Mathematical analysis

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Mathematical analysis

Mathematical analysis

5 Archivistische beschrijving results for Mathematical analysis

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Macdonald, Professor George
GB 0120 PP/MAC · 1938-1977

Papers of George Macdonald dealing predominantly with the later stages of his career, 1938-1977, although there is some material relating to his pre-war activities. They reflect his work as an international figure in the prevention and control of malaria, his involvement with numerous governmental and non-governmental bodies, his relationship with colleagues, his numerous tours on professional business, and his research and writing.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL258 · Archief · 1806

2 letters to Owen Williams, 22-30 Nov 1806, relating to copper and timber production. Including 3 sheets of tables and calculations.

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GB 0096 AL353 · Archief · 1853

3 letters from John Thomas Graves of 29 Grosvenor Place, Cheltenham to Augustus De Morgan, 28 Jan, 4 Feb and 4 Jun 1853. Relating to the works of Simon Stevin and other mathematical literature.

Autograph, with signature.

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De Morgan Lectures, notes
GB 0103 MS ADD 5 · 1847

Student's notes on lectures on Algebraic Geometry and the Calculus, given by Augustus De Morgan at University College London from 11 March to 13 May 1847.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL479 · Archief · 1861-1863

Letters and papers relating to Gottfried von Leibnitz's claim to primacy over Sir Isaac Newton in the discovery of calculus. Including correspondence between H Sloman, William Hepworth Dixon (editor of The Athenaeum), W Metcalfe, Augustus De Morgan and a Mr de Fanget, 1861-1863. Many items are autograph and bear signatures.

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