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      HEARNSHAW, Fossey John Cobb (1869-1946)
      GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP13 · Created 1899-1941

      Manuscript of The Centenary History of King's College London, 1828-1928 (G G Harrap & Co, London, 1929); research notebooks for The Centenary History, including minutes of Council and notes from calendars, 1926-1929, and notebooks compiled for Hearnshaw by William H Wickwar a former student of King's College London, 1927; 'Rough notes for King's College History' broadly arranged as draft chapters, 1929; letters received from members of staff and former students in response to an appeal by Ernest Barker, Principal of King's College London, for information for The Centenary History, including correspondence relating to the history of the Faculty of Medical Science, evening classes, the School of Slavonic Studies and the Department of Spanish, also a transcription of an article on King's from the Saturday Review, 1833; card index compiled by Wickwar giving biographical information on a number of former members of staff and students, 1927; King's College Volunteer Section minute book, 1915-1920; unpublished typescripts including 'Europe in the Middle Ages' lectures, [1936], 'The paradox of unemployment: a utopian study', 1938, and 'The pathway to permanent peace', [1941]; personal cash and bank finance books, 1899-1940.

      Sem título
      FRÖHLICH, Albrecht (1916-2001)
      GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP156 · 1948-2006

      Papers of Professor Albrecht Fröhlich, 1916-2001, reflecting his mathematical research, publications and correspondence with colleagues. Papers are divided into six sections comprising biographical papers; research papers; publications; papers relating to visits, conferences and lectures; correspondence and theses and examinations.

      Biographical papers include obituaries, memoirs and papers relating to memorials including a service in the Chapel of Robinson College Cambridge, 10 Feb 2002; autobiographical papers including copy of Fröhlich's entry for Personal Records of Fellows of the Royal Society; papers relating to Fröhlich's career, honours and awards including his Ph.D. thesis 'On some topics in the theory of representation of groups and in class field theory', and correspondence and papers relating to his university appointments and some of his principal honours, including election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society.

      Research papers chiefly comprise mathematical workings, notes and drafts: notably relating to work on the decomposition of primes [1950] and work on Galois module theory and Gauss sums.

      Publications comprise published material by Fröhlich, 1950-2000, drafts and unpublished drafts, including work with Charles Terence Clegg Wall on Brauer groups, 'Galois modules and the functional equation', and draft of a longer text entitled 'mathematical theory of ostensive and consequently of empirical predicates'.

      Visits, conferences and lectures include papers relating to Fröhlich's conference attendance and overseas visits 1956-1998, documentation of his participation in mathematics meetings held at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach, Germany and papers relating to Visiting Professorships, including invitations, programmes, and texts or abstracts of lectures.

      Correspondence,1950-2000, on subjects including progress of Fröhlich's research, discussions of problems with mathematical workings and drafts of papers. Notable correspondents include Fröhlich's Ph.D. supervisor Hans Arnold Heilbronn, colleagues Jean-Pierre Serre, Olga Taussky-Todd, Stephen Virgil Ullom and Charles Terence Clegg Wall, and former research students Colin J. Bushnell, Martin J. Taylor and Stephen Mark Johnson Wilson.

      Theses and examinations comprise, theses of Ph.D. students supervised or examined by Fröhlich, including his research students at King's College London and examination papers, some with Fröhlich's manuscript calculations of answers, 1980-1990.

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      JAMESON, Professor Alexander Hope (1874-1952)
      GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP24 · Created 1935

      Presentation volume of signatures of past and present members of the Engineering Faculty, University of London, presented to Jameson on his retirement from the Chair of Civil Engineering, Dec 1935; menu and ticket, Dec 1935, for the 38th Annual Dinner of the Engineering Society, where the above presentation was made.

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      WILKINSON, Professor George Randall (1927-1989)
      GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP33 · Created [1949]-1988

      Papers, [1949]-1988, mainly relating to the teaching of physics at King's College, London, notably teaching notes, handouts and offprints of articles for use in lectures and tutorials, on subjects including Raman Spectroscopy, Microwave and Physics Frequency Spectroscopy, Solid State Physics, Hydrograph Bonding, and Modern Physics, [1950-1986]; two copies of the King's College London Physics Department Second Year Laboratory Manual; correspondence relating to references provided by Wilkinson [for his students], 1979-1988; notes, correspondence and papers relating to physics and chemistry syllabi, [1964-1971], including proposals for physics teaching; papers, [1949]-1969, on examination of students of chemistry and physics, including King's College and University of London exam papers, [1949-1966], and examples of physics exam questions at other London colleges, 1964; agenda, minutes and reports of King's College and Queen Elizabeth College Physics Department Staff Meetings, [1981-1987]; reports of the Development Planning Committee, 1969-1971; Annual Reports of the Physics Department Spectroscopy Group, 1959-1960 and 1962-1966. Papers relating to research funding, notably reports by Wilkinson on research proposals submitted to the Science Research Council, [1973], [1978], and [1981-1986]; files of correspondence and papers relating to Wilkinson's PhD students, notably David Meade and K J Dean, 1978-1985; papers relating to Science Research Council grants made to Wilkinson, [1950-1989]. Named files, containing correspondence, drawings, photographs and papers on various scientific subjects, especially relating to Raman Spectroscopy, largely containing offprints of articles by Wilkinson and others, [1960-1980]. Files of correspondence and papers relating to academic papers and articles written by Wilkinson, including a speech to the Indian Raman Conference; an article with W F Sherman and J S Budenheimer on 'High pressure studies on Hexamethyl Benzene'; the 'Chinese University Development Project Panel and Commission Report on solid state spectroscopy in physics at Sichuan University, Chengdu, China', May 1985; correspondence and proofs relating to a chapter by Wilkinson and W F Sherman on Raman Spectroscopy; correspondence with the Reverend Stanley H Williams concerning a proposed biography of W E Williams; correspondence with Pergamon Press relating to a new edition of the Encyclopedia of Physics. Papers, notes and drawings relating to scientific equipment, including a Dovesbury Synchrocyclotron, 1980-1981, a Spex Laser, 1978, a Carey 81 Laser, and an Ionised Argon Laser, 1954 and 1967. Personal files include information regarding Professor Sir John Randall, Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry at King's College, [1984], correspondence and papers relating to the Perkin Elmer Prize, 1987, copies of book reviews by Wilkinson, and a list of his papers published before 1978. The collection also contains 4 boxes of glass slides showing sample spectra.

