Womens education

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Hierarchical terms

Womens education

Womens education

78 Archival description results for Womens education

78 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0505 BC AL100-109 · 1909-1965

Minutes of the Academic Board, 1909-1984; Committee papers and notices of the Academic Board, 1906-1929; Standing Orders of the Academic Board, 1915, 1916 and 1929; Minutes of the Board of Studies of the University, 1934-1939.

Bedford College , Academic Board
GB 0505 BC AL200-900 · 1849-1985

Material relating to Academic Departments of Bedford College, including papers of the German Department, 1973-1983; recollections of the Dutch Studies Department by Professor Theodore Weevers, 1985; Departmental files of the History Department, 1958-1985; papers of Professor C H Lawrence, History Department, 1970-1985; Departmental files of the Sociology Department, 1930-1984; papers relating to Nursing Studies Courses, 1896-1985, including the Public Hygiene Course; papers relating to the Bedford College Art School, 1900-1913; papers relating to the Training Department, 1902-1922, including reports, registers, correspondence relating to scholarships and Council grants, accounts and Board of Education papers; papers of the Mathematics Department, 1978-1982; papers of the Biochemistry Department, 1964-1978; papers of the Botany Department, 1908-1985, including material relating to the E N Thomas affair, 1908-1916, and papers collected by Dr Linna Bentley, 1918-1984; building plans for the Zoology Department, 1970. Papers relating to Staff Publications, 1926-[1969], including Minutes and papers of the Research and Publications Fund Committee.

Bedford College , Academic Departments
GB 0505 RHC AL256-736 · [1901]-1972

Brochures and syllabuses relating to various departments, 1968-1972, notably Physics, Chemistry and German. Record Book of the Zoology Department, 1936-1952, giving lists of students and notes on developments in the department. Departmental records of the Faculty of Music, notably Registers, 1915-1969, of members and music played by Royal Holloway College orchestra and choirs, lists of musical events and meetings of music societies, and lists of performers and music performed at music examinations and festivals; Organist's Handbook, [1904-1915], including details of procedure for various musical events; minute books of the Music Club, 1916-1949, and the Music Association, 1934-1954; Concert Programmes and invitations, 1908, 1915-1970.

Royal Holloway College , Academic departments
GB 0120 MSS 0883-0921, 5792-5797 · 1886-1925

One notebook on practical chemical analysis while at St Hilda's School Cheltenham, notebooks of lectures and courses while a student at London School of Medicine for Women, notes of cases seen while medical student, some later notebooks on matters of medical and surgical interest, and accounting lectures, diploma from the Comité Britannique de la Croix Rouge Française for service to France during the First World War, resolution from the Medical Women's Federation congratulating her on being made a Dame of the British Empire.

Blake , Dame , Louisa Brandreth , Aldrich- , 1865-1925 , surgeon
GB 0106 9/10 · Fonds · 1860-1939

The collection contains 2 parts. Part A contains letters regarding Elizabeth Garrett Anderson's struggle to secure an entry into the medical profession. Part B contains letters which discuss the Franco-Prussian war, the London School Board and her engagement to James Anderson.

Anderson , Elizabeth Garrett , 1836-1917 , physician and supporter of women's suffrage
GB 106 7EGA · Fonds · 1871-1907

The archive consists of legal papers related to the marriage of Elizabeth Garrett and James Anderson in 1871: marriage settlement, notices to insurance companies, solicitors correspondence, estate duty form, stock certificates, trustees cash accounts, memorandum.

Anderson , Elizabeth Garrett , 1836-1917 , physician
GB 0366 AN · 1920-1970

Small collection of papers relating to the work of Mary Irene Anderson at the Aburi Girls' Secondary School, Ghana, including a typescript copy of a school log book kept by her predecessors, 1920-1953; typescript accounts of events, 1954-1961; and correspondence relating to the expulsion of non-Ghanaian teachers, 1969-1970.

