International relations

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      International relations

      • UP Rapports internationaux
      • UP Relations interétatiques
      • UP Relaciones interestatales

      799 Descrição arquivística resultados para International relations

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      Fisher, Admiral Sir William Wordsworth (1875-1937)
      GB 0064 FHR · Coleção · [1912-1936]

      Papers of Sir William Wordsworth Fisher. This small collection of memoranda and letters, 1912 to 1936, consists of Fisher's ideas and opinions on policy rather than of material closely related to his career. The subjects covered include First World War operations, antisubmarine warfare, the Disarmament Conference, 1929 to 1930, comments on Invergordon, 1931, and papers concerning relations with Egypt and the Fleet in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1919 to 1922, and in 1936.

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      Hawker Collection
      GB 0064 HAW · Coleção · [1779-1830]

      Papers of Sir Charles Boyles comprising an out-letterbook, 1810 to 1811, and copies of letters to the Sicilian court, 1811.

      Papers of Adml Edward Hawker. They consist of logs covering Hawker's service afloat, two order books for the BELLEROPHON and BRITANNIA and a notebook of vessels captured 1805 to 1806. There is also a letterbook of his father, Captain James Hawker, kept during his command of the IRIS, 1779 to 1781, on the North America and West Indies Station.

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      Hamilton, Sir William (1730-1803)
      GB 0064 HML · Coleção · [1791-1800]

      Papers of Sir William Hamilton, including a series of one hundred and fifty-five letters received by Hamilton between 1791 and 1800 and a series of sixty letters from Hamilton to Sir John Acton (1736-1811), Prime Minister of Naples, written between 1795 and 1800, was Hamilton's correspondents include Earl St Vincent (q.v.), Viscount Hood (q.v.), John Hampden-Trevor (1749-1824), British Minister at Turin, Lord Macartney (1737-1806) and the Marquis di Gallo, Secretary of State at Naples. There are also drafts of some of Hamilton's replies.

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      GB 0099 KCLMA MF 460-462 · 1941-1945, 1982

      Microfilm collection containing copies of meeting minutes of the major conferences of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 1941-1945. Meeting minutes include those for the conference held at Washington, DC, codenamed ARCADIA, at which Anglo-American planners first formed a combined strategy for the prosecution of the war, 22 Dec 1941-14 Jan 1942; the conference at Casablanca, Morocco, codenamed SYMBOL, during which the Anglo-American Combined Chiefs of Staff (CCS) first discussed the policies of German unconditional surrender, the Combined Bomber Offensive from Great Britain against Germany and the establishment of the French National Committee for Liberation, 14-24 Jan 1943; the Allied conference held at Washington, DC, codenamed TRIDENT, at which President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Prime Minister Rt Hon Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, and the Combined Chiefs of Staff (CCS)discussed the decision to delay the invasion of France until May 1944, the Italian surrender, and the Battle of the Atlantic, 11-25 May 1943; the Allied conference at Quebec City, Canada, codenamed QUADRANT, at which the Allies endorsed a plan for the invasion of the Normandy coast in France, formed a new theatre of war, South-East Asia Command, with Acting Adm Lord Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) Mountbatten as Supreme Allied Commander, and regulated the procedures for co-operation between Great Britain and the US regarding the development and production of the atomic bomb, 12-24 Aug 1943; the Allied conferences at Cairo, Egypt, codenamed SEXTANT, at which the Allies discussed combined operations in South-East Asia with Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's Chinese forces, 22-26 Nov and 2-7 Dec 1943; the Allied conference at Teheran, Iran, codenamed EUREKA, during which the Allies first co-ordinated future strategy with Soviet Prime Minister Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, including plans to coincide military operations against Germany in France and the Soviet Union in May 1944, 28-30 Nov 1943; the conference at Quebec City, Canada, codenamed OCTAGON, at which the Allies discussed the post-war division of Germany and a plan for its de-industrialisation, 12-16 Sep 1944; the conferences at Malta and Yalta, Soviet Union, codenamed ARGONAUT, at which the Allies discussed the division of post-war Germany, the occupation of Germany and Austria, Soviet involvement in the war against Japan, and the future government and frontiers of Poland, 30 Jan-9 Feb 1945; the conference at Potsdam, Germany, codenamed TERMINAL, during which surrender terms for Japan were discussed, the boundaries and peace terms for Europe were determined and Poland's government and frontiers were debated, 16 Jul-2 Aug 1945. Conference minutes include references to Allied production and assignment of war materials; British and US merchant vessel losses; US policy concerning assignments of Lend-Lease military aircraft, naval vessels and munitions to Great Britain; Allied petroleum supplies; propaganda and unconventional warfare; war crimes and prisoners of war; operational reports concerning the planning and conduct of Allied offensive operations in Europe, including the invasion of North Africa, codenamed Operation TORCH, Nov 1942; the invasion of Sicily, Italy, codenamed Operation HUSKY, Jul 1943; the US preparation for the invasion of Europe, codenamed Operation BOLERO; and the Allied invasion of Europe, codenamed Operation OVERLORD, Jun 1944; operational reports concerning the Japanese war economy; Japanese Imperial Army logistical capabilities; locations and strengths of Japanese forces in the Pacific; British participation in long range bombing of Japan; Allied operational efforts in Burma, India, Malaya, and the Philippines; Soviet claims on the Sakhalin and Kuril islands; the co-ordination of Allied strategic plans for the defeat and occupation of Japan, 1943-1944; Soviet military action to facilitate Operation OVERLORD; liaison between Allied theatre commanders and the Soviet Army; Soviet capabilities with reference to the Far East; US Lend-Lease requirements for the Soviet Union; and estimates of Soviet post-war capabilities and intentions, 1943-1945.

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      ALEXANDER, Maj Gen Henry Templer (1911-1977)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Alexander · Created 1960-1970

      Papers relating to Alexander's service as Chief of Defence Staff, Ghana, 1960-1961, including correspondence from AVM Henry Algernon Vickers Hogan, Headquarters Flying Training Command, RAF, on the training of Ghanaian pilots, Aug 1960; correspondence, reports and notes on the creation of an African High Command, following a decision taken in Casablanca, Morocco to form a Charter of African States, signed by Algeria, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Morocco, Tunisia and the United Arab Republic, 1960, including typescript 'Brief for President on situation in the Congo and the role of an African High Command'. Dec 1960; correspondence with Air Cdre John Nicholas Haworth Whitworth, Air Chief of Staff, Ghana Air Force, Jan-Aug 1961; typescript 'Russian report on Ghana armed services', 1961; typescript memoranda by Alexander and by Air Cdre Whitworth, on the Soviet report on the Ghana armed forces, May-Jun 1961; typescript memorandum by Alexander to Dr Kwame Nkrumah, President of the Republic of Ghana, expressing concern on the plan to send Ghanaian cadets to the USSR for military training, Sep 1961. Papers relating to the Ghanaian Army's involvement in UN peacekeeping duties in the Congo, 1960-1961, including typescript 'Notes on non-military briefing for senior officers of the UN force in the Congo' by Ralph Johnson Bunche, Special Representative of the Secretary General of the UN, Jul 1960; typescript press releases on the crisis in the Congo, Jul 1960, typescript correspondence with Brig Joseph E Michel, commanding UN Ghanaian Bde, Congo, Aug 1960-Feb 1961; typescript 'Report on disturbances at Tshikapa on 18/19 Jan 1961' by Brig Joseph E Michel, commanding Ghana Bde, Congo, relating to the mutiny of troops of 3 Bn, The Ghana Regt; typescript 'Report of the evacuation of the Hon Mr Welbeck from the Congo' (Hon Nathanial Welbeck, Ghanaian diplomat), Nov 1960; typescript 'Report on visit to the Congo', by Alexander, Feb 1961. Papers relating to Alexander's dismissal as Chief of Defence Staff, Ghana, and to the removal of British personnel from the Ghana armed forces, 1961, including typescript memorandum by Alexander 'Withdrawal of British officers and other ranks from active units of the Ghana Army', Sep 1961; typescript report by Alexander to the Ministry of Defence 'Background to the sudden dismissal of British officers from the Ghana armed forces' [1961]. Papers relating to Alexander's role as a British Observer, International Observer Team on Genocide, Nigeria, 1968-1970, including typescript report by Alexander 'The war in Nigeria', 1968; printed map of Nigeria, with annotations showing territories controlled by Federal and Biafran forces, 1968; typescript 'Report and findings of the representatives of Canada, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom for the period 1 October 1969 to 31 January 1970', Feb 1970. Edition of African tightrope. My two years as Nkrumah's Chief of Staff (Pall Mall Press, London, 1965).

