Instrumento musical

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          Instrumento musical

          32 Descripción archivística resultados para Instrumento musical

          32 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
          GB 0074 P78/JNE · Colección · 1868-1999

          Records of the parish of Saint John the Evangelist, Blackheath, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns, and church services; registers of preachers, readers and collectors; legal documents relating to church properties; Churchwardens' records; papers relating to the maintenance of the church building and fittings including the organ; financial records; Parochial Church Council minute books; parish magazines; and photographs of the church.

          Sin título
          GB 0074 DRO/134 · Colección · 1903-1980

          Records of the parish of Saint Luke, Hornsey, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage and confirmations; church service registers; correspondence and papers of the incumbent; papers relating to the appointment of church personnel; papers relating to parish boundaries including plans; papers relating to the benefice and tithes; material regarding the church building including faculties, plans, drawings, contracts and specifications, reports and surveys; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; financial accounts; parish magazines and photographs.

          Sin título
          GB 0074 CLC/001 · Colección · 1637-1974

          Records of the Ancient Society of College Youths, including membership books, peal books, minutes, and notes on the history of the Society.

          The records were microfilmed in 1985 and 2003. Mss 21656-7A and 33992 are positive copy microfilms and microfiche presented to the Archive by the Society, which has retained the master negatives and the original manuscripts. Permission to take reproductions from the films or to publish extracts from the records should be sought from the Society's Hon. Secretary (please ask staff for further information).

          Sin título
          Haydn Clavichord
          GB 1249 MS 4117 · 1766, 1835-1930

          Volume containing documents relating to a clavichord made by Johann Bohak, Vienna, 1794, belonging to the composer Joseph Haydn, including incomplete keyboard partite in manuscript of Haydn [1766]; letter from Anton Prinster on provenance of the partite, 1835; statement by Anton Richter on the provenance and ownership of the clavichord [1852]; letter from Prinster on same subject, 1852; statement from Prinster's niece, Fanny Elssler, on same; letter to Anton Richter from members of his orchestra in Eisenstadt, Austria, on a performance of his Requiem, undated; English translations of the original German documents; two letters from Hans Richter, on sale of the manuscripts, 1911; article `Haydn's clavichord and a sonata manuscript' from The Musical Times, 1 Apr 1930.

          Sin título
          N/M/039 · Colección · 1894-1973

          Minutes of Trustees' Meetings and related papers, 1919-1949; Treasurer's balance sheets, 1936-1938; Trust accounts, 1939-1940 and 1952-1962; receipts and payments, 1947-1948; cash book, 1898-1904; Treasurer's cash book, 1900-1912; Trustees Treasurer's account book, 1945-1964, including Paddington Circuit, Willesden Circuit and Kilburn and Hampstead Circuit; Trustees Treasurer's statements, cash accounts and other documents, 1923-1937; minutes of Kensal Rise organ trust, 1900-1907; scheme for debt clearing on organ and school building, 1907-1908; papers regarding organ reconstruction and other repairs to the Church, 1947-1960; trust papers, accounts, receipts and correspondence, 1923-1937; correspondence, 1945-1951; minutes of the Manse Trust, 1920-1958; correspondence, accounts, and other papers relating to the Manse trustees, 1922 and 1950-1957; minutes of Leaders' Meetings, 1900-1909; minutes of Leaders' Meetings and minutes of Annual Society Meetings, 1910-1936 and 1947-1965; minutes of Teachers' Meetings, 1894-1906; minutes of Finance Committee, 1935-1941; Class book, 1897-1899.

          Sin título
          GB 0074 ACC/0449 · Colección · 1596

          Bond discharging the parish of Clerkenwell to provide for the maintenance and upbringing of a child, 1596. Also letter explaining how documents in the parish chest of Saint James Church, Clerkenwell, were being given away ca.1898 to make room when church was being repaired.

          Sin título
          BUMPUS, JOHN SKELTON (1861-1913)
          GB 0074 CLC/240 · Colección · 1782-1883

          Letters and papers of and concerning Maria Hackett (of 8 Crosby Square, Bishopsgate, 1783-1874), and letters relating to church music. 1782-[1910]. Compiled and collected early 20th century.

