Nuclear physics

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Nuclear physics

  • UF Atomic physics
  • UF Physique atomique
  • UF Física atómica

12 Archival description results for Nuclear physics

12 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0117 Blackett papers · 1911-1975

The papers are extensive, relating to almost every aspect of Blackett's career in science and public life. There is biographical and personal material including large numbers of letters of congratulation received on the occasion of the various scientific and public awards and honours with which Blackett's achievements were recognised. There are records of his work on particle disintegration, cosmic rays, astrophysics and magnetism in the form of laboratory notebooks, working papers, correspondence, lectures, publications and broadcasts. There is documentation of his activities on various defence projects and as a member of government committees before, during and after the Second World War. Blackett's political interests are represented by material relating to the Association of Scientific Workers, Labour Party discussion groups on science and technology policy and the Ministry of Technology instituted after the Party's 1964 electoral victory. There are records of a wide range of science-related interests such as the history of science and technology, science, education and government, and nuclear weapons and disarmament, and of his overseas activities including material relating specifically to India and that concerned with matters more generally affecting developing countries.

A few lacunae in the surviving material have been identified. There are no documents relative to Blackett's service with the National Research and Development Corporation or the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and, of his correspondence during the Second World War, only that for 1942 survives.

Blackett , Patrick Maynard Stuart , Baron Blackett of Chelsea , 1897-1974 , physicist
GB 1832 BOHM · Collection · 1933-1996

Papers of David Joseph Bohm, 1933-1996, including obituaries on and tributes to Bohm 1992; material collated by F David Peat, a colleague of Bohm, for a biography, 1993-1994, transcripts of interviews, discussions and dialogues with Bohm, mainly on science, philosophy and spirituality, 1982-1992, including the dialogues led by Bohm at seminars at Oak Grove School, Ojai, California, 1987-1992; articles and papers on Bohm's work by other authors, 1981-1996; material directly recording his life and career, 1933-1990 (comparatively slight but includes papers relating to Bohm's difficulties with the House Committee on Un-American Activities 1949-1951); list of Bohm's publications, 1994; drafts by Bohm of papers and lectures, 1965-1993, mostly unpublished, including some drafts on quantum theory, although the bulk are of a philosophical nature; drafts by F D Peat, 1980-1982, drawing on Bohm's work on quantum theory, which were found with the papers; copies of a few of his published works, 1953-1993; reviews of Bohm's books, 1966-1994; general correspondence, 1950-1993, with some 90 correspondents, including photocopies of correspondence with Albert Einstein c1950-1954 relating to quantum theory as well as Einstein's advice on Bohm's career, and other significant correspondents including R Karnette, H M Loewy and M Phillips; photocopies of correspondence on a wide range of philosophical and scientific subjects with the American artist and theorist Charles J Biederman, 1960-1969.

Bohm , David Joseph , 1917-1992 , Professor of Theoretical Physics
BOWEN, John Edmund (b 1885)
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP87 · 1911-1912

The papers of John Edmund Bowen consist of two manuscript notebooks containing notes on lectures delivered by Professor Joseph John Thomson, Cavendish Professor of Physics at Cambridge, 1911-1912. Bowen's notes consist of detailed summaries of Thomson's lectures on subjects including the discharge of electricity through gases, recombination of ions, recent developments in researches on light and electricity, scattering of electromagnetic radiation and the quantum theory of light.