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      ANDERTON, Col Geoffrey (1902-1981)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Anderton · Created 1930-1953

      Eighteen captioned photographs of operations in Waziristan, North West Frontier, India, Jul 1930, of troops of the Durham Light Infantry and 20 Medium Battery, Royal Artillery. Eight uncaptioned photographs of parades, groups and individuals officers, UK, 1940. Papers relating to the Allied campaigns in North Africa and Italy, 1943-1945, including printed map of Tunisia, scale 1: 1, 000, 000, 1943, and two printed maps of Anzio and the surrounding area, scales 1: 50, 000 and 1: 1, 000, 000, 1944; typescript 'The First Division in action. Tunisia 1943', with printed booklet entitled 'The First Divisional Artillery, Tunisia, 1943. Banana Ridge' [1943]; manuscript graph entitled 'Casualties-1st British Division and attached troops-Anzio', 21 Jan-6 Jun 1944; typescript report entitled 'The First Division in action, Anzio, March to June 1944'; typescript account by Anderton, Assistant Director of Medical Services, 1 Div, entitled 'History of the Divisional medical services in the Anzio campaign', Dec 1945; two volumes, History of the First Division. Anzio campaign. January-June 1944 (Ahva Press, Jerusalem, Palestine, [1946]) and History of the First Division. Florence to Monte Grande. August 1944-January 1945 (Schindler's Press, Cairo, Egypt, [1946]). Papers and photographs relating to Hong Kong and Korea, 1946-1952, including map of 'Hong Kong and the New Territories', scale 1: 80, 000, GSGS 3961, 1946; typescript memorandum by Anderton, as Deputy Director of Medical Services, Hong Kong, entitled 'The medical aspects of the expansion of the Hong Kong garrison in 1949', 1950; nineteen photographs of Korea and Hong Kong, 1950-1952, including visit by Edwina Cynthia Annette Mountbatten, Countess Mountbatten of Burma, to Hong Kong, 1950; large annotated manuscript map showing positions of UN medical units, near the Imjin river and north of Seoul, Korea [1951]; edition of the Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, Jan 1953, with article by Anderton entitled 'The birth of the British Commonwealth Division, Korea'. Typescript article on the Louise Margaret Hospital, Aldershot, 1949, with group photograph of the staff.

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      EDGELL, Adm Sir John Augustine (1880-1962)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Edgell J A · Created 1947

      International Hydrographic Bureau 'Report of the Proceedings of the 5th International HydrographicConference, Monaco, 22 April-5 May, 1947'.

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      EMBLETON, Edwin Joseph (1907-2000)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Embleton · 1939-1949

      Papers of Edwin Embleton, 1939-1949, chiefly comprising World War Two propaganda pamphlets, 1939-1945, on subjects including the Allied war effort, the Home Front, British Allies, anti-Nazism and the Empire, largely produced by the Ministry of Information for dissemination both within Britain and overseas. These pamphlets are in a number of European, Middle Eastern, African and Asian languages. An approximate translation has been provided for all foreign language titles. The remainder of the collection comprises Ministry of Information produced propaganda posters, postcards, cigarette cards, scrapbook stamps; portraits of Islamic leaders; maps from the Ministry of Information 'Map series' for use by newspapers; American propaganda pamphlets and Ministry of Information administrative papers. Administrative papers include progress reports, memoranda and plans relating to strategy, visual presentation, print deadlines and staff.

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      FEASEY, Col Gilbert G (b 1891)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Feasey · Created 1937, 1942, [1947]

      Papers relating to his life and career, 1891-1947, dated 1937, 1942, [1947], comprising text entitled 'Native treasuries: their status and functions', written by Feasey as Resident, Benue Province, Nigeria, 1937; official 'Agreement and military convention between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Emperor of Ethiopia', printed by the Directorate of Printing and Stationery Services, Addis Ababa, 1942; curriculum vitae, [1947].

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      FIELDING-MOULD, Lt Col Reginald Horace (1898-1987)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Fielding-Mould · 1917-1945, 1987

      Material relating to military career of Lt Col Col Reginald Horace Fielding-Mould, 1917-1945, comprising audio cassette recordings of his reminiscences about his service in France and Belgium, 1918, Turkey, 1922-1923, Hong Kong, 1930, India, 1935, 1942-1945, including 5th Afghan War, 1935, and France, 1940, including the evacuation of Allied troops from Dunkirk, May-Jun 1940, and his experiences in the Territorial Army, 1936-1940, ND; four photographs relating to Chanak Crisis, 1922; two manuscript obituaries of Fielding-Mould, written by Henry Thoresby, Fielding-Mould's nephew, for [regimental and school magazines], 1987.

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      FREEMAN, Capt John A D
      GB 0099 KCLMA Freeman · Created [1990]

      Typescript notes on the re-occupation of the Netherlands East Indies by allied forces in 1945-1946, including background information about the Japanese occupation, 1942-1945, and an account of events in Semerang, Java, 1945-1946, dated [1990]. The notes are based partly on Freeman's service with 5 Indian Div in Java, 1945-1946, but mainly on research carried out at the Imperial War Museum.

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      GAVIN, Maj Gen James Merricks Lewis (1911-2000)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Gavin · Created 1942

      Report by Gavin on 101 Special Training School, 1942, including details of its formation, organisation, training and operations in the Far East, May 1941-Mar 1942. The School aimed to train all types of personnel, whether military, civilian, European or native, in irregular warfare.

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      GELB, Norman
      GB 0099 KCLMA Gelb · Created 1983-1984, 1986

      Thirty eight audiotapes of interviews, conducted by Gelb between 1983 and 1984, with veterans of the Battle of Britain, 1940, used as research material for Gelb's book Scramble: a narrative history of the Battle of Britain (Michael Joseph, London, 1986), including interviews with ACM Sir Christopher (Neil) Foxley-Norris, AM Sir Denis Crowley-Milling, AVM Harold Arthur CooperBird-Wilson, AVM George Philip Chamberlain, Maj Gen Basil Perronet Hughes, AVM Alexander Vallance Riddell Johnstone, Air Cdre Edward Mortlock Donaldson, Air Cdre John Lawrence Wemyss Ellacombe, Gp Capt Sir Hugh (Spencer Lisle) Dundas, Wg Cdr Robert Roland Stanford-Tuck, 1983-1984; two paperback editions of Scramble: a narrative history of the Battle of Britain (Pan, London, 1986).

