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            192 Description archivistique résultats pour Coupure de presse

            192 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
            Jenner Letters
            GB 0103 MS MISC 3J · 1861-1895

            Five letters from Sir William Jenner to Dr Charles John Hare, discussing his appointment (presumably as royal physician), 1861; referring to a charitable donation, 1867; news of his family and house, 1890; on admitting women to the College (University College London), opposing the admission of women to the profession, and family news, 1895; and discussing Hare's lectures and other matters, mentioning the Queen and referring to practical arrangements relating to Jenner's whereabouts (undated). Press cutting, including an obituary of Hare from the British Medical Journal, 1898.

            Sans titre
            Loewi, Otto (1873-1961)
            GB 0117 OL · 1917-1960

            Some correspondence, papers, and publications of Otto Loewi. The manuscript material is of a personal rather than a scientific nature and provides an important biographical source about Loewi's escape from Nazi Austria and his resettlement in the United States of America.

            Sans titre
            ANWYL-DAVIES, Thomas (1891-1971)
            GB 0100 TH/PP3 · [1895-1904]

            Papers of Thomas Anwyl-Davies, comprising photograph albums of exterior and interior scenes of St Thomas's Hospital, 1910-1917, compiled whilst a student and House Surgeon at St Thomas's, including photographs of staff, sports teams and surgical operations; albums of press cuttings, [1918-1965], relating to venereal disease, his work at St Thomas's Hospital Department of Venereal Diseases and London Hospital (Whitechapel) Clinic for Venereal Diseases, copies of some of his articles and lectures on venereal disease, press cuttings relating to the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund.

            Sans titre
            DIPLOCK, Arthur (fl 1903)
            GB 0100 KCLCA Diplock · 1857, 1903

            The collection comprises correspondence, British Library readers' book application slips, manuscript notes on the life and career of the poet, Ben Jonson, and press cuttings; notably including letters to Arthur Diplock concerning the poetry of Jonson and of William Drummond, 1903; manuscript notes, in particular extracts from Jonson's poems, reference to the work of John Selden, John Donne and Henry Holland, lists of various editions of the works of Jonson, [1903]; British Library book application tickets for books by Jonson, signed by Diplock, 1903; press cuttings on Drummond from Reynolds's miscellany and other journals, [1857].

            Sans titre
            OUTTERIDGE, Kenneth Dudley (1923-1989)
            GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP34 · Created 1950-[1988]

            Papers relating to Outteridge's teaching work at King's College London, 1950-1982, notably teaching and tutorial notes on subjects mainly relating to radiation physics and radiation protection, 1965-1972; texts of lectures on radiation physics written for the Borough Polytechnic, London, 1954-1957 and 1960-[1967]; copies of exam papers for physics and electronics subjects at King's College London, 1969-1982; papers concerning research grants and students, [1970-1980], including a PhD thesis by B L Diffey on 'The spectral distribution of X rays and gamma radiation resulting from multiple Compton scattering', Jun 1973; notes on various computer programmes, and work undertaken with them, [1978]; copies of articles and lectures by Outteridge and others, notably 'A print-out system for scaling units using neon indicators' with K C Lightowlers, 'Photon fluences resulting from multiple Compton scattering' with B L Diffey of Kent and Canterbury Hospital, and articles, 1950-1957, on the conductivity and electron counting properties of diamonds, mainly by Frank Clive Champion, Wheatstone Physics Laboratory; minutes and agendas of the Faculty of Natural Science, 1970-1981, and the Non-Professional Staff Committee, 1975-1978. Papers, 1952-1954, relating to Outteridge's work at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, notably press cuttings relating to work done there, 1952-1953, a teaching manual written by Outteridge on 'The Isotope School Experimental Course in Radioisotope Techniques', 1954, and a set of articles written by Outteridge whilst at Harwell. Papers relating to Outteridge's work as Radiation Protection Officer for King's College, [1971-1988], including information files regarding his duties, 1984-1985; working papers, [1971]-1982; reports from the British Radiation Protection Association, the British Radiological Protection Association and the Institute of Radiological Protection, [1971-1986]; papers and reports, 1962-[1988], of the Association of University Radiation Protection Officers (AURPO), including rules, constitution, AGM papers and newsletters.

            Sans titre
            GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP65 · 1896-1969

            Papers of Reginald Ruggles Gates, 1896-1969, including diaries and research notebooks, papers relating to Botanical Biology; Gates' research files; photographs; appointment diaries; correspondence; papers relating to professional memberships and conference material; press cuttings and published articles on his research interests.

            Including diaries and research notebooks, 1906-1962. Papers relating to Botanical Biology, an unpublished work by Gates, including manuscript notes, statistics, photographs and plant seeds. Research files, including draft papers by Gates such as notes from publications, articles, lecture transcripts, lecture notes, chapters of books, book reviews and others. Also photographs, articles, tables of data on physical characteristics of various peoples, graphs and charts, press cuttings and correspondence, on a variety of subjects including botany, oenothera, ethnic groups, race, genetics, biology, anthropology and Gates' anthropological studies in Australia, Canada, Cuba, India, Japan, Mexico, New Guinea, Okinawa, South Africa and Taiwan. Photographs from Gates' travels to Algeria, the Amazon river, Andamanese Islands, Australia, California, Canada, Canadian Arctic, Cuba, England, Gibraltar, Italy, India, Japan, Kenya, Morocco, New Guinea, Russia, Sicily, South Africa, South Rhodesia, Spain, Swedish Lapland and Tunisia; photographs of plant life, particularly oenothera; lecture slides; photographs used for publication in various books and articles by Gates; photographs of human and ape skulls and skeletons, photographs of people suffering from genetic diseases and personal photographs. Appointment diaries, 1921-1962. Personal and professional correspondence, including personal financial papers, 1903-1962. Papers relating to professional memberships and conference material, 1922-1962; press cuttings collected by Gates, 1915-1962 and printed material collected by Gates and his widow, 1928-1966, on subjects relating to his research including oenothera, botany, race, blood groups, physical anthropology, human biology, genetics, prehistoric man and population.