Bowen , John Edmund , b 1885 , Physics lecturer
BURGE, Ronald Edgar (b 1932)
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP099 · 1925-1997

Papers of Ronald Burge as Head of Physics at Queen Elizabeth College, 1963-1984 and at King's College London, 1984-1992, including papers relating to research projects including correspondence, proposals, grant application forms, and reports notably for the projects 'In-process monitoring of element composition and derived properties of polymeric materials by remote laser microanalysis' under the European Research and Development Programme on Manufacturing Technologies and Advanced Materials, 1989-1993 and the Esprit, (EU information technologies programme) project No 1007, (study on laser plasma), 1986-1993. Papers, 1942-[1990] relating to the history of the Physics Department at King's College London and in particular James Clark Maxwell and Charles Wheatstone including correspondence, copies of photographs, press cuttings and articles, papers relating to exhibitions, booklet entitled 'Some notes on the original investigations carried out by members of the departments of Natural Philosophy and Physics in King's College', [1925] and photographs including of physics equipment, members of staff, a construction site and uncaptioned group photographs, presumably of members of the KCL Physics department, [1985-1990]. Papers relating to memorials including transcript of a lecture given by Burge on his career, 'Imaging and diffraction (and people) at King's College London, 1950-1997', 1 Oct 1997; booklet containing reminiscences of John Yudkin, nutritionist at Queen Elizabeth College, on the occasion of his eightieth birthday, Nov 1990; copy of the Royal Institution Discourse, given by Burge, Feb 1992; papers relating to memorial services for King's College London academics including Claude Curling and William Charles Price and further papers relating to Price including biographies, obituaries, correspondence, bibliography and copies of photographs. Papers relating to Queen Elizabeth College including report of a committee set up to investigate the non-medical side of Queen Elizabeth College, Jan 1981; paper on the academic future of Queen Elizabeth College, 17 Dec 1981 and prospectus for the Queen Elizabeth College medical physics department, [1978]. Paper on technicalities of merging the physics departments of Queen Elizabeth College and King's College London, 11 Jun 1984. List of grants awarded to the physics department of Queen Elizabeth College, 11 Nov 1981. Correspondence relating to the Granville Prize in physics, 1992. Bibliography of publications by Burge, 1955-1989. Audio reels containing lectures given by Burge, 22 Sep 1969 and 14 Feb 1985.

Burge , Ronald Edgar , b 1932 , Professor of Physics
GB 0120 MSS.1978-1979 · 1899-1932

Notebooks of Marie and Pierre Curie comprising holograph note-book containing notes of experiments, etc on radio-active substances, with rough pen-drawings of apparatus, 27 May 1899-4 Dec 1902, produced in Paris and notebook incomplete entitled 'Les rayons, a,b,g des corps radioactifs en relation avec la structure nucléaire' illustrated with a few rough pen-drawn diagrams, produced in Paris.

Curie , Marie , 1867-1934 , née Sklodowska , scientist Curie , Pierre , 1859-1906 , scientist
GB 0099 KCLMA Evetts · 1910, 1935-1986

