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  • An original "document" which is not the result of a documentation process.
  • "Document" original qui n'a pas fait l'objet d'un traitement documentaire.
  • "Documento" original que no ha sido objeto de un tratamiento documental.

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        GB 0074 CLC/197 · Colección · 1691-1912

        Collection of records relating to non-established religion in London, including papers of the Freethinking Christians, the Dutch churches in Colchester and Norwich and St Martin Orgar French Church. The record of the latter comprise minutes, lists of members and seatholders, and financial material.

        Sin título
        HAMMOND, George
        GB 0074 CLC/233 · Colección · 1818-[1970]

        Papers accumulated by the late George Hammond mostly relating to the parish of Saint Sepulchre Holborn. The papers mainly comprise notices, correspondence, accounts and apprenticeship indentures.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/238 · Colección · 1892-1894

        Transcripts of baptism, marriage and burial registers for Saint John at Hackney (1545-1812); White Colne, Essex (1558-1812); and Little Waltham, Essex (1538-1812).

        Sin título
        CHITTY, Walter (fl 1879-1894)
        GB 0074 CLC/242 · Colección · 1894

        Transcripts of the parish registers of Thurcaston with Cropston, Leicestershire, covering baptisms 1561-1800, marriages 1561-1754 and burials 1561-1800.

        Sin título
        PASSMORE, William Barnes (fl 1890-1898)
        GB 0074 CLC/259 · Colección · 1890-1898

        Historical research and notes on the parish of Saint Michael Bassishaw, including extracts from parish records.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/325 · Colección · 1885-1938

        Register of baptisms, marriages and burials for the Aix-les-Bains Anglican Chaplaincy, France.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/336 · Colección · 1827-1955

        Records of the British Protestant Church of Saint George, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal; comprising register of baptisms, 1827-1902 (Ms 23643), register of marriages, 1827-62 and 1945 (Ms 23644), register of burials, 1827-1955 (Ms 23645), and interment certificates, 1905-6 and civil registrations of death, 1911-42 (Ms 23645A). They were catalogued in 1988 by a member of Guildhall Library staff.

        Readers are requested to use the photocopies of the registers (Ms 23643/1A, 23644/1A, 23644/1A) rather than the originals.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/341 · Colección · 1825-1984

        Records of Christ Church Anglican church, Naples, Italy, including burial registers; service books; title deeds; minute books; churchwarden's books; correspondence files; annual reports; financial accounts; and a history of the church.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/344 · Colección · 1865-1978

        Records of the Church of the Ascension, Seville, Spain, comprise: registers of baptisms, marriages and burials, 1865-1936 (Ms 21028) and chaplain's book, 1948-78 (Ms 21029). They were catalogued by a member of Guildhall Library staff in 1984.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/349 · Colección · 1862-1986

        Records of the Church of the Resurrection, Bucharest, Romania, including registers of baptisms, marriages and burials; banns book; service registers; and financial accounts.

        The register MS23634 refers to baptisms, marriages and burials in places outside Bucharest. It is possible the ceremonies recorded in the registers MS24118, MS24119 and MS24120 likewise took place outside Bucharest, although this is not clear from the volumes.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/353 · Colección · 1874-1946

        Records of the English Church in Bruges, Belgium, comprising minute books and account book.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/359 · Colección · 1883-1918

        Records of the English Church, Odessa, Ukraine, comprising registers of baptisms, marriages, banns, and burials.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/367 · Colección · 1858-1949

        Records of Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Calais, France, comprising register of burials, register of services and register of baptisms.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/368 · Colección · 1865-1984

        Records of the Holy Trinity Anglican church, Corfu, Greece. The records comprise: notebook of information about the chaplaincy, [1975]-1983 (Ms 23728); chaplains' books, 1974-1984 (Ms 23729); chaplains' diaries and log books, 1972-1984 (Ms 23730); regulations, 1883 (Ms 23878); list of subscribers to the church endowment fund, c 1910 (Ms 23879), a register of baptisms 1865-1977 (Ms 38969), a register of marriages 1866-1946 (Ms 38970) and a register of burials 1865-1912 (Ms 38971). They were catalogued by a member of Guildhall Library staff in 1989 and 2008.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/379 · Colección · 1957-1975

