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    Toon aantekening(en)

      Hiërarchische termen


      Gelijksoortige termen


        Verwante termen

        29 Archivistische beschrijving results for Opera

        29 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
        GB 1249 7379 · 1824-1860

        Letters (10) and papers of or relating to Giacomo Meyerbeer, including to Giovanni Ricordi, 29 Jun 1824; to Leopold Ganz, 17 May 1847; to Jean-Antoine-Just Géraldy, c1850; to Annette Le Brun, ?before 1854; to James Steuart Bowes, ?1854; to C L Gruneisen, [14 Apr 1860]. With two testimonials for Leopold Ganz, 1845.

        Zonder titel
        CLIFFE, Frederic (1857-1931)
        GB 1249 MS 6870-6871 · 1889-1929

        Papers of Frederic Cliffe, comprising cuttings and correspondence, Feb 1908, regarding Cliffe's letter to The Daily Telegraph, advocating the performance of opera in the English language, and the establishment of a national opera house, 11 Feb 1908; Cliffe's reports as examiner on compositions of students at the Royal College of Music, 1907-1908; agreement with Novello & Co for publication of his 'Ode to the North East Wind', 1905; marriage certificate, 1897; Freemason's certificates, 1895 (MS 6870). Letters (c25) to Cliffe, 1889-1929, including from Sir George Grove and August Manns on performance of Cliffe's symphony for Crystal Palace, 1889; from C V Stanford, regarding submission of Cliffe's work for the Leeds Festival, 1901; from Hubert H Parry recommending Cliffe for appointment as Principal of the Guildhall School of Music, 1910; from Sir Hugh Allen, on Cliffe's retirement from the RCM, 1929 (MS 6871).

        Zonder titel
        GB 1370 WIA, Anne Marie Meyer · Collectie · c 1940-1990

        Working papers of the university administrator and scholar Anne Marie Meyer, c 1940-1990, on topics including: Dance; Costume; Opera; Ballet and Aby Warburg, art historian.

        Zonder titel
        GB 2108 KUAS73 · 1954-2005

        Brian Smith's collection of theatre programmes, compiled over several decades of visiting a range of theatrical productions in London and the surrounding area. The programmes date from 1954 up until the 2000s and as well as covering productions at theatres all over London’s West End there are some from New York, Paris, Sydney and Cape Town. Brian enjoyed a wide range of theatre including plays, musicals and variety shows. There is also a large collection of opera, ballet and concert programmes.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0096 MS 1088 · Collectie · 1875-1892

        Papers concerning American theatre and opera scrapbooks, 1875-1892, comprise to scrapbooks containing programmes of plays, concerts and operas performed in the USA, with particular reference to New York and the Metropolitan Opera House, from 1875 to 1892. MS1088/2 includes postcards of members of singers performing in the Metropolitan Opera 1890 to 1891 season, posing in some of their operatic roles. The volumes contained two loose inserts, which have now become MS1088/3 and MS1088/4.

        Zonder titel
        GB 2108 KUAS96 · 1845-date

        The Stephen Sondheim Society Archive documents the life and work of musical theatre composer and lyricist Stephen Sondheim. The core of the collection was collected by antiquarian bookseller and Sondheim enthusiast Peter Wood- his collection later passed to the Society. Additional material has been added since, filling in gaps in the Peter Wood collection and documenting productions and publications that have occurred since it was transferred to the Society.

        Both parts of the Collection contain a range of material on Stephen Sondheim and his work- notably programmes, leaflets, posters and press cuttings. There are also journals, books, audio visual material and collectables. The Collection dates from Sondheim's earliest work to the present and will continue to be added to as his works continue to be performed. There are also documents relating to the work of the Society itself, notably the Stephen Sondheim Society Student Performer of the Year awards (SSSSPOTY).