          Sin título
          LOFTHOUSE, Charles Thornton (1895-1974)
          GB 1249 Lofthouse · 1950s-1970s

          Papers of Charles Thornton Lofthouse, 1950s-1970s, comprising correspondence and associated material relating to his role as a music examiner; research papers and related correspondence for lectures and courses, mostly relating to 17th and 18th century music and the harpsichord repertoire; research papers for his Commentaries and Notes on Bach's Two- and Three-Part Inventions (London, 1956); programmes and cuttings of recitals by Lofthouse or in which he participated; music scores annotated by Lofthouse.

          Sin título
          ENGEL, Carl (1818-1882)
          GB 1249 MS 6858 · c1879-1880

          Volume of writings [c1879-1880] by Carl Engel entitled 'Musical Antiquities and Studies', containing manuscript autobiographical preface and list of his works; printed article 'Music of the Gypsies'; printed article 'Some Account of the Clavichord with Historical Notes'; manuscript 'The Music of the Assyrians'; manuscript 'Aeolian Music'; manuscript 'Testimonies to the artistic value of National Music'; manuscript 'English Musical Dictionaries'; manuscript 'The Unknown Great'; manuscript 'The First Attempt'.

          Sin título
          CRUFT, Adrian Francis (1921-1987)
          GB 1249 MSS 6229-6244 · 1933-1990

          Personal papers of Adrian Francis Cruft, 1933-1990, including diaries, 1936-1968 (missing 1938,1955, 1961); correspondence during his war service, 1945; notebooks on Associated Board trips to Africa, Prague and Malta, 1969-1986; typescript and manuscript notes by Cruft, giving biographical details, letters to the press, thoughts on composition and thoughts of Eugene Cruft (father) on the double bass; articles by others on Cruft; volume of published and typescript articles and talks by Cruft, 1958-1984, on music and other musicians, including Gordon Jacob, Edmund Rubbra, Bernard Stevens, the Royal Society of Musicians, the double bass, the British Music Information Centre; press and magazine cuttings on Cruft and his work; commission payments and contracts, 1948-1982; replies to Cruft from others on performance of his music, including Evelyn Rothwell, Peter Pears and Janet Baker; music certificates and diplomas, 1948-1981; programmes, 1947-1950s of concerts with Cruft as an orchestral player; obituaries on Cruft; mementos of early education, including school reports, certificates, cuttings, programmes and tickets, 1933-1937; reports on Cruft as student at Royal College of Music; letters from friends and colleagues, including Jacob, Rubbra, Adrian Boult and Malcom Arnold; papers relating to the Adrian Cruft Prize at the RCM, 1980s; files relating to particular institutions or subjects, including the World Association and British Association of Symphonic Bands and Ensembles, the British Broadcasting Corporation, Society for the Promotion of New Music, music in rural schools; correspondence of Cruft and Jocelyn Cruft with international contacts and institutions, 1980s-1990; personal and business correspondence, 1980s; copyright and commission statements, 1960s-1990.

          Sin título
          Hipkins, Alfred James
          GB 0096 MS 943 · c1860-c1936

          Papers of Alfred James Hipkins, comprising notebooks and scrapbooks compiled with the help of his daughter Edith, proofs, manuscripts, publications and some letters dealing with Hipkins' interest in musical matters particularly pitch and the history of instruments, [1862-1901].

          Sin título
          GB 0074 DRO/107 · Colección · 1845-1969

          Records of the parish of Christ Church, Barnet, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage, and confirmations; registers of church services; working papers of the incumbent; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; financial records; papers of the Sunday School; magazines, publications, newspaper cuttings, historical notes and photographs; papers relating to tithes, glebes and terriers; papers relating to the maintenance of church buildings and fittings, including faculties, correspondence, plans, specifications and architect's reports; and plans of the churchyard.