            Sans titre
            GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP83 · c1830-1972

            Correspondence and papers of and relating to Frederick Denison Maurice, c1830-1972, including a letter from Maurice to his mother, 1833; the manuscript, c1830-c1834, of Maurice's novel Eustace Conway (published in three volumes, Richard Bentley, London, 1834); ordination certificates and licences to preach, 1834-1871; various pamphlets by Maurice, 1841-1859, including a letter to Samuel Wilberforce on reasons for not joining a party in the church, 1841, one on education, 1847, and a plan for a female college, 1855; five manuscript letters, undated [? 1843], to Sara Coleridge, daughter of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, on religious subjects and bereavement and commenting on her Essay on Rationalism (1843); King's College London correspondence, comprising letters from Maurice, 1841-1853 and undated, pertaining to teaching, students, academic and College matters, including his professorship of Divinity, 1846, and correspondence between Maurice and Richard William Jelf, Principal of King's College London, to be laid before Council, 1853; printed material including copies of the correspondence between Maurice and Jelf, 1853; manuscript letter from Maurice to 'My dear Friends' via Brooke Lambert on leaving King's, 1853; manuscript letter from J[ulius] C Hare to [Derwent] Coleridge (son of Samuel Taylor Coleridge), 1853, concerning a protest against Maurice's expulsion from his theological professorship at King's College; newspapers and news cuttings on Maurice's dismissal by the Council of King's College, 1853; a copy of Maurice's The Doctrine of Sacrifice (1854), inscribed by him; manuscript letter from Charles Kingsley, 1859, soliciting Maurice's help in finding a curate; engraving of Maurice, 1860; manuscript sermon by Maurice on Proverbs c XII v 20, 'Deceit is in the heart ... ', given at St Peter's, Vere Street, [1860s]; copy of Maurice's The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven (1864), inscribed to his son J F Maurice. A scrapbook contains two letters from Maurice to Miss Duncan, one dated 1868 and thanking her for a gift; printed obituaries of Maurice, including news cuttings; portraits of Maurice, including a photograph; a printed catalogue of his works; a printed leaflet on the Working Men's College, London, 1872; manuscript notes (not Maurice's) on sermons preached by him; a printed sermon on Maurice by Charles Kingsley, 1873, for an industrial school for girls in Charlotte Street, Portland Place, London (established by Maurice in 1867); manuscript extracts of letters from T[homas] Hughes (the author?) to Maurice. Other printed material comprises articles and sermons on Maurice's death in 1872, and items relating to a dinner held at Lincoln's Inn, 1972, for its centenary. A manuscript letter from Emily Hill to Mrs Shaen, 1872, describes Maurice's death and a manuscript letter from Charles Kingsley to Maurice's widow, 1872, thanks her for a Greek testament. Other memorabilia relate to Maurice, his family, and friends.

            Sans titre
            Greek Relief Fund (Modern Greek Archive)
            GB 0100 KCLCA MGA/GRF · 1947-1984

            Records, 1947-1984, of the League for Democracy in Greece Relief Committee and its successor the Greek Relief Fund, including minutes; administrative, legal and financial material; correspondence with donors and with organisations including branches of the Red Cross, relief funds, and pro-Greek democracy organisations in various overseas countries; material relating to appeals for funds for relief work; press cuttings on the visit of Queen Frederika of Greece to Britain, 1963; papers relating to visits to Greece and to conferences on Greece, including a draft paper, 1979, by Diana Pym on 'The British Philhellenic Movement, 1944-1974'; correspondence concerning the archives of the League for Democracy in Greece; and winding up of the Greek Relief Fund, 1984. The bulk of the material pertains to recipients of aid, including correspondence, and the papers are relevant to the resistance activities and prison records of individual Greeks opposed to the regime in Greece.

            Sans titre
            SOUTER, Professor Alexander (1873-1949)
            GB 0100 KCLCA Souter · 1889-1930s

            Working papers of Alexander Souter, 1889-1930s and undated, comprising 20 notebooks, 1889-1913, on his studies in Aberdeen and Cambridge and on classical and patristic sources for his later work in Oxford, Aberdeen and Italy, and also including a diary for 1890, with entries noting work completed, news cuttings relating to his interests, and a book containing short publications such as Souter's The Predicative Dative Especially in Later Latin (1926) and A fragment of an unpublished Latin text of the Epistles to the Hebrews with a brief exposition (1924); manuscript texts for articles and lectures, mostly annotated with the dates and places of delivery, 1911-1936, including 'Classical Studies in the United States of America', 'Four Great Scholars', 'The Latin Bible', The History of Latin Lexicography', 'Statius: the Poet of the Silvae', 'Statius Silvae, with special reference to the manuscript tradition', 'Pelagius's Commentary on the Epistles of St Paul', 'Recent Advances in Palaeography', 'St Augustine', 'Recollections of a Travelling Scholar' and 'Beginnings of Christianity in Africa'; manuscript catalogue of editions of Latin authors in Souter's collection (1918).

            Sans titre
            WHEATSTONE, Sir Charles (1802-1875)
            GB 0100 KCLCA Wheatstone · 1757-1992

            Experimental notes, working papers, correspondence and lecture summaries compiled by Charles Wheatstone, 1836-1875, and photographs collected by him in that period. Notably including papers relating to the development and testing of the telegraph, [1836-1960]; descriptions of experiments and test results concerning the measurement of electromotive forces and electrical potential, [1840-1875]; experimental observations on the nature of magnetism, electricity and thermodynamics, including electromagnet design, batteries and dynamos, [1834-1855]; working papers relating to optics including experiments into refraction, colouration of compounds and polarisation, [1850-1875]; drafts of lectures on sound and musical instruments prepared by Wheatstone, [1832-1837]; material relating to the management of the Wheatstone collection of scientific instruments and library, 1890-1992; biographical material relating to the life of Wheatstone, the invention of the telegraph and Wheatstone's musical instrument manufacturing business, with unrelated newspapers, 1757-1975; stereoscopic photographs and glass negatives taken by Roger Fenton, Samuel Buckle, Jules Duboscq and others, featuring landscapes, still lifes, panoramic scenes of cities including Paris and Moscow and the interior and exterior of the Crystal Palace, Hyde Park, Sydenham, 1851, and especially the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1855, [1850-1901]; artefacts on loan from Department of Physics, King's College London, including telegraph apparatus, a nail fiddle and other prototype musical instruments, [1834-1875]; exhibition of scientific and musical instruments, [1834-1875].

            Sans titre
            Centre for Reform
            GB 0097 CENTRE FOR REFORM · Collection · 1998-1999

            Papers of the Centre for Reform, 1998-1999, comprises newsletters, publicity leaflets, audio tapes, video, press cuttings, press releases, minutes of management committee, papers presented to the group and advisory board meeting papers, all relating to the Centre for Reform.

            Sans titre
            Philip, John
            GB 0102 CWM/LMS Africa Miscellaneous Boxes 12-14 · 1817-1951
            Fait partie de COUNCIL FOR WORLD MISSION

            Papers, 1817-1951, of and relating to John Philip, comprising correspondence and papers, 1817-1849, including manuscripts and pamphlets, on his call to South Africa and the reluctance of his Aberdeen congregation that he should leave; the situation in South Africa and government policy, leading to the writing of his Researches; the ensuing court case (against William Mackay); the Wesleyan intrusion in Griqualand; also including editions of South African newspapers, 1824; letters from Robert Moffat concerning the mission station at Kuruman, 1845; manuscript papers by Philip concerning South Africa and the life of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton sent to Sir Edward Buxton, 1846; papers concerning Philip and South Africa, 1910-1951, including correspondence and press cuttings, some relating to W M Macmillan's Cape Colour Question (1927). The subjects include missionary activities and journeys, settlement in the region, race relations, slavery, and colonial policy.

