International conflicts

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      Equivalent terms

      International conflicts

      • UF International disputes
      • UF Contentieux international
      • UF Différend international
      • UF Litige international
      • UF Contencioso internacional
      • UF Disputa internacional
      • UF Litigio internacional

      Associated terms

      1134 Archival description results for International conflicts

      1133 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
      GB 0099 KCLMA Riall M B B · Created 1899-1901, 1906-1910

      Newspaper cuttings mostly from The Irish Times, Evening Herald and The Globe, 1899-1901, relating to the Second Boer War, South Africa, 1899-1902. Papers and photographs relating to the Mohmand Field Force, North West Frontier, India, May-Jun 1908, including pocket diary detailing operations of 1 Bn, Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Regt) against Mohmand tribesmen, 1908; typescript extract, written on 13 Aug 1908, from the Record of Service of 1 Bn, The Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Regt), Mohmand Expedition, May-Jun 1908; fifty nine mostly captioned photographs of the Mohmand Field Force, 1908, including the defences of H Company, 1 Bn, The Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Regt), Mutta camp, North West Frontier, India, 1908; two printed maps of the North West Frontier, India [1908]; printed booklet entitled Standing Orders for Mohmand Field Force, May 1908 by Maj Gen Sir James Willcocks (Victoria Press, Peshawar, India, 1908); cutting from The Sphere with printed map of 'Mohmand country', 9 May 1908. Five letters from Riall to his father and sister, and to Riall from his mother, 1906-1910, with letter to Riall from Sgt Lipscombe, 1 Bn, The Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Regt), relating to a Battalion shooting competition, 30 Mar 1910.

      GB 0101 ICS 60 · 1972

      Material issued by Rhodesian pressure groups, concerning the Pearce Commission visit, 1972, on the reaction of black africans to the sanctions against Rhhodesia, including article by the Christian Council of Rhodesia and an open letter to the Commission from white Rhodesian citizens living in Britain.

      Pearce Commission
      GB 0099 KCLMA Revell-Smith · 1939-1940

      Personal letters to Maj Gen William Revell-Smith's sister in law, `Tricia' (Ann Patricia Lowson, 1919-2003, wife of Sir Denys Colquhoun Flowerdew Lowson, 1st Bt, 1906-1975), as Commander, 53 Light Anti Aircraft Regt, British Expeditionary Force, UK and France, 1939-1940. Includes reference to recruiting his wife Norma (First Aid Nursing Yeomanry 1914-1918 and 1939-1945), to give gas training to militia troops, July 1939. With signed photograph of Revell-Smith in uniform.

      Smith , William Revell Revell- , 1894-1956 , Major General
      GB 0097 COLL MISC 0701 · Collection · 1968-1971

      Press cuttings, articles, leaflets, pamphlets (original and photocopies) concerning the Resisters Inside The Army (RITA) campaign, collected or produced by RITA.

      Resisters Inside The Army (RITA)
      GB 1556 WL 1113 · Collection · 1941

      Report of transport of Jews from Düsseldorf to Minsk, 1941, comprises a certified copy of a report about the transport of Jews from Düsseldorf to Minsk, including Jews from Essen and Wuppertal, by Hauptmann der Schutzpolizei, Meurin. The report has the following sub-headings: description of the transport; description of the city and ghetto of Minsk; Russian POWs; return (to Düsseldorf) of the Transportkommando and recommendations.

      Meurin , fl 1941 , Captain of German Security Police
      GB 1556 WL 606 · 1936-1940

      Correspondence between the Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland and the Council of German Jewry, 1936-1940, including on the constitution and finances of the Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland and correspondence regarding possibility of emigration of Jews to Kenya and the Richborough Camp (Kitchener camp for refugees), Kent.

      Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland
      GB 1556 WL 604 · 1939

      Microfilm copies of papers of the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland, 1939, including constitution and drafts; minutes of meetings; circulars and information sheets regarding emigration; accounts; correspondence and file on the Jewish community in Munich.

      Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland
      GB 1556 WL MF 57 · Collection · 1900-1939

      Personal and family papers, 1900-1939, ranging from First World War army records to correspondence and passports of several hundred Jews, handed over to the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland whilst the individuals were waiting in collection centres, having been rounded up by the Nazis prior to deportation to Eastern Europe. Includes index.

      Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland
      GB 1556 WL 1078 · Collection · 1942

      Papers of Reichskommissar für die besetzten Niederländischen gebiete, 1942, comprise a copy of a letter from the Reichskommissar für die besetzten Niederländischen Gebiete to Dr Lammers concerning acquisition of paintings at a low price in Holland.

      Reichskommissar für die besetzten Niederländischen gebiete x Realm commissioner for the occupied Netherlands areas
      GB 1556 WL 609 · Collection · 1927-1961

      Papers of the Reichsbund jüdischer Frontsoldaten, 1927-1961, including correspondence, circulars and papers of the activities of the Westdeutscher Landessportverband which was affiliated to the Sportbund im Reichsbund jüdischer Frontsoldaten notably on boxing, tennis and football, the activities of the organisation, and the relationship with other bodies such as the Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland and the Deutscher Makkabikreis. Letter from Leo Löwenstein regarding the fallen Jewish soldiers of World War One; press cuttings on fallen Jewish soldiers of World War One, (1930s) and obituaries of Leo Löwenstein. Circulars and other papers of the Sportbund des Reichsbundes jüdischer Frontsoldaten. Issue of Der Schild, 28 Sep 1933.

      Reichsbund jüdischer Frontsoldaten
      Regent Street Polytechnic
      GB 1753 RSP · Fonds · 1855-1970

      Records, 1891-1970, of Regent Street Polytechnic, comprising:
      Governing Body minutes, 1891-1970, attendance books, 1954-1970, and related papers; Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes, 1891-1932, 1951-1960, and attendance books, 1949-1958.

      Deeds, leases, agreements, schedules, licences and correspondence, 1891-1970, concerning Polytechnic affairs and premises, including Langham Place, Riding House Street, Great Portland Street, and other sites, and use of the Polytechnic Theatre (Marlborough Hall), Regent Street, as a cinema;
      papers, 1889-1970, relating to the Charity Commissioners' Scheme for the Polytechnic.

      Financial records, some relating to Trusts and prizes, 1891-1970, including balance sheets, accounts and financial statements, 1891-1895, 1899-1904, balance sheets and accounts, 1939-41, ledgers, 1892, 1902-1970, journals, 1939-1956, various cash books, 1905-1970, invoices, 1905-1911, 1959-1965, correspondence and papers concerning overdrafts, 1927-1954, record books, perhaps recording payments to government-sponsored students, 1919-1923, applications for and papers relating to grants from the City Parochial Foundation and London County Council, 1891-1960, and other papers relating to funding and regulatory bodies, including the Board of Education, papers relating to the Quintin Hogg estate and investments, 1903-1970, and the Kynaston Studd memorial fund, 1940s, and Polytechnic Benevolent Fund minute book, 1938-1965.

      Administrative papers and correspondence of the Polytechnic and its officers, 1902-1964, relating to premises, finance, staff and salaries, library, enrolments, fees and examinations; correspondence and papers on fundraising and rebuilding, 1909-1916, including Building Committee minutes, 1908-1911, and plans, agreements and press cuttings; correspondence and papers on fundraising and extension, 1926-1929; correspondence, plans and other papers, 1911-1946, relating to premises including Cavendish Place and Langham Place; correspondence and papers relating to administration and facilities of the Quintin Hogg Recreation Ground, Chiswick, 1904-1960s, including the Trustees' minute book, 1932-1959; papers relating to proposed re-organisation, 1959-1969.

      Records of the Education Department, including prospectuses, 1892-1970, and records relating to examinations, results, certificates, and medals awarded to students, 1891-1970;
      papers of the Teaching Staff Association, 1963-1970;
      records of the Polytechnic Institute, comprising membership records for men, 1891-1958, and women, 1904-1960, and subscription ledgers for men, 1891-1937, 1952-1963, and women, 1904-1937, 1952-1960; papers relating to World War One, 1914-1915, including three volumes on members on active service.

      Papers, including ephemera, on Polytechnic jubilees, public and social occasions, and official visits, 1904-1964, including the royal visit, 1912, the opening of the stadium at Chiswick, 1938, coronations, 1937, 1953, and Hogg centenary celebrations, 1964.