        Records of the North West France Anglican Chaplaincy comprising register of services and register of baptisms and burials.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/387 · Colección · 1820-1918

        Records of Saint George the Martyr Anglican Church, Pisa, Italy, including register of marriages, minutes of the trustees, papers relating to the building of the chapel, Churchwarden's papers, and financial accounts.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/404 · Colección · 1881-1998

        Records of the church of Saint John the Evangelist, Alassio, Italy, including transcripts of the church registers; registers of services; Church Council minutes; correspondence; and papers relating to the church building and fittings.

        Please note that the correspondence is subject to a 30 year closure period.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/424 · Colección · 1830-1889

        The Bindloss family papers consist almost entirely of family letters and memorabilia of Reverend Edward Bindloss, his wife Maria Mathilda Bindloss, and Arthur Henry Bindloss. These include many letters from Russia, but little concerning Edward Bindloss' work as an Anglican chaplain.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/431 · Colección · 1814-1899

        These family papers relate to trusts established by Henry Butterworth (d 1847) and bequests by his son, Henry (1786-1860).

        Sin título
        DUNK, Arthur William (1871-1942)
        GB 0074 CLC/446 · Colección · 1899-1932

        Records of Arthur William Dunk, Boer War soldier in the City Imperial Volunteers, comprising official papers; letters and postcards written home during his service; notebooks providing itinerary of travels in South Africa; and menu cards and programmes for dinners of the City Imperial Volunteers Old Comrades Association.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/450 · Colección · 1828-1970

        Papers of the Gabriel family, timber merchants, including deeds for shares and securities; City of London freedom certificates and Goldsmiths' Company membership papers; and notes on the family history.

        Sin título
        JEFFERY, Paul (1927-1998)
        GB 0074 CLC/468 · Colección · [1980]-1996

        Research papers of Paul Jeffery, architectural historian. The churches researched are Wren churches of the City of London and Westminster. The research consists of notes from churchwardens accounts and vestry minutes and various other printed sources. The papers include correspondence, photographs, pamphlets and press cuttings.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/469 · Colección · 1869-1925

        Personal papers of Reverend W E F Greene, along with papers of his mother Ellen, and son Leslie Norman Freeman. They comprise certificates and licences, 1869-1925 (Ms 24145-6); accounts, 1895-6 (Ms 24207); and copy will 1894 (Ms 24208).

        Sin título
        JOHNSON, Charles James (fl 1902-1971)
        GB 0074 CLC/470 · Colección · 1910-1974

        Records of Charles James Johnson, comprising photograph of 1 Cornhill decorated for the coronation of George V, 1910; photograph of Johnson, c 1920; private ledger relating to underwriting marine risks and other business, 1934-65; and personal papers 1922-1974.

        Sin título
        MAWHOOD, William (1764-1790)
        GB 0074 CLC/477 · Colección · 1606

        Records of William Mawhood, woollen draper, comprising: diaries, 1764-90; cash account and note book, 1771-2; estate, legal and family papers, 1606, 1709-96; and letters and other papers relating to the diaries, 1875-1910.