            Sans titre
            Livingstone, David
            GB 0102 CWM/LMS Africa Miscellaneous Livingstone Boxes 1-11, Wooden Box · 1834-1950s
            Fait partie de COUNCIL FOR WORLD MISSION

            Correspondence and papers, 1834-1950s, of and relating to David Livingstone, composed of three sub-collections.

            Official London Missionary Society (LMS) papers of and relating to Livingstone, 1834-1872, largely comprise a series of over 100 original letters from Livingstone to his friends and to the LMS in connection with his work as an LMS missionary, mostly from southern Africa, the bulk dating from the 1840s and 1850s, and also include letters between other correspondents and miscellaneous other documents relating to Livingstone; 15 letters, 1852-1855, of Mary Livingstone (née Moffat), probably mostly directed to LMS officials, with typescript copies.

            The LMS reference collection on Livingstone comprises typescript and manuscript copies of the LMS Livingstone letters; original letters relating to Livingstone, 1845, 1850; copies of other letters and documents by or relating to Livingstone, 1841-1881, held elsewhere, including a later copy of Livingstone's answers to LMS questions on becoming a missionary (1838); photocopy of Livingstone's Bechuana journal, 1853; two microfilms of materials on Robert and Mary Moffat and Livingstone; papers relating to Livingstone, 1850s-1950s, collected by the LMS, including copies of further LMS documents relating to him, typescripts, press cuttings and printed material on his life and fame and places associated with him.

            The Bruce Livingstone collection comprises original letters, largely from Livingstone to Robert Moffat, 1844-1857, and photocopies of four letters, 1847-1853, from David Livingstone to Charles Livingstone.

            Sans titre
            Morrison, Robert
            GB 0102 CWM/LMS China Personal Boxes 1-3 · 1814-1958
            Fait partie de COUNCIL FOR WORLD MISSION

            Correspondence and papers, 1814-1958, of and relating to Robert Morrison and his missionary work, translations, and life in China and Malacca, comprising letters of Morrison to various correspondents, 1820-1830; three letter books of Thomas Fisher, 1824-1836, largely comprising copy letters from Fisher in Hoxton to Morrison in Canton and Morrison's replies, and also including correspondence between Fisher and John Robert Morrison, Fisher's papers relating to memoirs of Robert Morrison, and various cuttings and inserts; manuscript translation by William Milne, 1814, of a Chinese catechism compiled and printed at Canton by Morrison (1811-1812); manuscripts of and relating to Morrison and his translations and missionary work, 1824-1826; undated [early 19th century] copy of Morrison's domestic memoir, written in 1824, including references to his family; Morrison's grant of power of attorney, 1826; manuscript containing copies [1832] of various letters from Morrison, 1809-1832; examples of texts printed at Morrison's press, 1831 and undated; publications of Morrison, comprising a printed list of his publications [after 1822], discourse given at Hoxton Academy (1825), pamphlet on Chinese language and literature, Chinese Miscellany (1825), and manuscript of the same; printed report on missionary work in China, 1832; papers relating to the Anglo-Chinese College, Malacca, comprising a deed, 1820, printed prospectus, c1820, and reports, 1823-1836 (incomplete series); copies of The Indo-Chinese Gleaner, 1821, and The Evangelist and Miscellanea Sinica, 1833; printed report on China and Canton, 1823; papers relating to Morrison, 1934-1958, including correspondence, typescripts and press cuttings.

            Sans titre
            Legge, James
            GB 0102 CWM/LMS China Personal Boxes 4-10 · 1831-c1905
            Fait partie de COUNCIL FOR WORLD MISSION

            Correspondence and papers, 1831-c1905, of and relating to James Legge, comprising correspondence, largely manuscript and typescript copies (some later than the originals) of letters, 1831-1897, to and from Legge, the correspondents including his wife Hannah and other family members, also concerning the Anglo-Chinese College, Malacca, and its successor the Anglo-Chinese Theological Seminary, Hong Kong; sermons, mainly manuscript but including some printed, preached in Hong Kong, including the Union Church, and England, c1837-1880; publications, typescript copies, press cuttings, and manuscripts of articles, addresses and accounts, 1839-1890s (some undated; including some later copies), mainly by Legge but including some publications of other authors, the subjects including theology, Chinese religion including Confucius, Chinese language and literature, missionary work and journeys made, and Legge's work at the University of Oxford; personal papers, 1839-1897, including his certificate of ordination, 1839, print of an engraving of Legge with three Chinese students at the Hong Kong Theological Seminary, 1849, photographs of friends in Hong Kong and Chinese friends, and letter book containing Notes of my Life for my sons ... and their sisters', begun 1896; papers relating to Legge, including printed papers relating to his death, 1897, and the typescriptJames Legge: Missionary and Scholar' [before 1905]. Many of the typescript copies of correspondence and other writings were presumably made for Legge's daughter, Helen Edith Legge, for her James Legge: Missionary and Scholar (1905).

            Sans titre
            Sibree Family Papers
            GB 0102 CWM/LMS Madagascar Personal Boxes 2, 5-13 · 1820-1953
            Fait partie de COUNCIL FOR WORLD MISSION

            Papers, 1820-1953, of the Sibree family, comprising miscellaneous correspondence and manuscripts, press cuttings and printed papers, 1867-1929, of James Sibree, the subjects including missionary, literary and architectural work and the history, customs and language of Madagascar, including a manuscript of his `Missionary Heroes and Heroism in Madagascar', 1925; eight scrapbooks of James Sibree's papers, 1820-1927, containing printed materials and cuttings, correspondence and notes, maps and sketches relating to Madagascar and to the Sibree family; two volumes presented to James Sibree on the 50th anniversary of his missionary service in Madagascar, 1913; other papers of James Sibree relating to Madagascar, 1874-c1916 and undated, including its natural history; photographs, comprising portraits of missionaries and others connected with the Madagascar mission, 19th century, Sibree family photograph album, 1902-1913, including volcanic eruptions in Samoa, and photographs of Madagascar, including buildings, landscapes, and individuals; scrapbook of Elsie Sibree, c1913-1953, including press cuttings, photographs, and notes.

            Sans titre
            TOLANSKY, Professor Samuel (1907-1973)
            GB 0505 PP22 · 1959-1972

            Papers, 1959-1972, relating to publications by Tolansky on the subject of interferometry and diamond physics, including correspondence, 1959-1964 with publishers and editors; manuscripts, typescripts and proofs of articles, books, reviews and papers on scientific subjects, 1959-1972, including papers, correspondence and press cuttings on the demand and merit of women physicists, published in the Sunday Times, 1963, and book reviews written by Tolansky, including some press cuttings and covering correspondence, 1959-1963; copies of unpublished research papers, [1934-1947]. Miscellaneous material including rough notes, booklists and illustrations of crystal structures, 1952-1962, and photographs of experiments, [1934-1973].

