Legal systems

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      Hiërarchische termen

      Legal systems

      BT Law

      Legal systems

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      Legal systems

      • UF Case law
      • UF Code Napoleon
      • UF Modern law
      • UF Primitive law
      • UF Roman law
      • UF Code de Napoléon
      • UF Droit moderne
      • UF Droit primitif
      • UF Droit romain
      • UF Droit traditionnel
      • UF Organisation juridique
      • UF Código de Napoleón
      • UF Derecho moderno
      • UF Derecho primitivo
      • UF Derecho romano
      • UF Derecho tradicional
      • UF Ordenamiento jurídico

      Verwante termen

      Legal systems

      898 Archivistische beschrijving results for Legal systems

      898 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
      CAGE, Joseph
      GB 0074 ACC/0026 · Collectie · 1590-1861

      Collection of title deeds relating to property in Ealing, Brentford, Enfield, Greenford, Hampton, Harmondsworth, Harrow, Hendon, Heston, South Mimms, Shepperton, Teddington, Tottenham, Edmonton, Twickenham, Uxbridge, Hayes and Stratford-le-Bow.

      Zonder titel
      THURLAND, John
      GB 0074 ACC/0058 · Collectie · 1496-1629

      Records collected by John Thurland, including court rolls for the manors of Isleworth Syon, Twickenham and Hampton Court; memorandum from Christ's Hospital; indentures of fine; bargain and sale and bond.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0111 · Collectie · 1604-1773

      Papers relating to the Manor of Hendon, comprising extracts from court rolls and a rent roll. Also an extract from a court roll for the Manor of Ruislip.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0138 · Collectie · 1663-1793

      Records of the Lake family relating to a property in Hounslow, called the Longhouse, including extracts from court rolls for the Manor of Twickenham; bonds; agreements; and receipts for quit rent.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0139 · Collectie · 1804-1862

      Records of the Dixon family, including exemplification of a common recovery for premises in Kensington Square; and marriage settlement relating to premises at Winchmore Hill.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0159 · Collectie · 1708-1827

      Records relating to property, acquired by the solicitors in the course of their work. The records include mortgages, leases, lease and releases, fines, assignments of term, copies from baptism, marriage and burial registers, extracts from wills and correspondence; mainly relating to properties and persons in East Bedfont, but also Hatton, Heston, Egham, Leckhampstead, New Windsor, Wraysbury, Aldgate, and West Ham, 1708-1827.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0169 · Collectie · 1791

      Writ of enquiry of damages issued to Sheriff of Middlesex; in case brought by Richard Biggs in Kings Bench against Ann Greenly, widow and Gabriel Ailice, executors of William Greenly, for money owed by the latter to Biggs.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0184 · Collectie · 1788-1859

      Letters of the Lee family, comprising letter from Thomas Martyn to Sir William Lee of Aylesbury thanking him for having recommended him for the living of Edgware, 1788; letter to the Morning Herald newspaper regarding the building of almshouses at Edgware by Charles Day, probably written by Philadelphia Lee, 1828; and letter from Thomas Wall, vicar of Edgware, to John Lee, lord of manor of Edgware Boys, 1859.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0218 · Collectie · 1849-1851

      Brief for plaintiff in Court of Common Pleas (John Gandar, plaintiff, and Richard Henry Sheldrick, defendant), with note of fees in the case of Gandar v. Sheldrick, an action to recover damages for seizure of household goods and furniture under execution issued from Palace Court in action at suit of defendant v. William Charles Fisher, landlord of plaintiff; and letter from Gandar to attorney enquiring how the case is progressing and commenting on compensation to officers of the defunct Palace Court.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0262 · Collectie · 1542-1815

      Papers of the Wood family, including records relating to properties in Laleham, Littleton and Shepperton including title deeds, tax assessments, legal papers, rentals, court rolls and plans; family letters, particularly between Edward Wood and his London agent John Pack; family papers such as legal opinions, marriage settlements, wills, and financial accounts; and papers relating to court cases including the Chancery case of Sir Richard Lane versus Charles Wood, 1733, and the Chancery case of Wood versus Wood, 1738-1746.

