Estado civil

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      Términos jerárquicos

      Estado civil

      Término General Matrimonio

      Estado civil

      Términos equivalentes

      Estado civil

      • Usado para État matrimonial
      • Usado para Situation de famille
      • Usado para Situation familiale
      • Usado para Situation matrimoniale
      • Usado para Situación familiar
      • Usado para Situación matrimonial

      Términos asociados

      Estado civil

      18 Descripción archivística resultados para Estado civil

      GB 0074 A/FSC · Colección · 1692-1955

      Records of the Festival of the Sons of the Clergy, including minutes and agendas; correspondence; memoranda; financial accounts; sermons; reports; advertising material; scrapbooks; and ephemera relating to the festival (handbills, orders of service, tickets, invitations and so on).

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CLC/103 · Colección · 1783-1790

      Papers of the Society for the Benefit of the Widows of the Clergy, comprising petitions to the Society and letters patent.

      Sin título
      GB 0106 7MSM · Fondo · 1920-1930

      Papers of Margaret Stevenson Miller, comprising:
      Articles by Miller in 'Incorporated Secretaries' Journal' (June-July 1927); copy of Stansfeld trust Lecture (1924); papers of the Six Point group including newsletter and leaflets on meetings (n.d.); press-cuttings on careers for women; manuscript and typed materials including summaries of books on women in industry and employment of women graduates and lectures given to women's organisations in Liverpool (1920s).

      Sin título
      GB 0074 A/CSC · Colección · 1273-1954

      Records of the Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy (also known as The Charity for the Relief of Poor Widows and Children of Clergymen), including letters patent; minutes; agendas; administrative papers; letter books; papers of associatied charities; schemes and proposals; publicity; cases for legal counsel; financial accounts; subscriptions, donations and bequests; papers relating to the management of estates; and reference books.

      These archives of the Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy were deposited in the London County Record Office on condition that all records for the past 100 years which contain reference to beneficiaries shall be regarded as confidential. Searchers who wish to consult such categories of record should first obtain the consent of the Registrar to the Corporation (Corporation House, 6 Woburn Square, London, W.C.1). Other categories of record and all records more than 100 years old are available for searchers without any special restrictions.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CCT/AK/56 · Colección · 1858-1875

      Records of Waltham Abbey County Court, comprising register of orders for the protection of property of deserted married women.

      Sin título
      Council of Married Women
      GB 106 5CMW · Fondo · 1944-1971

      The archive consists of Minutes of the Executive Committee (1952-1959, 1969) and Annual General Meeting (1957-1964, 1967), Chairperson's reports (1953, 1956-9), papers related to the formation of the Council of Married Women, correspondence files including papers and press cuttings (1944-1970), Bills, Acts and Parliamentary file (1956-1971) and file of evidence to the Royal Commission on Marriage and Divorce (1952-1956), financial papers (1961-1969) and publications including the Bulletin.

      Sin título
      HEATHFIELD, Betty (1927-2006)
      GB 106 7BEH · Fondo · 1962-1986

      The archive consists of transcripts of interviews with members of the Women Against Pit Closures group collected by Betty Heathfield, relating to their involvement in the 1984-1985 miners' strike. It includes a draft of an unpublished book by Betty Heathfield about the strike entitled 'Women of the Coalfields' based on these oral history interviews. This portion of the collection is available in the form of transcripts that have been anonymised to protect the identity of the interviewees.

      The archive also consists of transcripts of oral history interviews, collected by Betty Heathfield, with older members of the Women's Co-operative Guild (WCG) and working papers and drafts on the history of the Guild; papers relating to the WCG and Age Exchange Theatre Company, 1983. This portion of the collection is uncatalogued and not yet available.

      Sin título
      HUBBACK, Judith (b 1917)
      GB 106 7JUH · Fondo · 1948-1997

      The archive consists of:

      • Questionnaires (1948-1950), pamphlets, articles and press cuttings related to 'Graduate Wives' (1953-1955);

      • Scrapbook of reviews of 'Wives Who Went to College' (1957-1958);

      • Letters of provenance from donor (1997).

