Racial segregation

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      Racial segregation

      Racial segregation

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      Racial segregation

      • UP Ghettos
      • UP Ghetto
      • UP Gheto

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      63 Descrição arquivística resultados para Racial segregation

      63 resultados diretamente relacionados Excluir termos específicos
      BIRLEY, Sir Robert (1903-1982)
      GB 2107 Birley · 1924-1981

      Papers of Robert Birley, 1924-1981, relating to his writing and speaking activities in the fields of education, including post-World War Two educational reconstruction in the British Zone of Germany; English universities in South Africa and apartheid; human rights issues. The papers comprise letters, manuscripts, typescripts of speeches and articles, related printed material, presscuttings and reprints of articles.

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      SACHS, Albert Louis (Albie) (b 1935)
      GB 0101 ICS 142 · 1956-1968

      Microfilm of papers of Dr Albert Louis (Albie) Sachs, lawyer and political activist, concerning legal cases and political trials of approximately 100 individuals, in South Africa, 1956-1968; charges include murder, sabotage, rape, contravention of Emergency Regulations, membership of the Pan African Congress, incitement, distribution of banned literature, banning orders, arson, corruption, race classification and entering native locations.

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      Catholic Institute for International Relations
      GB 0101 ICS 151 · 1973-2000

      Papers of the Catholic Institute for International Relations (CIIR), notably relating to South Africa, including papers relating to the African National Congress including minutes of meetings, papers on projects; press releases, correspondence and papers on the conference on South African debt rescheduling, Jul 1989. Papers relating to South Africa on topics including prisoners; Nelson Mandela; churches; violence; workers; children and repression; labour and trade unionism; unemployment and migration; women; international monitoring of elections; federalism; sanctions; debt and South Africa's relationship with the UK. Papers relating to other organisations working in South Africa including: Catholic International Cooperation for Development and Solidarity; South Africa Advisory Committee; South Africa Inter Agency Group; Southern Africa Catholic Bishops' Conference; South Africa Council of Churches; National Conference of Churches in South Africa; Johannesburg Democratic Action Committee; Five Freedoms Forum; Southern Africa Coalition; Anti-Apartheid Movement and Christian Concern for South Africa. Papers relating to Zimbabwe including photographs; papers on conferences; CIIR publications on Zimbabwe; papers relating to Zimbabwe Detainees Defence Committee including letters from Robert Mugabe and papers relating to the Zimbabwe Diaspora Development Chamber of Commerce. Papers on other countries and regions with which CIIR had involvement including Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Sri Lanka, Southern Africa, Tanzania and Zambia.

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      HALPERN, Jack (1927-1973)
      GB 0101 ICS 28 · 1958-1970

      Papers of Jack Halpern on South Africa and race relations, 1958-1970; comprising correspondence and papers on Southern African politics, 1958-1965, including drafts of articles by Halpern and press cuttings; correspondence and papers on the High Commission Territories (Basutoland, Bechuanaland and Swaziland), 1958-1970, including publications, drafts of articles by Halpern, press cuttings, notes and correspondence; correspondence and papers on Swaziland, 1961-1968, including drafts of articles by Halpern, material on Swaziland's Constitution, publications, political party material, press cuttings and correspondence; correspondence and papers on Lesotho [formerly Basutoland], 1952-1968, including publications, political party material, draft articles by Halpern, correspondence and press cuttings; correspondence and papers on Botswana [formerly Bechuanaland] 1961-1970, including publications, drafts of articles by Halpern, press statements and cuttings, correspondence and photographs; correspondence and papers on the Central African Federation, 1961-1964, including draft articles, publications and press cuttings; draft articles and press cuttings on Malawi, 1962-1963; articles and press cuttings on Zambia, 1958-1969; correspondence and papers on Rhodesia, 1958-1972, including publications, material on the Rhodesian General Election, Dec 1962; material on the Pearce Commission, 1971-1972, correspondence, draft articles and press cuttings, (including statement and cuttings on Halpern's expulsion from Rhodesia, Sep 1963); drafts and notes for Halpern's book South Africa's Hostages (Penguin, 1965); correspondence and papers on Amnesty International, including articles by Halpern and correspondence on his work as Secretary-General, and his resignation, 1964-1965; general correspondence 1960-1973 including letters on his expulsion from Rhodesia, 1963, applications for jobs, 1963-1972 and family correspondence; miscellaneous papers including draft articles and broadcasts, 1965-1968, printed papers, press cuttings, 1963-1968, periodicals, appointment diaries, 1962-1971; Sophie Halpern's correspondence and papers, 1963-1967.

