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      • Usado para Iron and steel making
      • Usado para Metal technology
      • Usado para Metallurgical engineering
      • Usado para Fabrication du fer et de l'acier
      • Usado para Génie des matériaux métalliques
      • Usado para Génie métallurgique
      • Usado para Technologie des métaux
      • Usado para Fabricación de hierro y de acero
      • Usado para Ingeniería de los metales
      • Usado para Ingeniería metalúrgica
      • Usado para Tecnología de los metales

      Términos asociados


      15 Descripción archivística resultados para Metalurgia

      Camberwell College of Arts
      GB 0000 Camberwell College of Arts Archive · 1898-2002 (ongoing)

      Records of Camberwell College of Arts, comprising minutes of the Joint Advisory Sub-Committee, 1898-1938; reports of the Joint Advisory Printing Advisory Committee minutes, 1965-1973; minutes of meetings of the Governors, 1980-1981;Sub-Committee, 1917-1949; attendance books, 1898-1951; agenda books, 1906, 1913-1915;

      correspondence from London County Council Higher Education Sub-Committee concerning their decision on reports of the Joint Advisory Sub-Committee, 1921-1924;

      Secretary's account book, 1899-1901; accounts, including for the Sketch Club, 'Cambians' student association, students' union, exhibitions and examination expenses, 1930-1945; register of staff, [1898-1939]; papers relating to teaching staff, 1914-1962, including correspondence concerning appointments, memorandums; register of students, 1898-1900;

      minutes of meeting concerning the extension of the school, 1901, estimates for building alterations, 1903; address on the opening of the school extension, 1904; programme and press cuttings for opening of the new building, 1913; papers relating to the sculpture building extension, 1950-1954, including building plan, 1950; notes and minutes of site meeting, 1950; builders' estimates, 1951; programme for the opening of the new School for Sculpture, correspondence concerning the ceremony, text of speech and list of guests, 1953; press cuttings, 1953;

      papers relating to a school war memorial, 1919-1923; correspondence relating to gifts to the school, 1935-1954, including portraits, furniture, books and journals, equipment; plans, notes and invitations relating to exhibitions of students work at the South London Art Gallery, 1913-1914, 1928-1932;

      papers relating to Diploma of Art and Design at Camberwell, [1960]-1963; copy instrument of government of the London Institute, [1985]; correspondence and papers concerning proposed changes to Higher Education, 1977, including statement from Camberwell opposed to the changes;

      prospectuses, 1898-2002; exhibition catalogues and degree show catalogues, 1989-2002;

      press cuttings relating to the school, 1924-1937; students' exhibitions and work of students and staff, 1960-1967; private view cards of staff and students, [1980s-2002]; photographs, 1970s, of students and staff working at Camberwell;

      copies of 1st and 2nd editions of the Cambian, 1928, 1930, printed by the School Press containing examples of student work;

      ephemera relating to Camberwell School, art and the Camberwell area, 1950s-2002, including press cuttings and programmes for events; typed notes on the history of the School, 1990s.

      copies of the London Technical Education Gazette, 1900-1903; London County Council Technical Education Board minutes, 1904; London County Council circulars, 1931-1932.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CLC/147 · Colección · 1910-1916

      Minute book of the Mining and Metallurgical Club, 1910-1916, with a note dated 2010.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CLC/L/AB · Colección · 1413-1985

      Records of the Worshipful Company of Armourers and Brasiers. The records were compiled from the early 15th century, but they include title deeds from 1290. Records include charters; ordinances; Court minute books; minute books of Master and Wardens meetings; papers relating to bursaries and benefactions; lists of Masters and Wardens; registers of apprentice bindings and freedom admissions; quarterage books; financial accounts; papers relating to charities and almshouses; papers relating to estates owned by the Company; inventories; plans of Armourer's Hall; deeds and other legal documents relating to property owned by the Company.

      The archive also includes records of Camden almshouses, 1895 - 1947 (Ms 33960 and Ms 35052A, 2 production units). They include rules and orders, sale particulars, licences and correspondence. Further references may be found in other Company records such as minutes and accounts.

      IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

      Sin título
      University of London related records
      GB 0098 UL · Created 1901-1989

      Records of Imperial College relating to the University of London, 1901-1989, including correspondence concerning syllabuses and examinations, 1901-1905; Principal's correspondence, 1910-1914; centenary celebrations, 1935; 150th anniversary, 1986; student accommodation, 1943-1944; Commissioners, 1927-1928; University of London Act and Statutes, 1926-1956; reports and proposed Act, 1975-1981; establishment of Imperial College as a University School, 1907-1908; correspondence with the Court concerning grants, 1930-1946; visitations and inspections, 1923-1985, including reports; papers relating to Quinquennial estimates, visits, developments and policy, 1946-1980, including Rector's papers, 1957-1969; academic plan, 1965-1970; governance of the university, notably Rector's correspondence, 1970-1983; reports, 1972-1982; Senate minutes, 1987-1989 (UL4-ULB);

      Military Education Committee and Officers' Training Corps correspondence and papers, 1908-1958, including D Company roll book, 1927-1936; University Air Squadron correspondence, 1935-1939 (ULC); Conference and Committee papers on Engineering, and award of degrees, 1909-1926; correspondence concerning the recognition of Imperial College courses, 1945-1969; entrance and pass requirements for BSc degrees, 1954-1963; papers relating to postgraduate courses, 1961-1987 (ULG); correspondence relating to examinations and curricula, 1908-1934; student registration, 1952; confidential theses, 1940-1945 (ULH); Boathouse Committee papers, 1934-1947; University of London Students' Union ephemera, 1989 (ULM);
      papers relating to the Nuclear Reactor Centre, Silwood Park, 1958-1980, notably opening, 1964-1965; purchase of the reactor, 1958-1965; Reactor Safety Committee, 1964-1974 (ULN);
      papers concerning University Chairs and Readerships, 1908-1968, including regulations, 1922; correspondence concerning proposed Chairs and appointments, 1943-1968; Chairs tenable at Imperial College, 1943-1957; conferment of title of Professor and Readerships, 1931-1965; endowment of a Chair and Readership in Electrical Engineering, 1953-1958; applications for Assistant Professorships in Mining and Botany, 1908-1910 (ULO); papers concerning appointments to Chairs, with some papers concerning funding and administration for the Departments of Aeronautics, 1943-1975; Biochemistry, 1955-1979; Biology, 1952-1953; Botany including Biochemistry and Plant Physiology, 1936-1979; Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology, 1935-1977; Analytical Chemistry, 1964-1975; Organic Chemistry, 1937-1978; Physical Chemistry, 1937-1977; Civil Engineering, 1945-1973; Computing and Control, 1974-1977; Electrical Engineering, 1944-1978; Geology, 1929-1975; Industrial Sociology, 1967-1978; Mathematics, 1946-1978; Mechanical Engineering, 1931-1978; Metallurgy, 1939-1976; Meteorology, 1933-1974; Mining, 1912-1980; Physics, 1937-1977; Zoology, 1930-1977 (ULP); appointments of readers in the Departments of Aeronautics and Aerodynamics, 1949-1972; Botany, 1942-1970; Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology, 1932-1970; Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, 1937-1965; Organic Chemistry, 1944-1971; Civil Engineering, 1946-1977; Computing and Control, 1967-1968; Electrical Engineering, 1947-1965; Geology, 1936-1976; Mathematics, 1932-1977; Mechanical Engineering, 1936-1967; Metallurgy, 1937-1970; Meteorology, 1938-1970; Mining, 1950-1975; Physics, 1938-1970; Zoology, 1937-1970 (ULR);
      correspondence concerning the recognition of college staff as teachers of the University, 1908-1949; establishment of the London Graduate School of Business Studies, 1963-1966; collaboration with Queen Elizabeth College, 1968-1981; with the Royal Postgraduate Medical School, 1968-1974; correspondence with Royal Holloway College, 1918-1974; with University College concerning a course on air navigation, 1936-1953 (UM).

      Sin título
      Desch, Cecil Henry (1874-1958)
      GB 0116 Cecil Henry Desch Collection · 1884-1949

      Papers of Cecil Henry Desch consist of correspondence (CHD/1) to and from various recipients, including Henry Edward Armstrong, John Oliver Arnold, Henry Balfour, Herbert John Fleure, Henri Frankfort, John Vernon Harrison, Sir John Linton Myers and Harold John Edward Peake; mainly relating to geology, archaeology, metallurgy and honours.

      Sin título
      Folkes, Martin (1690-1754)
      GB 0117 MS 250 · 1710-1754

      Correspondence, mainly to Martin Folkes on a large variety of subjects, including administrative matters for the Royal Society.