Anderson , Mary Irene , b 1920 , teacher and missionary
Avery Hill College
GB 2121 Avery Hill College · (c1750-1906) 1894-1998

Records of Avery Hill College, 1894-1989, comprising minutes of the Governing Body, 1945-1985; agendas and papers of the Governing Body, 1971-1985; minutes of the Academic Board, 1963-1985, with indexes, 1974-1981; agendas and papers of the Academic Board, 1977-1985; minutes and papers of Academic Board Sub-Committees, namely the Resources Committee, 1977-1985; Courses Committee, 1977-1985; Staff Development and Research Committee, 1982-1985; Strategic Planning Committee, 1982-1985; Equal Opportunities Committee, 1984-1985; Programme Committee, 1974-1985; minutes of the House Committee, 1958-1979; Principal's Consultative Committee, 1958-1962; College Council, 1963-1977; Joint Halls Committee, 1980-1985; Breakages Committee, 1969-1982; Catering Committee, 1972-1975; College Safety Committee, 1980-1985; Staff Conference, 1958-1984;

examination papers, 1908, 1910; information and regulations for students, 1906-1908, 1968; papers relating to Miss Emily Maria Julian, Principal, 1902-1922; timetables, 1909, 1935-1936; applications for admission to Furzedown Training College, 1925-1931; correspondence relating to Furzedown Training College students, 1938-1942; reports on students' teaching practice, 1932-1933; correspondence, 1938-1985, relating to students, 1938-1942; Governing Body, 1943-1985; evacuation to Huddersfield, 1941-1945; report on war damage, 1945; analysis of student admissions, 1945-1969; papers relating to post-war building programmes, 1951-1952, 1960-1973; college expenditure, 1960-1972; expansion of Avery Hill College, 1960s-1970s; Avery Hill Students' Union, 1966-1985; constitution and membership of committees and the Academic Board, 1968-1972; lecturers' posts, 1945-1970; courses, 1950-1982; reports relating to the College's future, 1971-1977; restructuring College administration, 1975-1980; merger with Thames Polytechnic, 1983-1985; external examiners' reports, 1980-1984; proposals for the three year course, 1956-1959; student numbers and recruitment, 1961-1981; Mile End Annexe, 1968-1985; teaching practice, 1966-1976; Chislehurst hostels, 1969-1980; Principals' reports, 1970-1981; College's response to the threat of closure, 1976-1977;

student lists, 1963-1983, giving names of details of students; staff register, giving names and details of staff, 1906-[1927];

College prospectuses, 1927-1928, 1943, 1966-1984; leaflets and booklets about courses and Avery Hill, [1978-1985]; College handbook, 1968-1985; Avery Hill Reporter magazine, 1907-1964; programmes of concerts, plays and formal occasions at the College, 1923-1986, including re-opening of the College in 1949 by Princess Margaret; College Jubilee celebrations, 1957; Going-Down Dinners, 1967-1986; scripts and photographs of Avery Hill College plays, 1908-1960;

publications and circulars from the Ministry of Education, Inner London Education Authority, and related bodies, 1899-1984;

minutes of other bodies, namely the Inner London Education Authority Education Committee, 1970-1985; meetings of Principals of Further and Higher Education Institutions in the London Borough of Greenwich to discuss an education service for the whole community, 1975-1982; meetings of Inner London Education Authority Senior Administrative Officers, 1967-1985;

Student publications, notably copies of the Bulletin, 1964-1966, Students' Union weekly newsletter; Witch 1966-1968, Students' Union magazine; Public Ear, 1972-1976, newssheet; Endor, 1960s, Avery Hill Writers' Group magazine; Students' Union handbook, 1966-1986;

records relating to former students, comprising Avery Hill Old Students Association registers of members, 1930-[1934]; minutes of meetings of representatives, 1933-1937; London Branch register, 1906-1912; programmes for Jubilee reunion, 1957; letters from former students with photographs, 1957; circular letters, newsletters, 1960s; letters and questionnaires from former students who attended Avery Hill from 1912 to 1949, 1984-1985; photographs and curriculum vitae of students for a reunion, 1989;

