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          141 Archival description results for Manuscripts

          141 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
          GB 0120 MSS.3422, 3423 · 1715-1719

          'A Manuscript of Medical Reviews in a new concise and exact Collection from the Ancient and Modern Authors; distinguished ... from all former Collections by the addition of referent marginal letters shewing from what Author any sentence of paragraph is taken; and by figures referring to the prior Authors of matters and points commonly found in some modern Accounts'. The second volume has a title-page (p. 938), 'The Art of Physick. The Principles of Physick or the General Institutions and Fundamentals of that Art; delivered in its proper Method and Division. And with the modern corrections and additions'. There are several indexes, and the manuscript exhibits a very wide knowledge of 17th century medical writings. On the verso of the last leaf of Volume II is an inscription 'All my Observations and most extraordinary Medicines are posted to this Book from my Day Book and from the Doctor's Files to this Jan. 5th 1714-15.' 'And to this Aprill the 4th 1716'. 'And to this February the 4th 1717-18'. The latest date found is 31 July 1719 in an added note on p. 764. 'William Chalk, 152 Grosvenor Street Camberwell' is faintly written in pencil inside the upper cover of Volume II. He has also made a calculation of dates, based on the year 1844 beneath the author's dates as given above. Produced in Watford?

          GB 0114 MS0049 · 1721-[c1846]

          Papers of Berhard Siegfried Albinus, 1721-[c1846], comprising an undated manuscript, probably containing a student's lecture notes, titled Collegium Physiologiae, [c 1721-1770]; letters from Bernhard Siegfried Albinus to Robert Nesbitt, 1721-1728; and a manuscript copy of the text and plates of Albinus' Tabulae anatomicae musculorum hominis by Thomas Howitt, [1785-1846].

          Albinus , Bernhard Siegfried , 1697-1770 , German anatomist x Weiss , Bernhard Siegfried
          Album, 1899-1915
          GB 0096 MS 702 · 1899-1915

          Album inscribed 'To Blanche in loving memory of Nettie', 30 Sep 1900. The front cover is stamped with the initials J.C.B. and B.M.B. in the upper left and lower right corners respectively. Blue, pink or white pages with poems, watercolours and sketches; one oil painting on cardboard inserted (f.56). The dates range from 1899 to 1915, the majority of entries being of 1900-1905.

          ALLDRIDGE, Lizzie (fl 1891)
          GB 0074 F/ALL · Collection · 1891

          Commonplace book compiled by Lizzie Alldridge. A commonplace book is a scrapbook in which reference notes or matters to be remembered are collected.

          Alldridge , Lizzie , fl 1891
          Allen, Benjamin (1663-1738)
          GB 0114 MS0036 · 1710-1723

          Papers of Benjamin Allen, 1710-1723, comprising two manuscript volumes with their original vellum bindings, titled Praxis Medica. Medical observations towards a knowledge and cure of diseases (1710) and Conclusions in several subjects as Anatomy Medicin, Nature, Problems of the State and Accidents of the World (1723). Both contain medical notes; descriptions of diseases; cases notes; natural history information; and astronomical information.

          Allen , Benjamin , 1663-1738 , physician and naturalist
          GB 0102 PP MS 20 · Created 1898-1977

          Working papers of John Willoughby Tarleton Allen, 1898-1978 and undated, the bulk dating from 1957-1978, including correspondence, 1963-1977; papers on Swahili culture, poetry and customs, 1903-1978 and undated; papers relating to the Danish Volunteer Training Society, including language instruction, 1969-1973, and Britain Tanzania Society, 1974-1977; published articles by Allen and others, 1898, 1970 and undated; undated photocopies of various Arabic manuscripts; tape recordings of literary performances; microfilms of Swahili material.

          Allen , James Willoughby Tarleton , 1904-1979 , anthropologist and linguist
          AMBLER, John (fl 1695)
          GB 0074 CLC/B/227-003 · Collection · [1671-1699]

          Formulary and precedent book of a London law clerk or attorney's scrivener, possibly John Ambler.

          Ambler , John , fl 1695 , law clerk or scrivener
          GB 1249 Andrews · 1950-1965

          Papers of Herbert Kennedy (H K) Andrews, 1950-1965, comprising typescript and proofs of his The Technique of Byrd's Vocal Polyphony (Oxford University Press, London, 1966); papers, 1957, relating to 'Fourteenth-Century Polyphony in a Fountains Abbey MS Book', Music and Letters, 39 (1958) by Andrews and Robert Thurston Dart, with offprints of article, correspondence between Andrews, Dart and Eric Blom, editor of Music and Letters, and including photographs of Fountains Abbey Ms 23; typescript notes and correspondence, 1963-1965, regarding the music publications of William Byrd and library sources of the same, with offprints and notes relating to Andrews' article, 'Printed Sources of William Byrd's ''Psalmes, Sonets and Songs''', Music and Letters, 44 (1963), and including a photocopy of the superius part book of Cantiones sacrae by Thomas Tallis and William Byrd (1575); notes and correspondence with Dart, 1960, regarding A ballet on the death of the cardynall', manuscript in Ripon Cathedral Library, with transcriptions and photographs of the manuscript; typescript of his articleCounterpoint, harmony and tonality' for the Oxford Junior Encyclopaedia, with related correspondence on the withdrawal by Andrews on its publication, 1953; typescript of his The formation, fulfilment and decline of the classical language of music', Cramb lectures, University of Glasgow, 1954; manuscript of hisThe interpretation of 16th century polyphony', Crees lectures, 1963; manuscript and typescript of `The editing and perfomrance of English vocal polyphony of the late 16th century and early 17th century, first chapter only of an unpublished book.

          Andrews , Herbert Kennedy , 1904-1965 , musicologist, teacher, organist and composer
          GB 0096 MS 639 · 12th century-13th century

          Three vellum leaves, formerly paste-downs in the binding of of Omnia Opera by Angelo Ambrogini, called Poliziano (Venice, 1498), which was rebound in the twentieth century (Ref: Incunabula 1498 Strongroom), details as follows:

          1. Leaf from a noted Missal, of Hereford Use, with part of the epistle, gradual, gospel, offertory, secret, communion and post-communion of the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany, and the introit, epistle, gospel and secret of the 4th Sunday. The antiphons 'Timebunt gentes', 'Dextem domini' and 'Mirabantur omnes' have their musical notation. The fragment was written in Hereford, England, in the late 12th century. It is inscibed and extensively annotated by Maurice Birchinshaw (d 1564), and inscibed by Nathaniel Evans in the 17th century. It was later used as a cover for a manorial extent, and inscibed in a 16th-17th century hand 'A court of [surve]igh for the mannour of Much Markl (i.e. Much Marcle, Herefordshire], 35 of Eliz [1592/3]', and 'Extent of survey de Man. de Mark[le]'.
          2. Bi-folium from an Antiphoner, with responds and versicles for the following feasts: St Mary Magdalene (22 Jul), St Peter ad vincula (1 Aug), St Laurence (10 Aug), Assumption of the Virgin (15 Aug) and Octave of the Assumption (22 Aug>). The fragment was written in the late 13th century.
          Antiphoner (French)
          GB 0096 MS 619 · 13th Century-14th century

          Fragment of a leaf from an antiphoner, formerly a fly-leaf in a binding, containing part of the common of a martyr. The fragment was written in north-east France in the 13th or 14th century.

          Antiphoner (Spanish)
          GB 0096 MS 864 · 16th century

          Leaf, foliated LXX in a late 16th century hand, from an Antiphoner, containing part of the office for the Commemoration of St Paul (30 Jun). Written in Spain (or possibly Italy) in the late 16th century.

          Arundel Manuscripts
          GB 0377 ARUNDEL MANUSCRIPTS · Collection · c1200-1700

          Mostly Chronicles and Histories, some with a connection with heralds, with most volumes containing compilations

          Arundel MS 1 - Compilation in 14th-century hand. Once belonged to John Dee, who has annotated it. Contains: material concerning world history, mostly taken from Ranulph Higden's Polychronicon, including a world map; short history of Jerusalem, by Jacques de Vitry; History of Geoffrey of Monmouth; De ortu Hyberniensium; Historia brevis Francorum ab eorum origine ad An 1214; William of Jumièges' Gesta Normannorum Ducum; book of Saints Joachim and Anne, concerning the birth of the Virgin Mary; translation of account of destruction of Troy; extract from St Jerome's contra Jovinianum; works concerning Alexander the Great, including forged letters by him; Latin translation of the History of Apollonius, King of Tyre (In civitate Anthiochie); St Anselm's Elucidarium; St Jerome on the Antichrist; list of the cities of the world; Vision of St Thomas Becket, in which the Virgin Mary gave him the ampulla of oil with which the kings of England were to be anointed. On last blank leaf is a note of the death of King Edward IV and the note: 'Cronica quondam Thom[a]e Walmesford'

          Arundel MS 2 - 15th-century copy of Ranulph Higden's Polychronicon

          Arundel MS 3 - Acts of John of Whethamstede, Abbot of St Albans

          Arundel MS 4 - 14th-century copy of Ranulph Higden's Polychronicon

          Arundel MS 5 - compilation of the 15th century. Once belonged to John Fox, the martyrologist. Contains: Scala Mundi, with History to 1469 and Chronology to 1619; Chronicle of Popes and Emperors: Popes continue to Benedict XII, Emperors as far as conflict between Guelphs and Ghibellines; Chronicle concerning deeds of Britons and Angles, down to 1471; Tabula succincte elaborata super scala mundi, extending only to name Valerianus

          Arundel MS 6 - 14th-century. Once belonged to Brother John of Erghom, then to Sir Edward North. Contains: Bishop Freculph's Universal History; John Tayster's Chronicle from the beginning of world to 1287; tract apparently by Erghom, from the coming of the English to 1357

          Arundel MS 7 - 15th-century copy of Thomas Walsingham's History from Edward I to Henry V. With 16th-century insertions between pages 202 and 203 and at the end, including two letters of Edward III to the Pope, with answers

          Arundel MS 8 - 15th-century volume containing: Brut Chronicle to the end of reign of Henry V; Legend of St Michael; Life of St Thomas Becket

          Arundel MS 9 - two manuscripts bound together:

          1) f.1r - 13th-century Greek-Latin Glossary or Lexicon

          2) f.56r - one page listing those who came to England with William the Conqueror, copied from John Brampton's Annals but with errors; f.59 - early 13th-century copy of Nicholas Trivet's Annals of Kings who descended from the Counts of Anjou in the male line

          Includes pen and ink drawings of Kings Stephen (f.58r), Henry II (f.92r), and Edward I (f.106r).

          Also includes descents of Earls of Provence, and Sanctius, Earl of Aragon, drawn by Thomas Howard on leaves at the beginning of the volume

          Arundel MS 10 - 13th-century chronicles from birth of Christ:

          f.1r - List of Popes, Archbishops, and Bishops of England and Scotland, with notes about customs of Church of Rome concerning Cardinals etc.

          f.18r - Chronicle of Popes, Emperors and Kings from commencement of Christian era to end of 12th century

          f. 39r - Chronicle from Birth of Jesus Christ to beginning of reign of Henry III, and continued by other hands to 1309

          f.114r - De Ortu Religionum

          Also includes two metrical prophecies, in 15th-century hand, at beginning of volume, with a note below that Dr Griffin, Dean of Lincoln, was convented in 1590 for preaching unsound doctrine.

          At end of volume: 'J de Wangeford', in 13th-century hand

          Arundel MS 11 - 13th-century volume, containing:

          f.1r - Universal Chronicle, by Radulphus [Ralph] of Coggeshall. Includes letter from Saladin to the Emperor Frederick

          f.15r - Short tract on the Dukes of Normandy and Kings of England

          f.17r - Chronicle of Radulphus [Ralph] Niger, with additions by Ralph of Coggeshall

          f.40r - Short Chronicle of Radulphus [Ralph] of Coggeshall, 1113-1158

          f.44r - Tales about the Emperor Justinian

          f.45r - Short Chronicle of Radulphus [Ralph] of Coggeshall, 1065-1225

          f.51r - Great Chronicle of Radulphus [Ralph] of Coggeshall, 1066-1223 (ends abruptly)

          On last leaf, beside a note on the voyage of Edward III in 1337, and a short note in French on the London weights and monies, is a Latin poem of 28 lines on the game of chess, written in the 13th century

          Arundel MS 12 - 15th-century Life of King Henry V, written for Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, with his arms in the illuminated capital

          Arundel MS 13 - Two manuscripts bound together:

          1)f.1r - 15th-century copy Deeds of the Kings of England by William of Gisseburn

          2)f.111r - 13th-century Commentary on the Prologues to the Bible ascribed to St Jerome

          Arundel MS 14 - Early 14th-century compilation, containing:

          f.1r - Wace's Brut

          f.93r - continuation of the Brut, to the death of William Rufus, by Geoffrey Gaimar

          f.125r - Lai de Haveloc

          f.133r - Piers [Peter] de Langtoft's Life of King Edward I

          f.148r - List of the British, Saxon, and Norman Kings

          f.150r - Romance of Perceval le Galois

          Arundel MS 15 - mid 15th-century copy of Thomas of Elmham's Vita et Gesta Henrici Quinti Anglorum Regis. This copy by Roger Walle (d. 1488 as Archdeacon of Coventry)

          Arundel MS 16 - Late 13th-century section (46 folios) of Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English-Speaking Peoples

          Arundel MS 17 - Two manuscripts bound together:

          1) Copy of the Liber Niger Domus Regis Angliae, id est, Domus Angliae sive Aulae Regiae Regis Edw[ard] IV. This copy made in time of King Henry VIII