Papers, 1910, 1935-1986, of Lt Gen Sir John (Fullerton) Evetts, including report on Evetts by Col William Baume Capper, Commandant, Royal Military College, Sandhurst, Jul 1910; 136 photographic negatives relating to Palestine and the North West Frontier, India, 1935-1941; letters of congratulation for service and for decorations, 1936-1940, including letters from AVM Richard Edmund Charles Peirse, Air Officer Commanding British Forces, Palestine and Transjordan, and Lt Gen Sir George Alexander Weir, General Officer Commanding British Troops in Egypt, 1936, Gen Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchope, High Commissioner and Commander-in-Chief, Palestine and Transjordan, 1937, Lt Gen Archibald Percival Wavell, Jan 1939, Sir Harold Alfred MacMichael, High Commissioner and Commander-in-Chief, Palestine and Transjordan, Mar 1939, and Lt Gen Alan Fleming Hartley, General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Northern Command, India, 1940; three copy typescript reports on operations carried out by British forces in Palestine and Transjordan, 20 May-31 Jul 1938, 1 Nov 1938-31 Mar 1939 and 1 Apr-30 Jul 1939, by Lt Gen Robert Hadden Haining, General Officer Commanding British Forces in Palestine and Transjordan; group photograph of Evetts and the staff of the 'Evetts Mission', Melbourne, Australia, 1946; papers relating to the Joint Anglo-Australian atomic test Project, Woomera, South Australia, including lectures, correspondence, eight volumes of manuscript diaries by Evetts, Jan 1947-Aug 1951, and printed map of missile and rocket ranges, Long Range Weapons Establishment, Woomera, South Australia [1950]; typescript text of lecture by Evetts, 'Woomera, yesterday and today', in English, French and Spanish [1957]; edition of Spanish magazine Ingenieria Aeronautica with illustrated article in Spanish by Evetts, 'Woomera ayer y hoy', Jul-Aug 1957; printed illustrated article by Chris Wren entitled 'The Commonwealth's Cape Canaveral', from The Aeroplane and Astronautics, Mar 1960; booklet entitled '14 May 1689 to 14 May 1968. 1st Battalion, The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)' commemorating the Regiment on its disbandment, 1968, with manuscript note, returning the booklet to Evetts, from Most Reverend and Rt Hon Arthur Michael Ramsey, Archbishop of Canterbury, 14 Jun 1968; correspondence relating to legal action taken against Anthony Mockler over statements concerning Evetts' actions in Syria, 1941, in his book Our enemies the French: being an account of the war fought between the French and the British, Syria 1941 (Cooper, London, 1976); five letters to Evetts from Col George Alan Dawson Young, Middle East Commandos Historical Research Group and former Commanding Officer 50 and 52 Middle East Commandos, Jul-Aug 1983, relating to allegations made against 50 Middle East Commando by Martin John Gilbert in Finest hour, Winston S Churchill, 1939-1941 (Heinemann, London, 1983); papers, 1979-1986, on the Anglo-Australian Joint Project, including typescript draft chapters of Fire across the desert: Woomera and the Anglo-Australian Joint Project, 1946-1980 by Dr Peter Ralph Morton (published by Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1989); Bristol Civil Defence Sub-Section, report by Evetts as retiring sub-regional controller, 1959.

Evetts , Sir , John (Fullerton) , 1891-1988 , Knight , Lieutenant General
GB 0098 B/GABOR · Created 1911-1985

Papers of Professor Dennis Gabor, 1911-1985, comprising biographical papers, 1961-1985, principally press cuttings, articles, obituaries;

early papers and family correspondence, 1911-1975, comprising diary, 1911; papers, including details of classes, examinations, and certificates relating to the Joseph Technical High School, Budapest, 1918-1922, the Berlin Technische Hochschule, Charlottenberg, 1921-1922; personal papers, notably permits, identity cards, certificates; papers relating to employment at British Thomson Houston Company, 1934-1948; correspondence with the Foreign Office, with Andre Gabor, 1945-1969; diplomas, 1943-1974; photographs and posters, 1904-1975, principally of the Gabor family, research apparatus, the 1971 Nobel prize winners;

research papers, 1933-1974, including correspondence, reports, drawings, comprising essays, 1936-1946; papers concerning plasma theory, 1933-1955; optical design, 1940-1963; electron microscope, 1943-1957; communication theory, electron optics, statistical physics, 1943-1954; stereoscopy, 1940-1961; diffraction microscopy, 1948-1952; interference microscopy, 1949-1974; information theory, 1951-1965; mathematical theory of freedom, 1951-1962; thermo-nuclear power project and plasma theory, 1958-1966; flat TV tube, 1938-1971; papers and correspondence relating to his books Inventing the Future and The Mature Society, 1959-1974; correspondence and papers relating to patents, 1933-1966;

papers relating to his work at Imperial College, 1948-1972, including National Research Development Corporation research grants, 1953-1972; appointment as Mullard Reader in electronics, 1948-1967; inaugural lecture, [1959], 1970-1979; correspondence with staff and students, 1949-1973, notably with Rectors, 1949-1973, Willis Jackson, Head of Electrical Engineering, 1960-1968; lecture notes, 1948-1962;

