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    Toon aantekening(en)

      Hiërarchische termen


      BT Law


        Gelijksoortige termen


        • UF Laws
        • UF Regulations
        • UF Statutes
        • UF Loi
        • UF Règlement
        • UF Statut
        • UF Estatuto
        • UF Fuero
        • UF Ley
        • UF Reglamento

        Verwante termen


        210 Archivistische beschrijving results for Legislation

        210 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
        GB 0096 AL365 · Archief · 1898

        Letter from Sir Michael Edward Hicks Beach of 11 Downing Street, Whitehall, London to Dr Swayne [?Walter Carless Swayne], 18 Mar 1898. 'I cannot say that I have any special knowledge of the matters that are proposed to be dealt with by the London University Bill. But the Bill has been introduced by the Duke of Devonshire, as the head of the Department which is concerned with it, on behalf of the Government I cannot do anything in opposition to my colleague. I will, however, take steps to bring your views under his consideration ...'. Autograph, with signature.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0096 AL426 · Archief · 1912

        Letter from William Henry Grenfell of 30 Bruton Street, London [the printed letter-head 'Carlton Club' has been struck through] to [Edward] Marston, 26 Jun 1912. Relating to Marston's query about the origin of the Port of London Authority regulations for fishing.

        Autograph, with signature.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0096 AL512 · Archief · 1821

        Letter from Henry Warburton to Francis Place, 27 Apr 1821. Discussing the bill on usury laws and asks Place to find 'small tradesmen' who support the bill to give evidence before the House of Lords Committee which the government has undertaken to consider their reform.

        Zonder titel
        Heathcote, Samuel: letter
        GB 0096 AL58 · Archief · 1697

        Letter from Samuel Heathcote to an unknown recipeint, 19 Oct 1697. 'Sr I have considered those objections you thought would be made against Establishing by Act of Parliamt. Such Companys of Merchants as I propos'd And have set them Downe here below in their full strength as neare as I could remember, with my Answeres to each'. Heathcote refers to a long previous letter giving his proposals in full.

        Autograph, with signature.

        Zonder titel
        Judicial proceedings Act
        GB 0096 MS 760 · [1661]

        Manuscript copy of 13 Charles II c.2, or 'An act for confirmation of judicial proceedings', enacted in Dublin' on 12 Jun 1661, and printed by William Bladen in 1661. The English act is 12 Charles II c.12. The manuscript may have been bound with the printed copy of the act, now item 6 in a Goldsmiths' Library volume (Ref: G.L. F) lettered 'Acts Charles II-1660-82'. The manuscript is accompanied by 8 leaves containing legal notes in a contemporary hand.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0096 MS 96 · [1716]

        Manuscript volume containing a memorial concerning proposed alterations to the laws relating to bankruptcy and the ranking of creditors in Scotland, [1716], protesting against the adoption of English laws in Scotland.

        Zonder titel
        GB 2110 GLAWARS · 1975-1987

        Records of the Greater London Area War Risk Study (GLAWARS) comprising:

        GLAWARS/1 - Home Office: records from the Home Office regarding emergency planning and civil defence in local authorities, 1975-1987

        GLAWARS/2 - Greater London Council (GLC): GLC records regarding civil defence, emergency planning, the GLAWARS and the Civil Defence Regulations 1983, 1975-1985

        GLAWARS/3 - Research Materials: records regarding civil defence, emergency planning and local and global effects of nuclear war or attacks, 1967-1987

        GLAWARS/4 - Background, Terms of Reference and Research Task Outlines: outlines and outcomes for 11 of the 12 tasks required by the GLAWARS. Task Eight is not included, c.1984-1986

        GLAWARS/5 - Newsletters, Progress Reports, Home Office and Consultants' Meetings, 1984-1985

        GLAWARS/6 - Commissioners: records concerning the seven GLAWARS commissioners, their roles, memorandum and meeting minutes, 1984-1986

        GLAWARS/7 - Presscuttings regarding the GLAWARS and the publishing of 'London Under Attack', 1984-1986

        GLAWARS/8 - 'London Under Attack': publicity and publishing records for the GLAWARS findings published in a book entitled 'London Under Attack', 1985-1986

        Zonder titel
        GB 2130 · 1617 to present day

        Papers of The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London, 1617 to present day, chart the history of its development and its changing roles and activities and notably comprise constitutional records, 1617 to present day, including charters, grants of arms, rules and ordinances, and bye-laws; records of governance, 1617 to present day, including Court and committees' minutes and standing orders; membership records, c 1670s- present day, including Yeomanry and Livery lists, freedom admission registers, quarterage books and apprenticeship bindings, and financial records, 1626 to present day, including Wardens' accounts, ledgers, bonds and annual accounts.

        The collection also includes records concerning associated trade/professional organisations including the Royal College of Physicians of London, Royal College of Surgeons of England, Royal College of General Practitioners, University of London, Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain and British Medical Association. Also those of specialist interest bodies of the Society, including The Friendly Medical Society, The Association of Physicians and Surgeons of the Society of Apothecaries Limited, The Association of Certificated Dispensers; the Society's educational charities The Faculty of History and Philosophy of Medicine and Pharmacy and The Faculty of Conflict and Catastrophe Medicine; The Court of Examiners and Examinations Committee, including minutes, correspondence, lists of Licentiates including Elizabeth Garrett and Ronald Ross, lists of 'Assistants to an Apothecary', candidates' entry books, questions papers and marking sheets; Chelsea Physic Garden, including Garden Committee minutes, account books, catalogues of plants, deeds and photographs; the pharmaceutical manufacturing and retailing businesses including the Laboratory, Navy and United Stock companies; Society's awards and lectures including the Rogers Prize, Gillson Scholarship in Pathology, Galen Medal, Strickland Goodall Memorial Lecture and Gold Medal and the Keats Lecture.

