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      Términos jerárquicos


      Término General Ciencia política


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        • Usado para Political development
        • Usado para Political life
        • Usado para Political reform
        • Usado para Développement politique
        • Usado para Réforme politique
        • Usado para Vie politique
        • Usado para Desarrollo político
        • Usado para Esfera política
        • Usado para Reforma política
        • Usado para Vida política

        Términos asociados


        316 Descripción archivística resultados para Política

        316 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
        DESPARD, Charlotte (1844-1939)
        GB 106 7CFD · Fondo · 1920-1931

        The archive consists of letters from Charlotte Despard to Charles Wilson (1920-1932) ; photograph of Mrs Wilson (c. 1920); and a diary of a trip to the USSR (1930).

        The letters cover the periods 1920-1922 and 1930-1932, and were written to Mr Charles Wilson of Willington, County Durham, Mr Wilson was a political activist who worked with the Durham miners, and Mrs Despard lectured to his students in 1921 and 1930. In the letters Mrs Despard refers to Mr Wilson's poetry; she also sent him a poem that she had written. She refers to her own political activities, in Ireland, lecturing for the Labour Party against British Policy in India. She also mentions several of the illnesses that were beginning to restrict severely such activities.

        Sin título
        Grote, Harriet: letter (1846)
        GB 0096 AL197 · Fondo · 1846

        Letter from Harriet Grote of East Burnham, [Buckinghamshire] to Mrs [Elizabeth] Gaskell, 4 May 1846. 'I cannot withold my mite from you in behalf of poor [Samuel] Wilderspin, one of the most deserving of honest zealous improvers of social tendencies ...".

        Autograph, with signature.

        Sin título
        GB 0096 AL428 · Fondo · [1935]

        Letter from Edward Alfred Goulding (1st Baron Wargrave) of Shiplake Court, Henley-on-Thames, [Oxfordshire] to Bernard Osborne, 23 Apr [1935]. 'In reply to your query - yes frequently Austen Chamberlain and Leo Maxse ...'. Also giving some information about his brother 'Sir William J Goulding Bart. chairman ... Great Southern and Western Ry. Ireland died ... ten years ago [1925] ...'.

        Autograph, with signature.

        Sin título
        Pfeffer, Karl-Heinz: letter
        GB 0096 AL450 · Fondo · 1938-1970

        (1) Letter from Karl-Heinz Pfeffer of Leipzig W 31, Margpergerstrasse 27, to J H P Pafford, 5 Oct 1938. Discussing the political situation in Europe, including the Czech 'problem' and Nazi Germany's hopes for peace, etc. Autograph, with signature.

        (2) Cutting from The Times, 24 Sep 1938, originally enclosed in item (1).

        (3) Note by Pafford about Pfeffer, 15 Jun 1970.

        Sin título
        GB 0096 AL60 · Fondo · 1789-1802

        9 letters to Sir Joseph Banks. Mainly on agriculture, sheep farming and politics. Autographs, with signatures, 1789-1802.

        Sin título
        GRANT, Bernie (1944-2000)
        GB 0372 BG · Fondo · [1950]- 2002 (predominant 1980-2000)

        Original papers and publications relating to Bernie Grant's personal life and his public role as a Member of Parliament including the papers of organisations with which he was involved such as the African Reparations Movement, [1963-2000]. The collection comprises correspondence notably relating to the Gulf War, 1990-1991, black businesses, ministerial and general correspondence; personal papers, including tributes and condolences, biographical files and legal papers; speeches; files on a range of subjects including on international affairs such as colonialism, racial incident dossiers, Haringey Council business, trade union papers, press files, on campaigns such as the Broadwater Farm riots, the 'Tottenham Three' and the case of Joy Gardner, Parliamentary and Labour Party affairs and constituency case files; published reference material; ephemera, notably campaign fliers and invitations; artefacts and clothing including African robes such as the ones worn to the State Opening of Parliament, campaign placards, posters and awards/plaques; photographs; audio and video recordings of interviews and speeches, television and radio appearances.

