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        624 Descrição arquivística resultados para Pathology

        624 resultados diretamente relacionados Excluir termos específicos
        HEAVISIDE, John (fl 1792)
        GB 0114 MS0013 · c1792

        Papers of John Heaviside, c1792, comprising transcript of lecture by John Hunter on fractured patella, gunshot wounds, cancer, scrophula, locked jaw, mortification or partial death, undated; notes from poisons by John Hunter, c1790; notes on lecture by John Hunter on venereal disease;

        notes on an introductory lecture to a course of 58 lectures on surgery; notes on a lecture on inflammation; notes on opium; accounts of cases and post-mortem examinations, 1792.

        Sem título
        Case notes - miscellaneous
        GB 0114 MS0068 · 1953-1967

        Miscellaneous case notes, 1953-1967, comprising two manuscript volumes: Perforations, containing lists of cases mostly relating to perforated duodenal ulcers and perforated gastric ulcers, with detailed patient information, 1953-1967; and Haematemesis containing lists of cases mostly relating to duodenal ulcers and gastric ulcers, with detailed patient information, 1955-1960.

        Sem título
        Physiology Volume 2
        GB 0114 MS0084 · [1859-1880]

        Physiology Volume 2, c1859-c1880, comprising a volume containing notes of lectures on Physiology; prescriptions for medications, with directions on usage, 1859-1880; a rememberance card for Henry Motherby of Henshall, c1870; and a recipe for cough mixture.

        Sem título
        Walker, John Kenworthy (fl 1809-1873)
        GB 0114 MS0094 · 1809-1849

        Papers of John Kenworthy Walker, 1809-1849, comprising a manuscript volume containing notes of lectures made whilst studying for his MB at Edinburgh University, where James Gregory was Professor of Medicine. Topics include phlogosis; supporatio, pus, gangrena and phlegmon; opthalmia; phrenitis and cyanche tonsillarus; cyanche maligna, 1809; innoculatio variola, vaccine innoculation, ruboela, uiticana, pemphigus, aptha, and haemorrhagia; and a formula for cholera medicines by J Macaulay of Leeds, 1849.

        Sem título
        GB 0100 KCLCA IOP/CUT · [1999-2001]

        Patient files and papers relating to the CUTLASS (Clinical and Cost Utility of the Latest Antipsychotics in Severe Schizophrenia) Study, [1999-2001]. Administrative material includes: blank forms for patient information used in the study; hospital psychiatric and non-psychiatric manuals; articles and newsletters on antipsychotics and related subjects, rating criteria for levels of psychosis; and minutes and memoranda from CUTLASS committee meetings.

        Sem título
        GB 0100 KCLCA IOP/FAM · [1987]

        Papers relating to the Familial and Environmental Factors in Functional Psychosis Study, 1987, comprising patient files; data from patient interviews; data sheets detailing the patients' symptoms and treatment; project proposal, blank forms and questionnaires used in the study and in-patient medical notes relating to patients with schizophrenia.

        Sem título
        SWAN, Alexander (1906-1980)
        GB 0100 KCLCA KH/PP21 · 1930-1988

        Papers, 1930-1988, of Alexander Swan (formerly Alexander Lebedeff), including general correspondence relating to his career appointments and leukaemia research, 1959-1974; reports and associated correspondence relating to conferences attended by Swan, notably concerning leukaemia, haematology and fibrinolysis, including a paper delivered in 1962 at a Congress of the Society of Haematology in Mexico by Swan entitled, 'A study of fifty cases of acute leukaemia in adults'; notes on individual cases of acute leukaemia in adults at St James Hospital, Balham, London, [1952-1964]; article by Swan entitled 'Ossification in the metastases of a carcinoma of the rectum', [1953]; offprints of articles contributed by Swan and others to professional journals and conferences, mainly relating to leukaemia research, 1937-1971; notebook of Swan's work at the laboratory of the Department of Pathology, University of Hong Kong, [1936-1938]; papers relating to Swan's earlier career in engineering, 1930-1936, including offprints of articles by Swan on the use of concrete beams, methods of calculating building stresses and soil technology, published in Engineering and Commerce and China Reconstruction and Engineering Review; certificates and diplomas, including comprising Diploma in Civil and Railway Engineering certificate, Harbin Polytechnic Institute, China, 1930, and admission as a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists, 1971; notes prepared for Swann's obituary by his wife, 1980; Dr Alexander Swan: from Siberia to suburbia edited by Barbara Ellis (Call Print Cooperative Ltd, 1988); two photographs of Swan, 1950 and later.

