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        94 Archival description results for Philosophy

        94 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
        GB 0097 LONDON POSITIVIST SOCIETY · 1876-1974

        Minute books, account books and annual reports; correspondence (mainly of Henry Tompkins and Donald Fincham as Secretary), with members, with other Positivists, Humanists and Historians, and concerning the August Comte Memorial Trust; notes and papers by Henry Tompkins, including a short autobiography, addresses on positivist subjects, and notes on books he had read; other positivist writings, including pamphlets, reports and the text of talks; and various ephemera and pictures, including photographs of members, broadsheets and programmes, typescripts of correspondence between August Comte and George Lewes, and notes on the history of the Society.

        London Positivist Society English Positivist Committee
        GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP54 · Created [1946-1994]

        Papers, 1946-1994, relating to philosophy and Lloyd's academic career and publications, including letters relating to publishing contracts for Form and universal in Aristotle (Liverpool University School of Classics, 1981), and The anatomy of neoplatonism (Clarendon, Oxford, 1990). Lecture notes, [1960-1970], on various philosophical subjects, including Plato, and the History of Philosophy. Papers, [1985-1990], relating to Lloyd's writings, mainly on Greek philosophy, and including manuscript drafts and proofs of The anatomy of neoplatonism.

        Lloyd , Antony Charles , 1916-1994 , Professor of Philosophy
        Lankester Manuscript
        GB 0103 MS ADD 252 · 1922

        Manuscript paper, 'Contributions to evolution theory', sent to the zoologist Sir John Graham Kerr on 1 September 1922. All red marks, and probably all ink marks, done by Kerr.

        Lankester , Sir , Edwin Ray , 1847-1929 , Knight , zoologist
        Lankester Lectures, notes
        GB 0103 MS ADD 95 · c1889-c1890

        Manuscript notes and sketches on a course of lectures on zoology given by Sir Edwin Lankester (1847-1929).

        Harris , H J , fl 1886-1892 , student of science
        GB 0098 B/KENNEDY · 1915-1993

        Papers of Professor John Stodart Kennedy, 1915-1993, comprising biographical and autobiographical papers, 1915-1992, including Kennedy's autobiographical notes, family and personal papers, diaries;
        papers relating to research, 1939-1992, documenting most stages of his scientific career from the 1930s, including wartime service; his periods at Cambridge, Imperial College and Oxford, categorised alphabetically by topic including aphids, behaviour/behaviourism, ethology, locusts, mosquitoes and motivation; photographs and observations in Albania, 1939; drafts and exchanges of ideas for his book of 1992;
        papers and correspondence relating to Imperial College, 1963-1987; papers relating to lectures, papers and broadcasts, 1935-1987; publications, 1939-1992; societies and organisations, 1937-1991, including the Anti-Locust Research Centre; scientific and general correspondence, 1937-1992, with friends and colleagues such as Donald Livingston Gunn, Vincent Brian Wigglesworth, many overseas correspondents including scientific exchanges; papers relating to references and recommendations, 1954-1991, including correspondence with editors, authors and publishing houses; photographs, 1942-1985, notably of the work of the Middle East Anti-Locust Unit, 1942-1944, wind-tunnels, group photographs of meetings and symposia.

        Kennedy , John Stodart , 1912-1993 , zoologist
        Keeling Papers
        GB 0103 MS ADD 326 · Created 1930-1979

        Papers, including personal and professional correspondence; a heavily annotated copy of A.J.Ayer's 'Thinking and Meaning'; proof copy of J.E.McTaggart's 'Philosophical Studies'; Keeling's work on time and other reviews and articles; reviews of Keeling's own works; draft and proof articles for 'Encyclopaedia Britannica' and related correspondence; Keeling's birth and death certificates and documents relating to his will; 2 letters from Bertrand Russell (photocopies); a photocopy of details of Keeling's imprisonment as a conscientious objector in the First World War.

        Keeling , Stanley Victor , 1894-1979 , philosopher
        ISAACS, Nathan (1895-1966)
        GB 0366 NI · Collection · 1913-1966

        Papers of Nathan Isaacs, 1913-1966, including lectures, unpublished writings and notes, publications and correspondence concerning his psychological and philosophical work.