        Papers include administrative and legal records, including those of the Clerk's office, Counsels' opinions, those concerning hospitality and ceremonial events, year books, Royal Addresses, Royal Commissions of Enquiry and staff records. Records of gifts and charities including Distressed Members' Fund, Widows' Fund, donations and bequests, and records of the Hall including deeds, plans, inventories, rentals, records of building works and photographs.

        Zonder titel
        GB 2381 SEET · 1936-1970

        Records of the South East Essex Technical College, later Barking Regional College of Technology, 1936-1970, comprising:

        Prospectuses, 1936-1969 [incomplete]; records of the Social and General Studies, Commercial and Science Departments, 1949-1970, notably manuscript lecture notes of Frederick A Filby, lecturer in the Department of Chemistry and Biology, [1954-1965]; joint reports of the Association of Technical Institutions, the Association of Principals of Technical Institutions and the Association of Teachers in Technical Institutions, relating to the design of technical colleges, 1935,1938; programmes for opening ceremonies and prize giving, 1936-1966; photographs mostly of the exterior of South East Essex Technical College, [1940s-1960s]; press cuttings, [1947-1970]; reports and histories relating to the formation of North East London Polytechnic, 1962-1969; Borough of Barking Council minutes, 1938-1965; County Council of Essex Health Committee minutes, 1952.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0097 PARKER · Collectie · 1943-1982

        The Parker Papers, 1943-1982, mainly consist of comments, corrections and suggestions from those to whom John Parker sent the first thoughts of the various chapters which would eventually form the basis of his memoirs, Father of the House, published in 1982 by Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd. They also include various official related records concerned with particularly interesting or important moments from his political career. They consist mainly of correspondence, memorandums, reports and notes. These papers were all deposited upon the publication of his, previously mentioned, book of memoirs.

        The collection consists of six separate series of records, ranging virtually the entire span of his time in the House of Commons. The six series reflect the way in which John Parker maintained his papers, each concerning a specific topic. These include records concerning his various literary compositions, the Legitimacy Act of 1959, Select Committee on Procedure, Speaker's Conference on Electoral Law and Sunday Observance.

        Zonder titel
        BUSK, Henrietta (1845-1936)
        GB 0505 PP1 · 1891-1936, 1967

        Correspondence and reports, 1891-1892, relating to a proposal to include Bedford College as one of the Schools of the University of London, including drafts and printed copy of a petition sent to the House of Commons and the House of Lords, 1891. Correspondence and reports, 1891-1898, relating to the establishment of the teaching University of London, notably resolutions and reports, 1892, by the Council and Staff of Bedford College giving their opinions on the proposed teaching University; copy of a speech by J Spencer Hill, Honorary Treasurer of the Chelsea Centre of the London University Extension Society, entitled 'A few words concerning the draft charter for the new teaching University for London', given at Gresham College, London, Nov 1891; letters and reports from the Committee for Opposing the Grant of the Albert University Charter, outlining the Committee's objections, Jan-Mar 1892; a printed copy of 'London University Commission Bill: arrangement of clauses' (1897); a pamphlet by members of the Convocation of the University of London, entitled Note on the occasion, effect and expediency of the compromise embodied in the London University Commission Bill, 1898. Correspondence, 1894-1895, comprising letters from William Bruce, Secretary of the Royal Commission on Secondary Education, to Henrietta Busk, thanking her for help given to the Commission. Text of lecture on 'The position of women in the University of London, the provincial universities and the University of Wales', [1910], given by Professor Beatrice Edgell, Head of Philosophy at Bedford College, to the Council of the National Union of Women Workers. Papers, 1903-[1911] and 1967, relating to Busk's post as Honorary Secretary of the Bedford College Building and Endowment Fund, notably reports, 1903-1906, relating to proposals for a new site for Bedford College, including recommendations for fundraising and outlines of accommodation needs; two plans, [1908-1911], relating to the Regent's Park site and showing the proposed and actual development of the site by the architect Basil Champneys; correspondence, programmes and financial records, 1906-1911, relating to the performances of Greek plays by students and staff to raise money for the move of Bedford College to Regent's Park, including correspondence, 1967, between Doris Bains, Bedford College Librarian, and Kathleen Spears, Secretary of Bedford College, concerning material for use in the Granville Bantock Centenary Exhibition at the Barber Institute, Birmingham. Letter, Dec 1923, from Ethel Hurlbatt, Principal of the Royal Victoria College for Women, Canada, to Henrietta Busk, mainly concerning Canadian views of the League of Nations, and the Canadian Federation of University Women. Correspondence and notes, 1908-1936, relating to the history of Bedford College, mainly comprising accounts by Busk, [1934-1936], of the origins and early history of the College, notable early students, the roles of the Honorary Secretary of Bedford College Council, the Lady Resident and the Committee of Management in the running of the College, courses offered by the College in the 1850s, and reminiscences of Busk's mother concerning the early days of Bedford College; notes, [1933-1936], made by and for Dame Margaret Janson Tuke during her research for A History of Bedford College for Women, 1849-1937 (Oxford University Press, London, 1939), including handwritten notes of informal interviews with Busk.