      The material as a whole provides a fascinating picture of the Wood family in the seventeenth century, their personal letters and papers complemented by the deeds of the property they acquired. The material is also interesting from a wider point of view. There are, for example, various references to the Elections of Members of Parliament for Middlesex, including a letter from Henry Spiller of Laleham in 1695 saying, "I have this day sent to particularly and spoken to myself every person in this parish that I thought a freeholder" (March 4th, 1695?). The results of his canvassing are given in detail. Less information has survived on the plague, however, than one might expect. Pack was apparently in the habit of sending down to Littleton the current Bills of Mortality, but unfortunately none of these have survived, although Edward Wood frequently makes pious and sententious comments on them. There are also interesting sidelights on the political scene, including two detailed accounts of the background of the 1688 deposition, and four political and satirical ballads. It is surprising, however, to see how little the family were affected by the enormous political changes taking place. Edward Wood, for example, made his fortune during the Interregnum but did not suffer from the Restoration when he set himself up as a wealthy landowner in Middlesex.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0285 · Collectie · 1710-1772

      Papers collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising release for a parcel of land on side of Bungeys Lane, Enfield, 1710; lease and counterpart lease of one acre of land in common field called Southberry Field, now used as brickground, in parish of Enfield, 1722.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0331 · Collectie · 1715?-1931

      Papers of the Child and Jersey families, including household accounts of Robert Child comprising bills, receipts, and insurance policies for premises in St Clement Danes, Westminster; leases and agreements for premises in Westminster; household accounts for Lord Jersey including bills, receipts and expenses; papers relating to the Jersey estates including rentals, quit rents and fines for the manors of Northall, Norwood, Southall and Heston, and lists of the tenants; and maps of the Heston Enclosure Award 1818.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0339 · Collectie · 1713-1826

      Records of the Combrune family, including extracts from the court rolls of Ealing Manor relating to premises in Brentford; agreements relating to the business of Blackwell Hall, factors and merchants; agreements relating to property in Ealing, Brentford and the City of London, and wills.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0346 · Collectie · 1877-1881

      Papers relating to property owned by the Lyon family in Turnham Green, Chiswick, including assignments, mortgage, and demise.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0349 · Collectie · 1316-1809

      Records of the Delme-Radcliffe family, 1316-1809, comprising deeds (original and 17th century copies), namely quit claims, grants, charters and lease for land and property largely in Edmonton and Bromley, Middlesex, City of London and Essex, notably:

      fields called 'Rathesfeldes and Pyamoors', and property in Edmonton, 1316-1567; the 'Lyon', Edmonton, 1522-1541; 17th century copies of deeds for property in Edmonton, namely for land at Holflete in East Marsh, {1395-96}; Trumpton Hall, Edmonton, and lands, {1500}; land in Edmonton, 1551;

      'Brodemede' in Tottenham, lands in Enfield, Edmonton Marsh and Chingford Marsh, Essex, (property of the Priory of St John of Jerusalem, dissolved by Henry VIII, revived by Mary and suppressed again by Elizabeth I), 1536-1560; mansion house in Edmonton, 1569-1825; marshland in Edmonton, Tottenham and Chingford, {1676}; houses in St Leonard, Shoreditch, 1678; Swan Inn, Edmonton, 1682; property in Chingford, 1700-01; Palmer's Green, 1745-1761; messuage in Strand Lane, 1721; land in Stanwell, 1646; messuages and land in South Mimms, 1572-1678/9;

      manor ('great brickhouse' built c 1617 by Sir Arthur Ingram, Knight of London) and site at Bromley, Middlesex, 1606-1802, and property in St Giles Cripplegate, the Strand, Stepney, Shoreditch, 1692-1731/32;

      messuages and land in Norton Folgate (parish of St Botolph without Bishopsgate), St Leonards, Shoreditch, Hackney, parishes of St Magnus and St Margaret in the City of London, and Newington in Hackney, 1518-1762;

      papers relating to the estate including wills, legacies, administration of the estate, 1735-1809;

      deeds for house in Greville Street, Holborn, 1738; houses in the parish of St Clement Danes, 1729-1736; Queen's Head, Snow Hill in the parish of St Sepulchre without Newgate, 1732; house in Brook Street, Ratcliffe, Middlesex, 1747; land on Farmer Street, Shadwell, 1694-1746; Buckley Street, Whitechapel, 1693-1714; house, shipwright's yard, wharves and bridge in Limehouse, 1668-1717.

