Reference materials

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      Hierarchical terms

      Reference materials

      Reference materials

      Equivalent terms

      Reference materials

      • UF Reference works
      • UF Livre de référence
      • UF Manuel de référence
      • UF Matériel de référence
      • UF Maual de referencia
      • UF Obra de referencia
      • UF Trabajos de referencia

      Associated terms

      33 Archival description results for Reference materials

      Winstedt, Sir Richard
      GB 0102 MS 312646 · 1925-[1960s]

      Papers, 1925-[1960s], of Sir Richard Winstedt relating to his publications, comprising annotated proofs of Malay dictionary, 1960; manuscripts of Malay Dictionary, undated; copy of his An English-Malay Dictionary (1952), with extensive manuscript annotations and alterations [after 1952]; manuscripts and typescripts for his memoirs Start from Alif: Count from One (published in 1969), largely relating to his time in south-east Asia [1960s]; manuscript on philosophy, undated; letter on Malay law to [S G?] Vesey-Fitzgerald, 1945; letter on a Malay manuscript from P Voorholne[?] of the Bibliotheek der Rijks-Universiteit te Leiden, 1951; part of a letter on Raffles College and educational needs in Malaya from an unknown correspondent, 1965; miscellaneous offprints by Winstedt on Malay literature, law, customs and culture, 1925, 1929, 1945, and undated.

      Winstedt , Sir , Richard Olaf (Olof) , 1878-1966 , Knight , colonial administrator and Orientalist
      GB 1446 MS 15 · Collection · [mid 19th century]

      Manuscript notebook comprising vocabulary lists of Western African dialects including of the Ashira, Mpongwe and Pangwe peoples, including notes on grammar and account of 'Krapf march in Eastern Africa', mid 19th century.

      Subotic Collection
      GB 0369 SUB · c 1952

      Spanish-Serbo-Croat-English dictionary believed to have been begun by Dragutin Subotic and completed after his death by his brother Vojislav Subotic; Serbo-Croat-English glossary, c 1952.

      Subotic , Dragutin , 1887-1952 , slavonic scholar Subotic , Vojislav , d 1969 , slavonic scholar
      GB 0369 SCO · 1964-1992

      Mnutes and related papers of the SCONUL Slavonic and East European Group (SEEG) and Advisory Committee on Slavonic and East European Materials (ACOSEEM) and also papers relating to specific projects of SEEG and ACOSEEM including surveys of information and library requirements, a working party on transliteration of Cyrillic and work towards a union list of Slavonic and East European serials, 1964-1992.

      SCONUL , Standing Conference of National and University Libraries x Standing Conference of National and University Libraries
      Spruce, Richard (1817-1893)
      GB 0117 MS/236 · sub-fonds · 1850-1863
      Part of Manuscripts General

      Drawings from Richard Spruce's travels across Northern South America, primarily the Amazon and Orinoco river systems, throughout Brazil, Peru, Columbia, Venezeuela and the Guyana highlands. Included are several renderings of indigenous picture-writing figures Spruce found in the Guyana Highlands, with notes on their possible origin and meaning, portraits of local people from nine different nations of the Orinoco and Rio Negro with notes thereon, drawings of notable landscapes in the region, vegetation and sundry objects from local villages.
      Drawn on for 'Notes of a botanist on the Amazon and Andes' (1908).

      Spruce , Richard , 1817-1893 , botanist
      GB 0100 KCLCA Skeat · 1772, 1868-1932