        Sin título
        Wood Diaries
        GB 1500 Wood · 1742-1751

        Diaries and sketch books of Robert Wood, James Dawkins, John Bouverie and Giovanni Battista Borra of a tour of the Levant, 1750-1751, comprising:
        Transcript (8 volumes) of the diaries of the archaeologist, James Dawkins, 5 May 1750-8 June 1751, describing the tour from Naples, Italy to Porto Leone, via Smyrna [Izmir], Sardis, Thyatira [Akhisar], Pergamum [Bergama], Sinus Eleaticus, Constantinople [Istanbul], Boursa, Cyzicus [Belkis], Troy, Tenedos, Phocaea [Foça], Teos [Sigacik], Ephesus, Magnesia ad Meander, Laodicea, Hierapolis [Pamukkale], Antioch, Mytilene [Mitilíni], Lesbos, Scio [Chíos, Nísos], Neomene, Samos, Mylassa, Halicarnassus [Bodrum], Cos [Kos], Cnidus Nova, Rhodes [Ródhos], Alexandria [Al-Iskandariyah], Cairo, The Pyramids, Acre [Akko], Mount Carmel [Har Hakarmel], Nazareth, Capernaum [Kefar Nahum], Tiberias [Teverya], Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Rama, Sidon [Sayda], Beirut, Damascus, Baalbek [Balabakk], Tripoli, Delos [Dhílos], Athens, Marathon, Thermopylae, Chalcis [Khalkís], Thebes, Delphi [Dhelfoi] and Megara.
        Diary (1 volume) of John Bouverie, 25 May-8 June 1750, 25 July-3 Aug 1750, and 7 Sep 1750, covering the tour from Smyrna to Meander, as described above.
        Papers of Robert Wood, comprising diaries (3 volumes), 25 May-19 Aug, 22 Sep - 8 Oct 1750, 16 May-1 June 1751; pocket books (2 volumes), containing copies of inscriptions made during the tour, including Athens, Baalbek, Palmyra, and other sites in Turkey, Greece and Egypt; extracts (made by Wood's daughter) from his tour manuscripts, including some that are not in the collection; manuscript A universal history by Wood, almost certainly pre-dating the tour; notebook, containing extracts from Wood's journals from his 1742-1743 visit to the Levant, itineraries from his 1745 visit to Italy, preparatory plans for the 1750-1751 tour and notes on Homer; notebook conntaining copy of an extended letter from Wood to James Dawkins, [c1755], Remarks on Homer's plan of Troy, in effect an early draft of his Essay on the Original Genius of Homer [see printed books below].
        Sketch books of Giovanni Battista Borra, containing ink and pencil sketches made on the tour, mainly of architectural details, but also including landscapes, of Naples and Mount Vesuvius, Palmyra and Damascus.
        Printed books: Robert Wood: An Essay on the Original Genius and Writings of Homer, London, H Hughs for T Payne and P Emsley, 1775, including engravings after Borra of ruins near Troy, and a map of Troas; The ruins of Palmyra and Baalbek, London, W Pickering, 1827 and Les ruines de Palmyre, autrement dite Tedmor au desert, Paris, Firmin Didot, 1819; Homer: Operum omnium quae exstant. Tomus prior sive Ilias Grece et Latine.Juxta editionem emendatissimam et accuratissimam Samuelis Clarke Amsterdam, J Wetstenium, 1743 [Wood's interleaved copy, containing notes and transcripts of inscriptions]; l'Abbe Barthelemy Reflexions sur l'alphabet et sur la langue dont on se servot autrefois a Palmyre, Paris, 1754; Giacomo Barozzi [Il Vignola] Regola delli cinque ordini d'architecttura, Rome, [1620].

        Sin título
        GB 1556 WL 1023 · 1850-1984

        Papers of the Neumann family, 1850-1984. Comprising early family documents including a will of 1864 from the Stern family, death notices and certificates of mostly Stern family members and travel pass for Emil Neumann, dated 1922; personal papers of Ludwig Neumann including passports and id cards (unnumbered) amongst which is a Reisepass of the Third Reich stamped with the letter 'J'; copy birth and death certificates, membership cards of the Reichsbund Jüdischer Frontsoldaten (National League of Jewish Combatants) and death notices; personal papers and correspondence of Dina Neumann and Luise Elkisch Neumann including passports and identity cards, testimonials; correspondence from Nazi authorities and British authorities; 'Familienstammbuch' (document registering a marriage) of Richard Elkisch; English hate-mail received around the time of naturalisation, c 1947; personal papers and correspondence of Ludwig Neumann, mostly relating to the re-establishment of the company, Neumann and Mendel in Mönchengladbach. Membership certificates for organisations including the Jewish Community, Mönchengladbach, 1950s; papers regarding transfer of money to Germany; various travel papers; papers regarding tax; papers regarding compensation; family correspondence mostly between Luise and her brother Ludwig (aka Lutz) comprising postcards and small letters, 1919-1947 (mostly 1940s and post war); letters, 1921-1984, many between friends and former acquaintances immediately after the war; early 1950s correspondence, mostly between Luise and Ludwig during Ludwig's stay in Mönchengladbach and business papers.