        Zonder titel
        CLA/068 · Collectie · 1547-2002

        Records relating to the management of the Royal Hospitals, 1547-2002, including Acts of Parliament regarding the hospitals; copies of patents, charters and decrees; minute books of the Royal Hospitals Committee; papers regarding the Presidents of the Royal Hospitals; petitions; manuscript and printed lists of Governors of the Royal Hospitals, 1683-2002 (with some gaps) and other administrative papers relating to the Governors.

        Zonder titel
        COL/CC · Deelarchief · 1272-2011

        Records of the Court of Common Council, Corporation of London, 1272-2002, including journals, 1416-2000; subject index to journals, 1416-1811; index to the repertories, journals and letter books, 1416-1750; indexed printed minutes, 1811-1965; fair minutes, 1788-1880; rough minutes 1866-1970; Public Health Department journals, 1898-1947; Principal Clerk's rough books, 1875-1916; Town Clerk's rough books, 1954-2002; agendas, 1773-2001 (with gaps); papers (reports, letters and documents laid before the Common Council), 1643-2001 (with gaps); Town Clerk's rough papers, 1956-2000; Acts of the Common Council, 15th century - 1806; standing orders, 1880 and 1941; pocket books (lists of members and officers, committees and other information), 1788-2011; extracts regarding committees of the Common Council, 1400-1732; extracts from letter books regarding the constitution of the Common Council, 1272-1327; other administrative papers relating to the Common Council, including petitions, regulations, powers and so on; papers regarding the election of Common Councilmen, 1536-1964; papers regarding porters, 1606-1860; papers regarding fellowship porters, 1607-1934; papers regarding tackle house and ticket porters, 1607-1823; papers regarding byelaws, 1543-1993; modification orders, 1964-1983; closing orders, 1949-1974; papers relating to tree preservation, 1969-1998; stopping up orders (highways), 1963-2002; stopping up orders (public paths), 1981-2000 and papers relating to town planning, 1972-1996.

        NB - 'tackle porters' were responsible for loading and unloading ships and a 'fellowship porter' was a member of the fellowship of the Porters of Billingsgate. 'Ticket porters' were members of a body of porters in the City of London who were licensed by the Corporation; originally called street-porters, and distinct from tackle porters. They were entitled to work in the Corporation markets.

        Zonder titel
        COL/CC/OCC · Deelarchief · 1823-1963

        Records of the Officers and Clerks Committee, Court of Common Council, including minutes, 1839-1963; committee papers, 1823-1947; files, 1948-1957; report books, 1913-1931 and notes on the origins of the Committee, 1962. Please note that minutes, papers and files are closed from 1933 onwards.

        Zonder titel
        COL/CC/PYC · Deelarchief · 1827-1856

        Records of the Parliamentary Committee, Court of Common Council, including minutes, 1837-1856; chairmen's books, 1844-1856; committee papers, 1837-1856 and Acts of Parliament relating to Land Tax, 1827-1844.

        Zonder titel
        COL/CS · Deelarchief · 1274-1699

        Custumals including the Liber de Antiquis Legibus, an historical, political and domestic chronicle covering 1188-1274, compiled in 1274; the Liber Horn, made in 1311 under the direction of Andrew Horn, City Chamberlain, containing transcripts of charters, statutes, grants, customs, charters of companies and towns, precedents, oaths, writs and the "Laws of Oleron" [code of maritime regulation, written 1150]; the Liber de Assisa Panis containing the customs, regulations and punishments connected with the Assize of Bread, 1293-1438; the Liber Ordinationum, a volume of ordinances, customs, legal treatises and statutes from Magna Carta (1215) to 1330; the Liber Custumarum, a volume of City customs, laws, charters, proceedings and municipal regulations, 1324?; the Carte Antique, illuminated transcripts of charters and statutes, 1327-1498; the Statuta Antiqua Angliae, a copy of the Carte Antique covering the period 1327-1430; the Decretales Gregorii Papae, compilation of decretals [papal decrees] promulgated in 1235, with glosses upon the text; the Liber Dunthorn, containing transcripts of charters and extracts from Letter Books and other City records, compiled under the direction of William Dunthorn, Town Clerk, 1474?; the Liber Fleetwood, presented to the City by William Fleetwood, Recorder, 1576, containing information on the Courts of Law and the Mayor, Aldermen and other officers in the year 1576, as well as the liberties, franchises and customs of the City, the liberties, customs and charters of the Cinque Ports [Hastings, New Romney, Hythe, Dover and Sandwich], the Queen's prerogative in the salt shores and the liberties of Saint Martin le Grand; the Liber Albus, compiled under the direction of John Carpenter, Town Clerk, 1419, containing information regarding customs, laws, social conditions, trade and the general conduct of a municipality; the Liber Legum [or Liber Legum Civitatis], extracts from the City Letter Books, 1342-1590; the Liber Lynne, transcripts of deeds of the possessions of the families of Lawneye and Wyth in Lynne, London and Southwark, 1281-1452; proceedings in the Star Chamber with extracts from charters, statutes, inquisitions and other authorities as to the preservation of the navigation of the River Lea, particularly in relation to Waltham Bridge, 1524 and a book containing proceedings against the Hanse merchants of the Steelyard [Hanse merchants traded with foreign ports] resulting in loss of their privileges, 1551-1556, with papers added in relation to the exemption of the Steelyard from assessments and taxes, 1653-1699.