      Sin título
      PERCY, John (1817-1889)
      GB 378 LDGSL/914 · Unidad documental simple · 1864-1888

      Scrapbook of cuttings collected and notes made by Dr John Percy between 1864 and 1888, including transciptions of a series of twelve lectures given at the Royal School of Mines in December 1863 and January 1864, as published in 'Chemical News' between January and August 1864. The lectures, entitled 'Chemical Geology', are annotated and cover subjects such as silicon, alumina, sulphur and diamond.

      These cuttings from 'Chemical News' are interspersed with those from several other publications, primarily the 'Engineering and Mining Journal', 'Mining Journal', and 'The Times' newspaper, as well as handwritten notes by Percy. Content mostly involves diamonds, diamond mining, and other mining activities.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CLC/L/BD · Colección · 1494-2006

      Records of the Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths, 1494-2006. Records include charters; ordinances; court minutes; financial accounts; apprentice bindings registers; freedom admission registers; and deeds relating to Company property. Please note no access is allowed to Ms 2881/27-40 without permission from the Company.

      Collection also includes records of the Fraternity of St Eligius (MS 02883 and 05535, ca 1424 and 1496, 2 production units). An inventory of goods belonging to the Fraternity of St Loye at Blacksmiths' Hall dated 1496 survives in a volume of Blacksmiths' Company wardens' accounts [GL Ms 2883/1]. It includes three garlands [caps] bearing an image of St Eligius, which almost certainly were used to crown the incoming master and wardens. This is apparently the last documented reference to the Fraternity and its subsequent history is unknown.

      Ms 5535 was deposited in the Manuscripts Section of Guildhall Library by the Farriers' Company in 1949. Ms 2883/1 was amongst records deposited by the Blacksmiths' Company in 1929 and 1946. Both volumes now form part of the archive of the Blacksmiths' Company Catalogued at various dates by members of Guildhall Library staff.

      IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

      Sin título
      WATSON, David (fl 1864-1899)
      GB 0098 B/WATSON · Created 1864-1867

      Notebooks of David Watson, [1864-1867], containing notes on lectures by Professor Andrew Ramsay concerning geology; lectures by August Wilhelm von Hofmann, 1865; lectures by Professor Edward Frankland concerning organic chemistry; lectures by T H Huxley concerning natural history, 1865; palaeontological demonstrations by Robert Etheridge, 1867; notes on mining, metallurgy and physics.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/197 · Colección · 1896-1968

      The records of Searle and Company Limited, jewellers and silversmiths, comprising customer ledgers recording sales to private clients 1896-1968.


      Sin título
      GB 0098 B/DANNATT · Created 1910-1960

      Papers of Professor Cecil William Dannatt, [1910]-1960, comprising notebooks made when a student at the Royal School of Mines (Imperial College), [1910-1914], containing lectures and notes relating to geology, assaying, electrometallurgy, metallography, metallurgy, mineralogy, ore dressing, electrical engineering and applied electricity; correspondence, 1958-1960, notably relating to smelting oxidised copper ores, with Encyclopaedia Britannica concerning biographies; articles from 1947, including for the Cass Institute and Institute of Metals.

      Sin título
      PERCY, Professor John (1817-1889)
      GB 0098 B/PERCY · Created 1853-1860

      Papers of Professor John Percy, comprising letters to Richard Smith, of the Metallurgy Laboratories, Royal School of Mines, 1853-1860, relating to work at the laboratories; notes and correspondence relating to experiments on glass, 1840-[1888].

      Sin título
      GB 0098 KMET · Created 1887-1992

      Records of the Department of Materials of Imperial College, formerly the Department of Metallurgy, 1887-1990, including a departmental history from 1851-1963; course information, [1940]-1984; leaflets relating to assay of bullion, 1895; lecture notes, 1887-1888; Professorial correspondence with the administration department, 1908-1939; papers relating to proposed course, 1931-1939; Committee on metallurgists' training, 1943-1944; post of Professor of Metallurgy, 1908, Chair of Metallurgy, 1913; transfer of the department during World War Two, 1939-1943; Rectors' correspondence, 1955-1981; British Steel Corporation Fellowship, 1970; Nuffield Foundation Fellowship, 1948-1970; future of the department, 1976-1977; change of name, 1985; annual reports, 1988-[1990] (KMET);
      papers of the London Centre for Marine Technology, comprising research review, 1990-1992 (KMETM).

      Sin título
      Andrews, Thomas (1847-1907)
      GB 0117 MS 713 · sub-fonds · 1886-1888

      Effect of temperature on the strength of railway axles by Thomas Andrews.

      Sin título