        Sem título
        CHEYNE, Sir William Watson (1852-1932)
        GB 0100 KCLCA KH/PP3 · 1872-1873

        File of typescript entitled 'Notes on the Cases in the Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, taken by W. Watson Cheyne', comprising lectures on clinical surgery delivered by Joseph Lister, 1872-1873, and including observations on the diagnosis, description and treatment of testicular swelling, spina bifida, lymph abscesses, carcinoma of the breast, varicose ulcers, burns, varieties of fractures, and assessing the germ theory of putrefaction and the dangers of the use of chloroform to anaesthetise patients.

        Sem título
        COPPING, Alice Mary (1906-1996)
        GB 0100 KCLCA Q/PP4 · 1921-1985

        Papers of Alice Mary Copping, 1921-1985, relating to nutrition, comprising correspondence, research papers and publications. Correspondence notably includes letters regarding Dame Harriet Chick, including a letter from P M Victory at The British Nutrition Foundation, thanking Copping for forwarding Chick's introduction to a lecture and for Copping's participation in a lecture, 1975; a letter from Dr George Pitt of The British Journal of Nutrition thanking Copping for a photograph of Chick, enclosed with the letter, 1978; correspondence also includes letters from A N Duckham of University of Reading, 1973-1978 and Sue Papworth of ASP Biological and Medical Press B V, 1976 both regarding the publication of 'Food production and consumption: The efficiency of human food chains and nutrient cycles', which contains a chapter written by Copping.

        The collection also includes published articles by Copping notably including 'Planning Nutrition Education in Developing Countries', 1968 and 'Nutrition and Growth', 1964; publications from institutions including Lister Institute of Preventative Medicine, including 'Monkey welfare' by E M Hume, 1956 and copies of Nutrition History Notes, 1979-1985 and other newsletters. The collection also includes glass slides labelled 'pantotheine', housed in envelopes addressed to Copping. Pantotheine is a derivative of pantothenic acid (vitamin E), these slides reflect Copping's interest and research in vitamins and nutrition.

        The collection also contains publications regarding nutrition worldwide including dietry surveys of Indians and Fijians and a section concerning Vienna, comprising an article entitled 'Ætiology of Rickets in infants: Prophylactic and Curative Observations at the Vienna University Kinderklinik', by Harriette Chick and others, 1922 and 'Hunger- Osteomalacia in Vienna, 1920. Its relation to diet', by Elsie J Danyell and Harriette Chick, 1921 and four black and white photographs depicting undernourished children in Vienna, [1921-1922].

        Sem título
        CULLEN, William (1710-1790)
        GB 0100 TH/PP18 · 1771

        Papers of William Cullen, comprising notes of his lectures, taken by an unidentified student, 1771, entitled 'Methodus medendi febrium', including lectures on arthritis and gout, malaria and measles.

        Sem título
        GREEN, Joseph Henry (1791-1863)
        GB 0100 TH/PP26 · 1825

        Papers of Joseph Henry Green, comprising notes of his lectures on anatomy, physiology and surgery, delivered at St Thomas's Hospital, taken by an unidentified student, 1825;
        clinical reports of cases in St Thomas's Hospital under Mr Green, 1824-1826, prepared by one of his dressers for a prize;
        clinical reports of cases in St Thomas's Hospital under Mr Green, 1832-1836, probably prepared by John Simon (Sir John Simon was an apprentice of Green at this time);
        incomplete report of a medical case, possibly by Green, undated [mid 19th century].

        Sem título
        BARBER, Edward (fl 1828-1830)
        GB 0100 TH/PP4 · 1829-1830

        Papers of Edward Barber comprising his notes on Joseph Henry Green's lectures on the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eye and ear, and anatomy and physiology of the larynx, delivered at St Thomas's Hospital, 1829-1830.