        Zonder titel
        Royal Opera House
        GB 1440 · 18th century-2003

        Archives of the Royal Opera House (ROH), comprising:
        some business records of the ROH and associated companies including Board minutes and papers of various opera companies using the ROH, 1919-1939; box office returns and payment slips for artists and theatre staff, 1919-1939; individual artist files, containing biographical information, prints and photographs 18thc to present]; production files 1946-present; minutes of the Board of the Royal Opera House Ltd, sub-committees, and management groups, 1946-present; files of the General Administrator/Chief Executive Office, and Assistants to the General Administrator, 1946-present; files of the Chairman of the Board 1946-1997; files of the Company Secretary's office, 1948-1996; files of the Personnel Office -2002 (closed); Contract files 1946-1980s (closed);
        Opera Company files 1970s - 1999; Ballet Company files 1947-1996; Birmingham Royal Ballet files 1970s-1991; some early performing company files are found with the General Administrator's files; Finance Department records, 1946-present;

        19th century correspondence, including letters of Frederick Gye (1809-1878), opera manager; Giovanni Matteo Mario (1810-1883) Italian tenor; Giulia Grisi (1811-1869), and Michael Costa (1810-1884) conductor;

        Press, Publication, Community Relations, Marketing and Box Office departmental files, 1980-2000; House Management files, 1948-1999; Orchestra Office files, 1948-present; Friends of Covent Garden files, 1964-1999;

        Ballet for All - education initiative files, 1964-1970s; London Opera Centre records, 1963-1970s; Production Office files, 1946-1980; Fly Department files, 1947-1977; Technical Department files, 1952-present;

        audiovisual collection comprising:
        audio recordings of oral history interviews relating to the Royal Opera House Development Project, 1997-2000; Verdi Centenary, 2001-2002; recordings of interviews and events at the Royal Opera House, 1964-2003;

        photographic collection comprising:
        photographs by Donald Southern, including black and white negatives and colour transparencies of performances, events and personnel at the ROH, 1959-1991; photographs by John Graham, including negatives of ballet and opera performances at the ROH, 1940s-1950s; photographs by Felix Fonteyn, including negatives of ballet productions from 1950s; photographs by Richard Holttum, including black and white negatives and colour transparencies of the ROH interior and exterior prior to development 1988-1991; photographs by Rob Moore including contact prints and colour transparencies of the ROH development, 1997-2001; Schal time-lapse photography of the development of the ROH, 1996-1999; Historic Monuments Commission photographic survey of the ROH interior and exterior prior to site development 1990-1996; two albums of photographs compiled by Edwin Sachs of the redevelopment of the ROH stage, 1899-1900, and the workshops; glass plate negatives used to create ballet post cards, 1950s-1960s;

        collection of music and choreographic scores comprising:
        printed songs, 18th -early 19th century; operas scores (vocal and orchestral) and stage managers scores, 1840s-1939; annotated opera stage managers scores 1946- present; annotated ballet stage managers scores, 1946-present; Staff Director's annotated scores for opera productions, 1946-present; Ninette de Valois' printed and manuscript music for ballet, 1920s -1930s; printed and manuscript ballet music, 1840s-1950s;
        choreographic scores for ballets performed by The Royal Ballet and Birmingham Royal Ballet;

        design and costume and collections comprising:
        Yolanda Sonnabend design collection including notebooks, reference files, and related material, 1973-1995;
        Ian Spurling collection of designs, photographs and press cuttings, 1975-1994; Toby Ward collection of drawings of the ROH prior to and during development 1996-1999;
        Glynne Boyd Hart collection of watercolours of the ROH development, 1998-1999;
        Ruth Hurle collection of drawings of back state, craft workrooms, opera and ballet rehearsals, 1930s-1940s;