      Papers, 1868-1932, of and concerning Walter William Skeat, including correspondence relating to the English Dialect Society, 1887-1912, letters to Skeat, 1868-1912, fragments of letters and drafts of letters by Skeat, 1873-1905, and correspondence of the Skeat family, 1914-1928. The bulk of the collection comprises working papers, almost all undated, including notes and transcripts of various manuscripts and texts, sometimes unattributed but among them Beowulf, The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, Piers Plowman by William Langland, Bodleian manuscripts, works of William Shakespeare, homilies, and proverbs; bibliographical references; dictionaries, thesauri, word lists, glossaries; notes on etymology, grammar, place-names, and pronunciation; lectures including 'The Language of Chaucer'; articles including philology, the language of Edmund Spenser with special reference to his Faerie Queen, emendations in Piers Plowman, and phonetics; proofs (largely undated) including an English dictionary, publications relating to Chaucer, The Kingis Quair, Pierce the Plowman's Crede, and an incomplete proof copy of The Seven Sleepers; printed material by Skeat including William of Palerne (unbound, uncut), 'Souvent me Souvient' (reprinted from Christ's College Magazine), Troilus and Criseyde (incomplete) and A Charter of Canute (a passage from the York Gospels, edited by Skeat); printed material relating to Skeat's interests, including articles on etymology and the derivation of words; leaflets (1911) advertising the proposed University of London Institute of Phonetics; an incomplete copy of The Annual Register 1771 (1772); and an examination questions paper (1911) in English Language and Literature for King's College, University of London.

      Skeat , Walter William , 1835-1912 , Professor of Anglo-Saxon , philologist , Anglican clergyman
      GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP35 · Created [1890-1900], 1907-1977

      Papers, [1909] and 1930-[1975], relating to Scullard's published work, notably lists of contributors and articles for the first edition, [1938], and correspondence with contributors to the second edition, 1964-1965, of the Oxford classical dictionary (Clarendon, Oxford, 1949 and 1970); annotated photocopy of typescript of The elephant in the Greek and Roman world (Thames and Hudson, 1974), [1973-1974], with notes especially relating to illustrations, [1973-1974], and various offprints of articles on elephants in the ancient world, [1948-1950]; proof copies of Scipio Africanus in the Second Punic War (University Press, Cambridge, 1930), and Scipio Africanus: soldier and politician (Thames and Hudson, London, 1970), with a manuscript of the former, [1930], and notes, [1930-1970] on Scipio and Spain; incomplete typescript of a work entitled 'Scipio Africanus: politics and reform', [1970]; offprints of articles written by Scullard for the Encyclopedia Britannica (Encyclopedia Britannica Company, London and New York), 1967 and 1974; correspondence and notes relating to Roman history articles written by Scullard for Collier's Encyclopedia (P.F. Collier and Son, New York), 1960; school essay by Scullard on 'The comic element in the literature of Greece and Rome', [1909], and incomplete annotated typescript [on the same subject], [1930-1940], possibly part of Scullard's History of the Roman world from 753 to 146 BC (Methuen, London, 1935); papers, 1954 and [1973-1975], relating to Scullard's revision of A history of Rome down to the reign of Constantine (Macmillan, London, 1954) by Max Cary, including typescripts, annotated proofs, and a printed copy of the original work; a printed copy of the 3rd edition of A history of the Roman world from 753 to 146 BC (Methuen, London, 1963). Papers, [1925-1970], relating to Scullard's teaching career, including teaching and lecture notes on Greek and Roman history, [1926-1970]; typescript book lists and study schemes for courses on Ancient History and Ancient Political Ideas [at King's College London], [1958-1960]; notes taken by Scullard from lectures by Professor Frank Ezra Adcock, Professor of Ancient History at King's College, Cambridge, [1925-1951]; memorabilia, 1938 and 1976-1977, relating to New College, London, including programmes, menu, and reports relating to its closure in 1977. Publications by, or relating to, Scullard's father, the Reverend Herbert Hayes Scullard, Free Church Minister at Howard Congregational Church, Bedford, and Professor of Church History at New and Hackney College, London University, mainly comprising copies of Life of John Howard the philanthropist (1911), 1907-1911. Three photograph albums, containing photographs of a tour in Norway, British and French towns and cities, and views of the Lake District and Scottish Highlands, [1890-1900].