        Isaacs , Nathan , 1895-1966 , metallurgist and educationist
        GB 0098 B/HUXLEY · Created 1839-1931

        Papers of Thomas Henry Huxley, 1839-1931, comprising scientific and general correspondence, 1846-1911; Huxley family letters, 1842-1931; personal papers, 1839-1891; working papers, 1846-1900, largely comprising notes, drawings, lectures and unfinished essays, relating to anthropology and ethnology, 1866-1890, biology, 1846-1900, including voyage of HMS RATTLESNAKE, 1846-1850, education, 1861-1893, geology and palaeontology, 1854-1891, philosophy and ethics, 1871-[1893], theology and biblical criticism, [1859-1895]; papers of the Fisheries Commissions and Scottish Fishery Board, 1858-1864; appointment diaries, 1857-1894; drawings, [1849-1872]; caricatures and cartoons, [1852-1883]; photographs and engravings, [1846-1890]; posthumous papers, [1895-1925];

        scientific papers, 1846-1898, comprising notebooks made whilst with HMS RATTLESNAKE, 1846-1850; scientific notebooks, containing drawings, notes, correspondence and lectures, [1855-1888], principally relating to zoology and largely organised by zoological classification; drawings, [1847-1895], many relating to the notebooks;

        correspondence between Huxley and Henrietta Anne Heathorn, 1847-1854.

        Huxley , Thomas Henry , 1825-1895 , scientist and educationalist
        HUXLEY Scientific papers
        GB 0098 B/HUXLEY · Created 1846-1846

        Scientific papers of T H Huxley, 1846-1898, comprising notebooks made whilst Assistant Surgeon to HMS RATTLESNAKE, 1846-1850, containing his observations, sketches of specimens, notably oceanic hydrozoa, mollusca and crustacea, related notes;

        scientific notebooks, papers and correspondence, [1855-1888], relating to botany and principally zoology, bound in volumes largely according to zoological classification, including invertebrata, crustacea, vertebrata, teleostei, amphibia, reptilia, aves, mammalia, carnivora, primates, anthropology, mycological, bacteria, hirudinea, mollusca, petromyzon, ganoidei, sturiones, dipnoi, teleostei, salmonidae, insectivora, rodentia, lepus, canidae, fossil fishes, dinosauria, ethnology, origins of biology, gentiana; correspondence concerning deep sea soundings, 1857; syllabus and notes for lectures, [1860-1886], for the Government (later Royal) School of Mines, Royal Institution, working men, London Institution, University of Edinburgh, notably on natural history, zoology, ethnology, elementary geography, physiography; correspondence, 1851-1894; notebooks, [1847-1884], concerning visits to Switzerland, Tenby, Italy, notes on anatomy and vertebrae;

        drawings, [1847-1895] many illustrating laboratory work, and relating to observations in his notebooks, relating to protozoa and botany; coelenterata, brachiostomata, echinodermata, mollusca; vermes and arthropoda with peripatus; pisces with tunicata and amphioxus; mammalia; anthropological photographs, [1868-1898].

        Huxley , Thomas Henry , 1825-1895 , scientist and educationalist
        HUXLEY (Dawson catalogue)
        GB 0098 B/HUXLEY · Created 1839-1931

        Papers of Thomas Henry Huxley, 1839-1931, comprising scientific and general correspondence, 1846-1911, notably from Alexander Emanuel Agassiz, 1874-1895; Matthew Arnold, [1870]-1880; William George Armstrong, 1874-1900; Charles Robert Darwin, [1851]-1882; Anton Dohrn, 1867-1900; John Fretchfield Dykes Donnelly, 1870-1897; Frederick Daniel Dyster, [1854-1892]; Michael Foster, 1865-1902; Edward Frankland, 1857-1895; Ernst Haeckel, 1862-[1907]; Albany Hancock, 1852-1870; Joseph Dalton Hooker, [1853]-[1900]; James Hunt, 1866-1868; Benjamin Jowett, [1870]-1893; Charles Kingsley, 1859-1871; James Thomas Knowles, 1871-1908; Edwin Ray Lankester, [1872]-[1907]; Joseph Norman Lockyer, [1863]-1894; Charles Lyell, 1853-1873; John Morley, 1867-1892; Herbert Spencer, 1852-1900; John Tyndall, 1851-1894; Edward Perceval Wright, 1860-1874; supplementary letters, 1842-1931, principally Huxley family letters, 1842-1886; letters to Mrs Huxley and Dr Leonard Huxley, 1868-1931; letters by T H Huxley, principally drafts or copies, 1850-1895; copies of correspondence of Joseph Dalton Hooker, 1856-1897;
        personal papers, 1839-1891, comprising miscellaneous papers, 1839-1911, including sketches and bills; diplomas and appointments, 1850-1893;
        papers relating to anthropology and ethnology, 1866-1890, including lecture course on ethnology; papers relating to biology, 1846-1900, including notes and drawings relating to published papers on marine invertebrates, zoological papers sent to the Royal and Linnean Societies from HMS RATTLESNAKE; papers relating to lectures and essays, Darwin's works; papers relating to education, 1861-1893, concerning scientific and technical education, reform of the University of London, press cuttings; papers of the Fisheries Commissions and Scottish Fishery Board, 1858-1864; reports, notes, drawings and lectures relating to geology and palaeontology, 1854-1891; papers relating to philosophy and ethics, 1871-[1893], including material for a history of philosophy and human thought; theology and biblical criticism, [1859-1895] principally notes and unfinished essays; papers relating to the British Museum, sociology and politics, spiritulism, [1858-1894]; notebooks,1846-1894, some containing drawings, relating to philosophy, lectures at the Royal Institution, London Institution, Royal College of Surgeons, biology, zoology, publications, religion; appointment diaries, 1857-1894;
        drawings, [1849-1872], mainly of landscapes and some specimens; caricatures and cartoons, [1852-1883];
        photographs and engravings, [1846-1890], mainly of people and houses; posthumous papers, [1895-1925], including obituaries and reminiscences.

