Political parties

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  • http://vocabularies.unesco.org/thesaurus/concept12789

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Political parties

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Political parties

128 Archival description results for Political parties

128 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0101 PP.SE · 1964-

Seychelles political and trade union material, from 1964 onwards, including constitutions, manifestos, speeches, letters, newsletters, lists of candidates, congress reports and policy statements issued by the National Workers Union (Seychelles), the Seychelles Democratic Party, the Seychelles People's Progressive Front, the Seychelles People's United Party and the United Opposition (Seychelles).

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.SL · 1951-

Sierra Leone political material, 1951 onwards, including constitutions, announcements of meetings, manifestos, resolutions, speeches, conference reports, declarations, electoral guides, court statements and pamphlets issued by the All People's Congress Party (Sierra Leone), the Electoral Commission (Sierra Leone), independent candidates, the National Unity Party, the Sierra Leone and Israel Friendship Association, the Sierra Leone Alliance Movement, the Sierra Leone Democratic Party and the Sierra Leone People's Party.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.SI · 1961-

Singapore political material, from 1961 onwards, including posters, pamphlets, leaflets, newsletters, speeches, commemorative programmes, letters, reports, conference reports, manifestos, constitutions and aother miscellaneous election materials issued by the Barisan Sosialis, independent candidates, the National Solidarity Party (Singapore), the People's Action Party (Singapore), the People's Association Youth Movement (Singapore), the Singapore Chinese Party, the Singapore Malay National Organisation, the United Front (Singapore), the United National Front (Singapore) and the Workers' Party (Singapore).

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0074 ACC/1338 · Collection · 1915-1954

Records of the South Ealing Conservative Association, comprising minute books; minutes and reports of the Young Britons club; and minutes of the Junior branch (later the Young Conservatives).

South Ealing Conservative Association
GB 0074 ACC/1267 · Collection · 1923-1971

Records of the Southall Labour Party, comprising minutes, financial accounts and membership records for the Uxbridge Divisional Labour Party, the Southall and Norwood Trades Council and Labour Party, and the Southall Divisional/Constituency Labour Party.

Southall Constituency Labour Party
GB 0101 PP.CE · 1944-

Constitutions, speeches, manifestos, pamphlets, conference reports and instructions, histories, programmes, newspaper cuttings and letters, 1944 onwards, issued by the All Ceylon Tamil Congress, the Communist Party of Sri Lanka, Eksat Jatika Paksaya (Sri Lanka) or United National Party, Janata Vimukti Peramuna, Lanka Sama Samaja Party, Lanka Sama Samaja Party (Revolutionary), Nava Samasamaja Paksaya, Nava Samasamaja Paksaya (UK Branch), Sri Lanka Nidahas Paksaya or Sri Lankan Freedom Party, the United Front (Sri Lanka), the United Left Front (Sri Lanka) and other miscellaneous groups.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PG.CE · 1979-

Pamphlets, press releases, conference reports and declarations, 1979 onwards, issued by the Association of Tamils for a United Sri Lanka, the Movement for Inter Racial Justice and Equality (Sri Lanka), the National Peace Council of Sri Lanka and the Sri Lanka Foundation.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 TU.CE · 1963-1992

Reports, rules and regulations, manifestos, resolutions, statements, constitutions and addresses issued by the All Ceylon United Workers Congress, the Ceylon Bank Employees' Union, the Ceylon Federation of Labour, the Ceylon Workers' Congress and the Government Clerical Service Union.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.SQ · 1961-1973

Constitutions, manifestos, reports, pamphlets, leaflets and membership cards, 1961-1973, issued by the Democratic Party of Swaziland, the Imbokodvo National Movement, the Ngwane National Liberatory Congress and the Swaziland Progressive Party. The materials here deal with the constitutional processes leading to independence as well as the brief period of electoral politics before the constitution was abolished in 1973.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.TZ · 1956-

Letters, calendars, pamphlets, constitutions, manifestos, programmes, addresses, conference reports, directories and interviews from 1956 onwards issued by Chama cha Mapinduzi, the Movement for Free Popular and Democratic Tanzania, the Tanganyika African National Union (TANU) and the Tangayika Federation of Labour. All the political parties materials currently held here originate from TANU or Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM), reflecting their political dominance, and cover such issues as the Arusha declaration of 1967 (which laid out Nyerere's vision for Tanzania's development - an African mixture of socialism and village communal life), agricultural policy and foreign affairs (Nyerere was a committed Pan-Africanist who provided support for exiled groups such as the ANC, PAC and FRELIMO). In addition there is pressure group material protesting against the imposition of a one-party state and calling for free elections.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.TR · 1955-