        Sin título
        MARSHALL, Robert Leckie (1913-2008)
        GB 0372 MARSHALL · Fondo · 1946-1988

        Papers of co-operative activist and educationalist Robert Leckie Marshall, including: drafts of articles written by Marshall, 1946-1968; press cuttings on various topics, including politics, education, religion and the Labour Party, n.d.; speech notes, 1946-1987; miscellaneous papers and correspondence regarding co-operation and the Co-operative College, c 1950-1988.

        Sin título
        MOONMAN, Eric (b 1929)
        GB 0372 MOONMAN · Fondo · 1968-1979

        Papers of politician and academic Eric Moonman, including: general papers, correpsondence and press cuttings regarding mental health, industry, local constituency issues, the Laker Skytrain and the Middle East, 1975-1979; press cuttings regarding Moonman's local and national political activities, 1968-1972; election ephemera, 1974-1979; papers regarding the energy crisis and oil policy, 1973-1974; constituency correspondence, 1976-1978.

        Sin título
        Parliamentary Profiles (Andrew Roth)
        GB 0372 PPA · Fondo · [1950]-2010

        Files containing press cuttings from national and local newspapers, magazines and supplements, extracts of speeches from Hansard, correspondence with and notes by Roth and other material relating to political activities and careers of various British Members of Parliament.

        Sin título
        HART, Richard (b 1917)
        GB 0101 ICS 122 (MF861) · 1937-1964

        Microfilm of papers of Richard Hart on political and trade union activities in Jamaica and the Caribbean, 1937-1964; including correspondence with Norman Manley on Jamaican politics, 1939; correspondence and papers on the People's National Party (PNP), 1940-1952 particularly Hart and Ken Hill's expulsion for 'communist' activities, 1952; correspondence and papers on Hart's detention under the Jamaican defence regulations, 1942-1943; correspondence and papers on Hart's work as President of the Jamaica Government Railway Employees' Union (JGREU), 1942-1948; correspondence and papers on Hart's work as Assistant Secretary , Caribbean Labour Conference (CLC), 1945-1946, and General Secretary from 1947-1953, including papers on CLC London Branch, 1948-1953; correspondence and papers on Hart's work as Legal Adviser to the [Jamaican] Sugar and Agricultural Workers' Union, (SAWU) 1953-1957; correspondence and papers on the [Jamaican] People's Educational Association (PEO) and the [Jamaican] People's Freedom Movement (PFM), 1952-1962, including PEO managing committee minutes, 1952-1955 and PFM committee minutes, 1954-1955, 1960-1962; papers on the Jamaica Youth Movement, 1941-1944; correspondence and papers on civil liberties, particularly on banned publications, Caribbean News and Moscow News and public meetings, 1952-1954; correspondence and papers on the Jamaican Federation of Trades Unions (JFTU), 1952-1957; correspondence and papers on the [Jamaican] Factory and General Workers' Union, (FGWU) 1953-1957; correspondence and papers on Hart's book Out of the House of Bondage, 1946-1961, including correspondence with Kwame Nkrumah on the possibility of Nkrumah contributing a foreword, 1952.

        Sin título
        PEDDER, Miles Anthony (fl 1953-1974)
        GB 0101 ICS 58 · 1974 (covers 1953-1964)

        Transcript of interview by Ian Hancock of Miles Anthony Pedder relating to the United Rhodesia Party (URP) and the Central Africa Party (CAP), 1953-1964; including details of his work as Honorary Secretary of the URP, the organisation of the party, establishment of Branches in Coloured, Asian and African areas from 1955; the reformation of the African National Congress (ANC), 1957; his impressions of Garfield Todd as Prime Minister of Southern Rhodesia, 1953-1958; the election of Edgar Whitehead as Prime Minister, 1958; the role of the Central African Party in the Southen Rhodesia Constitutional Conference, and the subsequent referendum on the Constitution, 1960-1961; the victory of the Rhodesia Front Party, 1962, the break-up of the Federation and the Unilateral Declaration of Independence, 1963-1964.