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      GRAHAM, Sir John (Alexander Noble), 4th Bt (b 1926)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Graham · Created 1967-1994

      Thirty seven typescript speeches and texts of lectures, given by Graham, 1972-1991, mostly relating to the Middle East, Anglo-American relations, Rhodesia, 1977, the Iranian revolution, 1979, the Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation), and the Gulf War, 1990-1991, notably 'The Middle East', 1972, with copy of UN Security Council Resolution 242 relating to the Arab-Israeli Six Day War, 1967, and copy of speech on the Middle East by Rt Hon Sir Alec (AlexanderFrederick) Douglas-Home, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, given to Harrogate Conservative Party, Oct 1970; address to NATO Defence College, 'Developments outside the NATO area in the next 15 years of concern to the Alliance', Feb 1985; article 'The Iran-Iraq war - eight years on', written for NATO's sixteen nations, Nov 1987; article, 'Reflections on the Gulf Crisis', Nov 1990, with briefing notes on the Gulf Crisis from Martin Fuller, Research Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and related press cuttings, 1990.

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      GRANT, Gen Sir Charles John Cecil (1877-1950)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Grant · Created 1805-1946

      Various military papers, mainly dating from the nineteenth century, including standing orders, despatches and a paper by Gen Sir Frederick Roberts on Russia, all probably collected by Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery, 1805-1811, 1871-1885, 1918-1921. Correspondence and papers relating to Lt Gen Sir Robert Grant (see above), including material concerning his career, and correspondence from Gen Sir Henry Redvers Buller, 1900. Letters and papers of Charles John Cecil Grant, notably correspondence with Rosebery, mainly letters written whilst on active service on the Western Front, World War One, 1914-1927, French Gen Maxime Weygand, including comments on the Versailles Treaty and the death of French Marshal Ferdinand Foch, 1919-1948, andLt Gen Sir Oliver William Hargreaves Leese, 3rd Bt, on military operations in Italy during World War Two, 1943-1944. Copies of diary entries and notes written by Charles John Cecil Grant whilst serving as a liaison officer to French Headquarters on the Western Front, World War One, Mar-Nov 1918.

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      GRENFELL, Capt Russell, RN (fl 1914-1944)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Grenfell · Created 1916, [1944]-1945, 1978

      Copy of his account of Battle of Jutland, 31 May 1916, written on 4 Jun 1916. Copy of text of his despatch from HMS SCYLLA on the Normandy landings, 6-7 Jun 1944, broadcast on the [Forces Programme], 7 Jun 1944, with covering letter, 24 Jun 1944. Copies of extracts from his diary covering his discussion with Adm Hon Sir Alexander Robert Maule Ramsay about the planningof the Normandy landings, Dec [1944], and his visit to Germany, Jun 1945, including his observations on German scientific and technical developments and his interviews with British and German naval officers. Two letters to Grenfell's wife from Baron von Müllenheim-Rechberg, a survivor of the sinking of the Bismarck, May 1941, dated 1978, concerning Grenfell's book The Bismarckepisode (Faber and Faber, London, 1948).

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      GRIFFITH, Lt Col Samuel (1905-1985)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Griffith · Created [1939-1945], 1948, 1965, 1966

      Papers relating to his military service during World War Two, dated [1939-1945], 1948, 1965-1966, notably including account of the service of 1 Welch Regt in Crete, May 1941, written in 1966; silk map of North Africa and the southern Mediterranean, [1939-1945]; account of his imprisonment in Salonika in 1941 and his subsequent transportation to Germany, [1945]; typescript copy of 'Per anum ad astra', an account by Alexis Casdigli of the smuggling of maps from Oflag IX A-H to Oflag XII B in 1944 by a group of POWs, including Casdigli and Griffith, written in 1948, copied in 1965.

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      HACKETT, Gen Sir John Winthrop (1910-1997)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Hackett · [1944]-1997

      Papers, [1944]-1997, accumulated by Gen Sir John Winthrop Hackett. The bulk of the material (125 boxes) comprises Hackett's papers, 1958-1997, including official and personal correspondence, texts of lectures, press cuttings and published material. The papers range over Hackett's career and interests, the subjects including his official posts as Commandant, Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, 1958-1961, Deputy Chief of the General Staff, 1963-1964, and Commander in Chief, British Army of the Rhine, 1965-1966; King's College London and other academic institutions; his lecture 'The profession of arms' and other conferences, lectures and speeches, including Kermit Roosevelt lecture tour, 1967; publications including I was a stranger (1977) and Third World War (1978); UK and overseas military associations and institutions, including the Queen's Royal Irish Hussars and Queen's Royal Hussars, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Royal United Services Institution, Institute of Strategic Studies; annual memorial visits to Arnhem. A smaller accession (5 boxes) comprises papers and correspondence, largely typescripts and printed material, accumulated by Hackett on military matters, largely but not wholly pertaining to the 1980s and including, for example, news cuttings, correspondence and conference papers on nuclear proliferation and debate on the issues; some material relates to Hackett's Warfare in the ancient world, published in 1989. Another accession (1 box) comprises typescript essays with related papers, photographs and plans concerning the Battle of Arnhem collected by Lt Col Theodore A Boeree, including extracts from the diary of Miss Riek van der Vlist, [1944], kept at Hotel Schoonard, the temporary British hospital during the Battle of Arnhem; a file of press cuttings on various military matters, 1968-1970; press article by Gen Hackett on Arnhem, 1974; two letters between Hackett and Dr Hedwig Delekat of Mainz, Germany, Jul-Aug 1968, concerning the fact that Hackett had no connection with Gen Halket, who served under Wellington. The collection also includes various military periodicals (27 boxes).

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      HANCOCK, Lt Col Sir Cyril (Percy) (1896-1990)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Hancock · Created [1981]

      Photocopies of a letter to Lt Col P M N Doyle, intended for publication in The Maratha Light InfantryRegimental Journal, giving an account of his service with 114 Marathas in Mesopotamia and India, 1916-1947, written in 1981, and an appreciation of Donald Bevan Sothers, one of Hancock's colleagues in the 114 Marathas, with particular reference to Sothers' role in theBattle of Shargat, Oct 1918, written in [1981].

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      HARRISON, Frank
      GB 0099 KCLMA Harrison F · Created [1991]

      'Tobruk: Siege, Breakout, Victory', typescript memoir covering operations at Tobruk, 1941-1942, written in [1991] and later published as Tobruk: the great siege reassessed (Arms and Armour Press, London, 1996)

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      HART DYKE, Brig Trevor (1905-1995)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Hart Dyke · Created 1946, 1970

      'The peace divided', an account of his life and career, 1905-1948, notably his service in India with the Queen's Royal Regt, in Africa with King's African Rifles, and in UK, 1938-1940, 1941-1944, Gibraltar, 1940-1941, South East Asia, 1945, East Africa, 1946-1947 and Berlin, 1948, compiled in 1970 by Ben Lockwood, Hart Dyke's stepson, from notes left by Hart Dyke and printed in1995. 'Normandy to Arnhem, a story of the infantry', an account of his service with 4 Bn, (Hallamshire Bn), York and Lancaster Regt in the UK, 1943-1944, and North West Europe, 1944-1945, written using regimental war diaries in 1946 and originally printed in 1966, reprinted by 4 Bn, Yorkshire Volunteers in 1991.