        Huxley , Thomas Henry , 1825-1895 , scientist and educationalist
        Hill (James Peter) Papers
        GB 0103 MS ADD 377 · c1898-c1965

        Testimonials, obituary notices, photographs, and some miscellaneous papers including a notebook.

        Hill , James Peter , 1873-1954 , Professor of Embryology
        GB 0098 B/HEWER · 1918-1974

        Papers of Professor Humphrey Robert Hewer, 1918-1974, comprising biographical papers, 1918-1974, including diaries, photographs; notebooks, journals and working papers, 1929-1973, relating to field trips, his work on seals, zygaena and woodpeckers; papers and correspondence of various natural history committees and societies on which he served, 1967-1974; drafts and material relating to Hewer's publications (especially British seals), 1926-1972; photographs, drawings, notes, and scripts for various wildlife films, 1951-1974; correspondence;
        notebooks on zoology, cytology, made whilst a student at the Royal College of Science (Imperial College), [1920-1926].

        Hewer , Humphrey Robert , 1903-1974 , zoologist
        GB 0096 MS 252 · [1700]

        Manuscript transcripts of six writings on hermetic philosophy, [1700], including tracts by David de Planis Campy, Adrien Ameuric and Raymond Lulle.'

        GB 0097 HARRISON · 1840-1931

        Correspondence to and from Frederic and Ethelberta Harrison, including family correspondence and photocopies of Harrison's correspondence with Edward Spencer Beesly; Frederic Harrison's writings and speeches, including diaries on subjects such as the cotton famine in Lancashire, essays on subjects such as positivism, peoples education and the French Revolution, autobiographical notes, and ephemera; and press cuttings.

        Harrison, Frederic, 1831 - 1923, Author and Positivist
        GB 0120 MSS.2672-2719 · 1874-1902

        Note-books of William Dobinson Halliburton chiefly of lecture notes taken while a student at University College, London. Author's holograph MSS. Produced in London, 1874-1902.

        Halliburton , William Dobinson , 1860-1931 , physiologist and biochemist
        Hallett, Harold Foster
        GB 0096 MS 991 · 1910-1959

        Papers of Professor Harold Foster Hallett, comprising his library of books concerning Philosophy and Spinoza; a collection of typescripts, lecture notes, proofs and other material relating to the study of philosophy, especially Spinoza.

        Hallett , Harold Foster , 1886-1966 , academic
        Griffith, Samuel
        GB 0117 MS 76 · sub-fonds · 1674

        'A treatise of the Spirit of man of its Facultys and Functions and of its union to the body according to the principles of Renes Descartes by Louis De La Forge'. A translation of a French original, published in Paris 1666. A note at the end of this volume states that the writer (Samuel Griffith) of this manuscript finished his work on 1 January 1673/4, in Formosa.

        Griffith , Samuel , fl 1674
        Grant Lists
        GB 0103 MS ADD 59 · 1850

        Two lists of specimens, instruments, utensils, drawings, etc, illustrative of comparative anatomy and zoology. Both dated 12 January 1850.

        Grant , Robert Edmond , 1793-1874 , Professor of Comparative Anatomy
        GB 0120 MSS.2542-2543 · 1661-1665

        Two versions of lecture notes given by Carl von Goldburg and Wilhelm Anton Brauczek entitled "Tractatus in universam Aristotelis philosophiam ad mentem Doctoris Subtilis Joannis Duns Scoti", produced in Prague, 1661-1665.

        Goldburg , Carl , von
        Brauczek , Wilhelm Anton
        GB 0097 GINSBERG · 1912-1954

        This collection consists of Ginsberg's correspondence; research notes and correspondence relating to Ginsberg's books articles, reviews and papers, including 'The Material Culture and Social Institutions of the Simpler Peoples', 'Dialogues on Metaphysics', 'Sociology', and the preface to L T Hobhouses 'Morals in Evolution'; research notes and lectures on subjects including logic, religion, morals, ethics, social psychology, and the influence of environment and heredity on race and class; papers and correspondence concerning university administration and examinations, relating predominantly to the University of London; Correspondence with L T Hobhouse and papers relating to his life and works and the Hobhouse Memorial Fund; miscellaneous papers and publications on sociological subjects including mental illness and race relations; and collected articles on sociological subjects by other authors.