        Sin título
        GB 1556 WL 1035 · Colección · 20th century

        Papers of Bern Brent and Otto Bernstein, comprise a typescript translation by Bern Brent of his father's experiences in the late 19th century of growing up in Elberfeld and Kassel prior to moving to Berlin including descriptions of life growing up in late 19th century Elbersfeld and Kassel (-/1); life in turn of the century Germany and during the First World War (-/2) and his experiences as an inmate of Theresienstadt (-/3). Bern Brent, the depositor, provides us with an account of his experiences on the ship, the 'Dunera', bringing refugees from Europe to Australia where he made his home (-/4).

        Sin título
        GB 1556 WL 1061 · Colección · 20th century

        Papers of Marianne Wood, comprise a copy of an autobiographical account of how a German Jewish woman spent her teenage and early adult years in Amsterdam, concealing her Jewish identity.

        Sin título
        Soedicke-Bayens, G A: Memoirs
        GB 1556 WL 1269 · Colección · 1943-1945

        Papers of G A Soedicke-Bayens, 1943-1945, comprise a memoir of events within Holland from 30 September 1943 to 5 May 1945.

        Sin título
        GB 1556 WL 1346 · Colección · 1887-1944

        Papers of Phillipp Manes comprising the 'Theresienstadt Chronicles', a diary of life in Theresienstadt concentration camp by Manes, 1942-1944; war diaries written by Manes for the benefit of his children, 1939-1942; autobiographical and family history writings; family correspondence; poems and prose and material relating to the German fur industry.

        Sin título
        GB 1556 WL 1412 · Colección · 1944

        Papers of Joseph Sheldon, 1944, comprise an account by Joseph Sheldon, formerly Jozef Szwarcman, a medical officer holding the rank of Lieutenant in the 1st Polish Armoured Division, of his experiences shortly after the liberation of Esterwege concentration camp, Lower Saxony,and a page torn from a volume which listed details of inmates of that camp.

        Sin título
        GB 1556 WL 1414 · Colección · 1915-1936

        Papers of Franz Mendelsohn, 1915-1936, primarily comprising copies of correspondence of a German Jew in London (Mendelsohn), with his wife and friends still in Germany around the time of his arrival in Great Britain, June 1934. Later correspondence (1936) shows evidence of his arrival in Cape Town, South Africa. There is additional evidence which suggests that Mendelsohn must have returned to Germany at some point as his departure with his wife and son is recorded in the 13 Aug 1940 issue of the Deutscher Reichsanzeiger und Preussischer Staatsanzeiger, Nr. 188.

        Sin título
        Samson, Inge: Diaries (1934-1942)
        GB 1556 WL 618 · Colección · 1934-1942

        Microfilm diaries of Mrs Inge Samson, 1934-1942, the first part covers life in Germany and the second life in Great Britain. They are written in a manuscript gothic script.

        Sin título
        Raschkow family papers (1909-1960)
        GB 1556 WL 630 · Colección · 1909-1960