      Scullard , Howard Hayes , 1903-1983 , Professor of Ancient History
      Parsons Family
      GB 0102 MS 380686 · (1902-1926), 1951-1998

      Papers, 1902-1998, of the Parsons family, comprising three volumes of typescript copies of letters (1902-1926) written by the Rev and Mrs Parsons from Yunnan, China, the subjects including family matters and mission activities, descriptions of local people and culture, and references to the Miao language; unpublished Hua Miao-English dictionary and phrase book written by P Kenneth and R Keith Parsons, 1998; publications using 'Reformed' Pollard script, 1951-1994, including text books and school primer (some photocopies), collected by them.

      Parsons , Harry , 1878-1952 , missionary Parsons , Edith Annie Kate , b 1876 , missionary Parsons , Richard Keith , b 1916 , Methodist minister Parsons , Philip Kenneth , b 1916 , Methodist minister
      GB 1446 MS 8 · Collection · 1926

      Word list by James Philip Mills of the Mongsen dialect of Ao, a language spoken in Nagaland, north-east India.

      Mills , James Philip , 1890-1960 , colonial administrator and anthropologist
      GB 0100 KAL/A22 · Collection · [1925]

      Manuscript volumes of Revd Bertram Seaborne Mercer, [1925], comprising 'Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon', by Mercer; Greek lexicon by Mercer and notebook containing notes on Biblical passages in English, Hebrew and Greek.

      Mercer , Bertram Seaborne , b 1883 , clergyman
      GB 0103 MS LAT 11 · 13th century, 1425, 16th century-17th century

      Manuscript volume, apparently dating from 1425, containing a dictionary of medical terms and other treatises. Marginal comments throughout, 16th-17th century, including medicinal recipes, the entries frequently stating the name of the person who found them beneficial and the date. The fly-leaf bears text of theological content in a 13th-century script.

      MARSDEN, William (1754-1836)
      GB 0100 KCLCA Marsden · c1580-1805

      Manuscripts collected by William Marsden, including letters and other material, 1627-1668, relating to Portuguese Catholic missionaries in India, some from Ajmir and Agra, and Tibet; martyrology of Portuguese missionaries in India and other parts of Asia, [17th century]; manuscript entitled 'Principio do dereito q. tem el Rey de Portugal da Ilha de Goa...1595', bound with 'Livro tresladado dos contos de Goa de todos os ordenados q. Sua Magestade da na India...', both 1658, also with cipher used presumably by the Jesuits, 'Cifra da Compa. q. devem ter todos os superiores...'; texts, grammars and vocabularies, [17th-18th centuries], including Welsh; Icelandic; Kannada; Tamil fragments, some on palmyra leaves; Javanese text; Tagalog fragments; 'Bocabulario Tagalo', [c1580]; 'Vocabulario de la lengua Iloca'; manuscript letter from C T de Murr to William Marsden, 24 Feb 1797, regarding the Bibliotheca glottica universalis, with accompanying typescript transcription; Ionian (Greek) newspaper concerning King George III, 1805.

      Marsden , William , 1754-1836 , orientalist and numismatist
      MAN, Edward Horace (d 1929)
      GB 1446 MS 100-119a · 1863-1920

      Papers of Edward Horace Man including:

      MS 110
      Andaman vocabulary, in 25 volumes, English-Andamanese and Andamanese-English.

      MS 111
      Andamanese grammar, annotated by Sir R.C. Temple, Port Blair, 1878.

      MS 112
      Loose notes on Nicobar, Andamanese and comparative vocabulary; Port Blair, 1878.

      MS 113

      Pamphlet entitled 'A grammar of the Bôjingîjîda or South Andaman language', by E.H. Man and R.C. Temple. (Calcutta, Thacker, Spink and Co., 1878) interleaved with manuscript notes.

      MS 114

      Proof for an article by Man entitled 'Notes on the Nicobarese' by despatched to Bombay 4 Jan 1899 from Port Blair with accompanying manuscript and typescript notes and numerous annotations.

      MS 115

      Notepad containing manuscript notes on Andaman vocabulary by Amy F. Man, with notes in the margin, by E H Man, 1885-1886. Inserted is a reprint of 'Notes on analogies of manners between the Indo-Chinese races and the races of the Indian Archipelago', by Colonel Yule, with holograph letter of the author to A F Man affixed.