photographs and postcards relating to Avery Hill mansion and College, notably albums containing postcards and photographs of external and internal views of Avery Hill mansion and College buildings, [1890s-1963]; portrait and group photographs of staff and students, sports teams, casts of plays, [1906-1924]; postcards of Eltham and London, [1900s-1930s]; album of photographs of internal and external views of Avery Hill mansion whilst owned by Colonel North, 1894; photographs of College buildings, including the Mile End Annexe, 1950s-1970s; photographs of Southwood halls of residence (Fry, Bronte, Grey, Somerville and Consitt Halls), 1930s-1960s; photograph album of Avery Hill College early years of academic staff, student classes, resident students, prefects, 1906-1915; portrait photographs of principals, 1906-1938 and staff, 1908-1923; photographs of College life, 1950s-1970s, including group photographs, swimming galas, student classes; photographs of College Jubilee celebrations, 1957; presentation of awards ceremonies, 1979-1982; retirement dinner for the Principal Mrs K E Jones, 1981; student sports teams, 1953-1955; albums donated by students, containing photographs and postcards of the College buildings, group and individual portraits of students and staff, sports teams, plays, 1907-1930; photographs of Princess Margaret's visit to the re-opening celebrations of Avery Hill College, 1949;

copies of documents assembled from various sources, notably maps and plans of Avery Hill College and area, including map of Eltham, [c1750]; tithe map for Avery Hill area, 1839; maps of Avery Hill area, 1903, post 1945; plans of Avery Hill mansion, 1889-[1950s]; typescripts of census returns for Avery Hill area, 1841-1891, and Eltham, 1861, 1871; articles and press cuttings relating to Colonel North and Avery Hill, 1889-1998; copies drawings of window designs of Avery Hill for Colonel North, 1890; articles and press cuttings relating to Avery Hill College, 1949-1996; notes on James Boyd, owner of Avery Hill 1859-1882, with marriage certificate, 1849; plan of Avery Hill, 1859; inventory of Avery Hill House, 1884; articles of agreement with plan conveying land to Colonel North, 1889; illustrations of views of Avery Hill Mansion from British Architect 1890; copy sale catalogue of Avery Hill, 1896; copy conveyance of Avery Hill from London County Council to the Education Committee to establish a training college for women, 1905-1906.

