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        16 Descrição arquivística resultados para Prices

        Malthus, Thomas Robert: letter, 28 Nov 1800
        GB 0096 AL82 · Arquivo · 1800

        Letter from Thomas Robert Malthus of London to Rev George Turner, Kettleburgh, Wickham Market, [Suffolk], 28 Nov 1800. Referring to Malthus's tract An Investigation of the Causes of the present High Price of Provisions(1800). 'I sat up till two o'clock the evening before I went to Bath to finish it that it might come out before the meeting of Parliament.' Referring to the the famous Essay on the Principle of Population: 'The prevailing conversation about the pop[ulation] of the country has caused enquiries to be made about the Essay, which is now nowhere to be bought. This I hope will animate me to proceed in another edition, though to say the truth I feel at present very idle about it'.

        Autograph, with signature.

        [A letter from James Bonar to Professor H S Foxwell, asking permission to print Malthus's letter, and a corrected proof of the letter for the Economic Journal are filed with Malthus's original letter.]

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        War Emergency Workers National Committee
        GB 0097 COLL MISC 0956 · 1914-1918

        Memoranda on the increased cost of living during World War One, Aug 1914- Jun 1917. Also, Executive Committee of the Workers' National Committee minutes, 11 Sep 1914-10 Oct 1918.

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        DEVONS, Ely, 1913-1967, economist
        GB 0097 DEVONS · c1930-c1970

        This collection consists predominantly of notes, correspondence, press cuttings and printed matter on subjects such as British industries (including aviation, tin, steel, cotton and coal), prices and wages, restrictive practices, and economic development overseas. The collection also contains some personal papers including bank books and university notebooks.

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        NEWMARCH, William (1820-1882): papers
        GB 1060 DP001 Newmarch · 1753-1880

        Papers of William Newmarch, 1847-1880, comprising: 1. Accounts, bills and receipts, 1753-1758, relating to prices and wages on the estates of James Buller of Morvall, Cornwall. 2. Papers re: Oxford and Cambridge examinations of W.J. Newmarch, son of William Newmarch, 1859-1862; Wm J. Newmarch letters to his father during a European tour, 1865; correspondence of Thomas Tooke with final proof of History of Prices vol.5 and other related papers, 1850s. 3. Papers and presscuttings re: electoral statistics, 1837-1857; papers and presscuttings re: trade and investments in Great Britain, France, Prussia, India and Australia, 1845-1860; notes and cuttings re: prices, circulation and exchange, 1848-1860, including text of General Prices, 1848-56; correspondence with James Pennington and Thomas Tooke, 1855-1856; banking papers and correspondence, especially with Joseph Hickson of the Grand Trunk Railway Co of Canada re: failure of Bank of Upper Canada, 1866-1870. 4. Letter from Bank of England re: gold coins, 1857, with other papers re: gold currency and circulation incl. Letters from the French Enquiry; letters, papers and legal documents re: establishment of Tooke Professorship of Economic Science and Statistics at King's College London, 1858-1860; papers re: Newmarch's election to the Royal Society, 1861, and his corresponding membership of Société de Statistique de Paris, 1861; correspondence re: Pacific Telegraph Co., 1863; correspondence and papers re: Bank of Upper Canada, 1870-1875. 5. Papers re: British Association Section F Economic Science & Statistics, 1856-61; notes for Newmarch's lectures at various meetings including Political Economy Club, Verulam and Oxford, 1870s-1880s.

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        GB 0074 ACC/1037 · Coleção · 1798-1950

        Records of Howards and Sons, manufacturers of pharmaceutical chemicals, 1798-1950, including records relating to the formation of the company; records of partnerships; memoranda and articles of association; notices of resolutions; papers relating to formation of company in 1903 and its reconstruction in 1920; records of shareholders; records of debenture stockholders; Company seal and Board memorandum books.

        Papers relating to property owned by the Company, including leases and related papers; insurance records; records of building work and plans of the laboratories and factories at Plaistow, Stratford and Ilford. Financial accounts and bank statements; records relating to staff including wages books and pension papers.

        Papers relating to manufacture and trade including papers relating to patents, licences and agreements; records of experiments; records of stock, production and trade, including accounts, correspondence, price lists, advertisements and newscuttings and papers relating to exhibitions. Papers relating to the manufacture of quinine, including patents and agreements; records of production and trade, including records of supply of bark, accounts, technical and business reports, correspondence, price lists and newscuttings.

        Records relating to subsidiary companies including Hopkin & Williams Ltd.

        Hopkin and Williams Ltd., Thorium Branch; Thorium Ltd.

        Hopkin and Williams (Travancore) Ltd.

        Hatton Contract Co. Ltd. and Golden Eagle Syndicate; James Anthony and Co. Ltd.

        Agatash Estates Ltd.

        Barking and Ilford Navigation Co. Ltd.

        British Camphor Co. Ltd.

        Demerara Development Co. Ltd.

        Drogueria de la Estrella Ltda., Buenos Aires; Methylators Ltd. and O. Wallis and Co. Ltd.

        Papers relating to the Howard family and associates, including John Williams, Joseph Jewell, R. J. Law. Also photographs and drawings; and a collection of printed technical and historical works relating to the work of the company, including a history of the Company, biographies and local history.

