Técnica administrativa

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      Términos jerárquicos

      Técnica administrativa

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      Técnica administrativa

      • Usado para Técnica de gestión

      Términos asociados

      Técnica administrativa

      6 Descripción archivística resultados para Técnica administrativa

      BROOKS, Capt James Stewart (1921-1991)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Brooks · 1960, 1964-1965, 1973, 1975, 1981

      Papers relating to his service in the RN, 1960-1976, dated 1960, 1964-1965, 1973 and 1981, principally comprising 'Management improvement in the Royal Navy', a report of the Fleet Management Technique Panel headed by Nigel C Willmott, Head of Fleet Work Study, Oct 1960, with related correspondence, 1964-1965; The Naval Electrical Review vol 17 no 1, Jul 1963, including 'A report on defective material or design', an article by Brooks based on his work in the naval section of the Post-Design Division, Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment, 1959-1962. Letter from A K Hall to Capt J W M Pertwee, Naval Assistant to the Naval Secretary, Ministry of Defence, regarding Hall's nomination to succeed Brooks as Capt, HMS DEFIANCE, dated 26 Aug 1975.

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      GB 0097 BEAVER · 1900-1966

      This collection covers four aspects of the life of Sir Hugh Beaver: biographical and personal material; professional correspondence; personal correspondence; and lectures, speeches and addresses.
      A) Biographical and personal: This section contains letters from friends and family sent to Sir Hugh, drafts and extracts for his autobiography, Sir Hugh's pocket diaries and desk diaries and notes press cuttings and correspondence relating to Sir Hugh's time in the Punjab Police.
      B) Professional: This section contains correspondence relating to Sir Hugh's time in Canada, correspondence between Sir Hugh and Sir Alexander Gibb, correspondence relating to Sir Hugh's job at the Ministry of Works and building projects undertaken by the Ministry, correspondence relating to business affairs at Guinness, correspondence relating to his work on various committees during his time at Guinness.
      C) Correspondence: This section contains personal correspondence relating to Sir Hugh and his family. It is arranged in chronological order.
      D) Lectures, Speeches and Addresses: This section contains lectures, speeches and addresses on industrial planning, education, management practices, air pollution, industry and economics.

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      Misc: Publications relating to NATO
      GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 55 · 1948-1988

      Publications relating to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and western European defensive strategy, procurement, and technology, 1948-1988, most notably editions of NATO's Fifteen Nations, a journal devoted to NATO alliance politics, force structure, integration, combined training, and procurement, May 1958-Jun 1988; an edition of Laboratory of the Air (HMSO, Ministry of Supply, 1948), detailing the history and function of the Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, Hampshire; seven aerial photographs of the Royal Aircraft Establishment; an edition of Facts about NATO (NATO Information Service, Paris, 1959), detailing NATO history, organisation, and force structure; edition of NATO: Facts about the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Bosh: Utrecht, 1962)

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      GB 0098 KEMM · Created 1956-1986 (ongoing)

      Records of the Department of Management Science of Imperial College, 1966-1985, notably papers and brochures concerning the history of the department, 1956-1985; courses and conferences, 1964-1988; reports, 1978-1986; papers relating to the Production Engineering and Production Management Development Committee, 1960-1963; organisation and administration of the department, 1956-1981.

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      CHAPMAN, Frederick Cecil (fl 1900-1970)
      GB 0100 KCLCA Chapman · 1937-[1970]

      Papers of Frederick Cecil Chapman, 1937-[1970], notably comprising University of London extension lecture notes, covering psychology, welfare, accounting, secretarial and administration, commerce and society, [1937-1942]; notes, specimen papers, syllabus, County Hall courses and University of London Degree and Postgraduate courses on bookkeeping, commerce, vocational pedagogy and business economics, 1937-1942; notes and draft lectures on energy, government, aircraft production, post-war rehabilitation, hospitals and mental health, 1946-1947; notes used for teaching, commentaries on world events and quasi diary notes, 1947-1956; notebooks entitled 'Personal Copyright and Official Minutes including Provisional Legislation concerning the Royal Commission of Tribunal, Enquiries and Inquiries, 1958-1970', relating to the functioning of a variety of administrative and legislative authorities and boards; pamphlets by Chapman, entitled Random Papers and Reminiscences and Progress within the Empire.

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