        costumes and accessories, such as headdresses, jewellery, shoes and wigs, worn by artist appearing at he ROH, 1920s-2003;
        Comelli costume design collection including artwork by Attilio Comelli and others for costumes of operas performed at the ROH 1880s-1920s;
        Costume design artwork, 1946-present; design artwork for sets and props, 1946-present; models of sets for productions, 1946-present; Model Room files relating to ground plans, and technical drawing or set and prop construction 1946 to present; stage and ground plans, 1939; Production Wardrobe files relating to costume and accessories design 1946-present;

        miscellaneous large prints and drawings of performers and performances 19th and 20th century;

        collection of advertising posters, 19th century-present;

        programme collection including programmes for Gala and Special performances, and decorative programmes 1750s-present;

        press cuttings of announcements, reviews, interviews, 18th century, 1847-1939; Harold Rosenthal collection of press puttings, relating mainly to the ROH performances, 1847-1950s; press cuttings of reviews and articles about performers and performances, 1946-present;
        miscellaneous albums and scrap books relating to Anna Pavlova, and Nellie Melba, amongst others 1920s;

        library collection comprising books, periodicals and specialist publication relating to ballet, dance, opera, music and theatre; libretti, 1840-present; playtexts 1776-[1850]; reports commissioned by the ROH and general arts reports 1946-present; ROH publications and souvenir year books 1956-2002;

        special collections comprising:
        Royal Ballet Benevolent Fund collection of material relating to the celebration of the 50th anniversary of The Royal Ballet (RB), including papers, photographs, press cuttings, programmes concerning the RB and its predecessors - Vic Wells and Sadler's Wells Ballet companies 1931- 1950s;

        Spellman Song Sheet Covers containing illustrations of operas, and ballets late 19th-early 20th century;

        albums of Lady de Grey albums containing photographs of singers, composers, conductors, mostly autographed, dedicated to (Constance) Gladys De Grey, (1859-1917) Marchioness of Ripon, and opera patron, 1870-1920;

        collection of Dame Margot Fonteyn De Arias (1918-1991) ballet dancer, including costumes, accessories, photographs, correspondence and books, 1920s-1980s;

        collection of Dame Ninette de Valois (1898-2001) founder of The Royal Ballet, including awards, honours and correspondence, 1947-1993;

        collection of Leslie Edwards (1916-2001), principal dancer The Royal Ballet, including photographs 1920s-1980s;

        collection of Eva Turner (1892-1990) English soprano, relating to her singing career, including costumes, accessories, photographs, press cuttings, music and books 1920s-1940s;

        diaries of Frederick Gye (1809-1878), Royal Italian Opera General manager, 1847-1878, his daughter Clara Gye, and son Ernest Gye, ROH Manager, 1847-1877;

        collection of Olive Grime, dancer with the Beecham Opera Company, including press cuttings, contracts, correspondence, photographs, books and costumes, 1920s-1930s;

        collection of Reginald Goodall (1901-1990) English conductor, including correspondence and personal papers, 1900-1958.

        Zonder titel
        GB 1556 WL 575 · Collectie · 1933-1939

        Original correspondence between the Polizeipräsident of Berlin and the KBDJ concerning all the activities of the organisation, eg. theatrical performances, engagement of the actors, venues etc, 1933-1935; forbidden Jewish texts including essays, lectures, poems, play scripts, short stories, anecdotes etc; general file containing programs pamphlets, correspondence between KBDJ and Staatskommisar, also Jüdischer Kulturbund, Berlin, 1938-1939; Kulturbund correspondence with groups, members, lawyers, Nazi authorities (Blank and Hinkel), reports and 3 copies of the Monatsblätter, 1933-1935; JKB Orts and Landesgruppe (except Berlin): mainly correspondence, pamphlets, programmes and other documents of the organisation in the different cities viz: Hamburg, Breslau, Frankfurt, Leipzig, Dresden, Hildesheim, Kassel, Bayern, Erfurt, Königsberg, Mecklenburg-Lübeck, Oberschlesien, Ost-Westfalen, Rhein-Ruhr, Schwarzwald, Stettin, Wien.