correspondence, photographs and papers relating to the Nobel Prize, 1971-1978; papers relating to Samuel Roslington Milner, including memoir, obituary, 1959, correspondence, 1944-1967, notably concerning the publication of Milner's book; papers relating to CBS Laboratories (a division of Columbia Broadcasting System), 1942-1975, comprising correspondence and papers relating to Gabor's consultancy, including correspondence with Peter Carl Goldmark, 1942-1972;

general correspondence, 1932-1975, principally concerning research interests, including with Max Born, 1942-1965; Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett, 1956-1970; Cecil Reginald Burch, 1952-1975; Sir Charles Galton Darwin, 1944-1952; Morris Leopold Ernst, 1960-1972; Michael Edward Haine, 1943-1968; John Anthony Hardinge Giffard, 1949-1971; Sir Harold Hartley, 1959-1966; Arthur Koestler, 1946-1973; Sir Rudolf Ernst Peierls, 1945-1950; Michael Polanyi, 1953-1964; Sir Karl Raimund Popper, 1964-1972; John Boynton Priestley, 1957, 1964; Royal Society, 1958-1974; Sir Henry William Hugh Warren, 1943-1951; list of publications, printed articles and reviews, 1928-1974; tapes and slides, 1964-1972, comprising interviews, lectures, lecture slides.

Gabor , Dennis , 1900-1979 , physicist
GB 0099 KCLMA Nuclear Age · 1948, 1961-1968, [1979], [1985]-1989

The Nuclear Age archive consists of typescript transmission scripts, interview transcripts and videotapes concerning the development of nuclear technology and strategy from 1938 to 1989. It includes twelve typescript transmission scripts and VHS (Vertical Helix Scan) videotapes for episodes 1-12, Jan-Mar 1989, and 267 typescript transcripts of interviews with 195 individuals, prominent in the political, diplomatic, scientific and military aspects of the development and deployment of nuclear technology, from the USA, USSR, UK, Federal Republic of Germany, Israel, Japan, India, Pakistan and the People's Republic of China, 1938-1989, notably including Professor Georgiy Arkadevich Arbatov, Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1974-[1989]; Professor Hans Albrecht Bethe, Professor of Theoretical Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA, 1937-1975; Dr Norris Edwin Bradbury, Director, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Mexico, USA, 1945-1970; Dr Harold Brown, Director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California, Livermore, California, USA, 1960-1961; Zbigniew (Kasimierz) Brzezinski, US National Security Advisor, 1977-1981; James Earl 'Jimmy' Carter, US President, 1977-1981; Rt Hon Denis Winston Healey, Secretary of State for Defence, 1964-1970; Rt Hon Michael Ray Dibdin Heseltine, Secretary of State for Defence, 1983-1986; Dr Henry (Alfred) Kissinger, US Secretary of State, 1973-1977; Andrei Afanasevich Kokoshin, First Deputy Minister of Defence, Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic (RSFSR), 1992-1997; Robert Strange McNamara, US Secretary of Defense, 1961-1968; Professor Philip Morrison, Physicist, Metallurgy Laboratory, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 1943-1944; Paul Henry Nitze, Head of the US INF (Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces) negotiations, 1981-1984; Rt Hon Sir John (William Frederic) Nott, Secretary of State for Defence, 1981-1983; Professor Sir Rudolf (Ernst) Peierls, Professor of Mathematics and Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland, 1937-1963; Professor Isidor Isaac Rabi, Professor of Physics, Columbia University, New York, USA, 1937-1967; Lt Gen Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Prime Minister, 1974-1977; Professor Joseph Rotblat, Director of Research in Nuclear Physics, University of Liverpool, 1945-1949; (David) Dean Rusk, US Secretary of State, 1961-1969; James Rodney Schlesinger, US Secretary of Defense, 1973-1975; Helmut (Heinrich Waldemar) Schmidt, Chancellor, Federal Republic of Germany, 1974-1982; Professor Edward Teller, Director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California, USA, 1960-1975; Cyrus Roberts Vance, US Secretary of State, 1977-1980; Professor Evgeny Pavlovich Velikhov, Soviet Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, 1961-1984, and Professor of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, 1973-1986; Caspar Willard Weinberger, US Secretary of Defense, 1981-1987; Professor Victor Frederick Weisskopf, Professor of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 1946-1960; Professor Freiherr Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, Head of Department, Max Planck Institute for Physics, Göttingen, Federal Republic of Germany, 1946-1957; Rt Hon George Kenneth Hotson Younger, Secretary of State for Defence, 1986-1989; Solly Zuckerman, Baron Zuckerman of Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk, Chief Science Adviser to the Secretary of State for Defence, 1960-1966, and Chief Science Adviser to HM Government, 1964-1971.

