Records of Smith Kendon Limited, 1826-1987. The collection mainly comprises the papers of Donald Smith and his capacity as Managing Director and Chairman of Smith Kendon Limited, including papers relating to the formation of the business such as articles of partnership and certificates of registration; deeds and other legal documents relating to property owned by the company; insurance policies; inventories; correspondence; minutes of meetings; Donald Smith's business diaries; sales figures; financial accounts; papers relating to stock and stock control; papers relating to sales; papers relating to products including recipe books; advertising; reports; staff records and papers relating to the Second World War.
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Legal systems
Legal systems
- TE Consensus
- TE Islamic law
Termos equivalentes
Legal systems
- UP Case law
- UP Code Napoleon
- UP Modern law
- UP Primitive law
- UP Roman law
- UP Code de Napoléon
- UP Droit moderne
- UP Droit primitif
- UP Droit romain
- UP Droit traditionnel
- UP Organisation juridique
- UP Código de Napoleón
- UP Derecho moderno
- UP Derecho primitivo
- UP Derecho romano
- UP Derecho tradicional
- UP Ordenamiento jurídico