        Zonder titel
        GB 1249 MS 6901 · 1925-1951

        Correspondence of Frank Howes, 1925-1951, comprising letter from Charles Sanford Terry (to H C Colles), enclosing Terry's edition of Coffee and Cupid (The Coffee Cantata): an Operetta by Johann Sebastian Bach (London, 1925); correspondence with Ernest Irving regarding Ralph Vaughan Williams' score for the film Scott of the Antarctic, and with Edward Joseph Dent on Gluck's Orfeo, and John Church's A Divine Hymn.

        Zonder titel
        GB 1249 MS 6911 · 1842, 1882-1894

        Letters (6) to Charles Santley, 1882-1894, including invitation to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh's concert in aid of funds for the Royal College of Music (with Santley's draft letter of declining), Apr 1882; invitation from George Grove for Santley to teach male vocalists at the RCM, Aug 1882; from Arthur Sullivan, requesting a score, Nov 1885; from W S Gilbert, advising that Santley's son be appraised by Sullivan rather than himself in regard to a part at the Savoy Theatre, London, Feb 1894. The collection also includes a contract for John Benje at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, London, Apr 1842.

        Zonder titel
        Perez, David
        GB 0096 MS 950 · Mid 18th century

        A score of one of Perez's operas, mid 18th century, Didone Abbandonata (Didone in Salveterra).

        Zonder titel
        GB 0369 RUT · 1912-1919

        Theatre and opera programmes from Ekaterinburg and St Petersburg, Russia, 1912-1913; Trans-Siberian Railway dining car menu, 1915; International Sleeping Car and Express-Train Company leaflet of Far Eastern services, with map and timetables, 1919.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/1287 · Collectie · 1889-1925

        Scrapbook relating to the Enfield Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society, including theatrical programmes, playbills and newspaper cuttings of reviews for performances by both the Society and other operatic and theatrical societies.

        Zonder titel
        GB 2217 CP · [1928-1989]

        Papers of Christopher Palmer, [1928-1989], comprising scrapbooks collated by Palmer containing printed articles, press cuttings, draft articles and programme notes relating to the work of Serge Prokofiev, including sections on Prokofiev's operas, ballets, symphonies and orchestral works, as well as general biographical material. There is also material relating to Palmer and Oleg Prokofiev's edition of Serge Prokofiev's Soviet Diary 1927 and other writings, (Faber and Faber, 1991), including corrections and editorial notes; and various drafts of articles and programme notes on Prokofiev written by Palmer, [1988-1992].

        Zonder titel
        Southbank Centre Archive
        GB 2881 · 1949-present

        Records of Southbank Centre comprising:

        Administrative records including:
        Opening Ceremony book of distinguished visitors, 3 May 1951, containing signatures of guests; Visitors books (signed by performers), 1956-1966; Press releases, 1969-1991 (1 box); Annual Reports, 1992-present

        Event diaries, 1951-present; records of attendance and ticket sales, 1957-1970s

        Arts Board Recreation and Arts Committee files, 1976-1982; Visual Arts Committee files, 1978-1982; London County Council Committee orders files relating to Royal Festival Hall, 1949-1975; Southbank Board administrative files, 1985-present

        Artist agreements, 1974-1976; administrative files 1970s-1980s; files relating to redevelopment

        Records relating to exhibitions including administrative files, papers and photographs, 1951-1994; printed catalogues of exhibitions; card catalogue of exhibitions, 1950s-1980s; photographs relating to exhibitions, 1981-1993

        Records of performances and events including Meltdown summer music festival publicity material, 1993-2000; music projects subject files, 1970s-1980s; South Bank Summer Music (SBMS) administrative files, 1969-1984

        Card index of performances at Southbank Centre venues arranged by artist, instrument, conductor and composer, 1951-1985

