Artes escénicas

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      Artes escénicas

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        Artes escénicas

        • Usado para Acrobatics
        • Usado para Circuses
        • Usado para Acrobatie
        • Usado para Cirque
        • Usado para Acrobacia
        • Usado para Circo

        Términos asociados

        Artes escénicas

        3 Descripción archivística resultados para Artes escénicas

        3 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
        HARLEY, John (1786-1858)
        GB 0074 O/054 · Colección · 1858

        Diary of actor John Pritt Harley, 1858.

        Sin título
        HEAD, Sir Henry (1861-1940)
        GB 0113 MS-HEADH · 1891-1909

        Sir Henry Head's papers, 1891-1909, consist of his casebooks of patients with Herpes Zoster, with sketches and photographs, chiefly from Head's work at the London Hospital, 1891-1909, and his casebooks of patients with various diseases, with sketches and charts, from his work at the City of London Hospital for Diseases of the Heart and Lungs, Victoria Park, 1894.

        Sin título
        Palmer family
        GB 1249 MS 1140 · 1919-1939

        Personal notebook of member of the Palmer family, listing details (artists, conductors and composers) of musical works performed under the auspices of the Royal College of Music Patron's Fund, 1919-1939.

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