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      HEAL, Lt Arthur Heal
      GB 0099 KCLMA Heal · Created 1944

      Photocopies of papers relating to his service in World War Two, 1943-1944, dated 1944, 1947 and 1980, principally comprising notes for a lecture to the Royal Engineers Officer Cadet Training Unit on the role of 3 Infantry Div during the Normandy landings (Operation OVERLORD), Jun 1944, written in [Oct] 1944.

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      HELY, Brig Alfred Francis (1902-1990)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Hely · Created 1991

      Copy of 'Tim', a typescript account of Hely's life and career, 1902-1990, notably his service with 60 Field Regt in the Western Desert, including action around Sidi Rezegh, Nov 1941, and with 7 Indian Div in India, 1942 and Burma, 1943-1945, including the Japanese attack on 15 Indian Corps' administrative base at Sinzweya, Burma, Feb 1944, written in 1991 by 'L R L', Hely's Bde Maj, Royal Artillery, 7 Div, 1942-1944. Includes extracts from Hely's descriptions of actions at Sidi Rezegh and Sinzweya written for The Royal Artillery Commemoration Book, 1939-1945 (G Bell and Sons, London, 1950).

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      HERBERT, Brig Charles Edward Mercer (1904-1981)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Herbert · Created 1930, 1936, [1946]

      Papers relating to his military career, 1922-1946, dated 1930, 1936 and [1946] principally comprising typescript log of railway survey work carried out by Herbert, Lt Charles Granville Barry Greaves and Capt Donald Maitland James Murray, Tanganyika, 1930, written by [Murray] in [1930]; The Royal Engineers Journal vol 50 Sep 1936, including 'Railway Survey in Tanganyika Territory' by Herbert; official 501 Inter-Service Mission 'Transportation report on the proposal for a base in East Africa', written by Herbert in 1946; copies of letters of appreciation concerning rehabilitation of Burma railway system carried out by Transportation Service, 1945; copy of Herbert's curriculum vitae, 1922-1946, written in 1946.

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      HICKS, Lt Col Garnet Elgar (1907-1998)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Hicks · Created 1933-1949

      Forty five photographs, mostly captioned, relating to Hicks' military career, 1933-1949, notably including the North West Frontier, India, 1933-1934, officers at Staff College, Haifa, Palestine, 1940, the Allied Victory Parade, Berlin, Germany, 1946, and service in Abeokuta, Nigeria, 1948-1949.

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      HOWELL, Brig Gen Philip (1877-1916)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Howell · Created 1879-1916

      The papers cover the period, 1879-1916, and include papers on Howell's service as a correspondent for The Times in the Balkans, including photographs and newspaper cuttings, 1903; papers on Howell's training at Staff College, Quetta, India, and Staff College, Camberley, Surrey, including notes on Cavalry organization and tactics and on the establishment of FrontierIntelligence organization in India, 1904-1914; papers on service as Officer Commanding 4 Hussars, including Operational orders, accounts of Allied operations on Western Front, personal diaries and manuscript maps of Western Front trenches, 1914-1915; Operational orders from service as Brig Gen, General Staff Cavalry Corps, Western Front, 1915; official and semi-official correspondencefrom service as Chief of Staff, Salonika, including personal diaries, correspondence relating to attempts to secure Bulgarian entry in World War One on the Allied side, and correspondence relating to allegations of Howell leaking memoranda to a Suffragete newspaper called Britannia, 1915-1916. The collection also includes Howell family correspondence, 1879-1889, mostly between Howell's father and grandfather, and from 1909-16 between Howell and his wife Mrs Rosalind 'Linnett' Howell [nee Buxton]. The papers of Howell's wife, Mrs Rosalind 'Linnett' Howell [nee Buxton], 1910-1966, include an account of Howell's life entitled, Philip Howell. A Memoir By His Wife(1942, London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd) and letters from Capt (Edward) Hugh Buxton and Maj (Abbot) Redmond Buxton [Rosalind 'Linnett' Howell's brothers], concerning Allied withdrawal from Anzac Cove and Sulva Bay, Gallipoli, Turkey, 1915-1916.

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      ISMAY, Gen Hastings Lionel, 1st Baron Ismay of Wormington
      GB 0099 KCLMA Ismay · Created 1893-1965

      Papers relating to his life and career, 1917-1963, principally comprising official correspondence with Lt Gen M Brocas Burrows, British Military Mission, Moscow, 1944-1945, Gen Mark Wayne Clark, US Army, 1943-1944, 1951-1952, Maj Gen Richard Henry Dewing, UK Army and RAF Liaison Staff, Australia, 1943-1944, Maj Gen Gordon Edward Grimsdale, Military Attaché andhead of Military Mission to Chungking, China, 1942-1943, AF Sir Roger John Brownlow Keyes, Bt, Director of Combined Operations, War Office, 1940-1942, Lt Gen Sir Henry Pownall, South East Asia Command HQ, 1944-1945, Lt Gen Sir Harold Redman, British Joint Staff Mission, Washington DC, 1943-1944, AF Sir James Somerville, Commander-in-Chief Eastern Fleet, 1943-1947, and Maj Gen Sir Edward Spears, Minister to the Lebanon, 1940-1944, and Lt Gen Albert C Wedemeyer, US Army, Deputy Chief of Staff; South East Asia Command, 1944; personal correspondence with and about FM Lord Alanbrooke, 1946-1947, 1957-1963, FM Sir Claude John Eyre Auchinleck, 1941-1961, and FM Archibald Percival Wavell, Viscount Wavell of Cyrenaica and of Winchester, 1943-1946; official andpersonal correspondence with Dwight David Eisenhower, 1942-1965, and AF Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, 1943-1954, 1960-1964; correspondence with publishers and colleagues, including Gen Sir Richard Nugent O'Connor; papers relating to India, 1947-1951, including his correspondence as Chief of Staff to Mountbatten, 1947, notes on interviews with Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahomed Ali Jinnah, 1947, letters describing the political situation in India, 1947-1948, and correspondence concerning compensation for Indian Government servants, 1948-1951; correspondence concerning the proposed defence reorganisation, 1955-1963; papers relating to his service as Secretary General, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 1952-1957, including his official progress reports, 1952-1956; newspaper cuttings, statements to the press and texts of speeches and broadcasts, 1952-1957; papers relating to his memoirs, [1940-1960] including correspondence with publishers, 1960-1961, and colleagues, 1957-1960, notebooks, 1940-1960, and drafts and proofs, [1960]. newspaper cuttings, 1943, 1948, 1951-1952, 1957; texts of speeches, 1943-1958; correspondence relating to operations in Somaliland, 1917-1920; notes and papers relating to his studies at Staff College, Quetta and RAF Staff College, 1922-1924. Papers relating to Rt Hon Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill, 1940-1965, including personal correspondence with Churchill, 1940, 1943-1945, 1947-1964; correspondence relating to Churchill's memoir The Second World War (Cassell, London, 1948-1954), 1946-1956, including correspondence relating to Dieppe Raid, Aug 1942, dated 1950, and galley proofs, [1948-1954]. Printed material, 1941-1945, 1947, 1951, notably including copies of telegrams sent by Winston Churchill as Prime Minister, 1941-1942; minutes of Chiefs of Staff meetings, 1943-1944; minutes of Combined Chiefs of Staff meetings, 1943, 1945.