          Sin título
          PYE FAMILY
          GB 0074 CLC/493 · Colección · 1889-1955

          Papers of the Pye family relating to bell-ringing, including records of performances; notices of peals rung; notebook of the number and weight of bells in towers; composition books; photographs; journals and publications; memoirs and order of service.

          Sin título
          GB 0074 P80/JN · Colección · 1859-2011

          Records of the parish of Saint John the Evangelist, Hammersmith, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriages and confirmations; registers of church services; correspondence and papers relating to the church building and the organ; Charity Commission schemes and papers relating to the parish school and Parochial Church Council minutes.

          Sin título
          GB 0074 ACC/2428 · Colección · 1889-2013

          Minute books, peal books, annual reports and newsletters of the Middlesex County Association; leaflets and minutes of the Middlesex Association of Change Ringers and minutes, attendance books, financial accounts and administrative papers of the South and West District, including some papers of Percy Venn; and minutes and financial accounts of the North and East District.

          Sin título
          MATTHEWS, Betty (1919-1997)
          GB 1249 7065-7245 · 1907-1997

          Papers of Betty Matthews, 1907-1997 (predominantly 1960-1997), including correspondence, research notes, printed articles, booklets and pamphlets mainly relating to organs and organists, particularly English church organs, and including papers relating to Matthews' research topics, including 18th century concert life in South West England; the organs of Exeter Cathedral, Norwich Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, Eaton Hall (Cheshire), Lulworth Castle, Bath Assembly Rooms, Barnstaple Parish Church, and St James Church, Poole; organ building families, including the Lefflers, the Corfes, the Loosemores, the Gosses, the Harrises and the Dallams; organs built by John Avery, Bernard 'Father' Smith, and Thomas Swarbrick; John Skelton Bumpus and his library; Thomas Norris (1742-1790), organist; Kirckman harpsichords; the research, publication and distribution of Matthews' articles, including 'Mendelssohn and the organ of Crosby Hall' (Musical Times, 1973); 'Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1810-1876: a centenary memoir' (Kenneth Mummery, 1976); 'Winslade of Winchester' (Musical Times, 1978); 'William Parke and the Royal Society of Musicians' (Musical Times, 1988); 'The Lincoln family' (The Organ, 1989); 'James Hook and his family' (Musical Times, 1990).

          Sin título
          Royal College of Music: Bursar
          GB 1249 Bursar · 1882-1997

          Records of the Bursar of the Royal College of Music, including copy of Order in Council for passing Charter of the RCM with related papers, 1883; licences from Commissioners for the 1851 Exhibition for building at RCM, 1905-1976, including copy of original lease of 1891; accounts of donations, 1882-1896; register of subscribers, 1922-1946; RCM General Regulations and Annual Report, 1883-1884; contracts of Directors of the RCM on appointment, 1918-1984; annexes to Council papers (reports Director from RCM departments), 1888-1994; papers relating to conversion of examination room into Parry Opera Theatre, 1919-1923; papers, plans, photographs and correspondence relating to building extensions, 1962-1963; New Building Appeal (1969) papers, 1968-1970; papers relating to purchase of 6-8 Evelyn Gardens from the Royal Society of Musicians, for conversion into student accommodation (Robert Mayer Hall), 1968-1979; report by Norman and Dawbarn on condition of 1894 RCM building interior, 1972; building consultants' meetings minutes, 1982-1983; papers and reports on Opera Theatre, 1984-1988; papers on completion of Library works, 1984; specification for refurbishment of Concert Hall, 1993; Departmental reports to Council and Patron's and Palmer Fund, 1980-1989; Administrative Staff insurance papers, 1936-1979; RCM pensions trust deeds, 1962-1987; Prince Consort Foundation trust deeds, 1983-1999, and accounts, 1982-1994; George Donaldson Gift of instruments trust deeds, 1894; papers relating to the Museum of Instruments, 1968-1970, 1973-1980; lists of RCM stringed instruments, 1943-1993; Patron's Fund trust deeds, 1903-1912; John Astor Fund trust deeds, 1935; agreements between RCM and Royal Academy of Music in regard to development of the Associated Board, 1896-1920; Department of Education and Science, correspondence and accounts, 1973-1986; graduation ceremony programmes, 1995; miscellaneous papers on investments and pensions, 1962-1975, 1980-1985.