        Sin título
        Grenada: Pressure Groups Material
        GB 0101 PG.GD · 1983-1987

        Eyewitness accounts, trial reports, platforms, papers, pamphlets and letters, 1983-1987, issued by the British Grenada Friendship Society, the Committee for Human Rights in Grenada, the New Jewel 19 Committee, and the New Jewel Movement Support Group (UK).

        Sin título
        Jamaica: Pressure Groups Material
        GB 0101 PG.JM · 1965-1992

        Pamphlets and histories, 1965-1992, issued by the Committee of Women for Progress (Jamaica), the Jamaica Progressive League (Jamaica) and the Youth Forces for National Liberation (Jamaica).

        Sin título
        Namibia: Pressure Groups Material
        GB 0101 PG.SX · 1976-

        Pamphlets, leaflets, manifestos, conference reports, histories, speeches, appeals, letters and newsletters, 1976 onwards, issued by Afrikaans-Duitse Kultuurunie (Namibia), the Campaign Against the Namibian Uranium Contracts, Interessengemeinschaft Deutschsprachiger Südwester, the Namibia Support Committee, the South West Africa Volunteer Enterprise, the SWA/Namibia Information Service and the SWAPO Women's Solidarity Campaign.

        Sin título
        Uganda: Pressure Groups Material
        GB 0101 PG.UG · 1977-1986

        Uganda: Pressure Groups Material, 1977-1986, comprising testimonies, newspaper articles, manifestos, constitutions and statements issued by the Committee on Uganda, the National Resistance Movement (Uganda), the Save Uganda Movement, the Uganda Freedom Committee, the Uganda Freedom Fighters, the Uganda Group for Human Rights, the Uganda Liberation Group in Zambia and the Uganda National Movement.

        Sin título
        GB 0101 PP.BM · 1966-

        Material relating to political parties in Bermuda including press cuttings, platforms, conference reports, constitutions, and election materials issued by the National Liberal Party of Bermuda, the Progressive Labour Party (Bermuda Islands) and the United Bermuda Party.

        Sin título
        Sri Lanka: Political Parties Material
        GB 0101 PP.CE · 1944-

        Constitutions, speeches, manifestos, pamphlets, conference reports and instructions, histories, programmes, newspaper cuttings and letters, 1944 onwards, issued by the All Ceylon Tamil Congress, the Communist Party of Sri Lanka, Eksat Jatika Paksaya (Sri Lanka) or United National Party, Janata Vimukti Peramuna, Lanka Sama Samaja Party, Lanka Sama Samaja Party (Revolutionary), Nava Samasamaja Paksaya, Nava Samasamaja Paksaya (UK Branch), Sri Lanka Nidahas Paksaya or Sri Lankan Freedom Party, the United Front (Sri Lanka), the United Left Front (Sri Lanka) and other miscellaneous groups.

        Sin título
        Cyprus: Political Parties Material
        GB 0101 PP.CY · 1957-

        Platforms, speeches, manifestos, constitutions, posters, leaflets, letters, photographs, reports issued by Anorthtiko Komma Ergazomenou Laou (Cyprus), the Centre Union (Cyprus), the Cyprus is Turkish Party, the Democratic Party (Cyprus), the Democratic Rally (Cyprus), the EDEK Socialist Party of Cyprus and the Pancyprian Renewal Front as well as various miscellaneous materials.

        Sin título
        GB 0101 PP.CYN · 1984-

        Platforms, manifestos, constitutions, speeches, interviews and posters from 1984 onwards issued by the National Unity Party (Cyprus, Northern) and the Social Democratic Party (Cyprus, Northern).

        Sin título
        Dominica: Political Parties Material
        GB 0101 PP.DQ · 1962-

        Platforms, manifestos and election leaflets issued by the Dominica Freedom Party, the Dominica Labour Party, the Dominica United People's Party and the LeBlanc Labour Party, from 1962.