Central Independent Television and WGBH Boston.
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP84 · 1929-1993

The papers of William Price, chiefly relating to spectroscopic analysis and photoionisation, comprise correspondence, lecture and teaching notes, notes compiled while reviewing scientific articles, original research notes, papers concerning Price's employment as an examiner, obituaries and reprints of journal articles, 1929-1993. These notably include correspondence with colleagues describing projects and experiments and sharing observations and data, 1942-1990; lecture notes and teaching papers compiled by Price on the theory of spectroscopy, theoretical and applied optics, especially microscopy, basic molecular chemistry, electron configurations and bond and dissociation energies of molecules, 1948-1978; notes compiled by Price for the peer review of articles and on Price's own published articles, including on the spectra of halogens, the structure of polyatomic molecules, on water and hydrides, the calculation of ionisation potentials, benzenes and hydrocarbons, the structure of the DNA molecule and natural fibres such as keratin, 1929-1977; original research notes on spectroscopic analysis, especially ultraviolet spectra of rare gases, ethylene, sulphur dioxide and other compounds, 1933-1986; papers relating to Price's work as an examiner including draft and complete examination question papers and correspondence, 1952-1978; papers concerning the membership by Price of various learned societies and attendance at scientific conferences and symposia, 1940-1992; obituaries and newspaper cuttings on Price and other distinguished scientists, 1976-1993; typescript copies and reprints of scientific journals containing articles by Price and others, on topics including spectroscopy, photoionization, ionisation potentials and electron configuration and bond and dissociation energies, 1945-1990.

Price , William Charles , 1909-1993 , Professor of Physics
GB 0117 FS · 1919-1956

Working papers and correspondence of Sir Francis (Franz) Eugene Simon. Scientific notebooks in the collection date from 1919-1934, largely the period of Simon's researches on low temperature physics at the Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut of Berlin University, and subsequently at Breslau. Other notes and manuscripts for lectures and articles are post 1930, while a large group of correspondence files are from the years 1922-1956, providing a full account of Simon's dealings with many fellow scientists and scientific organisations. Individual letter files concern V.M. Goldsmidt, Max Born, Gwyn Owain Jones and Nevill Mott among many other notable figures. Details of Simon's involvement in atomic energy development are to be found in papers on uranium isotope separation (MAUD Committee notes) and UK Atomic Energy Authority correspondence. Simon's professional appointments as head of the Clarendon Laboratory and as science correspondent to the Financial Times are represented by substantial groups of letters. There are twelve notebooks with some associated papers; the series also includes files of lectures, articles, cuttings and souvenirs, including photographs, with files of correspondence. Two later additions to the collection consist of correspondence and files highlighting Simon's contacts with industrial firms, universities and international organisations.