      Zonder titel
      HART, Harry (fl 1789-1842)
      GB 0074 ACC/0362 · Collectie · 1789-1842

      Papers relating to Harry Hart and family, 1789-1842, including copies of the wills of Robert Norris, 1816, and of Ann Henwell Morris, 1820; letters of attorney and affidavits by James Maxwell of Kingston, Jamaica, in favour of Clara Maxwell of London, 1822; grants by royal letters patent to Robert Salmon, surveyor, his executors, administrators and assigns, of the sole benefits and profits of the invention of 'Mathematic principled safe and easy trusses of the Relief and Cure of Ruptures' for 14 years in Scotland only, 1807; deed of co-partnership in the patent and manufacture of the 'improved trusses', between Robert Salmon, John Ody of St Anne's Soho, gentleman, and Harry Hart of St George's Hanover Square, gentleman, 1810; assignment of partnership and effects in the business as manufacturers and traders in sale of patent trusses, Harry Hart to John Ody, 1825; leases and counterpart leases for property owned by Harry Hart in the parishes of Saint George's, Hanover Square; Saint Luke, Chelsea; Saint Mary, Lambeth; Saint Mary, Newington and Saint Anne, Westminster, 1789-1842.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0365 · Collectie · 1555-1728

      Papers, 1555-1728, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, including deeds relating to premises in Uxbridge, Hillingdon, and licence granted by James II to Richard Blome of London, for the sole right of printing and publishing his 'History and Chronology of the Old and New Testaments' for 14 years, 1688.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0371 · Collectie · 1756-1878

      Documents relating to Bridgen Hall Estate and Adelaide House Estate, Forty Hill, Enfield; including lease and releases; fines; wills; mortgages; bonds; agreements; conveyances; admittances; copies from court rolls; and other title deeds and legal documents relating to property ownership.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0373 · Collectie · 1680-1823

      Papers collected by the antiquarian dealer in the course of his work, comprising article of agreement, assignment and surrender of leases relating to premises in Saint Mary, Whitechapel, 1680-1694; receipts for rates for paving, lighting, cleansing and watch, and demand for poor rate, for premises in Saint Dunstan in the West, Fleet Street, City of London, 1822-1823.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0387 · Collectie · 1758-1920

      Papers collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising legal documents, copies of court rolls from Ruislip Manor and the Manor of Harrow alias Sudbury, sale particulars, lease and releases, deeds, mortgages, conveyances, marriage settlements and assignments relating to properties in Acton, 1866-1903; Enfield, 1882-1920; Finchley, 1885-1912; Friern Barnet, 1887-1900; Harefield, 1767-1854; Hornsey and Tottenham, 1880-1919; Harrow and Ruislip, 1758-1913; Willesden, 1881-1900, and Stoke Newington, 1892-1910. Also business partnership agreements between Hodson, Smith Gale and others of Tottenham for brickmaking, building, selling and letting of houses.

      Zonder titel
      WINTER, Thomas
      GB 0074 ACC/0392 · Collectie · 1563-1778

      Documents relating to Fulham House (also known as Stourton House), owned by Thomas Winter, including bargain and sales; fines; exemplification of recovery; releases; assignments; leases; mortgages; and copies from court rolls.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0395 · Collectie · 1672-1882

      Papers, 1672-1882, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, including deeds, leases, lease and releases, bonds, copy wills and probates relating to various properties and land in Hanwell, Ealing, Isleworth, Hampstead, Ashford, Finchley, Friern Barnet, Twickenham, Saint Marylebone, and Kensington.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0400 · Collectie · 1587-1856

