Primary schools

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Hierarchical terms

Primary schools

Equivalent terms

Primary schools

  • UF Elementary schools
  • UF École élémentaire
  • UF Escuela elemental

9 Archival description results for Primary schools

9 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0074 A/LPI · Collection · 1879-1928

Records, 1879-1928, of Archbishop Tait's Infants School, relating to administration and finance, and comprising conveyance from the Most Rev Archibald Campbell, Archbishop of Canterbury, to the Trustees of Tenison's School, of land attached to the Archiepiscopal residence in Lambeth, 1879, with an agreement between the National Society and the Trustees, 1880; minutes of the Committee of Management, 1883-1898, and Governors, 1898-1903; cash account books, 1901-1928; inventory of furniture etc in school mistress's residence, Lambeth Road, 1888.

Archbishop Tait's Infants School x Saint Mary's Infants School , Lambeth
GB 0074 ACC/1035 · Collection · 1864-1962

Records of Ruislip Church School, later the Bishop Winnington-Ingram Church of England Primary School; including minute books of the managers; general correspondence and administration; inspector's reports; papers relating to the maintenance of the school building including plans and correspondence; and papers relating to the appointment of staff.

Bishop Winnington-Ingram Church of England Primary School x Ruislip Church School
GB 0074 LMA/4055 · Collection · 1873-1986

Papers of the Ilford Jewish Primary School, formerly the Stepney Jewish Primary School, including deeds; correspondence; Governors and Management Committee meeting minutes and papers; Buildings Committee minutes; minutes and correspondence relating to the Jewish Youth Club; minutes and correspondence relating to the move from Stepney to Ilford; and records relating to construction including papers of the architect, plans and maps.

Stepney Jewish Primary School x Ilford Jewish Primary School
GB 0074 LMA/4017 · Collection · 1914-1920

Memoirs of Dr Peter Kingsford, pupil at the Ethelburga Street School, Battersea.

Kingsford , Peter , fl 1914-1920
GB 0074 A/LPS · Collection · 1715-1951

Records of Archishop Temple's Boys School, Archishop Tenison's Girls School and Archishop Tait's Infants School; which together formed Lambeth Parish Schools. These records of the three schools are physically indivisible, hence they were listed and kept together; while other records are catalogued separately.

The records include minute books; Board of Education orders; financial accounts; and correspondence.

Archishop Temple's Boys School Archishop Tenison's Girls School Archishop Tait's Infants School
GB 0074 DD/1013 · Collection · 1941-1974

Records of Langford Road School including admission registers, attendance register and log books.

Langford Road School , Fulham xx Langford Primary School , Fulham
GB 0074 DD/1098 · Collection · 1908-2008

Records of Peterborough School including admission registers, school record books, school magazine, photographs and pupils' memorabilia.

Peterborough School , Fulham xx Peterborough Primary School , Fulham
GB 0074 ACC/1410 · Collection · 1932-1972

Records of the Saint Laurence Church of England School, Cowley, comprising registers of attendance; registers of school meals; register of infectious diseases; sales book of needlework made by pupils; and returns of the school meals service. The records in this collection date from 1932 when the school provided primary education. Two years of attendance and school meals registers have been retained as examples of the records produced by the school.

St Laurence Church of England School , Cowley