          2) Articles of King Henry VIII, 13 Feb. 1525/6, concerning the ordering and service of his chambers and the duties of his officers and servants of the same

          Arundel MS 18 - Two chronicles, first half of 14th century:

          p.1 - Chronicle from death of Edward I to 1320

          p.14 - Annals of Adam Murymuth

          Arundel MS 19 - 15th-century Chronicle of London. Belonged to the 16th-century antiquarian Robert Hare

          Arundel MS 20 - 14th-century manuscript by John of London, monk of Christ Church, Canterbury, possibly an autograph copy. Containing:

          Unnumbered pages at front - astronomical Calendar, and Chronology from Creation to 1316 (written in 1325)

          f.1r - Chronicle from the Conquest of England to the death of Edward I

          f.82r - Tract on the death of Edward I, inscribed to Queen Margaret

          f.91r - Continuation of the same Chronicle, with, at f.94, copy of judgement against Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, in 1321, from letters patent of inspeximus

          Arundel MS 21 - 15th-century volume on the Order of the Toison d'Or

          Arundel MS 22 - 14th-century English metrical romance of the Battle of Troy. Containing:

          f.1r - Metrical romance, beginning: Syth god tyhys worle had wroght / Heven and Erthe al thyng of noght / Fele aventures havet be falle / We that now levyn con noght telle alle

          f.8v - Translation of Geoffrey of Monmouth's History into English, by 'Maister Gnaor'. Translation much larger than Geoffrey of Monmouth's, with many interpolations.

          Bound with this manuscript are two leaves of a lectionary from the Gospels of the 9th or 10th century. At beginning and end are 3 leaves from an ornate 14th-century Psalter

          Arundel MS 23 - Descent of Edward IV from Adam. 54 pages

          Arundel MS 24 - 13th-century volume containing:

          f.1r - History of Troy to the death of Cadwalladr

          f.19v - the Conquest of England, but also a history of the Dukes of Normandy from son of Rollo to 1216

          f.38v - extracts from Ralph of Coggeshall's Chronicle, concerning a boy and girl emerging from the earth

          f.39r - St Augustine on the vices and virtues

          f.49r - extract from Ralph of Coggeshall's Chronicle concerning marvellous happenings in England

          f.51r - extract from Ralph of Coggeshall's Chronicle concerning the castle of Horcola in Armernia Minor

          f.51v - the tradition of the Fathers concerning the history of Adam and his successors

          f.55v - concerning a wild man captured in the sea (title from Coggeshall)

          f.56 - prophecies of Charlemagne

          f.57v - concerning the Virgin Mary and the Incarnation of Christ

          f.59r - concerning the bread and wine in the Eucharist

          f.59v - concerning the virginity of Mary

          f.60r - concerning Paradise and Hell; and concerning divine foreknowledge

          f.60v - story teaching that the Psalms and prayers for the dead cannot be laid aside

          f.61r - story concerning a stupid cleric saved by the Virgin Mary from death, who became accustomed to sing an antiphon to her each morning; other similar subjects

          f.63v - tract on the infancy of Christ, attributed to St Jerome

          f.76r - medical text: 'Emplastrum ad nervos lesos probatissimum'

          Arundel MS 25 - 14th-century compilation by a monk of Durham, including Life of St Cuthbert and excerpts of works relating to St Thomas Becket

          Arundel MS 26 - 15th-century volume relating to heralds and on Sir John Fastolf, containing: Statutes of the Order of the Garter; tract on the duties of heralds and the ordering of tournaments; on the manner of making knights; 13 letters under fanciful names, addressed to the most excellent and noble princess Blanche, daughter of the King of England; [A]Eneas de Heraldis, translated into English; judgement in the debate between the Kings of Arms and Sergeants of Arms, given at the Siege of Caen; treaty between Scales, Fastolf and Montgomery for the King, and the men of the fortress of Sille, to bring the Count of Maine to obedience to the King, 1 Oct 1424; Royal Commission granted to Scales etc for those negotiations, given at Rouen, 25 Aug 1424; Fastolf's letter reinstating Laurens de Feugiers as his pursuivant of arms, with the name of Secret, 28 June 1432; Commission of John, Duke of Bedford, to Sir John Fastolf to reduce the Duchy of Anjou and County of Maine, constituting him Governor, 11 Mar 1424

          Arundel MS 26X, or HDN 26X - 16th-century Statutes and Ordinances of the Order of the Garter. From armorial bearings on f.2, appears to have belonged to Walter Devereux, Earl of Essex

          Arundel MS 27 - 14th-century copy of metrical romance of Guy, Earl of Warwick. f.130 also contains two fragments of poetry, possibly written by an early owner of the book whose name appears on the back flyleaf, John of Haukeham, Rector of the Church of Flet

          Arundel MS 28 - Volume concerning the foundation of the Priory of Merton:

          f.1r - History of the foundation of the Priory of Merton in Surrey by Count Gilbert, with his Life and that of Robert, the first Prior

          f.14r - Song or Epitaph on the founder, Gilbert

          f.14v - Letter of the Venerable Gervase concerning the death of Gilbert

          f.18v - Concerning a venerable brother to whom Gervase appeared in a dream

          f.19v - Rental of the Manor of the Priory of Merton from Mulsey, renewed on 16 June, 14 Richard 2

          Arundel MS 29 - 15th century. Miscellaneous, including: Latin verses; medicinal recipes, including for the dropsy and for a redness of the face that looks like leprosy; extracts relating to Edward the Confessor and King Malcolm of Scotland; Tractatus de arte legendi leges et jura; notes on the antiquity of cities of England; chronological and historical notes; table of moral remedies against the seven deadly sins; chronicle (12 folios) from Nimrod to King Edward III and King Henry IV; proceedings on deposition of King Richard II, copied from the Roll of Parliament; religious treatises, including on the pains of Hell and a tract by St Methodius on the beginning and end of the ages; epistle foretelling conjunction of the planets in 1463 with ensuing calamities; material on Henry V, including list of prisoners taken by him at the Battle of Agincourt and a letter by him to the King of France, with response; account of the creation of three Knights of the Bath at Lambeth in 1416; expenses of a dinner; letter from Theucrum to Pope Pius, with response (1462); prophecy of St Hildegard concerning mendicants

          Arundel MS 30 - Late 13th- to early 14th-century compilation by John of Everisden, including: excerpts from histories (including Gildas' Gesta Britonum) and part of the first book of the History of Henry of Huntingdon; material on the history of England, including genealogy of the Saxon kings from Woden and lists of the bishops of the kingdoms of England; description of Ireland; table of grammatical and rhetorical figures; schemes of musical chords and symphonies; Scriptural tables; material on law, including analyses of Gratian's Decretals; (on ff 97r - 208r) a Chronicle in two parts, from the Creation to the end of the fifth age, and from the Christian era to 1335; material on the Virgin Mary; architectural notes, including on church decoration, and the dimensions of the halls of Westminster, York, Newcastle, and Durham, and of the cloisters of Durham and St Edmundsbury.