        Sem título
        OXLEY, Charles (fl 1725-1726)
        GB 0100 TH/PP44 · 1725-1726

        Papers of Charles Oxley, comprising casebook, 1725-1726, recording details of surgical cases at St Thomas's Hospital; notes on lithotomy and operations for cataracts.

        Sem título
        SIMON, Sir John (1816-1904)
        GB 0100 TH/PP56 · [1850], 1866

        Letters to John Simon, from Joseph Henry Green, [1850]; and letter from E Headlam Greenhow (1814-1888), Apr 1866 relating to a 1849 report on cholera.

        Sem título
        Frankland, Richard: letter
        GB 0096 AL373 · Arquivo · 1810

        Letter from Richard Frankland, Overseer of the Poor, of Hawes, [North Riding of Yorkshire] to the Overseer of the Poor in Darlington. Stating the cost of maintaining Isabella Scafe for 20 weeks at 3s per week and Elizabeth Harrison for 23 weeks as 1s 6d per week; asking for an extra shilling per weeks for Isabella, who 'still continues very poorly and is confined too [sic] her bed ... she has a very bad cough and is not likely for getting better ... please send the money as soon as possible'.

        Autograph, with signature. A note written in another hand beside the figure of £4 14s 6d reads 'Amt sent p[er] T. Craddock' (18 October 1810).

        Sem título
        Bentham, Mrs: letters
        GB 0096 AL376 · Arquivo · 1816-1818

        3 letters from Mrs Bentham of Ryde, [Isle of Wight], 3 letters to Richard Wilson, Esq, of 47 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, 1816-1818. Enquiring about payments of money to her as she has very little, and her rheumatism is the cause of heavy expenditure on doctors' bills; the doctor had charged 10s 6d a visit and had advised her to move to Bath rather than risk another winter on the Isle of Wight. She had received a quarterly payment of £25 from a Charles Bacon, withdrawn for the year 1817-1818. Enquiring about payment from Mr Bentham [?her husband], to be arranged through Sir James Graham, and about money owing to her from 3 shilling stock, for which she has apparently waited 10 years. Autograph, with signature.

        Sem título
        National Heart and Lung Institute
        GB 0098 National Heart and Lung Institute · 1877-1972

        Records of the National Heart and Lung Institute, 1877-1972, incorporating records of the Brompton Hospital, comprising catalogue of pathological specimens at Brompton Hospital, 1877; Dr Pollock's register of females admitted to the Brompton Hospital, 1878-1881; food supervisor's report book, 1924-1933; matron's report book, 1941-1954; illustrations of physicians and scientists, [1905-1913]; resident medical officer's report books, 1937-1947, 1967-1972;
        correspondence to Dr Marcus Paterson as medical superintendant of Brompton Hospital Sanatorium, comprising letters from physicians, medical officers of health, former patients and their relatives and employers, trade correspondence relating to the sanatorium and treatment of tuberculosis, [1905-1912];
        papers relating to Frederick Rufenacht Walters, [1882-1932], including notebooks concerning his publications, reprints, press cuttings, memoranda and some letters.

        Sem título
        ROSS, Donald Nixon (b1922)
        GB 0100 G/PP1/51 · 1966

        Notebook containing annotated galley proofs of A surgeon's guide to cardiac diagnosis, and letters to Donald Ross, Thoracic Surgeon, Guy's Hospital, from Springer-Verlag, scientific publishers, relating to the editing of the volume, 1966.

        Sem título
        GULL, Sir William Withey (1816-1890)
        GB 0100 G/PP2/15-17 and G/PP4/10 · 1839-1864

        Papers relating to Sir William Withey Gull, comprising notes on his clinical lectures delivered at Guy's Hospital, February 1864, taken by an unidentified student. Lecture titles include 'The principals of investigating and treating disease', 'The disease of paraplegia' and 'The condition of acute rheumatism'.
        Also certificate of attendance at Clinical Lectures at Guy's Hospital, with daily reports made upon select cases in the clinical wards, Oct 1839-May 1840.

        Sem título
        HAIGHTON, John (c1755-1823)
        GB 0100 G/PP2/18-19 · 1795-1796

        Papers relating to John Haighton, 1796-1817, comprising notes on his lectures titled 'Lectures on physiology', 1795, and 'Lectures on the physiology of the human body, delivered at Guy's Hospital by John Haighton, MD, 1796', taken by an unidentified students.