      MS 116

      Personal papers of E H Man including letters from parents; issue of his school magazine, Uppingham, Oct. 1872, containing memorial to Arthur C Man (inserted photograph); 'Memo of periods during which I have officiated in higher grades'; copies of correspondence dated 1863 between the Superintendent of Convicts, P.W. Island, and Resident Councillor P.W. Island, H. Man; press cuttings; transcripts of poems; reviews of Andaman Islanders and a photograph.

      MS 117

      Loose notes, botanical and others, [c 1877].

      MS 118

      Reprints and cuttings from The Times, 25 May 1920 and pamphlets annotated by E H Man.

      MS 119

      Manuscript vocabulary of the languages spoken by the people of South Andaman, 1875 in 5 volumes with photographs and maps.

      MS 119a

      'Vocabulary of dialects spoken in the Nicobar and Andaman Isles', by Fr. Ad. De Röepstorff, Extra Assistant Superintendent Andaman and Nicobars, 1874, annotated by E H Man.

      Man , Edward Horace , d 1929 , colonial administrator
      GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP119 Leathes · [1350-1863]

      Collection comprises correspondence with Philip Hammersley Leathes, manuscript papers, diaries, devotionals, dictionaries and pedigree rolls, title deeds and indentures, printed books and pamphlets, catalogues and the manuscripts of the architect, John Carter, [1350-1863]. Notably including correspondence from George Nayler of the College of Arms and Nicholas Carlisle, Secretary of the Society of Antiquaries, relating to publications of the Society, discoveries of antique brass plate, and the exchange of manuscripts between antiquaries, [1790-1838]; loose manuscript papers collected by Leathes, describing ornamentation in early printed devotionals, a fictional narrative entitled 'The amorous Jill: A tale', narrative of the Lisbon earthquake of 1755, notes relating to the observation of comets, including the comet of 1811, copies of charters of the reigns of Edward IV and Henry VII, papers relating to the Portland Vase, British Museum, fragments describing inscription on newly discovered brass plate, 1747-1829; pedigree rolls tracing the lineage of the English Crown, [1450, 1762]; manuscript volumes including collection of biblical extracts, liturgical handbook, autograph book with colour illustrations, antiquarian ephemera such as funeral memorials, armorials and the creation of nobles, volume by Francis Harrison entitled, 'The elements of navigation' with colour charts, tables and illustrations, dictionaries of Celtic and Saxon words, notes on the teaching of mathematics, commonplace book drawing on ancient and modern authors, manuscript diary including progress of architectural tour of Europe; title deeds and indentures for families in Nottingham, Southampton, London and Hungerford, residency certificates in Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire, 1650-1751; printed books and pamphlets on the subjects of antiquarianism, genealogy and architecture, 1778-1853; manuscripts of John Carter, architect, acquired at his death in 1817 by his executor, Leathes, notably including autobiographical notebooks by Carter describing architectural subjects and tours, commonplace book, correspondence with Leathes, loose notes on linguistics and the ships of the Russia Company, obituaries of Carter and sale catalogue from his estate, 1700-1818; manuscript catalogues and display captions relating to the Leathes' papers, King's College London, 1819, 1837.

      Leathes , Philip Hammersley , [1770]-1838 , antiquarian
      GB 0103 SAINTE-PALAYE · 18th century

      Manuscript 'Glossaire des moeurs, coûtumes etc de France', compiled by Jean Baptiste de La Curne de Sainte-Palaye for his Glossaire de l'ancienne langue françoise, 18th century, and comprising an alphabetical arrangement of topics on French manners and customs, with marginal references giving the volume and page of the manuscript or printed source from which the extracts were made.

      Palaye , Jean Baptiste , de La Curne de Sainte- , 1697-1781 , lexicographer
      Italian Proverbs
      GB 0117 MS 56 · sub-fonds · nd

      A dictionary (Italian/English) of Italian proverbs rendered into English, by Benjamin Polsted. A-I only.