      Rules, 1913; printed annual reports, 1931-1938, 1952-1970, and typescripts, 1938-1941; staff handbooks [1954], 1964 and undated; student handbooks, 1961-1970; lecture notes and exam papers for the P.O. Workman's course, 1929-1933; class notebook for Electro-Technology, 1930s; lecturer's notebook detailing classroom allocation, staff teaching hours and student enrolment numbers, 1930-1945; The Polytechnic Magazine, 1891-1971, which includes detailed information on Polytechnic business and activities; miscellaneous other publications, including The Polytechnic: its genesis and present status (1892), The Polytechnic Portrait Gallery (1894), comprising portraits of staff and members, an honorary membership ticket, 1895, student magazines, 1936-1969, and miscellaneous articles, typescripts and cuttings on the Polytechnic, 1892-1968; volumes of press cuttings and scrapbooks of ephemera, 1893-1947, including Polytechnic activities, rebuilding, and J E K Studd.

      Textbooks written by members of the Polytechnic teaching staff, including
      Theory and Analysis of Ornament - Applied to the Work of the Elementary and Technical Schools by Francois Louis Schauermann, 1892; The Polytechnic Coat System by Dr Thomas Darwin Humphreys, 3rd edition, n.d. [1900]; A Manual of Boot and Shoe Manufacture designed for the use of technical students by Herbert Hill and Henry Yeoman, 3rd edition, 1900; Building Construction and Drawing - first stage (or elementary course) by Charles F Mitchell, assisted by George Mitchell, 6th edition, 1902; Engineering Drawing : Principles and Practice of Draughtmanship by W. Weeks, n.d.; Polytechnic Technical Scales by C F Mitchell, n.d.; Hasluck's Recitations volume II: Hasluck's Recitations for Ladies compiled and adapted by Mr and Mrs S L Hasluck, 1903; Indiarubber and Gutta Percha - A Complete Practical Treatise by T Seeligmann, G Lamy Torrilhon and H Falconnet. Translated from the French by John Geddes McIntosh, 1903; Carpentry Workshop Practice by C F and G A Mitchell, 1904; Brickwork and Masonry: A Practical Textbook for students by Charles F Mitchell, 1904; The Polytechnic Cookery Book by M. M. Mitchell, 1907; Pumps - Their Principles and Construction - a series of lectures delivered at the Polytechnic Institute, Regent Street, London by J Wright Clarke, 2nd edition, 1919; Speech Training in the School by Marjorie Gullan, 1929; A Modern French Course for Beginners by A C Clark, 1930; General Electrical Engineering edited by Philip Kemp, 1943; A Modern German Course - Part 1 and Part 2 (2 volumes) by A C Clark and W O Williams, 1947; Fitness for All by Joseph Edmundson, 1953; The Pan Book of Swimming and Water Sports by Joseph Edmundson, 1965.

      Photograph album, c1899, including photographs of activities and buildings; other negatives, prints, and plates, comprising buildings and premises (exterior and interior shots), including Langham Place, Regent Street, Little Titchfield Street, and the Quintin Hogg Recreation Ground, Chiswick; educational aspects, including Polytechnic Schools, libraries and laboratories, and window displays and exhibitions; events, including the royal visit, 1912, Lord Mayor's Show, 1922, 1928, annual fetes, 1927-1932, and Coronation concert and dance, 1953; personalities, including members of the Hogg family, Robert Mitchell, and J E K Studd; photography students' work, 1960-1970. Some earlier photographs were taken by the Polytechnic School of Photography.

      Material relating to the Hogg family, 1855-[1970], includes articles about Quintin Hogg, 1888-1949; miscellaneous of Hogg's letters, mainly copies (originals dated 1882-1903), some relating to the Polytechnic; books by or associated with Hogg, 1855-1900; papers relating to his death, funeral and monument, 1903-1907, including printed material and a volume of press cuttings on his achievements; and information on other family members. Material relating to other Polytechnic notables comprises T H W Pelham's Recollections of the pre-historic days of the Polytechnic (1914); miscellaneous papers relating to Robert Mitchell, comprising a letter to E J Painter, 1929, a cutting on his death and orders of service for memorial services, 1933, and Ethel M Wood's Robert Mitchell (1934); miscellaneous correspondence and papers relating to John Edward Kynaston Studd, including programmes for social events, 1922-1935, his The origin, history, and present work of the Polytechnic [1932], papers relating to his death, 1944-1945, and A L D Hamilton's Kynaston Studd (1953); printed material on other members of the Studd family, 1914-1962.

      Polytechnic Institute , Regent Street Regent Street Polytechnic
      Refugee Council
      GB 2381 C42396 · Collection · 1951-

      Papers of the Refugee Council relating to all aspects of refugee history, policy and practice, both in the UK and worldwide, from the 1950s to the time of writing. The collection comprises published books and journals, published and unpublished articles and reports; conference papers; pamphlets and leaflets; newsletters, research papers including interviews, questionnaires and case studies; field reports; working papers; statistical data; press cuttings; bibliographies and audio-visual resources including videos, DVDs, tapes, CDs, multi media CD-ROMs, photographs and slides. Topics include conditions in the countries of origin of refugees; causes of flight; migration; asylum; assistance and relief programmes; adaptation and integration of refugees into new communities; groups including ethnic groups, religious groups, gender groups, age groups, social class and family; and organisations including intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations.

      Refugee Council x British Refugee Council
      GB 0074 ACC/2305/24-5 · Collection · 1940-1955

      Premises records of Reffells Bexley Brewery Limited, comprising correspondence and papers relating to the Town and Country Planning Act 1947, including war damage claims with schedule of damages.

      Reffells Bexley Brewery Ltd
      GB 0099 KCLMA Reeves · Created 1936-1948

      Papers relating to his life and career, 1936-1961, principally comprising diary of tour of Germany to assess capacity of industrial installations, Apr-Jun 1945, written in [1945-1946] and including related reports and photographs of sites visited, 1945; record of service pocket book, 1936-1948.

      GB 0097 MERLYN-REES · Collection · 1949-2002

      Papers relating to Lord Merlyn-Rees' political career, 1949-2002, concerning his role as Secretary of State for Northern Ireland. Among the papers are: transcripts of Merlyn Rees' taped diary, 1972-1976. These are a very useful insight into Rees' contemporary views on politics and events in Northern Ireland. Included are accounts of: the Ulster Workers' Strike; the collapse of the power sharing executive; the Constitutional Convention; meetings with politicians; parliamentary proceedings; and, security matters such as internment and special category status for paramilitary prisoners. The diaries also contain comments on UK politics generally (MERLYN-REES/1); articles, lectures and speeches by Lord Merlyn-Rees, 1965-2002, including speeches made while he was Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and Home Secretary (MERLYN-REES/2); drafts of 'Northern Ireland: a personal perspective' (MERLYN-REES/3); correspondence, timetables and other papers regarding visits to Northern Ireland by Merlyn Rees and Colleen Rees, mainly 1972-1976 (MERLYN-REES/4); official papers, mainly 1974-1976 (MERLYN-REES/5); Northern Ireland Office press notices, 1974-1976 (MERLYN-REES/6); correspondence files, 1971-1997 (MERLYN-REES/7); subject files relating to Northern Ireland, including correspondence, official memoranda (including memos from Roger Darlington, political adviser/researcher), articles, press cuttings and other papers. These have been arranged by the archivist in a number of series: legislation (MERLYN-REES/8); media (MERLYN-REES/9); political (MERLYN-REES/10); religion, culture and parades (MERLYN-REES/11); security (MERLYN-REES/12); social and economic (MERLYN-REES/13); organisations (MERLYN-REES/14); people (MERLYN-REES/15); general (MERLYN-REES/16); papers regarding the campaign for the release of the Guildford Four and Maguire Seven, and papers regarding the Birmingham Six case (MERLYN-REES/17); papers regarding allegations of a 'dirty tricks' campaign by elements of the security forces during the 1970s. Merlyn Rees was one of the people who was smeared during the campaign (MERLYN-REES/18); subject files (except Northern Ireland), including papers on crime, the Falklands War, media, the miners' strike and policing (MERLYN-REES/19); photographs (MERLYN-REES/20).

      Rees , Merlyn Merlyn- , 1920-2006 , Baron Merlyn-Rees , politician
      Rees Papers
      GB 0103 REES · c1920-1970

      Papers of the writer Sir Richard Rees, c1920-1970 and undated.

      Manuscripts and typescripts for Rees' published and unpublished work include material for an unpublished book of essays; a typescript of his unpublished novel; unpublished shorter pieces, including lectures on literary and cultural subjects, among them George Orwell and Simone Weil.

      Miscellaneous personal papers and writings, 1926-1960s, include notes on dreams; travel notes on the USA, 1929; a Russian diary, 1935; papers relating to the Spanish Civil War; typescript papers of the International Commission for War Refugees, 1941-1944, and other correspondence and papers on its work; papers relating to Rees' service in World War Two; correspondence concerning Rees' membership of the committee of the Pilgrim Trust; papers relating to sales of Rees' books; printed papers, comprising various articles and book reviews relating to Rees' interests.

      Correspondence, c1920-1970, comprises items to Rees and carbon copies or drafts of his letters, the correspondents including prominent literary and other public figures, for example David Astor, Vanessa Bell, Joseph Conrad, Victor Gollancz, Frieda Lawrence, Iris Murdoch, Sonia Orwell, Sir Herbert Read, Hugh Trevor-Roper, A L Rowse, John Sparrow, Stephen Spender, R H Tawney, and many others, and including letters relating to George Orwell, J Middleton Murry, R H Tawney, and Simone Weil; correspondence with his literary agents A D Peters and with publishers, on his publications and broadcasts; letters to the press; personal papers, including c100 letters from Rees to his mother, c1938-c1942, other family letters, and snapshots; correspondence with J Middleton Murry and his wife, 1936-1937, relating to personal matters leading to Rees' resignation from the Adelphi, and other papers relating to the Adelphi, 1935-1936.

      Other material includes a notebook including typescript reviews and letters to editors; memoranda of agreements with publishers for books, articles, etc, 1954-1969; press cuttings on various political, literary, artistic, and other subjects, including reviews of some works by Rees; typescript diary of a visit to Italy, 1959.

      Rees' papers on George Orwell, 1949-1963, relating to his role as literary executor include correspondence and papers, some relating to Orwell's death, adopted son Richard, and proposed posthumous publications, and including material relating to his wife Sonia; papers on the George Orwell Archive Trust; typescript transcripts of poems Orwell contributed to the Adelphi, 1933-1936; two book reviews by Orwell, 1943-1944.

      Rees' papers on Simone Weil largely comprise translations, typescripts and proofs for Rees' publications on Weil. There are also some writings by Weil; a photograph of her, 1942; letters to Rees from Weil's mother and brother, André, and other correspondence on Weil, 1958-1970; press cuttings on Rees' publications on Weil.

      Rees' papers on R H Tawney, relating to his role as literary executor, include correspondence and papers of Tawney; Rees' correspondence on Tawney, largely dating from 1960-1970; correspondence and papers relating to the sale of Tawney's belongings and his will, with other personal documents relating to Tawney and his wife; correspondence relating to the disposal of Tawney's collection of books on economic history, 1952. The correspondents include a number of prominent literary and other public figures.

      The later deposit comprises a typescript on Orwell and a typescript and corrected proofs on Murry.

      Rees , Sir , Richard (Lodowick Edward Montagu) , 1900-1970 , 2nd Baronet , author
      GB 0097 REES-JEFFREYS · Collection · 1810-1954

      Papers relating to Rees Jeffreys' involvement in the Roads Improvement Association and the Road Board; road legislation, finance, design and development; Road Congresses; roads overseas; the relationship between road and rail transport; roads during the two world wars and their reconstruction in the post-war period; motor legislation and motor organisations; motorways; town planning; transport congresses and transport policy; transport infrastructure in the Commonwealth; bridges; buses and tramways; Rees Jeffreys' book, 'The King's Highway'; journals concerned with transport; and personal material, including private correspondence, biographical writings and overseas tour diaries.

      Rees Jeffreys, William, 1871-1954, writer and publicist
      GB 0099 KCLMA World War One Posters · [1914-1916]

      Recruitment and fundraising posters, World War One, 1914-1916, including Parliamentary Recruiting Committee posters and Parliamentary War Savings Committee posters. The posters are full colour and are designed as postive and negative propaganda to aid recruitment and encourage donation to the war effort and were aimed at domestic civilian audiences. Highlights include posters referring to the sinking of the liner, the Lusitania, appeals to assist in the defence of Belgium, examples of alleged German atrocities, and representations of Britain, British families and the British way of life thought to be under threat.

      Parliamentary Recruiting Committee x Parliamentary War Savings Committee
      GB 0114 · 1745-date

      Legal Records: Charters and Bylaws (1462) - date

      Court and Council : Court of Assistants 1745-1827; Council 1827-date; Council in Committee 1963-1989; Revision committee 1981-1987; Nomination Committee 1934-1970; Annual Reports of Council 1884-date

      Secretariat: Correspondence, arranged by subject c.1880-1983; Letterbooks 1810-1866, 1900-1925; General Purposes Committee 1808-1962; Joint Secretariat Committee 1961-1974

      President: Committee of President and Vice President 1836-1855; Presidential Committee on Examinations 1985; Presidential Committee on the College's Educational Policies for the Future 1981-1982; Presidential Correspondence 1945-1948; President's Conversazione 1899-1934; President's newsletter 1967-1991

      Museum: Board of Curators 1800-1844; Museum & Building Committee 1799-1814; Museum Committee 1844-1988; Hunterian Trustees 1805-present; Letter books 1800-1883; Museum Accounts 1800-1832; Annual Reports 1827-1946; Correspondence 1845-date; Special Collections Committee 1989; Donations Registers and Correspondence 1802-1967; Human Remains [archaeological Finds} 1907-1937; Visitors 1805-1989; Odontological Museum correspondence 1943-1989;

      Building: Building Committee 1844-1966; Committee on Accommodation 1982; Committee on the Extension of the College Buildings 1885-1891; Furniture & Building 1966-1992; Hospitality & Catering Committee 1956-1988; House Committee 1944-1961; Building Estates Committee 1989-1992; Property Committee 1978-1982; Rebuilding of College 1946-1955; Plans for rebuilding 1957; Correspondence 1910-date, photographs 1880-date.

      Examinations: Court of Examiners 1796 -1832; Registers 1745-1983; Committee of Management Conjoint Board 1884-1929; Letters books 1832-1865; Committee on Courses 1981-2; Working Party on Future of Examining Board In England 1972-1981

      Membership: Signature books 1800-1970; Apprentices 1800-1846; Death Registers 1800-1889; Membership lists 1788-1970; Discipline Committee 1915-1955; Licentiate registers 1885-1898; Certificates 1850-1870; Register of Certificates 1821-1835

      Fellowship; Fellowship Election Committee 1943-1975; Fellows Committee 1988-1999; Overseas Fellows Committee 1986-1989; Honorary Fellows 1900-1978; Fellows & Honorary Fellows photo albums 1840-1968;

      Lectureships & Awards: Lectures & Orations 1810-1842; Erasmus Wilson Committee 1879; Jacksonian Lectureship Committee 1800-date; Prize & Medal Committee 1956-1987; Macloghlin Scholarship committee 1965-1975; Joseph Toynbee Memorial Lecture Committee 1988; Lionel College Memorial Fellowship Committee minutes 1982-1985; Norman Capener Travelling Fellowship Advisory Board 1981-1988; Ratanji Dalal Research Scholarship Committee 1963-1990; Tudor Edwards Memorial Fund Committee 1989; Walker Prize Committee 1956-1980; Windsor Prize Committee 1982

      Publications: Transactions Committee 1841-1842; Annals Committee 1947-1989; Almanacks 1903-date

      Annual Meetings: Annual & Provincial Meetings Committee 1965-1966;

      External Affairs: External Affairs Board Minutes 1989-1992; International Relations Committee 1983;

      Finance: Accounts 1745-1974 ; Committee of Auditors 1811-1888; Finance Committee 1888- 1977; Cashbooks 1887-1959; Finance & General Appeal Committee 1967-1972; Building Committee Accounts 1806-1838; College Chest 1978-1982; Committee on Income & Expenditure 1868

      Fundraising: Appeals Committee 1956-1978; Restoration funds records 1945-1956

      Library: Library Committee 1833-1989; Acquisitions 1833-1850; Letter book 1828-1851; Correspondence 1935-1965; Donations 1868-1957; Purchases 1887-1952; Visitors 1889-1946;Binding 1856-1951; Books Received 1839-1951; Periodicals Received 1881-1938; Binding 1951-1964

      Media: Audio Visual Techniques Committee 1980-1982;

      Surgical Specialities & Training: Examiners in Anatomy & Physiology Minutes 1880-1918 ; Examiners in Midwifery minutes 1852-1857; Board of Examiners In Dental Surgery 1860-1909; Board of Surgical Specialities 1976-1988; Committee on Higher Specialist Assessment in General Surgery 1984; Committee on Training of Surgeons later Surgical Training Board minutes 1959-1971; Courses & Lectureship Committee 1982; Committee on Courses 1981-1982; Special Advisory Committee on General Surgery 1978-1981; Surgical Teaching Films Committee 1985-1986; Joint Committee for Plastic Surgery, Postgraduate Orthopaedic Training 1948-1959; Postgraduate Education Committee 1947-1959