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      JOB, Cdr Patrick Dalzel (1913-2003)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Job · Created [1960-1970]

      'Special service', typescript memoir covering his life and naval career, 1913-1945, notably his service in Norway, 1940 and 1942, his involvement in Motor Torpedo Boat operations in Norway, 1942-1943, his service with 12 (Special Service) Submarine Flotilla, 1943-1944, and his reconnaissance work with 30 Assault Unit in France, Belgium and Germany, 1944-1945, written in [1960-1970],with photographs, [1943-1946].

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      JOHNSTON, Maj Duncan (1914-1945)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Johnston D · Created [1942], 1945, 1962, 1976, 1987

      Papers primarily relating to his service in the Royal Marines during the period 1942-1945, written in [1942], 1945, 1962, 1976 and 1987, principally comprising typescript copy of Johnston's account of Force Viper operations in the Burma Campaign, 1942, written in [1942] and copied in 1987, photocopy of 'The Red Vipers', an article on Force Viper operations in Burma in 1942, by Cecil Hampshire, from The Navy, 1962; photocopy of Johnston's obituary from The Times, 24 Apr 1945.

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      JOYCE, Lt Col Pierce Charles (1878-1965)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Joyce · Created 1916-1919, 1936, 1963, 1939, 1941, 1963, 1965

      Papers relating to his service in Hedjaz (Hejaz), 1916-1919, dated 1916-1919, 1936, 1963, 1939, 1941, 1963, 1965, principally comprising official correspondence relating to operations against the Turks in Hedjaz, 1916-1918, and supplies and stores for bases at Rabegh, Wedj, Yenbo, Akaba and Abu Lissal, 1916-1918, and including letters to and from Thomas Edward Lawrence (laterShaw), Col Cyril Edward Wilson, Gen Sir Gilbert Falkingham Clayton, and Lt Col Alan Geoffrey Charles; correspondence and notes concerning the meeting between Emir Feisal (later Feisal I, King of Iraq) and Dr Chaim Weizmann on 4 Jun 1918, dated [1918] and 1963;typescript text on the history and future of the Arab movement, [1919]; scripts concerning his service with Lawrence in Hedjaz, 1916-1918, written for television broadcasts in 1939 and 1941; official reports on bomb attacks on the Hedjaz railway by X Flight and No14 Sqn personnel, 1917-1918; official reports of reconnaissance flights by X Flight and No 14 Sqn, 1917-1918; diary by Capt H S Hornby describing raids on the Hedjaz railway, May 1917 and May 1918; account by Lt Col Frederick Gerard Peake of Turkish attack on Tafas,Sep 1918, dated 1965.

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      KEOWN-BOYD, Sir Alexander (1884-1954)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Keown-Boyd · 1919-1922

      Papers of Sir Alexander Keown-Boyd comprising correspondence, 1920-1922, from FM Edmund Allenby, 1st Viscount Allenby of Megiddo and of Felixstowe, then High Commissioner for Egypt, to Keown-Boyd, Oriental Secretary, discussing proposals to change staff at the Foreign Office, September 1921; the assassination of Henry Wilson by Irish Republicans, June 1922; and comparison of Anglo-Irish and Anglo-Egyptian relations. Also invitation, details of arrangements and dinner seating plan for the admission to the Freedom of the City of London of FM Edmund Allenby, 1st Viscount Allenby of Megiddo and of Felixstowe, 7 Oct 1919.

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      LINDSELL, Lt Gen Sir Wilfred Gordon (1884-1973)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Lindsell · Created 1935-1973

      Papers relating to service as Quartermaster General of the BEF (British Expeditionary Force) in France and Belgium during World War Two, including narratives, war diaries, reports and memoranda, 1939-1941; papers relating to service as Lt Gen in charge of Administration in the Middle East, including narratives, a volume compiled by the Q Staff entitled Maintenance of the Eighth Army...from El Alamein to Tunisia, 1943, and memoranda and newscuttings on the Middle East Base in Egypt, 1943-1948; papers relating to service as Principal Administrative Officer to the Indian Command, comprising texts of speeches and articles on Indian economy and the India Base, 1943-1945; papers relating to post-war life and career, mainly texts of lectures and articles and newspaper cuttings on international relations in the Middle East, especially the Suez Crisis of 1956.

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      LUND, Lt Gen Sir Otto Marling (1891-1956)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Lund · Created [1939-1940], 1954, 1968

      Notes and papers relating to his military career, 1939-1940, written in [1939-1940] and 1968, principally comprising 'A record of visits to France and Belgium in May and June 1940 as DDMO', dated [1940], written accounts of his work as Deputy Director of Military Operations, 1939, and his role in the British Military Mission to Turkey, May- Jun 1939, dated [1939-1940],and various drafts of these three texts, heavily annotated by Daisy Allenby, wife of 2nd Viscount Allenby of Megiddo and of Felixstowe (then Mrs Daisy Neame), 1939-1940; notes of anecdotes concerning Hitler, written by Lady Allenby in [1939-1940]; correspondence and papers concerning Sir Winston Churchill's 80th Birthday Presentation Fund, 1954, notably an account [by Lady Allenby] of [her] meeting with Churchill and his family on 29 Nov 1954, dated 1954.

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      MACE, Col Rex Charles (b 1919)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Mace · Created 1923-1983

      Papers relating to the Dogra Regt, Indian Army, 1923-1944, including typescript notes by Brig John Parke Fullerton on 3 Bn, 17 Dogra Regt, 1923-1940; typescript notes by Maj Peter Lewis Gell and Tom Roe on the redeployment by air of 5 Indian Div from Arakan to northern Burma, Mar 1944; typescript notes entitled 'The story of Havildar Rattan Singh MM, 3 Bn, TheDogra Regiment' [1945]; typescript notes entitled 'A brief history of the 8th Independent Infantry Bde in Malaya, Nov 1940-Feb 1942' [1945]; typescript 'An abridged history of the Dogra Regiment' [1975]; typescript notes by Col Francis Cortland Simpson, General Staff Officer 1, 17 Indian Div, Burma, 1942, on the demolition of the Sittang Bridge [1983]. Papers relating to operations of 156 (East Africa) Independent Heavy Anti-Aircraft Battery, Royal Artillery, Kenya, 1952-1955, including typescript notes on the history of artillery units in East Africa and operations in Kenya, 1952-1955, with photographs of Kenyan recruits, 3.7 inch heavy anti-aircraft guns and 25 pounder guns.