          Note: First 10 and last 9 leaves are examples of older parchment having been erased and written over, with remaining phrases revealing something of the original, including 9th-century codex of Virgil

          Arundel MS 31 - 14th-century copy of Brut Chronicle, ending with beheading of Earl of Kent in 1330

          Arundel MS 32 - Catalogue de Chevaliers de l'ordre de Sainct Esprit

          Arundel MS 33 - Accounts of Receivers of Crown Lands presented to the King's chief auditors from the 7th to the 14th year of King Henry VIII; Surveys of various Manors and Lordships; Liveries of estates to the King's wards; miscellaneous particulars respecting the revenues of the Crown. Apparently collected by John Smyth, Remembrancer of the Exchequer

          Arundel MS 34 - A Baronage of England from the Conquest to 1584, by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux King of Arms (d 1593)

          Arundel MS 35 - Book of Burials of Nobility (16th century). Entries for 28 noblemen who died between 1559 and 1570. With articles: Lyveries for Noble men at the intierement of every man according to his estate; the decrees of Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond, mother of Henry VII, on what should be worn by women in mourning; the preparations for the funeral of an Earl

          Arundel MS 36 - Court Rolls of certain Manors in Kent, Middlesex and Surrey belonging to Abbey of St Peter, Westminster, 1-3 Richard III

          Arundel MS 37 - History of Ireland, by St Edmund Campion (1571)

          Arundel MS 38 - 16th-century copy of work on Life and Deeds of William the Conqueror, from a book of the monastery of St Stephen at Caen

          Arundel MS 39 - 16th-century treatise on King of England's right to the Crown of France and the Duchies of Normandy, Aquitaine, etc.

          Arundel MS 40 - Observations and Collections of Thomas Lant, Portcullis, concerning the Office and Officers of Armes, with all the occurrantes,complayntes, quarrelles, and broyles that consequently hath happened in the same, from the day of his Creacion and first entrance into the Office. Lant held the office of Portcullis Pursuivant of Arms between 1588 and 1597

          Arundel MS 41 - Late 16th-century tracts collected by John Vowell alias Hoker of Exeter, on Parliament and on Exeter

          Arundel MS 42 - copy of description of Principality of Wales, Duchy of Cornwall and Earldom of Chester, dedicated to King James I by John Doddridge, and copy of letters patent of King Edward IV to Prince Edward, relating to the Principality

          Arundel MS 43 - History of Richard III by Sir Thomas More, in Latin. Autograph manuscript

          Arundel MS 44 - 17th-century work on nobility by Sir William Le Neve, Clarenceux King of Arms

          Arundel MS 45 - The Confessio Amantis by John Gower, 15th-century

          Arundel MS 46 - Discorso della Nobilta di Firenze e de Fiorentini, 17th-century

          Arundel MS 47 - 16th-century compilation concerning the Knights of the Garter

          Arundel MS 48 - 'Botoner's Annals': Historical Tracts and Collectanea of William Botoner (alias Wyrcestre) with Sir John Fastolf's original State Papers. Including: various lists of the Kings of Britain, Popes, and Emperors; genealogies of kings, including of the British Kings from Kamber to Rees ap Meredith; excerpts from chronicles; Botoner's Annals; rhyming Latin poem on the Lamentation of King Edward of Caernarvon; supplication of King John of France to King Edward III for release from confinement; peace treaties between England and France; and History of Henry V's Wars in France

          Arundel MS 49 - Financial accounts of manors held by Margaret, Countess of Norfolk, 1394, and extracts from the Registers of the Priory of Chacombe

          Arundel MS 50 - 16th-century treatise on 'The Order of a Kinges Chamber, and howe a Gentleman Hussher shoulde behave himself', by John Wogan

          Arundel MS 51 - Volume containing two manuscripts:

          1) 15th-century private memorandum book of Roger Machado, Norroy King of Arms, including: account of funeral of King Edward IV (part missing); financial accounts, including of wine imported in 1484 (in Spanish) and notes of expenses of journeys made to Ghent and Bruges for the Marquis of Dorset, 1485; accounts of Embassy to Spain and Portugal, 1488, and to the Marshal of Brittany, 1490

          2) Account of Life and Death of Cardinal Wolsey, by George Cavendish, his gentleman usher

          Arundel MS 52 History of King James VI of Scotland and I of England - noted as missing in 1946. Note: as W H Black lists only the title of this volume, with no other accompanying information, it may be speculated that he did not see it and it has been missing from the College since at least 1829.

          Arundel MS 53 - Late 15th-century pedigree from the Creation to King Alfred, via Patriarchs and Kings of Israel, Dardanus and British Kings, and Woden. Unfinished, probably intended to continue to reigning monarch

          Arundel MS 54 - Proceedings in the Court of Chivalry on the case of Appeal between Donald Lord Reay and Sir David Ramsey, charged by him with High Treason, 27 Nov 1631 - 12 May 1632

          Arundel MS 55 - Registrum Brevium secundum usum Cancellariae, time of Edward III

          Arundel MS 56 - Collection of Statutes, written between 1340 and 1350, ending with note written c.1422, on limitation of writs with respect to times past, ordained by several statutes of Henry III and Edward I

          Arundel MS 57 - Late 14th-century, two items:

          1) Cursor Mundi, a long poem on Scriptural History, interspersed with legends, and translated from French

          2) Richard of Hampole's Prykke of Conscience, a religious poem in seven parts

          Arundel MS 58 - History of England, 15th-century: metrical chronicle of Robert of Gloucester remodelled, with interpolatations, and with additions from the Brut Chronicle, Geoffrey of Monmouth, William of Malmesbury, and other chroniclers. Continued to 1332

          Arundel MS 59 - Cartulary of Tutbury Priory, Staffordshire, written in reign of Henry VI

          Arundel MS 60 - Cartulary of Augustinian Priory of Novus Locus, Sherwood, Nottinghamshire

          Arundel MS 61 - Early 14th-century, Piers [Peter] Langtoft's Chronicle in French Alexandrine verses, from Brutus to the death of Edward I, in 2 parts

          Arundel MS 62 - Volume containing two items:

          1) The Siege of Caerlaverock. Copied from original Roll by Robert Glover, Somerset Herald, in 1587. With banners and shields of knights illuminated in the margins

          2) Catalogue of the names and arms of the great princes, noblemen, and knights, English and foreign, with their retinues, who were with King Edward III in his wars in France and Normandy, during the siege of Calais, with the number of ships and men of war. By Ralph Brooke, York Herald, in 1607

          Arundel MS 63 - mistakenly renumbered as Arundel MS 26 in the 19th century. The 'new' number has been retained. See 'System of Arrangement' for further details

          Arundel MS 64 - A study of the military, in 4 books, by Nicholas Upton, Canon of the Cathedral Churches of Salisbury and Wells. 15th century.