Trinidad and Tobago political party material, from 1955 onwards, comprising pamphlets, leaflets, newsletters, journals, manifestos, constitutions, histories, conference reports, statements and speeches issued by the Circle, the Democratic Action Congress (Trinidad and Tobago), the Democratic Labour Party (Trinidad and Tobago), the Indian Association of Trinidad and Tobago, the Liberal Party (Trinidad and Tobago), the National Alliance for Reconstruction (Trinidad and Tobago), the National Liberation Movement of Trinago, the People's National Movement, the People's Popular Movement (Trinidad and Tobago), Tapia (also known as the Tapia House Movement), the Trinidad Nationalist Movement, the Tripartite Committee of the Trinidad and Tobago Opposition Parties, United Labour Front, the United National Congress (Trinidad and Tobago), the United National Independence Party (Trinidad and Tobago), the Union of Revolutionary Organisations, the West Indian Independence Party of Trinidad and Tobago, West Indian National Party (Trinidad and Tobago), the Workers' and Farmers' Party (Trinidad and Tobago) and the Working People's Party of Trinidad and Tobago.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0102 MS 380513 · 1954-1971

Photocopies and typed copies of papers, 1954-1971, collected by Roger Southall whilst a student (1970-1971) at Makerere Institute of Social Research (Kampala, Uganda), including notes, minutes, and press extracts, and concerning parties and politics in Uganda, particularly the Bunyoro district, the subjects including elections, General Idi Amin Dada, and military government.

Southall , Roger J , fl 1970-2001 , scholar on Africa
GB 0101 PP.UG · 1960-

Ugandan political parties material, from 1960 onwards, including statements, speeches, letters, conference reports, addresses, press releases, pamphlets, constitutions and other miscellaneous election materials issued by the Democratic Party (Uganda), the Democratic Party Youth Wing, Kabaka Yekka, the Progressive Party (Uganda), the Uganda National Congress, the Uganda National Liberation Front (Anti-Dictatorship), the Uganda National Party, the Uganda National Union, the Uganda People's Congress, and the Uganda Reconstruction Committee.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0096 UoL/LP · 1931-1952
Part of University of London

Four notebooks containing signed manuscript and cut and pasted typescript minutes of Annual General Meetings and Executive Committee meetings of the University of London Labour Party. Some notebooks also include lists of post holders.

University of London Labour Party
GB 0097 VASMER · Collection · 1971-2001

Papers of David Vasmer, 1971-2001, comprise papers regarding the Liberal Party and the Liberal Democrats, including documents relating to the merger, conference papers and publications. There are also files relating to the ALC (Association of Liberal Councillors), ASLDC (Association of Social and Liberal Democrat Councillors) and ALDC (Assocation of Liberal Democrat Councillors), including annual reports, minutes, artwork, and publications (such as circulars, leaflets and guides).

Vasmer , David , fl 1971-2001 , Liberal activist
GB 3032 V 320 PAM · 1967-

Pamphlets, histories, speeches, programs, obituaries, reports and conference reports, 1967 onwards, issued by Amnesty International, Bandera Roja, Comite Homenaje a Americo Silva, Confederación General de Trabajadores de Venezuela, COPEI, Curso-Seminario Latinamericano de Cooperativismo-Sindicalismo, Equipo de Formación, Frente de Liberación Nacional (FLN), Información y Publicaciones (Venezuela), Instituto de Asuntos Internacionales, Juventad del Movimiento al Socialismo, Juventud Venezolana, Ministro de Energía y Minas (Venezuela), Movimiento Obrero de Base (Venezuela), Partido Comunista de Venezuela, Seminario Internacional sobre la Historia del Movimiento Obrero Latinoamericano.

Institute for the Study of the Americas
GB 0347 D122 · Collection · 1981-1988

Papers relating to the Wandsworth Area Social Democratic Party (SDP). Includes material on their alliance and subsequent merger with the Liberals, election information, correspondence, newsletters and other publications.

Please contact the Archive for further information.
GB 0372 WARD · Fonds · 1947-1997

Papers of labour politician and activist Reginald George (Reg) Ward (b 1924), including: election addresses, correspondence, Labour Party publications and newsletters from General and local elections in all areas of Kent, 1947-1997; papers and memorabilia regarding Ward's involvement with the local and national Labour Party, c 1950-1997.

