Occupational sociology

Elements area


Scope note(s)

  • Sociology applied to the world of work, e.g. the workplace as a social system, occupational status, intergroup relations in the enterprise, etc.
  • Sociologie appliquée au monde du travail, p. ex. au milieu de travail en tant que système social, au statut professionnel, aux relations intergroupes dans l'entreprise, etc.
  • Sociología aplicada al entorno de trabajo, p.ej, el medio de trabajo como sistema social, el estatus profesional o las relaciones entre grupos en la empresa.

Source note(s)

  • http://vocabularies.unesco.org/thesaurus/concept7237

Hierarchical terms

Occupational sociology

Occupational sociology

Equivalent terms

Occupational sociology

  • UF Industrial sociology
  • UF Sociology of work
  • UF Sociologie de l'emploi
  • UF Sociologie de l'entreprise
  • UF Sociologie du travail et de l'emploi
  • UF Sociologie industrielle
  • UF Sociología de la empresa
  • UF Sociología del trabajo
  • UF Sociología industrial
  • UF Sociología ocupacional

3 Archival description results for Occupational sociology

3 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0097 NIIP · Collection · 1919-1977

Papers of the National Institute of Industrial Psychology, comprising records of committees, account books and registers; internal correspondence and correspondence with clients; staff files; papers relating to vocational guidance and intelligence testing, research projects, staff, procedures, and prizes; annual reports and ephemera; and photographs.

National Institute of Industrial Psychology
GB 0097 ROSE · 1975-1976

Papers of Professor Michael Rose, 1975-1976, comprising photocopies of notebooks containing handwritten research notes made by Rose whilst compiling data on French industrial sociology, later published as Servants of Post-Industrial Power? Sociologie du Travail and Modern French Socio-Political Structure (Macmillan, London, 1979). The collection contains summaries of meetings and interviews with key players in French sociology, reflections on the research process, contacts and references.

Rose , Michael , b 1937 , Professor , industrial sociologist
GB 0098 KIS · Created 1965-1981 (ongoing)

Records of the Social and Economic Studies Department of Imperial College, previously the Industrial Sociology Unit, 1965-1981, notably the papers of Professor Joan Woodward, relating to departmental organisation, lecture and course notes, [1959-1971]; course brochures and outlines, 1966-1978, press cuttings 1971-1978; Rectors' correspondence, 1968-1981, concerning the Joan Woodward Memorial lecture, 1971-1978; papers of the Committee on Sociological Studies, 1965-1970.

University of London , Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine