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  • http://vocabularies.unesco.org/thesaurus/concept3256

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1 Archival description results for Rationalism

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Rationalist Association
GB 0372 RA · Fonds · 1872-2006

Papers of the Rationalist Association, formerly the Rationalist Press Association, as well as affiliated companies and bodies including CA Watts and Company Limited, Pemberton Publishing Company Limited, Rationalist Benevolent Fund, Rationalist Trust, New Humanist publication, and Thinker's Book Club, (28 January 1872 - 17 September 2006). Includes: Papers of CA Watts and Company Limited, Rationalist Press Association and Rationalist Association, including: Committee minutes, papers and agendas (1929-2005), Financial papers (1895-1994), Legal papers (1872-2005), Papers regarding publishing and promotion (1919-2004), and Papers regarding administration and activities of the organisation (1881-2006). Papers of Pemberton Publishing Company Limited, including: Committee minutes, agendas and papers (1954-2000), Legal and financial papers (1948-2000), Papers regarding publishing and distribution (1962-1982), and Correspondence (1965-1972). Papers of Rationalist Benevolent Fund and Rationalist Trust, including: Committee minutes, agendas and papers (1941-2004), Legal and financial papers (1921-2004), and Correspondence (1960-2004). Papers of the Thinker's Book Club, including: Committee minutes, agendas and papers (1945-1960). Papers of the New Humanist, including: Committee minutes, agendas and papers (1971-1996), General papers and correspondence (1995-2006), and Images used in the publication (1980-2006).

Rationalist Association