Showing 138 results

Archival description
Wright, Cyril Ernest
Wright, Cyril Ernest
WORMALD, Francis (1904-1972)
WORMALD, Francis (1904-1972)
Wilson, Douglas (fl 1908-1948)
Wilson, Douglas (fl 1908-1948)
WHITBY, Thomas (fl 1834)
WHITBY, Thomas (fl 1834)
WHISTLER, Daniel (1618/19-1684)
WHISTLER, Daniel (1618/19-1684)
Weymouth Letterbook
Weymouth Letterbook
Watson Papers (MS ADD 386)
Watson Papers (MS ADD 386)
Waring, Edward John (1819-1891)
Waring, Edward John (1819-1891)
Walker, John Kenworthy (fl 1809-1873)
Walker, John Kenworthy (fl 1809-1873)
Verdeil, François (1747-1832)
Verdeil, François (1747-1832)
TYRELL, Edward (fl 1832-1863)
TYRELL, Edward (fl 1832-1863)
Stephens, Joseph Rayner: letter
Stephens, Joseph Rayner: letter
SMITH, Professor George Charles Moore (1858-1940)
SMITH, Professor George Charles Moore (1858-1940)
Singer, Charles Joseph (1876-1960), and Singer, Dorothea Waley (1882-1964)
Singer, Charles Joseph (1876-1960), and Singer, Dorothea Waley (1882-1964)
SIMPSON, Sir James Young (1811-1870)
SIMPSON, Sir James Young (1811-1870)
Sherborne Collection Papers
Sherborne Collection Papers
Series F: manuscript treatises
Series F: manuscript treatises
SCHNITTKE, Alfred (1934-1998)
SCHNITTKE, Alfred (1934-1998)
Schneller, Joseph von (1811-1885)
Schneller, Joseph von (1811-1885)
Schiller-Szinessy Papers
Schiller-Szinessy Papers
Scheuer, Victor (fl.1874-1908), Belgian physician: Autograph Collection and Personal Papers
Scheuer, Victor (fl.1874-1908), Belgian physician: Autograph Collection and Personal Papers
Scattergood, Thomas (1825-1900)
Scattergood, Thomas (1825-1900)
Russell (Lord Odo) Collection
Russell (Lord Odo) Collection
Royal Anthropological Institute Manuscript Collection
Royal Anthropological Institute Manuscript Collection
Robinson (Henry Crabb) Autograph Album
Robinson (Henry Crabb) Autograph Album
Ricci, Seymour Montefiore Robert Rosso de-
Ricci, Seymour Montefiore Robert Rosso de-
Psalter miniatures
Psalter miniatures
Prout, William (1785-1850)
Prout, William (1785-1850)
PRESTAGE, Professor Edgar (1869-1951)
PRESTAGE, Professor Edgar (1869-1951)
Praxis medica
Praxis medica
Poulton, Alan: The Alan Poulton Musical Theatre Archive
Poulton, Alan: The Alan Poulton Musical Theatre Archive
Philip, Robert: manuscript of Heliand
Philip, Robert: manuscript of Heliand
PHILIP, Profesor James Charles (1873-1941)
PHILIP, Profesor James Charles (1873-1941)
PETTENKOFER, Max Joseph von (1818-1901)
PETTENKOFER, Max Joseph von (1818-1901)
PANKRATIEN, Nicodemus (fl 1773)
PANKRATIEN, Nicodemus (fl 1773)
Pafford, John Henry Pyle (1900-1996)
Pafford, John Henry Pyle (1900-1996)
OAKESHOTT, Michael Joseph (1901-1990): political scientist
OAKESHOTT, Michael Joseph (1901-1990): political scientist
Notebook on medieval manuscripts
Notebook on medieval manuscripts
Newbolt, Sir Francis George
Newbolt, Sir Francis George
Murie, James (1832-1925)
Murie, James (1832-1925)
MOSS, Arthur Leonard (fl 1905-1907)
MOSS, Arthur Leonard (fl 1905-1907)
Morgan, William Frend De: letter [Nov 1911]
Morgan, William Frend De: letter [Nov 1911]
Medieval manuscript fragments, mainly relating to law
Medieval manuscript fragments, mainly relating to law
Medieval manuscript fragments (12th-14th century)
Medieval manuscript fragments (12th-14th century)
Medieval manuscript fragments
Medieval manuscript fragments
Medical and miscellaneous commonplace-book
Medical and miscellaneous commonplace-book
Mayerne, Sir Theodore Turquet de (1573-1655)
Mayerne, Sir Theodore Turquet de (1573-1655)