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      MAURICE, Professor Frederick Denison (1805-1872)
      GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP83 · c1830-1972

      Correspondence and papers of and relating to Frederick Denison Maurice, c1830-1972, including a letter from Maurice to his mother, 1833; the manuscript, c1830-c1834, of Maurice's novel Eustace Conway (published in three volumes, Richard Bentley, London, 1834); ordination certificates and licences to preach, 1834-1871; various pamphlets by Maurice, 1841-1859, including a letter to Samuel Wilberforce on reasons for not joining a party in the church, 1841, one on education, 1847, and a plan for a female college, 1855; five manuscript letters, undated [? 1843], to Sara Coleridge, daughter of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, on religious subjects and bereavement and commenting on her Essay on Rationalism (1843); King's College London correspondence, comprising letters from Maurice, 1841-1853 and undated, pertaining to teaching, students, academic and College matters, including his professorship of Divinity, 1846, and correspondence between Maurice and Richard William Jelf, Principal of King's College London, to be laid before Council, 1853; printed material including copies of the correspondence between Maurice and Jelf, 1853; manuscript letter from Maurice to 'My dear Friends' via Brooke Lambert on leaving King's, 1853; manuscript letter from J[ulius] C Hare to [Derwent] Coleridge (son of Samuel Taylor Coleridge), 1853, concerning a protest against Maurice's expulsion from his theological professorship at King's College; newspapers and news cuttings on Maurice's dismissal by the Council of King's College, 1853; a copy of Maurice's The Doctrine of Sacrifice (1854), inscribed by him; manuscript letter from Charles Kingsley, 1859, soliciting Maurice's help in finding a curate; engraving of Maurice, 1860; manuscript sermon by Maurice on Proverbs c XII v 20, 'Deceit is in the heart ... ', given at St Peter's, Vere Street, [1860s]; copy of Maurice's The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven (1864), inscribed to his son J F Maurice. A scrapbook contains two letters from Maurice to Miss Duncan, one dated 1868 and thanking her for a gift; printed obituaries of Maurice, including news cuttings; portraits of Maurice, including a photograph; a printed catalogue of his works; a printed leaflet on the Working Men's College, London, 1872; manuscript notes (not Maurice's) on sermons preached by him; a printed sermon on Maurice by Charles Kingsley, 1873, for an industrial school for girls in Charlotte Street, Portland Place, London (established by Maurice in 1867); manuscript extracts of letters from T[homas] Hughes (the author?) to Maurice. Other printed material comprises articles and sermons on Maurice's death in 1872, and items relating to a dinner held at Lincoln's Inn, 1972, for its centenary. A manuscript letter from Emily Hill to Mrs Shaen, 1872, describes Maurice's death and a manuscript letter from Charles Kingsley to Maurice's widow, 1872, thanks her for a Greek testament. Other memorabilia relate to Maurice, his family, and friends.

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      BURROWS, Ronald Montagu (1867-1920), office files
      GB 0100 KCLCA KAP/BUR · 1912-1920

      The collection comprises Principal Ronald Montagu Burrows' office files including correspondence, memoranda and accounts, 1912-1920. These include correspondence relating specifically to the impact on the College of World War One, including war grants, War Office classes, war-work by staff, lists of student casualties, the Officer Training Corps (OTC), the special constabulary, War Relief Council, erection of a war memorial, lists of refugee students, their status, examinations taken and the hospitality they enjoyed; reports and correspondence relating to the teaching and assessment of individual subjects or departments including Anatomy, Chemistry, Chinese, Day Training, Engineering, Law, Modern Greek, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Theology, 1913-1919; correspondence relating to scholarships, studentships and medals, 1913-1917; correspondence on staff, notably academic appointments and pensions, and the establishment of new chairs, 1913-1918; correspondence relating to public lectures, 1913-1918; correspondence concerning Egyptian students at King's including lists of names, 1914-1915; correspondence and accounts of King's College for Women including the transference of many of its functions to King's College in the Strand, 1915-1917; correspondence relating to the Westminster Training College, Horseferry Road, 1913-1917; typescript accounts of the Plantanes Hall of Residence [King's College Hospital, Denmark Hill], 1913-1915; estimated accounts of King's College London, 1913-1919; incomplete examination pass lists, 1914-1918; framed photograph of Eleutherios Venizelos, Greek Statesman, [1913-1920].

      Sem título
      DURRANT, Margaret (fl 1940-1948)
      GB 0100 KH/NL/PP11 · 1940-1948

      Papers of Margaret Durrant, comprising printed copy of Syllabus of subjects for examination for the Certificate of General Nursing, General Nursing Council for England and Wales, London, containing record of training in various nursing subjects and tasks [1940]; also copy of publication The case of Augustus d'Este, Douglas Firth, Cambridge University Press, 1948.

      Sem título
      LEA, M Helen (Sister Grace) (fl 1920s-1980s)
      GB 0100 KH/NL/PP18 · 1920s-1960s

      Papers of M Helen Lea comprising scrap book containing pictures of King's College Hospital, staff and buildings, visitors, wards, 1920s-1960s; and scrap book titled `High Elms, Kings College Hospital Preliminary Training School, Oct 1956', with accompanying letter and notes, 1983.