        Printed publicity material including Preview, South Bank Centre publication, 1991-1995; Scrapbooks containing printed programmes, 1951-1964 (18 vols); copies of printed performance programmes 1951-present; Exhibition programmes, 1976-1980s; publicity posters, 1980-2000; leaflets 1960s-present

        Collection of published magazines containing articles or special issues relating to the Festival of Britain of the RFH, 1951-1995

        Cuttings collection including newspaper cuttings, 1951-1964; Press Department cuttings, 1984-present; Education Department press cuttings, 1987-1993; cuttings and papers relating to site development, 1996; articles and speeches of Nicholas Snowman, 1992-1999; orchestral residency background, 1990-1995; redevelopment submission, 1991; seasons and launches, 1994-1996; cuttings re Festival ballet, dance, 1952, 1954; cuttings of concert reviews and events; press cuttings, 1984-2002

        Scrap books of press cuttings arranged by subject including Royal Festival Hall organ, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, 1954; National Theatre and South Bank Opera House, 1958-1965; Philharmonia /New Philharmonia Orchestra, 1963-1966; Royal Festival Hall Competition, 1965; Queen Elizabeth Hall opening, and acoustics, 1967; South Bank Summer Music, 1964-1968; Orchestral Resources Report, 1970; Night of Nights-Frank Sinatra, 1970; Kirov Ballet, 1979; Calas/Di Stefano, 1973; Andre Previn and the London Symphony Orchestra, 1975; Royal Festival Hall 25th anniversary, 1976; Horowitz concert, 1982; Metropolitan Mikado, 1985; and The Soul of the Terracotta Army, 1987

        Photographic collection comprising:
        Files of photographs arranged by subject including aerial views, auditoria, backstage, brewer and South Bank Lion, Embankment, Festival Pier and Jubilee Gardens, Festival of Britain, foundation stone and topping out, furniture and fittings, Hayward Gallery interior and exterior, models and artists' impression, organs, Queen Elizabeth Hall under construction, exterior and interior, Royal Festival Hall construction, exterior and interior, Royal Festival Hall completion, site and views from the site, staff and miscellaneous images, 1920s-1970s
        Scrap books of photographs relating to Royal Festival Hall construction, exhibitions, foyer exhibitions and other events, receptions, interior, exterior and models, Stage productions and films
        Collection of photographs and negatives of artists, conductors, events and staff

        Collection of visual materials including:
        Portraits of - Bela Bartok, Artur Schnabel and Sir Thomas Beecham, Sir Arthur Bliss, Walter Crane, Piero De Gamba, George Gissing, Gerald Moore, Paul Tortellier, by artists including Janos Halafy, Adrian Allinson, Wyndham Lewis, Sonia Miller, Bette Flashtig
        Collection of drawings by Dr Willy Dreifuss including portraits of Sir Thomas Beecham, Clifford Curzon, Jascha Horenstien, Otto Klemperer, Rafael Kubelik, Artur Ribinstein, Adrex Segovia
        Prints of Ludwig van Beethoven, Clara Haskil, Double Basses of the New Philharmonia Orchestra, Arturo Toscanini, by artists including Michael Garady, Doroth Bradford, A Rienzi
        Lithograph of Sir Henry Wood, view of Somerset House from Waterloo Bridge, view of Waterloo Bridge from the west; 27 prints of musicians and singers published in Vanity Fair, 1872-1908

        Collection of films and videos of programmes and promotional material, relating to the Festival of Britain, Royal Festival Hall anniversaries, architecture and building development, the South Bank development, [1951], [1976] 1983 -2001