      Research Laboratories Committee 1890-1905; Ethical or Research Ethics Committee 1974-1983; Hunterian Institute Board Minutes 1986-1989; Hunterian Institute Academic Advisory Committee 1986-1989; Institute of Basic Medical Research Correspondence & Minutes 1946-1983; Joint General Board 1966-1983; Joint Research Board 1975-1979; Museum & Research Committee 1937-1974; Research Establishment at Downe Management Committee minutes 1974-1977; Research Grants & Development Committee 1979-1985; Research Ethics Committee 1985-1992; Streatfield & MacKenzie Mackinnon Research Fund Committee 1989; Anatomy Correspondence 1948-1980

      Club College Council Club minutes, photographs, correspondence 1931-date

      Dinner: Hunterian Festival programmes 1881-1975; Buckston Browne 1928-1956

      War: Committee of Reference 1916-1919

      The Royal College of Surgeons of England
      GB 0099 KCLMA Raven · Created 1939-1964

      Papers relating to service in HMS GLOUCESTER, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, World War Two, including photocopy of diary, 1939-1940, naval messages, 1940-1943, and photographs; official service records, 1941-1958; and papers relating to naval career, 1949-1964, including article dated 1965, 'A Perspective View of Naval Engineering', on the Electrical Branch of the Royal Navy.

      Rast, Dr Hugo
      GB 0120 PP/RAS · 1920-1976

      Papers of Hugo Rast, 1920-1976, including wartime diaries (with transcripts); papers relating to his activities as neutral member of the Mixed Medical Commission on Prisoners of War in the UK, with a little personal material and photographs, etc, of the German Hospital, also a selection of his files on distinguished patients.

      Rast , Hugo , 1891-1982 , physician
      GB 0099 KCLMA Ramsbotham · 1971-1997

      Papers of Sir David Ramsbotham, including reports, correspondence, photographs, lecture texts, press cuttings and ephemera, relating to his career, 1974-1995.

      Papers relating to Northern Ireland including Northern Ireland intelligence summaries, 22 Mar-11 Aug 1978; reports including report on 2nd Bn, Royal Green Jackets, Northern Ireland operations, Nov 1974-Feb 1975 and related correspondence; report on the organisation and operation of Bn search teams, 8 Aug 1974; report to Brigadier Ramsbotham from J.H. Dunlop on the subject of education in Belfast, 7 Jan 1980; 'Report on the situation in Belfast as at 14 July 1980'; report by Ramsbotham while commanding 39th Infantry Brigade to Major General Glover Commander Land Forces Northern Ireland, 15 Jul 1980 and situation report 39th Infantry Bde, Belfast, July 1980; training notes and reports; operation statistics, 6 Dec 1978-5 Dec 1979; papers relating to riot and crowd control in Northern Ireland, 19 Sep 1978; correspondence, 1971-1993, including two letters from Dervla Murphy Oct and Dec 1987; transcripts and notes for lectures on 2nd Bn, The Royal Green Jackets' time in Ireland between 1 Nov 1974 and 28 Feb 1975 and press cuttings and articles on Northern Ireland, 1971-1990.

      Papers relating to the Falkland Islands including detailed account of Ramsbotham's tour, 23 Jun-1 Jul 1982; photographs; related press cuttings and notes on a 1989 visit.

      Transcripts of speeches by Ramsbotham on defence and peacekeeping, 1982-1995; transcripts of speeches on military subjects by various speakers, 1982-1995; articles relating to defence 1959-1989; articles and talks by FM Lord Carver 1971-1996; papers relating to HRH Silver Jubilee review of the Army 1977; papers relating to official visits; papers relating to the United Nations, 1993-1997; booklets on military subjects, 1962-1995 and memoranda and copies of articles on defence and the media, 1982-1985.

      Photographs including of the Falkland Islands visit; the opening of the Adjutant General Information Centre; Ramsbotham's early career; presentation of the Imperial Service medal to June Small; visit to the Guides Infantry; visit to the USA; visit to the UNISYS International management centre; visiting troops during winter training; visits by Col Gen Omelichev to Winchester and Winchester Cathedral; meeting soldiers on patrol; official visits in Germany; on exercise Lone Star; visiting commonwealth troops in India and Africa and a visit to Gibraltar.

      Ramsbotham , Sir , David John , b 1934 , Knight , General
      GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 86 · 1918

      Group photograph of 3 Squadron RAF football team, plus officers, with handwritten caption on reverse, `taken 4 May 1918 at Hastings'. Also informal group snapshot photographs of British troops from various regiments, no caption, c 1918.

      GB 0099 KCLMA Raeburn · Created [1992]

      'Some recollections of a Scots Guardsman, 1935-1947', a memoir covering his military career during the period 1935-1947, notably his service at General HQ, Middle East Land Forces, 1940-1943, and with the Scots Guards in Italy, 1943-1944 and 1947, and Germany, 1945, written in [1992].

      GB 0099 KCLMA Rae · Created 1994

      Memorial addresses and obituaries, 1994, including details of his service as Commander, RAF Tengah, Singapore, 1942, and his subsequent capture and imprisonment by the Japanese, 1943-1945.

      N/M/017-2 · Collection · 1817-1960

      Minutes of Local Committee, 1817-1829; minutes of Teachers' and Committee meetings, 1821-1872; minutes of Day Schools Committee, 1886-1903; minutes of the Sunday School Council, 1912-1933; minutes of the Governing Council, 1899-1942; minutes of the Ragged School, 1899-1936; financial accounts, 1847-1959; Sunday School Log Book, 1820-1835; admission and attendance registers, 1835-1959; Board of Education schedules, reports and correspondence relating to the Day Schools, 1884 - 1903; correspondence and memoranda, 1880-1903 and 1954-1960; annual accounts, 1896-1959 (with gaps); correspondence and memoranda regarding tenancy at Bath Street London County Council School and war damage at Radnor Street School including plan of damage in basement and of proposed repairs, 1929-1950; general correspondence, 1854-1948, with pamphlet relating the history of the schools and renovation plans, 1928.

      Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
      GB 0099 KCLMA Radford · Created 1945, 1954

      Typescript report, '23rd Armoured Bde operations in Greece, October 15 1944-January 7 1945' issued by Headquarters, Royal Armoured Corps, Central Mediterranean Forces, May 1945, and typescript volume, 'The Second World War 1939-1945 - Army - Planning' by Col Robert David Quixano Henriques, issued by the War Office, 1954.

      GB 0099 KCLMA Queripel · Created 1917, [1945]

      Copies of papers relating to his military service, 1898-1945, dated 1917 and [1945], comprising a letter to his wife describing the fall of Baghdad, 10 Mar 1917, and subsequent conditions in the city, dated 16-17 March 1917; official Mesopotamian Expeditionary Force General HQ 'Despatch on operations', 28 Aug 1916-31 Mar 1917, dated Apr 1917; summary of his military service, 1898-1945, written in [1945].