          Arundel MS 58 (duplicate number) - A Discoverie of the True Causes why Ireland was never entirely Subdued (1612)

          Arundel MS 74 - Informatione Sopra la Regione Della Precedencia

          Arundel MS 75 - Garteriados Sive Avrae Periscilides

          Arundel MS 90 - Parliaments Held in Dublin, 1605/6

          Arundel MS 61 (duplicate number) - Historia di Hispania

          Arundel MS 94 - Eadmer, Historia Novorum Monachi Cantuariensis (c. time of William I - Henry I)

          Howard , Thomas , 1585-1646 , 14th Earl of Arundel , politician x Arundel , 14th Earl
          GB 0120 PP/BAR · 1794-1981

          Although Barlow is best known for his original researches on infantile scurvy, there is very little material relating to that subject in the collection. There are manuscript drafts of his address to the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh and his Bradshaw Lecture on infantile scurvy (BAR/E1-2), but the bulk of the clinical and scientific component of the papers relates to other matters, particularly Raynaud's disease and erythromelalgia, diseases to which Barlow turned his attention later in his career.

          Among Barlow's clinical papers is a notebook recording minutes of a 'Clinical Club', 1875-77 (BAR/D.2), whose members included, apart from Barlow himself, Sidney Coupland, Rickman Godlee, William Smith Greenfield, Robert Parker, and William Allen Sturge.

          Most of Barlow's private patients' records have not survived, though there is an index to his private patients' books, covering the years 1876-1918 (BAR/F.1).

          Scientific and clinical matters are also discussed in Barlow's correspondence, but again this is relatively thin for the period when he was active in research. Barlow's non-family correspondence has clearly been heavily weeded: there are few letters from patients, with the exception of some prominent individuals, such as Mary Curzon, wife of Lord Curzon, Randall Davidson, archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Salisbury and Lord Selborne, and in general it seems that while letters from important or well-known figures have survived those from individuals deemed less important have been discarded. Significant numbers of letters remain however from several of Barlow's regular correspondents, such as the poet, Robert Bridges, Lord Bryce, and William Page Roberts, dean of Salisbury, as well as medical figures like Sir William Jenner and Sir James Reid.

          Barlow's personal papers and family correspondence have survived in bulk and form a rich source of material for both his private and family life, and his public career. There are travel journals and sketchbooks from his earlier years, mainly documenting visits to the Continent, 1869-83; correspondence with his parents, brother, wife and children, 1852-1940, including letters written by Barlow from Balmoral, where he served as royal physician intermittently between 1897 and 1899, an eye-witness account of the death of Queen Victoria in 1901 (BAR/B.2/4), and letters and telegrams from court in 1902 during the crisis of Edward VII's appendectomy; and commonplace and scrapbooks compiled in retirement, 1920-37. Also from this period are various temperance notes and addresses.

          The archive also comprises letters and papers of Barlow's parents, 1842-87; of Barlow's wife, Ada, including letters from her brother and sisters in India, 1858-80, and to her daughter Helen studying in Darmstadt, Germany, 1905-6; of Barlow's sons, Alan, Thomas and Basil, including letters from the last-named while serving on the Western Front, 1916-17; and notably of his daughter Helen, including correspondence with Archbishop and Mrs (later Lady) Davidson, 1910-35, and letters from Sir John Rose Bradford and his wife while serving in the Royal Army Medical Corps in France, 1914-19. Helen Barlow's papers also include records of three charities with which she was associated: the University College Hospital Ladies Association, 1900-50, the Southwark Boys Aid Association, 1914-36, and the Quinn Square [Southwark] Social Centre Society, c. 1935-1951. Finally there is a handful of letters to Andrew Barlow, Sir Thomas's grandson, mainly relating to articles he wrote about his grandfather, 1955-81.

          Barlow , Sir , Thomas , 1845-1945 , Baronet , physician Barlow , Lady , Ada Helen , 1843-1928 Barlow , Helen Alice Dorothy , 1887-1975 Barlow , Andrew Dalmahoy , b.1916 , physician
          GB 0113 MS-BATHT · [1640s]-[1680s]

          Medical formulary, [1640s]-[1680s]. Includes collection of medical receipts in Bathurst's handwriting, and notes on Homer, Xenophon, and the Bible, mid-late C17th

          Bathurst , Sir , Thomas , 1622-1688 , physician
          GB 1249 MS 4221, 4222, 4223, 4243, 4249 · 1800-1823 (predominant 1815-1817)

          Letters (16) from Ludwig Van Beethoven to Kajetan Giannatasio del Rio, in regard to the education and maintenance of Beethoven's nephew Karl at the school run by Giannatasio del Rio, 1816-1817 (Ref: MS 4221). 'Hochzeitlied für Anna' (known as woo 105 'Auf Freunde, singt dem Gott der Ehen') a piece for four male voices in the manuscript of Beethoven, written for the wedding of Anna Giannatasio del Rio to Leopold Schemerling, 6 Feb 1819 (Ref: MS 4222). Two letters to Beethoven, comprising draft letter from Fanny Giannatasio del Rio, 9 Aug 1817 and letter from Friedrich Matthisson (facsmile only), 4 Aug 1800 (Ref: MS 4223). Letter from Beethoven to his brother Johann Von Beethoven, requesting the return of a book, 13 Jul 1825 (MS 4243). Letters from Beethoven to Sigmund Anton Steiner, Dec 1815, requesting the score of the opera Fidelio to produce a version for a quartet, and to Antonio Diabelli, Apr 1823, regarding the copying of Beethoven's 33 pianoforte variations on waltz by Diabelli for publication (Ref MS 4249).

          Beethoven , Ludwig Van , 1770-1827 , German composer
          GB 0120 MSS.1164-1165 · c 1800-1823

          Two volumes of notes, on medical and chemical books, and on diseases and their treatment, c 1800-1823.

          de Villiers , F. T. , Bidault , 1775-1824 , physician
          Bird, Henry (d 1892)
          GB 0114 MS0159 · 1832-1880

          Papers of Henry Bird, 1832-1880, comprising a case book and commonplace book, 1849-1880; and testimonials, letters and reprints, 1832-1880.

          Bird , Henry , d 1892 , surgeon
          GB 0120 MSS.1234-1252 · 1767-1780

          The collection chiefly comprises material generated whilst Sir Charles Blagden was a student at Edinburgh University: notes of lectures, clinical notes of cases observed at Edinburgh Infirmary, commonplace books, dissertation drafts, lists of materia medica, etc. Also included are two papers addressed to the Royal Society, 1767-1780.

          Blagden , Sir , Charles , 1748-1820 , Knight , physician
          GB 0120 MSS.1279-1285 · early 18th century - mid 18th century

          Notes on Herman Boerhaave's lectures and material extracted from his publications, with some material by others, 18th century.