        Ginsberg , Morris , 1889-1970 , sociologist
        GB 0372 GALHA · Fonds · 1978-2007

        Papers of the Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association (1978-2005), including: accounts and financial records, 1980-2005; chair and annual reports, 1979-2007; annual general meeting minutes and papers, 1980-1997; nomination forms, membership and attendance records, 1985-1996; legislative submissions, 1980-2001; papers, press cuttings and other material regarding various GALHA campaigns concerning "cures" for homosexuality, Coventry County Council and their ban on a Campaign for Homosexual Equality meeting, the armed forces, Section 28 and the age of consent, 1978-2000; press releases, 1990-1993; papers deposited by founder members George Broadhead and Jim Herrick including papers, journals, photographs and other material, 1979-1995.

        Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association
        GB 0098 B/FOX · 1905-1968

        Papers of Professor Harold Munro Fox, 1905-1968, comprising biographical papers, 1905-1965; notebooks and working papers, 1915-1967, including a journal, scientific observations and photographs relating to the Suez expedition, 1924-1925, laboratory notebooks,1925-1967; broadcast talks to schools, 1937-1939; lectures, chiefly from his last years at Bedford College, 1953-1955; publications, 1960-1967, including notes, correspondence, obituaries; personal and scientific correspondence, 1936-1970.

        Fox , Harold Munro , 1889-1967 , zoologist
        Faraday, Michael (1791-1867)
        GB 0116 Michael Faraday Collection · 1810-1868

        The papers are extensive covering Faraday's work in science. Details of his work on electro-magnetic induction, the laws of electrolysis and the theory of electro-magnetism are in the form of laboratory notebooks, lecture notes and various publications on experimental researchers in electricity. There are some administrative papers on the Royal Institution of Great Britain including cash books. The correspondence covers his work for the Admiralty and the Corporation of Trinity House whilst acting as Scientific Adviser; they also detail his general communication with people and other organisations. Other items include his book collection, scrapbooks, portfolio of portraits and apparatus. A few lacunae have been identified. There are no documents on his personal life or his work as Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich.

        Faraday, Michael, 1791-1867. Chemist. Natural Philosopher.
        GB 0120 MSS.2352-2357, 5149 · 1826-1858

        Personal correspondence and papers of Baron Ernst von Feuchtersleben, mainly relating to medical topics and to the Faculty of Medicine in Vienna, 1826-1858. The papers are mainly copies of medical texts with mansuscript annotations and copies of medical essays by him - some unpublished. Also, his case book 1836-1842. The records often relate to the Viennese Medical Faculty, his interest in medical education, and addresses given by him. The correspondence is primarily from medical colleagues in Austria and Germany.

        Feuchtersleben , Ernst , Von , 1806-1849 , Baron , Austrian psychiatrist and poet
        GB 2108 KUAS49 · Collection · [1977-1984]

        Papers of Scott Dunbar, [1977-1984], largely comprise letters from Iris Murdoch to Dr Scott Dunbar and copies of his work. Letters from Iris Murdoch to Dunbar raise issues including religion, politics, structuralism, philosophy and also more personal matters including her mother's illness. The collection also includes an itinerary listing a series of ten lectures to be given by Iris Murdoch in October 1982 at the University of Edinburgh, the Gifford Lectureship in Natural Theology entitled 'Metaphysics as a guide to morals', possibly attended by Dunbar and a photocopy of a letter from Scott Dunbar to Murdoch answering a question at length: 'why are gay bars so sad?'.

        The collection also contains letters from other individuals to Dunbar including Duncan Averbach, 1989, discussing Dunbar's thesis and the difference between the human being and person; letter from Theodore Brotsis, enclosing a photograph of Theodore, 1986; published works by Dunbar including 'On art, morals, and religion: some reflections on the work of Iris Murdoch', Scott Dunbar, Religious Studies, Vol 14, No 4, 1978; typescript copies of works including 'Alcoholics Anonymous and Alcohol Dependency' Part One and Part Two and handwritten notes, presumably by Dunbar, including notes titled 'IVF and all that' and lecture notes including 'The Iliad Lectures'.

        Dunbar , Scott , d 2006 , philosopher, theologian and teacher
        GB 0097 DRYSDALE · c1900-1952

        The papers in this collection are principally concerned with Drysdale's humanist and Malthusian beliefs and are mainly post World War I notes and drafts of chapters of unpublished books and articles. Also included is an unpublished work on family planning by Bessie Drysdale. The collection comprises papers relating to the following: Section 1: publication A Religion For Humanity; Section 2: the book The Malthusian Doctrine and Criterion of Overpopulation; Section 3: the publication To All Who Desire Permanent Peace and Prosperity: Section 4: projected book Science and Post-War Policy; Section 5: the book Wage Earners Save Yourselves!; Section 6: articles and writings on population and the Malthusian doctrine; Section 7: collection of notes and working papers on population; Section 8: collection of technical papers relating to Drysdale's Malthusian interests.