        Sin título
        Grenada: Political Parties Material
        GB 0101 PP.GD · 1957-

        Statements, histories, plans, manifestos, constitutions, journals, court reports and miscellaneous election materials issued by the Grenada Democratic Movement, the Grenada National Party, the Grenada United Labour Party, the Maurice Bishop Patriotic Movement, the National Democratic Party (Grenada), the New Jewel Movement, the New National Party (Grenada), The National Party (Grenada) and the Team for National Unity (Grenada). The materials gathered here cover both the struggle for independence prior to 1974 and the recriminations after the incidents of 1983, though nothing is extant from the period of PRG government.

        Sin título
        Guyana: Political Parties Material
        GB 0101 PP.GY · 1950-

        Manifestos, speeches, pamphlets, leaflets, letters, newsletters, journals, posters, press releases, and miscellaneous election material at national and youth levels from 1950, issued by the Alliance of Patriotic Guyanese, the British Guiana Freedom Association, the Democratic Labour Movement, the Guyana National Liberation Movement, the National Democratic Party (Guyana), the Patriotic Coalition for Democracy (Guyana), the People's National Congress, the People's Progressive Party (Guyana), the Progressive Youth Organisation (Guyana), and the Working People's Alliance Guyana. The items held here deal mainly with issues of race, socialism, imperialism and democracy at but there are also materials relating to the liberalisation of Guyanese politics under Burnham's successor Desmond Hoyte and the eventual electoral triumph of Cheddi Jagan and the People's Progressive Party (PPP) in 1992.

        Sin título
        Mauritius: Political Parties Material
        GB 0101 PP.MF · 1963-

        Programs, platforms, manifestos and histories from 1963 issued by Groupe "Progrès et liberté", Independent Forward Bloc (Mauritius), Mouvement militant mauricien, Mouvement socialiste mauricien, MSM/travailliste, Parti de l'independance (Mauritius), Parti LALIT, Parti mauricien social democrat, Parti socialiste mauricien, Parti travailliste (Mauritius). The materials reflect the activities of the three main political parties. Other parties represented include the Parti mauricien social democrat (PMSD), generally seen as the party of the Franco-Mauritians and Creoles, as well as the Parti LALIT, of which the collection holds a number of pamphlets concerned with health issues.

        Sin título
        GB 0101 PP.MJ · 1966-

        Constitutions, histories, songsheets, manifestos and posters from 1966 onwards issued by the Montserrat Allied Workers Union, the Montserrat Civil Service Association, the Montserrat Labour Party, the Montserrat Workers' Progressive Party, the National Development Party (Montserrat), the People's Liberation Movement (Montserrat), the Progressive Democratic Party (Montserrat), and the United National Front (Montserrat). The materials here represent the country's main parliamentary parties and are primarily manifestos from elections between 1966 and 1987. The collection also contains a small number of trade union publications.

        Sin título
        Martinique: Political Parties Material
        GB 0101 PP.MQ · 1963-

        Conference addresses, programs and journals issued by the Parti communiste martiniquais, 1963 onwards.

        Sin título
        GB 0101 PP.NW · 1958-1962, 1967

        Material produced by the West Indian Federal Labour Party and the West Indies Group of University Teachers, 1958-1962, 1967. Most of these items date from the West Indies Federation period.

        Sin título
        GB 0101 PP.PK · 1940-

        Pakistan pamphlets, leaflets, speeches, reports, conference reports, letters, newsletters, and miscellaneous materials, from 1940 onwards issued by the All Pakistan Federation of Trade Unions, the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (Jammu and Kashmir, India), Jamiatiattehad-Ul-Ulma, the Muslim India Information Centre, the National Awami Party of Pakistan (London), the National Democratic Movement (Pakistan), the National Progressive League (Pakistan), the Pakistan Democratic Party, the Pakistan Muslim League, the Pakistan National Movement, and the Pakistan People's Party.