            Sans titre
            GB 0505 RHC RF100-186 · 1863-1971

            Material relating to Thomas Holloway and his family, 1863-1965, including a press cuttings book kept by Holloway, 1863, pamphlets printed by the Governors of Royal Holloway College relating to the life and works of Thomas Holloway, trade literature for Holloway's pills and ointments, reports and addresses on the Holloway Sanatorium, and a catalogue of title deeds relating to Thomas Holloway deposited in Surrey Record Office. Reminiscences, memoirs, verses and novels relating to Royal Holloway College, 1911-1969, notably manuscripts and taped reminiscences by former students of the College, a printed copy of Dolores ( Blackwood and Sons, London and Edinburgh, 1911) by Ivy Compton-Burnett, speeches given at various special College dinners, and manuscripts of College songs and verses about members of staff and students. Press cuttings, articles and obituaries, 1876-1970, extracted from newspapers and journals, on Royal Holloway College, including articles on the College buildings, members of staff, the Council, the College Departments and women's' education in general. Drawings, prints and watercolours, [1879]-1908, of staff, grounds and buildings, mainly sketches of the College buildings used for a promotional brochure, 1895. Ephemera relating to Royal Holloway, [1880]-1965.

            Sans titre
            FINBERG, Alexander Joseph (1866-1939)
            GB 1518 CI/AJF · 1902-1915

            Papers of Alexander Joseph Finberg, 1902-1915, comprising albums of newpaper cuttings, 1902-1920, relating to Finberg's own columns, 1902-1915, and the art world in general, 1903-1912.

            Sans titre
            GB 1538 S28 · 1932-1991

            Personal papers and memorabilia of Sir Norman Jeffcoate, 1932-1991, including table plan for the College's second annual dinner, 1932; announcement of the first Blair-Bell Memorial Lecture, given by Jeffcoate, 1938; order of service of memorial service held for William Blair-Bell in Liverpool Cathedral, 1936; Association of Liverpool Medical School Newsletter 12 (1991) containing an appreciation of William Blair-Bell by Jeffcoate; "The use of oestrogenic hormones for initiating and maintaining uterine contractions", typescript essay submitted for the Katherine Bishop Harman Prize , Dec 1937; volumes of papers and notes presented to medical societies, with chronological lists of publications at front of each volume , 1931-1969; volumes of book reviews and articles by or relating to Jeffcoate, with some related correspondence and press cuttings, 1943-1979; volumes of British Medical Journal Letters, Notes and Answers, annotated , 1943-1963; volume of correspondence and papers relating to Jeffcoate's Principles of Gynaecology, published 1957 by Butterworth & Co, 1957-1975; correspondence and papers relating to Jeffcoate's appointment as Sims-Black Professor for 1958, and subsequent visits to Canada and the Caribbean, 1956-1958; file of confidential correspondence concerning the future of the RCOG, 1960-1976; volumes of correspondence, invitations and programmes relating to functions and lectures, with related press cuttings and photographs, 1953-1975; personal correspondence, 1973-1986; volume of press cuttings, with handwritten notes and index [note: most of the cuttings referred to in the index and notes are not extant], 1966-1986.

            Sans titre
            GB 0102 LH · 1896-1997

            Records, 1896-1997, of the London General Committee of the Lebanon Hospital for Mental and Nervous Disorders (formerly Lebanon Hospital for the Insane), comprising:

            papers, 1907-1983, relating to the Hospital constitution, financial and legal postition, and closure, including copies of the constitution, 1907, 1965, and photocopies of the Wakf Deed (1912);

            minutes of the London General Committee, 1897-1982, and Sub-Committee, 1910-1920;

            copies of minutes of the Beirut Executive Committee, 1950-1982;

            accounts and balance sheets, 1941-1982, including some auditors' reports from 1953 onwards;

            ledgers, c1950-1982, recording transactions, investments, funds and expenses;

            cash book, 1977-1981, recording transactions and investments;

            correspondence and papers, 1896-1916, of and relating to Theophilus Waldmeier in connection with the Hospital, including correspondence with the London General Committee and Treasurer, and Waldmeier's progress reports written for donors and subscribers, the subjects including building and equipping the Hospital, patients, treatment and recovery, fundraising and financial matters, also including press cuttings and obituaries on Waldmeier, 1915-1916;

            general files of correspondence and papers relating to Hospital administration, 1902-1997, the subjects including staffing, trust funds and endowments, appeals for funds and other financial matters, and closure, including some correspondence of Sir Geoffrey Furlonge (Chairman of the London General Committee), 1971-1981, and correspondence with the Charity Commission, 1984-1997;
            annual reports, 1899, 1956-1974 (incomplete series);
            publicity material, c1897-1971, including speeches, texts of radio broadcasts, various publications, and autobiography of Theophilus Waldmeier;
            photographs, 1909, 1956, 1974, including the hospital at Asfuriyeh and the site at Aramoun;

            miscellaneous papers, 1898-c1992, including undated list of Chairmen of the London General Committee (1906-1970), reports on visits to the Hospital, 1964-1965, reports and photographs of damage to Aramoun, 1991-c1992, and ground plan of Asfuriyeh, revised 1907.

            Sans titre
            Calvert, James
            GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/South Seas/FBN 33-36 (Boxes 645-648) · 1837-1910s

            Papers, 1837-1910s, of James Calvert and his wife Mary, including James Calvert's journals, 1838-1886 (some gaps), including his experiences in Fiji and South Africa; Mary Calvert's journal, 1863-1866; certificates, 1838, including those for ordination and marriage; personal and family papers, 1839-1887, including baptismal certificates, 1839-1846, photographs of children, and poems; correspondence of James and Mary Calvert, 1837-1892, the correspondents including John Hunt and other ministers, and members of the Calvert and Fowler families; memoranda books on missionary conferences in Adelaide, 1866, Grahamstown, 1873, 1880, and Bloemfontein, 1874; printed proceedings of conferences at Pietermaritzburg, 1877, and Natal, 1878; manuscript notes and addresses, 1830s-1890s, including autobiographical notes, sermons, and anecdotes of mission life; c30 bills, 1870-1890; press cuttings and articles by or about Calvert, 1840s-1910s.

            Sans titre
            Aylward, Gladys
            GB 0102 MS 291571 · Created 1936-1970s

            Papers, 1936-1970s, of Gladys Aylward, comprising correspondence (1936-1939) with the Whiskin family during her time in China, press cuttings (1936-1970s), publications, notices, Chinese texts for children, calendars, photographs and miscellaneous items including Chinese accessories.

            Sans titre
            Nigerian Civil War Collection
            GB 0102 MS 321463 · Created 1958-1971

            News summaries, press releases, press cuttings and publications, 1958-1971, from the period leading up to and including the Nigerian Civil War. The collection was the source material used by Suzanne Cronje for her book The world and Nigeria: the diplomatic history of the Biafran War 1967-1970 (London, 1972).

