GB 0505 RF100-106 - REID, Elizabeth Jesser (1789-1866)

Área de identidad

Código de referencia

GB 0505 RF100-106


REID, Elizabeth Jesser (1789-1866)


  • 1786-1885, [1938], 1965 (Creación)

Volumen y soporte

5 boxes or 0.05m3

Área de contexto

Nombre del productor

Historia biográfica

Elizabeth Jesser Sturch was born on 25 December 1789 in London, daughter of William Sturch, a wealthy Unitarian ironmonger. In 1821 she married John Reid, M.D., author of 'Essay on hypochondriasis and other nervous affections' (1816). His father and brother had been hosiers in Leicester, but the family's roots appear to have been in Scotland, and Dr Reid had inherited land on the River Clyde at Glasgow which had become extremely valuable as the port grew in size. His death in July 1822 gave Mrs Reid an independent income with which she patronised various philanthropic causes. Active in liberal Unitarian circles, she was an anti-slavery activist, attending the World's Anti-Slavery Convention in London in 1840 and taking a close interest in the American Civil War (1860-1865), and was in contact with leading figures in the revolutions in France and Germany in 1848, and the struggles for Italian independence. In 1849 she founded the 'Ladies College' in Bedford Square, London, which became Bedford College for Women. She died on 1st April 1866.

Institución archivística

Historia archivística

The papers were transferred from the Bedford College Archives when the College merged with Royal Holloway in 1985.
GB 0505 RF100-106 1786-1885, [1938], 1965 Collection (fonds) 5 boxes or 0.05m3 Reid , Elizabeth Jesser , 1789-1866 , anti-slavery activist and founder of Bedford College

Elizabeth Jesser Sturch was born on 25 December 1789 in London, daughter of William Sturch, a wealthy Unitarian ironmonger. In 1821 she married John Reid, M.D., author of 'Essay on hypochondriasis and other nervous affections' (1816). His father and brother had been hosiers in Leicester, but the family's roots appear to have been in Scotland, and Dr Reid had inherited land on the River Clyde at Glasgow which had become extremely valuable as the port grew in size. His death in July 1822 gave Mrs Reid an independent income with which she patronised various philanthropic causes. Active in liberal Unitarian circles, she was an anti-slavery activist, attending the World's Anti-Slavery Convention in London in 1840 and taking a close interest in the American Civil War (1860-1865), and was in contact with leading figures in the revolutions in France and Germany in 1848, and the struggles for Italian independence. In 1849 she founded the 'Ladies College' in Bedford Square, London, which became Bedford College for Women. She died on 1st April 1866.

The papers were transferred from the Bedford College Archives when the College merged with Royal Holloway in 1985.

Mrs Reid (EJR)'s papers include material inherited from her husband, Dr John Reid (d.1822), several files of correspondence and legal documents relating to the land inherited by Dr Reid from his brother, which throw light on the development of Glasgow's port in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, and letters to and from members of Dr Reid's family, in some of which medical remedies are discussed. Dr Reid's brother, Matthew Reid, appears to have suffered from a condition which caused incontinence or urethral discharge. EJR's own papers largely comprise correspondence. Business correspondence with her solicitor, James Sowton, concerns the lease and purchase of properties in London, including in South Lambeth, Park Square, Cumberland Terrace and Grenville Street; and legal matters relating to Bedford College, such as the lease of the houses in Bedford Square and questions over the need for a licence from the Duke of Bedford for a school on the premises. A valuer's report for fixtures and fittings, 1855, mentioned in a former list of these papers, is now missing. There is one file relating to EJR's sponsorship of pupils at Ockham Industrial School in Surrey and elsewhere, 1859-1862. Personal correspondence, 1832-1865, includes a large number of letters from Eliza Bostock, Henry Crabb Robinson and Mary Clarke (Madame Julius Mohl), a dozen from Anna Brownell Jameson and single letters or small numbers from many other figures in the literary, liberal and feminist circles in which EJR moved, and from Bedford College alumnae. There are typescript extracts from letters from Harriet Martineau; the whereabouts of the originals are unknown. A separate file was found of letters from famous people [not all to EJR] including Florence Nightingale, William Makepeace Thackeray, Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Charles Dickens, and there is an autograph book containing parts of letters, 1834-1862. Material collected by Bedford College relating to the foundation of the College includes papers of Sophia Elizabeth de Morgan, Secretary of the Ladies Committee, 1848-9, typescript copies of extracts from the diary, 1840-1866, and correspondence, 1838-1866, of Henry Crabb Robinson, a copy of a letter, [1860], from Mrs Reid to Jane Martineau and Elizabeth Bostock giving instructions regarding the future of the College and the establishment of the Reid Trustees, and correspondence, 1965, about Dr John Reid. A volume relating to the fund for a memorial to EJR, 1884-1885, has also been added to the archive.