      Sem título
      MURRAY, Isabella Jeanette (fl 1922-1959)
      GB 0100 KH/NL/PP22 · 1922-1959

      Papers of Isabella Jeanette (Jean) Murray, including letter enclosing gift, 21 Dec 1922; enrolment card as member of King's College Hospital Nurses League, 14 Jan 1925; receipt for life membership subscription of the League, 18 Apr 1927;
      bundle of small black and white photographs including images of nurses Iris Angwen, Jean Murray, Dilnot, Emma, Wallis and Littlejohn, Nichol, Lloyd, Shaw, Ross, Bush, c 1924; photograph of Dr and Mrs Firth, and Raymond Firth, 1932; photograph of Lonsdale Ward, King's College Hospital (undated);
      volume of manuscript notes on bandaging, operating theatre procedures and surgical equipment; cuttings of various remedies; the Hospital Chorus; trolley preparation for various procedures; and descriptions of treatments and patient preparation;
      examination question paper for King's College Hospital Junior Probationer Examination [c.1921];
      bundle of photocopies including an invitation to the Nurses Christmas Ball, King's College Hospital, Jan 1959; notes on Kitchen Duties;
      letters to Murray, from T R Sanderson, Assistant County Secretary, British Red Cross Society Kent, confirming her appointment as an approved Lecturer in Home Nursing, 20 Mar 1940; from G G Hall British Red Cross Society, 2 May 1940, relating to Miss Murray's class undertaking the Home Nursing examination; from E [Guy] principal, Ashford Technical Institute and Evening Classes, relating to salary claim form for lectures given in Home Nursing, 7 Apr 1941.
      Murray's books including: Text-book for nurses, anatomy physiology, surgery and medicine, E W Hey Groves, and J M Fortescue-Brickdale, 2nd edition, The Joint Committee of Henry Frowde and Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1919 (inscribed J I Murray, 1920); A handbook for nurses with examination questions based on the contents of the chapters, J K Watson, 5th edition, The Scientific Press, London.[undated] (inscribed J Murray 1919); A complete system of nursing, A Millicent Ashdown, J M Dent & Sons, London and Toronto, 1919 (inscribed I J Murray , and containing letters to Miss J J Murray 1940-1941)); Aids to anatomy and physiology for nurses, Katherine F Armstrong, Balliere, Tindall and Cole, London, 1939 (inscribed I J Murray).

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      BUFFARD, Grace Lizzie (died 1984)
      GB 0100 KH/NL/PP6 · 1911-1967

      Papers of Grace Lizzie Buffard comprising: The Queen's Hospital for Children, Hackney Road London, certificate of training 1908-1911, 1 May 1911; King's College Hospital Certificate of training 1911-1914; The College of Nursing Certificate of Registration / membership, 22 Dec 1916; Central Midwives Board certificate, 10 Nov 1920; The Nursing Council of England and Wales, certificate as Registered Sick Children's Nurse, 3 Feb 1922; The Nursing Council of England and Wales, Registered Nurse certificate, 3 Feb 1922;

      printed King's College Hospital School of Nursing prospectus [1960s]; printed leaflets about KCH, [1920s-1940s]; printed obituary of Viscount Hambleden, 1868-1928;

      Buffard's Royal College of Nursing founder membership card; Christmas card from W F D Smith, Lord Hambleden and his wife, 1938 (contains photograph of Hambleden family);

      printed pamphlet titled Compassionate counsel to young students in physic, Richard Baxter, 1708;

      printed humorous extract on the experience of patients in hospital (undated); rhyme about staff of King's College Hospital;

      typescript note of important facts about King's College Hospital, 1938; manuscript notes for talk on `a fairly typical day in [hospital] as Matron', given to a women's meeting, 1967;
      black and white photographs including: portrait of Buffard in Territorial Force Nursing Service uniform, 1914; images of nurses and medical staff in St David's [military] Hospital, and St Paul's Bay, Malta, 1916; photograph and postcard of Hospital Ship Asturias;
      three photographs of nurses and tennis partners at No 59 Casualty Clearing Station, Hesdin, France, Apr 1917-Aug 1918; two photographs of No 59 Casualty Clearing Station, outside Awoingt, France, Dec 1918; four photographs taken at No 36 Casualty Clearing Station, [near Cologne], 1919;
      photographs depicting Sister Buffard with King's College Hospital nursing staff, patients and wards, 1920-1923; two postcards of King's College Hospital chapel and one of Lister Ward, Dec 1920; portrait of Buffard in King's College Hospital Sisters uniform, 1937; photograph of Queen Elizabeth II and Sir Cecil Wakeley [1940-1950s]; child patients at Queen's Hospital for Children, Hackney Road, London, 1920; Buffard with Midwifery staff at Brighton;

      newscuttings, including report of opening of new King's College Hospital, Nursing Times, 2 Aug 1913; article relating to cure of calcium deficiency at King's College Hospital [1913-1940]; printed drawing of King's College Hospital Tower Entrance [1960];

      medal of the Territorial Force Nursing Service; and ribbon decorations; bracelet engraved `G Buffard, King's College Hospital, SES, ANIV199'.

      Also includes letter from depositor (undated).

      Sem título
      GB 0097 COLL MISC 0013 · 1916

      One bound volume containing the papers relating to the Capital and Labour Committee, a sub-committee of the Reconstruction Committee:
      Item 1: Draft terms of reference to sub-committee folio 1.
      Item 2: Enterance to trades (note) folio 2 - 3.
      Item 3: Beveridge, Profit sharing between employer and trade union (memorandum, 8 May 1916) folio 4 - 10.
      Item 4: Beveridge, Profit sharing between employer and trade union (corrected draft of above) folio 11 - 18.
      Item 5: Beveridge, Relations of capital and labour after the war (memorandum 13 Jun 1916) folio 19 - 27.
      Item 6: Beveridge, Relations of capital and labour after the war (corrected draft of above) folio 28 - 38.
      Item 7: Report to the Board of Trade on the Industrial Disputes Investigation Act of Canada 1907, by Sir George Askwith (1861-1942) folio 33.

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      Livingstone, David
      GB 0102 CWM/LMS Africa Miscellaneous Livingstone Boxes 1-11, Wooden Box · 1834-1950s

      Correspondence and papers, 1834-1950s, of and relating to David Livingstone, composed of three sub-collections.