        Drysdale , Charles Vickery , 1874-1961 , President of Malthusian League
        GB 0103 MS LAT 4 · 14th century-15th century

        Manuscript volume with contents dating from the 14th and 15th centuries, comprising a collection of 20 miscellaneous treatises, including 'Dyalethyca', with a commentary and exercise on the Summulae logicorum of Petrus Hispanus and other lectures and exercises in logic of Petrus Zech, alias De Pulka, of the University of Vienna, written by Johannes Sintram at Ulm and dated 1405; other treatises on liturgical and astrological subjects, including works by Johannes De Sacro Bosco; calendars; questions on canon law; verses. The pastedowns are from a 14th-century service book.

        Dawes Hicks Papers
        GB 0103 DAWES HICKS · 1880s-[1928]

        Papers of George Dawes Hicks, 1880s-[1928] and undated, mainly comprising typescript and manuscript texts of his lectures at University College London on philosophical subjects including psychology, ethics, logic, metaphysics, Greek philosophy, Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, Spinoza, Lotze, Bradley, and modern philosophy; also including notebooks containing manuscript texts of the lectures on philosophy and psychology of Professor Robert Adamson, delivered at Owens College Manchester, 1886-1888, and at Glasgow, 1899-1900 (in boxes 2, 11, 13); printed and manuscript papers, 1880s-1890s, on educational issues, specifically the campaign to extend university teaching in London by establishing a teaching university, supported by University College London and King's College London, to secure a new charter for the University of London, and opposition to the campaign (in boxes 4, 17, 19, 20). Not all the lecture notes were originally made by Dawes Hicks himself.

        Hicks , George Dawes , 1862-1941 , Professor of Philosophy
        GB 0116 Humphry Davy Collection · 1795-1861

        Papers of Sir Humphry Davy are extensive including the bond of indenture of apprenticeship, 1795 with its release, 1798; lecture notes of 1805-1812 relating to subjects such as the history of electricity, vegetable chemistry, electrochemical science, agricultural chemistry and geology; honours and diplomas relating to various institutions such as the Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg for 1826, the Danish Royal Society of Sciences for 1821 and the Pilman Society of Edinburgh for 1823; laboratory notebooks of 1805-1829 relating to experiments on galvanism, sulphur and phosphorous, ammonia on potassium, sodium, metals, muriatic and oxymuriatic gas, copper, and decompositions amongst others; RI laboratory notebooks of 1830-1861 which includes Davy's work on copper and water; correspondence relating to his work and personal life, to and from his mother, Mrs Jane Apreece, Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) and others; personal notebooks c 1795-1829; mathematical notebooks; scientific observations notebooks of 1799-1800 relating to phosphorous, the combustion of iron and the philosophy of heat and light; papers relating to his published works such as the Elements of Chemical Philosophy, Consolations in Travel and Salmonia; papers collected by Michael Faraday (1791-1867) which includes some of the above mentioned notebooks; papers collected by John Davy (1790-1868) his brother, relating to extracts from Humphry Davy's journals and John's observations of his brother; papers of his poetry and sketches; his Commonplace book 1812-1815; a ledger of Edmund Davy (1785-1857) his cousin and appraisal for the miners safety lamp of 1815.

        Davy, Sir Humphry, 1778-1829. Baronet. Chemist. Natural Philosopher.
        Davis · [1959-1994]

        Papers of Professor Charles Davis, [1959-1994] including personal papers and notes on topics including ethics, conscience, prayer, Eucharist, penance, faith, anointing of the sick, meaning of history, magisterum, atonement, freedom, sexual morality, the devil, the church, contraception, John Milton, hypnotism, Christian reform, Jesus Christ, liturgy, the Virgin Mary, ecumenism, baptism, interpreting modern theology and celibacy; working papers and papers for taught courses on the following topics: Christian mysticism, living as a Christian, theories of religion, Immanuel Kant's moral philosophy, Leslie Milton, promise of critical theology, faith and the artist, doctrine and life, Bernard Lonergan, 'our bodily selves and God', religion and literature, psychoanalysis, William George Ward, early Christianity, unity, Paul Ricoer, transubstantiation, David Lodge, Graham Greene, Muriel Spark, Mary Gordon, John Updike, Johann Baptist, J F Powers, Marc P Lalonde, secularisation, political theology, Medieval Christianity, Christ and the world, parables, Ursula LeGuin, Flannery O'Connor, Callahan, Iris Murdoch, Margaret Drabble, Hermuenics, Christian modernism, Thomas Hardy, the human body, Herbert Hartley Dewart and religious experience.