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        University of London Audio-Visual Centre
        GB 0096 UoL/AV · 1930-2002
        Parte de University of London

        The collection comprises minutes and supporting paperwork for meetings of the Committee of Management of the Audio-Visual Centre; teaching and training notes including lecture notes and questionnaires; production accounts and financial papers; shooting and activity logs and production notes; video tapes of events at the University of London; a photograph album; audio-visual reels (NOT YET CATALOGUED); annual reports and printed material including workshop handbooks, catalogues, newsletters and a review of the Audio-Visual Centre.

        Sem título
        Grimmer, George Kerr
        GB 0114 MS0096 · [1900]

        Papers of George Kerr Grimmer, c1900, comprising a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medicine of Edinburgh University, titled A contribution to the Pathology and Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Otitis Media by George Kerr Grimmer, BA. CANADA, MB and CM, FRCS, Edin. Including photographs.

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        Sagittary, John (fl 1690)
        GB 0114 MS0099 · c1690

        Papers of John Sagittary, c 1690, comprising a manuscript volume in Latin titled De Generatione Calculi, a treatise on stone (for instance, a gall stone or kidney stone).

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        Sanders, John
        GB 0114 MS0100 · c1689

        Papers of John Sanders, c 1689, comprising a manuscript volume in Latin and English, titled small tract of Chirurgerie and Phisical plants etc, all which I have faithfully gathered from divers Learned Authors, Besides mine owe practise, and what I have seen of others, in this citty of Doublin. Containing notes on treatments for various medical conditions, including gun shot wounds, ulcers, and the King's Evil (Scrofula), and advice on how to provide the Chirurgeons Chest for Military occasions; a list of medicaments bought from an Apothecary in Bow Lane, London, in 1689; a list titled Medicamentorum formulae apud medicos Londinenses usilationes; a list of herbal plants used in remedies; and a table of diseases.

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        Anatomical and Pathological Sketches
        GB 0114 MS0101 · Undated

        Undated notes and pencil sketches of anatomical and pathological subjects, including bones and muscles; the face; the spine; the eye; and the heart. Some sketches of the spine are in colour, and one sketch uses the pages as flaps to lift and reveal different layers.

        Sem título
        Ramsbotham, John (fl 1790-1844)
        GB 0114 MS0106 · 1799-1806

        Papers of John Ramsbotham, 1799-1806, comprising a volume titled Clinical Cases, containing manuscript case notes, 1799-1806. Including midwifery, innoculations, vaccinations, and the treatment of pneumonia and typhus fever (which was epidemic at Wakefield Gaol in 1803). Also containing biographical information about John Ramsbotham, compiled by John William Walker, FRCS, who donated the volume.

        Sem título
        Royal Humane Society
        GB 2258 · 1774-present

        Records of the Royal Humane Society comprising:

        minutes of the Committee, 1774-1784, 1815-2000 (33 vols); General Court 1820-1947 (4 vols); and Select Committee, 1820-1833 (1 vol); agenda of the General Court, 1893-1954;

        case books, 1823-2000 (116 vols); medal registers, [1776]-present, (3 vols);

        Secretary's letters out books, 1830-1832, 1838-1840, 1844-1945, 1849-1852, 1856-1861, 1861-1967, (6 vols);

        typescript lists of winners of school swimming competition medals [1892-1948], and printed copy of suggested rules for swimming competitions (1 vol);

        printed Annual Reports of the Society 1774-present, (62 vols); and Transactions of the Royal Humane Society 1774-[1797] (2 vols);

        resuscitation essays, shipwrecks essays and other prize essays, and related papers, 1782-1995; advertisements for lifesaving equipment; Stanhope Medal (gold medal) correspondence, 1806-1974; correspondence relating to the Society bylaws, 1958-1982;

        miscellaneous papers 1843-1953 including insurance policies 1843 and 1850, advertisement for post of boatman 1856, plans for a new Boathouse 1901, plans for new Receiving House, 1948, 1950, rules for bathing and temperature chart for bathers 1873;