      Official London Missionary Society (LMS) papers of and relating to Livingstone, 1834-1872, largely comprise a series of over 100 original letters from Livingstone to his friends and to the LMS in connection with his work as an LMS missionary, mostly from southern Africa, the bulk dating from the 1840s and 1850s, and also include letters between other correspondents and miscellaneous other documents relating to Livingstone; 15 letters, 1852-1855, of Mary Livingstone (née Moffat), probably mostly directed to LMS officials, with typescript copies.

      The LMS reference collection on Livingstone comprises typescript and manuscript copies of the LMS Livingstone letters; original letters relating to Livingstone, 1845, 1850; copies of other letters and documents by or relating to Livingstone, 1841-1881, held elsewhere, including a later copy of Livingstone's answers to LMS questions on becoming a missionary (1838); photocopy of Livingstone's Bechuana journal, 1853; two microfilms of materials on Robert and Mary Moffat and Livingstone; papers relating to Livingstone, 1850s-1950s, collected by the LMS, including copies of further LMS documents relating to him, typescripts, press cuttings and printed material on his life and fame and places associated with him.

      The Bruce Livingstone collection comprises original letters, largely from Livingstone to Robert Moffat, 1844-1857, and photocopies of four letters, 1847-1853, from David Livingstone to Charles Livingstone.

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      Lockhart, William (papers)
      GB 0102 CWM/LMS China Personal Box 16 · 1839-1863

      Papers, 1839-1863, of William Lockhart, comprising two volumes containing his personal expenses accounts, 1839-1857; notebook, c1845, largely containing Chinese texts, also including notes in English on subjects including Chinese measurements, trades, guilds, religion, and other customs; Chinese passport, 1863.

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      Legge, James
      GB 0102 CWM/LMS China Personal Boxes 4-10 · 1831-c1905

      Correspondence and papers, 1831-c1905, of and relating to James Legge, comprising correspondence, largely manuscript and typescript copies (some later than the originals) of letters, 1831-1897, to and from Legge, the correspondents including his wife Hannah and other family members, also concerning the Anglo-Chinese College, Malacca, and its successor the Anglo-Chinese Theological Seminary, Hong Kong; sermons, mainly manuscript but including some printed, preached in Hong Kong, including the Union Church, and England, c1837-1880; publications, typescript copies, press cuttings, and manuscripts of articles, addresses and accounts, 1839-1890s (some undated; including some later copies), mainly by Legge but including some publications of other authors, the subjects including theology, Chinese religion including Confucius, Chinese language and literature, missionary work and journeys made, and Legge's work at the University of Oxford; personal papers, 1839-1897, including his certificate of ordination, 1839, print of an engraving of Legge with three Chinese students at the Hong Kong Theological Seminary, 1849, photographs of friends in Hong Kong and Chinese friends, and letter book containing Notes of my Life for my sons ... and their sisters', begun 1896; papers relating to Legge, including printed papers relating to his death, 1897, and the typescriptJames Legge: Missionary and Scholar' [before 1905]. Many of the typescript copies of correspondence and other writings were presumably made for Legge's daughter, Helen Edith Legge, for her James Legge: Missionary and Scholar (1905).

      Sem título
      Sibree Family Papers
      GB 0102 CWM/LMS Madagascar Personal Boxes 2, 5-13 · 1820-1953

      Papers, 1820-1953, of the Sibree family, comprising miscellaneous correspondence and manuscripts, press cuttings and printed papers, 1867-1929, of James Sibree, the subjects including missionary, literary and architectural work and the history, customs and language of Madagascar, including a manuscript of his `Missionary Heroes and Heroism in Madagascar', 1925; eight scrapbooks of James Sibree's papers, 1820-1927, containing printed materials and cuttings, correspondence and notes, maps and sketches relating to Madagascar and to the Sibree family; two volumes presented to James Sibree on the 50th anniversary of his missionary service in Madagascar, 1913; other papers of James Sibree relating to Madagascar, 1874-c1916 and undated, including its natural history; photographs, comprising portraits of missionaries and others connected with the Madagascar mission, 19th century, Sibree family photograph album, 1902-1913, including volcanic eruptions in Samoa, and photographs of Madagascar, including buildings, landscapes, and individuals; scrapbook of Elsie Sibree, c1913-1953, including press cuttings, photographs, and notes.

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      Accounts of Bedford College
      GB 0505 BC AR400-479 · 1849-1983

      Main financial registers of Bedford College, 1849-1965, including accounts ledgers, 1865-1964; records of student fees, 1849-1963; summary of student fees, 1965-1966; Journals, 1921-1963; Transfer Journals, 1965-1970; Grants Ledgers, 1900-1909; Cash Account Books, 1888-1963; Principal's Cash Book, 1894-1909; Petty Cash Books, 1904-1961; Cash Books and receipts, 1922-1969; Council Cheque Schedule Books, 1889-1965; College Account Book, 1891-1911. Early accounts of Bedford College (kept by the Lady Resident), including student fees, 1856-1866 and household bills, 1856-1866. Annual accounts, 1894-1977, notably balance sheets, 1894-1931; annual accounts and working papers, 1920-1983; estimates of receipts, 1899-1940; working papers and final figures for University Grants Council Returns, 1928-1977, with Quinquennial accounts, correspondence, and estimates, 1936-1972. Material relating to students' accounts and scholarships, 1861-[1965], including Students' Maintenance Grant Accounts, 1925-1956; Registration Fees Account Book, 1948-1958; Account Books for the Old Pupil's Scholarship Fund, 1861-1911; Accounts for various scholarships and funds, 1877-[1965]. Papers relating to Staff salaries and revisions, 1894-1976, including material on salary scales of and payments to teaching and administrative staff, research fellows and visiting lecturers, 1894-1973; wage and wage analysis books, 1945-1972, for Student Demonstrators, Visiting Lecturers, Laboratory Technicians, Household Staff and Junior Administrative Staff; letters of appointment to temporary and part-time staff, 1954-1957; monthly payroll computer printout, 1975-1976; wages signature books, 1912-1963, for Bedford College Household, Maintenance, Domestic, Laboratory and Administrative staff; papers relating to salary scales of lecturers, 1901-1906; Personnel Accounts, 1922-1949; material relating to the Bedford College Pension Scheme, 1907-1976, including ledgers, financial papers, Forms of Agreement, and tax sheets. Account books and legal papers for Capital Buildings Projects, 1903-1970, including a Day Book for the Building and Endowment Fund, 1904-1916; Accounts of the Extension fund, 1926-1932; and papers relating to war damage to the College buildings, 1945-1954. Household Accounts, 1910-1969, including Household Accounts, 1910-1938; Bursar's bills for payment by the Household Committee, 1941-1947, and Finance Committee, 1941-1955; Household Cash and Analysis Books, 1941; Wages Analysis Book for Household and Garden, 1941; Accounts of the Stationery Shop, 1959-1969; Account books for the Athletics ground, 1932-1944. Accounts for special funds, 1894-1968, including the Principal's Loan Fund, 1894-1955, the Geraldine Jebb Memorial Fund, 1961, and the Paterson Memorial Fund, 1943-1948.