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      HORVITCH, I O (fl 1957-1960)
      GB 0101 ICS 34 · 1957-1961

      Papers of I O Horvitch on the South African Treason Trials, 1957-1960; comprising material concerning the Treason Trial, 1957-1961, including lists of the accused and the charges against them and a copy of the final judgement; typescript deafts for issues of 'Treason Trials Press Summary, 6 Feb 1959 - 10 Mar 1960'; miscellaneous material concerning the Treason Trials, 1957-1958; including appeals for funds by the Treadson Trials Defence Fund; Horvitch's personal papers, 1957-1958 including details of payments received from the Treason Trials Defence Fund, and details of Horvich's architectural practice; publications; papers on Ghana, 1960; press cuttings on the Treason Trials.

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      KENNEDY, Joe (fl 1966-1969)
      GB 0101 ICS 42 · 1966-1969

      Bulletins issued by Joe Kennedy commenting on politics in Rhodesia, 1966-1969; including notes of interview with the Acting British High Commissioner John Hennings, Jan 1967; comments on meeting between Ian Smith and Harold Wilson at Gibraltar, Oct 1968; comments on visit of George Thomson, British Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, to Rhodesia, Nov 1968; comments on the detention and trial of Rev Ndabaningi Sithole, 1968-1969.

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      LEWIN, Julius (fl 1941-1958)
      GB 0101 ICS 48 · 1941-1966

      Papers of Julius Lewin and his wife Eleanor Hawarden on native law in South Africa, 1941-1966. Comprising copies of 18 articles by Lewin on native law, the legal status of African women, Africans and the police, political representation of Africans in South Africa, Britain's colour bar in Africa, inheritance in native law, marriage by natives in South Africa, and racial equality and Commonwealth universities. Two articles by Eleanor Hawarden on prejudice in the classroom and South African history and western civilisation, 1965-1966.

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      MATTHEWS, Zacharaih Keodirelang (1901-1968)
      GB 0101 ICS 55 · 1933-1967

      Papers of Zachariah Keodirelang Matthews, 1933-1967; comprising typescript drafts for autobiography, including chapters on the Native Representative Council of South Africa, his role in the African National Congress (ANC) and his detention and trial for High Treason in 1956; microfilm of Z K Matthews personal papers comprising papers on his academic research on anthropology and native law, 1933-1935; correspondence and papers on his political activities, including material on the Native Representative Council of South Africa, 1942-1946, the ANC, 1942-1955; papers on Treason Trials, 1956-1961; general political correspondence, 1936-1967, includes letters from Govan Mbeki, Helen Suzman, Canon L John Collins and others, political articles and statements by Matthews, 1930-1967; correspondence and papers on education, including correspondene on his resignation from Fort Hare University, 1959, lecture notes, articles and statements on education; personal correspondence, 1937-1968; correpondence and papers on his work for the World Council of Churches, 1960-1966; papers on political and educational affairs in Botswana, 1933-1966; miscellanea, including articles by Matthews and others.

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      PEDDER, Miles Anthony (fl 1953-1974)
      GB 0101 ICS 58 · 1974 (covers 1953-1964)

      Transcript of interview by Ian Hancock of Miles Anthony Pedder relating to the United Rhodesia Party (URP) and the Central Africa Party (CAP), 1953-1964; including details of his work as Honorary Secretary of the URP, the organisation of the party, establishment of Branches in Coloured, Asian and African areas from 1955; the reformation of the African National Congress (ANC), 1957; his impressions of Garfield Todd as Prime Minister of Southern Rhodesia, 1953-1958; the election of Edgar Whitehead as Prime Minister, 1958; the role of the Central African Party in the Southen Rhodesia Constitutional Conference, and the subsequent referendum on the Constitution, 1960-1961; the victory of the Rhodesia Front Party, 1962, the break-up of the Federation and the Unilateral Declaration of Independence, 1963-1964.

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      BENSON, Mary (1919-2000)
      GB 0101 ICS 6 · 1948-1999