      GB 0099 KCLMA Pyman · Created 1860-1901, 1937-1971

      The collection covers Pyman's career from 1937 until 1963 when he suffered a severe stroke which forced his retirement in 1964. The earliest papers date from Pyman's work with the Royal Tank Cadre in converting the 17/21 Lancers from a cavalry to an armoured regiment. There are also papers from Pyman's period as an instructor at the Staff College in Quetta, India, 1939-1941. Pyman was involved in the World War Two campaigns by the 8 Army in the Western Desert, in 1941 as General Staff Officer with 7 Armoured Div, 30 Corps and in 1942-1943 as Commander of the 3 Royal Tank Regiment, 10 Armoured Div, 30 Corps. The papers consist mostly of Pyman's assessments of lessons learned from the ongoing campaigns particularly with regard to tanks and armoured units. In 1944-1945 Pyman was Brigidier General Staff, 30 Corps, 2 Army in the Normandy landings and the invasion of Northern Europe, with particular responsibility for organisation and planning of the Rhine crossing and advance to the Baltic. This is reflected in the papers which largely consist of planning studies and reports for the operations involved, this section also contains maps used in the campaign. Pyman's next appointment was as Chief of General Staff, Allied Land Forces, South East Asia, 1945-1946 which is documented by a series of diaries which reflect the tasks faced by Pyman in this command including dealing with the build up of tension between newly liberated former colonies keen to assert their right for independence and the former colonial powers such as France and Netherlands. Pyman spent 1946-1949 as Chief of Staff, Middle East Land Forces and kept monthly diaries which form the bulk of this section of the collection. The diary entries and additional papers reflect the debate over policy in the Middle East in the British Government and Military command, they include detail on the British withdrawal from Greece, the problem of illegal Jewish immigrants and their internment in Cyprus, the end of the British mandate in Palestine and the the effect of this on relations between Britain with Egypt and the other Arab states and the subsequent Arab Israeli conflict. This section of the collection also contains correspondence between Pyman and Maj Gen Sir Miles Christopher Dempsey on personal matters and on the Middle East. There are also papers from Pyman's work at the Ministry of Supply as Director General of Fighting Vehicles, 1951-1953, Director of Weapons Development, War Office, 1955-1956 mostly brief diary entries and lecture texts. Pyman was also General Officer Commanding, British Army on the Rhine, 1953-1955 and General Officer Commanding, 1 British Corps, 1956-1958 and the papers relating to these commands consist mostly of lectures, reports and directives reflecting his interest in armoured divisions and training. There are some papers, mostly personal correspondence and press cuttings, from Pyman's final command as Commander-in-Chief Allied Forces Northern Europe in North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). The collection also contains correspondence relating to Pyman's role as Colonel Commandant of the Royal Tank Regiment and The Royal Armoured Corps and a series of letters covering the reorganisation of the Berks and Westminster Dragoons, of which he was Honorary Colonel. The rest of the collection consists of diaries, correspondence, speeches, writings including the draft copy and papers relating to his autobiography, some preparatory work on a history of the 2 Army and reference works. The collection also includes the Boer War diaries and other papers of Col James Redmond Patrick Gordon who commanded the 1 Cavalry Bde of the South African Field Force 1900-1901 which were given to Pyman by a friend.

      LMA/4022 · Collection · 1907-1996

      Records of Putney United Reformed Church including baptism and marriage registers, 1907-1992; minutes of the Session, later the Elders Meeting; minutes of the Board of Managers, later the Deacon's Court, later the Church Meeting; minutes of the Stewards' Meeting; minutes of other church committees; Communicant Books which were attested by order of the Session; papers relating to rebuilding work following World War Two bomb damage; newsletters, reports and other publications of the Church, including Church Notes which provides selected sermons given at the Church; war memorials; a file of press cuttings and photographs relating to special events; order of service sheets; histories of the Putney Church and photographs of centenary celebrations.

      Presbyterian Church of England
      GB 0099 KCLMA Purdon · Created 1993

      List the bugle, reminiscences of an Irish soldier (Greystone, Antrim, 1993), a memoir of his life and career, 1921-1976, notably his service in the UK and France, 1942, including the Allied raid on St Nazaire,1942, his experiences as a POW, Germany, 1942-1945, his service in Palestine, 1945-1946, Egypt, 1949-1951, Malaya, 1956-1958, and Cyprus, 1958, and his command of the 1 Bn, Royal Ulster Rifles, Borneo, 1963-1964, and of the Sultan's Armed Forces, Oman, 1967-1970.

      GB 0099 KCLMA Procter · Created 1944-1945, 1950, 1992

      Papers relating to his service in the Far East in 1942-1945 and 1950, dated 1942-1945 and 1950, principally comprising two photograph albums of Keijo (Seoul) POW camp, 1942-1944; copy of obituary from The Lancashire Lad, North Lancashire Regt (Loyal Regt) journal (Dec 1950); copy of covering letter to the Centre from Joan Procter (Procter's sister), 1992.

      GB 1996

      Private papers of members of the Honourable Artillery Company (HAC), and as catalogued up to the year 2000 [more have become available since then], - comprising diaries, notebooks, letters, photographs, drawings, scrapbooks, trench maps, film, audio recordings and papers of members, including:

      CSM Dudley William Abraham (1904-1975), 1923-1948; Capt. Francis Bryant Adams (died 1870) 1859-1870; Pte Herbert Jordan Adams (died 1912), 1859-1886; Lt Sylvester Ferdinand Alexander, 1917-1919; Lt-Col. Edward John Amoore (1877-1955), 1908-1916;

      Bdr James Alexander Bailey (1888-1969); 1681-1889; Dvr Alex Baird, 1916-1919; Col. Leslie Arthur Barber (1905-1991), 1927-1938; Lt Francis Harold Barnes (1894-1990) and Hugh Michael Francis Barnes Yallowley (né Barnes) (born 1928), 1990-1997; Capt. Cecil John Barton (1891-1982), 1908-1918; Sgt Albert Bates (died 1972), 1916-1917; Lt-Col. Hadrian Bayley (1873-1931), 1900, 1915-1919; Capt. John Malcolm Beaven (1906-1987), 1927-1979; Gnr Charles Edward Henry Booth (died 1974), 1915-1919; Sgt Walter John Bradley (died 1975), 1915-1926; Lt Charles Cooper Brissenden (died 1964), 1915-1917;

      Bdr Arthur Sydney Challis (died 1973), 1917-1919; Bdr Sidney Victor Clifford, 1917; Major Richard Charles Cole (1874-1965), 1938-1941; Capt. Charles Arthur Leonard Collins (1905-1988), 1956-1986; Gnr Frederick Ignatius Connolly (1895-1975) and Gnr Joseph Eugene Connolly, 1917-1919; Lt-Col. Percie Cyril Cooper (1874-1958), 1900-1945; Major John Viall Crisp (died 1996), 1942-1945; Major Roger Cyril Croxton (1906-1986), 1925-1983; Pte Louis Edward Cutbill (1879-1968), 1903-1904;

      Sgt Wilfred Dixon, 1900-1911;

      Brig. Newlyn Mason Elliot (1890-1969) 1917-1929; Col. William Evans (1849-1937) 1895-1907;

      Capt. Alfred Harman Fleuret (1882-1950), 1915-1918; Major John Robert Freeman (born 1933), c.1956-1978;

      Lt-Col Alan Young Garrett (1903-1969), 1928-1933; Col. Graeme Elder Gilchrist (born 1934), c.1964-1982;

      Lt-Col Reginald Leonard Haine (1896-1982), c.1914-1918; Pte George Frederic [?] Harris, 1914-1915; Major Horatio Harris, (1879-1970), 1903; Sgt-Major Charles Hickman, 1876-1879; Pte Adrian Keith Graham Hill (1895-1977), 1916-1919; Lt John Henry Houghton (1890-1954), 1912-1919; CSM Maurice Hovenden, (c.1887-1950) 1914-1919; Flight Cadet Edward Hoyle, 1916-1919; Capt. Arthur Gordon Somerset Huddart (1886-1971), 1905-1927;

      Brig. Frank Robertson Wordsworth Jameson (1893-1965) 1914-1918, 1990; Pte Bertrand Johnson, 1910-1921; Brig. Roy Frank Johnson (1887-1978), c.1956-1958; Lt Frederick William Justen (1861-1903), 1881-1894;

      Capt. Albert Edward Keech (1882-1963), 1914-1944; Capt. Philip Paul Kelly (1906-1943), 1926-1933; Saddler-Sgt James Colyer Kendall (1872-1961), 1900-1951; 2nd Lt Edward Hertslet William Wingfield King (born 1878), 1900-1914;

      Dvr Clement Lake (1888-1943) 1915; Pte John Christie Leslie (1907-1942), 1925-1926; Lt-Col. Malcolm Stuart Lewis (died 1971), 1914-1919; Dvr Thomas King Lougheed, 1915-1919;

      Sgt Harold Goldsmith Mansfield (born 1879), 1915-1916; Major Alexander McKenzie (died 1893), and his sons- Francis Fuller McKenzie and Lt John Alexander McKenzie, 1866-1899; Major Gilbert McMicking (1862-1942), 1900-1902; Sgt Frederic Hugh Mather, 1914-1919, 1962; Major William Rex Middleton (1910-2000), 1993; Dvr Robert Norman Minton (1892-1964) 1906-1952; Lt Arthur Williams Mitchell (born 1850), 1888-1889; Lt Bernard Moeller (1872-1901) 1900-1902; Sgt Arthur James Mordin (1877-1928), 1902; Lt Roy Petherbridge Mugford (born 1885), 1903-1913; Capt. Gerald Frank Thompson Murnane (1874-1947), 1900-1921;

