Records management

Elements area



Bereik aantekeningen

  • That area of general administrative management concerned with achieving economy and efficiency in the creation, use and maintenance, and disposition of records.
  • Secteur de la gestion administrative générale responsable de l'organisation économique et efficace des opérations liées à la création, l'utilisation et la maintenance, ainsi que la disposition des documents.
  • Area de la gestión administrativa que se ocupa de la organización económica y de la eficacia de las operaciones relacionadas con la creación, el uso, el mantenimiento y la disposición de los documentos.

ron aantekeningen


Toon aantekening(en)

    Hiërarchische termen

    Gelijksoortige termen

    Records management

    • UF Records administration
    • UF Records creation
    • UF Records disposal
    • UF Records disposition
    • UF Records elimination
    • UF Records maintenance
    • UF Administration de documents
    • UF Destruction de documents
    • UF Disposition des documents
    • UF Élimination de documents
    • UF Maintenance des documents
    • UF Administración de documentos
    • UF Colocación de documentos
    • UF Destrucción de documentos
    • UF Disposición de documentos
    • UF Eliminación de documentos
    • UF Mantenimiento de documentos
    • UF Orden de documentos
    • UF Planificación de documentos
    • UF Uso de documentos

    Verwante termen

    4 Archivistische beschrijving results for Records management

    COL/AC · Deelarchief · 1252-1999

    Calendars and historical research relating to the City and Corporation of London, 1252-1999. The collection contains calendars and indexes made by clerks to aid their work including calendars and indexes of wills and deeds entered in the Court of Husting, 1252-1616; calendar to Acts of the Common Council 'Liber Legum' (extracts from the City's Letter Books), 1582 and 1585; calendar of various matters dispersed through the City's books and rolls, 1275-1609 and 1713-1717; index to repertories, 1545-1588; copies of articles from the Charter and Liberties of London, 16--; copies of 126 legal cases made on behalf of the City, 16-- - 1755; papers dating to the 17th and 18th centuries collected by William Turner Alchin, Guildhall Librarian, 1845-1865, including material relating to the Great Fire of London, 1666, the Gordon Riots, 1780, and markets.

    Also research notes and reports including the collection of Dr R R Sharpe, Clerk of the Records, 1876-1913; research papers intended to replace the Historical Reports destroyed in 1940 by the Guildhall bombing, consisting mainly of reports made by the City Archivist and his predecessors on the historical aspects of institutions of the Corporation and of the City Companies, as well as reports and articles by others, based on research amongst the Corporation's archives; and some publications of the London Topographical Society, 1945-1999.

    Zonder titel
    GB 1697 A.CLRP · 1984-1993

    The Archive of the Commonwealth Legal Records Project consists of administrative records, 1989-1993; records relating to the publication of Legal records in the Commonwealth, 1991-1993; general research files, 1984-1993; England and Wales research files, 1989-1993; Ghana research files, 1990-1992.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0074 ACC/3162 · Collectie · 1928-1977

    Papers of the British Records Association, comprising:
    ACC/3162/BRA/01: Foundation Papers;
    ACC/3162/BRA/02: Council and Committees;
    ACC/3162/BRA/03: Conferences and Annual General meetings;
    ACC/3162/BRA/04: Finance and Treasurer's Papers;
    ACC/3162/BRA/05: Committees;
    ACC/3162/BRA/06: Secretary's Files;
    ACC/3162/BRA/07: Publications;
    ACC/3162/BRA/08: Archives publication and Editor's Papers;
    ACC/3162/BRA/09: Technical Section;
    ACC/3162/BRA/10: Legislation;
    ACC/3162/BRA/11: Staff;
    ACC/3162/BRA/12: Press Cuttings.

    Papers of the Records Preservation Section, comprising:
    ACC/3162/RPS/01: Committee minutes and papers;
    ACC/3162/RPS/02: Correspondence;
    ACC/3162/RPS/03: Correspondence and memoranda;
    ACC/3162/RPS/04: Publications;
    ACC/3162/RPS/05: Correspondence and circulars;
    ACC/3162/RPS/06: Correspondence concerning types;
    ACC/3162/RPS/07: Salvage correspondence;
    ACC/3162/RPS/08: Correspondence concerning staff;
    ACC/3162/RPS/09: Related documentation;
    ACC/3162/RPS/10: Family and Estate records;
    ACC/3162/RPS/11: Related documentation;
    ACC/3162/RPS/12: Minutes;
    ACC/3162/RPS/13: Administrative files.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0120 GC/248 · 1981-1985

    The study was based on meetings and taped interviews with consultants, junior doctors and nursing staff, plus documentary evidence. The latter is not included in the records given to the Contemporary Medical Archives Centre, nor (with one exception) are the records of meetings, but the taped interviews have been deposited in full. The interviewees give pseudonyms rather than their actual names.

    Zonder titel