            Sans titre
            Tocher, Rev Forbes Scott
            GB 0102 MS 380570 · 1927-1973

            Papers, 1927-1973, concerning the Rev Forbes Tocher, comprising manuscript letter from George Wilson to Mrs Tocher concerning the Lalor case, 1927; typescript letter from Butterfield and Swire, Shanghai, to Forbes Tocher thanking him for his help in releasing Captain Lalor, 1928; undated press cutting announcing the award to Tocher of the CBE, following his release of Captain Lalor, and giving an account of the events [1928]; photocopy of undated notes by Tocher concerning his work securing the release of Captain Lalor in 1927; press cuttings from Scottish newspapers on celebrations to commemorate Tocher's 55 years as a minister, giving accounts of his life and career, 1964; typescript copy of funeral oration to Tocher, 1973.

            Sans titre
            Kirwan, Sir Laurence
            GB 0102 MS 380711 · 1933-1998

            Papers of Sir Laurence Kirwan, 1933-1998, dating mainly from the 1960s-1970s, comprising collected cuttings, offprints and publications, 1933-1995, including newspapers, magazines, and academic journals, on archaeology and related subjects in Africa, largely east Africa, and Arabia, including some by Sir Laurence Kirwan; slides and photographs, 1960s-1970s (some undated), showing artefacts, archaeological finds and other subjects relating to archaeology, including some from Kirwan's tours of Ethiopia, east Africa and Arabia; papers, 1967-1974, including lecture notes, maps, itineraries, correspondence and printed information, relating to a series of lectures delivered as a guest lecturer on a Swan's tour of Ethiopia (1973); miscellaneous reports and correspondence, 1997-1998, relating to Kirwan's report on archaeology in Aden (1939); notebook [1960s] on the excavations at Axum (Aksum), including miscellaneous inserted notes, photographs, correspondence and maps, 1960-1974 (some undated).

            Sans titre
            Lamb, Sir Lionel Henry
            GB 0102 MS 380730 · 1873-1988 (mainly 1911-1983)

            Papers, 1873-1988 (mainly 1911-1983), of Sir Lionel Henry Lamb, comprising personal papers, 1911-1983 and undated, including miscellaneous letters, 1917-1958, certificates and decorations, 1925-1953, papers relating to internment in Shanghai, 1940-1942, papers relating to his service in China, 1947-1959, photographs, 1924-1949, including Peking and other scenes in China and Hong Kong, miscellaneous papers relating to his service in Switzerland, 1954-1956, and ephemera, 1911-1983, including press cuttings, tickets, invitations and menus; subject files, including news cuttings and other printed material, both Chinese and western, on anti-British propaganda in China, c1937, the Japanese administration and occupation of China, including Shanghai, 1937-1942, 1980-1982, China after the war and under the Communist regime, including anti-foreign propaganda, treatment of overseas nationals, Sino-Soviet relations, and Chinese foreign policy, 1946-1988; maps of China, 1873-1947.

            Sans titre
            Addis, Sir Charles Stewart
            GB 0102 PP MS 14 · Created 1881-1945

            Papers, 1881-1945, of Sir Charles Stewart Addis, comprising diaries kept by Addis, 1881-1945; correspondence with his family, colleagues and friends including Alexander Michie, 1886-1902, and Montagu Norman, 1921-1943; business papers, 1886-1945; speeches and articles, 1880-1941; newspaper cuttings, c1860-1949; and photographs. In addition to documenting Charles Stewart Addis's role as a leading financial adviser and negotiator, the collection gives an important insight into the development of international finance and monetary policy.

            Sans titre
            Moraes, Francis Robert
            GB 0102 PP MS 24 · Created 1930s-1974

            Papers of Francis Robert Moraes, 1930s-1974, reflecting his career as a journalist and author, particularly the period 1950-1974, and including his notebooks and diaries, 1950-1974, from Australia and New Zealand, South East Asia, China, Japan, Pakistan, India, Africa, Western and Eastern Europe and the USA; correspondence, 1956-1974, including professional and personal matters; newspaper clippings, regular columns and articles, 1945-1974, some for the Indian Express and Sunday Standard; reviews of his books, 1953-1961; photographs, 1930s-1970s; recorded broadcasts, 1965-1969; and the diary of Beryl Moraes, 1962.

            Sans titre
            Powell, Ifor Ball
            GB 0102 PP MS 26 · Created 1926-1986

            Papers, 1926-1986, of Ifor Ball Powell, largely comprising the Philippine reference material collected by him, together with his correspondence and personal papers. The reference material covers topics such as the Philippine legislature; Philippine administration; political parties, elections and election statistics; US Philippine agreements and relations; Philippine Islands during World War II; and the City of Manila. Also included are photographs taken during Powell's field trips in Southeast and East Asia, particularly in the Philippines, and an extensive collection of press cuttings.

            Sans titre
            Blatch, Gledhill Stanley
            GB 0102 PP MS 28 · Created 1927-1986

            Papers, 1927-1986, of Gledhill Stanley Blatch, comprising correspondence, press cuttings, reports and political propaganda material collected by him. The material relates largely to the Ethiopian situation in the 1970s and 1980s and covers topics such as the famine and refugee situation, questions of religious discrimination and the Mengistu regime.

            Sans titre
            GB 0102 PP MS 49 · Created 1893-1940

            Papers, 1893-1940, of the Rev Charles Perry Scott and the Rev Percy Melville Scott, together with those of fellow missionaries of the North China and Shantung Mission. Also included is a continuous series of the North China and Shantung Mission Quarterly Papers (January 1893-October 1936), and the correspondence and diaries of Maurice Woodforde Scott dating from his time in China with Butterfield & Swire (1934-1937).

            Sans titre
            GB 0102 PP MS 55 · Created c1830-1925

            Papers, c1830-1925, of Major-General Sir Henry Marion Durand and Sir Henry Mortimer Durand, giving a good picture of their work, particularly Henry Mortimer Durand. These include a set of Henry Mortimer Durand's diaries (1870-1907); a large selection of correspondence (1872-1922) (correspondents include Lord Lansdowne, Grey, Curzon and Roberts); and a collection of press cuttings (1902-1908) relating to the period when he was Ambassador in America. Henry Mortimer Durand also wrote a number of literary works, some of which are present in this collection. Also of interest are a number of family photograph albums, depicting scenes of India, Europe and America.

            Sans titre
            Fox-Pitt, Thomas
            GB 0102 PP MS 6 · Created 1937-1966

            Papers of Thomas Fox-Pitt, 1937-1966, chiefly comprising his correspondence relating to events or major issues in the history of the Central African Federation (which comprised Nyasaland, later Malawi; Northern Rhodesia, later Zambia; and Southern Rhodesia, later Zimbabwe) and the political campaign against it. Files often include pamphlets, press cuttings, maps and newsletters with some bearing on the correspondence. The collection also includes material on Racial Unity; the Anti-Slavery Society; the Movement for Colonial Freedom; and Kenneth Kaunda and his United National Independence Party.

