Estudiante de postgrado

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        Estudiante de postgrado

          4 Descripción archivística resultados para Estudiante de postgrado

          Personnel Files of Bedford College
          GB 0505 BC AR150-160 · 1900-1985

          Staff files, 1900-1985, containing information relating to employment issues such as applications, appointment letters, correspondence, and information on salary and superannuation; correspondence with the University of London, 1908-1961; material relating to the appointment of staff, including the Principal, 1929 and 1971, research staff, 1921-1953, Library Assistants, 1912-1948, administrative Assistants, 1927-1946, and Laboratory Assistants, 1912-1939; papers relating to Staff appointments and conditions, 1906-1918 and 1940; papers concerning the restructuring of pay and duties of Laboratory Technicians, 1973; papers regarding the employment of postgraduates in science research, 1962-1964; material on war, disablement and sickness benefits, 1919-1955; papers on appointments to Chairs and Readerships, 1919-1960; papers of the Sub-Committee on Secretarial and Clerical Staff, 1968-1972; Minutes, papers and reports of the Department Staffing Committees, 1946-1976.

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          GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP43 · Created 1930-1990

          Correspondence, [1947-1983], with fellow academics and graduate students, notably Professor Charles Ralph Boxer, Professor of History, Yale University, and former Camoens Professor of Portuguese, King's College London; Professor John Bartlett Brebner, Professor of History, Columbia University, New York; Professor Donald Grant Creighton, Professor of History, University of Toronto, Canada; Professor Kenneth Onwuka Dike, Professor of History, University College, Ibadan, Nigeria; Professor John Kenneth Galbraith, Professor of Economics, Harvard University; and Professor Charles Anthony Woodward Manning, Professor of International Relations, London School of Economics. Lecture texts with notes, newspaper cuttings and correspondence, [1946-1983], mainly relating to British Imperial and Commonwealth history, colonial history and naval history, and including lectures on Nigeria, New Zealand, India, South Africa and Canada. Reviews of books written by Graham, 1930-1972, notably Tide of Empire: discursions on the expansion of Britain overseas (McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal and London, 1972), British policy and Canada, 1774-1791 (Longmans and Co, London, 1930), A concise history of the British Empire (Thames and Hudson, London, 1970), Great Britain in the Indian Ocean: a study of maritime enterprise 1810-1850 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1967), Empire of the North Atlantic: the maritime struggle for North America (University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1950), and The politics of naval supremacy: studies in British maritime ascendancy (University Press, Cambridge, 1965). Texts of articles, speeches and broadcasts by Graham, 1940-[1983], with relevant notes and newspaper cuttings, including broadcasts made in Canada, [1945-1983], various speeches, 1946-1972, made in Canada and Germany, and copies of reviews by Graham. Numerous drafts of, and notes relating to, The China Station: war and diplomacy 1830-1860 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1978). Photographs, slides and negatives, mainly in connection with Graham's academic voyages [1930-1972]. Offprints and articles by others on historical topics, [1930-1981], relating to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the Admiralty and the Royal Navy, the British Commonwealth, and Africa. Letters of reference, [1956-1981], filed alphabetically, and Royalty Statements, 1954-1980. Correspondence with Joe Malone, 1951-1967, John Flint, 1954-1990, and Malcolm Lester, 1951-1987. Index to Graham's postgraduate students.

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          GB 0097 COLONIAL RESEARCH · Colección · 1943-1963

          The Colonial Research papers, 1943-1963, contain administrative papers relating to various colonial interests concerning Great Britain. The majority of the papers consist of minutes, agendas, correspondence and further memorandum, although there is also a section containing the general administrative papers of Postgraduate Studentships within the boundaries of Colonial Research.

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          Postgraduate Committee and predecessors
          GB 1538 RCOG/B8 · Fondo · 1967-1992

          Records of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' Postgraduate Committee and predecessors, 1967-1992, comprising agenda, minutes and papers of the committee and correspondence of the Director of Postgraduate Studies, primarily relating to Regional College Advisers.

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