      Polsted , Benjamin
      GB 1446 MS 6 · Collection · 1839-1871

      Vocabulary of the Indigenous Australian dialect, Wiradhuri, collected by James Günther, 1839, including notes on grammar, added by Günther, in 1840 and 24 Aug 1871.

      Günther , James , fl 1839-1871 , clergyman
      GB 1446 MS 64 · [early 19th century]

      Manuscript ethnological dictionary by George Bellas Greenough.

      Greenough , George Bellas , 1778-1855 , geologist
      GB 1446 MS 12 · Collection · [late 19th century]

      Grammar of the Binandele language, Mamba River, British New Guinea, including grammar notes, Gouin exercises and translations and Binandele-English and English-Binandele dictionaries.

      Furnivall, John Sydenham
      GB 0102 PP MS 23 · Created 1917-1961

      Papers, 1917-1961, of John Sydenham Furnivall, comprising correspondence (1948-1956), mostly with C W Dunn (co-editor of the Burmese-English Dictionary); draft annotated chapters of Reconstruction in Burma; statistics and other research material gathered for the above work; Furnivall's lecture notes, scripts of his talks, articles and manuscript research notes.

      Furnivall , John Sydenham , 1878-1960 , colonial administrator
      GB 1446 MS 48 · Collection · 1905

      Papers of Mary Edith Durham, 1905, comprise Albanian ballads collected between May and June 1905, including Voyvoda Milosh of Drobnjak and the maiden. MS 47/2 also includes a basic Albanian/English dictionary.

      Durham , Mary Edith , 1863-1944 , Balkan traveller and author
      Dickson Collection
      GB 0369 DIC · 1988

      Photocopy of concise Anglo-Russian dictionary of biblical words, written by Alfred Dickson, 1988.

      Dickson , Alfred , fl 1988 , Russian scholar
      GB 1446 MS 4 · Collection · 1854

      Manuscript copy of a dictionary of the Fernandian tongue in two volumes, 12 May 1854, collected by John Clarke from the people of the island of Fernando Po and the adjacent continent, 1 Jan 1841 to 11 May 1847.

      Clarke , John , fl 1841-1854 , Baptist missionary
      GB 1446 MS 5 · Collection · 1841

      Manuscript notebook containing a vocabulary list of a number of African languages, chiefly Hausa, written by John Clarke in Fernando Po, 1841.

      Clarke , John , fl 1841-1854 , Baptist missionary
      GB 1446 MS 38 · 1861-1862

      Two volumes of vocabularies of Indigenous Australian languages compiled by Col W Champ entitled 'Aboriginal vocabulary, comprising the Ballaarat, Bacchus Marsh, Melbourne and Gipps Land: dialects with a selection of dialogues and familiar phrases', 1861 (revised, 1862) and 'Supplement to the aboriginal vocabulary, comprising the Mount Gambien and Wonnin dialects', 1862, with a loose insert of a vocabulary of words having the same meaning in different parts of Australia by 'Mitchell', sent to Champ by Sir Edmond Burry.

      Champ , W , fl 1861-1866 , Colonel
      GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP47 · Created 1849-1921, 1958 (predominant 1910-1921)

      Correspondence and notes, some in Greek, 1910-1918, including two letters to Burrows from Alex P Ralli about Greek translation, and one letter to Percy Neville Ure, Assistant Lecturer in Classics, University of Leeds; volume containing notes on an annotated copy of Quinti Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Apologeticum et ad Nationes Libri Duo ex fide Optimorum Codicum Manuscriptorum edited by Franciscus Oehler (Eduardi Anton, Halae Saxonum, 1849); Greek vocabulary notebook addressed to Burrows; volume containing printed cuttings, notes and shorthand, on books, poems, authors and the pleasures of reading, [1886-1892]; framed letter, 5 May 1920, from Burrows to Eleftherios Venizelos, (1864-1936), statesman, and Prime Minister of Greece, wishing Venizelos luck with his political struggle on his return to Greece; framed photograph of Venizelos, 1913; framed photograph [of Burrows]; typed list of books given to the Classical department of King's College London by Burrows, 1920; probate of the will and codicil of Burrows, 1920; deeds of appointment of new trustees of will and codicil, 1921, 1958.