      Sin título
      Suffrage notebook [Gift of Mary Mills]
      GB 106 7MMI · Fondo · 1908-1936

      The archive consists of a small notebook containing manuscript notes from books and lectures on subjects including women's suffrage, employment and legislation. The volume includes notes under the following headings:

      'Women's Suffrage Debate 28 Feb 1908'; 'United Kingdom Hospitals - Conference University College London Apr 1908'; organisation of a Votes for Women event; 'Mrs Wolstenholme Elmy on Married Women's Property Act 1882'; 'Meetings at Queen's Hall, Ladbroke Hall'; 'Self Denial Week'; 'Miss M Brockenbury - The Educated Woman and the Vote' [report of speech]; 'Mrs Brownlow's Pamphlet - Women and Factory Legislation'; Australia: Minimum Wage, Victor Clark Labour Movement; America - Licensing systems, Machinery, Factory, Jewish Competition, women voters in Colorado, New Zealand, Wyoming; 'Housing Bill 1908'; speech by John Burns; 'Pauperism 1st quarter 1908' [statistics]; dates of legislation affecting women 1844-1897; Reform Bill; women's work - florists, acrobats, pattern makers, married women in factories, cotton trade, carding hooks and eyes, cigar trade; posts closed to women - Law, medicine, church, politics; women in Inspectorate - prisons, factory , schools; women's wages; 'Government as Employers'; sweated labour; Anti-sweating Demonstration Queen's Hall Jan 28 1908; women prisoners; employment of children; Married women's savings; women married to aliens; Married Women's Property Act 1882; Guardianship of children.

      The volume also included the following loose inserts which have been removed and are held within the folder:

      Press cuttings:

      'Unemployment - Salford and the scheme for women', Manchester Guardian, 22 Jan 1909

      'Child labour in Egypt', Manchester Guardian,15 Jul 1908

      'Australia and women's suffrage', Manchester Guardian, 1 Feb 1910

      'Women as Councillors - the narrow range of choice', Manchester Guardian, 22 Jan 1909

      'Votes for Women - women voters', Manchester Guardian, 19 Jun c. 1910

      'University Women Teachers - the vote a necessary leverage in their work' Manchester Guardian, c. 1910

      'London's unknown Museums - special LCC survey', The Times, 11 Mar 1936

      'The Sacredness of motherhood', Common Cause, 24 Mar 1910

      'Infant mortality and working mothers', Common Cause, c. 1910

      'Why women need the vote', Common Cause, 21 Mar 1910

      'The equal standard', Common Cause, c. 1910

      Loose page from a leaflet on equal pay in Australia.

      Manuscript notes on working women

      Manuscript notes on The Present Conciliation Bill

      Manuscript notes on women prisoners and comparisons with conditions abroad

      Manuscript notes on women as a moral force

      Manuscript notes on two speakers: Miss Phillips and Miss Fothergill

      Manuscript notes on the function of the state and women's work

      Manuscript notes on infant deaths

      Sin título
      ARNOLD, Roxane
      GB 106 7RAR · Fondo · c 1993

      The archive consists of papers relating to Roxane Arnold's work as Treasurer of the International Federation of Women Lawyers (UK section). The archive contains the following:

      • Subscription form for the International Federation of Women Lawyers (UK section), c 1993

      • Flyer for the International Federation of Women Lawyers (UK section), c 1993

      • List of participants at an International Federation of Women Lawyers conference held in Paris, 7-11 Sep 1989

      • Balance sheets for years ending 1968, 1990, 1991 and 1992

      • 2 letters in Italian

      • Two photographs of the Married Women's Association Tea Party, House of Lords, 23 Jun 1988.