Simon , Sir , Francis Eugene , 1893-1956 , Knight , physicist
Tolansky, Samuel
GB 0096 MS 827 · 1926-1973

Papers of Samuel Tolansky, 1926-1974, comprising biographical and personal materials, 1928-1974, including printed obituaries and memoirs, notes on his educational and research record, photographs of colleagues and collaborators, personal and family correspondence and domestic papers; material relating to Tolansky's work in the Department of Physics, Royal Holloway College, 1946-1970, including general correspondence on equipment and supplies, research grants, and examinations, correspondence with the College regarding the Physics laboratories, and correspondence on visits to and by Tolansky; notebooks and working papers, 1940-1969, including laboratory notebooks, on subjects including nuclear spin, diamonds, lunar dust and interferometry; manuscripts of publications, 1926-1973, including scientific reports and articles, abstracts and book reviews, broadcasts and books, on subjects including interferometry, crystallography, diamond physics and jewish music; material relating to committee and advisory work, 1949-1973, for bodies including the University of London, Birkbeck College, the Kingston College of Art, the National Gallery, the Science Research Council, the Royal Society of Arts and the Institute of Physics; papers relating to external examination, 1947-1973, at the Universities of Bradford, Durham, Leicester, and Nottingham, the Royal University of Malta, the Gemmological Association of Great Britain and the Civil Service Commission; material concerning conferences, demonstrations and exhibitions, 1946-1972; scientific correspondence, 1932-1973, mainly relating to Tolansky's work on diamonds, with correspondents including officials of the Royal Society, the Royal Institution, the NASA Lunar Sample Research Programme, and numerous scientists, such as Charles Joseph Singer, Dame Kathleen Lonsdale, James Frederic Danielli, Sir Gordon Sutherland, Otto Robert Frisch and Patrick Moore; correspondence relating to publications, 1942-1973; correspondence and texts relating to lectures, broadcasts and television appearances, 1947-1973.

Tolansky , Samuel , 1907-1973 , physicist
GB 0505 PP36 · 1910-1985

Papers of and relating to Professor William Wilson, 1910-1985, comprising personal correspondence with scientists, 1921-1957, mainly relating to Wilson's work on quantum theory and on the theory of general relativity and gravitation, notably Sir John Anderson; Professor Edward Neville da Costa Andrade, Quain Professor of Physics, University of London; Sir Edward (Victor) Appleton, Secretary of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research; Professor Henry Edward Armstrong, Professor of Chemistry, City and Guilds College, London; Sir Ernest Govka Barker; Professor Charles Glover Barkla, Professor of Natural Philosophy, University of Edinburgh; Professor Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett, Langworth Professor of Physics, University of Manchester; Professor Max Born, Tait Professor of Natural Philosophy; Professor Sir William (Henry) Bragg, Fullerian Professor of Chemistry, Royal Institution, London; Maurice, Duc de Broglié; Prince Louis Victor de Broglié, Permanent Secretary of the Academie des Sciences, France; Sir Edwin Deller, Principal of the University of London; Professor Frederick George Donnan; Professor Albert Einstein, Professor of Theoretical Physics, Princeton, New Jersey, USA; Sir Alexander Gray; Professor Godfrey Harold Hardy, former President of the London Mathematical Society; Dr Arthur Headlam; Professor Egil A Hylleraas; Professor Sir John Ledingham, Professor of Bacteriology, University of London; Professor (Edward) Arthur Milne, Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics, Oxford University; Professor John William Nicholson, Professor of Mathematics, University of London; Professor Dr Max Planck, President of the Kaiser Willhelm-Gesellschaft; Sir (Chandrasekhara) Venkata Raman, Director of the Raman Research Institute, Banglore, India; Professor Robert John Strutt Rayleigh, 4th Baron Rayleigh, President of the Royal Institution; Professor Harold Roper Robinson, Professor of Physics and Vice Principal of Queen Mary College, University of London; Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl Russell; Sir Ernest Rutherford, President of the Royal Society; Herbert Louis Samuel, 1st Viscount Samuel of Mount Carmel and Toxteth, former Liberal Leader of the House of Lords; Professor Erwin Rudolf Josef Alexander Schrödinger, University of Vienna; Dr Arnold Sommerfeld; Professor Dr Wilhelm Westphal; Sir Edmund Whittaker, President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; and Professor Charles Thomson Rees Wilson.

Correspondence relating to research requests for the William Wilson papers, 1960-1985.

Wilson , William , 1875-1965 , Professor of Physics