            Sans titre
            Maybury, Maurice Alfred
            GB 0102 PP MS 64 · 1951-1981

            Papers, 1951-1981, of Maurice Alfred Maybury, relating to his professional posts.
            Papers relating to Uganda, 1951-1962, comprise government publications and reports, 1951-1959, on the Uganda Protectorate, including trade and commerce; unpublished manuals, 1952-1954, relating to trade; handbooks, 1955-1958 and undated, largely relating to trade; press cuttings, 1956-1957, the subjects including community development, banking, and official visits; miscellaneous papers, 1955-1962 and undated, including an invitation, economic survey on Uganda, and calendars.
            Papers relating to Ethiopia, 1963-1974, comprise reports, 1970-1972 and undated, documenting his advisory work on commerce, industry and tourism; written accounts of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, undated; miscellaneous reports and proposals, 1963-1974 and undated, the subjects including prices, grain, and foreign and domestic trade.
            Papers relating to Lesotho, 1954-1981, comprise Maybury's offer of employment as Export Promotion Adviser, 1975; general United Nations staff information, 1954, 1973-1977; UNCTAD/GATT International Trade Centre briefing papers, 1973-1974; Maybury's official project reports, 1976-1977 and undated, on export promotion in Lesotho; correspondence relating to the same project, 1977; additional reports and papers by Maybury, 1977, relating to trade promotion; miscellaneous reports and proposals, 1971-1981 and undated, relating to trade promotion.

            Sans titre
            GB 0102 PP MS 69 · Created 1793-1966

            Diaries, correspondence, genealogical papers, photographs and press cuttings, 1793-1966, of Edward Charles Mackintosh Bowra and Cecil Arthur Verner Bowra.

            Sans titre
            GB 1753 HAR · Fonds · 1897-c1991

            Records, 1897-c1991, of Harrow College of Higher Education and its predecessors, comprising a letter concerning Harrow Technical School, 1897; Harrow Technical School register of teachers, 1907-1940; Board of Governors minutes, 1949-1982; Governing Body attendance book, 1949-1965, and minutes, 1982-1985; Academic Board minutes, 1969-1987; other administrative papers, comprising inspection reports, 1929, 1938, Department of Education and Science report on inspection, 1968, papers concerning CNAA and its Institutional Reviews, 1981-1988, and Harrow Annual Monitoring Survey, 1988-1989; visitors' book, 1975-1990; printed material, comprising prospectuses (incomplete series), 1946-1991, student handbooks, 1980s, programmes and other printed material for final shows, private views, etc, in fashion, art, design, film and photography, 1980s-1992, and Contour, the journal of Harrow College of Technology and Art, 1973-1978; various photographs, 1906-c1991, of staff, students, and premises, including construction on the Northwick Park site in the late 1950s; Hugh P Jones, 'A Centenary History: Harrow College of Higher Education' (typescript, 1988), and illustrations and other papers relating to its production; press cuttings, mainly from the Harrow Observer, 1901-1964.

            Sans titre
            Polytechnic Institute
            GB 1753 PIN · Collection · 1880-2002

            Records of the organisation known variously as the Polytechnic Sports Club, the The Institute of the Polytechnic Sports and Social Clubs, and The Polytechnic Sports Club Committee, as well as records of the Polytechnic's Men's and Women's Council, and Joint Council.

            This collection includes all records relating to the organisation of sports and social activities by members of the Polytechnic except for records of the individual clubs themselves, which are catalogued as separate collections. However it does include correspondence with the clubs by the Secretary and Committees. This collection also includes papers relating to the award of Polytechnic-wide medals and trophies, including the Elsie Hoare Trophy, Studd Trophy and Ditchman Trophy.

            Sans titre
            Regent Street Polytechnic
            GB 1753 RSP · Fonds · 1855-1970

            Records, 1891-1970, of Regent Street Polytechnic, comprising:
            Governing Body minutes, 1891-1970, attendance books, 1954-1970, and related papers; Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes, 1891-1932, 1951-1960, and attendance books, 1949-1958.

            Deeds, leases, agreements, schedules, licences and correspondence, 1891-1970, concerning Polytechnic affairs and premises, including Langham Place, Riding House Street, Great Portland Street, and other sites, and use of the Polytechnic Theatre (Marlborough Hall), Regent Street, as a cinema;
            papers, 1889-1970, relating to the Charity Commissioners' Scheme for the Polytechnic.

            Financial records, some relating to Trusts and prizes, 1891-1970, including balance sheets, accounts and financial statements, 1891-1895, 1899-1904, balance sheets and accounts, 1939-41, ledgers, 1892, 1902-1970, journals, 1939-1956, various cash books, 1905-1970, invoices, 1905-1911, 1959-1965, correspondence and papers concerning overdrafts, 1927-1954, record books, perhaps recording payments to government-sponsored students, 1919-1923, applications for and papers relating to grants from the City Parochial Foundation and London County Council, 1891-1960, and other papers relating to funding and regulatory bodies, including the Board of Education, papers relating to the Quintin Hogg estate and investments, 1903-1970, and the Kynaston Studd memorial fund, 1940s, and Polytechnic Benevolent Fund minute book, 1938-1965.

            Administrative papers and correspondence of the Polytechnic and its officers, 1902-1964, relating to premises, finance, staff and salaries, library, enrolments, fees and examinations; correspondence and papers on fundraising and rebuilding, 1909-1916, including Building Committee minutes, 1908-1911, and plans, agreements and press cuttings; correspondence and papers on fundraising and extension, 1926-1929; correspondence, plans and other papers, 1911-1946, relating to premises including Cavendish Place and Langham Place; correspondence and papers relating to administration and facilities of the Quintin Hogg Recreation Ground, Chiswick, 1904-1960s, including the Trustees' minute book, 1932-1959; papers relating to proposed re-organisation, 1959-1969.

            Records of the Education Department, including prospectuses, 1892-1970, and records relating to examinations, results, certificates, and medals awarded to students, 1891-1970;
            papers of the Teaching Staff Association, 1963-1970;
            records of the Polytechnic Institute, comprising membership records for men, 1891-1958, and women, 1904-1960, and subscription ledgers for men, 1891-1937, 1952-1963, and women, 1904-1937, 1952-1960; papers relating to World War One, 1914-1915, including three volumes on members on active service.

            Papers, including ephemera, on Polytechnic jubilees, public and social occasions, and official visits, 1904-1964, including the royal visit, 1912, the opening of the stadium at Chiswick, 1938, coronations, 1937, 1953, and Hogg centenary celebrations, 1964.

            Rules, 1913; printed annual reports, 1931-1938, 1952-1970, and typescripts, 1938-1941; staff handbooks [1954], 1964 and undated; student handbooks, 1961-1970; lecture notes and exam papers for the P.O. Workman's course, 1929-1933; class notebook for Electro-Technology, 1930s; lecturer's notebook detailing classroom allocation, staff teaching hours and student enrolment numbers, 1930-1945; The Polytechnic Magazine, 1891-1971, which includes detailed information on Polytechnic business and activities; miscellaneous other publications, including The Polytechnic: its genesis and present status (1892), The Polytechnic Portrait Gallery (1894), comprising portraits of staff and members, an honorary membership ticket, 1895, student magazines, 1936-1969, and miscellaneous articles, typescripts and cuttings on the Polytechnic, 1892-1968; volumes of press cuttings and scrapbooks of ephemera, 1893-1947, including Polytechnic activities, rebuilding, and J E K Studd.