Ward , Reginald George (Reg) , b 1924 , labour poliician and activist
GB 0101 PP.NW · 1958-1962, 1967

Material produced by the West Indian Federal Labour Party and the West Indies Group of University Teachers, 1958-1962, 1967. Most of these items date from the West Indies Federation period.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Williams / Gaitskell Papers
GB 0103 WILLIAMS · [1910-1982]

Research papers of Philip Williams for his biography of Hugh Gaitskell,
including manuscript notes arranged by chapter, typescript drafts of chapters and annotated proofs; a limited amount of original Gaitskell material including a manuscript notebook entitled 'Journey to Israel' with shorthand notes at the back, photographs of Gaitskell and offprints of articles by Gaitskell; photocopies of original Gaitskell papers including his diaries and correspondence; transcripts of interviews with Gaitskell's family, friends and colleagues and related correspondence; correspondence including with Gaitskell's family and with publishers; press cuttings and photocopies of press cuttings relating to Gaitskell; press cuttings including reviews and publicity for the biography; papers relating to the publication of Gaitskell's diary and photocopies of papers and diaries of Gaitskell's political contemporaries.

Williams , Philip M , d 1984 , Labour economist and industrial relations expert
GB 0074 ACC/1158 · Collection · 1906-1968

Records of the Wood Green and Lower Tottenham Conservative Association, including minutes of the Southgate Conservative and Unionist Association; Executive Committee and Entertainments Committee minutes of the Palmers Green Unionist Association; financial accounts for the Wood Green Constitutional Association; Executive and General Purposes Committee minutes for the Women's Constitutional Association Wood Green Branch; and minutes, correspondence and papers relating to ward organisation for the Wood Green and Tottenham Conservative Association.

Wood Green and Lower Tottenham Conservative Association
Young Liberals
GB 0097 YOUNG LIBERALS · Collection · 1930s-1994

Papers of the youth and student groups of the Liberal and Liberal Democrat parties, 1930s-1990s, including: Union of Liberal Students papers, 1980s, including: mailings; conference papers; financial records; papers on local groups; and, press releases. Young Liberals papers, 1958-1980s (mainly 1970s-1980s), including: constitution, 1975; minutes; conference papers; newsletters; leaflets and other publications. Student Liberal Democrats office files, 1930s-1980s (but only a few items before the 1980s). Papers of Ruth Coleman mainly relating to the Young Liberals and Liberal Students, 1970s-1994.

National League of Young Liberals, Union of Liberal Students
GB 0101 PP.ZA · 1951-

Zambia: Political Parties, Trades Unions and Pressure Groups Material, from 1951 onwards, including manifestos, pamphlets, leaflets, constitutions, summaries, registration forms, conference reports, addresses, memoranda, policy papers, resolutions and other miscellaneous election materials issued by the African National Congress (Zambia), the Christian Council of Zambia, the Committee on Northern Rhodesia, the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy, the National Women's Lobby Group, the Northern Rhodesia Liberal Party, the United National Independence Party and the United Progressive Party (Zambia).

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.ZN · 1957-1974

Histories, decrees, pamphlets, conference reports, constitutions and speeches issued by the Afro-Shirazi Party, the Zanzibar Liberation Front, the Zanzibar Nationalist Party and the Zanzibar Organisation, 1957-1974.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.ZW · 1928-

Zimbabwe: Political Parties Material, 1928 onwards, including manifestos, addresses, speeches, letters, conference reports, constitutions, pamphlets, leaflets, posters, newsletters, journals, press cuttings, histories, membership cards and miscellaneous electoral and promotional materials issued by the African National Council, the African National Council (Sithole), the African Progressive Party, the Centre Party (Southern Rhodesia), the Dominion Party (Rhodesia), the Front for the Liberation of Zimbabwe, the Independent Zimbabwe Group, the National Democratic Party of Southern Rhodesia, the National Front of Zimbabwe, the National Unifying Force (Southern Rhodesia), the Patriotic Front (Zimbabwe), the Rhodesian Action Party, the Rhodesia Labour Party, the Rhodesia Party, the Rhodesia Settlement Forum, the Rhodesian Front, the Southern Rhodesia Labour Party, the Southern Rhodesian African National Congress, the United African National Council, the United Conservative Party, the United National Federal Party, the Zimbabwe African National Union, ZANU-PF, the Zimbabwe African Peoples Union, the Zimbabwe Democratic Party, the Zimbabwe National Party, the Zimbabwe National People's Union, the Zimbabwe People's Army, the Zimbabwe Reformed African National Congress and the Zimbabwe United People's Organization. Any material produced by a political party originating from the geographical area that later became Zimbabwe has been placed in this collection, including parties from Southern Rhodesia prior to and during Federation and from 'Rhodesia' during UDI. Federal parties can be found under Rhodesia and Nyasaland: Political Parties (PP.RH)

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0102 MS 380390 · Created 1979

Copies of documents presented at and concerning the Zimbabwe-Rhodesia Constitutional Conference held in 1979.

Zimbabwe-Rhodesia Constitutional Conference , 1979 , London