        Personal papers and correspondence of Walter Raschkow, a Jewish architect and his non-Jewish wife, Emma, 1909-1960, comprising personal and official papers of Walter and Emma Raschkow including passport, residency permit, exit permits and identification cards, 12 Aug 1909-3 Jun 1958; correspondence and papers of Walter Raschkow including material relating to his marriage status as 'priviligierte Mischehe'; correspondence with the Finanzamt, Stuttgart; correspondence from family members and statements in support of friends and colleagues who had assisted him during his war time persecution, 12 Dec 1938-4 Jul 1947; Red Cross telegrams between Ingeborg-Maria Raschkow (later Mrs Mayer) and her parents, Emma and Walter Raschkow, 22 Mar 1941-21 Sep 1945 and correspondence and documentation relating to Walter Raschkow's claim for compensation from the German government for suffering caused to him as a result of Nazi persecution. Including decisions of the court, Landesamt für die Wiedergutmachung - Stuttgart, regarding an award based on loss of professional and economic status, 1956, and on health effects, 1958. Of particular interest is the testimony of the court's medical officer, Dr Joachim Beck which proved decisive in keeping damages down to a minimum, and Raschkow's reaction to it as evidenced in subsequent correspondence.

        Sin título
        GB 1556 WL 664 · Colección · 1874-1881

        Transcript of the diaries (originally in six volumes) of Louis Löwenthal, 9 Jan 1874-12 Jan 1881. The first part of the diary is written whilst he resides in the Jewish Hospital, recovering from an unspecified operation. The remainder of the diaries deal with day to day life at his family home in Sophienthal, Berlin, Leipzig, and other locations.

        Sin título
        GB 1556 WL 912 · Colección · 1902-1970s

        Papers of Isabella Roth, 1902-1970s, comprise her personal documents including a copy of her birth certificate, testimonials, and naturalisation certifcate; Isabella Roth's writings including her diary, 'philosophical thoughts' and poems and photographs presumably of Isabella Roth and family.

        Sin título
        German Hospital
        SBHG · Fondo · 1843-1971

        Comprises: Engineering Department; Administrative records; Financial records; Estate and property records; Postcards; Photographs; Internal publications; Medical Committee; Nursing records; Medical Photography/Illustration Department; Medical records; Pathology records; League of Friends; Nurses League; Staff records; Operating theatre registers; External Publications.

        Sin título
        Hackney Hospital
        SBHH · Fondo · 1788-1983

        Comprises: Administrative records; Estate and property records; Matron's office and nursing; Medical records; School of Nursing records.

        Sin título
        St Audoen alias St Ewin parish
        SBHSAU · Fondo · [1495]-1533

        Comprises: memorandum relating to churchwardens' account book and parish ordinances, [1495]; memorandum of expenses for an obit mass 'for the good benefactors and all Christian souls', 1507; ratification regarding the observance of the feast day of St Audoen alias St Ewin, 1533.

        Sin título
        BRADFORD HILL, Sir Austin (1897-1991)
        GB 0809 Bradford Hill · 1987-1990

        Papers of Sir Austin Bradford Hill, 1987-1990, comprise memoirs of his time working at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and correspondence mainly from Bradford Hill to Brian Furner, Librarian at LSHTM.

        Memoirs comprise personal recollections of Bradford Hill and discuss individual staff members and the evolving structure of LSHTM.

        Correspondence notably includes letters from Bradford Hill to Brian Furner and includes recollections requested by Furner and Bradford Hill's own requests for information held by the library, for his own work, including the obituary of John Fraser Roberts for the JRSS, 1987.

        Sin título
        BUXTON, Patrick Alfred (1892-1955)
        GB 0809 Buxton · 1908-1957

        Papers of Patrick Alfred Buxton, 1908-1957, relate to his employment as Head of Entomology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 1927-1955, and notably include research notes, correspondence, maps, diaries and publications.