      Col. Henry William O'Brien (1893-1979), 1917; Lt-Col. Terence O'Brien (1900-1948), 1922-1930; General Sir Richard Nugent O'Connor (1889-1981), 1917-1919; Capt. Alan Graham Orr (1907-1994), 1926-1994;

      Capt. John Michael Page (born 1916), 1941-1945; Pte John Dainty Palmer, 1911-1964; Flight Lt Richard Harold Harman Pawsey (1916-2003), 1953-1955; Pte Reginald Charles Purkiss (died 1968), 1916-1918;

      Major Norman Harold Radford (died 1968), 1922-1924; Lt-Col. Stanley Naysmith Rae (1913-1993), 1945; Capt. Edward John Reed (1913-2001), 1939-1945; Capt. Richard Mervyn Edmund Reeves, 1914-1915; Capt. John Douglas Reid (1891-1951), 1914-1935; Sgt Anthony Ifor Herbert Richards (1926-2003), 1948-1975; Lt Andrew John Riggs (1874-1958), 1900; Major Philip Edmund Riley (1899-1994), 1937-1938; Major Michael John William Russell (1907-1989), 1937-1938; Major Richard Dean Russell (1884-1984), 1905-1972;

      Pte John Eric Saunders (born 1896), 1916-1918; Major John Alban Fane Sewell (born 1917), 1941-1945; Capt. William Sewell (born 1894), 1914-1918, 1964; Pte/Gnr Herbert Trevor Sherwood (1880-1952), 1899-1910; Lt-Col John Bamford Smith (1886-1987), c.1908-1986; Cpl Ferdinand Isidore Raphael Spielmann (born 1880), 1903; Sgt Laurence Spooner (born 1885), 1915-1918; Lt-Col. Edward Fraser Stanford (1885-1944), 1915-1919; Pte Leslie Stubbings, 1915-1919;

      S B B Thresher, 1910-1912; Sgt Alan Clare Tucker, 1916-1918;

      Major George Goold Walker (1882-1955), c.1922-1947; Gnr Stanley Ward (born 1897), 1916-1919; Dvr Charles Stanley Watts (born 1896), 1917-1993; Gnr Harold Arthur Wildsmith, c.1917-1918; Pte Percy Stone Willats (1889-1966), 1917-1919; Major Alexander Adam Wink (1875-1949), 1900; Capt. Francis Eric Wood (died 1975), 1914-1915; Pte Joseph Charles Wood (died 1923), 1903; Major Charles Woolmer-Williams (1851-1932), 1886; Major Douglas Brice Worley (1902-1992), 1920-1976; Major Geoffry Ernest Worssam (1902-1994), 1920-1929;

      Gnr Frederick Dan Young (died 1985), 1915-1944.

      Prichard Lecture
      GB 0103 MS ADD 258 · Created 1915

      Typescript copy of lecture, given at the Ruhleben camp in Germany, on Greek and Byzantine art.

      Prichard , Matthew S , fl 1915
      GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP74 · 1881-1949

      Papers of Edgar Prestage, 1881-1949, largely relating to his work on the history of Portugal, 16th-19th centuries. Letters to Prestage from various correspondents, 1886-1948 and undated, relate to a variety of subjects pertaining to his work, publications and translations, sources and interpretation, and also to acquaintances and contemporaries, other publications, and some personal matters such as correspondents' health and families, and include six letters from Fortunato de Almeida, 1917-1933 and undated; 24 letters from Joao Lucio de Azevedo, 1914-1933 and undated; 13 letters from Pedro Augusto de S Bartolomeu de Azevedo, 1910-1927 and undated; six letters from Henrique de Gama Barros, 1908-1925; five letters from Carlos Roma du Bocage, 1915-1918; three letters from Sir Richard Francis Burton, 1888-1889, and 12 letters from Lady Isabel Burton, 1894-1896, relating to Sir Richard's translation of Camoens; 22 letters from Julio de Castilho, 1908-1918; nine letters from Harold Castle, 1903-1906; six letters from Fidelino de Figueiredo, 1911-1918 and undated; eight letters from James Fitzmaurice-Kelly, 1905-1919; five letters from Anselmo Braamcamp Freire, 1905-1919; two letters from Pieter Geyl, 1923, 1926; letter from William Ewart Gladstone, 1893, congratulating Prestage on Letters of a Portuguese nun; ten letters from Edward Heawood, 1922-1933; letter from Benjamin Jowett, 1887, explaining entrance examinations at Oxford; five letters from Margery Lane, 1927 and undated; six letters from Manuel de Oliveira Lima, 1910-1927; two letters, 1928, 1932, from Manuel II, King of Portugal, concerning the monarch's bibliography of early Portuguese books; eight letters from Jacinto Octavio Picon, 1911-1920; seven letters from Jacinto Inacio de Brito Rebelo, 1895-1908; eight letters from Jaime Batalha Reis, 1894-1896, 1904-1905, 1922; 12 letters from Francisco Rodrigues, 1913-1918, 1930 and undated; two letters from John Ruskin, 1886 and undated, on the study of architecture; seven letters from Antonio Maria Jose de Melo Cesar e Meneses, 5th Conde de Sabugosa, 1905-1913; five letters from Luis Teixeira de Sampayo, 1921-1928; letter from Herbert Louis Samuel, 1st Viscount Samuel, 1905, congratulating Prestage on Eca de Queiroz's The sweet miracle; five letters from Georg Schurhammer, 1930-1936; five letters from Wilhelm Storck, 1894-1895; five letters from Herbert Thurston, 1905-1913; ten letters from Pedro Tovar de Lemos, 2nd Conde de Tovar, 1916-1927 and undated; 13 letters from Carolina Michaelis de Vasconcellos, 1895-1896, 1907-1922, and 11 letters from her husband, Joaquim de Vasconcellos, 1897, 1908-1925; six letters from Afonso Lopes Vieira, 1910, 1914, 1927 and undated; five letters from Tomas Maria de Almeida Manuel de Vilhena, 8th Conde de Vila Flor, 1925-1929 and undated; letter from Oscar O'Flahertie Wills Wilde, [1892], regretting he cannot send a copy of his unnamed play (perhaps Lady Windermere's Fan) as it has not yet been published. There is also a letter of 1881 from Antonio Candido Goncalves Crespo to Maria Amalia Vaz de Carvalho (father and mother of Prestage's wife). Ephemera includes signatures of Gomes Eannes Azurara, William Wordsworth, [? Isaac] Disraeli and Samuel Wilberforce; Christmas cards; the visiting card of S T P Kruger, President of the Transvaal Republic, 1903; menus, including the House of Commons Coronation luncheon in Westminster Hall, 1902; a ticket to the coronation of Edward VII, 1902; and an invitation to a party at Windsor Castle, 1912. Otherwise the collection comprises research notes and transcriptions on various subjects and sources, including Restoration period Portugal; Sousa Coutinho; Portuguese in Africa, Brazil and Asia; the War of the Spanish Succession; 17th century Portuguese history, including diplomacy; the sermons of Father Antonio Vieira SJ; Portuguese bibliographies prepared by Prestage; annotated typescripts on the Portuguese in Abyssinia down to 1543, aspects and results of Portuguese colonisation, and Portuguese reminiscences (1948); Prestage's 'The Mode of Government in Portugal during the Restoration Period'; photographs of Portuguese fortresses in Morocco; notebook on 'Analyse das "Cartas Familiares" '; copies of letters of F de Sousa, including his embassies to France and Rome; copies of letters of Sir R Southwell, English ambassador to Lisbon; material relating to relations between Spain and Portugal; pamphlets and articles of Prestage; proofs for a chapter entitled 'L'Intevention Anglaise dans la Peninsule Iberique', in an envelope addressed to Prestage and labelled 'D Fernando & the Holy See by E Perroy'.