        papers relating to resuscitation methods including cuttings, 1889-1891, including Dr Silvester's method of hypodermic inflations cartoon, n.d, `The true physiological method of restoring persons apparently drowned or dead and of resuscitating still born children', by Henry R Silvester, reprinted from the British Medical Journal, 1858; papers relating to Captain Manby, inventor of lifesaving equipment, including pamphlets, lecture, 1814-1846;

        papers relating to resuscitation including files comprising 10 photographs illustrating resuscitation method, [1914-1918]; learned papers on resuscitation, 1908-1987; resuscitation 'how to' leaflets [1940s-1980s]; resuscitation apparatus [1930s-1990s];

        press cuttings, 1835-1990 (1 file);

        photograph of life-saving apparatus, with news cuttings, 1876 (1file); advertising posters - concerning the removal or destruction of RHS lifebuoys, 1949; appointment of icemen during the skating season and the role of the Society in case of accident (1file); illustrations of the RHS work including copy of The Cottager and Artisan, 1 Dec 1865, featuring drawing of RHS worker; prints of the RHS dinner at the Freemason's Hall, with the procession of the persons saved during the year from drowning [1872]; (2 items)

        printed copies of sermons delivered in support of the Society including: Sermon ... to recommend the institution of the Society for the recovery of person apparently drowned, Richard Harrison, London 1775; Royal Humane Society Sermons, 1777-1838 (5 vols)

        records of the RHS Receiving House including: journal of John Pritchard, Superintendent, Receiving House, Hyde Park, 1837-1840, a daily record of cases, number of bathers, accidents, and weather conditions (1 vol); Bathing Books 1860-1952, superintendent's register of bathers and accidents, (6 vols); Ice Books 1859-1929, a daily register of ice accidents, skater numbers, ice thickness (2 vols); files including correspondence relating to the post of Deputy Superintendent and a female servant, of the Receiving house, 1843-1957 (2 files); Secretary's correspondence concerning the Receiving House, 1949-1957 (4 files); Receiving House papers, Herbert Williams, Superintendent, correspondence 1844-1849 (1 file); Hyde Park papers - including floor plan of a receiving house, photograph of Horace Montague, Chairman 1896-1910, letter to RHS Sec [1844 - 1854] also papers re finances (1 file); architectural plans for the Receiving House and additions, 1939, 1951 (1 file); boxes containing Receiving House correspondence, including printed illustration, (1 box); papers relating to the Receiving House archive, 1939-1948 and 19th century lifesaving apparatus (1 box);

        financial records of the RHS including an Anniversary ticket book - Accounts of tickets given to Stewards, Vice-Presidents and Committee 1832-1849 (1 vol); Legacy Book No 2 1847-1894, recording legacies received (1 vol); auditors minutes 1823-1964 (1 vol); ledgers 1840-1881; 1940-1949 (2 vols); financial accounts and papers, obsolete stock receipts, 1898-1928 (1 file); financial records of the Fothergill Bequest / Anthony Fothergill Trust 1819-1885, 1912 (1file); papers relating to the Fothergill Bequest Fund and Prize Essay, 1933-1838 (1file).

        Sem título
        FARR, William, 1807-1883, Statistician
        GB 0097 FARR · 1853-1883

        This collection consists of letters received by Farr, manuscript and printed works, extracts from Registrar General's reports, biographical and bibliographical material, press cuttings, and some personal material. There is also a microfilm of correspondence and papers relating to the Farr family, including notebook of Farr's handwritten biography, correspondence relating to the service and death of Frederick Farr in the American civil war and a collection of diplomas.

        Sem título
        GB 0097 SELIGMAN · Coleção · 1890-1975

        Fieldwork notes of expeditions to Borneo and the Torres Straits, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka and the Sudan along with Brenda Seligman's work on kinship, and both Charles' and Brenda's publications on anthropology; extracts from the work of other anthropologists and correspondence between the Seligman's and other colleagues; notes and photographs by Dr Neil Munro relating to his anthropological work with the Ainu and correspondence relating to the editing by Brenda Seligman of this work; material relating to Charles Seligman's work as a doctor treating shellshock during World War One, noting the patients' symptoms, treatment given and response to treatment; correspondence concerning Jewish identity; and papers relating to Charles and Brenda Seligman's interest in Chinese porcelain, journals of their visits to China and Japan and correspondence with friends and family.