None expected

The papers had been listed, file by file, as part of the 'reference' section of the Bedford College Archives (Ref. RF100-106). This listing expands upon that, but has divided the material collected by the college (probably mainly for the history published in 1939) from Mrs Reid's own papers. The 'miscellaneous' correspondence has been divided into letters to EJR and letters to others, each file now listed in alphabetical order of correspondent. Items are still to be ordered by the old reference.

Open to all registered users of the Royal Holloway, University of London Archives.

Copies may be supplied, subject to the condition of the original. Requests to publish original material should be directed to the College Archivist.

A handlist available in the College Archives reading room expands upon the entry on Page 106 of the 'Catalogue of the Archives of Bedford College, University of London, 1849-1985' by Elizabeth Bennett and Claire Gobbi Daunton (1987). Detailed listing also available via online catalogue at

The Royal Holloway, University of London Archives contain the will of Elizabeth Jesser Reid (BC GB100/1/2); minutes of the Ladies Committee, 1849-1893 (BC GB121/1) and notes by the Lady Visitors, 1850-1851 (BC GB121/2); legal documents relating to the Reid Trustees, 1860-1931 (BC GB130); and a model of Mrs Reid, made as part of the Development Appeal, 1980 (BC RF174/2).

Diaries of Henry Crabb Robinson are held at the Dr Williams's Library, 14 Gordon Square, London (Ref: 101).

The papers were used in research for A History of Bedford College for Women, 1849-1937 (Oxford University Press, London, 1939) by Dame Margaret Janson Tuke. Some of Mary Clarke's letters to EJR are published in 'Clarkey' by Margaret Lesser (Oxford University Press, 1984).

Compiled by Sarah Aitchison as part of the AIM25 project. Expanded and revised by Shirley Dixon as part of the HLF A2A project. Compiled in compliance with general International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997. Mar 2000, revised Aug 2003. Bedford College x Bedford College for Women Bedford Square Bostock , Elizabeth Ann , fl 1860-1892 , Manager of the Residence of Bedford College Browning , Elizabeth Barrett , 1806-1861 , née Barrett , poet x Barrett , Elizabeth Cumberland Terrace Development aid Dickens , Charles John Huffam , 1812-1870 , novelist and journalist Economic aid Educational administrative structure Educational foundations Educational organizations Educational systems England Europe Financial aid Girls education Grenville Street Hampstead Higher education institutions Holborn Jameson , Anna Brownell , 1794-1860 , née Murphy , author x Murphy , Anna Brownell London Martineau , Harriet , 1802-1876 , journalist and author Mohl , Mary Elizabeth , 1793-1883 , née Clarke , hostess x Clarke , Mary Elizabeth Nightingale , Florence , 1820-1910 , reformer of hospital nursing Ockham School , Surrey Regent's Park Reid , Elizabeth Jesser , 1789-1866 , née Sturch , anti-slavery activist and founder of Bedford College x Sturch , Elizabeth Jesser Reid , family Reid , John , fl 1765-1830 , surgeon and philologist Robinson , Henry Crabb , 1775-1867 , diarist Scotland South Lambeth Villa St Marylebone St Pancras Thackeray , William Makepeace , 1811-1863 , novelist UK Western Europe Womens education Camden Educational institutions