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      MARTIN, Sir Laurence (Woodward) (b 1928)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Martin L W · Created 1966-1967

      Papers relating to [Parliamentary] Arms Control and Disarmament Advisory Panel, 1966-1967, mainlyconcerning the study group set up to consider the problems of a comprehensive nuclear test ban, notably including Martin's paper 'Considerations affecting an extension of the test ban', 1966; typescript texts on the test ban by other members of the study group, namely Professor Rudolf Ernst Peierls, and Sir John (Douglas) Cockcroft, 1966; typescript 'Comments on criticisms of the proposal (22 December 1965) for 'Regional arms limitation in Europe'', by R Adm Anthony Wass Buzzard, 1966; 'Safeguards on plutonium', typescript text by Leonard Beaton, 1966.

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      GB 0099 KCLMA Mayhew · 1939-1997

      Papers, 1939-1997, of the Rt Hon Christopher Paget Mayhew, Baron Mayhew of Wimbledon in Greater London, relating to his life and career. The collection includes wartime letters from Mayhew to his family and other letters to Mayhew, 1939-1945; appointment and desk diaries, 1949-1995; files giving details of individuals and organisations relating to his work as an MP; a file on his introduction to the House of Lords, 1981; address books; notebooks, papers and correspondence relating to his work as a politician and peer, 1945-1997. The papers reflect his interests in domestic issues and foreign affairs, with material on broadcasting, commercial and public service television, including the minute book, 1953-1954, of the National Television Council, a pro-public service broadcasting body; relations with the Soviet Union from the late 1940s to the 1960s; international affairs, defence issues and the armed forces up to the 1990s, including press cuttings on his resignation in 1966; Palestine and Israel, the Middle East, and Arab-British relations, especially in the 1980s and 1990s. Much of the collection comprises printed material, reports, typescripts and press cuttings, some - for instance, broadcasts and interviews - by Mayhew himself, but much by other authors.

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      MCLEOD, Gen Sir Roderick William (1905-1980)
      GB 0099 KCLMA McLeod · Created 1944-1962

      Papers relating to operations of the Special Air Service (SAS) in France during World War Two and to its formation, 1944-1948; papers relating to the future role of the SAS following operations in Northern Europe, World War Two, 1945-1958; papers relating to lectures given by McLeod on the SAS, 1944-1962; maps and diagram relating to SAS operations in France, 1944.

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      Microform: Documents on Disarmament, 1945-1982
      GB 0099 KCLMA MF 161-171 · 1945-1982, 1985

      Documents on Disarmament, 1945- 1982, is a themed microfilm collection including documents on arms control and disarmament developments, 1945-1982. Subjects include relations with the US Atomic Energy Commission; proposed prohibition requirements for the production of biological and chemical weapons; bilateral talks between the Soviet Union and the United States, including the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (START); US negotiations with aligned and non-aligned states; Commission on Security and Co- operation in Europe (CSCE) arms control talks; negotiations with UN organisations including the Ad Hoc Group on Disarmament and Development, the Commission for Conventional Armaments, the Disarmament Commission, international Atomic Energy Agency, and the Security Council, 1945-1982.

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      Microform: The Diaries of Dwight D Eisenhower, 1953-1961
      GB 0099 KCLMA MF 293-320 · 1953-1961, 1986

      The Diaries of Dwight D Eisenhower, 1953-1961, consists of a varied body of microfilmed manuscripts that contain several categories of material, arranged chronologically by month and year. Diary entries and dictated correspondence are filed in folders entitled 'DDE Diary'; 'DDE Personal Diary'; or 'DDE Dictation'. The bulk of actual diary entries falls into the years 1953-1956. Another prominent category is memoranda of telephone conversations with the more detailed conversations dating prior to 1959. The largest body of material is the official White House staff memoranda, reports, correspondence, and summaries of congressional correspondence. These types of documents are found in folders labelled 'Miscellaneous', 'Goodpaster', 'Staff Memos', and after 1957, 'Staff Notes'. Herein are the memoranda of conversations, or 'memcons', prepared by Gen Andrew Jackson Goodpaster, Defense Liaison Officer and Staff Secretary to the President of the United States. From 1956 to the end of the administration, 'Toner Notes' were produced, so named for White House staff member Albert Toner, who with fellow White House Research Group member Christopher Russell, prepared daily intelligence briefings for the President. Material in the collection includes entries relating to Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy and the trial of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg; correspondence with Vice President Richard Milhous Nixon; Prisoners of War exchanges in Korea; rapprochement between Argentina and the US; military aid to Yugoslavia; Eisenhower's 'Atoms for Peace' speech 1953; the situation in Indochina, 1954; the use of psychological warfare in the Third World; relations between the US and the People's Republic of China; France and the European Defence Community; waning British and French colonial ties; the Baghdad Pact, 1955; the Suez Crisis, 1956; US Joint Chiefs of Staff strategic planning in Europe; the Soviet invasion of Hungary, 1956; plans for mutual security arrangements with favoured nations; the Military Assistance Program; the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; the African- American civil rights movement; military officer exchanges between Israel and the US; the American, British and Canadian Army Standardization Program; US Department of Defense budgetary matters; the 'Vanguard' satellite program, 1957; nuclear weapons, nuclear strategy and the US-Soviet 'missile gap'. Correspondents include HM King George V; Gen Juan Domingo Peron, president of Argentina; Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy; Rt Hon Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill; Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India; Dr Konrad Adenauer, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany; Gen Douglas MacArthur; Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr; Special Assistant to the President Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller; Gen Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle, President of France; Rt Hon (Maurice) Harold Macmillan, Prime Minister of Great Britain; Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party and Chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers; (David) Dean Rusk, President of the Rockefeller Foundation; John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State, 1953-1959; Herbert Hoover, Jr, Under Secretary of State, 1954-1957; Christian Archibald Herter, Under Secretary of State, 1957-1959.

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      GB 0099 KCLMA MF 333-337 · 1949-1953, 1980

      Official Conversations and Meetings of Dean Acheson, 1949-1953 are microfilmed copies of the minutes of conversations and meetings of Dean Acheson during his tenure as Secretary of State during the Truman administration, 1949-1953. Material includes minutes for meetings and conversations with Senator Arthur Hendrick Vandenberg concerning the Rhodes negotiations on the future of Palestine, 1949; Foreign Service employee George Frost Kennan relating to US-Soviet relations, 1949-1950; Rt Hon Sir Oliver Franks, British Ambassador to the US, concerning the former Italian colonies, the western mark for Berlin and the North Atlantic Pact, 1949; the US National Security Council relating to the re-training of the Austrian Army, Palestine, and the appointment of a military commander in Germany, 1949; President Harry S Truman concerning the Military Assistance Program, atomic energy, Palestine, British finances and the revolutionary situation in the Caribbean, 1949; Muhammad Riza Pahlevi, Shah-an-Shah of Iran, relating to financial assistance to Iran, 1949; Professor Hans Joachim Morgenthau concerning Cold War international relations; President Truman concerning the Korean crisis, 1950; US Department of Defense representatives concerning the Treaty of Peace with Japan, 1950, and the war in Korea, 1951-1953; US Gen George Catlett Marshall relating to the Economic Recovery Program (Marshall Plan).

