris, etc.' Produced in Paris.
Bonnet , Hyacinthe , fl 1795 , medical studentThe records comprise the archive of the English Association and of the merged Association and give a representative overview of the work of the British Association of Occupational Therapists.Council minutes date from the establishment of the Association and include minutes of a joint Scottish/English Council 1952-1974.
The minutes and associated papers of the Executive Committee and other committees and sub-committees are not as complete: some may have been lost during the move to the present offices in 1989, others disposed of before then.
British Association of Occupational TherapistsPapers of the British Medical Association compring files [1915-1960], from the following subject series: Medico-Political, Science, Groups, Ethics, Public Health, Hospitals, Organisation. Also incomplete set of copy minutes of Council, Committees and of the Annual Representatives' Meetings and Special Representatives' Meetings, [1907-1982].
British Medical AssociationManuscripts from the collection of the British Medical Association, formerly held in the BMA Library, Tavistock Square, London. The manuscripts were numbered and catalogued at the BMA, with two exceptions among these papers - however the numbering of surviving documents is not consecutive, so that the original collection must have contained at least 26 catalogued items and an unknown number of unrecorded acquisitions. Former BMA MSS.1-6 (transferred at the same time as the manuscripts described here) are now GC/140; one fugitive BMA manuscript was purchased separately and is now MS. 6881. The location of the remainder is not known. The contents mainly comprise transcripts of medical lectures and case notes.
British Medical AssociationMinutes of National Council for Combatting Venereal Diseases (later the British Social Hygiene Council) including of Annual and Executive meetings, and other committees, sub-committees, standing committees and advisory boards, 1914-1957; also London and Home Counties Branch/Committee minutes, 1917-1940; a few financial records, 1942-1952; and journal Health and Empire, 1926-1940; pamphlets and similar literature of the NCCVD and related organisations, 1913-1918, n.d..
British Social Hygiene CouncilPapers compiled by Corneille Broeckx realting to the history of the Medical College, Antwerp, in various hands including letters, theses, transcripts and printed proclamations. Some of the transcripts have been made in the first part of the 19th century, but many are earlier. The printed proclamations, mostly on single sheets, date from 1628 to 1786.
Broeckx , Corneille , 1807-1869 , Belgian medical historianAddresses by Louis de Broglie including 1929 Nobel address, a fragment of a series of lectures at the Sorbonne and an address to a scientific conference in Warsaw in 1933.
Broglié , Louis Victor , de , 1892-1987 , 7th Duc de Broglié , physicist x de Broglié , Louis Victor'Physiologische Vorlesungen ... an der Universität Wien, geschrieben von Karl Langer', paged continuously: illustrated by small marginal pen and pencil diagrams and figures, some coloured. Produced in Vienna.
Brücke , Ernst Wilhelm , von , 1819-1892 , physiologistReports of Thomas Lauder Brunton's lectures on therapeutics and notes from a lecture on chloroform with three fragments of lectures on eye affections, on the effects of alcohol, and the effect of drugs on the brain given at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 1892-[1895].
Brunton , Sir , Thomas Lauder , 1844-1916 , first baronet , physician and pharmacologistLectures on inflammation and pathology by Maurizio Bufalini, 1836-1853.
Bufalini , Maurizio , 1787-1875 , Professor of Clinical MedicineNotes of lectures by Giuseppe Canziani, on veterinary medicine, anatomy, physiology and phrenology, [1840-1845].
Canziani , Giuseppe , 1815-1849 , veterinary surgeonNotes from the lectures of Pietro Carboni, taken down by Francesco Petrucelli at Naples.
Carboni , PietroStudents' notes of Mario Cecchini's lectures on tumours, at the Archiospedale del Santo Spirito, Rome.
Cecchini , MarioMiscellaneous certificates and tickets, 1816-1862.
UnknownPapers of Herbert Davies Chalke, 1924-[1980] including lecture notes, papers and publications, including re alcoholism, TB, care of the elderly, and food safety. Also papers re service with RAMC in North Africa.
