Cours de troisième cycle

Zone des éléments



Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

  • Courses of study or research at a higher education institution after completion of first degree requirements.
  • Cours ou recherche poursuivi dans une institution d'enseignement supérieur après avoir satisfait aux obligations du premier cycle de ce niveau d'études.
  • Curso o investigación efectuados en una institución de enseñanza superior tras haber concluido los estudios correspondientes al primer ciclo de ese nivel.

Note(s) sur la source


Note(s) d'affichage

    Termes hiérarchiques

    Cours de troisième cycle

    Terme générique Cours universitaire

    Cours de troisième cycle

      Termes équivalents

      Cours de troisième cycle

      • Employé pour Postgraduate education
      • Employé pour Cours postgrade
      • Employé pour Cycle postgrade
      • Employé pour Enseignement universitaire supérieur
      • Employé pour Études postgrade
      • Employé pour Curso de postgrado
      • Employé pour Posgrado
      • Employé pour Postgrado
      • Employé pour Tercer ciclo

      Termes associés

      Cours de troisième cycle

      4 Description archivistique résultats pour Cours de troisième cycle

      GB 0114 · 1745-date

      Legal Records: Charters and Bylaws (1462) - date

      Court and Council : Court of Assistants 1745-1827; Council 1827-date; Council in Committee 1963-1989; Revision committee 1981-1987; Nomination Committee 1934-1970; Annual Reports of Council 1884-date

      Secretariat: Correspondence, arranged by subject c.1880-1983; Letterbooks 1810-1866, 1900-1925; General Purposes Committee 1808-1962; Joint Secretariat Committee 1961-1974

      President: Committee of President and Vice President 1836-1855; Presidential Committee on Examinations 1985; Presidential Committee on the College's Educational Policies for the Future 1981-1982; Presidential Correspondence 1945-1948; President's Conversazione 1899-1934; President's newsletter 1967-1991

      Museum: Board of Curators 1800-1844; Museum & Building Committee 1799-1814; Museum Committee 1844-1988; Hunterian Trustees 1805-present; Letter books 1800-1883; Museum Accounts 1800-1832; Annual Reports 1827-1946; Correspondence 1845-date; Special Collections Committee 1989; Donations Registers and Correspondence 1802-1967; Human Remains [archaeological Finds} 1907-1937; Visitors 1805-1989; Odontological Museum correspondence 1943-1989;

      Building: Building Committee 1844-1966; Committee on Accommodation 1982; Committee on the Extension of the College Buildings 1885-1891; Furniture & Building 1966-1992; Hospitality & Catering Committee 1956-1988; House Committee 1944-1961; Building Estates Committee 1989-1992; Property Committee 1978-1982; Rebuilding of College 1946-1955; Plans for rebuilding 1957; Correspondence 1910-date, photographs 1880-date.

      Examinations: Court of Examiners 1796 -1832; Registers 1745-1983; Committee of Management Conjoint Board 1884-1929; Letters books 1832-1865; Committee on Courses 1981-2; Working Party on Future of Examining Board In England 1972-1981

      Membership: Signature books 1800-1970; Apprentices 1800-1846; Death Registers 1800-1889; Membership lists 1788-1970; Discipline Committee 1915-1955; Licentiate registers 1885-1898; Certificates 1850-1870; Register of Certificates 1821-1835

      Fellowship; Fellowship Election Committee 1943-1975; Fellows Committee 1988-1999; Overseas Fellows Committee 1986-1989; Honorary Fellows 1900-1978; Fellows & Honorary Fellows photo albums 1840-1968;

      Lectureships & Awards: Lectures & Orations 1810-1842; Erasmus Wilson Committee 1879; Jacksonian Lectureship Committee 1800-date; Prize & Medal Committee 1956-1987; Macloghlin Scholarship committee 1965-1975; Joseph Toynbee Memorial Lecture Committee 1988; Lionel College Memorial Fellowship Committee minutes 1982-1985; Norman Capener Travelling Fellowship Advisory Board 1981-1988; Ratanji Dalal Research Scholarship Committee 1963-1990; Tudor Edwards Memorial Fund Committee 1989; Walker Prize Committee 1956-1980; Windsor Prize Committee 1982

      Publications: Transactions Committee 1841-1842; Annals Committee 1947-1989; Almanacks 1903-date

      Annual Meetings: Annual & Provincial Meetings Committee 1965-1966;

      External Affairs: External Affairs Board Minutes 1989-1992; International Relations Committee 1983;

      Finance: Accounts 1745-1974 ; Committee of Auditors 1811-1888; Finance Committee 1888- 1977; Cashbooks 1887-1959; Finance & General Appeal Committee 1967-1972; Building Committee Accounts 1806-1838; College Chest 1978-1982; Committee on Income & Expenditure 1868

      Fundraising: Appeals Committee 1956-1978; Restoration funds records 1945-1956

      Library: Library Committee 1833-1989; Acquisitions 1833-1850; Letter book 1828-1851; Correspondence 1935-1965; Donations 1868-1957; Purchases 1887-1952; Visitors 1889-1946;Binding 1856-1951; Books Received 1839-1951; Periodicals Received 1881-1938; Binding 1951-1964

      Media: Audio Visual Techniques Committee 1980-1982;

      Surgical Specialities & Training: Examiners in Anatomy & Physiology Minutes 1880-1918 ; Examiners in Midwifery minutes 1852-1857; Board of Examiners In Dental Surgery 1860-1909; Board of Surgical Specialities 1976-1988; Committee on Higher Specialist Assessment in General Surgery 1984; Committee on Training of Surgeons later Surgical Training Board minutes 1959-1971; Courses & Lectureship Committee 1982; Committee on Courses 1981-1982; Special Advisory Committee on General Surgery 1978-1981; Surgical Teaching Films Committee 1985-1986; Joint Committee for Plastic Surgery, Postgraduate Orthopaedic Training 1948-1959; Postgraduate Education Committee 1947-1959