            Textbooks written by members of the Polytechnic teaching staff, including
            Theory and Analysis of Ornament - Applied to the Work of the Elementary and Technical Schools by Francois Louis Schauermann, 1892; The Polytechnic Coat System by Dr Thomas Darwin Humphreys, 3rd edition, n.d. [1900]; A Manual of Boot and Shoe Manufacture designed for the use of technical students by Herbert Hill and Henry Yeoman, 3rd edition, 1900; Building Construction and Drawing - first stage (or elementary course) by Charles F Mitchell, assisted by George Mitchell, 6th edition, 1902; Engineering Drawing : Principles and Practice of Draughtmanship by W. Weeks, n.d.; Polytechnic Technical Scales by C F Mitchell, n.d.; Hasluck's Recitations volume II: Hasluck's Recitations for Ladies compiled and adapted by Mr and Mrs S L Hasluck, 1903; Indiarubber and Gutta Percha - A Complete Practical Treatise by T Seeligmann, G Lamy Torrilhon and H Falconnet. Translated from the French by John Geddes McIntosh, 1903; Carpentry Workshop Practice by C F and G A Mitchell, 1904; Brickwork and Masonry: A Practical Textbook for students by Charles F Mitchell, 1904; The Polytechnic Cookery Book by M. M. Mitchell, 1907; Pumps - Their Principles and Construction - a series of lectures delivered at the Polytechnic Institute, Regent Street, London by J Wright Clarke, 2nd edition, 1919; Speech Training in the School by Marjorie Gullan, 1929; A Modern French Course for Beginners by A C Clark, 1930; General Electrical Engineering edited by Philip Kemp, 1943; A Modern German Course - Part 1 and Part 2 (2 volumes) by A C Clark and W O Williams, 1947; Fitness for All by Joseph Edmundson, 1953; The Pan Book of Swimming and Water Sports by Joseph Edmundson, 1965.

            Photograph album, c1899, including photographs of activities and buildings; other negatives, prints, and plates, comprising buildings and premises (exterior and interior shots), including Langham Place, Regent Street, Little Titchfield Street, and the Quintin Hogg Recreation Ground, Chiswick; educational aspects, including Polytechnic Schools, libraries and laboratories, and window displays and exhibitions; events, including the royal visit, 1912, Lord Mayor's Show, 1922, 1928, annual fetes, 1927-1932, and Coronation concert and dance, 1953; personalities, including members of the Hogg family, Robert Mitchell, and J E K Studd; photography students' work, 1960-1970. Some earlier photographs were taken by the Polytechnic School of Photography.

            Material relating to the Hogg family, 1855-[1970], includes articles about Quintin Hogg, 1888-1949; miscellaneous of Hogg's letters, mainly copies (originals dated 1882-1903), some relating to the Polytechnic; books by or associated with Hogg, 1855-1900; papers relating to his death, funeral and monument, 1903-1907, including printed material and a volume of press cuttings on his achievements; and information on other family members. Material relating to other Polytechnic notables comprises T H W Pelham's Recollections of the pre-historic days of the Polytechnic (1914); miscellaneous papers relating to Robert Mitchell, comprising a letter to E J Painter, 1929, a cutting on his death and orders of service for memorial services, 1933, and Ethel M Wood's Robert Mitchell (1934); miscellaneous correspondence and papers relating to John Edward Kynaston Studd, including programmes for social events, 1922-1935, his The origin, history, and present work of the Polytechnic [1932], papers relating to his death, 1944-1945, and A L D Hamilton's Kynaston Studd (1953); printed material on other members of the Studd family, 1914-1962.

            Sans titre
            GB 2121 Keyes · 1920s-1943

            Papers of and relating to Sidney Keyes, 1920s-1943, comprising correspondence relating to an exhibition of his work at Dartford Grammar School; press cuttings and reviews of his work;

            letters of condolence on Keyes' death, including from Vita Sackville-West, [1943]; letters by Keyes, 1931, 1941-1943; examination certificates, including from Queen's College, Oxford; letters relating to Keyes' manuscripts; bills and financial papers; papers relating to the War Graves Commission; memorial service, [1943]; letters from Keyes to Michael Meyer, John Heath-Stubbs and Herbert Read; manuscripts of poems and plays, [1930s-1942]; loose typescripts; notebooks containing essays written whilst at Tonbridge School including some poetry; folder of work returned by the Royal Airforce;

            reminiscences of Sidney Keyes by Alistair Dennis Goodwin; letters from Keyes to J D Fage, 1938-1942; photographs, manuscripts and notebooks of Keyes, [1930s]; photocopies of papers of Keyes from the British Library, including letters to Milein Cosman, 1941-1942;

            photographs of Sidney Keyes, including portraits and groups whilst in the army, [1942-1943]; in plays, 1938; his gravestone; as a child and at Dartford Grammar School, 1920s; books of poetry by Keyes; books, magazines and periodicals of poetry by other poets.

            Sans titre
            Osterberg Collection
            GB 2121 Osterberg Collection · [1885]-1986

            Records of Bergman Osterberg Physical Training College, later Dartford College of Physical Education, comprising meetings of the Committee of Management, [1916-1960]; minutes of Governors meetings, 1962-1965; minutes of the Governing Body, 1970-1976; ?minutes of College Committee meetings, 1927-1937; minutes of College and Council meetings, 1955-1964; minutes of the College Council, 1968-1969; minutes of the Academic Board, 1969, 1972-1975;

            minutes of Library Committee meetings, 1956-1962; minutes of the Games Committee, 1919; minutes of Games meetings, 1949-1955; Games Executive meetings, 1979-1983; minutes of the Bergman Osterberg Union of Trained Gymnastic Teachers, 1916-1917; minutes of staff meetings, 1951-1959, 1969-1973; minutes of the Staff Council, 1972-1977; minutes of Dartford Sports Association, 1980-1981; minutes of the B.Ed Honours (Physical Education) Course Committee, 1980-1985; minutes of the Staff/Student Advisory Committee, 1982;

            students' book, 1900-1914, giving lists and details of students; card indexes recording details of former students; pass lists and examiners reports, 1971-1986; Thames Polytechnic examination papers, 1980-1986; student assessments and reports, 1935-1938, 1946-1962; individual student records, 1915-1921; student entry files, 1921-1947; uniform lists, 1911-1950s; rules of residence at the College, 1947; papers relating to staff appointments;

            papers relating to the College remedial clinic for children, [1900-1964], including details of treatment and exercises, case histories and photographs of patients; patient record cards, 1950s-1960s; record book, containing photographs and clinical details; correspondence; patient case book, 1916-1921;

            volumes recording sports matches, notably lacrosse, cricket, hockey, swimming, netball and tennis, some with photographs, 1904-1985;