Chalke , Herbert Davies , 1897-1979 , Medical Officer of HealthThe archive of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy provides a comprehensive record of its activities and development, dating back to its foundation - with two press cuttings books of the 1894 'massage scandals' (P.1), and Council minutes from 1894 onwards (B.1). The core of the collection is formed by complete runs of minute books for the various committees. There are no committee working papers or correspondence files other than those bound with the minutes. Papers relating to education and examination including minutes for all the major committees and sub-committees (C.1), and material relating to the actual administration of examinations: syllabuses, examination papers, result books and reports (C.2). Records relating to membership including membership registers 1895-1975, published lists of members 1920-1986 and minutes and registers of the fund and prize committees 1949-1957 (D). Records of some branches and special interest groups within the CSP can be found in section J.
Material relating to protecting and improving the status of its members within the medical profession can be found in section F, especially in connection with the debates on the place of physiotherapy within the NHS - training, conditions of service and its existence as a profession distinct from others such as occupational therapy. These topics are also discussed in publications (N). Other publications illustrate specific physiotherapy and lifting techniques and advertise physiotherapy as a career. Section P contains 'historical' material relating to the early years of the Society: the 'massage scandal' press cuttings, and correspondence re the Harley Institute massage school 1912-1914. Section P also contains material relating to the writing of the Society's commissioned histories, and personal papers and reminiscences, including a group of papers and photographs relating to Olive Guthrie-Smith and the Swedish Institute, (later St Mary's Hospital School of Physiotherapy), 1904-1939. There is a substantial photograph collection (Q.1), dating from 1900-1980, illustrating many aspects of the Society's work as well as specific treatments and hospital departments. There are also nine films (Q.5), 1942-1976, illustrating techniques, training and events; sound recordings (Q.3); and a series of tapes of oral history interviews recorded in 1992 (Q.4).
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Physiotherapists' Association Society of Remedial Gymnasts East Surrey Mobile Physiotherapy UnitPapers of Sidney Chave including 'War Diary' from service in Emergency Public Health Services, 1939-1942; diaries of the Harlow New Town Survey, 1958-1965; lecture notes and teaching files; publications, research and reference files on public health and its history; correspondence.
Chave , Sidney , 1914-1985 , bacteriologistA thick file of unpaginated duplicated material entitled 'Child Health and Environment: Bethnal Green', 1960s, apparently course material distributed in connection with a course in, presumably, child health, at St Bartholomew's Hospital (University House). The material is undated but from references within the text and given in the bibliography would appear to have been compiled in the late 1960s. The approach taken in the course would seem to emphasise the environmental aspect of child health and to take a social medicine perspective. Notes circulated in connection with a course on the above given at St Bartholomew's Hospital during the late 1960s.
Child Health and the Environment'Notes from Pierre Chirac's lectures, 1696-1734.
Chirac , Pierre , 1650-1732 , French physicianNotes from lectures of Nicolaus Cirillus, 1699-1735.
Cirillus , Nicolaus , 1671-1734 , physician x Cyrillus , NicolausNotes of lectures on chemistry taken by Aimé Marie Gaspard de Clermont-Tonnerre when a student, plus three short pieces on chemistry, 1800-1801.
Tonnerre , Aimé Marie Gaspard , de Clermont- , 1779-1865 , French statesman'Reminiscences of the Hospital at the Corner', St George's, Hyde Park, by Pamela Mary Clewett as a probationer nurse, 1939-1945. This is an autobiographical account of what it was like training as a nurse at St George's and elsewhere during the war years.
Clewett , Pamela Mary , fl 1939-1945 , nurseAnatomy by Henry Cline and Mr. Astley Cooper, Surgeons, 1804, St. Thomas's Hospital, Southwark, London, and by Henry Cline, Junior. (Vol. I.) The second volume contains notes of lectures, extracts, receipts, and some case-records at Guy's Hospital, by the same hand. Illustrated by a few rough pen-drawn anatomical figures, etc. The first volume is lettered on the spine: 'Anatomical Notes', and 'End of the first volume' is written on the last leaf of text. The second volume is lettered 'Notes.', and appears to be a continuation of another volume now missing. Some of the notes in this second volume are dated January and February 1805. Produced in London.