Avery Hill College Avery Hill College of Education
GB 0505 BC · 1849-1992

Collection of papers relating to Bedford College, University of London, 1849-1992, namely charters, deeds and statutes of Bedford College, 1849-1985, including foundation documents; records of the Council, 1849-1985, including minute books, register books, outwards letter books and correspondence, and legal documents mainly relating to property held by the College; papers of the Ladies Committee, 1849-1893, including minutes and documents relating to the Lady Visitors; papers of the Governors, 1849-1985, including minutes of the AGMs and Special General meetings, and of the Fellows sub-Committee; papers of the Reid Trustees, 1860-1992, mainly comprising legal, administrative and financial papers relating to the Trust, and including material relating to the Reid Scholarships, 1871-1992; papers of the Managers of the Residence, 1860-1928, including minutes, financial material, legal documents, correspondence, and building plans, notably material relating to the move of Bedford College to Baker Street and later Regent's Park; papers of the Committees of the Council, 1868-1985, mainly comprising minutes, correspondence and papers; papers of the Academic Board, 1909-1965, mainly comprising minutes, committee papers and standing orders; papers of the Academic Committees, 1928-1985; papers of the Faculties, 1907-1985, comprising minutes and committee papers; papers of the Academic Departments, 1849-1985, including departmental files, reports, registers, financial material, building plans and material relating to staff publications; papers relating to Bedford College Library, 1886-1974, including committee minutes, Library working files, correspondence, lists and registers, and building plans; papers of the Principal's Office, 1843-1985, including correspondence with academic departments, material concerning policy and merger issues; Bedford College personnel material, 1900-1985, including staff files, 1900-1985, papers relating to staff appointments and conditions, minutes and papers of the Department Staffing Committees; papers of the Registry, 1849-1985, mainly comprising student records such as register books, course lists, scholarship details, examination records, college publications including prospectus leaflets, timetables and College Calendars, and Registrar's papers relating to financial and academic management of the College; papers of the Secretary's Office, 1849-1985, including material concerning ceremonial occasions, public lectures, gifts and bequests to the College, memorial funds and trusts administered by the College, the administration and award of prizes and scholarships, correspondence with academic departments, London colleges and national bodies, papers relating to financial and funding bodies, and correspondence with academic and residence staff; financial documents of Bedford College, 1849-1983, including the main financial registers, 1849-1965, early accounts, 1856-1866, annual accounts, 1894-1977, material relating to students' accounts and scholarships, 1861-[1965], material relating to staff salaries and revisions, 1894-1976, household accounts, 1910-1969, and account books for special funds, 1894-1968; papers relating to the buildings and residences of Bedford College, 1873-1985, notably material relating to fundraising for building schemes, plans and correspondence concerning building and development at the Regent's Park site, 1910-1980, Bursar's papers, 1924-1985, relating to the maintenance of College buildings, correspondence and papers relating to the purchase, lease and maintenance of College Halls of Residence; papers relating to student associations, 1894-1984, including the Bedford College Union Society, the Bedford College Student's Association, the Bedford College Old Student's Association, and the Bedford College Association; Bedford College magazines, 1886-1985; papers of the clubs and societies of the College, 1894-1974, mainly comprising correspondence, accounts, minutes and printed material; records of the staff associations of Bedford College, 1917-[1989], such as minutes, accounts and reports of the Association of University Teachers (AUT), the Bedford College Assistant Staff Association, the Bedford College Staff Association, and the Staff Athletics Club; various unofficial records relating to the College, [1780]-1987, namely reminiscences, press cuttings, drawings and sketches; photographs, [1849-1985], of Bedford College, its staff and students.

Bedford College Bedford College for Women
GB 106 7TBG · Fonds · 1903-1964

The archive consists of two parts.

Part 1 consists of records collated during Billington-Grieg's membership of a large number of international women's organisations, associated correspondence, drafts of papers presented at conferences, as well as publications received from the organisations. In addition there are papers related to her unpublished biography of Charlotte Despard.

Billington Grieg was a keen suffrage historian, and her historical writings on suffrage (as well as papers reflecting her own suffrage activism) are represented in her archive.

Subjects covered include: women's suffrage, post-suffrage campaign period, status of women, equal pay, women workers, women's education, war and peace, sex and prostitution, international women's activism.

Formats include: correspondence, drafts and notes of speeches and articles, photographs and printed material (press cuttings, newspapers, leaflets, pamphlets, journals and books).

Part 2 contains leaflets, circulars, election papers and reports of meetings of the Central Women's Electoral Committee established by the Women's Freedom League (1937-1939); papers of the Women's Freedom League itself including incomplete executive committee minutes (1937-1941), papers of conferences (1937, 1938, 1952, 1953, 1955), publications and circulars; files, publications, committee papers and other official papers of the Women for Westminster group and Teresa Billington Greig's notes and related correspondence (1938-1950); minutes, related correspondence and official papers of the Married Women's Association (1937-1961); publications of the Fawcett Society (1937-1961); publications, notices of meetings and agendas of the Women's Council (1948-1959); publications and papers of the Six Point Group (1959-1961); the Women's Publicity Planning Association (1942-1949); the International Alliance of Women (1946-1961); the British Commonwealth League (1947-1961), periodicals, invitations and news sheets (1950-1960); minutes, conference agendas, correspondence and papers of the National Women Citizen's Association (1939-1961); notes and quotations for articles, miscellaneous leaflets, pamphlets and government publications (1905-1961); notes and press cuttings related to the Commonwealth and the 'Third World' (1949-1961); and materials collected by Teresa Billington Greig for articles and a biography of Charlotte Despard including notes, a draft memoir and essays, list of interview questions and replies, pamphlets by Despard, correspondence and photographs.

