Investigación lingüística

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      Investigación lingüística

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      Investigación lingüística

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      Investigación lingüística

      • Usado para Linguistic analysis
      • Usado para Analyse linguistique
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      Investigación lingüística

        8 Descripción archivística resultados para Investigación lingüística

        Matthews Collection
        GB 0369 MAT · 1911-1958, mostly 1930-1958

        Papers of William Kleesman Matthews on East European linguistics and literature, 1911-1958, comprising:
        papers on Baltic languages, c 1926-1947, including drafts of an anthology of translated Baltic poetry and a Latvian calendar of Saints; notebooks on Bulgarian linguistics, 1921, 1947-1951, including notebooks on the grammar and phonetics of Bulgarian and Old Bulgarian; papers on Estonian literature, 1939-1950, comprising drafts of an anthology of Estonian poetry which Matthews began before the Second World War; papers on German lingusitics, 1943-1944; papers on Polynesian linguistics and the Marathi language in particular, 1945-1946; papers on Russian linguistics and literature, 1911-1958, including mss and proofs of published works, notes and translated poems some intended for publication, articles, minutes of meetings of the Kings College London Russian Society, Russian appointment diary and typescript by Emmanuil Kazakevich; notebooks on Slav languages, 1935-1958; notebooks on Ukranian linguistics, 1946-1954; general papers on the study of literature and linguistics, 1930-1958, including bibliographies, articles and notes on linguistics and literature, translated poetry and correspondence; typescripts and manuscripts of Matthews' (mainly) unpublished poetry, c 1935-1958

        Sin título
        GB 0100 KCLCA Skeat · 1772, 1868-1932

        Papers, 1868-1932, of and concerning Walter William Skeat, including correspondence relating to the English Dialect Society, 1887-1912, letters to Skeat, 1868-1912, fragments of letters and drafts of letters by Skeat, 1873-1905, and correspondence of the Skeat family, 1914-1928. The bulk of the collection comprises working papers, almost all undated, including notes and transcripts of various manuscripts and texts, sometimes unattributed but among them Beowulf, The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, Piers Plowman by William Langland, Bodleian manuscripts, works of William Shakespeare, homilies, and proverbs; bibliographical references; dictionaries, thesauri, word lists, glossaries; notes on etymology, grammar, place-names, and pronunciation; lectures including 'The Language of Chaucer'; articles including philology, the language of Edmund Spenser with special reference to his Faerie Queen, emendations in Piers Plowman, and phonetics; proofs (largely undated) including an English dictionary, publications relating to Chaucer, The Kingis Quair, Pierce the Plowman's Crede, and an incomplete proof copy of The Seven Sleepers; printed material by Skeat including William of Palerne (unbound, uncut), 'Souvent me Souvient' (reprinted from Christ's College Magazine), Troilus and Criseyde (incomplete) and A Charter of Canute (a passage from the York Gospels, edited by Skeat); printed material relating to Skeat's interests, including articles on etymology and the derivation of words; leaflets (1911) advertising the proposed University of London Institute of Phonetics; an incomplete copy of The Annual Register 1771 (1772); and an examination questions paper (1911) in English Language and Literature for King's College, University of London.

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        Hackett, Peter
        GB 0102 MS 380514 · Created 1949

        Photocopies of the manuscript field notes of Peter Hackett, 1949, for linguistic survey on eastern Bantu languages.

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        Guthrie, Malcolm
        GB 0102 PP MS 27 · Created 1918-1978

        Papers, 1918-1978, of and relating to Malcolm Guthrie, including personal material; field data, grammar and vocabulary notes on over 180 Bantu languages (major section on Bemba); notes on his comparative work on the Bantu languages; early drafts of the four volumes of Comparative Bantu; and general notes on the features of Bantu grammar.

        Sin título
        Parsons, Frederick William
        GB 0102 PP MS 50 · Created 1940s-1970s

        Research and teaching materials, 1940s-1970s, created by F. W. Parsons, relating to his work on the Hausa language. They reflect his knowledge of Hausa grammar and include writings on a variety of topics including syntax, semantics, morphology and phonology.