Cline , Henry , 1750-1827 , surgeonNotes on surgical lectures [given in London] by Henry Cline, and taken by an unnamed student. The text, neatly written in a uniform hand, is possibly a fair copy of notes taken at an earlier date. Dated watermarks are partially visible on the outer margin of leaves (e.g. MS. 6009, f. 98, where the date 1821 seems discernible).
Cline , Henry , 1750-1827 , surgeonMaterial relating to the use of nitrus oxide, chloroform and ether, mostly notes, including some on an operation carried out on Napolean III, and notes for lectures given by Clover. There is some personal material relating to Clover's education, including some family correspondence.
Clover , Joseph Thomas , 1825-1882 , AnaesthetistRecollections of Diana Cooke's nursing career during and shortly after the Second World War, with photographs. Introduction by M A L Cooke. Ts, spiral bound, 2002.
Cooke , Diana Blanche Bellenden , fl 1940-1950 , née Clarke , nurseA course of lectures on the Principles and Practice of Surgery, delivered by Astley Paston Cooper and Benjamin Travers at the Theatre of St. Thomas's Hospital, during the years 1818-1819. Produced in London.
Cooper , Sir , Astley Paston , 1768-1841 , 1st Baronet , surgeonTravers , Benjamin , 1783-1858 , surgeon
Notes, 1957-1966, made by Sir Zachary Cope in preparation for a History of Dispensaries in Great Britain, plus a piece on his own writings. Produced in London.
Cope , Sir , Vincent Zachary , 1881-1974 , Knight , surgeonTranscript of William Cullen's lectures on the practice of medicine taken by E. Dowsett, Edinburgh, 23 May 1770.
Dowsett , E , fl 1770Synopses and lecture notes used at the London Hospital Medical College, c 1945.
Davies , John Wynford , b 1927 , doctorNotes of lectures, written by Gabriel Daubry: Commentarii in Aristotelis Physicam, Philosophiam Moralem, Oeconomicam et Politicam. The 'Physica' is illustrated by pen-drawn diagrams and figures. Text within red rules. Vol. I. Compendium philosophiae moralis (26 pp.), Commentarii in decem libris Aristotelis ad Nicomachum (752 pp.), Commentarii in Aristotelis Oeconomica et Politica (149 pp.). This volume is dated 1654. Vol. II. Compendium Physicae (23 pp.). Commentarii in Physicam (1251 pp.). Included in this are commentaries on 'De coelo et mundo' (pp. 530-600), on 'De elementis (pp. 601-658), on 'De ortu et interitu (pp. 659-757), on 'De meteoris' (pp. 758-924), on 'De anima' (pp. 926-1170), on 'De somno et vigilia' (pp. 1171-1188), 'De anima' [cont.] (pp. 1190-1251). At the end is a 'Tractatus de mundi sphaera (150 pp.) by Desperiers.
Desperiers , JacquesPapers of Grantly Dick-Read, c 1906-1971 including family correspondence and papers, letters from mothers and doctors, papers relating to dissemination of doctrine, personal material.
Read , Grantly , Dick- , 1890-1959 , exponent of natural childbirthNotes by John Dixon on medical matters and on things of personal interest to him such as astrology and photography spanning his entire career, 1848-1903. MS.5191 comprises more formal material, namely certificates and indentures.
Dixon , John , 1832-1930 , physicianPersonalia and memorabilia of Walter Ernest Dixon and G Norman Myers, 1865-1949; files relating to their pharmacological research (digitalis, morphine substitutes, coramine, etc) and teaching and glass lantern slides, some of Dixon and colleagues, mostly relating to research.
Dixon , Walter Ernest , 1870-1931 , pharmacologist Myers , [George] Norman , 1898-1981 , pharmacologistPapers of Dr David Dobbie, 1943, comprising notes on tropical medicine, made in Army Field Message Book, 1943. Divided into sections on Malaria; Amoebiasis; Relapsing Fever; Leishmaniasis; Typhoid; Vitamin B deficiency; Ancylostomiasis; Schistosmiasis; Infective hepatitis; Smallpox; Typhus; Virus diseases (CNS); Effort syndrome; Plague; Deficiency malnutrition and Differential diagnosis of certain fevers. Possibly compiled while taking a course on the subject.
Dobbie , David Noble , d ?1987 , doctor