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          64 Archivistische beschrijving results for Newspapers

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          GB 0096 AL249 · Archief · 1839

          Letter from Sir James Robert George Graham of Grosvenor Place, [London] to an unidentified recipient, 18 Mar 1839. 'The [Morning] Chronicle now reports much better than the other morning papers; but none of them are able to report, as you can. I am greatly obliged by your anxiety to give a good report of my speech on the Corn Laws [delivered in the House of Commons, 14 Mar 1839] ... Not one word was committed to paper beforehand, except the concluding passage which I send in confidence for your use, begging you will destroy it when you have used it ...'.

          Autograph, with signature. Marked: 'Private'.

          Zonder titel
          CHILD, Edwin (b 1846)
          GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP128 Child · 1866-1871

          Papers of Edwin Child, 1866-1871, notably relating to his experiences during the Siege of Paris, Franco-Prussian War, Sep 1870-Jan 1871, comprising diaries, 1866-1871, containing daily entries recording events and often weather, part of which is written on copies of Lettre-Journal de Paris: Gazette des Absents, 1870; letters (as balloon post) to his family and 'Mary-Ann', describing conditions under the siege, 1870-1871; papers relating to his service in the Garde Nationale de la Seine, 1870-1871, including record of service, testimonial, passes for safe-conduct, identity papers and bread ration coupons; photographs of Child and of scenes of the Franco-Prussian War; printed journals and books comprising French publications largely relating to the siege, 1870-1871.

          Zonder titel
          Newell, James Edward
          GB 0102 CWM/LMS South Seas Special Personal Boxes 1-16 · 1850s-1947

          Papers, 1850s-1947, of and relating to James Edward Newell, comprising diaries, 1870-1887, 1891-1892, 1898-1908, describing his life and activities, including life in Samoa; correspondence, c1880-1910, including letters received and letterbooks containing copies of outgoing letters; notes by Newell, 1870s-1900s, including various notebooks and commonplace books, and his recollections of Robert Louis Stevenson; sermon notes; typescript and manuscript mission reports, 1880s-1900s; printed and manuscript papers, 1880s-1900s, including talks and articles by Newell and others, relating to Samoan life, culture and anthropology, and missionary work, also including various printed proclamations and the Samoan constitution; press cuttings, 1850s-1900s, on Samoa, including colonial politics, on missionary affairs, and on Newell himself; copies of the newspaper Samoanische Zeitung, 1907; papers relating to Newell, 1910-1947, including manuscript notes, reminiscences, press cuttings, and a photograph of his grave in Gütersloh.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0064 HSR/T-V · Deelarchief · [1806-1948]
          Part of Historical Records

          This catagory contain single ephemeral items, printed or manuscript documents or cards, and photographs; they have usually been annoted or signed. It includes a copy of the order of ceremony of the funeral procession of Lord Nelson (q.v.) and tickets of admission to the funeral, 1806; a certificate of authenticity relating to a stone shot recovered from the MARY ROSE and presented in 1840 to Admiral Sir Edward Codrington (q.v.), Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth, signed by John Deane (b.1810) and William Edwards, the salvagers; a menu autographed by the signatories of the Atlantic Charter, 1941; the instrument of Japanese surrender at Hong Kong, 1945; and an order of ceremonial for unveiling the memorial to Admirals of the Fleet Earl Jellicoe (1859-1935) and Earl Beatty (q.v.) in Trafalgar Square, 1948.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0099 KCLMA Melville · Created [1930]-1945

          Papers relating to his military career, [1930]-1945, principally comprising official printed 21 Army Group report on the clearing of Scheldt Estuary, Belgium, Oct-Nov 1944, written in [1944]; typescript copy of article on the Tunisian campaign, 1942-1943, from The Times, 22 May 1943; two silk maps of Western Europe, [1939-1945].

          Zonder titel
          GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 64 · 1940-1945

          Copies of editions of World War Two newspapers, including Daily Express; Daily Sketch; Daily Mail; Daily Mirror; Daily Herald; Evening Standard; and Union Jack, 1940-1945, with articles relating to the withdrawal of British and French forces at Dunkirk, France, May 1940; the German occupation of Athens, Greece, Apr 1941; German and Italian frontier assaults across the Egyptian border, Apr 1941; US naval protection of British merchant routes across the Atlantic, Apr 1941; the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, United States, Dec 1941; the Japanese declaration of war on Britain and the United States, Dec 1941; the US naval victory over the Imperial Japanese Navy at Midway Island, Jun 1942; the establishment of Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force in London, under the commander of US Gen Dwight David Eisenhower, Jan 1944; the Allied capture of Rome, Italy, Jun 1944; the Allied invasion of Northwest France, Jun 1944; the surrender of the German armed forces in Paris, France, Jun 1944; the unconditional surrender of all German armed forces in Italy, May 1945