        Zonder titel
        COL/PLD/TP · Collectie · 1935-1997

        Records relating to the Town Planning Department, Corporation of London, 1935-1997, including background studies prepared for the City of London Development Plan, on economic activity, population, housing, shopping, tourism, environmental quality, public utilities and services, St Paul's Heights, archaeology, catering facilities, recreation and leisure, social and community services, transport, walkways and pedestrians, 1976-1979; papers relating to the City of London Draft Local Plan, 1984, including written statements, proposals, maps and comments; papers relating to the City of London Local Plan, 1986-1989, including copies of the plan (including revised and updated versions), maps, statements of public consultation, lists of modifications, monitoring reports, enquiry into objections with statement and response to the recommendations of the enquiry; papers relating to the City of London Unitary Development Plan, 1991-1994, including draft of the plan, analysis of representations regarding the plan with the Corporation's response, statement of public consultation, report of enquiry into objections to the plan, statement of decisions on the enquiry's recommendations, lists of proposed modifications and final version of the plan, and City of London Monitoring Report 1986-1993: An Analysis of the policies and context of the City of London Local Plans, 1995.

        Newspaper cuttings, 1935-1948, including articles on enquiries into London County Council and City of London Town Planning Schemes and the reconstruction of the city after the Second World War; papers relating to the County of London Scheme produced under the 1932 Town and Country Planning Act, 1935-1936, London Replanned: The Royal Academy Planning Committee's Interim Report, 1942; Road, rail and river in London: The Royal Academy Planning Committee's Second Report, 1944; observations on a report of the Improvements and Town Planning Committee with regard to post-war development in the City submitted by various organisations and circulated to the Committee, 1944; Administrative County of London Development Plan: First Review, London County Council, 1960; Greater London Development Plan, 1976, with supporting documents, drafts and reports, 1966-1973; papers relating to the Smithfield Local Development Plan, 1979-1989, including maps and surveys; Abercrombie's Plan for London 50 years on: A vision for the Future, the 2nd Annual Vision for London Lecture by Professor Peter Hall, 1994.

        Schedules of development, containing details of developments in the City, such as changes of use, refurbishments and new buildings, 1984-1996.

        Registers, including register of purchase notices, 1947-1957; register of acquisitions, 1949 - 1975; register of applications of owners for registration of name and address for service of subsequent notices relating to the Town and Country Planning Act, 1932, scheme, with particulars of property owned in the City of London shown on the Resolution map, 1930s; register of owners, arranged alphabetically by streets and premises, 1930s.

        Papers relating to the environmental impact of London, including articles, reports, conference papers, surveys, statistical data and statements, 1970-1997.

        Zonder titel
        COL/WD · Deelarchief · 1617-1979

        Records relating to the wards of the City of London, 1617-1979. Papers relating to individual wards, including petition of inquest jury and inhabitants of Aldersgate Without regarding the boundaries of the Liberty of St Bartholomew on Cloth Fair, 1766-1789; complaint of inhabitants of Bridge Ward that their ancient rights of free wharfage through the gate in Churchyard Alley were being hindered, 1660s; report regarding the rights and privileges of the ward of Bridge Without [Southwark], 1892; extract from a lease of the Jamaica Coffee House reserving a room for the use of the Ward Inquest and the parish officers, Cornhill Ward, 1884 and correspondence with the Secretary of the Board of Ordnance about the complaint of the inquest of Tower Ward about the entrance from Tower Hill into Thames Street being stopped by a Box and Toll, 1739.

        Papers relating to Wardmotes, including returns of elections of Officers for Farringdon Within, 1683; Bishopsgate, 1683; Tower, 1689; Cordwainer, 1689; Vintry, 1690; Langbourn, 1690; Cordwainer, 1707; Cornhill, 1711; Bridge, 1711; Cripplegate, 1711 and Dowgate, 1711; set of Acts relating to the holding of Wardmotes and elections, 1663-1928; various Wardmote Precepts (orders, rules and regulations), 1679-1714? and 1802, 1823, 1957 and 1970-1973; Wardmote Books (printed copies of regulations, Acts and Orders for the holding of Wardmotes), 1853 1979; lists of candidates, 1965-1975; Act of Common Council for regulating elections in Wardmotes and Common Halls, 1712; case notes regarding whether a Deputy can hold a Wardmote and declare himself elected a Common-Councilman, 1723; opinion regarding the right of attendance at Wardmotes, 1905; Articles of Charge of the Wardmote Inquest (orders for actions to take place at the Wardmote, such as the reading of new regulations), [1625-1910]; 'Act of Common Council that the Inquestmen, after taking their oaths, shall choose from among themselves a Foreman, should the voting be equal the Alderman of the Ward shall nominate one as Foreman', 1617; Order of the Court of Common Council against the 'Extravagant Expenses at the Meeting of their Wardmote-Inquests, in Eating and Drinking, and also sending abroad Wine and Ale to the Inhabitants of the several Wards' and allowing that Inquests may be adjourned in order that the Inquestmen may refresh themselves at their own houses, 1694 and reprints 1702-1839; Precepts, rules and regulations regarding the conduct of Inquestmen, 1625-1796 and 1801-1852; returns to a precept to return an account of all dancing and fencing schools, lotteries and other gaming houses, 1673- 1674 and notes on the nature and jurisdiction of the Great Courts of Wardmote, 1857-1907.

        Large scale ward plans by Samuel Agnall and Michael Meredith, 1858, of individual wards including Aldersgate Within, Aldersgate Without, Aldgate, Bassishaw, Billingsgate, Bishopsgate Within, Bishopsgate Without, Bread Street, Bridge, Broad Street, Candlewick, Castle Baynard, Cheap, Coleman Street, Cordwainer, Cornhill, Cripplegate Within, Cripplegate Without, Dowgate, Farringdon Within, Farringdon Without, Langbourn, Lime Street, Portsoken, Queenhithe, Tower, Vintry and Walbrook. Also ward map, 1950.