          Sin título
          MOORE, Stephen S (c 1900-1982)
          GB 1249 MS 6919 · 1926-1972

          Papers of Stephen Moore, 1926-1961, including correspondence on the establishment of the Worcestershire Association of Music Societies, including letters from prospective patrons Sir Hugh Allen, Carice Elgar Blake, Sir Edward Elgar, Sir W H Hadow, Sir Hamilton Harty; correspondence regarding Moore's donation of percussion instruments to the Royal College of Music, 1948; newspaper cuttings and order of service for the unveiling and dedication of the memorial to Elgar in Westminster Abbey, 1 Jun 1972.

          Sin título
          COULTHARD, William M
          GB 1249 MS 6923 · 1896-1959

          Correspondence mainly relating to organ construction and playing, 1896-1949, comprising 7 letters from Sir Walter Alcock, George Cunningham, Basil Harwood, John Ireland and William Murray,all to George Dixon; letter from Henry Willis to F J Livesey; letter from Percy Whitlock to Cecil Clutton.

          Sin título
          GB 0074 A/LBR · Colección · 1827-1987

          Records of the London County Association of Church Bell Ringers, including general committee minutes, Northern District Committee minutes and Southern District Committee minutes; Southern District financial accounts; peal books; steepleage books; annual reports; dinner menus and programmes; photograph and article about the history of the Association.

          Sin título
          GB 0074 DRO/081 · Colección · 1898-1984

          Records of the parish of Saint Philip the Apostle, Tottenham, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations, banns of marriage and church services; papers relating to parish property; papers regarding the church organ; financial accounts; minute books; reports and general correspondence.

          Sin título
          GB 0074 P93/CTC2 · Colección · 1842-1947

          Records of the parish of Christ Church, Watney Street, Shadwell, including registers of baptisms and marriages; papers relating to parish boundaries and the benefice; and papers regarding the refurbishment of the organ.

          Sin título
          GB 0074 CLC/016 · Colección · 1747-1999

          Records of the Society of Royal Cumberland Youths, bell-ringing society, comprising: name books, 1747-1999 (Ms 21658, 33995); peal books, 1748-1989 (Ms 21659, 34393); minutes, 1887-1989 (Ms 33996), rules, 1931 (Ms 33997); and notebook of ringing methods, [1924-35?] (Ms 33998). They were catalogued by members of Guildhall Library staff between 1986 and 2006.

          Some of the records were microfilmed in 1985 and Mss 21658-9 are positive copy microfilms deposited in the Library on indefinite loan by the Society which has retained the master negatives. The originals of Ms 21658 and Ms 21569/1 were deposited on 21 July 2003 (USE OF MICROFILM COMPULSORY), but the Society retains the original manuscript of Ms 21659/2. Permission to take reproductions from the films or to publish extracts from the records should be sought from the Society (enquire at the information desk for contact details).

          Sin título
          GB 1249 Bechstein Hall · 1880-1951

          Records of Bechstein of Berlin and London, piano-makers, 1880-1946, and of the Bechstein Hall and Wigmore Hall, 1901-1951, comprising sales books of Bechstein, giving names of purchaser and details of instruments purchased, 1880-1927; wages book of Bechstein staff, 1890-1912 and stock book, 1946; sales ledger, 1916-1921; instrument hire account book, 1912-1917. Bechstein Hall, day book, 1901-1916 (also includes day book of Arts Council of Great Britain, 1916-1951); hire day book, 1911-1916; cash book, 1912-1916 (and Wigmore Hall, 1934-1916). Wigmore Hall cash book, 1917-1924; daybook, 1930-1946; ledger, 1938-1946.