      Papers of Mary Benson on South Africa, and the struggle against apartheid, 1948-1999; principally comprising correspondence and statements on apartheid, 1964-1970 (ICS 6/1); correspondence and papers on political prisoners and prisons in South Africa, 1963-1982 (ICS 6/2); general papers on Robben Island Prison, 1962-1983 (ICS 6/3); papers on individual prisoners on Robben Island, particularly Dennis Theodore Goldberg, and Nina Hassim, 1972-1979 (ICS 6/4); papers on individual South Africans, particularly Bram Fischer, Albert John Luthuli, Vuyisile Mini, Walter Sisulu and Toivo Hermann ja Toivo (ICS 6/5); miscellaneous papers on apartheid, 1964-1976 (ICS 6/6); papers on Treason Trials, 1957-1982 (ICS 6/7); press cuttings on Nelson Mandela, 1961-1990 ICS 6/8-11); correspondence with Winnie Mandela, 1962-1989, with associated press cuttings, 1977-1990, (ICS 6/12); correspondence and press cuttings on boycott of South Africa by British playwrights, [1957-1987] (ICS 6/13); cuttings on South African Politics, 1966-1985 (ICS 6/14); correspondence with Hilda Bernstein, Oliver Tambo, Winnie Mandela, Helen Suzman, Denis Healey, Ismail Ayob and others, mainly on the campaign for the release of Nelson Mandela, 1964, 1977-1987 (ICS 6/15); correspondence and cuttings on Robben Island Prison, mainly on the plight of inmates, particularly Nelson Mandela, 1962-1983 (ICS 6/16); correspondence and cuttings on the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Albert Luthuli, 1961 (ICS 6/17); correspondence and cuttings on the African National Congress (ANC), 1957-1987 (ICS 6/18); correspondence on South Africa and international politics, 1957-1980 (ICS 6/19); correspondence and papers on Alan Paton, 1948-1995 (ICS 6/20); correspondence with Chief Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi, 1966-1993 (ICS 6/21); correspondence with Ruth First, 1962-1988 (ICS 6/22); correspondence with Walter Sisulu, 1987 (ICS 6/63); correspondence with Oliver Tambo, 11964-1986, and material relating to Tambo's visit to London, 1985 (ICS 6/24); correspondence with Wilton Mkwayi, 1989-1998 (ICS 6/25); correspondence with other activists, 1964-1989, correspondents include Albert Luthuli, Desmond Tutu and Govan Mbeki (ICS 6/26); correspondence on the murder of Matthew Goniwe and three other anti-apartheid campaigners, 1985 (ICS 6/27); file of miscellaneous correspondence and papers, including material relating to Guy Clutton-Brock, Christopher Gell, Laurence Gandar, Bessie Head, Trevor Huddleston, Helen Joseph, Mzwakhe Mbuli and Sue Sparks, 1952-1999 (ICS 6/28). Press cuttings, correspondence and draft articles by Benson relating to apartheid, Nelson Mandela and the Mandela family including reviews on publications about Mandela, 1986-1997 and correspondence with the Press Council on an article printed in the Spectator 'Time to Free Mandela', 2 May 1987, which Benson complained contained inaccuracies and false descriptions of Mandela; correspondence on publications on South Africa and apartheid. Photographs and negatives of Nelson Mandela including portraits, 1937-1993; in Transkei, 1937; preparing for the ANC's defiance campaign with Nina Sita, 1952 and with Yusef Dadoo, Maulvi Cachalia and Indian Youths, 1952; in the office of Mandela & Tambo, attorneys, 1952; helping with the washing up after lunch during the Treason Trial, 1960; in London, 1962, including with Mary Benson, outside Westminster Abbey, outside Westminster Hall, with Freda Levson and Mary Benson by the Thames and by the Thames opposite the Tower of London, 1962; with Algerian officers, 1962; with Oliver Tambo in Algeria, 1962; with Walter Sisulu in the courtyard of Robben Island prison, 1966; in the garden of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Cape Town, 12 Feb 1990 and with Nigel Vermaas, being presented with an item marked 'Robben Island', Jul 1993. Postcards featuring Mandela, [1952-1954] including in Johannesburg sparring with professional boxer Jerry Moloi, 1954. Other photographs including of Zindzi Mandela reading Nelson Mandela's statement, 10 Feb 1985; landscapes in South Africa including Soweto and Transkei; Ruth First with Winnie Mandela ; group portrait of Basil Somhlahlo, Evelyn Mandel, Make Madele and Khazeka Somhlahlo; Mary Benson with Chief Albert Lutuli; Mandela family snapshots; film set, possibly on the life of Mandela; Walter Sisulu, [1960]; Lilian Ngoyi; group photograph of the Treason Trial defendants, 1956; Walter Sisulu with a young boy in his home, Jan 1990; Stanley Lollan, Nov 1961; Fatima Meer and Chief Albert Lutuli with two others; Annie Silinga with her family; Gert Shadrack Sibande with his family and unidentified photographs.

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      South African Institute of Race Relations: Natal Region
      GB 0101 ICS 95 · 1961-1962

      Photocopies of minutes and reports of the South African Institute of Race Relations: Natal Region, 1961-1962; comprising minutes and papers of Regional Committee meetings; Natal Regional Organiser's Reports, with account of financing of Non-European Educational Fund; African Affairs Sub-Committee minutes and African Fact-Finding Sub-Committee minutes.

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      Buthelezi, Chief Mangosuthu Gatsha
      GB 0102 MS 380143 · Created 1970-1976

      Typescripts of various speeches given by Chief Mangosutho Gatsha Buthelezi between June 1970 and October 1976.

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      Stanton, Hannah
      GB 0102 PP MS 54 · Created 1938-1993

      Correspondence, diaries, photographs and papers relating to South Africa, 1938-1993, collected by Hannah Stanton. They include a large amount of correspondence concerning her campaign work on issues such as apartheid; journals covering her trips abroad and appointment diaries; speeches and sermons; material concerning Helen Joseph; and a large number of photographs of friends of Hannah Stanton.

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