Área de contenido y estructura

Alcance y contenido

Mrs Reid (EJR)'s papers include material inherited from her husband, Dr John Reid (d.1822), several files of correspondence and legal documents relating to the land inherited by Dr Reid from his brother, which throw light on the development of Glasgow's port in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, and letters to and from members of Dr Reid's family, in some of which medical remedies are discussed. Dr Reid's brother, Matthew Reid, appears to have suffered from a condition which caused incontinence or urethral discharge. EJR's own papers largely comprise correspondence. Business correspondence with her solicitor, James Sowton, concerns the lease and purchase of properties in London, including in South Lambeth, Park Square, Cumberland Terrace and Grenville Street; and legal matters relating to Bedford College, such as the lease of the houses in Bedford Square and questions over the need for a licence from the Duke of Bedford for a school on the premises. A valuer's report for fixtures and fittings, 1855, mentioned in a former list of these papers, is now missing. There is one file relating to EJR's sponsorship of pupils at Ockham Industrial School in Surrey and elsewhere, 1859-1862. Personal correspondence, 1832-1865, includes a large number of letters from Eliza Bostock, Henry Crabb Robinson and Mary Clarke (Madame Julius Mohl), a dozen from Anna Brownell Jameson and single letters or small numbers from many other figures in the literary, liberal and feminist circles in which EJR moved, and from Bedford College alumnae. There are typescript extracts from letters from Harriet Martineau; the whereabouts of the originals are unknown. A separate file was found of letters from famous people [not all to EJR] including Florence Nightingale, William Makepeace Thackeray, Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Charles Dickens, and there is an autograph book containing parts of letters, 1834-1862. Material collected by Bedford College relating to the foundation of the College includes papers of Sophia Elizabeth de Morgan, Secretary of the Ladies Committee, 1848-9, typescript copies of extracts from the diary, 1840-1866, and correspondence, 1838-1866, of Henry Crabb Robinson, a copy of a letter, [1860], from Mrs Reid to Jane Martineau and Elizabeth Bostock giving instructions regarding the future of the College and the establishment of the Reid Trustees, and correspondence, 1965, about Dr John Reid. A volume relating to the fund for a memorial to EJR, 1884-1885, has also been added to the archive.


None expected

Sistema de arreglo

The papers had been listed, file by file, as part of the 'reference' section of the Bedford College Archives (Ref. RF100-106). This listing expands upon that, but has divided the material collected by the college (probably mainly for the history published in 1939) from Mrs Reid's own papers. The 'miscellaneous' correspondence has been divided into letters to EJR and letters to others, each file now listed in alphabetical order of correspondent. Items are still to be ordered by the old reference.

Área de condiciones de acceso y uso

Condiciones de acceso

Open to all registered users of the Royal Holloway, University of London Archives.


Copies may be supplied, subject to the condition of the original. Requests to publish original material should be directed to the College Archivist.

Idioma del material

  • inglés

Escritura del material

  • latín

Notas sobre las lenguas y escrituras


Características físicas y requisitos técnicos

The Royal Holloway, University of London Archives contain the will of Elizabeth Jesser Reid (BC GB100/1/2); minutes of the Ladies Committee, 1849-1893 (BC GB121/1) and notes by the Lady Visitors, 1850-1851 (BC GB121/2); legal documents relating to the Reid Trustees, 1860-1931 (BC GB130); and a model of Mrs Reid, made as part of the Development Appeal, 1980 (BC RF174/2).

Instrumentos de descripción

A handlist available in the College Archives reading room expands upon the entry on Page 106 of the 'Catalogue of the Archives of Bedford College, University of London, 1849-1985' by Elizabeth Bennett and Claire Gobbi Daunton (1987). Detailed listing also available via online catalogue at

Área de materiales relacionados

Unidades de descripción relacionadas

Diaries of Henry Crabb Robinson are held at the Dr Williams's Library, 14 Gordon Square, London (Ref: 101).

Puntos de acceso

Área de control de la descripción

Identificador de la institución

Royal Holloway, University of London

Reglas y/o convenciones usadas

Compiled in compliance with general International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.


  • inglés