        Financial and administrative papers including returns of the numbers of freemen, non-freemen, householders, houses and so on in each ward, 1772 and 1833; report regarding the employment of Ward Beadles, 1928; legal notes, correspondence and agreements relating to the ownership of various Ward Maces, 1923-1974; orders relating to exemptions from holding offices, 1637-1741; ward rate accounts, 1892-1902; ward rate cash books, 1842-1882 and ward rate ledgers, 1842-1876.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/0554 · Collectie · 1818

        Map of the parish of Harrow as enclosed by Act of Parliament, 1818.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/0871 · Collectie · 1800-1896

        Records relating to enclosure, comprising:

        • Map of Feltham Parish showing the preliminary divisions and allotments of the common fields, c. 1800;
          • Map of Hanworth showing the preliminary divisions and allotments of common fields, c. 1800;
          • Map of parish of Sunbury showing the preliminary divisions and allotments for enclosure, 1800.
        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/0990 · Collectie · 1757-1794

        Papers relating to turnpike roads, comprising copies of the 1766 Act to repair the highways between Tyburn and Uxbridge... and for amending the road from Brent Bridge over Hanwell Heath, through... Hanwell, New Brentford, and Ealing to the Great Western Road; and for lighting, watching, and watering the highway between Tyburn and Kensington Gravel Pits; a plan of the Great Road from Tybourn to Uxbridge and from Brent Bridge to Brentford; and the 1794 Act to continue the term and enlarge the powers of the 1766 Act.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 O/115 · Collectie · 1799

        Petition to issue a commission of bankruptcy, 3 Jan 1799, from William Wilde and Richard Sturges, of Compton Street, St James, Clerkenwell, brewers, to Alexander, Lord Loughborough, Lord High Chancellor. With attached commission of bankruptcy (3 Jan 1799), issued by George III to Richard Calvert, William Boscawen, Charles Bragge, Arthur Onslow, and Henry Gregg.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 CLC/156 · Collectie · 1677-1679, 1819, 1854

        Records of small collections relating to charities, comprising:

        • Account of the trusts in which all or some of the Broad Street Lecturers are parties, 1819.
        • Account of subscriptions to the fund for making a causeway over Tothill Fields, 1677-1679.
        • Copy deed and schedule of regulations dated 10 May 1854 relating to the use of the working men's fund raised as a memorial of gratitude to Sir Robert Peel for the repeal of the corn laws, 1854.
        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/1525 · Collectie · 1765-1875

        This collection consists of deeds and other property records of the Heming and Vaughan families of Hillingdon. The documents include marriage settlement, title deeds, tax assessment, papers relating to enclosure and copies of Acts of Parliaments. Properties mentioned include plantations in Jamaica and premises in Uxbridge, Hillingdon and Hendon.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/NR/06 · Collectie · 1849-1904

        Records of the New River Company relating to Parliamentary proceedings, including papers regarding relevant Select Committees and Bills; memoranda of proceedings; reports; and correspondence, statistics and reports relating to the Royal Commission on the Metropolitan Water Supply.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 B/GLCC · Collectie · 1812-1949

        Records of the Chartered Gas Light and Coke Company, 1812-1949, including Director's meeting minutes; Proprietors' Meeting minutes; Committee of Accounts, Finance and Audit minutes; Committee of Works minutes; Committee of Works and Products minutes; Committee of Chemistry and Machinery minutes; Committee of Light and Experiments minutes; Committee on Machinery and Works minutes; Committee on the Provision for Wear and Tear minutes; financial accounts; map of London Gas Companies' Districts; evidence presented to various Committees including Select Committees; proceedings in Parliament relating to the gas companies; and Gas Light and Coke Company's Acts, Charter and Bye-Laws.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 B/NTG-12 · Collectie · 1825-1948

        General records relating to the supply of gas, 1825-1948, collected by the North Thames Gas Board and predecessor companies. Includes draft Parliamentary reports leading up to the Act for better regulating the supply of gas to the metropolis, 1860; minutes of weekly meetings of a Committee of Chairmen of the Metropolitan Gas Companies in connection with the Parliamentary Committee inquiring into the Metropolis Gas Act, 1860; Bill and relevant papers concerning the proposed amalgamation of all or some of the metropolitan gas companies; drafts, petitions and briefs concerning the London Corporation Gas Bill; report from the Board of Trade on the current Railway, Tramway, Gas and Water Bills, 1870; Gas and Water Facilities Bill, 1870; press cuttings; statistical information about gas companies, 1865.

        Also papers relating to individual gas companies including Bill to establish a company for illuminating London and Westminster with oil gas (the London and Westminster Oil Gas Company), 1825; minutes of evidence before the House of Lords' select committee on the Phoenix Gas Bill, 1864; half yearly reports and accounts submitted by the Directors of the Phoenix Gas Light and Coke Co. to the Proprietors; Bills and Acts affecting the powers of the South Metropolitan Gas Light and Coke Company; Bill amending powers of the Surrey Consumers' Gas Light and Coke Association; annual reports and accounts submitted by the Directors of the Surrey Consumers' Gas Company to the Shareholders.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 CCT/AK/15 · Collectie · 1847-1962

        Records of Bow County Court, 1847-1962, including minute books; plaint and minute books; Workmen's Compensation Act register; and default actions books.

        Zonder titel
        MCC/PC · Deelarchief · 1904-1965

        Records of the Middlesex County Council Public Control Department, 1904-1965, including personal papers of Chief Officer John O'Keefe (1950-1960) including files on the foods and food standards commission, food labelling, weights and measures regulations, Consumer's Advisory Council, samples sent to the public analyst, articles on food and drugs legislation, correspondence, photographs of the work of the department and examples of labels and forms used by the department.