      Research Laboratories Committee 1890-1905; Ethical or Research Ethics Committee 1974-1983; Hunterian Institute Board Minutes 1986-1989; Hunterian Institute Academic Advisory Committee 1986-1989; Institute of Basic Medical Research Correspondence & Minutes 1946-1983; Joint General Board 1966-1983; Joint Research Board 1975-1979; Museum & Research Committee 1937-1974; Research Establishment at Downe Management Committee minutes 1974-1977; Research Grants & Development Committee 1979-1985; Research Ethics Committee 1985-1992; Streatfield & MacKenzie Mackinnon Research Fund Committee 1989; Anatomy Correspondence 1948-1980

      Club College Council Club minutes, photographs, correspondence 1931-date

      Dinner: Hunterian Festival programmes 1881-1975; Buckston Browne 1928-1956

      War: Committee of Reference 1916-1919

      Sans titre
      GB 0098 L · Created 1948-1991 (ongoing)

      Records relating to Teaching Methods and Equipment at Imperial College, 1948-1991, including papers of Interdisciplinary Research Centres, notably Population Biology, Process Systems Engineering, Semi-Conductor Materials; minutes and inventories of the Audio visual aids working party, 1966-1967; representation on the British Universities Film Council, 1948-1963 (LA);
      Hale Committee Report on teaching methods, 1964-1965 (LB);
      papers of the Educational Technology Committee, 1968-1978, including Rector's correspondence and report on computers (LC);
      Education Forum leaflets; papers relating to Unusual Entry Procedure meeting, 1981 (LD);
      papers concerning English classes, 1972-1974 (LE);
      reports and correspondence of the Postgraduate education working party, 1975-1977 (LF);
      papers relating to the presentation of technical education, 1958-1964 (LL);
      papers concerning Pimlico Connection tutoring schemes, 1981-1991, comprising reports and brochure (LP).

      Sans titre
      GB 2648 LBS · 1965-1998

      Administrative records of the London Business School, 1965-1998, comprising:
      Governing Body minutes and papers, 1976-1998, including copy of Royal Charter, lists of Governors and correspondence on Governing Body membership;
      Executive Committee minutes and papers, 1981-1983;
      Management Board minutes, 1989-1993
      Faculty Board minutes and papers, 1986-1989, including Doctoral Programme reports, 1986-1988; review of LBS subject areas by Academic Board, 1986; reports of the Sloan Programme, 1987-1988; reports of the Design Management Unit, 1987-1989; report of Masters' Programmes, 1987-1989; reports of Institute of Finance and Accounting, 1987-1988; reports of Centre for Business Strategy, 1987-1988; reports of Computing Services, 1987-1989; Library reports, 1987-1989; reports of the Centre for Management Development, 1987-1988; report of the New Enterprise/Extended Enterprise programmes, 1987; report of Information Systems and Computing Committee, 1987; report of London Executive Programme, 1987; report of Continuing Executive Programme, 1988; reports of the Alumni Association, 1988-1989; report of the Programme for Enterprise, 1988; report of the Centre for Marketing and Communications, 1988; report of the Audio-Visual Unit, 1989; report of the Financial Services Unit, 1989;
      Buildings and Estates papers, 1965-1997, including architects plans for Sussex Place, 1967; Land Registration original documents, 1965-1988; Park Road shops - correspondence and management report, 1989-1991; Taunton Place building, 1996-1997; Windsor Castle Public House, Park Road, 1982-1989; gardens and landscaping papers, 1990-1992; Park Road planning appeal papers, 1979;
      House Committee minutes and correspondence, 1969-1987;
      Appointments Committee: correspondence, applications and minutes, 1973-1976;
      Investment Committee: minutes and papers, 1983-1986, 1989-1995; Phillips & Drew Investment Reports, 1987-1989;
      Computing Service: papers, 1988-1992;
      Dean for Executive Education: correspondence 1989-1992;
      Library Papers, 1985-1992;
      Centre for Management Design: correspondence, 1975-1987;
      Paintings and Gifts: correspondence and photographs, 1965-1990;
      MBA Programme: correspondence and papers, 1972-1993;
      External Affairs: correspondence, 1989-1994;
      Personnel Department: papers, 1990-1994;
      Coopers & Lybrand (Chartered Accountants): correspondence, 1964-1998;
      University Grants Committee/Universities Funding Council/HEFCE: correspondence and papers, 1987-1994; HEFCE Auditors Visit, Apr 1995, correspondence and papers;
      George Bain (Principal 1989-1997): Report on Bain's visit to US business schools, 1989;
      Fundraising: Development Office reports and correspondence, 1990-1991; Development Advisory Board - Minutes and Papers, 1991-1993;
      Regent's College: papers on proposed purchase, 1994-1995.

      Sans titre
      GB 1697 A.IALS · 1934-2000

      Papers of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS), 1934-2000, consisting of historical files, 1934-1995; correspondence and papers of IALS Directors, 1946-1987; correspondence and papers of the IALS Secretary/Librarian, 1936-1984; Secretary/Librarian's building and maintenance files, 1947-1975; IALS Secretary's new buildings files, 1959-1982; IALS Secretary's estimates files, 1949-1985; accounting records, 1947-1950; IALS Secretaries' policy and general files, 1971-1988; Assistant Librarian's correspondence and papers, 1980-1988; IALS Library sample records, 1960-1995; plans of IALS buildings, 1946-1974; photographs and portraits with related correspondence, [1960-1989]; printed and published papers produced by or concerning IALS, 1989-2000.

      Sans titre