Industrie métallurgique

Zone des éléments



Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

    Note(s) sur la source


    Note(s) d'affichage

      Termes hiérarchiques

      Industrie métallurgique

      Terme générique Industrie manufacturière

      Industrie métallurgique

        Termes équivalents

        Industrie métallurgique

        • Employé pour Industrie des métaux
        • Employé pour Industria de los metales

        Termes associés

        Industrie métallurgique

        53 Description archivistique résultats pour Industrie métallurgique

        53 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
        Cockerell, Sir Charles: letter
        GB 0096 AL399 · Fonds · [1800-1850]

        Letter from Sir Charles Cockerill of Sezincote, Gloucestershire to [Messrs Thwaites and Reed, clockmakers], 28 Jan [1800-1850]. In reply to their letter of 27 Jan, Cockerell 'will send to the clock maker at Stow[-on-the-Wold] to examine the clock with his own clerk of the works and to oil them, as suggested. The result of which shall be communicated to T. and R.'

        Autograph, with signature.

        Sans titre
        John Bradley & Co., Ironfounders
        GB 0096 MS 798 · 1830

        Correspondence to John Bradley & Co., mostly being very detailed orders for iron, except for a few letters addressed to James Foster himself.

        Sans titre
        Steel Company of Wales
        GB 0097 SCOW · 1928-1957

        Records of Welsh steelworks, 1928-1957, including statistical data relating to output, costs, profit and loss, and mainly comprising weekly reports from individual companies and works.

        Sans titre