          Sin título
          Érard, harp manufacturers
          GB 1249 Érard · c1798-1917

          Ledgers of Erard, harp manufacturers of London, c1798-1917, giving details of purchasers, prices, packing, transport, repairs and exchanges

          Sin título
          Kirkman, harpsichord manufacturers
          GB 1249 Kirkman · 1770-1771

          (1) Lease and (2) Release, 19-20 Mar 1770, between Mary Lewis and Jacob Kirkman, concerning land in Walton-upon-Thames.
          (3) Presentment, 1771, by Jacob Kirkman against Robert Falkener, for counterfeiting Kirkman's name on harpsichords sold by Falkener.

          Sin título
          VIOTTI, Giovanni Battista (1755-1824)
          GB 1249 MS 4118 · 1798-1905

          Papers of or relating to Giovanni Battista Viotti, 1798-1905, comprising a manuscript autobiography 'since his entry into the world until 6 Mar 1798'; manuscript by Viotti on the origin of the 'Rans des vaches', the Swiss mountain melody sung or played to summon cows, recording his own experience of hearing it in Switzerland, undated; holograph will of Viotti, 13 Dec 1822; 5 manuscript letters from Viotti to Caroline Chinnery, Baron de la Ferté, Monsieur Cailheux, Madame Simon, and Monsieur Choron, 1798-1822; 9 letters from Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cambridge (1774-1850), on musical matters, c1813-1817; letter from George Canning to Mrs Chinnery, on the death of George Chinnery, 31 Oct 1825; letter from Samuel Rogers, poet, [to the Chinnery family], undated; portraits, sketches and prints of Viotti and the Chinnery family; article by E van der Straeten on Viotti, from the journal Die Music, 1902; various letters, 1885-1901 to Edward Heron-Allen on the provenance and content of his collection of Viotti material.

          Sin título
          Landowska lecture notes
          GB 1249 MS 4771 · 1929-1930

          Notebook of Liz Karger (née Rosenberg) on lectures made by Wanda Landowska, 1929-1930, including notes on performance of various keyboard pieces by Johann Sebastian Bach, George Frideric Handel, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

          Sin título
          DENISON, John Law (b 1911)
          GB 1249 MS 4890 · 1938-1939

          Correspondence between John Denison, W H F Blandford and Raymond Bryant on horn technique, particularly in relation to Haydn's Trio in E flat for violin, cello and horn, 1938-1939.

          Sin título
          WHEATSTONE, Sir Charles (1802-1875)
          GB 0100 KCLCA Wheatstone · 1757-1992

          Experimental notes, working papers, correspondence and lecture summaries compiled by Charles Wheatstone, 1836-1875, and photographs collected by him in that period. Notably including papers relating to the development and testing of the telegraph, [1836-1960]; descriptions of experiments and test results concerning the measurement of electromotive forces and electrical potential, [1840-1875]; experimental observations on the nature of magnetism, electricity and thermodynamics, including electromagnet design, batteries and dynamos, [1834-1855]; working papers relating to optics including experiments into refraction, colouration of compounds and polarisation, [1850-1875]; drafts of lectures on sound and musical instruments prepared by Wheatstone, [1832-1837]; material relating to the management of the Wheatstone collection of scientific instruments and library, 1890-1992; biographical material relating to the life of Wheatstone, the invention of the telegraph and Wheatstone's musical instrument manufacturing business, with unrelated newspapers, 1757-1975; stereoscopic photographs and glass negatives taken by Roger Fenton, Samuel Buckle, Jules Duboscq and others, featuring landscapes, still lifes, panoramic scenes of cities including Paris and Moscow and the interior and exterior of the Crystal Palace, Hyde Park, Sydenham, 1851, and especially the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1855, [1850-1901]; artefacts on loan from Department of Physics, King's College London, including telegraph apparatus, a nail fiddle and other prototype musical instruments, [1834-1875]; exhibition of scientific and musical instruments, [1834-1875].

          Sin título
          GB 1432 London College of Furniture · 1940s-1990s

          Papers of the Shoreditch Technical Institute, the Technical College for the Furnishing Trades and the London College of Furniture, comprising prospectuses, 1940s-1990s; press cuttings, 1951-1989; student magazines, 1960s-1980s; miscellaneous ephemera and photographs; quinquennial review reports, 1960s. A selection of musical instruments manufactured by students of the London College of Furniture.

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