      Prestage , Edgar , 1869-1951 , Professor of Portuguese , historian
      GB 0099 KCLMA Prentice/Wickstead · Created 1942-1945, 1989-1991

      Prentice's manuscript diaries, mainly detailing his services at General Headquarters, Middle East Command, Cairo, Egypt, including mention of Long Range Desert Group operations in the Western Desert, 1942; manuscript diaries and notebooks kept by Prentice and Wickstead, mainly relating to SOE operations in West Macedonia, Greece, 1943-1944; reports, mainly compiled by Allied Military Mission personnel, detailing demolition, intelligence and reconnaissance missions in West Macedonia, combined missions with Ethnikos Laikos Apeleftherotikos Stratos (ELAS) 9 Div, liaison operations with Raiding Support Regiment and US Operational Group 7 personnel, sabotage targets, and administrative and operational procedures, 1943-1944; papers, in Greek, mainly relating to ELAS partisan activities in West Macedonia, including a copy of the 'National Bands Agreement', memoranda to Allied Military Mission regarding struggles with Ellinikos Dimokratikos Ethnikos Stratos (EDES) factions, political proclamations and ELAS propaganda; papers, in Greek, relating to Greek partisan forces not under the jurisdiction of the Allied Military Mission, including memoranda, propaganda and military orders from the Ellinikos Ethnikis Stratos (EES) and Kommounistiko Komma Elladas (KKE) and official Greek government notices, 1943- 1944; maps and photographs of Allied Military Mission areas of operation, 1943- 1944; correspondence between Allied Military Mission commanders and sub-area commanders, 1943-1944, including correspondence between Greek partisan commanders and Prentice, 1944; personal letters from Allied personnel to Prentice, 1946-1955; correspondence between Wickstead, Officer Commanding Signals, Area 1, and Allied personnel, 1944; papers relating to wireless/telegraphy signals, Allied Military Mission, 1943-1944; papers, relating mainly to the administration and supply of the Allied Military Mission; German papers, including German 1 Mountain Div operational orders, propaganda, personal letters from German soldiers to family members and German-language newspapers; Greek political papers, notably including propaganda newspapers and party leaflets, including letters to Maj Gen Arthur Wilmot Wadeson Holworthy, 1941-1946; Wickstead's post-war index of Allied Military Mission signals, [1989]; papers relating to post-war publications about SOE operations in Greece, including the working papers for Lt Col Nicholas Geoffrey Lemprière Hammond's, The Allied Military Mission and the Resistance in West Macedonia (Institute for Balkan Studies, Thessaloniki, 1993); post-war Greek newspapers, leaflets and war memorial publications, 1945-[1991]. 3.3.4 Arrangement: Arranged in the following sections: diaries and notebooks of Maj Ronald R Prentice and Capt H Arthur Wickstead, 1942-1944; documents and papers relating to Allied Military Mission operations, West Macedonia, 1943-1944; papers relating to Greek partisan activities, 1943-1944; maps and photographs of Allied Military Mission areas of operations, 1943-1944; correspondence between Allied Military Mission commanders, 1943-1944 and former Greek partisans, 1946-1955; papers relating to wireless/telegraphy signals, Allied Military Mission, 1943-1944; papers relating to the administration, finances and logistics of the Allied Military Mission, 1943-1944; German papers, documents and newspapers during the occupation of Greece, 1943-1944; Greek political papers, documents and newspapers, 1941-1946; Wickstead's post-war partial index of signals, Allied Military Mission, West Macedonia, [1989]; papers relating to post-war publications about the resistance movement in West Macedonia, [1989-1991]; post- war Greek newspapers, leaflets and war memorial publications, 1945-[1991].

      PRENDERGAST, Mollie: Memoirs
      GB 106 7MOP · Fonds · 2000

      The archive consists of an illustrated typescript autobiography of Mollie Prendergast spanning the greater part of the twentieth century. Includes accounts of her family history and background; her rural childhood and her time in service; the education and working lives of herself and of other family members; her life in London, including during the Blitz; her work as a civil servant; holidays and trips abroad; and her involvement with left wing political and social action.

      Prendergast , Mollie , b 1907-fl 1977
      Pratt, Sir John Thomas
      GB 0102 PP MS 5 · Created 1892-1960

      Papers, 1892-1960, of Sir John Thomas Pratt, largely dating from after 1941, including correspondence concerning his various publications, files on his campaign against British involvement in the Korean War, articles, lecture notes and press cuttings. Also includes correspondence with his brother William (Billy) Pratt (1949-1957), whose stage name was Boris Karloff.

      Pratt , Sir , John Thomas , 1876-1970 , Knight , diplomat
      GB 0099 KCLMA Prain · Created [1918]-1959

      Papers and maps chiefly concerning the Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, [1918]-1959, including typescript copy of war diary, 1 Armoured Reconnaissance Bde, British Expeditionary Force (BEF), Belgium and France, 30 Mar-30 May 1940, with typescript recommendations for awards, 1940; typescript account, dated Jun 1942, of dispositions and operations of B Sqn, 1 Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, Belgium and France, 14 May-1 Jun 1940; typescript list entitled '1 Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, nominal roll of casualties sustained in France, 1940'; article by Maj Otho Munton Bullivant, Adjutant, 1 Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, entitled 'With the BEF [British Expeditionary Force] in Flanders', from The Tank [1941]; typescript 'Precis of activities of 1st Fife and Forfar Yeomanry', British Liberation Army, North West Europe, Oct 1944-Feb 1945, and 'Details of activities of 1st Fife and Forfar Yeomanry', 1-31 Mar 1945; correspondence with various officers concerning Regimental affairs, 1943-1945, including Col James Younger, 2nd Viscount Younger of Leckie, Honorary Col, Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, 1945; correspondence, dated 1944-1945, relating to the return of the Regimental band instruments, abandoned by the Fife and Forfar Yeomanry during the retreat to Dunkirk, 1940, and kept by the local townspeople, France, 1940-1944; official correspondence concerning Prain's Army pension and war disablement compensation, 1946-1956; correspondence, dated 1947-1959, relating to the writing and publication of The Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, 1919-1956 by Robert James Batchen Sellar (William Blackwood, Edinburgh and London, 1960). Twenty five photographs relating to the Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, 1923-1945, including group photograph of Armoured Car Company, Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, Annesmuir camp, Scotland, Jul 1923; five photographs of Fife and Forfar Yeomanry Vickers Light Tanks Mark VIB and Universal carriers, France, 1940; official photograph of Infantry Tank Mark IV Churchill Crocodile flame-throwing tank, storming of the Senio river, Italy, Apr 1945.

      GB 0099 KCLMA Pownall · Created 1933-1945

      Twelve detailed, narrative, manuscript diaries, Jan 1933-Aug 1936 and Jan 1938-Dec 1944 (with postscripts added in Jan and Sep 1945), including Pownall's time as Military Assistant Secretary, Committee of Imperial Defence, 1933-1935, Commandant, School of Artillery, Larkhill, Wiltshire, 1936-1938, Chief of General Staff, BEF (British Expeditionary Force), France, 1939-1940, Commander-in-Chief, British Forces in Northern Ireland, 1940-1941, and Chief of Staff to Supreme Allied Commander, South East Asia Command, 1943-1944, with aerial photograph of Belfast, Aug 1940, and a group photograph of the officers of South East Asia Command [1945], typescript extracts from reports, letters and typescript extract from the diary of Maj Gen Edmund Archibald Osborne, on the campaign in France, 1940. Also, printed order of service in memory of FM John Standish Surtees Prendergast Vereker, 6th Viscount Gort, 10 Apr 1946, and related newspaper cuttings. The diaries were published as Chief of Staff. The diaries of Lieutenant General Sir Henry Pownall, edited by Brian James Bond (Leo Cooper, London, 1972).

      Powell, Ifor Ball
      GB 0102 PP MS 26 · Created 1926-1986

      Papers, 1926-1986, of Ifor Ball Powell, largely comprising the Philippine reference material collected by him, together with his correspondence and personal papers. The reference material covers topics such as the Philippine legislature; Philippine administration; political parties, elections and election statistics; US Philippine agreements and relations; Philippine Islands during World War II; and the City of Manila. Also included are photographs taken during Powell's field trips in Southeast and East Asia, particularly in the Philippines, and an extensive collection of press cuttings.

      Powell , Ifor Ball , 1902-1986 , historian
      Pottlitzer family papers
      GB 1556 WL 1194 · 1894-1968

      Papers of the Pottlitzer family, 1894-1968, including birth, marriage and death certificates; Deutsches Reich Kennkarte (identity card) for Margot Strauss (1194/7); reference from a former employer, where Margot worked as an editor/journalist, 10 Mar 1933 (1194/3); copy of a manuscript letter from Max Pottlitzer to the Polizeiamt, Schöneberg, Berlin, in which he registers the transfer of money and property to his mother, [as required by the recently enacted law relating to the registering of Jewish property], 22 Sep 1938 (1194/4).

      Pottlitzer family
      GB 0120 MSS.7841-7843 · 1850-1881

      Papers of Joshua Henry Porter including manuscript draft and published version of The Surgeon's Pocket-book, 2nd edition, 1880 and military scrapbook, 1850-1881.