        Sin título
        GB 0101 PP.XM · 1957-

        Speeches, constitutions, reports, manifestos, speeches, statements, letters and newsletters issued by the Commercial, Technical and Allied Workers' Union (Saint Vincent), the Labour Party (Saint Vincent), the Movement for National Unity, the National Progressive Workers' Union (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines), the New Democratic Party (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines), the People's Political Party of Saint Vincent, the Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Human Rights Association, the St. Vincent Junior Chamber and the Youlou United Liberation Movement. They are concerned amongst other things with the problems of economic development in the islands, with the position of the country in the Caribbean as a whole and of course with the transition to independence. There are also materials issued by trades unions as well as by human rights and business groups.

        Sin título
        Sri Lanka: Trades Unions Material
        GB 0101 TU.CE · 1963-1992

        Reports, rules and regulations, manifestos, resolutions, statements, constitutions and addresses issued by the All Ceylon United Workers Congress, the Ceylon Bank Employees' Union, the Ceylon Federation of Labour, the Ceylon Workers' Congress and the Government Clerical Service Union.

        Sin título
        Dominica: Trades Unions Material
        GB 0101 TU.DQ · 1976-1985

        Pamphlets issued by the Dominica Amalgamated Workers' Union and the Dominica Civil Service Association, 1976-1985.

        Sin título
        Guyana: Trades Unions Material
        GB 0101 TU.GY · 1957-1987

        Collective bargaining agreements, pamphlets, addresses, memorandums, conference documents, newsletters, press releases, working papers, rules and histories, 1957-1987, issued by the British Guiana Mine-Workers' Union, the British Guiana Trades Union Council, the Clerical and Commercial Workers' Union (Guyana), the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers' Union, the Guyana Public Service Union, the Guyana Trades Union Congress, the Man-Power Citizens' Association, and the Sawmill and Forest Workers' Union (Guyana).

        Sin título
        New Zealand: Trades Unions Material
        GB 0101 TU.NZ · 1948-

        Pamphlets, guides, addresses, reports and discussion papers, 1948 onwards, issued by the Coachworkers Union (N.Z.), the Combined Motor Industry Unions (N.Z.), the Combined State Unions (N.Z.), the Labour Women's Council (N.Z.), the N.Z. Carpenters' and Related Trades' Union, the New Zealand Dairy Factories and Related Trades Employees' Industrial Union of Workers, the New Zealand Federation of Labour, the New Zealand Public Service Association, the New Zealand Waterside Workers' Union, the Northern Drivers Union and the Wellington Trades Council.

        Sin título
        Zimbabwe: Trades Unions Material
        GB 0101 TU.ZW · 1959-

        Zimbabwe: Trades Unions Material, 1959 onwards, including journals, memoranda, conference reports and minutes, pamphlets, addresses, agendas, constitutions, letters, interviews, membership cards and miscellaneous materials issued by the African Farmers' Union of Rhodesia, the African Trades Union Congress of Southern Rhodesia, the Agricultural and Plantation Workers' Union, the Central African Power Corporation Staff Association, the Confederation of African Labour, the Fort Victoria Municipal Employees Association, the Industrial Commercial Union (Zimbabwe), the International Federation of Free Trade Unions, the National African Federation of Unions (Zimbabwe), the National Association of Local Government Officers and Employees (Zimbabwe), the Pilots' Association of Rhodesia, the Rhodesia Posts and Telecommunications Association, the Rhodesia Railway Workers' Union, the Salisbury Municipal Employees' Association, the Salisbury Municipal Professional Officers' Association, the Salisbury Municipal Workers' Union, the Southern Rhodesian Trades Union Co-ordinating Committee in the United Kingdom, the Trades Union Congress of Rhodesia, the Typographical Union of Rhodesia, the United Textile Workers' Union of Rhodesia, the University College of Rhodesia Students' Union, the Zimbabwe African Congress of Unions and the Zimbabwe Students Union.