        Sound recordings including:
        Commercial CD (100) and audio cassettes (50) recordings of concert performances held at Royal Festival Hall
        Oral history recordings (on audio cassette, DAT, and CD) of interviews with managers, London County Council members, architects, musicians, staff and patrons, including Felix Aprahamian, Hugh Bean, Lord Birkett, Tony Blackwell, Harry Blech, Jack Brymer, Shirly Cooper and Ted Higgins, Nicholas Danby, John Denison, Maura Dooley, Rober Glazebrook, Noel Goodwin, Ian Grant, Reg Fulker, Illtyd Harrington, Victor Hochhauser, R G F Howden, Michael Kaye, Frank Kellond Jones, London Festival/English National Ballet, Ruth Mackenzie, George Mann, Sir Leslie Martin, Lord Menuhin, Peter Moro, Yvonne Pegler, Anthony Phillips, Richard Pulford, David Seigle-Morris, Dennis Spall, Anthony Steele, and Christine Wilde, 1990s
        Recordings of miscellaneous interviews and broadcast radio programmes relating to Royal Festival Hall and the Festival of Britain, 1957, 1990-2000

        Material relating to the Festival of Britain including:
        newspapers, magazines, guides, extract articles, programmes and exhibition catalogues [1951-1993]; Festival plans and posters; Festival ephemera and objects including ash tray, curtain, head scarf, press pass, presentation soap [1951]; chairs and other furniture
        Cassette and CD recordings containing extracts from BBC commentaries, relating to the opening of Royal Festival Hall, various events, and interviews with Robert Matthew and William Allen; Festival Times, publication of the Festival of Britain Society, 1989-present.

        Zonder titel
        GB 1249 MS 6860 · c1865-1945

        Material relating to the literary activity of Charles and Mary Cowden-Clarke and other members of the Novello family, comprising: a. Items related to Mrs Cowden Clarke and her relations in the possession of F H Haines, and memoranda. Typescript. b. Thomas James Serle, Bohun of Sheenly: a tale in verse. Galley proofs. c. Thomas James Serle, A Day Dream in 5 Books (privately printed, 1865). d. Photograph of Thomas James Serle (1979 copy), with accompanying letter from Geoffrey Larken. e. William Shakespeare, Touchstone's part from As you like it. Charles Cowden-Clarke's manuscript copy, with the addition made to his first lecture on Molière and an addition to his third lecture on Molière. f. Frederick Haselfoot Haines: List of material made available to Professor Richard Altick. g. Richard Altick: 5 typescript letters to F H Haines (with some replies) about the loan of Clarke family material, 1943-1945. h. Joseph Alfred Novello, O for the Songs of the Past: a greeting to the Musical Societies of Great Britain (privately printed, 1873). i. Novello, Ewer & Co., Catalogue of Shakespeare Music, 1893. j. Mary Cowden-Clarke, letter to the Illustrated London News on John Keats, 15 Feb 1896. k. Il Secolo XIX. Issues of 9-10 Feb 1893, 12-13 Feb 1893 (including reviews of the first two performances of Verdi's Falstaff).

        Zonder titel
        GB 1556 WL 1365 · 1943-1995

        Papers relating to Peter Kien, 1943-1995, including original and copies of manuscripts and transcriptions of Kien's writings, personal documentation and sketches; publicity material relating to the performance of the Der Kaiser von Atlantis oder der Tod dankt ab, for which Peter Kien wrote a libretto; articles about his life and work and transcript of Petra Kiener's radio programme 'Peter Kien nicht vergessen'.

        Zonder titel
        Crofton, Cecil Frederick
        GB 0096 MS 1009 · 1874-1919

        Biographical scrapbook, compiled by Cecil Frederick Crofton, including the following: correspondence, cuttings, watercolours and exam papers from Crofton's time at Forest School, near Snaresbrook, including cuttings of poems and articles by Crofton in the school magazine, exam papers, watercolours and illustrations of areas surrounding the school and correspondence with the headmaster regarding fees and attendance, 1874-1876; playbills, cuttings, posters, programmes and illustrations from a majority of Crofton's performances both as an opera singer and actor, both amateur and professional, also including dinner and engagement cards and illustrations and small watercolours by Crofton of theatrical scenes and fellow performers, 1877-1913; Cuttings and illustrations regarding the funeral of the Duke of Devonshire, 1908; correspondence, cuttings and illustrations regarding Sir Nevil Macready, 1919.