        Sem título
        GB 0114 MS0110 · 1892-1894

        Papers of Juan N Restrepo and Julio M Escovar, 1892-1894, comprising a manuscript volume titled Ulceracion fagedenica del abdomen; observacion clinica muy interesante recojida en el Hospital de Caridad de Honda (Republica de Colombia) containing clinical observations of a case of Phagedaena, an ulcerative condition of the skin, made at the Charity Hospital in Honda, Colombia, by Drs Restrepo and Escovar.

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        Rigby, Sir Hugh Mallinson (1870-1944)
        GB 0114 MS0113 · 1904-1927

        Papers of Sir Hugh Mallinson Rigby, 1904-1927, comprising cases notes, correspondence, watercolour illustrations and photographs relating to patients with gall bladder diseases, 1910-1926; case notes, correspondence and illustrations relating to patients with arterial surgery and arterio-venous aneurism, 1915-1924; and case notes, correspondence, illustrations, photographs, radiographs and X-rays of various medical cases, mostly from the London Hospital, 1904-1927.

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        Thompson, Sir Henry (1820-1904)
        GB 0114 MS0115 · 1853-1891

        Papers of Sir Henry Thompson, 1853-1891, comprising papers relating to the attendance and treatment of Napoleon III, 1873-1877; papers relating to the attendance and treatment of Leopold I, 1863-1864; and autograph letters, 1853-1891.

        Sem título
        Cornish, Phil[lip] (fl 1773)
        GB 0114 MS0116 · 1773

        Papers of Phil[lip] Cornish, 1773, comprising a manuscript volume titled Lectures on Surgery, taken verbatim as Mr Else (one of the surgeons of St Thomas's and Guy's Hospitals) delivered them, by Phil. Cornish. Surgeon containing notes on surgical lectures. Including notes titled Lectures on Dislocations by Mr Frank, surgeon to Guy's Hospital.

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        Bryant, Thomas Egerton (fl 1816- fl 1840)
        GB 0114 MS0125 · 1812-1839

        Papers of Thomas Egerton Bryant, 1812-1839, comprising notes of lectures by Henry Cline (Jnr) (d 1820), 1814; notes of lectures by Sir Astley Paston Cooper, some together with Henry Cline, 1812-1814; notes of lectures by Joseph Henry Green, 1824-1828; notes of lectures by Alexander Marcet and William Allen, 1814; notes of lectures by Richard Owen, 1839; unidentified lecture notes, c 1812; notes on cholera cases, 1832-1834; and medical notes, early 19th century.

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        Marcet, Alexander John Gaspard (1770-1822)
        GB 0114 MS0129 · 1804-1817

        Papers of Alexander John Gaspard Marcet, 1804-1817, comprising a volume containing case notes and observations on topics such as herpes, aneurisms, apoplexy, and typhus. Including manuscript copies of papers Marcet read at the Medico Chirurgical Society, which were not published, titled Two cases of visceral disease, with dissection, and Account of a case in which death was preceeded by a dose of arsenic and corrosive sublimate, with dissection, 1806.

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        Evans, Arthur Geoffrey (1886-1951)
        GB 0114 MS0140 · 1920-1949

        Papers of Arthur Geoffrey Evans, 1920-1949, comprising a volume titled Illustrations belonging to the text of my thesis for the MD degree entitled:- A contribution to the study of Arteriosclerosis, with special reference to its relation to chronic Nephritis - Dec 10th 1920, containing illustrations drawn by John R Ford, of Shiells and Ford. Illustrations numbered 14, 15, 21, 22 and 23 are missing; a letter from Ford to Evans, 23 Aug 1920, concerning the magnification of the illustrations; 2 lists of the illustrations; and 2 optical drawings drawn by Theodore Hamblin Ltd, 15 Wigmore Street, London, 8 Apr 1949.

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        Keele, Charles Ferdinand (fl 1860-1929)
        GB 0114 MS0151 · [1865]

        Papers of Charles Ferdinand Keele, c 1865, comprising a volume of notes taken at lectures given by Sydney Jones (1831-1913), and John Flint South (1797-1882), on topics such as comparative anatomy (Jones), and fistula in ano, dislocations, and fractures (South); and case notes, possibly relating to patients of St Thomas' Hospital.