Greig , Teresa , Billington- , 1877-1964 , suffragist
GB 0505 RHC GB100-119 · 1883-1985

Deeds, Acts of Parliament, Statutes and Regulations relating to Royal Holloway College, 1883-1962, including a printed copy Deed of Foundation, 11 Oct 1883, and amendments, 26 Apr 1906; printed 'Rules and Regulations...in the Deed of Foundation, with amendments', Apr 1912, and further printed and manuscript amendments, 1925, 1939, 1940 and 1946; charter of a Grant of Arms to Royal Holloway College, May 1944; Royal Holloway College Act, 30 Jul 1949, and amended Act, Apr 1962. Records of meetings, including bound volumes containing Minutes of Governors' (Council) Meetings, 1886-1971, with indexes; Chairman's Agenda books relating to meetings of the Board of Governors, the Council and their Committees, 1887-1965; bound Attendance Registers for the Board, Council and Committees, 1889-1965. Reports and papers of the Board of Governors (Council), notably printed Governors' Reports, 1888-1891; termly Principal's Reports to the Governing Body, 1887-1969; report of a conference on University degrees for women, convened by the Governors of Royal Holloway College, 1898; printed report of a Committee appointed by the Governors to consider the question of instruction in the College, 1901. Printed annual accounts, 1896-[1985]. Registers of the use of the College Seal, 1949-1970.

Royal Holloway College , Board of Governors , later called The Council
Boyd, Jean
GB 0102 PP MS 36 · (1789-1934) c1900-1992

Papers, c1900-1992, collected by Jean Boyd, relating to northern Nigeria from the late 18th century to the 1990s.

Papers on Nana Asma'u include copies of her manuscript poems (1820-1865) and later papers relating to her work, including translations, 1976-1984. Papers on works by Shehu dan Fodio include copies of his poems on male-female relationships (1789 and undated) and later papers relating to his work, 1975-1981. Papers on works by Asma'u's female relatives and descendants include copies of poems and writings by various authors (c1860-1934 and undated) and later papers relating to the subject, c1950-1990. Other material comprises field notes on the remnants of Asma'u's disciples, the Yan Taru, 1973-1990; papers on the milieu in which Asma'u lived in Gobir, c1900-1984, including Gobir chiefs; papers, including press cuttings, on the situation of women in northern Nigeria in the 1980s, the subjects including Muslims, prostitution, women's organizations, medical matters, and women's education.

Papers, 1903-1992, including articles, reports and press cuttings, on Sokoto relate to geological history, prehistory, palaeontology, archaeology, pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial history, the subjects including the social and economic history of the city of Sokoto, colonial administration, British fears over Mahdism, and local government and economic issues in Sokoto state in modern Nigeria.

Three volumes contain over 500 postcards, many in colour, relating to Nigeria, including images of people, cultural events, various places, and other aspects of Nigerian life [late 20th century].

Boyd , Jean , fl 1978-2000 , author
GB 2457 BRYANT · [1871]-1959

Papers of Sophia (Sophie) Bryant comprising:

Willock family album containing photographs and news cuttings, [1871-1999]; volume of photographs and news cuttings relating to Bryant, 1875-1895; Bryant's holiday diary, recording a visit to Switzerland, (undated); published volume of Suggestions from the readings in Madame Guion on St John, London, (owned by Bryant, 1904); presentation address to Mrs Bryant, 1911 on the occasion of the presentation of her portrait by Mr Ralph Peacock, to the Francis Mary Buss Foundation [1918]; copy of Liberty order and law under native Irish rule, a study in the book of the ancient laws of Ireland, by Sophia Bryant DSc LittD, Harding and More, London 1923; painting of the Willock coat of arms;

printed papers, letters, photographs, cards, addresses, press cuttings, student testimonials, including printed copies of her articles, [1878-1923]; personal letters 1895-1916; also letters relating to the school, 1895-1908; letters and papers relating to her death and files concerning her grave and monument 1929-1959; files relating to the Bryant wing at NLCS, 1907-1909; and related papers.