            plans, maps and drawings of site buildings, [1895-1995]; letters and plans relating to the site and buildings, 1950s; papers relating to college properties; papers relating to the amalgamation of Dartford College with Thames Polytechnic, [1975-1976]; prospectuses, 1891-1982; programmes, 1891-1977;

            papers relating to the College during the Second World War, [1939-1945]; College papers relating to the removal of the College to Newquay, Cornwall, [1941]; papers relating to establishment of the University of London Diploma in Physical Education, 1930-1939; correspondence, 1945-1948; correspondence and press cuttings relating to proposals on teacher training, 1982; papers relating to proposal to close teacher training courses at Thames Polytechnic, 1982;

            financial records, notably staff pay salary books, 1953-1961; Games Association accounts, 1969-1986; Principals' account, 1944-1951; Bergman Osterberg Trust financial records, notably accounts and ledgers, 1922-1960; correspondence of the College Bursar and Treasurer, 1950s-1960s; papers relating to staff salaries and other expenditure, 1946-1960; deeds and correspondence relating to Pauline Ada Starling Memorial Fund, 1928, and the Bergman Osterberg Trust;

            photographs of College life (loose and in albums), including views of College buildings, staff and students, student activities, the remedial clinic, sports and sports teams, classrooms, outdoor activities, dance and gymnastic displays, royal visits, 1890s-1970s; photographs of principals, 1891-1978, including Madame Bergman Osterberg;

            letters to Madame Bergman Osterberg, 1906-1915 (in Swedish); notes by Madame Bergman Osterberg, 1887-1911, including notes on the Theory of Movement; scrapbook of College history compiled by Madame Bergman Osterberg, [1885-1915];

            certificates awarded to students, [1914-1948]; information files, [1902-1985], relating to individual students and staff, College administration and management, buildings, curriculum and syllabuses;

            records relating to the Bergman Osterberg Union, namely Committee Meeting minutes, 1940-1987; magazines, 1917-1996; Bergman Osterberg Trust, anniversaries and celebrations, finance;

            memoirs relating to the College, 1900s-1970s; essays by old students relating to College life between 1892-1914; letters from old students who attended the College between 1891-1981; press cuttings relating to the College, 1932-1975; scrapbook of royal visit, 1918;

            notes by E A Macleod, relating to theory of education and movement, biology, theory of games, practical science, anatomy, physiology, undated; notes (in Swedish) by Miss A Wikner, relating to pedagogical gymnastics, symptamology, gymnastic exercises, history, physiology, [1904]; exercise books of Katharine Lewis, 1930s, relating to various subjects taught at the College; course notes and lesson plans prepared by Margaret E Welch, 1964, on anatomy, physiology, remedial work; student notes by Cath Martineau, 1948-1951, including notes on anatomy, physiology, pathology, theory of movement.

            Sans titre
            GB 2121 Woolwich Polytechnic · Fonds · 1890-1989

            Records of Woolwich Polytechnic, comprising minutes of the Trustees, 1891-1895; minutes of the Governing Body, 1894-1970; minutes of Committees of the Governing Body, 1895-1970; minutes of the Education and Finance, General Purpose Committee, 1896-1941, including sub-committees, building, recreation, schools, equipment; minutes of the Polytechnic Council, 1891-1903; minutes of the Polytechnic Trustees and Friends, 1891-1895; minutes of the Young Man's Christian Institute Social and Recreative Committee, 1895-1901; minutes of the Woolwich Polytechnic Social and Recreative Committee, 1901-1903; minutes of the Technical Board of Studies, 1923-1934; minutes of the Technical and Trade Board, 1937-1945; minutes of the Board of Studies, 1932-1934; minutes of the Academic Board, 1935-1960; registers of members of the Governing Body, 1895-1961; Governors' attendance books, 1935-1989; Governing Body handbooks, 1898-1970;

            Woolwich Polytechnic sundry reports, 1890-1902; Principal's reports, 1900-1903; Principal's Report on the Social Side, 1905; Principals' reports, 1905-1950; reports of the Governing Body, 1905-1970;

            administrative records, comprising Secretary's files, 1907-1973, notably applications for recognition to the Board of Education, 1907-1913; letters to T A Denny concerning buildings for Woolwich Polytechnic, 1890; licences to erect buildings, 1898-1902; minutes of meetings of Secretaries of London Polytechnics, 1939-1960; minutes of Head's meetings, 1953-1963; papers relating to the refectory and Refectory Advisory Sub-committee, 1940-1961; technical education, 1956-1961; teaching staff, 1959-1964; administrative staff, 1962-1972; financial records, comprising report and financial statements, 1892-1969; block grant files, 1911-1971; City Parochial Reports, 1927-1937, on the work of London Polytechnics; papers relating to trusts and prizes, comprising declarations of trusts and trust deeds, 1901-1931, Charity Commissioners order, 1960;

            annual reports, 1904-1925, 1967-1970; prospectuses, 1891-1971, including for schools associated with Woolwich Polytechnic; calendars of classes, 1895-1934; information leaflets, including calendars of dates, 1953-1971; Students' Handbook, 1904-1933; albums of press cuttings, 1894-1907, 1958-1968; photographs of student classes, 1899; photographs for prospectuses, 1901-1905; internal views of the Polytechnic, including cookery school, laundry, club rooms, engineering workshop, ladies tailoring, playing fields; albums of staff photographs, 1950s-1960s, presentations, staff cricket matches, coats of arms; photographs of Governors, 1891-1970; Chairmen of the Governing Body, 1891-1973; Principals, 1893-1970;

            magazines of Woolwich Polytechnic and Day Schools, 1905-1970, comprising The Pom-Pom, 1905-1906; The Polytician; The Probationer; Secondary School magazine, 1923; The Polygon, 1933-1954; Polly, Cycling Club magazine, 1948-1952; Chanticleer, 1948-1959; Proceedings of Woolwich Polytechnic Engineering Society, 1908-1914; Broadsheet, 1965; Principal's newsletter, 1969; staff bulletins, 1934-1953; staff journal, 1970; minutes, 1952-1957, and correspondence, 1950-1957, of the Magazine Board;

            student records, comprising student record cards, 1900-1910; registers of attendances, 1905-1912; students' schedules, 1932-1945; class attendance books, 1908-1912, 1932-1964; student record sheets, 1912-1932; teachers' class reports, 1912-1976; class reports, 1953-1954; course reports, 1957-1961; examination results and reports, 1948-1957; statistics relating to students and student hours, 1946-1967; School of Art student record sheets, 1914-1932; School of Arts and Crafts record sheets, 1941-1943;

            minutes of Woolwich Polytechnic Union of Clubs and Societies, including Woolwich Polytechnic Association, 1891-1903, 1929-1933, 1943-1968; annual accounts, 1960-1970; correspondence, not dated; Woolwich Polytechnic Students' Union handbooks, 1960-1970;

            student theses and dissertations, [1929-1970];

            Woolwich Polytechnic Lodge Ladies Festival programme, 1978.

            Sans titre