Printing workshops

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Printing workshops

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Printing workshops

5 Archival description results for Printing workshops

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GB 3184 LCC · Fonds · 1880-2015

The records have been organised by the creating institutions. The clearest starting point for LCC was deemed to be 1949 when the separate founding schools combined, thus London School of Printing and Graphic Arts and the subsequent institutions are their own sub-fonds from LCC/2. LCC/1 contains the organisations and departments in separate subseries. These papers contain items relating to the administrative functions of the College and its non-teaching activities for example, prospectuses, yearbooks and photographs of the College and the local area. Some of these items were created, or collected to document the history of the organisation and its locality. Student work is also included.

In addition to these are materials that were used in teaching: Teaching Aids contains examples of work such as printing blocks, packaging, sample books and advertising that were used to example good practice in printing and design; LCC/* Posters were used both for teaching and for promotion of student and College activities, they have been divided because of this dual purpose and the difficulty in defining the original use. It is also possible that some were used for both purposes but at different times. These items are not yet catalogued.

London College of Communication
GB 1574 LCP Archive · 1893-1996

Records of the London College of Printing, 1893-1996, comprising:

Papers relating to the Bolt Court Technical School and London County Council School of Photoengraving and Lithography, 1893-1985.

Papers relating to St Bride's Foundation School, 1894-1921.

Papers relating to North Western Polytechnic, 1930-1969.

Papers relating to the College for the Distributive Trades (CDT), 1933-1988. Papers relating to the London School of Printing and London College of Printing, 1922-1996.

Bolt Court Technical School London County Council School of Photoengraving and Lithography St Bride's Foundation School North Western Polytechnic College for the Distributive Trades London School of Printing and Kindred Trades, 1922-1949 London School of Printing and Graphic Arts, 1949-1962 London College of Printing, 1962-1990 London College of Printing and Distributive Trades, 1990-2001
GB 0074 CLC/B/017-29 · Collection · 1898-1975

The surviving records of the Printers and Theatres Rating Committee (Southern Committee) are incomplete. They mostly concern the rating of individual risks. As a result, they contain much information about particular theatres, music halls, cinemas, film production studios, publishers, printers and allied trades (including papermakers), and associated processes and products. Some of the records are indexed by name and/or place. The whereabouts of the records of the Northern and Scottish Rating Committees is unknown.

Fire Offices' Committee , Printers and Theatres Rating Committee (Southern Committee)
GB 1574 Printing Education · 1914-1991

Printed material, pamphlets, leaflets, and booklets, relating to printing education, printing apprenticeship, and technical and vocational training, 1913-1991, including London County Council report, Training and employment in the printing trades, 1914; War Office correspondence course on letterpress machine work, 1943; Vocational training of disabled persons in the printing industry, Ministry of Labour memorandum, 1944; draft syllabus for City and Guilds Printing Course, 1983; report 'Equalising the opportunities for women in printing and publishing', the Printing and Publishing Industry Training Board, 1982; booklets relating to training in printing and graphic arts in Austria, France, West Germany, Italy and the USA, 1950s-1960s; papers of Walter Rankin for a correspondence course in lettering, office management, stonework, job composition, machine work, comprising course work and correspondence with tutors of the Typographical Correspondence School of Lancaster, Lancashire, 1913-1916.

London College of Printing Rankin , Walter , 1892-1965 , printer
Robert Fenton Archive
GB 3184 RF · Fonds · 1904-1960

Papers of Robert George Fenton, 1904-1960, mainly relating to printing composition and typesetting, including City and Guilds of London Institute examination results, 1909-1912; homework while at Aldenham Institute, 1912-1916; scrapbook of London School of Printing (LSP) examination results, 1922-1932; notebooks on LSP class subjects 1927-1952, homework 1947, examinations, 1947-1952; papers relating to War Office correspondence course for compositors, 1940s; selection of LSP student printing specimens, 1928; LSP Year Book, 1938-1939; A survey of LSP inception and work, 1939; plans of LSP Composing Room, 1952, 1958; LSP prospectuses, 1955-1961; photographs of Fenton with staff and students in LSP Composing Room, c1956; photograph of retirement of E E Allen, LSP Vice Principal, 1955; printing type specimen sheets and books, including H W Caslon, 1912, 1920 and 1932, Stephenson, Black and Co Ltd, 1927, and Soldans Ltd, 1936; other papers relating to composing and typesetting including, 1930s-1950s, including LSP typeface books, impositions books for printing layouts, papers on monotype and linotype machinery, stereotyping and electrotyping, photo-composition and colour charts. The collection also includes printing manuals and text books, 1910s-1920s; compositors' sticks, quion keys and metal type samples.

Fenton , Robert George , 1891-1989 , Head of Composing Department, London School of Printing