      Porter , Joshua Henry , 1831-1880 , Surgeon-Major
      GB 0099 KCLMA Poore R A · Created 1869-1879, 1893, 1896, 1899-1979

      Papers relating to his life and career, 1896-1902, 1908-1918, principally comprising letters to his family, 1896-1902, notably describing his service in operations in Orange Free State and Transvaal, South Africa, 1899-1900; notebook relating to his service in South Africa, 1899-1902, containing copies of brigade and divisional orders, notes on horses health, lists of men killed and financial accounts; 'Notes from beleaguered Kimberley', an account of the siege and relief of Kimberley, Feb 1900, by one of his colleagues, [1900]; letters to his wife, 1913-1917, notably describing his service in the UK, 1914-1917, and on the Western Front, 1917; letters to Poore's wife from Lt Col William Brooksbank Garnett, Commanding Officer, 2nd Bn, Royal Welch Fusiliers, 1917-1918, chiefly concerning the circumstances of Poore's death; army message book containing notes on explosives, 1917; photographs of Poore, 1882-1917. Family papers, 1869-1879, 1893, 1899-1979, notably including papers relating to Poore's wife, Mrs Lorne Margery Poore (née Dennistoun), 1869-1879, 1899-1979; correspondence with his sister, Nina Hamilton, wife of Duke of Hamilton, concerning Poore's management of a suspense account established to provide for the Hamilton's children, 1904-1916.

      GB 0099 KCLMA Poore · Created 1887-1931, 1977, 1985, 1988

      Papers relating to his life and career, [1891]-1931, dated [1891]-1931, 1977, 1985, 1988, principally comprising diaries, 1899-1900, and letters to his family, 1900-1902, describing his service as Provost Marshal with the South African Field Force; memorandum to Col Duff, Assistant Adjutant General, South African Field Force, concerning the functions of the Provost Marshal, 1900; photographs, [1891-1931], mainly of Poore and his family; 'The new cavalry sword and mounted swordsmanship', copy of an article by Poore from The Cavalry Journal, Apr 1911; copies of published articles relating to his cricketing career, 1899, [1920], 1985, 1988. Papers relating to his wife Lady Flora Poore, 1899-1900, 1916, comprising her diaries, 1899-1900; lists of work completed and statements of accounts of the Jhansi Cantonments Comforts to Troops Fund, 1915-1916.

      Poore , Robert Montagu , 1886-1938 , Brigadier General
      GB 0099 KCLMA Poole · Created 1917-1919

      Papers relating to the British Military Mission to the Volunteer Army under Gen Anton Ivanovich Denikin, South Russia, 1917-1919, and Poole's tenure as General Officer Commanding, North Russia Expeditionary Force, 1918-1919, including maps of Russia, various scales, 1917-1919; typescript report by Capt George A Hill, RAF, entitled 'Report of work done in Russia to end of 1917', 27 Nov 1918; printed War Office report entitled 'Report on visit of British Military Mission to the Volunteer Army under General Denikin in South Russia', Nov-Dec 1918; printed booklet entitled 'A brief review of the liberation of the Don province from the yoke of the bolscheviks and of the beginning of the strife for the restoration of the unity of Russia', 1918; printed War Office report entitled 'Appreciation of the internal situation in Russia', 12 Jan 1919; typescript 'Report of a visit to the Headquarters of the Volunteer Army in South Russia', by Poole, Feb 1919.

      GB 0099 KCLMA Pomfret · Created 1902-1975

      Papers, 1902-1975, mostly concerning Weihaiwei, northern China, including typescript notes on the history of Weihaiwei, 1934, with three printed Annual Colonial Reports entitled Weihaiwei (HMSO, London, 1902, 1920 and 1929) and edition of the Weihaiwei Government Gazette containing the Convention for the rendition of Weihaiwei (5 May 1930); various invitations, menus, concert and sports programmes, Weihaiwei, 1938-1940, with booklet in French entitled Croiseur Lamotte Picquet (Pierre Le Conte, Caen, 1929); nine typescript HM Consular Notifications by Scott Langshaw Burdett, Consul, stating official instructions and advice for British subjects in the event of a Japanese takeover of Weihaiwei, Jan-Apr 1938, with typescript memorandum by Cdr Ralph Alan Bevan Edwards, Senior Naval Officer, Weihaiwei, on emergency procedures to be adopted for communication with HM Consul, Jan 1938; eleven Japanese propaganda posters, distributed in Weihaiwei, 1938, with typescript translations; newspaper cuttings relating to Weihaiwei, 1938-1939, with edition of the North China Daily News Magazine Supplement, 8 May 1938; thirty-four typescript reports by Pomfret to Commander-in-Chief HM Ships and Vessels, China Station, on prevailing situation and conditions in Weihaiwei and on Liu Kung Tao Island, Apr 1938-Nov 1940; personal and official correspondence, 1938-1975, including letter of introduction for Pomfret to Japanese V Adm Kichisaburo Nomura, from Capt Percival Henry Gwynne James, Royal Naval Liaison Officer, Shanghai, Nov 1939, letters from Elizabeth 'Betty' Clark on the Japanese occupation of Weihaiwei, Mar 1938, and letter from Surgeon Capt Harald Ernest Bruckshaw Curjel, Royal Navy, on memories of Weihaiwei, 1975; financial statements and typescript inventories for Royal Naval establishments, Liu Kung Tao Island, Weihaiwei, 1939-1940.

      GB 0099 KCLMA Pomeroy · Created 1926-1950, 1985-1986, 1989, 1994, 1995

      Papers relating to his career with the Royal Naval Reserve, 1926-1950, dated 1926-1950, 1985-1986, 1989, 1994 and 1995, notably including commands, reports, correspondence and notes concerning his service on HMS GLOXINIA, North Atlantic and Mediterranean, 1940-1942, on the staff of Flag Officer, Liverpool, HMS EAGLET, 1942-1943, on HMS DELHI, Mediterranean, 1943-1945, and on the staff of Cdr in Chief, Mediterranean Fleet, 1945-1946. Text on Gen Sir Bernard Law Montgomery's role in the North Africa campaign, 1942-1943, by Peter Solly-Flood, 1986.

      Polytechnic Secondary School
      GB 1753 PSS · Fonds · [1885]-1986

      Records, [1885]-1986, of the Polytechnic Secondary School, its predecessors and successors, consisting of membership records, comprising Day School registers, 1890-1892, 1905-1911, including lists of free scholarships, 1891-1894, Girls' Day School register, 1900-1906, and Polytechnic Secondary School lists, 1925-1935; administrative papers, including papers relating to a conference between the Governing Body and H M Inspectors concerning inspection of the Polytechnic Secondary School, 1929, circulars from the London County Council, Ministry of Health and Board of Education and other papers relating to the evacuation of the school, 1939-1940, Instrument dealing with the government of the Quintin School, 1951, file relating to management of the Quintin School, including Governors' minutes, 1962-1967, and miscellaneous other papers relating to the school; material relating to events, comprising Polytechnic Intermediate & Technical School for Boys programme of swimming display, 1890, programme of annual sports, 1920, Speech Day programmes, 1920-1922, 1926, 1930-1931, 1934, 1951, 1968, including Headmaster's reports, 1925-1926, 1929-1930, 1933-1924, programmes of presentation of athletic prizes, 1929-1930, 1934, including Headmaster's report, 1928-1929, programme for the opening of the new building, 1957; printed material, comprising photocopy of a prospectus of the Polytechnic Middle Class School for Boys [1885], Commercial School fifth form gazette, 1903, The Old Quintinian, 1912-1913, The Quintinian, 1920, 1927-1943, 1949-1959, The Polytechnic Secondary School [1938], L C B Seaman, The Quintin School 1886-1956: a brief history (London, 1957), and The Quintin School Hymn Book, undated; photographs of pupils, staff, activities and sports teams, c1888-[1960s], some undated; ephemera, artefacts and memorabilia, including dictionary inscribed F H Master, 1917, Christmas crackers, 1938, engraved House Fours cup, 1939, school cap and tie, and undated song sheet; papers of Lehman Robert Baars relating to his time at the school, 1931-1935, including reports, exam results and school lists; papers relating to an exhibition on the school, 1986.

      Polytechnic Day School , London Polytechnic Middle Class School , London Polytechnic Intermediate Day School , London Polytechnic Technical Day School , London Polytechnic Commercial Day School , London Polytechnic Secondary School , London Quintin School , London Quintin Kynaston School , London
      GB 1556 WL 1383 · Collection · 1943

      Papers of Political Warfare Executive, 1943, comprise two copies of the French 'Revue de la Presse Libre' No. 45 dropped during in the nights 4th and 5th April until 15th and 16th April 1943.

      Political Warfare Executive