          Boerhaave , Herman , 1668-1738 , chemist and physician
          Book of Hours
          GB 0103 MS LAT 25 · c1470-1480, 19th century

          Italian Book of Hours, c1470-1480, beginning Officium Beatae Mariae Virginis (office of the Blessed Virgin Mary). Originally 106(?) leaves, with 19th-century additions: full page colour illustrations and decorated borders, including a Crucifixion, added by Caleb W Wing.

          Cribellariis , Marcus , De , fl 1470-1480 , of Venice , scribe
          Book of Hours (incomplete)
          GB 0096 MS 597 · 15th century

          Two consecutive vellum leaves from a Book of Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary, of Roman use, containing part of the office of Lauds. Perhaps written in France in the 15th century.

          Book of Hours (Paris)
          GB 0096 MS 906 · Early 15th century

          Book of Hours written in the early 15th century in northern France, possibly Paris, and including a Calendar with additions in a late 15th century hand of Saints Nectan, Urith and a translation of Richard of Chichester, as well as 'dedicacio ecclesie de Towstock' (ff.1-6v); fifteen Hours, beginning abruptly 'memoriam harum ante crucem tuam passionem' (ff.7-9v, 15r-v, 10r-v); Commemoracio Georgi martyris (ff.11-11v); Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Use of Sarum), with the beginning of each Hour lost (ff.12-40v); Penitential psalms, beginning abruptly in Psalm 31, v. 5 'meam a domino et tu remisisti impietatem peccati mei' (ff.41-46v); the fifteen Gradual Psalms (ff.46v-48v); Litany, ending abruptly (f.48v); prayers, beginning abruptly 'pretende super famulos tuos et super cunctas congregaciones' (ff.49-49v); the Office of the Dead, beginning abruptly in Vespers, Psalm 137 v. 2 'misericordia tua et ueritate' (ff.51-69v); commendatio animae, beginning abruptly in Psalm 118, v. 20 ' justificaciones tuas in omni tempore' (ff.70-80v); and psalms of the Passion, beginning abruptly in Psalm 21, v. 17 ' et pedes meos' (ff.81-84v). There are also medical recipes (ff.50, 50v, 84) and prayers (ff.37v, 84v) all in English added by several hands of the late 15th and 16th century.

          GB 0074 ACC/0496 · Collection · [1700]

          One volume comprising a formulary book of indictments, dating to the early eighteenth century.

          Brown, Thomas Julian
          GB 0096 MS 981 · 1859-1986

          Notes, papers, drawings and slides, mainly c1956-c1977, concerning medieval manuscripts with particular reference to the Lindisfarne Gospels.

          Brown , Thomas Julian , 1923-1987 , medieval scholar
          GB 0120 MSS.1395-1404 and 5656 · 1824-1870

          The majority of the collection is made up of journals kept by Buckle during the years 1866-1870, during which he travelled to South America, South Africa and Australia (there are also periods during which he was stationed at Portsmouth). There are some lacunae in the sequence of diaries. There is also one autograph album kept by Buckle relating partly to his own affairs (his application to become House Surgeon at the West Norfolk and Lynn Hospital, 1863-1864) but also including older material predating his birth.

          Buckle , Fleetwood , 1841-1917 , naval surgeon
          GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP47 · Created 1849-1921, 1958 (predominant 1910-1921)

          Correspondence and notes, some in Greek, 1910-1918, including two letters to Burrows from Alex P Ralli about Greek translation, and one letter to Percy Neville Ure, Assistant Lecturer in Classics, University of Leeds; volume containing notes on an annotated copy of Quinti Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Apologeticum et ad Nationes Libri Duo ex fide Optimorum Codicum Manuscriptorum edited by Franciscus Oehler (Eduardi Anton, Halae Saxonum, 1849); Greek vocabulary notebook addressed to Burrows; volume containing printed cuttings, notes and shorthand, on books, poems, authors and the pleasures of reading, [1886-1892]; framed letter, 5 May 1920, from Burrows to Eleftherios Venizelos, (1864-1936), statesman, and Prime Minister of Greece, wishing Venizelos luck with his political struggle on his return to Greece; framed photograph of Venizelos, 1913; framed photograph [of Burrows]; typed list of books given to the Classical department of King's College London by Burrows, 1920; probate of the will and codicil of Burrows, 1920; deeds of appointment of new trustees of will and codicil, 1921, 1958.

          Burrows , Ronald Montagu , 1867-1920 , Principal of King's College London
          GB 0120 MSS.1500-1504 · [1840-1845]

          Notes of lectures by Giuseppe Canziani, on veterinary medicine, anatomy, physiology and phrenology, [1840-1845].

          Canziani , Giuseppe , 1815-1849 , veterinary surgeon
          COLEBROOK, Josiah
          GB 0113 MS-COLEJ · Fonds · [1700]

          Josiah Colebrook: Commonplace book of prescriptions for diseases, [1700].

          Colebrook , Josiah , fl 1700
          Commonplace book
          GB 0096 MS 911 · Unknown

          Commonplace book.

          GB 0117 MS 41 · sub-fonds · nd

          Commonplace book of medical or pharmaceutical recipes in various hands containing receipts from Boate, Hartlib and Willis. Notebook belonging to Robert Boyle.

          Commonplace book (poetry)
          GB 0096 MS 704 · Early 19th century

          Commonplace book, written in the early 19th century, containing copies of poems by various authors, including Mrs. R. Wilmot, the Reverend John Chetwood, and Eward Wilmot. The poems include 'To Miss Wilmot, now Mrs. Bradford, on her arrival from Russia' by F.S.I. (p.135), and 'Prologue written for the opening of the Lyceum at Madras 1782, spoken by Major Maule, by Eyles Irwin, Esq.' (p.245). A few poems are dated, 1782, 1788, 1802-1816.

          GB 0096 MS 389 · 19th century

          Manuscript Commonplace Book of English poetry and prose, dating from the 19th century, containing the second half of a long poem on early biblical history 'continued from the book in white forrel', and other items. Inserted is a folded leaf containing two poems, one dated 1834, by W. C. Yonge, who may have been the compiler of the volume.

          GB 0120 MSS.1740-1744 · c 1660

          Commonplace books containing extracts on many subjects. The compiler may possibly have been a Quaker or Nonconformist, as there are many quotations from such authorities. By a comparison of the dates of the many works quoted-which are mainly by Dissenters, Baptists, etc., these volumes seem to have been compiled not long after 1660.

          GB 0120 MSS.1751-1752 · c 1725

          Collection of extracts, receipts, and notes mostly from medical authors of the early part of the 18th cent.

          GB 0120 MSS.1746-1747 · c 1805

          Collection of extracts and notes on Agriculture, Botany, Geography and Travel, History, Zoology, etc. Though on p. 146 of the smaller volume there is an extract from a work published in 1808, the majority of the entries are from books published in the period 1770-1780.