        Sin título
        Morris (John) Papers
        GB 0103 MORRIS · [1944-1977]

        Correspondence and working papers, 1944-1977 and undated, of John Morris, including notes, proofs, manuscript and typescript drafts, comprising material on Roman sources and history, Christianity, Saxon, Celtic and Arthurian sources and history, including Nennius and Gildas; photographs of Anglo-Saxon archaeology, particularly a site at Mitcham, Surrey; typescript of Morris' Londinium: London in the Roman Empire; correspondence and papers relating to Past and Present including articles submitted to Morris for publication and related correspondence; academic correspondence with correspondents in the UK and abroad; papers and correspondence relating to Morris' visit to India, including academic matters and Indian politics and papers relating to Morris' political interests and activities, particularly the Institute for Workers' Control, including printed material.

        Sin título
        WOODS, Henry Charles (1881-1939)
        GB 0402 HCW · Colección · 1905-1928

        Diaries and notebooks of Henry Charles Woods, 1905-1928, recording political and economic affairs in the Near East, Balkans and Europe, 23 volumes.

        Sin título
        GB 0096 MS 805 · 1767

        Manuscript volume containing a transcript of the 'Mémoires de Monsieur [Louis René de Caradeuc] De La Chalotais, Procureur Général au Parlement de Bretagne... Ecrit le 21 janvier MDCCLXVII'. The manuscript is perhaps a fair copy from the printed edition of 1766, containing the first and second Mémoires.

        Sin título
        Lewin family papers
        GB 0096 MS 811 · 1779-1926

        The collection contains diaries, account books, correspondence, watercolours, photographs, genealogical notes, legal papers, printed material and other miscellaneous items of Thomas Herbert Lewin and his immediate family, accumulated between 1788-1926, notably official papers relating to his military and administrative work in India, diaries, scrapbooks and philological and literary manuscripts, correspondence, articles and reviews on his publications, photographs and sketches by him, genealogical papers collected by him, notebooks and journals and miscellaneous other items. There are also papers of other members of the Lewin family.

        Sin título
        Collins, Sir William Job
        GB 0096 MS 812 · c1860-1949

        The papers listed here relate chiefly to the affairs of the University of London, and to the London County Council. Though many of Collins' correspondents were fellow physicians and scientists, there is little in the correspondence relating to medical or scientific subjects. There is some material relating directly to national politics in Collins' autobiographical papers, and a full account by Collins of the Royal Commission on Vaccination. Given the range of Collins' interests, this is a small collection indeed. It appears however, that Collins himself carefully weeded and arranged his own papers. The list which follows here preserves, as far as possible, the original arrangement. A box of printed material, containing pamphlets, offprints of articles, speeches etc. by Collins, 1882-1925, was deposited with the papers. These relate chiefly to medical and political subjects. They are not listed here in detail. An additional deposit comprising press-cuttings, autobiographical material including sketches of contemporaries, archives relating to Collin's work on University of London bodies, his parliamentary career, and speeches was deposited in 1996. A box list has been compiled for this deposit. There are three other 'stray' letters addressed to Sir William Job Collins in the University of London Library which have been catalogued separately: 1916, 23 Nov. Benchara Branford, London County Council. Inserted in a presentation copy (to Collins) of Branford's 'Janus & Vesta' (London, 1916) 1925, 20 June. Sir Bernard Henry Spilsbury, 1 Verulam Buildings, Gray's Inn, WC1. (A.L. 229) 1926, 22 June. Sir Philip Magnus, Tangley Hill, Chilworth, Surrey. (A.L. 162) 1. Abbreviations - Sir William Job Collins is referred to by his initials, W.J.C. The abbreviation, TS., means typescript. 2. Correspondents - Peers are referred to by their title in the record but are indexed under their surname. Unless specificed otherwise, all letters are addressed to Sir William Job Collins. 3. Postal Addresses - Where the town is not specified in the entry, the address is in London. Where known, the names of counties are inserted in square brackets where they are missing from the original letter. 4. Volume - Where an item exceeds two leaves, its volume is given in the entry.