      Papers, 1587-1856, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, including bargain and sales, bonds, copies of wills and probates, leases, releases, copies from court rolls, quitclaims, deeds, mortgages, feoffments, marriage settlements and assignments for property and land in Acton, Chiswick, Sutton, Ealing, Brentford, Hampton, Harefield, Harrow, Kenton, Wembley, Hendon, Hillingdon, Isleworth, Stanmore and Colham manor. Also sheet of 10 turnpike tickets for the "Middlesex and Essex Turnpike Roads", 1854.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0421 · Collectie · 1695

      Records of the Wood family, comprising 1695 marriage settlement between Edward Wood (son of Thomas and Dorothy) and Elizabeth Bridger of Guildford, mentioning land in Harmondsworth, Stanwell, Littleton, and Yorkshire. Also probate relating to money left by Thomas Wood of Littleton, 1856.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0517 · Collectie · 1567-1623

      Papers relating to property owned by the Gerrard (or Gerard) family in Harrow, including quitclaims, feoffment, bargain and sale, gifts and acquittance.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0530 · Collectie · 1491-1838

      Papers relating to the Berkeley family estates in Middlesex and London. Please note that the original records in this collection are now held at the archives in Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire and only microfilm copies can be viewed at LMA.

      The documents relate to the Manors of Cranford, Harlington, East Bedfont, and Heston and to property in Harlington and Saint James's Park. They include Court rolls and books, rentals, financial accounts and other papers.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0531 · Collectie · 1589-1921

      Papers of the Hollond family relating to properties in Saint Marylebone and Great Stanmore.

      Papers of the Child family relating to Gough Park in Enfield, property in Hornsey, slate quarries in Wales and the family business as West India merchants, including documents relating to sugar plantations in Jamaica.

      Papers of the Whipham family relating to properties in Harmondsworth, Stanwell and Acton, particularly legal papers relating to landowners' rights of common on Old Oak Common, Acton.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0532 · Collectie · 1792-1807

      Lease by Viscount Melbourne to Thomas Bott, umbrella-maker, of the second house from the east corner of Cecil Street, numbered 86 Strand, 1792; assignment of lease of No 86 Strand by Melbourne, Bott and others to Baddeley, shoemaker, 1798 and assignment of lease of No 86 Strand by Baddeley to Mackinlay, 1807.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0548 · Collectie · 1606-1863

      Records relating to properties in Chipping Barnet and South Mimms, including leases, releases, extracts from court rolls, bonds, bargain and sales, assignments, conveyances, quit claims, and abstracts of title.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0549 · Collectie · 1660-1920

      Legal documents presented to Bankruptcy Courts, including mortgages, assignments, leases, abstract of title, wills and probates, grants, copies of court rolls, admissions, releases, conveyances, agreements, covenants to surrender, letters of administration, deeds of partnership, bills of costs, indentures of fines and marriage settlements; all for premises in Middlesex. Also records of pleas before the King's Bench, Queen's Bench, the Court of Exchequer and the Exchequer of Pleas; all for Middlesex.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0566 · Collectie · 1341-1833

      Records relating to property owned by the Irby family, barons Boston, in Shepperton, Sunbury, Barnes, Chertsey, Hillingdon and Hanover Square. The records include title deeds, legal documents, orders and inventories.

      Zonder titel
      LOWNDES, Richard
      GB 0074 ACC/0603 · Collectie · 1748-1938

      Title deeds and plans concerning the estate of Richard Lowndes, relating to property in Carnaby Street, Chesham Street, William Street, William Mews, Harriet Mews and Lowndes Square; all in Westminster.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0650 · Collectie · 1651-1905

      Records of Shepperton Manor including court rolls; indexes to court rolls; extracts from court rolls; court memos; surrenders and powers of attorney.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0665 · Collectie · 1782-1895

      Records of the Sinclair family relating to property transactions, relating to premises in Waltham Cross, Enfield Chase, and Shoreditch.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0686 · Collectie · 1869