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      JEBB, Geraldine Emma May (1886-1959)
      GB 0505 PP18 · 1948-[1979]

      Papers, 1948-1952, relating to the career of Geraldine Jebb, notably Statutes of the Order of the British Empire, presented in 1948, three books containing the signatures of Governors and Members of the Council, staff, and students who subscribed to the presentation made to Jebb on her retirement, 1951, and a certificate recording Jebb's induction as a Fellow of Bedford College. The collection also includes a short printed memoir of Geraldine Jebb by her sister, Eglantyne Mary Jebb [1959-1978].

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      TOLANSKY, Professor Samuel (1907-1973)
      GB 0505 PP22 · 1959-1972

      Papers, 1959-1972, relating to publications by Tolansky on the subject of interferometry and diamond physics, including correspondence, 1959-1964 with publishers and editors; manuscripts, typescripts and proofs of articles, books, reviews and papers on scientific subjects, 1959-1972, including papers, correspondence and press cuttings on the demand and merit of women physicists, published in the Sunday Times, 1963, and book reviews written by Tolansky, including some press cuttings and covering correspondence, 1959-1963; copies of unpublished research papers, [1934-1947]. Miscellaneous material including rough notes, booklists and illustrations of crystal structures, 1952-1962, and photographs of experiments, [1934-1973].

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      HART, Ivor Blashka (1889-1962)
      GB 0505 PP31 · 1930-1962

      Papers, 1930-1962, concerning lectures and publications by Hart, notably correspondence, 1951-1961, mainly relating to lectures on Leonardo da Vinci, aeronautical engineering and other subjects; correspondence relating to the writing and publication of his work, including James Watt and the history of steam power (Henry Schuman, New York, [1949]), 1948, and The world of Leonard da Vinci, man of science, engineer and dreamer of flight (Macdonald, London, 1961), 1960-1962; typescripts of lectures on textile education, 1951, the scientific basis for Leonardo da Vinci's work in technology, 1952, and handicraft instruction; typescript of The world of Leonard da Vinci, man of science, engineer and dreamer of flight (Macdonald, London, 1961), 1960; copies of published articles by Hart on medieval and modern science, 1930-1955.

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      JOHNSTONE, Professor Hilda (1882-1961)
      GB 0505 PP37 · 1860-1961

      Personal correspondence, 1921-1929, with Rev Canon Claude Jenkins, Professor of Ecclesiastical History at King's College, University of London, notably on Johnstone's application for the post of Head of History at Royal Holloway College and Jenkins' work with the Church of England. Visitors' book, 1913-1961, and autograph books, [1944], belonging to Johnstone. Presentation address from Royal Holloway College, given upon her retirement in 1942. Copy of 'Who's Who in relation to war trade', 1918, used by Johnstone in her work at the Board of Trade. Family papers, 1860-1916, including teaching certificates, 1860-1881, for Herbert and Sarah Anne Johnstone (Johnstone's mother and father); ledger, 1889-1910, containing a diary entry by Sarah Anne Johnstone describing Johnstone's exposure to scarlet fever; and a copy of 'Exile song', 10 Jan 1916, written by F H Johnstone (brother of Johnstone) and William Stephens. Photographs, [1890-1942], of Johnstone, her family, and students at Royal Holloway College.

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      Faculties of Royal Holloway College
      GB 0505 RHC AL140-170 · 1897-1967

      Minute books of the Faculty of Arts, 1897-1974; Minute books of the Faculty of Science, 1898-1967.

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      Accountant's Department of Royal Holloway College
      GB 0505 RHC AR400-446 · 1887-1970

      Main accounts of Royal Holloway College, 1887-1970, including Ledgers, 1887-1967; Journals, 1948-1969; and Cash Books, 1887-1970. Accounts of scholarships and prizes, 1887-1954, including Ledgers, 1887-1904, and Cash Books, 1887-1910, for Founder's and Entrance scholarships; Ledger and Cash Books for Driver Scholarship, 1901-1910; Registers of Payments for the Entrance, Founder's and Driver scholarships, 1890-1910, and other scholarships, 1935-1954. Accounts for the Marie Péchinet Fund, 1912-1970, including cash books and statements. Material relating to salaries and wages, including general Wages Books, 1887-1965, and a Wages Book for female household staff, 1923-1948. Volumes of accounts relating to household supplies, 1887-1910 and 1961-1969, notably an analysis of weekly expenditure on food, laundry and household necessities, 1887-1910; analyses of provisions consumed, 1887-1896; produce supplied from the College Gardens, 1887-1910, and 1961-1969.

      Sem título
      Royal Holloway College Association
      GB 0505 RHC AS900-950 · 1887-1972

      Records of the Royal Holloway College Association, 1887-1972, comprising publications, 1890-1972, mainly comprising copies of the College Letter. Subscription records, 1903-1960, including lists of life members of the RHCA, 1903-1960, and the annual membership, 1914-1926. Records of the RHCA Committee, 1914-1947, notably minute books, 1914-1947, and returns and letters supplied for a survey of the occupations of old students between 1939 and 1942. Minute book of the Principal's Portrait Committee, 1925-1926.