        Sin título
        PALMER, Samuel (1805-1881)
        GB 0370 SP · 1829-1944

        Collection of papers of and relating to Samuel Palmer, 1829-1944, comprising note to George Richmond concerning works seen in London, 1872; typescript copies of letters to various correspondents, 1870-1880, relating to the printing of his plates, advice on choosing prints; letters from John Linnell (Palmer's father-in-law), concerning retouching a picture, 1829, invitation to visit, 1858; letter relating to Samuel Palmer's financial affairs, 1845; correspondence between Alfred Herbert Palmer and Martin Hardie (some copies), [1922-1930], concerning selling A H Palmer's collection of his father's works and Linnell's papers; correspondence and notes of Geoffrey Grigson, including with Martin Hardie, 1922-1923, concerning A H Palmer's collection of his father's drawings; with the owner of a Palmer work, 1944; memoirs of Isabelle Linnell, relating to her grandfather John Linnell and Samuel Palmer compiled by Geoffrey Grigson, undated; correspondence between Isabelle Linnell and A H Palmer; copy of painting notes by Samuel Palmer, [1844]; catalogues of exhibitions of Samuel Palmer's work, 1927, 1928; article by Grigson on Samuel Palmer, 1941; sale catalogues of works by George Richmond, 1897.

        Sin título
        Mason/Rowlatt Family Papers
        GB 0372 LONDON COLLECTION MANUSCRIPTS/27 · Fondo · 1834-1919

        Family papers of Charles Frederic Mason and his wife, Mary Rowlatt, 1834-1919, including last will and testament of Charles Frederic Mason (1p), 1 November 1864; marriage certificate of Charles Frederic Mason and Mary Rowlatt, 8 May 1853; manuscript notebook containg handwritten tributes such as poems and songs, written by daughter Isabel Marie Helena Mason and others (c100pp), c1860-1919; bankruptcy proceedings certificate against Richard Rowlatt (Mary's father), 14 April 1836; 'In Memorium' cards for Richard Rowlatt (Mary's father), Eliza Mary Rowlatt, John Ingram Bywater, Eleanor Rowlatt (Mary's mother) and Frances Wignell, 1864-1879; notebook containing handwritten notes and sketches on architecture by Isabel Mason (c100pp), c1905; engagement diary for unidentified person with short entries on the days activities and weather,1878; small handwritten account book for Mary Rowlatt (Mrs Mason), 1876-1879; two receipts for the coffin and funeral arrangement of Patrick Collins (Isabel's husband), 11 January 1912; marriage certificate for William Roberts and Lavinia Rowlatte, 17 December 1859; marriage certificate for Patrick Collins and Isabel Marie Helena Mason, 14 October 1905; statement by Charles Frederic Mason affirming his marriage to Mary Rowlett, 22 March 1867; handwritten accounts of William Jackson Stokes, 1864-1868; handwritten costs of probate for Richard Rowlatt, 1865-1866; five miscellaneous handwritten receipts for Mr Rowlett, 1871-1875; small handwritten payment book for washing services, 1875; City of London certificate for Richard Rowlatt, 1834.

        Sin título
        SAVORY, William (fl 1788-1789)
        GB 0100 TH/PP54 · 1788-1789

        Papers of William Savory comprising notes on Henry Cline's lectures on anatomy and surgery, 1789 (missing the lectures on surgery), and including a few notes from the clinical lectures of John Rutherford;
        also notes on William Saunders' lectures on the theory and practice of physic, 1788,

        Sin título
        SMART, Thomas (fl 1786-1845)
        GB 0100 TH/PP57 · 1777-[1824]

        Papers of Thomas Smart comprising lecture notes of 'Mr Cline's physiological, anatomical, and chirurgical lectures', [1790], delivered 1786-1787, taken by Smart when a student.

        Sin título
        SOUTH, John Flint (1797-1882)
        GB 0100 TH/PP60 · 1841-1862

        Papers of John Flint South, comprising surgical case notes of patients admitted to St Thomas's Hospital, 1859-1862, with index classified by disease, 1841-1861; also notice of meeting of the British Medical Association - South Eastern Branch, 17 Sep 1863.

        Sin título
        Altmann Archive
        GB 0103 ALTMANN · [1920-1997]

        The Altmann collection, [1920-1997], comprises papers of Alexander Altmann; papers of his brothers, Manfred and Erwin Altmann, Altmann family papers and papers relating to the Institute of Jewish Studies. Includes memoirs, diaries, draft manuscripts, research papers, letters, photographs, audio-visual material, family research papers, financial and legal papers and papers relating to publications and conferences.

        Sin título