          GB 0120 MSS.1767-1775 · 1769-1779

          Compilation de divers morceaux de physique, de Médecine, de chirurgie, d'histoire naturelle, etc., des moyens dont leurs auteurs célèbres, se sont servis avec succès, en plusieurs facheuses circonstances, et de quelques anecdotes très curieuses. Par un Autre Ami des Hommes, 1769-1779.

          Council of Bedford College
          GB 0505 BC GB110-120 · 1849-1985

          Bound and unbound Minutes of Bedford College Council, 1849-1984; Agenda Book for the Council and its Committees, 1896-1954; bound list of papers presented to Council, 1971-1985; Attendance Register for the Council and its Committees, 1908-1939; Committee Signature Books, 1929-1933 and 1973-1985, including the Academic Board; alphabetical list of the Members of the College and the Council, 1872-1904; Register of the Members of the College, 1869-1888, including name, occupation and date of entry; List of members of temporary Committees, 1928-1934; Bound volumes and pamphlets containing the Annual Reports of the Council, 1888-1983; outward Letter Books of the Council, 1881-1895, with indexes; Notebook of Lucy Russell, Honorary Secretary of the Council, 1888-1902, including names and addresses of Professors and teachers, Members of the College, Associates, students previous to 1871, auditors, Visitors and tradesmen, as well as lists of the membership of the Council and Committees; material relating to the use of the College Seal, notably Seal Books of the Council, 1909-1948, the College Seal, 1965, and correspondence relating the need for a new Seal following changes of name, 1956, 1965 and 1984; legal documents, 1865-1983, relating to premises used by Bedford College, including deeds of property for the Shaen Wing, 1896-1899, 35-37 Dorset Square, 10 Dorset Square, 299a Edgware Road, 43 New Cavendish Street, 51 Harley Street, The Holme, Hanover Lodge, Headstone Lane Sports Centre, Sussex Lodge, York Place, East Street and Broadhurst Gardens. Legal documents relating to benefactors of the College, notably Deeds of Gift under the Pious Benefactors, 1926, and by the Marquess of Crewe, 1930. Correspondence and papers relating to the financing, construction and upkeep of the Busk Memorial Gates, 1931-1936. Minutes of the Committee of Management, 1868.

          Bedford College , Council
          Crane, Walter
          GB 0096 SL IV 66-67,69-72 · sub-fonds · 1865-1884

          Six illustrated manuscripts by the artist Walter Crane, including three notebooks produced for his children - 'Beatrice Crane Her Book', 'Beatrice's Painting Book' and 'Lancelot His Book'. Also includes the manuscripts for two published works 'The Necklace of Princess Fiorimonde' and 'Thoughts in a Hammock' and 'A Herald of Spring', and drawings for an unpublished version of the traditional ballard 'The Blind Beggar's Daughter'.

          Crane , Walter , 1845-1915 , artist
          Curet, Louis
          GB 0120 MSS.1976-1977 · c 1875

          Papers of Louis Curet including notes and extracts on various medical disciplines including Surgical Pathology, Forensic Medicine, Pharmacology, Surgery and Materia Medica.

          Curet , Louis , fl 1875
          De Forma Libellorum
          GB 0096 MS 614 · First half of 14th century

          Bifolium containing descriptions of libelli and sentences relating to marriage, with a discussion of possessio implicata. The manuscript was probably written in Italy in the first half of the 14th century.

          GB 0120 MSS.2112-2113 · 1807-1836

          Two notebooks of Claude François Déveille, 1807-1836, one recording pharmacy in use in military hospitals (plus some erotic poems) and the other a commonplace book.

          Déveille , Claude François , b 1770 , army surgeon
          GB 0096 MS 889 · 1428

          Diurnal (Winter part only), created in Bavaria in 1428, and including the Temporale from the first Sunday in Advent to Easter Sunday; the Sanctorale from St Andrew to Saint Ambrose; the Communale; psalms, hymns and prayers for the day hours; hymns for Advent and to named saints; and prayers in a later hand. A later paper quire added at the end of the volume contains Psalm 4 and prayers.
          Folio 70 is inscribed 'Explicit diurnale partis vernalis in vigili Sancte Barbare sub anno domini MCCCCXXVIII per manus Tedrici...capellani in Lype...'.
          The diurnal was written in 3 separate hands; there are notes in the margins, flyleaves and endpapers, probably added at the same time as the paper quire by an early owner.

          RLHEL · Fonds · 1868-c.1980

          Administrative records, financial records, patient records, nursing records, photographs, pharmacy records and miscellaneous records.

          East London Hospital for Children and Dispensary for Women
          GB 0096 MS 1 · [1385]

          Manuscript volume containing a metrical chronicle composed by the Chandos Herald in French verse, commemorating the life and feats of arms of Edward the Black Prince, [1385]. The poem is a valuable authority for certain events of the Hundred Years War, and gives a brief description of Edward III's French campaign of 1346, culminating in the Battle of Crecy, and followed by the Battle of Calais, with some details of the plot for the recovery of the latter at the end of 1349. Next comes a very detailed description of the Battle of Poitiers (1356), and an eyewitness account of the Spanish Campaign of the Black Prince on behalf of Don Pedro (Peter) of Castile, culminating in the Battle of Nejera (1367). A brief overview is given of the end of the Black Prince's government in Gascony, and of the war which led to the loss of almost all the possessions gained at Brétigny, followed by a comprehensive account of the last years of the Prince's life. After the poem, the author also gives a list of the chief officers of the Black Prince in Aquitaine, and copy of the epitaph on his tomb in Canterbury Cathedral.

          The manuscript contains a full-page miniature illuminated in gold and colours, which is divided into two compartments. The upper compartment contains a representation of the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity; God the Father is here portrayed in a blue robe on a background of gold. He is seated on a throne and holds in His extended arms a crucifix, above which a dove is introduced to symbolise the Holy Ghost. In the lower compartment the Black Prince is depicted kneeling in adoration on a red cushion. His hands are joined in prayer, and his special devotion to the Holy Trinity is indicated by a scroll proceeding from his mouth bearing the words 'Et hec tres unum sunt' (1 John v.7). The Prince is clad in armour, covered by a tight-fitting leather jupon without sleeves, finished along the bottom edge with a border of escallops, and emblazoned with the arms of England and France. He wears a sword and dagger, golden elbow and knee cops, and golden spurs. On each side of the kneeling Prince, standing in a golden socket, is a large ostrich feather in silver, his personal badge assumed after the Battle of Crecy, with the motto 'Ich dene' on a scroll below. The text of the poem commences on the next page with a large illuminated initial O, containing the Royal Arms emblazoned, and this leaf is surrounded by a border of strap work and flowers in gold and colours. There are also a number of small initial letters in gold on a coloured background.