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        Rolleston, Sir Humphrey Davy (1862-1944)
        GB 0114 MS0167 · c1940

        Papers of Sir Humphrey Davy Rolleston, c 1940, comprising 10 files of manuscript material containing notes for articles on subjects such as the thymus, pineal, pancreas, carotid body, diabetes, and tuberculosis; notes for the review of a volume on the Massachusetts General Hospital, 1939; biographical notes on individuals including Caspar Bartholinus, Edmund Dickinson, and Jonathan Goddard; and a list of the biographical notes sent to the Royal College of Physicians in 1945. The notes are written on recycled correspondence and papers dating from the late 1930s to the early 1940s.

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        Blizard, Sir William (1743-1835)
        GB 0114 MS0170 · 1785-1826

        Papers of Sir William Blizard, 1785-1826, comprising a volume, possibly by Samuel Helbert Israel, titled Lectures on Anatomy, Phys[iology] and Surgery by Wm Blizard RS-SA, containing manuscript notes of 27 lectures given by Blizard; letters, including a letter to L [?] Hoect, 3 Mar 1785; manuscripts, including a manuscript describing particular cases, Oct 1816; a manuscript titled The dissection of a dislocated thigh with fractures of some parts of the bones of the pelvis and other injury, July 1826. by Blizard; a manuscript copy of correspondence with Mr F C Daniel regarding Blizard's refusal to provide a certificate proving attendance as a pupil at the London Hospital, 27 Jun 1817; and an autograph signature.

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        Clough, Henry Gore (fl 1779-1820)
        GB 0114 MS0207 · 1779-1792

        Papers of Henry Gore Clough, 1779-1792, comprising a volume titled Lectures Anatomical and Chirurgical by William Hunter, Physician Extraordinary to her Majesty, Professor of Anatomy at the Royal Academy, and Fellow of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies. 1779. Volume 1st, containing manuscript notes by Clough of lectures by Hunter, including a copy of a portrait of Hunter by J Thornwaite; a volume titled Lectures Anatomical and Chirurgical by William Hunter, Physician Extraordinary to her Majesty, Professor of Anatomy at the Royal Academy, and Fellow of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies. 1779. Volume 2nd, containing manuscript notes by Clough of lectures by Hunter, covering topics such as embalming, c 1779. Including patient case notes, 1779-1792, and a letter from Mr Wyatt to Clough, 14 Apr 1792, regarding publishing a case; and a volume titled Lectures Anatomical and Chirurgical by William Hunter, Physician Extraordinary to her Majesty, Professor of Anatomy at the Royal Academy, and Fellow of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies. 1779. Volume 3rd and sub-titled Lectures on the Gravid Uterus by William Hunter, MD and FRS, 1779, containing manuscript notes by Clough of lectures by Hunter.

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        Appleby, Thomas (fl 1814-1815)
        GB 0114 MS0225 · 1814-1815

        Papers of Thomas Appleby, 1814-1815, comprising a volume of manuscript notes taken by Appleby at lectures by Sir Astley Cooper, titled Mr Astley Cooper's Surgical Lectures Continued 1814-1815, Vol II. Including a contents list for volumes 1 [not located at the College] and 2, and notes on Henry Cline's lectures on operations, and topics such as kidney disease.

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        Ray, George (fl 1815-1853)
        GB 0114 MS0227 · 1815-1816

        Papers of George Ray, 1815-1816, comprising a volume of manuscript notes taken by Ray at the lectures of Sir Astley Paston Cooper, titled Lectures on Surgery, Delivered at the theatre of St Thomas's Hospital by AP Cooper, Esq in the years 1815-1816; and an undated newspaper cutting titled 'The Country Surgeon (A True Bill)' containing a poem about the life and work of a country surgeon.