        Notes for PhD seminars including on Karl Marx, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegal, G E Moore, Reinhold Niebuhr, Friedrich Nietzsche, Godamer, William James and Richard Hare and other seminars including on Michel Foucault, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Max Weber, Buckminster Fuller and Woodstock College seminar, 1973.

        Lectures including on the Vatican, CBC talks, 1967, the Wilson lectures, lectures at Huron College, Mar 1984 and the Simonsville talks; unpublished papers and articles by Davis; reviews, on and by Davis; papers relating to the Killam Research Fellowship; poems; press cuttings chiefly by or on Davis; obituaries; papers relating to conferences including the 'Critical theory and empirical method' conference and a report on the conference on 'The relevancy of organised religion', Oct 1969; diary of a visit to England, Aug 1975; draft manuscript 'The Presence of Christ, Reflections on the Eucharist'; papers relating to appointments including CVs and references; papers relating to academic institutions including Concordia University, Pontifica Universitas Gregoriana, Heythrop College, Lakehead University and the University of Alberta; Davis' personal financial and legal papers and other personal papers; offprints of articles and journals; PhD theses supervised by Davis and personal and professional correspondence on topics including leaving the Roman Catholic Church; the birth of his children; conferences and talks; his wedding; on 'becoming a liberated Christian'; ecclesiastical topics; royalties and correspondence with publishers, notably Cambridge University Press.

        Davis , Charles Alfred , 1923-1999 , theologian
        GB 0103 MS ADD 112 · 1914-1966

        Correspondence between D M S Watson and others; memorabilia; sketches and drawings; photographs; and newspaper cuttings.

        Watson , David Meredith Seares , 1886-1973 , palaeontologist
        GB 0120 MSS.1878-1882 · 1756-1758

        5 volumes of Jacques Robert Corentin Coroller: 'Institutiones philosophiae ... Audiente Joanne Francisco Gillet', titles within decorated pen-drawn borders, illustrated with pen-drawn diagrams, figures, etc., and small vignettes and tail-pieces. Vol. I. 'Prolegomena philosophiae. Logica', 1757; Vol. ll. 'Metaphysica', 1757; III. 'Philosophia moralis', 1757; IV. 'Physica generalis', 1758; V. 'Physica specialis', 1758. At the end of the text of Vol. V. (p. 577) is an inscription by Gillet. 'Finis totius philosophiae die 29a jullii [sic] anno Domini 1758, sub illustrissimo Domino proffessore [sic] regio jacobo roberto correntino Corroller sacrae facultatis parisiensis bacalaurio theologo, ex urbe episcopali Quimper Correntin, in brittannia [sic] minori. Has lectiones philosophicas audivit joannes franciscus Gillet Lugdunensis in scholis academicis seminarii sancti iraenei [sic]. Lugdunensis a lu[per] calibus anni millesimi septingentesimi quinquagesimi sexti ad inducias usque academicas anni millesimi septingentesimi quinquagesimi octavi'. After 7 ll. of diagrams, etc., he adds: 'Il manqueroit quelque chose à ce cours de philosophie si je n'y adjoutois la chanson que j'ai faite sur ma sortie du Séminaire'. This is followed by 70 lines of verse. Produced in Lyons.

        Coroller , Jacques Robert Corentin , fl 1756-1758
        Cohade, Paul (fl.1668-1669)
        GB 0120 MSS.1703-1704 · 1668-1669

        Notes of Paul Cohade's lectures on philosophy, 1668-1669.

        Cohade , Paul , fl 1668-1669 , lecturer on philosophy
        GB 0114 MS0237 · 1802-1817

        Papers of William Clift, 1802-1817, comprising a volume titled Scrappiana or Extracts various, containing notes, poetry, thoughts and maxims, and extracts from publications including Erasmus Darwin's Zoonomia.

        Clift , William , 1775-1849 , museum curator and scientific illustrator
        GB 0372 CAMPBELL · Fonds · 1957-1970

        Papers of Colin Campbell, 1957-1970, including: papers and minutes of the British Humanist Association, 1959-1969; papers, minutes and promotional material regarding the University Humanist Federation, 1959-1970; papers, reports and ephemera regarding the National Secular Society, 1957-1964; completed questionnaire forms from and papers relating to a survey of Humanist groups conducted by Campbell and the BHA, 1963; completed questionnaire forms from and papers concerning a BHA/NSS survey, 'Who are the Humanists?', 1964; copy of Colin Campbell's PhD thesis, 'Humanism and the culture of the professions: a study of the rise of the British humanist movement, 1954-1963' (435pp), 1967.