      Sem título
      Board of Governors and Council of Royal Holloway College
      GB 0505 RHC GB100-119 · 1883-1985

      Deeds, Acts of Parliament, Statutes and Regulations relating to Royal Holloway College, 1883-1962, including a printed copy Deed of Foundation, 11 Oct 1883, and amendments, 26 Apr 1906; printed 'Rules and the Deed of Foundation, with amendments', Apr 1912, and further printed and manuscript amendments, 1925, 1939, 1940 and 1946; charter of a Grant of Arms to Royal Holloway College, May 1944; Royal Holloway College Act, 30 Jul 1949, and amended Act, Apr 1962. Records of meetings, including bound volumes containing Minutes of Governors' (Council) Meetings, 1886-1971, with indexes; Chairman's Agenda books relating to meetings of the Board of Governors, the Council and their Committees, 1887-1965; bound Attendance Registers for the Board, Council and Committees, 1889-1965. Reports and papers of the Board of Governors (Council), notably printed Governors' Reports, 1888-1891; termly Principal's Reports to the Governing Body, 1887-1969; report of a conference on University degrees for women, convened by the Governors of Royal Holloway College, 1898; printed report of a Committee appointed by the Governors to consider the question of instruction in the College, 1901. Printed annual accounts, 1896-[1985]. Registers of the use of the College Seal, 1949-1970.

      Sem título
      Records kept for reference, Royal Holloway College
      GB 0505 RHC RF100-186 · 1863-1971

      Material relating to Thomas Holloway and his family, 1863-1965, including a press cuttings book kept by Holloway, 1863, pamphlets printed by the Governors of Royal Holloway College relating to the life and works of Thomas Holloway, trade literature for Holloway's pills and ointments, reports and addresses on the Holloway Sanatorium, and a catalogue of title deeds relating to Thomas Holloway deposited in Surrey Record Office. Reminiscences, memoirs, verses and novels relating to Royal Holloway College, 1911-1969, notably manuscripts and taped reminiscences by former students of the College, a printed copy of Dolores ( Blackwood and Sons, London and Edinburgh, 1911) by Ivy Compton-Burnett, speeches given at various special College dinners, and manuscripts of College songs and verses about members of staff and students. Press cuttings, articles and obituaries, 1876-1970, extracted from newspapers and journals, on Royal Holloway College, including articles on the College buildings, members of staff, the Council, the College Departments and women's' education in general. Drawings, prints and watercolours, [1879]-1908, of staff, grounds and buildings, mainly sketches of the College buildings used for a promotional brochure, 1895. Ephemera relating to Royal Holloway, [1880]-1965.

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      GB 1538 C15 · 1992

      Correspondence files of the joint meetings to discuss maternity care in the new National Health Service of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) and the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Committee, including papers on the background to its establishment, from 1985-1992, including minutes of meetings and publications, particularly RCOG, RCGP & RCM, Maternity Care in the New NHS: A Joint Approach, July 1992.

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      Committee of Inquiry into Competence to Practise
      GB 1538 C17 · 1976

      Competence to Practise: The Report of a Committee of Enquiry set up for the Medical Profession in the United Kingdom, 1976.

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      Macafee Ad Hoc Committee on Training for the Specialty
      GB 1538 M1 · 1959-1967

      Papers of the Macafee Committee comprising Committee minutes and papers, 1962-1966; background papers and final report, 1959-1966; minute book of the Committee, signed by the Chairman, 1966-1967.

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      Overseas Affairs Working Party
      GB 1538 M11 · 1995

      Report of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) working party on overseas affairs, Nov 1995.

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      Medical Gynaecology Working Party
      GB 1538 M30 · 1982-1984

      Agenda, minutes, including signed minutes of the Chairman, and papers, correspondence, questionnaire and the final report, 1982-1984, of the RCOG medical gynaecology working party.

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      Manpower Advisory Sub-committee
      GB 1538 M32 · 1980-1990

      First and second reports of the RCOG Manpower advisory sub-committee, with related correspondence, comments and papers, 1982-1990; photocopies of Hospital Recognition Committee forms: annual review of recognised hospital appointments, which provide data on staffing and training, and obstetrical and gynaecological statistics for individual hospitals, 1979-1980.

      Sem título
      Staff records
      GB 1538 RCOG/A20 · Arquivo · 1966-2005

      Personnel file for one College Secretary only.

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      GB 1538 RCOG/C7 · Arquivo · 1968-1993

      Joint Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and Royal College of General Practitioners committees and working parties, 1968-1993, comprising records from joint committees and working parties exclusively between the RCOG and the Royal College of General Practitioners. The majority discuss training for general practitioners in obstetrics and gynaecology and provision of services. They include: correspondence and reports on general practitioner maternity units (1968); correspondence, papers and a minute book for a working party on training in obstetrics for general practitioners (1972-1974); a study on attitudes to pregnancy (1972-1976); papers of Sir Rustam Feroze on a joint working party on obstetrics and gynaecology for GP's (1980-1981); papers and report of a joint working party on vocational training in obstetrics and gynaecology for GP's (1990-1993).

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      KERR, John Martin Munro (1868-1960): personal papers
      GB 1538 S12 · 1868-1947

      Personal papers of John Martin Munro Kerr, 1868-1947, including his Birth certificate, Glasgow, 1868; photocopy of certificate of marriage to Emilia Andrewina Elizabeth Johansson. British Consul's Office, Gothenburg; birth certificate of Emilia Johansson Gothenburg, 1876; election as Honorary Fellow of American Gynaecological Society, 1912; letters to Munro Kerr encouraging him to seek the chair of midwifery, University of Edinburgh, with Munro Kerr's note, 1921-1922; commission appointing Munro Kerr Regius Professor of Midwifery, University of Glasgow, 1927; letters relating to illustrations for Munro Kerr's Operative Midwifery, first edition (London, 1908), and congratulatory messages, 1907-1909; contract between Munro Kerr and his publishers E & S Livingstone relating to Maternal Mortality and Morbidity (Edinburgh, 1933), 1933; minute of agreement between Munro Kerr and three of his co-authors with E & S Livingstone, publishers for publication of J M Munro Kerr and others Combined Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, third edition (Edinburgh, 1939), 1935; certificates of degrees and Fellowship, 1890-1947; address from the Senate of the University of Glasgow on retirement as Regius Professor of Midwifery, 1934.

