Printing equipment

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      Hierarchical terms

      Printing equipment

        Equivalent terms

        Printing equipment

        • UF Printing machines
        • UF Imprimeuse
        • UF Machine à imprimer
        • UF Machine d'impression
        • UF Matériel d'impression
        • UF Presse à imprimer
        • UF Tireuse
        • UF Herramienta tipográfica
        • UF Instrumental tipográfico
        • UF Instrumento tipográfico
        • UF Máquina de impresión
        • UF Máquina impresora

        Associated terms

        6 Archival description results for Printing equipment

        GB 0103 SMITH · [20th century]

        Glass slides illustrating the history of printing presses from 15th century Europe onwards, collected from various sources by Albert Hugh Smith and Arthur Brown for use in a proposed illustrated work which was never completed. The slides may date from between the 1940s and the 1960s, when both Smith and Brown were employed at University College London.

        Smith , Albert Hugh , 1903-1967 , Professor of English Brown , Arthur , 1921-1979 , Professor of English
        GB 1574 Printing Education · 1914-1991

        Printed material, pamphlets, leaflets, and booklets, relating to printing education, printing apprenticeship, and technical and vocational training, 1913-1991, including London County Council report, Training and employment in the printing trades, 1914; War Office correspondence course on letterpress machine work, 1943; Vocational training of disabled persons in the printing industry, Ministry of Labour memorandum, 1944; draft syllabus for City and Guilds Printing Course, 1983; report 'Equalising the opportunities for women in printing and publishing', the Printing and Publishing Industry Training Board, 1982; booklets relating to training in printing and graphic arts in Austria, France, West Germany, Italy and the USA, 1950s-1960s; papers of Walter Rankin for a correspondence course in lettering, office management, stonework, job composition, machine work, comprising course work and correspondence with tutors of the Typographical Correspondence School of Lancaster, Lancashire, 1913-1916.

        London College of Printing Rankin , Walter , 1892-1965 , printer
        GB 0074 ACC/1448 · Collection · 1853-1927

        Collection of printed items, comprising Overland Circular of J. P. Mason and Co., brokers of 18 Mincing Lane, 1853; 'Election edition' of North Middlesex Chronicle and Hornsey and Finsbury Park Standard, 1905; The Muswell Hill Record and Tradesmen's Advertiser 1907; The Greycaine News, a 'miniature newspaper' for employees of The Greycaine Book Manufacturing Co. Ltd. and advertisement for Yost typewriter available on hire from the Yost Typewriter Co. Ltd.

        GB 1574 LCP Archive · 1893-1996

        Records of the London College of Printing, 1893-1996, comprising:

        Papers relating to the Bolt Court Technical School and London County Council School of Photoengraving and Lithography, 1893-1985.

        Papers relating to St Bride's Foundation School, 1894-1921.

        Papers relating to North Western Polytechnic, 1930-1969.

        Papers relating to the College for the Distributive Trades (CDT), 1933-1988. Papers relating to the London School of Printing and London College of Printing, 1922-1996.

        Bolt Court Technical School London County Council School of Photoengraving and Lithography St Bride's Foundation School North Western Polytechnic College for the Distributive Trades London School of Printing and Kindred Trades, 1922-1949 London School of Printing and Graphic Arts, 1949-1962 London College of Printing, 1962-1990 London College of Printing and Distributive Trades, 1990-2001
        GB 0074 LMA/4219 · Collection · 19-- - 197-

        Photographs from the Associated Newspaper Group, including production scenes during early 1900's; an Ingranic R319 conveyor in the Daily Mail machine room, 17th April 1963; Daily Mail compositors on the stone, 6th May 1963; lino machines at work, 1963; foundry checking plates from auto plate, 1963; Daily Mail machine room, 1963; Daily Mail Editorial subs room, 1970; and production of the Daily Sketch, [1960].

        Associated Newspaper Group
        Anisson, Jean (1642-1740)
        GB 0117 MS 80 · sub-fonds · 1783

        Papers concerning Jean Anisson and his improvements in printing including a memorandum by Anisson on his new press; an extract from the register of the Academie Royale des Sciences and another memorandum by Anisson, 1783.

        Anisson , Jean , 1642-1740 , French printer and bookseller