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      GB 0099 KCLMA MF 338-339 · 1945, 1980

      Potsdam Conference Documents, 1945: The Presidential Documents Series is a themed microfilm collection including the personal and official documents and correspondence of President Harry S Truman during proceedings of the Potsdam Conference, 29 Mar-2 Aug 1945. Papers are drawn from a variety of originating bodies including US President Harry S Truman; US Gen of the Army George Catlett Marshall; US Gen of the Army Douglas MacArthur; Gen Dwight David Eisenhower, Supreme Commander Allied Forces Europe; George Frost Kennan, US Chargé d'affaires in Moscow; Rt Hon Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain (until 26 Jul 1945); Rt Hon Clement Richard Attlee, Prime Minister of Great Britain (after 28 Jul 1945); Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek; Soviet Premier Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin; the US Joint Chiefs of Staff; and the Combined Chiefs of Staff. Papers relate to US foreign policy concerning the reconstruction of Western Europe; the partition, de-nazification, demilitarisation, and future reparations payments of Germany; the trial of major war criminals; the unconditional surrender of Japan; former Axis satellite states; Austria; Yugoslavia; the withdrawal of Allied forces from Iran; the retention of Allied forces in Italy; Lend-Lease liquidation; Bulgarian reparations payments to Greece; the reconstruction of Poland, Czechoslovakia; Yugoslavia and the Balkans; Anglo-Soviet rivalry in the Middle East; civil affairs in China.

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      GB 0099 KCLMA MF 388-401 · 1938-1945, 1982

      The MAGIC Documents: Summaries and Transcripts of the Top-Secret Diplomatic Communications of Japan, 1938-1945, is a themed microfilm collection relating to US deciphers of Japanese diplomatic codes through the use of MAGIC decryption, 1938- 1945. The collection contains copies of deciphered official and unofficial Japanese diplomatic communiqués sent from Japanese personnel stationed at embassies and consulates in the Far East, Europe and the Middle East, to Tokyo, Japan, 1938-1945, and includes material relating to Japanese civil, political and economic conditions and policies, military expenditures, strategy, tactics, and campaigns, and eventual peace initiatives and surrender, 1938-1945. Included in the collection are deciphered messages concerning Japanese perceptions of Allied strategy against Japan; the effect of Allied air raids on Japan; Japanese relations with the German Foreign Office; Japanese relations with the governments of Burma, Indo-China; Korea, Netherland East Indies, Siam, China, the Philippines; perceptions of Allied chemical warfare capabilities; perceptions of Allied Lend-Lease naval forces and strategy; British and French relations with colonies in the Far East; control of industry in Manchuria (Manchukuo); perceptions of Axis strategy and Japan's role within it; Japanese interest in Indian nationalism and the Indian Independence League; the Burma-Siam railway; Japanese attacks on the Burma Road, the supply route which connected Burma to Generalissimo Chiang Kai- Shek's nationalist forces in China; administration of the government of Japanese occupied Nanking, China; the Chinese Communist Party; the rationing of clothing and food in Japan; perceptions of the Soviet Comintern Pact; Japanese relations with German, European, and Chinese banks; Japanese relations with Spanish Gen Francisco Franco Bahamonde, the German High Command and Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini; interpretation of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere; concern for Japanese nationals abroad, 1937-1945; Japanese naval strategy and tactics; function of the Japanese Consular Police, China; territorial claims on the Kurile Islands; material relating to Japanese military campaigns during World War Two; Japan's search for strategic resources in the Far East; military strengths and dispositions of the German Armed Forces; the origins of the Russo-Japanese Neutrality Pact; Allied and Axis propaganda methods; the treatment of Allied prisoners of war; the surrender of Japanese armed forces in the Far East.

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      GB 0099 KCLMA MF 422-426; MF 548-552; MF 438-440 · 1947-1956, 1988

      Minutes of the Meetings of the National Security Council: First Supplement are microfilmed copies of minutes of meetings, official meeting files and supporting documentation, and detailed records relating to meeting of the National Security Council, 1947-1956. Document material relates to policies and procedures governing the National Security Council, 1947; initial directives to the Central Intelligence Agency, 1947; the US political position concerning Italy, Greece, China, and Palestine, 1947; US policy with respect to the Republic of Korea, 1948-53; conversations with the British in regard to the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, 1948; US position with respect to perceptions of Soviet-directed world communism, 1948-55; the dispatch of US B-29 bombers to Great Britain, 1948; US policy on atomic and nuclear warfare, 1948-55; possible Soviet interruptions to the Berlin air-lift, 1948; organisation under the Atlantic Pact and the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), 1949; the re- armament of the Federal Republic of West Germany, 1950; the position of the US with respect to Indochina, 1951-55; the death of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, President of the Soviet Council of Ministers and General Secretary, Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1953; the Mutual Security Program, 1953; US objectives with respect to Indonesia, 1953; US objectives in the event of a general war with the Soviet bloc, 1954; overseas reaction to the Atomic Energy Commission, 1955; US policy towards the People's Republic of China, Formosa and the government of the Republic of China, 1955

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      GB 0099 KCLMA MF 463-493 · 1918-1941, 1986

      US Military Intelligence Reports: Japan, 1918-1941 is a themed microfilm collection relating to US Military Intelligence Division (MID) in Japan, 1918- 1941. Included in the collection are microfilmed copies of US MID reports from the military attaché and his staff, and correspondence and telegrams between the military attaché, his staff, US Army Headquarters and the Japanese Imperial Army Headquarters, and US and foreign diplomats throughout the Far East. These documents have been arranged into eight sections: general conditions, political conditions, economic conditions, general conditions in Korea, army, field artillery, navy, and aviation. These sections are not mutually exclusive and all include a range of routine and special reports. Reports on domestic policy cover the rise of right wing, socialist, and communist organisations in Japan; the effects of the 1923 earthquake; Japanese industrial expansion, notably the securing of raw materials from neighbouring countries; the South Manchurian Railway Company; oil prospecting; and the iron and steel industries. Military and foreign policy reports concern the occupation of Korea, Siberia, Manchuria (Manchukuo), and the 1919 independence demonstrations in Korea. Specific military reports cover Japanese military tactics; military regulations; combat principles; training; organisation, the social attitude of officers; civil-military relations; aviation technology and statistics; the annual budgets of the Japanese War Ministry; naval building programmes; the scrapping of warships in accordance with the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922; naval operations in World War One; the use of air power against China; and the construction of offensive airfields in Indo-China.

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      GB 0099 KCLMA MF 71-81; 172-174; 286-292; 434-437; 782-791 · 1947-1985, 1980-1993

      Documents of the National Security Council, 1947-1985 are microfilmed copies of memoranda, policy papers, directives and records of actions undertaken by the US National Security Council, 1947-1985. Document material relates to US policy with respect to Japan, the Soviet Union, China, 1948-49; military assistance to non-communist nations, 1948-49; US policy on atomic warfare, 1948; the Berlin Blockade; the United Nations decision to introduce military forces to Palestine, 1948; US policy towards Soviet satellite states in Eastern Europe, 1949; US courses of action with respect to the Republic of Korea, 1950-53; responsibilities of the Central Intelligence Agency with respect to guerrilla warfare, 1952; US policy and courses of action to counter possible Soviet or satellite action against Berlin, 1952; US objectives and actions to exploit the unrest in the Soviet satellite states, 1953; US courses of action with respect to Latin America, Iran and South Asia, 1953-85; covert operations, 1954-75; nuclear attack warning channel and procedures for civilians, 1955-65; the political implications of Afro-Asian military take-overs, 1959; US policy towards Cuba, 1959-60; US strategic nuclear forces capabilities, 1960-85; US military, political and psychological operations in South East Asia, 1961-74; US training objectives for counterinsurgency, 1962-85; the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT); US policy on arms transfers, 1975-85; the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty; US policy towards Cuba and Central America, 1982; the US approach to the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START), 1982-85. Policy papers and progress reports relate to all European nations, the Soviet Union and its satellites, Canada, Latin America, Japan, The Middle East, the People's Republic of China, South East Asia, Angola, North Africa, 1947-1985.