          Zonder titel
          GB 0099 KCLMA Nichols · Created [1984-1985]

          Papers relating to his service on HMAS SHROPSHIRE in the Pacific Ocean, 1944-1945, dated [1984-1985], principally comprising ''Shropshire' in the Philippines', a pamphlet on the service of HMAS SHROPSHIRE in the Philippines, 1944-1945, including the Battle of Leyte, Oct 1944, and the landings at Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, Jan 1945, written by Frank Hoolahan and published for New South Wales Branch of the Canberra-Shropshire Association, [1984-1985]; Shropshire Times, 25 Oct 1984, special edition commemorating the service of the HMAS SHROPSHIRE in the Philippines, 1944-1945; printed texts of lectures by John C Date to the Naval Historical Society of Australia, 1984-1985, notably on the Battle of Savo Island, Solomon Islands, 9 Aug 1942, and the Battle of Leyte, Philippines, 22-26 Oct 1944.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0074 LMA/4219 · Collectie · 19-- - 197-

          Photographs from the Associated Newspaper Group, including production scenes during early 1900's; an Ingranic R319 conveyor in the Daily Mail machine room, 17th April 1963; Daily Mail compositors on the stone, 6th May 1963; lino machines at work, 1963; foundry checking plates from auto plate, 1963; Daily Mail machine room, 1963; Daily Mail Editorial subs room, 1970; and production of the Daily Sketch, [1960].

          Zonder titel
          Antisemitism in South Africa
          GB 1556 WL 695 · 1929-1946

          Papers concerning Antisemitism in South Africa, 1929-1946, reflect opinions concerning the Jewish presence within South Africa, the activities of South African nationalists and a law suit against a leading South African antisemite. The collection notably includes a typescript extract from the antisemitic encyclopedia, Sigilla Veri (Bodung Verlag, Erfurt, 1929), in which a South African describes the extent to which Jews have infiltrated every layer of society; leaflet reprinted from the Rand Daily Mail in which the Witwatersrand Church Council denounces antisemitism; letter documenting the activities of South African nationalists including the founding of a new newspaper, De Transvaler, their annual congress, and their connections with the ex-patriate German community; report concerning a law suit against a leading South African antisemite, Salomon Gerhardus Maritz (General Manie Maritz).

          The collection also includes a memorandum entitled 'South Africa: Synopsis of memorandum on the in-roads of Nazism'; leaflet advertisng The Forum, South Africa's first national weekly review; copy of an extract from typescript letter reporting on the trial of von Moltke and his antisemitic activities and an extract from Sigilla Veri.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0097 COLL MISC 0761 · Collectie · 1922-1931

          Papers of L A Plummer relating to the New Leader, comprising 1. Scrap book containing samples of stationary and circulars and cuttings, mainly advertisements in other journals, 1922-1927; 2. Promotional letters for New Leader, also The Miner and The Post. 1925-1930. 3. Report by L A Plummer on a visit to the USA to investigate the American newspaper advertising system for The Evening Standard. 1931.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0097 GARDINER · 1887-1947

          The majority of this collection consists of letters to Gardiner, written mainly when he was editor of the Daily News. There are also press cuttings on subjects of interest to Gardiner, including Sir William Harcourt and Lloyd George, and press cuttings of Gardiner's own journalism.

          Zonder titel
          Labour Newspapers Ltd
          GB 0097 SR 1143 · 1911-1912

          Minutes and associated papers of the Newspaper Sub-Committee of the Labour Party and the Board of Labour Newspapers Ltd, 1911-1912.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0505 RHC AS200-204 · 1938-1972

          Royal Holloway College magazines, namely bound copies of Erinna, 1938-1955, Caviare, 1957-1962, Mr Gillie, 1966-1967 and Château, 1967-1977. Copy of Frid, a collection of the cartoons contributed to Château by Frederick Raymond Higton, 1968-1970. Editorial papers for Erinna, 1948-1951, including memoranda on the duties of the Editor and business Manager, 1948-1949, an account book, 1950-1954 and a circulation list for other colleges and universities, 1951. Bound volumes of Holocaust, a Student Rag magazine, 1970-1972.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0097 BARRY · 1921-1960

          Notebooks of Sir Gerald Barry, record conversations with Carl Goerdeler (a member of the German opposition to Hitler) and notes on British politics before and after World War Two; correspondence concerning editorial responsibilities at the 'News Chronicle'; texts of wartime broadcasts; diaries of Sir Gerald Barry's visits to France, Greece, Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland and the United States of America; a small section on the Festival of Britain consisting of a file of correspondence on the setting up of an International Design Centre and a file of correspondence on the redevelopment of Crystal Palace; one file of correspondence on censorship reform; and articles and speeches by Sir Gerald Barry and notes and drafts for his autobiography.

          Zonder titel