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        WELBURY, Christopher
        GB 0113 MS-WELBC · Fondo · 1722-1724

        A Greek and Latin etymology of medical terms, 1722-1724.

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        FURNIVALL, Frederick James (1825-1910)
        GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP132 Furnivall · 1760, 1841-1967

        Papers, 1841-1967, including: correspondence and papers relating to Furnivall's family, his inheritance and the family home, Great Fosters House, Egham, Surrey, 1865-1926; papers relating to Furnivall's university education, including notes of Professor Thomas Graham's lectures on chemistry and Professor Henry Malden's lectures on the Greek language, University College London, 1841-1842; personal accounts, invoices and receipts, 1863-1908; correspondence to and from friends and acquaintances, 1865-1910, including William Woodham Webb, Walter Brindley Slater, George Edward Cockayne, Thomas Arnold and Beatrice Harraden; Teena Rochfort-Smith. A Memoir, publication paying tribute to Furnivall's mistress, 1883; photographic images of Furnivall, 1876-[1910]; papers relating to the study of philology and the Philological Society, 1858-1909, notably letters and publications concerning the New English Dictionary, 1859-1909; journals, correspondence, lecture notes and printed material relating to the Working Men's College, education and social reform, 1842-1912; papers relating to the Early English Text Society, 1865-1910, notably letters from Walter William Skeat concerning the editing and publication of William Langland's Piers Plowman, 1866; correspondence, proofs, notes relating to the Chaucer Society, 1866-1900; papers relating to the Ballad Society, 1867-1875, principally correspondence and proofs concerning the publication of Bishop Percy's Folio Manuscript, 1867-1868; correspondence and notes regarding the formation of the proposed Lydgate and Occleve Society, 1872; correspondence, publications and proofs relating to the New Shakspere Society, 1873-1886; articles and printed circulars relating to an acrimonious dispute with Algernon Swinburne, 1876-1881; notes of lectures on Shakespeare and Elizabethan literature given by Furnivall, John Llewellyn Davies, John Wesley Hales, George MacDonald and William Spalding, 1874-1876; papers relating to the Browning Society, 1881-1967, notably Woodburytype image of Robert Browning, 1881; Browning Society proceedings, entertainment programmes and papers, 1884-1892; two letters from Robert Browning, 1874-1888; letters from Alma Forman [Alma Murray] concerning the Browning Society's theatre productions, 1885-1888; correspondence relating to a lawsuit brought by Leonard Outram, 1886-1888; prospectus, reports, letters and newspaper cuttings relating to Shelley and the Shelley Society, 1886-1892; publications relating to Thomas James Wise's Ashley Library, 1887-1895; correspondence relating to fundraising for the Maurice Rowing Club, 1886-1887; correspondence and newspaper cuttings relating to the debate over the superiority of sculls over oars, 1886; letters, memoranda and bills of sales relating to the purchase and repair of boats and sculls, 1886-1889; photographic postcards of the Hammersmith Girls Sculling Club [later the Furnivall Sculling Club], 1907; leaflets, prospectuses and letters relating to other societies, 1870-1910; obituaries and memorials to Furnivall, 1910-1949; miscellaneous material including Genuine and Curious Memoirs of the Famous Captain Thurot by John Francis Durand. (London: J Burd & J Williams, 1760) and Pigot & Co's New Map of the Environs of London Extending 14 Miles round St Paul's in Every Direction, 1832.

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        Jermyn, Emily Harriott (1793-1824)
        GB 0120 MSS.3074-3077 · Colección · 1818

        Emily Jermyn papers, 1818, comprising: 'Botanic etymology, or an attempt to derive from their original language, and to explain the names and terms, generic and specific, used in the Science of Botany: and to determine from such sources their proper and correct prosody. With short biographical notices of such eminent persons whose names have been honored in their adaption to plants: and many anecdotes ... relating to their cultivations, properties and uses. Author's holograph MSS. An exhaustive work which must have involved enormous labour: it is unpublished.' Produced in Sibton (Suffolk).

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