War devastated countries

Elements area


Source note(s)

  • http://vocabularies.unesco.org/thesaurus/concept8149

Hierarchical terms

War devastated countries

Equivalent terms

War devastated countries

  • UF Conflict affected countries

Associated terms

War devastated countries

10 Archival description results for War devastated countries

10 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
Charter 87
GB 2381 C50522 · Collection · 1987-1997

Papers of Charter 87, 1987-1997, including minutes of a Steering Group; a complete run of the 'Newsletter' and occasional publication 'News Updating'; correspondence, chiefly with the Home Office and press cuttings relating to asylum-seekers and refugees.

Charter 87 X Charter 87 for Refugees
GB 0097 FEDERAL TRUST · 1931-2004

Correspondence and papers of the Federal Union and Federal Trust for Education and Research. Includes letters, reports, notes, minutes; printed material such as newspapers and newsletters, publications, press cuttings, leaflets and publicity material; some photographs, audio and videotape. Material relates broadly to administration and management, activities, external relations and research, 1931-2004.

Federal Union , founded 1938 Federal Trust for Education and Research , founded 1945
GB 0366 GER · Collection · 1943-1958

Records of German Educational Reconstruction, 1943-1958, including minutes; correspondence, administrative and policy files; bulletins, reports and memoranda; files on conferences, meetings and group visits; material relating to a wide range of other organisations; and press cuttings and collected publications.

German Educational Reconstruction
HATTON, Mimi (b 1915)
GB 0366 MH · Collection · 1946-1952, 2001

Papers of Mimi Hatton relating to her work with the British Families Education Service (BFES) in Germany between 1946 and 1952. The collection includes an account of her service in Germany, written for the BFES Archives in 2001; photographs of the various schools in which she served; and memorabilia, including badges and programmes.

Hatton , Mimi , b 1915 , teacher
GB 2108 KUAS4 · [1490-1980]

Circa 5000 books collected by Vane Ivanovic. The strength of the library is books on 20th Century Balkan history and books on the Second World War, although there are books on a number of other subjects including the history of the Olympic Games and Spear-fishing. There are also a small number of books pre-dating 1900, going back to the 1490s. The vast majority of books are in English, although a small number are in other Western European languages or Serbo-Croat.

Ivanovic , Vane , 1913-1999 , political campaigner, shipping merchant, dipolomat and athlete
GB 0366 AK · Collection · 1947-1951

Papers of Arabella Kurdi relating to work with the BFES (British Families Education Service) in Germany, 1947-1951, and to the social and living conditions in post-war Germany. These include an album of photographs of conditions in Germany, of friends and colleagues and of BFES schools; correspondence, including letters from Arabella to her parents describing her work and experiences in Germany; material relating to the school meals service, including a recipe book; notes for a lecture on 'Working and living in Germany'; printed material, including a map of BFES schools and copies of the BFES Gazette.

Kurdi , Arabella , fl 1947-1951 , née Pallister , Domestic Science Organiser for the BFES
GB 0366 JL · Collection · c1920s-1980s

Extensive collection of personal and working papers reflecting many aspects of Joseph Lauwerys' varied career, including science education, educational broadcasting, international co-operation and understanding and comparative education. They include correspondence files, mostly dating from the late 1940s onwards; lecture notes, articles, conference papers and other published and unpublished writings; files relating to societies, associations and organisations; material about post-War reconstruction and the founding of UNESCO; files relating to specific overseas visits and tours; and collected papers on the educational conditions in many different countries.

Lauwerys , Joseph Albert , 1902-1981 , educationist
Northern Refugee Centre
GB 2381 C201014 · Collection · 1983-

Papers of the Northern Refugee Centre, from 1983 to the time of writing, chiefly comprising files arranged by country containing material on refugees including: pamphlets and leaflets, published and unpublished reports, offprints of articles, press cuttings, newsletters and press releases. The collection also comprises annual reports from other refugee organisations and published material on refugees.

Northern Refugee Centre
Refugee Council
GB 2381 C42396 · Collection · 1951-

Papers of the Refugee Council relating to all aspects of refugee history, policy and practice, both in the UK and worldwide, from the 1950s to the time of writing. The collection comprises published books and journals, published and unpublished articles and reports; conference papers; pamphlets and leaflets; newsletters, research papers including interviews, questionnaires and case studies; field reports; working papers; statistical data; press cuttings; bibliographies and audio-visual resources including videos, DVDs, tapes, CDs, multi media CD-ROMs, photographs and slides. Topics include conditions in the countries of origin of refugees; causes of flight; migration; asylum; assistance and relief programmes; adaptation and integration of refugees into new communities; groups including ethnic groups, religious groups, gender groups, age groups, social class and family; and organisations including intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations.

Refugee Council x British Refugee Council
GB 2381 C182665 · Collection · 1968-2005

Audio-visual collections of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), London, 1968-2005, comprising photographs, slides, videos, DVDs, CD-ROMs and audio tapes. Includes UNHCR audio visual presentations, 1981-1983; audio tapes of UNHCR seminars, radio broadcasts and recorded interviews relating to refugee and migration issues, 1981-2002; CD-ROMs, 1996-2001, including information on UNHCR, statements by the High Commissioner; Executive Committee papers; fundraising reports, evaluation and policy analysis and statistics. Educational packs on refugees produced by the UNHCR for schools, 1981-1983, comprising pamphlets, slides and audio tapes. VHS videos and DVDs, 1980-2005, chiefly produced by the UNHCR, on topics including the lives of refugees, conditions in war torn countries, appeal videos, the work of the UNHCR, environmental problems in and around refugee camps; music videos, child refugees, educational videos, asylum seekers in the UK, women refugees and training videos for UNHCR staff.

The UNHCR Photograph and Slide Library comprises slides and photographs produced by UNHCR, including of refugees in the Horn of Africa, 1980-2000; East Africa, 1980-1999; the African Great Lakes region, 1984-1997; West Africa, 1981-1999; Southern Africa, 1968-1994; North Africa, 1990-1998; Central Africa, 1981-1998; Nepal, 1992-1995; South East Asia, 1979-1999; Croatia, 1992; Macedonia, 1999, Albania, 1999; Azerbaijan, 1993-1994; the former Yugoslavia, 1991-1999; the former Soviet Union, 1986-2001; Central America, 1982-1997; Europe and the USA, 1961-1996; Afghan refugees in Iran, Europe and Pakistan, 1979-2002; Indochinese refugees in South East Asia, 1984-1993; Iranian, Iraqi and Kurdish refugees; Bosnian refugees in Yugoslavia, Slovenia and Croatia, 1992-1998; Chechen and Georgian refugees in the Russian Federation, 1996-2000; refugees from Tajikistan, 1995; Kosovar refugees, 1991-1999; UNHRC photo series of refugees in Africa, 1970; elderly refugees in Cambodia, 1982; child refugees in Senegal; women refugees, 1988-2002 and photographs used for UNHCR campaigns and events including the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless, 1987; UNHCR fiftieth anniversary, 2000 and a UK poster campaign.

UNHCR , United Nations High Commission for Refugees x United Nations High Commission for Refugees