BRYANT , Sophia (Sophie) , nee Willock , 1850-1922
BUSK, Henrietta (1845-1936)
GB 0505 PP1 · 1891-1936, 1967

Correspondence and reports, 1891-1892, relating to a proposal to include Bedford College as one of the Schools of the University of London, including drafts and printed copy of a petition sent to the House of Commons and the House of Lords, 1891. Correspondence and reports, 1891-1898, relating to the establishment of the teaching University of London, notably resolutions and reports, 1892, by the Council and Staff of Bedford College giving their opinions on the proposed teaching University; copy of a speech by J Spencer Hill, Honorary Treasurer of the Chelsea Centre of the London University Extension Society, entitled 'A few words concerning the draft charter for the new teaching University for London', given at Gresham College, London, Nov 1891; letters and reports from the Committee for Opposing the Grant of the Albert University Charter, outlining the Committee's objections, Jan-Mar 1892; a printed copy of 'London University Commission Bill: arrangement of clauses' (1897); a pamphlet by members of the Convocation of the University of London, entitled Note on the occasion, effect and expediency of the compromise embodied in the London University Commission Bill, 1898. Correspondence, 1894-1895, comprising letters from William Bruce, Secretary of the Royal Commission on Secondary Education, to Henrietta Busk, thanking her for help given to the Commission. Text of lecture on 'The position of women in the University of London, the provincial universities and the University of Wales', [1910], given by Professor Beatrice Edgell, Head of Philosophy at Bedford College, to the Council of the National Union of Women Workers. Papers, 1903-[1911] and 1967, relating to Busk's post as Honorary Secretary of the Bedford College Building and Endowment Fund, notably reports, 1903-1906, relating to proposals for a new site for Bedford College, including recommendations for fundraising and outlines of accommodation needs; two plans, [1908-1911], relating to the Regent's Park site and showing the proposed and actual development of the site by the architect Basil Champneys; correspondence, programmes and financial records, 1906-1911, relating to the performances of Greek plays by students and staff to raise money for the move of Bedford College to Regent's Park, including correspondence, 1967, between Doris Bains, Bedford College Librarian, and Kathleen Spears, Secretary of Bedford College, concerning material for use in the Granville Bantock Centenary Exhibition at the Barber Institute, Birmingham. Letter, Dec 1923, from Ethel Hurlbatt, Principal of the Royal Victoria College for Women, Canada, to Henrietta Busk, mainly concerning Canadian views of the League of Nations, and the Canadian Federation of University Women. Correspondence and notes, 1908-1936, relating to the history of Bedford College, mainly comprising accounts by Busk, [1934-1936], of the origins and early history of the College, notable early students, the roles of the Honorary Secretary of Bedford College Council, the Lady Resident and the Committee of Management in the running of the College, courses offered by the College in the 1850s, and reminiscences of Busk's mother concerning the early days of Bedford College; notes, [1933-1936], made by and for Dame Margaret Janson Tuke during her research for A History of Bedford College for Women, 1849-1937 (Oxford University Press, London, 1939), including handwritten notes of informal interviews with Busk.

Busk , Henrietta , 1845-1936 , educationalist
GB 2457 FMB and family · 1845-1935

Records comprising:

papers of Frances Mary Buss including scrapbook of articles, notes, anecdotes, pamphlets, [1886 1881; Queen's College Teaching Certificate 1848-1849; sketch of family tree; volume containing copies of Girton Songs, [1890]; letters to and from FMB, [1870s], and letters from friends, colleagues and former pupils, including Dorothea Beale, Emily Davies, Jane Storrar, Annie Ridley, Sara Burstall, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, Maria Gray, Anne J Clough and David Laing;

letters out copybook of Alfred J Buss, 1882-1889, 1897-1906 (2 vols); letters to AJB, [1870s];