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        Blagden, Sir Charles (1748-1820)
        GB 0117 CB · 1771-1820

        The correspondence, papers and diaries of Sir Charles Blagden. Blagden's papers are interesting on several levels, generally for his close contact with European men of learning, and his relationship with Sir Joseph Banks. Blagden's professional researches are represented by medical notes in the boxed sequence. These are grouped with papers on other subject interests, including linguistics, e.g. a draft Tahitian-English dictionary, compiled from conversations with Omai, whom Blagden inoculated after Omai's voyage to England with James Cook. Blagden's interest in antiquities and travel is documented by diary entries, as is his intercourse with fellow scientists, particularly those associated with the founding of the Royal Institution.

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        Jeans, Sir James Hopwood (1877-1945)
        GB 0117 JHJ · 1896-1945

        Some correspondence, papers, notebooks and publications of Sir James Hopwood Jeans. Early manuscripts in the series relate to Jean's education at Trinity College, Cambridge, in the form of early lecture notebooks, largely on mathematical topics. A collection of letters, 1901-1907, documents his treatment for tuberculosis at Ringwood Sanatorium, where he completed work on the theory of gases; correspondents included G H Hardy and Adam Sedgewick among others. Jean's engagements in popularizing science are represented by proofs and typescript of lectures and essays, especially those written for the BBC, 1934-1935, together with associated letters and press cuttings. The series contains collections of offprints, reprints, and extracts of published works by Jeans and others, notably from the Philosophical Transactions and the Philosophical Magazine.

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        Pole, William (1814-1900)
        GB 0117 MS 625 · sub-fonds · 1859

        Diagrams and manuscript of paper on colour blindness prepared by Sir William Pole, prepared for his paper published in 'Philosophical Transactions' in 1859.

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        GB 1538 RCOG/C24 · Arquivo · 1996-1997

        Records of the Joint working group of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and British Gynaecological Cancer Society (BGCS), Aug 1996-Jan 1997, comprising the final report of the working party (1997) and the consultation document which preceeded the report (1996).

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        LEWIS, Thomas Lofthus Townshend (1918-2004)
        GB 1538 S67 · 1960s-1980s

        Papers of Thomas Lewis, 1960s-1980s, including papers relating to Lewis' tour of the Soviet Union visiting obstetric and gynaecological facilities, including the Moscow and Leningrad Institutes of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the Leningrad Medical School, Feb 1978; papers relating to abortion law reform including correspondence, press-cuttings and other papers, including on the views of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists; lectures; speeches; unpublished papers; offprints and myomectomy films.

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        PHILLIPS, Miles Harris (1875-1965)
        GB 1538 S97 · [1888-1960]

        Papers of Miles Harris Phillips, [1888-1960], chiefly comprising reprints of articles by Phillips with accompanying research material, reprints of articles by others and correspondence. Includes reprints, correspondence, diagrams, case notes and other papers relating to articles and lectures by Phillips on topics including constriction rings, Sims' posture, puerperal fever, obstetric shock, caesarean section, the death of Princess Charlotte in childbirth, 1817, biographical histories of famous obstetricians including Thomas Denman, Percival Willughby and William Smellie and the history of obstetrics; drawings and photographs of gynaecological pathological specimens; records of the Gynaecological Visiting Society including reports of meetings and obituaries of members; papers relating to the Departmental Committee on Maternal Mortality and Morbidity, 1928-1932, including letters to Phillips from Neville Chamberlain; papers relating to Historical Review of British Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1800-1950, by J M Munro Kerr, R W Johnstone and Phillips (Livingstone, 1954) including correspondence and publisher accounts; Phillips' letters to the Lancet, and the British Medical Journal, 1924-1938; photostats of illustrations in The Workes of that Famous Chirurgion Ambrole Parey (1634); papers relating to the court case Marshall vs Lindsay County Council: a claim for damages for negligence, 1933; papers relating to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists including a history, memoranda and annual reports; photostat copies of letters from William Smellie to Peter Camper, Dr Clephane and Dr Pitcairn, [1750-1759] compiled by Phillips; correspondence with American obstetricians, 1936-1938; reprints of obstetrical articles with accompanying card index, complied by Phillips; notebooks containing analysis of Percival Willughby's cases in his Observations in Midwifery; index complied by Phillips of the cases in Smellie's

        Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Midwifery and John Glaister's notes for his biography of William Smellie Dr. William Smellie and His Contemporaries, (Glasgow, 1894), including copies of legal documents relating to Smellie.

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