        Papers relating to food standards including files on coffee, gelatine, fish paste, ice cream, margarine, mustard, salad cream and mayonnaise, jams and jellies, beverages, wines, spirits and liquors, bread, milk, butter, cream, yoghurt, confectionary, vegetables, meat, eggs, soups, herbs and spices, cakes, pies and biscuits, slimming foods, vinegars and condiments, cheese, cereals, crisps, honey, soya products, vitamins. Also files on drugs, cosmetics, pollen tablets, and animal fats.

        Papers relating to merchandise marks including legislation; notes regarding legal points; and files regarding honey, fruit and vegetables, meat, poultry, butter, turpentine, bleach and fabrics. Papers relating to the interpretation and labelling of poisons.

        Papers relating to weights and measures including regulations; notes for the guidance of inspectors; correspondence and enquiries relating to sand and ballast; files regarding coke, coal, liquid fuels and lubricating oils; files regarding weighing equipment and measuring instruments including weighbridges.

        Also registers and index cards of infringements; reports of infringements and legal appeals.

        Zonder titel
        MCC/PL/DP · Collectie · 1950-1965

        Records of the Middlesex County Council Planning Department relating to the County of Middlesex Development Plan, 1950-1965, including draft; amendments; objections and correspondence regarding the Plan; consultations; Quinquennial Review including objections, and accompanying maps for both the Plan and the Review.

        Zonder titel
        O/429 · Collectie · 1890-1894

        Printed posters displaying rules, orders and bye-laws for the preservation and use of Paddington Green; Saint Mary's parish church disused burial ground, and Saint George's Parish Vestry Hall Gardens, Mount Street, Hanover Square, 1890-1894.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 LMA/4557 · Collectie · 1983-1997

        Records of the Smith and Nephew Plc Pension Scheme, comprising pension scheme explanatory booklets.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 LMA/4559 · Collectie · 1988

        United Biscuits Pension Scheme explanatory booklet.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 LMA/4563 · Collectie · 1964-1990

        The Gulf UK Pension Scheme collection comprises explanatory booklets (1964-1989) and newsletters (1984-1990) issued by the Scheme, and explanatory booklets for the Stock Option Plan (1974; 1983).

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 LMA/4691 · Collectie · 1987-1996

        Records of Headington Holdings Ltd relating to the Robert Maxwell case including legal papers, claim correspondence concerning Maxwell Communications Corporation plc and pension scheme booklets. Summary photocopy legal papers prepared by Cooper and Lybrand Deloitte arranged by document number concerning companies in the Maxwell Group including; minutes, memoranda, reports and statements. Newspaper cuttings on Maxwell Pensions and video 'What's the Catch?' (1991) by Firebrand.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 MA · Collectie · 1590-1930

        Records of the Middlesex Quarter Sessions relating to local administration, 1590-1930. The number of series in MA reveals the wide scope of county administration dealt with at the sessions. A lot of the records date from the nineteenth century when there was an increase in central attempts at the regulation of many aspects of everyday life. MA/W deals with silk weavers' wage rates; MA/MW covers the work of Inspectors of Weights and Measures; MA/RS are reports from county committees and officers; MA/MS deal with military carriage rates; MA/S is concerned with the building and maintenance of the county's sessions houses; MA/MD covers the work of Inspectors of Animal Diseases; MA/C covers the work of the sessions' committees; MA/G is concerned with the building and maintenance of the county's prisons; MA/GS, likewise for Feltham Industrial School; MA/DCP are plans of county properties; MA/D and MA/DC contain deeds and contracts for county properties; MA/B are Bridge Committee papers; MA/A is concerned with the building and maintenance of the county's lunatic asylums; and MA/MN deals with military and naval recruitment in the county.

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        LCC/AR/CB · Collectie · 1836-1964

        Papers of the London County Council Architect's Department relating to Council Buildings: standard specifications, tenders and quotations, 1922-1940; materials, 1930-1937; air raid precautions at Council premises, 1937-1947; salvage of waste metals and other materials, 1925-1942; lists of Council premises damaged by enemy action, 1940-1945; papers relating to the construction of hospitals and other institutions, 1929-1947, including standard planning and points of construction, fire prevention arrangements and transfer of property under the National Health Service Act 1946; papers relating to the construction of museums, 1914-1938; papers relating to the construction of housing estates, 1898-1934; papers relating to the construction of schools, 1910-1939; papers of the Board of Education Departmental Committee on the Construction of School Buildings, 1925-1927; papers relating to the construction of playgrounds, 1911-1928; programmes of building work for the Children's Department, 1950-1960; standards for car parks, 1955-1959; papers of Housing Layout Committee, 1952-1958; papers of Architects' Housing Conferences, 1950-1959; development work on Housing type plans, 1951-1962; papers relating to homes for the elderly, 1934-1961; papers relating to halfway houses and hostels, 1952-1959; design of school furniture, 1949-1959; investigations leading to selection of the Hook, Hampshire, for site of new town, 1955-1959; papers relating to Basingstoke, 1952-1963; Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Committee on Official Architecture, 1913-1929; papers relating to work done by non-LCC architects and criticism of the official Architect, 1905-1920; papers relating to town development, including Bracknell, Corby, Hemel Hempstead, Letchworth, Welwyn and Hatfield, 1952-1964; papers relating to the development of the Royal Festival Hall, South Bank.