      Sin título
      COL/CC/MTC · Subfondo · 1795-1834

      Records relating to the London Militia, including papers of Committee to consider the Militia Acts, 1795-1796; papers of Committee for considering certain matters relative to the City Militia and the Artillery Ground, 1798; papers regarding use of the Artillery Ground, 1799-1800; account of money claimed on each parish for maintenance of wives and families, March 1799; lists of men who never joined or deserted from the East and West Regiments, May 1799; papers regarding raising of men for the Militia and Army of Reserve and offering of bounties, 1800-1804; lists of men enlisted for the East and West Regiments of the London Militia, 1799-1800; papers of Committee for considering certain matters relative to the City Militia, including papers regarding the presentation of Colours to the Loyal London Volunteers and London Militia, 1803-1805 and 1807-1808; Special Militia Committee, including questions proposed to the Commanding Officers of the London Militia with their replies, accounts of Trophy Tax, accounts of the number of men discharged from the two Regiments and of promotions and desertions and returns from the parishes of monies paid to militia men's wives and families, 1810-1814; papers of the Militia Committee, including copy of the Militia Bill (1820), 1817-1828; papers of Special Committee regarding the Trophy Tax and the London Militia, 1831 and 1834; minute books of Special Militia Committee, 1810-1817 and 1820-1821.

      The papers include some signed reports of the Committee to the Court of Common Council and also correspondence from the Court of Lieutenancy and up to 1799 from the Honourable Artillery Company enclosing copies of resolutions, reports, proceedings etc. of those bodies.

      Sin título
      MCC/HS/UM · Colección · 1949-1965

      Records of the Middlesex County Council Health Department relating to unsupported mothers, 1949-1965, comprising case files and index cards. Please note access to these files is restricted under the Data Protection Act.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/1730 · Colección · 1906-1980

      Records of the London Fire Brigade Widows and Orphans Fund, including minutes; annual reports; rules; subcription books; cash books; retirement fund accounts; and distress fund accounts.

      Sin título
      VICKERS, Phyllis
      GB 106 7VIC · Fondo · 1958

      The archive consists of answers given by Phyllis Vickers to a questionnaire on the 'position of married women in the British civil service', sent to Lady Paton, wife of the vice-chancellor of Melbourne University, at the request of Mary Field (with covering letters). The questionnaire specifically relates to the following issues: the marriage bar, Equal Pay, Equal Access to Jobs, Equal Promotion, maternity leave, superannuation, pension rights, relationships between single and married female employees, absence and punctuality of married women (compared to single women and men), retention and recruitment, grades. Vickers appears to have been a civil service employee, and her answers provide facts about civil service policy mainly gleaned from official literature.

      Sin título
      Mothers in Action
      GB 106 5MIA · Fondo · 1965-1989

      The archive consists of minutes, agendas, constitutions, circulars, working papers, publications, reports, correspondence, newsletters, and source material for publications including press cuttings and printed works from other organisations.

      The archive was transferred to The Women's Library by two members of the group, both active in the late 1960s to mid 1970s. As a result, survival of records is not uniform and reflects their interests, rather than being representative of MIA as a whole. Some non-MIA material was also present: this has been catalogued as 5MIA/13.

      Sin título
      GUNDREY, Elizabeth
      GB 106 7ELG · Fondo · 1959-1975

      The archive consists of papers and correspondence about 'Jobs for Mothers', papers about widows, working mothers and others, press cuttings, working notes, replies to questionnaires and lists of publications on careers.

      Sin título
      WATTS, Ethel
      GB 106 7ETW · Fondo · 1928-1961

      The archive consists of files on the National Health Service Superannuation Scheme (1948-1953), Royal Commission on Taxation (1944-1960), Women's superannuation (1947-1950), the Institute of Chartered Accountants (undated.), equal pay (undated.) and the Fawcett Society (undated.); private correspondence including letters from Philippa Strachey (1928-1961).

      Sin título
      NUTTING, Lady Helen (1890-1973)
      GB 106 7LHN · Fondo · 1938-1969

      The archive consists of press cuttings concerning marriage in the UK (1961-1968); correspondence, press cuttings, articles and official publications on marriage law and the status of women in various countries (1938-1967); correspondence, parliamentary papers and press cuttings on divorce law reform (1960-1969); copy of report on Homosexual Offences and prostitution (1957).

      Sin título