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      SHAW, Sir William Fletcher (1878-1961)
      GB 1538 S27 · 1950

      Off-print of 'The birth of a College' by Sir William Fletcher Shaw, in Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Empire, Vol 57 No 6 (1950) pp 876-890.

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      JEFFCOATE, Sir Thomas Norman Arthur (1907-1992)
      GB 1538 S28 · 1932-1991

      Personal papers and memorabilia of Sir Norman Jeffcoate, 1932-1991, including table plan for the College's second annual dinner, 1932; announcement of the first Blair-Bell Memorial Lecture, given by Jeffcoate, 1938; order of service of memorial service held for William Blair-Bell in Liverpool Cathedral, 1936; Association of Liverpool Medical School Newsletter 12 (1991) containing an appreciation of William Blair-Bell by Jeffcoate; "The use of oestrogenic hormones for initiating and maintaining uterine contractions", typescript essay submitted for the Katherine Bishop Harman Prize , Dec 1937; volumes of papers and notes presented to medical societies, with chronological lists of publications at front of each volume , 1931-1969; volumes of book reviews and articles by or relating to Jeffcoate, with some related correspondence and press cuttings, 1943-1979; volumes of British Medical Journal Letters, Notes and Answers, annotated , 1943-1963; volume of correspondence and papers relating to Jeffcoate's Principles of Gynaecology, published 1957 by Butterworth & Co, 1957-1975; correspondence and papers relating to Jeffcoate's appointment as Sims-Black Professor for 1958, and subsequent visits to Canada and the Caribbean, 1956-1958; file of confidential correspondence concerning the future of the RCOG, 1960-1976; volumes of correspondence, invitations and programmes relating to functions and lectures, with related press cuttings and photographs, 1953-1975; personal correspondence, 1973-1986; volume of press cuttings, with handwritten notes and index [note: most of the cuttings referred to in the index and notes are not extant], 1966-1986.

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      BELL, William Blair- (1871-1936): history of the BCOG
      GB 1538 S33 · 1934-c.1940

      The History of the Origin and Rise of the British College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists by William Blair Bell, 1934-c1940; photocopy of the same with additional prefatory matter, 1934-c1940.

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      SHAW, Sir William Fletcher Shaw (1878-1961) papers
      GB 1538 S34 · 1906-1962

      Papers of Sir William Fletcher Shaw, 1906-1962, mainly relating to the history of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, including draft history of the foundation of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, drafted 1943-1946 and subsequently amended, 1943-1960; various drafts of chapters for the history; correspondence with Sir Boyd Merriman, Solicitor General, mainly concerned with the College's registration by the Board of Trade, 1929-1934; correspondence with William Blair-Bell, 1924-, with H Russell Andrews, 1926-1929, with Hempsons, Solicitors, 1926-1929, with Comyns Berkeley, 1925-1931, with Eardley Holland, 1928-1949, with J S Fairbairn, 1928-1929, with Victor Bonney, 1928-1929, with Ewen MacLean, 1926-1929, with Sir Francis Champneys, 1926-1929, with J M Munro Kerr, 1926-1945, with T W Eden, 1926-1929, with Lord Riddell, 1931-1933, with Carlton Oldfield, 1926-1929, with C G Lowry, 1927-1929, with F J McCann, 1927-1929, with AA Gemmell, 1927-1929;

      papers preserved by Fletcher Shaw for their importance in the foundation of the College, including his earliest note on the subject, copies of GVS (Gynaecological Visiting Society) minutes, 1925-1927, counsel's opinion on the draft memorandum and articles of association with a copy of the draft, copies of the minutes of the Executive Committee, 1927, copies of correspondence and circular letters, 1927-1929, minutes of signatories and first full Council meeting, and other papers relating to the earliest activities of the College, 1924-1929;

      typescript extracts from Fletcher Shaw's diaries including a letter to his son David (1940) explaining nature of their compilation and his wish to rival Blair-Bell's history, 1930-1943; typescript extracts from Fletcher Shaw's diary, 1930-1943,1947-1949,1953; correspondence with Sir Ewen Maclean on the presidency of Sir Eardley Holland and the early history of College, 1943-1946; minutes of Council with a few agenda and other papers, 1929-1935; draft memoirs of L C Rivett, J S Fairbairn, Russell Andrews, Sir Ewen Maclean, Sir Comyns Berkeley, Sir Eardley Holland, and Sir Francis Champneys, undated; file relating to the Standing Joint Committee of the three Royal Colleges, with later papers relating to Fletcher Shaw's account of the role of the RCS in the foundation of the College, 1942-1944; description and notes with related correspondence on the formation of a committee representing the medical profession in relation to the Beveridge Report, 1943; College's report on 'The health of women war workers from the gynaecological aspect' with associated papers and correspondence, 1942; papers relating to D W Roy and the Inter-Departmental Committee on abortion and Fletcher Shaw's later dispute with him, 1937-1938, 1940; correspondence relating to proposal to build RCOG, Royal College of Physicians and Royal College of Surgeons on one common site, 1942-1943; correspondence with Sir Alfred Webb-Johnson, President, RCS, 1943-1946; personal correspondence of Shaw, 1951-1955; diary, 1938-1943;

      papers relating to the College in wartime, and medical and maternity services in wartime, including the evacuation of pregnant women, 1938-1943, the College's relations with the BMA, 1938-1943, the College's relations with the RCP and RCS, 1939-1943, the appointment of gynaecologists to the armed services, Fulmer Chase Officers' Wives Maternity Hospitality, and women war workers, 1939-1943; correspondence with the Central Medical War Committee of the BMA, 1939-1941; papers and correspondence on infertility, 1944-1945;