        Sample files relating to individual premises, comprising subject and policy files retained when a large number of similar files were destroyed, to illustrate the construction and maintenance works carried out at typical LCC developments. Examples include housing estates, schools and colleges, a workhouse, a hospital, a historic building, bridges and County Hall.

        Reports, including surveys by the Architect of properties transferred to the LCC, including hospitals, institutions, schools, children's homes, and ambulance stations, 1929-1930; surveys of general and special hospitals, 1934-1937; minutes and reports of Departmental Committee on Hospital Standards, 1930-1934; schedule of prices for repair to buildings, 1915-1919; register of construction works, 1892-1912.

        Visitor's Books for historic building Prince Henry's Room, 17 Fleet Street, 1906-1925; publication The Architectural Work of the London County Council by WE Riley, Architect to the Council, 1909; plans of demolished or disused buildings including Clerkenwell Sessions House, India Office Store, Chandos Street Fire Station, Tooley Street Fire Station, Clapham Fire Station, Bayswater Fire Station and Dulwich Fire Station.

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        LCC/AR/TP · Collectie · 1870-1965

        Records of the London County Council Architect's Department relating to Town Planning, including proposals prepared under the 1909 Town Planning Act, 1909-1938; papers regarding the Restriction of Ribbon Development Act, 1935-1937; proposals for Town Planning Schemes, 1927-1935; regulation of advertisements and illuminated signs, 1914-1939; preservation of trees, 1932-1939; papers regarding zoning, 1921-1936; coordination and development of transport, 1926-1932; arterial and classified roads, 1915-1935; papers and research data prepared for the Plan for Redevelopment of the County of London, 1940-1942; appeals against town planning decisions, 1949-1951; schemes for Croydon and Beckenham under the 1909 Town Planning Act, 1921-1923; papers regarding garden squares and enclosures, 1923-1945; Town Planning Information Bulletins, 1959-1965; papers regarding reviews of the County of London Development Plan, 1957-1964.

        Papers, 1922-1956, regarding the formulation of town planning schemes, including consultation with crown lands, estate owners, borough councils and local authorities both in and outside of London. Subject and policy files relating to Green Belt proposals, 1926-1937, town planning schemes, 1924-1939 and correspondence of the Greater London Regional Planning Committee, 1933-1936. Objections, public enquiries and modifications to the County of London Development Plan, 1951-1962. Article 'Town Planning in relation to old and congested areas with special reference to London', by Arthur Crow, 1910; papers on Arterial Roads in London, 1914-1915; report on the travelling facilities to and from south east London, 1926; reports relating to post-war reconstruction, 1943-1949; 'Plan for Saint Pancras', prepared by the Saint Pancras Borough Council, 1949; reports of the Greater London Regional Planning Committee, 1929-1931. Registers of planning applications under the Town and Country Planning Act 1947-1951.

        Maps of London, Middlesex, Kent and Hertfordshire, 1860-1940, showing sewers, drains, sites of Council buildings, locations of proposed developments, street name changes, road widening schemes and tree preservation, all stamped as 'superseded'. Plans including land use surveys, 1922-1957; maps and plans made to accompany town planning schemes, 1928-1941; age of buildings survey, 1870-1916; war damage surveys, 195-; objection maps, showing the site of buildings in the 1951 Development Plan about which objections were raised, 195-; maps showing the listed historical buildings in each borough, 1965 and Bermondsey reconstruction plans, 1937-1950.

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        LCC/LP · Deelarchief · 1867-1948

        Records of the London County Council Legal and Parliamentary Department, 1867-1948, including Parliamentary Sessional papers (Bills and Acts) relevant to aspects of London governance, including water supply, gas supply, tramways, metage and duties, housing, electricity supply, post offices, places of entertainment, telegraphs, parks and open spaces, police and fire services, bridges and tunnels, hospitals and healthcare, railways, markets, education and schools, River Thames, local government, London County Council, construction and building, town planning and finance.

        Also reports by LCC officers, including the Chief Engineer, Architect and Parliamentary Agent, on Bills before Parliament, including bills relating to railways and other schemes affecting London; bills, private bills and provisional orders affecting London and proposals for legislation to be promoted by LCC.

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        LCC/PC/ANI · Collectie · 1892-1963

        Records of the London County Council Public Control Department relating to diseases of animals and regulation of performing animals, 1892-1963, including files on foot and mouth disease; anthrax; glanders (a contagious disease in horses); parasitic mange; rabies and hydrophobia; sheep scab; sheep pox; Johne's Disease (wasting condition of cattle); fowl pest; the Report of the Committee on the Slaughtering of Livestock, 1932; the Departmental Committee of Inquiry into Cruelty to British Wild Animals; Interdepartmental Committee on Slaughterhouses; importation of dogs and cats orders; transit of animals orders; animals (sea-transport) orders; destruction of carcases; overcrowding of animals in railway trucks; transit of unfit animals by rail and road; the Control of Dogs Orders and Dogs Act, 1906; Exported Cattle Protection Order, 1957; Protection of Animals Act, 1911; Pet Animals Act, 1951; Animals Boarding Establishments Act, 1963; Cruelty to Animals Act, 1876; Protection of Birds Act, 1954; the Markets (Protection of Animals) Order, 1964; Animal (Cruel Poisons) Act, 1962. Also registers compiled under the Performing Animals (Regulation) Act, 1925.