          The Chandos Herald
          EISLER, Robert (1882-1949)
          GB 1370 WIA, Robert Eisler · Collection · c 1902-1949

          Papers of Robert Eisler, c 1902-1949, including working papers and correspondence. Topics covered include: 'Das Rätsel des Johannesevangeliums'; The Fourth Gospel; Money; Jesous Basileus ou Basileusas; Slavonic Joseph Manuscript; The Alphabet; Dürer; Conventional Titles and True Meaning; Inscriptions; Zeus Olympios; Orpheus; Moses; Christ Vision; Aesthetics; Mythology; Magic and Science; Vanity of Vanities; Palaeoethnography; Greek Civilization and 'Die Landschaftsmalerei in der antiken Kunst'.

          Eisler , Robert , 1882-1949 , historian of religion
          GB 0096 MS 465 · 1670-1846
          1. A miscellaneous collection of orders, receipts and warrants for payment issued by various departments of the Exchequer, with letters of assignment and attorney relating to those who had financial dealings with the Exchequer, 1670-1774. From the mutilated state of some items, the documents appear to have been collected for their autograph interest. Signatories mainly comprise senior politicians and statesmen connected with the Exchequer, notably Prime Ministers, Chancellors and Lord Treasurers.
          2. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1728-1846, also collected for its autograph interest. They comprise:
            a) An Ordnance Office Order of 21 May, 1728, to issue from the Tower powder and shot for six months' exercise to the first Regiment of Foot Guards, signed by John Armstrong, George Gregory, Leonard Smelt, T. White and Charles Wills. It is accompanied by a note of delivery, 24 May, 1728, signed by Leonard Welsted. (2 leaves. 12½" x 8").
            b) Letter from Commodore Thomas Collingwood, written from Grafton Gros, Islet Bay in St Lucia on 27 January, 1780, to Thomas Shirley announcing the delivery by James Gordon of 34 puncheons of rum to be supplied to the ships. (Single sheet, 13" x 8").
            c) Late 18th century notes on the church of Bowers Gifford and Bowers Hall Manor, Essex, with particular reference to the Boughton family. The final leaf bears a postmark and is addressed to 'Mr. Thorne, senr., at Mistress Spenloves, Silk Mercer, Cornhill, London'. (4 leaves. 14½" x 9").
            d) Letter of 19 Oct 1800, written at Mount Juliet, Thomastown, from Somerset Lowry-Corry, Viscount Corry, later 2nd Earl Belmore, to William Leader of Liquor Pond Street, London, concerning the acquisition of a carriage. The letter requires him to 'put in hands for me immediately a chaise with a box to take on and off so that it may be either used as a street carriage or for travelling. I should wish it to be very complete and finished in the highest manner - The Butler arms must be quartered with mine'. This letter was written on the eve of Lord Corry's marriage, by special licence, at Mount Juliet, to Juliana, daughter of Henry Thomas Butler, 2nd Earl of Carrick. (2 leaves. 9¼" x 7¼").
            e) Letter from Samuel Whitbread, dated 18 Jan 1801, to Mr. Lucas, coachmaker, Liquor Pond Street, [perhaps concerning the coach mentioned above]. (Single sheet. 4½ x 7½").
            f) Letter from Peniston Lamb, 1st Viscount Melbourne, 26 Apr 1802, ordering 'One pair of riding breeches [from] Joseph Porter'. (Single sheet. 4½ x 6").
            g) Letter from Edmund Boyle, 8th Earl of Cork, written in St. Albans on 18 Jul 1803, to Mr. Lucas, coachmaker, Liquor Pond Street, arranging for him to call. There are some pencilled notes below. (2 leaves. 9" x 7¼").
            h) Agreement, made 16 Feb 1811, between Ron[ald] Campbell, Major in the 72nd regiment, Charles Decoetlogon, H. Irwin, John Moody, Joseph Reed and Thomas Stones, prize agents, to share equally in the 'emoluments and advantages arising from the prize agency for the capture of the Isle of France. (2 leaves. 13" x 7¾").
            i) Letter from Joseph Coppock, written at Sandfords Library, Plymouth Dock, on 17 Sep 1817, to Messrs. Clarksons, solicitors, Essex Street, Strand, London, mentioning the affairs of Mr. A.N. Earl(e), and arranging for a call to be made on 'Mr. Holt, the accountant for stores at the Victualling sign your name to a letter of application I made to the Board in your name for duplicate certificates some time ago...'. (2 leaves. 9" x 7½").
            j) Weekly return of coals, candles and brooms issued to the 71st Regiment from 12-18 February, 1821, at the New Infantry Barracks, Canterbury. Lists names of officers supplied. Signed Joseph William Dutie, 'D.M.' and A. Jones, Major commanding the 71st Regiment. (Single sheet. 12½" x 8").
            k) Printed broker's receipt of 28 May, 1846, for Consolidated 3% Annuities sold on behalf of Miss Eliza Wardell and John Froggatt, esq., executors of J.A. Wardell, esq. Signed by John Bull, broker. (Single sheet. 3" x 8").
          GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP172 · [1945-1947]

          Papers of William James Entwistle collection, [1945-1947] comprising correspondence to and from Entwistle regarding the Chronicle of John I of Portugal and also includes a draft edition of the first 136 chapters,[1945-1947].

          The correspondence section notably includes a letter, in Portuguese script, from Florentino dos Santos Cardoso, of Évora Public Library, to William James Entwistle, 1945, concerning the Chronica de El Rei D. João I by Fernão Lopes and a reproduction made and held by the Évora Public Library. Florentino dos Santos Cardoso asks Entwistle whether he would interetsed in purchasing a complete reproduction. Correspondence also includes a letter from Entwistle to Edgar Prestage (1881-1949), regarding the printing of the final chapters of Chronicle of John I of Portugal, 1945; letter from Entwistle to Prestage regarding the progress of the printing of a complete copy of Chronicle of John I of Portugal, suggesting the proofs are the 'pre first edition of book which will never appear', 1947.

          The collection also includes a copy of the unpublished text of Chronicle of John I of Portugal [1945-1946], written by Fernão Lopes 1380-1459.

          Entwistle , William James , 1895-1952 , Professor of Spanish
          GB 0114 MS0040 · 1820-1827

          Papers of Roland Morris Fawcett, 1820-1827, comprising case notes, surgical notes and a commonplace book, 1822-1823; and lecture notes divided into sections titled 'Home', 'Hope', 'Murray', and 'Turner, Duncan and Alison', 1820-1827.

          Fawcett , Rowland Morris , fl 1820-1890 , surgeon
          Flaxman Manuscripts
          GB 0103 MS FLAXMAN · 1788

          Manuscript items of John Flaxman, comprising his journal, kept by him in Naples in 1788, consisting of manuscript text and drawings; and a commonplace book containing manuscript notes on sculpture and art and some pencil and ink sketches.

          Flaxman , John , 1755-1826 , sculptor and draughtsman