        Sem título
        Scottish food prices Act
        GB 0096 MS 209 · [1688]

        Manuscript volume containing a copy of the Scottish Act of Sederunt for the regulation of the prices of meat and other victuals in Edinburgh, [1688], entitled 'Coppie of the act of sederunt for regulateing the pryces of vivers', and beginning 'The Lords of Councill and Sessione considering the prejudice which his Majesties Leidges repairing to and resideing in this towne doe sustaine through the exorbitant rates exacted for fleshes and other vivers, they ordain that the rates and pryces of butcher fleshes...sold within the towne of Edinburgh, suburbs thereof and Leith shall not exceed these contained in the table underwryten'.

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        Memoranda on the price of wheat and flour
        GB 0096 MS 611 · 1800-1801, 1831

        Two papers, each in a different hand, containing observations on the price of wheat and flour and its effect upon the price of bread, with reasons given for the fluctuations and suggestions for dealing with them, with particular reference to London, [1800-1801]. The items are enclosed in a wrapper, possibly sent by J. Williams (maybe the MP for Winchelsea), addressed to Admiral Sir Michael Seymour, Bt, Commissioner of H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth, dated and franked 14 Dec 1831.

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        Dollond, Peter and Dolland, John: letter (1803)
        GB 0096 AL390 · Arquivo · 1803

        Letter from Peter Dolland of London to an unknown recipient, 20 Aug 1803. Discussing an order given for instruments, including compasses, ivory scales, and 'the case of drawing instruments which you desire in every particular to be very good and yet you seem to expect the price to be very low'. Mentioning alternative types and prices of some instruments.

        Autograph, signed 'P. & J. Dollond'.

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        Tables of corn and wheat prices in France
        GB 0096 MS 664 · [1774]

        Volume containing engraved pages completed in manuscript listing fortnightly prices of corn in the markets of the principal towns of each Généralité of France; headings and wheat prices have been added in manuscript for the years 1771-1773.

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        List of grain prices in Lanarkshire
        GB 0096 MS 678 · 1821, 1823

        Certified copy of grain prices in Lanarkshire for 1799-1820. The first three leaves contain the prices for the upper ward of the country, 1799-1811, and for the whole county, 1812-1820. These are certified as 'a true copy of the fair prices...of grain before mentioned' in a declaration signed by John Marr, 1 Nov 1821. Each page also bears his signature at the foot. Another hand continues the list up to 1823, adding prices of beans, pease and malt. The document is twice endorsed as being a certified copy for 1799-1820.

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        Costings of foodstuffs
        GB 0096 MS 448 · [1675-1724]

        A manuscript list, [1675-1725], giving the cost of foodstuffs for dinner and supper for one week (from Tuesday 12-Tuesday 19).

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        Grain prices in Kingston upon Hull
        GB 0096 MS 468 · 1759-1780

        Two manuscript lists of prices of grain, meal and flour, as sold in the corn-market in Kingston upon Hull, for 29 Feb and 7 Mar, 1780. Signed by Joseph Monday. The lists conclude a series of printed price lists in which prices have been supplied in manuscript dating from 19 Jan 1759 to 22 Feb 1780. Signatures include Robert Oxtaby, James Oxtaby, his son, Thomas Coulston and Joseph Monday.

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        GB 0097 GIFFEN · 1861-1910

        This collection consists of Giffen's correspondence on subjects including the national finances, currency and bimetallism (particularly in relation to India), wages and prices, free trade, and expenditure on the army and navy; articles by Giffen, on diverse subjects including the national finances and monetary laws, the Political Economy Club, and househunting and housebuilding; papers on subjects including war risks to British trade and shipping and 'The Statist'; and press cuttings concerning currency, trade, public finance, and Giffen himself.

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        GB 0097 PHELPS BROWN · Coleção · 1950-1990

        Research papers of Sir Henry Phelps Brown, covering wages and prices during his lifetime, and a further collection of papers relating to research and public work, including book reviews, an enquiry into the mobility of labour and a brief autobiography.

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        GB 0097 BEVERIDGE PRICE HISTORY · [1923-1963]

        Papers relating to prices and wages in England from 1100-1900 collated by William Henry Beveridge and his research assistants (notably Miss M E Rayner and Dr Hubert Hall) between [1923] and [1963], comprising raw and tabulated price data and reports and notes on the source material, as well as drafts and manuscripts of Prices and wages in England from the twelfth to the nineteenth century (Longmans, Green and Co, London, 1939).

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        Maybury, Maurice Alfred
        GB 0102 PP MS 64 · 1951-1981

        Papers, 1951-1981, of Maurice Alfred Maybury, relating to his professional posts.
        Papers relating to Uganda, 1951-1962, comprise government publications and reports, 1951-1959, on the Uganda Protectorate, including trade and commerce; unpublished manuals, 1952-1954, relating to trade; handbooks, 1955-1958 and undated, largely relating to trade; press cuttings, 1956-1957, the subjects including community development, banking, and official visits; miscellaneous papers, 1955-1962 and undated, including an invitation, economic survey on Uganda, and calendars.
        Papers relating to Ethiopia, 1963-1974, comprise reports, 1970-1972 and undated, documenting his advisory work on commerce, industry and tourism; written accounts of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, undated; miscellaneous reports and proposals, 1963-1974 and undated, the subjects including prices, grain, and foreign and domestic trade.
        Papers relating to Lesotho, 1954-1981, comprise Maybury's offer of employment as Export Promotion Adviser, 1975; general United Nations staff information, 1954, 1973-1977; UNCTAD/GATT International Trade Centre briefing papers, 1973-1974; Maybury's official project reports, 1976-1977 and undated, on export promotion in Lesotho; correspondence relating to the same project, 1977; additional reports and papers by Maybury, 1977, relating to trade promotion; miscellaneous reports and proposals, 1971-1981 and undated, relating to trade promotion.

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