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      GB 0099 KCLMA MF 825-830 · 1967-1975, 1991

      The Vietnam Documents and Research Notes Series reproduces in microfilm captured and translated Viet Cong and North Vietnamese political and military reports, treatises, resolutions, directives and programme descriptions compiled by JUSPAO, Oct 1967-Feb 1975. The 'notes' in the collection also contain US and South Vietnamese commentary on the enemy materiel, as well as analyses of political methodology, strategy, infrastructure, and history. While the majority of notes relate to political topics, military topics include analyses of soldiers' diaries and comments on military conditions and operations. Papers include composite diary highlighting the plight of North Vietnamese Army (NVA) soldiers serving in South Vietnam, Dec 1966; diary of a North Vietnamese Army soldier en route to South Vietnam, including mention of his political indoctrination and military training, Oct 1967; North Vietnamese directive defining the political tasks for North Vietnamese An Thai Regt, Oct 1967; directive from Headquarters of Viet Cong Military Region 5, relating to repression of counter-revolutionaries, Oct 1967; Viet Cong training document, Mar 1968; Viet Cong post-operation report relating to military operations during the Tet Offensive, Apr 1968; Sixth Resolution, Central Office, South Vietnam, assessing the results of the Tet Offensive, Jul 1968; Liberation Radio broadcast texts outlining the political programme of the Alliance of National, Democratic, and Peace Forces, Sep 1968; broadcast reports relating to the death of Ho Chi Minh, Sep 1969; speeches by Gen Vo Nguyen Giap, Nov 1969; report, issued by the commander of Unit 591, detailing the shortcomings of his unit, including low morale, poor leadership, self-inflicted wounds and surrender, Feb 1970; conference notes relating to the Indochinese Peoples' Summit Conference, Apr 1970; report detailing the establishment and organisation of the Public Security Sector and the People's Police Force in North Vietnam, Jan 1971; captured documents highlighting the effects of an unsuccessful military campaign, loss of key cadre on the village levels, and the slow recruitment of personnel, Apr 1971; full text of Liberation Radio broadcast of Maj Gen Tran Do highlighting the problem and result of poor political indoctrination and ideological education, May 1971; lists of members, denoting office or responsibility of Communist Vietnamese organisations including the Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam, the National Liberation Front and the People's Revolutionary Party, Jun 1972; articles by Gen Vo Nguyen Giap, Jun-Oct 1972; papers relating to the abandonment of the military and political seizure of Danang, Dec 1972; Central Office for South Vietnam (COSVN) directives relating to the economic situation in South Vietnam following the Paris Peace Talks, 1974-1975

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      ANWYL, Rev Reginald A (1911-1983)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Anwyl · Created [1975]-1983

      Memoir covering the period 1940-1945, including details of his experiences in the Battle of Leros, Greece, 1943, as a POW, 1943 and in operations in North West Europe in 1944-1945, [1975-1983]; copy of obituary from school magazine, 1983.

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      ARMSTRONG, Engineer Cdr Sidney John (fl 1921-1941)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Armstrong · Created [1925-1945]

      Papers principally comprising text of lecture on the outbreak of hostilities between Japan and China in 1937, including a detailed account of the Battle of Shanghai as witnessed from HMS DANAE, 1937; draft of lecture recounting his experiences on board HMS DIDO during the evacuation of Crete, Apr-Jun 1941, [1945].

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      GB 0099 KCLMA Bad trip to Edgewood · Coleção · 1950 - 1993

      Bad trip to Edgewood consists of, interview transcripts, research files and videos for a television documentary on US Army testing of chemical and biological warfare agents on human 'guinea pigs' between 1955 - 1975, and includes files of mainly photocopied documents, reports, scientific articles, letters and newspapers articles, with some printed brochures, as well as videotapes. There is also a video copy of Bad trip to Edgewood which was produced by Michael Bilton, Yorkshire Television, and broadcast as a First Tuesday film in March 1993.

      The files focus on secret projects carried out by the US Army Chemical Corps at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, Edgewood, Maryland USA, between 1955-1975, in which US Army volunteers were used to test the effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), benzilates such as BZ (3-quinuclidinyl benzilate, also known a QNB) and glycolates.

      The testing programs were suspended in 1975 when information about them became public. A number of volunteers claimed to have suffered long term mental health effects from the tests. They also claim they were not informed at the time of immediate or long term effects of the agents tested. In 1977 US Army notified 686 volunteers who has been tested with LSD and conducted a follow up study of their health. The LSD follow-up study report released in 1980 found 'the majority of subjects evaluated did not appear to have sustained any significant damage from their participation in the LSD experiments'.

      There are notes and transcripts of interviews conducted with former US Army personnel who were volunteers in the research programmes, individuals involved in the running testing programs, medical experts and lawyers.

      Several files relate to particular law suits including that of Sgt James B Stanley, US Army, volunteer at Edgewood during 1958. In 1977 he was informed by the army that he had been given LSD as part of the testing program. In 1987 a controversial judgement by the US Supreme Court found against Stanley, effectually granting immunity from liability for money damages for all federal officials who intentionally violate the constitutional rights of those serving in the military.

      Other notable cases frequently mentioned in the files include that of Frank Olson and Harold Blauer. Dr Frank R Olson, US Army scientist at Fort Detrick, apparently suicided, on 28 November 1953. In 1975 the Commission on CIA Activities within the United States (the Rockefeller Commission) revealed Olson had been given LSD without his knowledge while attending a meeting of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) personnel eight days before his death. A civilian, Harold R Blauer died on 8 Jan 1953 after being given a lethal injection of Experimental Agent 1298 supplied by the US Army Chemical Corps to the New York State Psychiatric Institute where he was a patient. A 1975 Senate investigation revealed the facts of his death. Files also contain material on bacteriological testing by the Army and the CIA carried out in Washington DC, Florida, San Francisco, and New York. Particular reference is made to the case of Edward Nevin, a civilian, who died on 1 Nov 1950 in San Francisco as a result of a rare bacterial infection Serratia Marcescens, which coincided with a significant and unexplained outbreak of this infection between Oct 1950 and Feb 1951. In 1976 it was revealed that the US Army had conducted bacteriological warfare experiments with Serratia Marcescens over San Francisco Bay during September 1950.

      There is a small amount of material relating to the role of American Citizens for Honesty in Government, a Church of Scientology sponsored organisation who campaigned during 1979 for a full investigation of the testing and storage of BZ and compensation for volunteers suffering long term effects from testing of the substance, and to chemical testing carried out in the UK at Porton Down, Wiltshire, UK and production of chemical agents at Nancekuke Base, Cornwall, and Anglo American cooperation in this area.

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      BALFOUR, R Adm George Ian Mackintosh (b 1912)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Balfour · Created 1944

      Photocopies of reports relating to the role of HMS SCOURGE in Operations NEPTUNE and OVERLORD, Jun 1944, France.

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