        Campbell , Colin Barnsley , b 1940 , sociologist
        GB 0099 KCLMA Brooke A F · 1906-1967

        Manuscript diaries, 1939-1946, notably covering his command of 2 Corps, BEF, France and Belgium, 1939-1940, his service as Commander-in-Chief, Home Forces, 1940-1941, and as Chief of the Imperial General Staff, 1941-1946, with detailed accounts of meetings and conversations, and comments on personalities. Detailed unpublished memoirs, 1883-1946, written in [1946-1960]. Personal files, 1940-1946, principally comprising copies of official and semi-official correspondence with FM Sir Bernard Law Montgomery, 1942-1945, relating to his commands of 8 Army, Middle East, 1942-1943, and 21 Army Group, North West Europe, 1944-1945; with FM Archibald Percival Wavell, 1st Viscount of Cyrenaica and of Winchester, 1940-1945, relating to his commands in the Middle East, 1940-1941, and India, 1941-1945; with FM Sir (Henry) Maitland Wilson, 1943-1945, relating to his commands in the Middle East, 1943-1944, and as head of British Joint Staff Mission, Washington, 1944-1945; with FM Hon Sir Harold Rupert Leofric George Alexander, 1942-1945, relating to his commands in the Middle East, 1942-1943, and Italy, 1943-1944, and the Mediterranean, 1944-1945; with Lt Gen Sir Kenneth Arthur Noel Anderson, 1942-1945, relating to his commands in North Africa, 1942-1944, and East Africa, 1945; with Adm Lord Louis (Francis Arthur Victor Nicholas) Mountbatten, Supreme Allied Commander, South East Asia, 1943-1945; with FM Sir John Greer Dill, head of British Joint Staff Mission, Washington, 1941-1944; with Lt Gen Frederick Arthur Montagu Browning, Chief of Staff, South East Asia Command, 1944-1945; with Lt Gen Herbert Lumsden, South West Pacific Area, 1944; with Lt Gen Sir Frank Noel Mason-Macfarlane, Governor and Commander-in-Chief, Gibraltar, 1942; and with Gen Wladyslaw Sikorski, Polish Forces, 1941-1943. Papers relating to his role as Chief of the Imperial General Staff, 1941-1946, dated 1940-1951, notably including conference papers for Combined Chiefs of Staff meetings, 1943-1945; semi-official correspondence with Lt Gen Sir Claude John Eyre Auchinleck, 1940-1945, relating to Auchinleck's commands in Norway, India and the Middle East, 1940-1945. Other papers relating to his life and career, 1897-1963, dated 1897-1966, 1992-1993, including letters to his mother, 1906-1920, notably covering his service in India, 1906-1914 and France and Belgium, 1914-1918; texts of his lectures on artillery given at Staff College, Camberley, 1923-[1926]; papers relating to his post-war activities, notably his role as Chancellor of Queen's University, Belfast, 1949-1963, dated 1949-1968; papers relating to ornithology, 1950-1963; published and unpublished articles collected by Alanbrooke and his wife, 1929-1967; texts of his speeches and broadcasts, 1944-1962; photographs, [1902-1963], 1978, 1992, mainly official photographs of Alanbrooke as Chief of Imperial General Staff, 1941-1942. Papers collected by Mrs M C Long in preparation for the writing of Alanbrooke's biography, dated 1954-1958, notably including texts of interviews with friends and colleagues, 1954-1958. Correspondence relating to Alanbrooke's papers and Sir Arthur Wynne Morgan Bryant's books Turn of the tide (Collins, London, 1957) and Triumph in the West (Collins, London, 1959) (both based on Alanbrooke's diaries), dated 1951-1968. Correspondence of FM (Richard) Michael (Power) Carver, Baron Carver, relating to erection of Alanbrooke statue in Whitehall in 1993, dated 1991-1993

        Brooke , Alan Francis , 1883-1963 , 1st Viscount Alanbrooke of Brookeborough , Field Marshal
        British Humanist Association
        GB 0372 BHA · Fonds · 1887-2014

        Archive of the British Humanist Association, including: papers of the British Humanist Association and it's predecessors bodies, The Union of Ethical Societies, The Ethical Union and the Humanist Association,1887 - c.2001; papers of the Humanist Trust, 1958 - 1996; papers of groups affiliated to the British Humanist Association and it's predecessor bodies, The Union of Ethical Societies and The Ethical Union, 1892 - 2007; Uncatalogued material of the British Humanist Association, c.2000-2014. (1887-2014)

        British Humanist Association
        GB 0372 BRIERLEY · Fonds · 1904-2000

        Papers of Tony Brierley [b 1935], including: papers regarding Tony Brierley's activities with the Oxford University Humanist Group, 1958-1966; papers regarding Tony Brierley's involvement with the Birmingham Humanist Group, 1965-1972; miscellaneous papers relating to Tony Brierley's involvement in humanism and humanist groups, 1904-2000; and photographs of members of Oxford University Humanist Group and the Rationalist Press Association, 1963-1999. (1904-2000).