        Zonder titel
        Verdi, Giuseppe
        GB 0096 MS 921 · 1847

        A contract to publish music from the opera Macbeth, 1847.

        Zonder titel
        Donizetti, Gaetano
        GB 0096 SLV 84 · c1825-1845

        A manuscript fair copy of the opera Gabriella Di Vergy, c 1825-1845, with passages written in the hand of the composer, Gaetano Donizetti.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0505 BC AS210-215 · 1894-1974

        Papers relating to the Athletics Union, comprising correspondence concerning the purchase and equipping of College sports grounds, 1919-1934, and an accounts book, 1937-1944; correspondence of the Sports Club, 1912 and 1942; minutes of the Architectural Society, 1894-1919; programmes and posters relating to the Bedford Light Opera Group, [1960-1970]; copies of Bots Up, the magazine of the Botany Department, 1972-1974; copy of Bio-Log, the magazine of the Biological Society (and successor to Bots Up), 1977; copies of Ho, the magazine of the Psychology Department, 1972-1974; minutes and member lists of the Geological Society, 1910-1944.

        Zonder titel
        GB 2108 KUAS82 · [1920-1999]

        The David Heneker Archive contains the working papers of musical theatre composer David Heneker, who wrote or contributed to several well known musicals incluing 'Half a Sixpence' and 'Charlie Girl'. The Archive contains materials relating to each of the shows David Heneker worked on including drafts of songs and scripts, musicals scores, correspondence and publicity. There is also material relating to his work as a songwriter in the 1930s and 1940s (including the Second World War), and his work for films and advertising. There are also materials relating to shows and films that David Heneker worked on that never reached the final production stage.

        Zonder titel
        PROKOFIEV, Serge (1891-1953)
        GB 2217 SP · [1915]-1936

        Papers of Serge Prokofiev, [1915]-1936, mainly comprising private and business correspondence relating to the performance and publication of Prokofiev's compositions. Much of the collection consists of personal correspondence concerning his working relationship with other artists including conductors Albert Coates, Sir Henry Wood, Sergei Koussevitsky, Hermann Scherchen, and Ernest Ansermet; soloists Joseph Szigeti, Pablo Casals, Robert Soëtans and Fyodor Shalyapin; composers Igor Stravinsky, Nikolai Miaskovsky, Maurice Ravel and practically all French composers of the 1920s and 30s; theatre directors Vsevolod Meyerhold and Alexander Tairov; the Director of the Ballets Russes, Serge Diaghilev; poets and writers such as Konstantin Balmont and Vladimir Maiakovsky; and chess grandmaster José Capablanca. The papers also include financial material such as bills and accounts, legal papers and correspondence concerning concerts in the USA, France, Italy, Spain, England, the Soviet Union and Germany; and the publication and copyright of Prokofiev's work. Individuals and companies with which Prokofiev dealt in these matters included musical societies such as the Aeolian Company in the USA, Concerts Populaires de Bruxelles, and Concerts Pasdeloup in Paris; music publishers such as Breitkopf and Härtel in Leipzig, Russicher Musikverlag in Berlin and Edition Russe de Musique in Paris; and Soviet music publishing and arts authorities including the State Publishing House, the Moscow and Leningrad conservatories, and the Direction of State Theatres. There is also correspondence regarding the composition of ballets and operas, notably The Love for Three Oranges, Chout, the Fiery Angel and Le Pas d'Acier. The remainder of the collection consists of diaries, personal notes and press cuttings relating to Prokofiev's work.