        Sin título
        Crawford, Ted
        GB 0096 MS1136 · Fondo · [1966-1978]

        Papers of Ted Crawford, [1966-1978] comprise periodicals including Workers News, c 1975; Israc, 1969 May-1971 March (incomplete), 1970 March; Socialist Appeal, 1978 March-April; The Spark, 1971 September, November; The Bulletin [United States edition], 1970 July -August; The Bulletin [British edition], 1974; Marxist Bulletin, 1975-1976; pamphlets, especially about Israel, including "Les Democarties Populaires - sont elles des etats socialistes", Paris, 1966.

        Sin título
        COCKETT, Dr Richard, b 1961, historian
        GB 0097 COCKETT · 1942-1996

        Papers mainly collated by Dr Richard Cockett during research for his book Thinking the unthinkable: think-tanks and the economic counter-revolution, 1931-1983 (Harper Collins, London, 1994), 1942-1996, comprising journal and newspaper articles, official reports and correspondence, 1942-1992, relating to right-wing economic think-tanks, including the Adam Smith Institute, the Society of Individualists (and Sir Ernest John Pickstone Benn, 3rd Bt), Aims of Industry, the Mont Perelin Society, the Longbow Group (and Diana Spearman), the Selsdon Group, the Institute for the Study of Conflict (and Brian Rossiter Crozier), the Institute for Economic Affairs, the Centre for Policy Studies, The St James Society, and The Carl Menger Society; material relating to influential economic and political advisors, 1952-1996, notably newspaper and journal articles by Arthur Seldon, Sir Alfred Sherman, Professor Timothy George Congden, and Phillip Denis Andrew Vander Elst; miscellaneous reports, notes and newspaper cuttings relating to the activities, and influence on various governments, of political and economic think-tanks, 1952-1992.

        Sin título
        POTTER, Richard, 1778-1833, politician
        GB 0097 COLL MISC 0146 · Colección · 1793-1941

        This collection contains Richard Potter's diaries, accounts, parliamentary journals, correspondence and miscellaneous papers.

        Sin título
        British Socialist Party
        GB 0097 COLL MISC 0155 · Colección · 1910-1914

        Papers of H B Williams, the secretary of the British Socialist Party Birmingham section. Correspondence from British Socialist Party members including Leonard Hall and Ralph Parr, also leaflets bills and press cuttings. There is also an index which gives names of correspondent and the folios on which they appear.

        Sin título
        GB 0097 COLL MISC 0314 · Colección · 1904-1922

        Minute books and correspondence files of the Independent Labour Party Watford Branch 1904-1910; of the City of London Branch 1908-1922; of the No 6 Divisional Council 1909-1921; correspondence only of the North London Federation; correspondence and papers relating to the ILP Head Office strike in 1920.

        Sin título
        Kennington Conservative Association
        GB 0097 COLL MISC 0463 · Colección · 1924-1962

        Records of Kennington Conservative Association, comprising Executive Committee minute books, 1924-1962.

        Sin título
        Independent Labour Party: New Leader
        GB 0097 COLL MISC 0761 · Colección · 1922-1931

        Papers of L A Plummer relating to the New Leader, comprising 1. Scrap book containing samples of stationary and circulars and cuttings, mainly advertisements in other journals, 1922-1927; 2. Promotional letters for New Leader, also The Miner and The Post. 1925-1930. 3. Report by L A Plummer on a visit to the USA to investigate the American newspaper advertising system for The Evening Standard. 1931.

        Sin título
        GB 0097 CUMMINS · Colección · [1960-1995]

        Papers relating to Mark Cummins' work as a Liberal Democrat councillor on Brent Council and also as a Liberal Democrat candidate in the General Election of 1992, mainly leaflets, election ephemera, policy papers and other publications.

        Sin título
        Fabian Society Archives
        GB 0097 FABIAN SOCIETY · 1881-1980

        This collection consists of material relating to the principle functions of the Fabian Society. It includes correspondence; early papers and memorials; minutes and papers of the executive committee, the finance and general purposes committee and the home research committee; and material relating to lectures, publications, local societies, schools and conferences, groups and bureaux of the society, relations with the Labour Party, conferences, biographies of early members, and information gathered on electoral constituencies and issues in local government.

        Sin título