        Zonder titel
        LCC/PC/PET · Collectie · 1872-1960

        Records of the London County Council Public Control Department relating to the storage of petroleum, celluloid and explosives, 1872-1960, including correspondence with the Home Office as to necessity for an amendment of the Petroleum Acts; report of the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the Petroleum Bill; the London County Council (Celluloid, etc.) Act, 1915 and Code of Practice; report of the Departmental Committee on Celluloid; suggested Legislation for control of storage of manufactured celluloid articles; conferences at the Home Office on adequacy of existing celluloid law; increase in size of cine reels; projectors; Celluloid Storage Committee papers and report; pamphlets and abstracts concerning celluloid; wartime measures for celluloid storage; notices regarding manufactured celluloid articles; fires involving celluloid; Explosives Registers and street index to premises registered for storage of explosives.

        Zonder titel
        LCC/PC/WM · Collectie · 1888-1972

        Records of the London County Council Public Control Department relating to weights and measures and gas testing, 1888-1972, including records of Daily Gas Testing; Gas Testing Weekly Returns; reports and conferences relating to gas supply; quarterly reports of the Chief gas examiner; quarterly reports by the LCC chemist and reports regarding the Weights and Measures Acts.

        Samples of records including journal of weights, measures, weighing and measuring instruments submitted for verification and fees received by the inspector of weights and measures; journal of fines; certificates of measures verified; certificates of weighing on a public weighbridge; certificates for weighing mechanically propelled vehicles; receipts of glassware for testing; glass-testing book; public notice concerning Publicans' Glass Measures; public notice concerning Sale of Bread; standards and testing of gasholders testing sand-blast machines; papers relating to the re-verification of local standards, scale-beams, and so on with the Board of Trade.

        Zonder titel
        LMA/4537 · Collectie · 1685-1999

        Records of Ashurst Morris Crisp, 1685-1999, including partnership agreements; financial records; copy-out letters; client papers, including Fairey Aviation Company Limited and White Waltham Airfield; press cuttings; papers relating to firm's history; staff salary books; correspondence concerning staff matters; papers relating to Ashmor Musical Society; photographs of company dinners and functions; plans and deeds relating to firm's offices at Throgmorton Avenue; papers concerning the Ashurst, Morris and Crisp families.

        Zonder titel
        Leyton Technical Institute
        GB 2381 LEY · 1898-1938

        Records of the Leyton Technical Institute, later Leyton Technical College, 1898-1938, comprising:

        Press cuttings, 1898-1907, 1932 [note: currently closed due to poor condition]; prospectus for the Evening Classes, winter session, 1923-1924; invitations and programmes for prize giving ceremonies, 1921-1932; invitation and programmes for exhibitions of work by the students from the School of Art, 1928-1930; 'LETS Review', nos 2-3, 1924, magazine of the Leyton Engineering and Trade School; 'Leyton Technical College Magazine', July 1938; annual sports day programmes, 1924-1932; booklet containing football fixtures for season 1933-1934.

        Zonder titel
        GB 2603 Kelly · [1970s-2001]

        Papers collated by Terence Kelly relating mainly to radio broadcasting, [1970s-2001], comprising press cuttings and press releases relating to individual radio stations across Great Britain; cuttings and press releases relating to BBC radio; cuttings and releases concerning independent radio stations, on subjects including advertising, case studies, clearance, rules and regulations and sponsorship, as well as reports of the Radio Advertising Bureau; material relating to radio listenership, including BBC research and surveys, research methodology, details of figures for news listenership, and research reports and statistics of the Radio Joint Audience Research (RAJAR); material concerning related topics such as Australians in independent radio, complaints and standards, copyright, government policy, commercial radio and news and current affairs. The collection also contains Radio Authority and Independent Broadcasting Association (IBA) reports, Radio Academy and Festival reports on the future of radio, copies of applications for independent radio contracts or licences, and published books on broadcasting. There is also a box containing material relating to independent television and TV franchises.

        Zonder titel
        GB 378 GSL/ES · Reeks · 1950-2013
        Part of Records of the Geological Society of London

        Administrative files of the Executive Secretary of the Geological Society, 1950-2013, on functions comprising:

        Revision of the Charter and byelaws of the Society, 1980-2001; Membership of the Society, 1968-2011; Library, conservation and archives, 1980-2006; Society's publications, 1950-2002; Hire of the Society's Apartments, 1972-2000; Permanent Staff and personnel, [1970s-1998]; Management Team meetings, 1991-2000 [incomplete]; Wills, bequests and donations, 1980-1997; President's annual programme, 1979-1996; Computerisation of the Society, 1979-1997; Council and Standing Committees, 1970-2008; Relations with other Societies/Organisations, 1973-2004; Hospitality, 1972-1997; Medals, Awards and Funds, 1952-1999; Relations with Parliament, 1981-1995; Alterations to the Burlington House apartments, 1967-2013; Occupation of the Burlington House apartments, 1981-2005; Representation on outside bodies, 1971-2005; Society sponsorship of external events, 1991-1993; International relations, 1979-2005; Finance, 1980-1999; Specialist Groups and Joint Associations, 1968-2009; Regional Groups, 1991-1997.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0813 POST 86 Series · Reeks · 1874-1938

        This series comprises items on telephone rates and charges, forms of licence issued by the Postmaster General, reports, memoranda and papers relating to matters of telephone policy, items of general interest and a collection of select committee and departmental reports.

        Zonder titel
        Post Office: Broadcasting
        GB 0813 POST 89 Series · Reeks · 1922-1992

        Includes papers of the Sykes, Crawford, Selsdon, Ullswater and Beveridge broadcasting committees. Also includes reports of the Television Advisory Committees and correspondence and papers relating to the technical aspects of broadcasting. Also contains reports relating to licensing and licence evasion.

        Zonder titel