      Records of Swordes estate agents, comprising sales particulars and posters for an auction of premises in Mandeville Road, Putney Road and Bell Road, Enfield Highway, 1869.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0687 · Collectie · 1764-1903

      Papers, 1764-1903, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising legal documents relating to properties in South Mimms, Highgate, Edmonton, Whetstone, Enfield, Hornsey and Islington; with papers relating to cases at the Chancery Division and Queen's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0689 · Collectie · 1592-1747

      Papers, 1592-1747, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising legal documents relating to property in Winchmore Hill.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0730 · Collectie · 1874-1910

      Papers collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising agreements to let premises called The Peaks, Harlaxton, Rosefield Cottage, Ford Cottage and Ascham in Ford Bridge Road, 1905-1910 and probate and miscellaneous papers of John Charles Gee of Avon House, Acton Hill, 1874.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0732 · Collectie · 1575-1792

      Papers, 1575-1792, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising legal documents relating to properties mainly in Edgware, Hendon and Willesden. Documents include bargain and sales, bonds, quitclaim, mortgages, will and probate, covenants and final concords.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0735 · Collectie · 1766-1865

      Records of Watney Combe Reid and Company Limited, comprising deeds and documents relating to Victoria Tavern, Willesden Lane, Kilburn, Willesden, 1865; deeds and documents relating to The George Public House, near the Pig Market, Finchley, 1828, 1850; deeds relating to 'The Three Bowls' Public House, Acton, 1796-1810 and deeds and documents relating to The Cock Public House, Kilburn, Willesden, 1766-1800.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0747 · Collectie · 1290-1931

      Records of the Tubbs family relating to property owned by them, primarily in Acton, Harlesden, and Willesden, but also in Fulham, Marylebone, Hammersmith, and Soho. The papers include deeds, leases, maps, financial accounts, bills, legal papers, family certificates (births, marriages, deaths), school reports, letters and wills.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0797 · Collectie · 1907

      Sales particulars for The Lodge, Hendon Lane, Church End Finchley, 1907.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0815 · Collectie · 1822-1940

      Papers of the Tatem family relating to the Weir Hall estate, Edmonton. The documents relate mainly to the partial sale of the estate in the 19th Century and gradual urban development in the early 20th century.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0816 · Collectie · 1791-1894

      Papers, 1791-1894, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising deeds and legal documents relating to properties mainly in Hornsey; Highgate; Chelsea and Saint Martin in the Fields parish, Westminster; including papers relating to the assignment of leasehold premises in South Wood Lane, Highgate for use for Saint Michael's Infant and Sunday School, Highgate, 1841.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0830 · Collectie · 1871-1872

      Papers, 1871-1872, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising an abstract of title for The Woodside, Two Chimney House and properties and freehold lands adjoining Finchley Lodge; and plan of freehold building estate known as Torrington Park, Woodside, Finchley.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0853 · Collectie · 1544-1799

      Records of the Page family relating to property including the Manor of Uxendon, and premises in Wembley, Harrow on the Hill, Preston, Willesden and Kenton.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0883 · Collectie · 1765-1909

      Deeds and legal documents, 1765-1909, relating to property in Great Stanmore, including papers relating to the Great House (later known as Hill House) and Charles Fortnum, antiquarian.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0898 · Collectie · 1865-1936

      Papers of Brown and Merry, estate agents and auctioneers, 1865-1936, including property valuations; papers concerning sales of building plots, properties and furniture; compensation claim for improvements under the Agricultural Holdings Act 1908 and draft leases. Also abstract of title for property owned by A. W. Merry in Gospel Oak.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0909 · Collectie · 1774-1820

      Papers, 1774-1820, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising a lease and release, an assignment, a marriage settlement, a will and legal correspondence relating to premises in Bloomsbury, Mile End and Ham Common, Richmond upon Thames.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0937 · Collectie · 1776

      Survey map of the parish of Holy Cross, Greenford, by R Binfield of Eton, 1776. Glebe, freehold and copyhold land are identified by coloured boundaries.

      Zonder titel