illustrated journals of Septimus Buss, 1860-1875 (3 vols), continued in 1935 by Francis Fleetwood Buss; watercolour;

scrap book of Jane Buss, including photographs, illustrations, printed drawings etc, 1878-1894;

papers and art work of Robert William Buss including scrapbook of prints of engravings of titled 'Illustrations of University Life', 1842; volume of sketches, drawings and etchings by RW Buss (owned by Mary Caron Buss, 1914); sketchbook (undated); 'RWB extemporary compositions and sketches' (1845) - related to a sketching club, containing works by various members of the club; 5 portraits by R W Buss, in pen and ink; pastel portrait of FMB as an infant; and two oil paintings; file of papers, 1859-1909; photos, 1850s; designs and prints;

Buss family papers including volume of press cuttings, relating to the death of Frances Mary Buss, 1894; scrapbook compiled by F F Buss, 1854-1922; Frank Fleetwood Buss chronicle of the Buss family, (undated); List of persons named Fleetwood who have served in the naval and military forces, compiled by Robert Woodward Buss, 1920 (privately printed); The family of Fleetwood of Calwich co. Stafford with a pedigree, by RWB, London, 1908; The ancestry of William Fleetwood..., 1926; papers relating to the Fleetwood family history, 1908-1926 (13 printed booklets); letters photos, family memorabilia, notes on family tree, printed papers, 1860s- 1980; photographs of FMB and family members including Mary Caroline Buss, and Mary Caron Buss; and sketches and watercolours, [1870s-1920s].

BUSS , Frances Mary , 1827-1894 , education reformer BUSS , Robert William , 1804-1875 , artist and engraver BUSS , Frances , nee Fleetwood , d.1861 BUSS , Jane , fl.1878-1894 BUSS , Alfred , 1830-1920 , clergyman BUSS , Septimus , 1836-1914 , clergyman BUSS , Maria Emma , [1836]-1912 BUSS , Francis (Frank) Fleetwood , clergyman
GB 0505 BC GB100-110 · 1849-1985

Papers relating to the foundation of Bedford College, comprising a Declaration of Trust, 28 Jul 1849, between Elizabeth Jesser Reid and Hensleigh Wedgwood, Erasmus Darwin and Thomas Henry Farrer, settling the sum of £1000 for the purpose of setting up Bedford College, with a later addition in 1850 promising a further £500; the will of Mrs Reid dated 4 Aug 1860, setting up the Reid Trust, with a codicil dated 14 May 1866. Correspondence and papers, 1881-1909, relating to the alteration of the Constitution of Bedford College, including pamphlets containing the By-Laws, 1871, and Memoranda and Articles, 1881 and 1896; Special Resolution Certificate, 1891, altering the constitution of the Bedford College Council; Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting, 1896; memoranda, correspondence and minutes, 1901-1902 and 1907, concerning the alteration of the Articles and Statutes to allow greater representation of the teaching staff of the College, including correspondence with the Board of Trade, and a memorandum on the subject by Erasmus Darwin, Honorary Treasurer of the Council; memoranda and draft By-Laws and Articles, 1907-1909, by the Staff and others concerning the change in composition of the Council to allow staff representation and the constitution of the Academic Board. Papers, 1908-1913, relating to the gaining of a Royal Charter for Bedford College, including copy minutes of a meeting of the Sub-Committee on the Charter, Mar 1908; typescript drafts of proposed petitions for a Royal Charter written by R J Mure for the Council, May 1908; proofs of draft petitions and draft Royal Charter, 1908, several annotated by Professor Hills; memorandum containing recommendations from the Staff to the Council concerning the draft Charter, May 1908; correspondence with the Privy Council, Jul 1908-Jan 1909, mainly concerning amendments to the draft Charter, including the official Royal letter of agreement, Jan 1909; correspondence with the Board of Trade relating to the liquidation of Bedford College as a Company, 1909; papers and correspondence regarding modifications to the Charter, 1910-1911, including draft petitions and Supplemental Charters; correspondence with the Earl Marshal concerning the Grant of Arms to the College, 1913. Printed pamphlets, 1909-1985, containing the Charter of Incorporation and Statutes of Bedford College, with all alterations up to1985, with typed copies of the above noting all changes to particular Articles, Statutes and By-Laws, and printed copies of By-Laws. Correspondence relating to research on the College Arms, 1916-1961. Correspondence regarding instructions as to the correct days on which to fly the College Flag, 1963 and 1977. Illuminated bound Fellows Book, listing the names and positions of all Bedford College Fellows, 1928-1985. Correspondence concerning attempts by Bedford College to obtain a photograph of the Bedford College Founders Book by Edward Johnston held in the British Library, 1980-1981. Correspondence between Bedford College and Messrs F Sangorski and G Sutcliffe, Bookbinders, regarding the making of a Visitors Book for the College, 1959, and the writing of new pages for it, 1959-[1985]. Boxed Supplemental Charters with seals, 1957, 1965, and 1975. Boxed Charter of Grant of Arms to Bedford College, 1913.

