The papers listed here relate chiefly to the affairs of the University of London, and to the London County Council. Though many of Collins' correspondents were fellow physicians and scientists, there is little in the correspondence relating to medical or scientific subjects. There is some material relating directly to national politics in Collins' autobiographical papers, and a full account by Collins of the Royal Commission on Vaccination. Given the range of Collins' interests, this is a small collection indeed. It appears however, that Collins himself carefully weeded and arranged his own papers. The list which follows here preserves, as far as possible, the original arrangement. A box of printed material, containing pamphlets, offprints of articles, speeches etc. by Collins, 1882-1925, was deposited with the papers. These relate chiefly to medical and political subjects. They are not listed here in detail. An additional deposit comprising press-cuttings, autobiographical material including sketches of contemporaries, archives relating to Collin's work on University of London bodies, his parliamentary career, and speeches was deposited in 1996. A box list has been compiled for this deposit. There are three other 'stray' letters addressed to Sir William Job Collins in the University of London Library which have been catalogued separately: 1916, 23 Nov. Benchara Branford, London County Council. Inserted in a presentation copy (to Collins) of Branford's 'Janus & Vesta' (London, 1916) 1925, 20 June. Sir Bernard Henry Spilsbury, 1 Verulam Buildings, Gray's Inn, WC1. (A.L. 229) 1926, 22 June. Sir Philip Magnus, Tangley Hill, Chilworth, Surrey. (A.L. 162) 1. Abbreviations - Sir William Job Collins is referred to by his initials, W.J.C. The abbreviation, TS., means typescript. 2. Correspondents - Peers are referred to by their title in the record but are indexed under their surname. Unless specificed otherwise, all letters are addressed to Sir William Job Collins. 3. Postal Addresses - Where the town is not specified in the entry, the address is in London. Where known, the names of counties are inserted in square brackets where they are missing from the original letter. 4. Volume - Where an item exceeds two leaves, its volume is given in the entry.