        Brierley, Anthony (Tony) (b.[1935]) lecturer and humanist
        GB 0113 MS-BRAIW · Fonds · 1865 -1977

        The Brain archive comprises his personal and professional papers together with sampled case notes from his private practice, 1865-1977. As well as medical papers, there is a significant amount of material relating to Brain's philosophical and literary interests, and some papers of Brain's family and of his wife Stella (nee Langdon-Down).

        Brain , Lord , Walter Russell , 1895 - 1966 , 1st Baron Brain of Eynsham , neurologist
        Boyle, Robert (1627-1691)
        GB 0117 RB · 1640-1691

        Letters and other Papers of the Hon Robert Boyle. The Letters cover Boyle's correspondence; in addition to the letters by scientists such as Hartlib, Beale, Southwell, Wallis and Cole, the series contains letters from members of Boyle's family (Viscountess Ranelagh in particular). There are 37 letters of Boyle's preserved, and substantial blocks of papers from religious figures such as Robert Sharrock. The Papers cover his philosophical, scientific, theological and other interests, and cover most aspects of his life and works.

        Boyle , Robert , 1627-1691 , natural philosopher and chemist
        GB 0114 MS0173 · 1883-1939

        Papers of Charles John Bond, 1883-1939, comprising correspondence with various people, including Lord Joseph Lister, Victor Horsely, Sir Wilfred Grenfell, Stephen Paget, Frank Penrose, Dr Theodore Woods (Bishop of Peterborough), Sir Arthur Keith, Lord Moynihan, Dr William Mayo, Sir Thomas Barlow, Wilfred Trotter, Sir Oliver Lodge, Dr F Gowland Hopkins, Professor G Grey-Turner, Walter Fletcher, Sir Robert Jones, and Dr Whittingham (Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich), 1883-1939; papers on medical subjects and scientific experiments; notes on topics including immortality, youth and age, and the mind; biographical information; poetry; and a grace.

        Bond , Charles John , 1856-1939 , surgeon
        Bentham (Jeremy) Papers
        GB 0103 BENTHAM · 1750-1885

        Papers of Jeremy Bentham, 1750-1885, consist of drafts and notes for published and unpublished works, and cover many subjects including: Bentham's codification proposal, a plan to replace existing law with a codified system, an idea which manifested itself in Constitutional Code (London, 1830), a blueprint for representative democracy and an entirely open and fully accountable government, 1815-1832; penal code, which involved penal law giving effect to the rights and duties of civil law, [1773]-1831; punishment, to certain actions which, on account of their tendency to diminish the greatest happiness, would be classified as offences, [1773-1826]; Bentham's Panopticon, a way of maintaining and employing convicts in a new invented building, 1785-1813; Chrestomathia, the secondary school designed by Bentham, 1815-1826; evidence in law, [1780]-1823; religion, and the Church, 1800-1830; logic, ethics, deontology (the science of morality), morals, utilitarianism and the greatest happiness principle, 1794-1834; political economy, [1790]-1819; Supply without burthen or Escheat vice taxation, a proposal for saving taxes, 1793-1795; legislation, including law amendment and law reform, [1770-1843]; procedure, and procedure codes, [1780]-1830; law and issues in other countries, including Greece, Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium and Tripoli, 1810-1830; A Comment on the Commentaries, being a criticism of William Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England, also Bentham's and Blackstone's views on civil code, [1774]-1830; sexual nonconformity, [1774]-1816; Scotch reform, 1804-1809; Court of Lords delegates, 1807-1821; parliamentary papers, and parliamentary reform, [1790]-1831; poor law, and poor plan, 1796-[1845]; correspondence, 1761-1866, including a corrected draft letter to James Madison, President of the United States of America, in which Bentham made an offer to draw up a complete code of laws for the USA, 1811.

        Bentham , Jeremy , 1748-1832 , philosopher
        Beesly Papers
        GB 0103 BEESLY · 1852-1915

        The collection contains correspondence; lecture notes on history; newspaper cuttings; papers of other members of the family, including an undated letter of Danton which belonged to A H Beesly; printed reports; pamphlets containing articles by or about Beesly; other pamphlets and reviews; other printed works; and an autographed photograph of Karl Marx. The correspondence is rather slight and only isolated letters from individual correspondents are preserved. There are sets of Beesly's own letters to Henry Crompton and to Frederic Harrison which were probably returned to the family after his death. There are also a few letters to Beesly's brother A H Beesly and to Alfred Beesly, E S Beesly's son.

        Beesly , Edward Spencer , 1831-1915 , positivist and historian Beesly family