        Zonder titel
        GB 1249 Dunhill · 1912-1944

        Papers of Thomas Frederick Dunhill, comprising personal and business correspondence, 1912-1944 (mainly 1931-1940), including correspondence relating to performances of the comic opera Tantivy Towers by Dunhill and Alan P Herbert; notebooks of lectures by Dunhill, including 'British music of today', lecture for the Royal Albert Institute 11 Mar 1913, 'Sir Hubert Parry' to the British Music Society 8 Mar 1922, and 'The importance of the British composers of the later 19th century' to the Society of Women Musicians, 7 Jul 1922; musical notebooks; lists of Dunhill's compositions; manuscripts of articles and talks by Dunhill, including 'The chamber music of Anton Dvorak', and `English comic opera'; correspondence with the BBC regarding talks by Dunhill, including a version of Dunhill's Tantivy Towers for broadcast, 1937, 1941, 1945; correspondence regarding finances of the Musicians' Benevolent Fund, 1937-1938; correspondence with B W Smith and F J Whitmarsh on their proposed operetta 'Something in the city', 1937-1939s; cuttings of articles by or on Dunhill, 1915-1938; programmes featuring Dunhill's music; obituaries, 1946.

        Zonder titel
        LIND, Jenny (1820-1887)
        GB 1249 MS 4254 · 1847-1959

        Musical scrapbook of Jenny Lind, 1847, containing manuscript transcriptions of six songs in German, with signatures and dedications of Luigi Lablache, Sigismond Thalberg, Arthur Saint-Léon and Fanny Cerito, London, Aug 1847; three account sheets relating to Lind's financial affairs, 1870-1871, including accounts, 1847-1848; statement of condolence from Royal College of Music on the death of Otto Goldschmidt, 16 Mar 1907; letter from Gill Bevan, Jenny Lind's grand-daughter, to Sir Ernest Bullock on provenance of the volume, 13 Jul 1959.

        Zonder titel
        GB 1249 MS 6867 · 1889-1902

        Correspondence and papers of Margaret Macintyre, 1889-1902, comprising 30 letters from various admirers and acquaintances including Fitzroy Gardner, H Rider Haggard, Sims Reeves, Giulio Ricordi, Arthur Shadwell, Sir Arthur Sullivan, Ellen Terry, (Francesco) Paolo Tosti, Charles H Wade, Cosima Wagner, Siegfried Wagner; correspondence with Adolf von Gross, Bayreuth Festival, regarding her appearance as Sieglinde, 1895; contracts for appearances at Covent Garden, 1889, 1892, 1897; passes for Royal Opera Company performance at Windsor Castle, 24 May 1895; undated cutting from Il Trovatore on Macintyre's performance as Elisabeth in Tannhauser.

        Zonder titel
        GB 1556 WL 885 · Collectie · 1938-1990

        Copies of the papers of Maria Nermi-Egounoff, opera singer, 1938-1990, including Nermi-Egounoff's cv, replete with press cuttings of reviews of her work; short biographies of British residents of Hungarian extraction who were anti-Semitic; newspaper articles and biographical notes.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0096 MS 767 · [1831-1832?]

        Manuscript operetta in several hands, perhaps including that of the author, Patrick Robertson, entitled 'La festa d'overgroghi, operetta seria comica, in due atti...parole inglesi-italiane dal Signor Coccalicchi. Rappresentata nella Casa Skenea, Edinburgo, Marzio 1832', and containing instructions to the printer. The manuscript is bound with a printed copy of Nugae Legales (according to the half-title only), containing the printed operetta and some other items. The printed version is fuller than the manuscript, and the leaves are laid down to the size of the manuscript leaves.

        Zonder titel
        Bellini, Vincenzo
        GB 0096 MS 1075 · Collectie · 19th century

        Papers of Vincenzo Bellini, comprise a manuscript musical score, excerpt from the opera 'Beatrice di Tenda' (1833) by Vincenzo Bellini; copy, in unidentified hand, entitled 'Romanza, Ah! non pensar, nell' Opera Beatrice di Tenda'.

        Zonder titel