      various papers including an appeal for funds, 1932, standing orders for Council meetings, a paper on the drafting of the contentious clauses in the College's memorandum of association, Council papers relating to inter alia the Australian Regional Council, the Central Consultants and Specialists' Committee, Standing Joint Committee of the Three Royal Colleges memorandum on gynaecological cancer, and the National Birthday Trust Fund, programmes for Manchester Royal Infirmary Old Residents Club Dinners, 1910-1958; newspaper cuttings - one dated Feb 1907 re Manchester University students rowdy 'gown' debate mentioning Fletcher Shaw, the other confirming appointments at Manchester Royal Infirmary - Fletcher Shaw one of two house surgeons, c1907; copies of speeches, lectures and addresses made by Fletcher Shaw, 1938-1959; Fletcher Shaw's Memorial Service programme and transcription of address given at the service by Professor W I C Morris, 1961; obituary of Fletcher Shaw by E A Gerrard: 'The One Hundred and Second Record', 1962; copies of published gynaecological articles by Fletcher Shaw, 1906-1954.

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      ARMYTAGE, Vivian Bartley Green- (1882-1961): memorabilia
      GB 1538 S37 · 1915-1967

      Papers of Vivian Bartley Green-Armytage, 1915-1967, comprising certificates as Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, 1952, Foundation Fellow of the British College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1930, as officier and chevalier of the Legion d'Honneur, 1958, 1967, Membre D'Honneur of the Societe Francais de Gynaecologie, undated; display labels for the display cabinet, and certificate of Green-Armytage having been mentioned in a despatch during action in World War One, 1915.

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      GB 1538 S44 · 1994

      Letters by Harold Hugh Francis, 1994, relating to biographical inaccuracies concerning William Blair-Bell, gynaecologist, in Lives of the Fellows of the RCOG 1929-1969 (Whitefriars Press Ltd, 1975) and William Blair Bell - founder and father (c1986), both by Sir John Peel; anecdotes concerning Blair-Bell which were recounted to Mr Francis.

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      SHUTE, Wallace Beresford (b1911): Shute Forceps papers
      GB 1538 S48 · 1959-1997

      Papers of Dr Wallace Beresford Shute, 1959-1997, comprising correspondence relating to presentation of the video cassette copies of his 1991 film "The Shute Parallel Forceps: its techniques and clinical use", 1997; biography and curriculum vitae of Dr Shute and instructions for use of the Shute Parallel Obstetrical Forceps, 1997; copies of papers published by Dr Shute and others, mainly on the use of the forceps, with some related correspondence , 1959-1994.

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      SIMPSON, Sir James Young (1811-1870)
      GB 1538 S54 · nd [mid 19th century]

      The item comprises a wooden block on which is mounted Sir James Young Simpson's signature, apparently torn from a document. Only the first part of the date, "31st Dec", survives.

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      Royal Maternity Charity
      GB 1538 S60 · 1761-1949

      Papers of the Royal Maternity Charity, 1761-1949, including minute books, 1761-1949; 'Rough minute books', 1772-1826 and case-book of Robert Barnes at the Royal Maternity Charity, Oct 1857-Oct 1858.

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      ALMENT, Sir Anthony (1922-2002)
      GB 1538 S62 · c1946-1948

      Five pen and ink cartoons made by Sir Anthony Alment concerning the controversies surrounding the establishment of the National Health Service, and the views of the medical profession, [1946-1948].

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      Lebanon Hospital for Mental and Nervous Disorders
      GB 0102 LH · 1896-1997

      Records, 1896-1997, of the London General Committee of the Lebanon Hospital for Mental and Nervous Disorders (formerly Lebanon Hospital for the Insane), comprising:

      papers, 1907-1983, relating to the Hospital constitution, financial and legal postition, and closure, including copies of the constitution, 1907, 1965, and photocopies of the Wakf Deed (1912);

      minutes of the London General Committee, 1897-1982, and Sub-Committee, 1910-1920;

      copies of minutes of the Beirut Executive Committee, 1950-1982;

      accounts and balance sheets, 1941-1982, including some auditors' reports from 1953 onwards;

      ledgers, c1950-1982, recording transactions, investments, funds and expenses;

      cash book, 1977-1981, recording transactions and investments;

      correspondence and papers, 1896-1916, of and relating to Theophilus Waldmeier in connection with the Hospital, including correspondence with the London General Committee and Treasurer, and Waldmeier's progress reports written for donors and subscribers, the subjects including building and equipping the Hospital, patients, treatment and recovery, fundraising and financial matters, also including press cuttings and obituaries on Waldmeier, 1915-1916;

      general files of correspondence and papers relating to Hospital administration, 1902-1997, the subjects including staffing, trust funds and endowments, appeals for funds and other financial matters, and closure, including some correspondence of Sir Geoffrey Furlonge (Chairman of the London General Committee), 1971-1981, and correspondence with the Charity Commission, 1984-1997;
      annual reports, 1899, 1956-1974 (incomplete series);
      publicity material, c1897-1971, including speeches, texts of radio broadcasts, various publications, and autobiography of Theophilus Waldmeier;
      photographs, 1909, 1956, 1974, including the hospital at Asfuriyeh and the site at Aramoun;

      miscellaneous papers, 1898-c1992, including undated list of Chairmen of the London General Committee (1906-1970), reports on visits to the Hospital, 1964-1965, reports and photographs of damage to Aramoun, 1991-c1992, and ground plan of Asfuriyeh, revised 1907.

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      Mackenzie, Melville Douglas
      GB 0102 MS 380483 · Created 1930-1935

      Copies of the papers and photographs, 1930-1935 and undated, of Dr Melville Douglas Mackenzie, relating to his time as Special Commissioner, League of Nations Mission to the Kru (Kroo) peoples of Liberia (1931-1932).

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