      Burrows , Ronald Montagu , 1867-1920 , Principal of King's College London
      Broadbent, Samuel
      GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/South Africa/FBN 10 ( Box 604) · 1815-1894

      Papers, 1815-1894, of and relating to Samuel Broadbent, comprising his ordination certificate, 1815; notes for a sermon preached in Greetland before leaving for Ceylon, 1815; family letters, 1818-1872; printed Encyclopaedia of Knowledge [before 1826] belonging to Broadbent, vestige of his possessions destroyed at Maquassie in 1826, with a manuscript note by him [after 1826] concerning its history; volume containing manuscript English-Bechuana vocabulary and Lord's Prayer, undated, and other loose Bechuana texts; South African scalping knife; account [after 1832] of the life of Louisa Frances Broadbent; notes of Broadbent's journey to southern Ireland on missionary deputation with the Rev W Toase, 1833; printed article by Broadbent on agriculture in South Africa, 'Incidental results of Christian Missions', 1850; printed map of south-eastern Africa, 1857; various manuscript reminiscences by Broadbent, undated; photograph of Samuel Broadbent, unframed, and another, framed (with copy negative), both undated; manuscript copies [19th century] from letters of Miss Broadbent concerning the last hours of Samuel Broadbent, 1867; the Rev T A Chalker's 'The Story of an African Mission', from the Methodist Record (1894), mentioning Broadbent; undated photograph of the gravestone of Samuel and Sarah Broadbent; manuscript transcript [19th century] of the epitaph on the gravestone of Louisa Frances Broadbent.

      Broadbent , Samuel , 1794-1867 , missionary
      GB 0117 CB · 1771-1820

      The correspondence, papers and diaries of Sir Charles Blagden. Blagden's papers are interesting on several levels, generally for his close contact with European men of learning, and his relationship with Sir Joseph Banks. Blagden's professional researches are represented by medical notes in the boxed sequence. These are grouped with papers on other subject interests, including linguistics, e.g. a draft Tahitian-English dictionary, compiled from conversations with Omai, whom Blagden inoculated after Omai's voyage to England with James Cook. Blagden's interest in antiquities and travel is documented by diary entries, as is his intercourse with fellow scientists, particularly those associated with the founding of the Royal Institution.

      Blagden , Sir , Charles , 1748-1820 , Knight , physician
      GB 0120 MSS.1164-1165 · c 1800-1823

      Two volumes of notes, on medical and chemical books, and on diseases and their treatment, c 1800-1823.

      de Villiers , F. T. , Bidault , 1775-1824 , physician
      GB 1446 MS 16 and MS 17 · Collection · 1885

      Two manuscript copies of a French-Yoruba dictionary by R P Baudin [Father Noel Baudin] entitled 'Dictionnaire Français-Yoruba - Dictionnaire Yoruba- Français'.

      Baudin , Father , Noel , fl 1885 , Catholic missionary
      GB 0120 MSS.550, 3083-3086 and 6079-6080 · mid 15th century - mid 18th century

      These papers comprise the manuscript collection of F[rederick] Bacon Frank (1827-1911). They include a medieval medical miscellany (MS.550), material by or relating to the 17th century Yorkshire physician Nathaniel Johnston (MSS.3083-3086 and 6080), and some Bacon family administrative documents (MS.6079). One item relating to Nathaniel Johnston that did not form part of the Bacon Frank collection has been catalogued with it for convenience (MS.3086).

      Johnston , Nathaniel , 1627-1705 Bacon family
      GB 0074 CLC/422 · Collection · 1898-1918

      Manuscript dictionary catalogue of painters, compiled and written by Thomas Claudius Alleyne. The dictionary comprises vols. 1-19 (there are two parts to vols. 2 and 3). Vol. 20 is a thumb case containing miscellaneous papers.

      Alleyne , Thomas Claudius , fl 1898-1918 , writer