Bedford College
GB 0102 USCL/CLSI · 1858-1950

Records, 1858-1950, of the Christian Vernacular Education Society (CVES) for India, from 1891 the Christian Literature Society (CLS) for India (and Africa from 1923), comprising minutes, 1864-1935 (Ref: USCL 232-250); copies of outgoing letters, 1859-1931 (Ref: USCL 251-306); correspondence of the CVES, 1858-1862 (Ref: USCL Add 27-31), and CLSI, 1892-1900 (Ref: USCL Add 32-3); press cuttings on its work, 1858-1871 (Ref: USCL 308-10); annual reports, 1859-1928 (many gaps) (Ref: USCL 358-365, USCL Add 35); Baptist Missionary Society minutes, 1859, relating to a CVES letter concerning scholarships for theological students (Ref: USCL Add 8); minutes of the Society for Promoting Female Education in the East, 1859 (Ref: USCL Add 9); papers on the CVES/CLSI Madras depot, 1873-1910 (Ref: USCL Add 10); document on CLSI mergers in Madras and Calcutta, 1922-1924 (Ref: USCL Add 12-13); Calcutta Christian Tract and Book Society annual report, 1922-1923 (Ref: USCL Add 36); draft deeds and correspondence concerning CLSI premises in Madras, 1930 (Ref: USCL Add 14); miscellaneous papers of the Madras branch, c1900-1950 (Ref: USCL 307).

Christian Vernacular Education Society for India Christian Literature Society for India Christian Literature Society for India and Africa
GB 2381 CSG · 1923-1937

Records of the Commercial School for Girls, Walthamstow, comprising:

'The Lantern', student magazine of the Commercial School for Girls, 1923-1937.

Girls' Commercial Secondary School, Walthamstow
GB 106 5CHE · Fonds · 1869-1871

The archive consists of minutes of a working committee to arrange courses of lectures on academic subjects. [Chairman - Lady Monteagle. Treasurer - Revd. George B Legge]. With card noting addresses of Revd. Warlow and Octavia Wilberforce. Also in volume: List of characters and title of a play 'The Sneezer'; Pencil sketch of knight on horseback.

Committee for Promoting the Higher Education of Women
GB 0505 BC GB150-180 · 1868-1985

Papers relating to Standing Committees of Bedford College, including Minutes, correspondence and papers of the Finance Committee, 1889-1985; Minutes of the Financial Management and Investment Sub-Committee, 1982-1985; Minutes of the Policy and Estimates Committee, 1972-1979; Minutes, correspondence and papers of the Standing Committee on Laboratory Expenditure, 1944-1985; Minutes of the Committee of Education, 1868-1909; Minutes, 1903-1907, and reports, 1937, of the Physical Education Committee; Minutes of the Professors' Meetings, 1881-1909; Minutes of the Loan Fund Committee for the Training of Teachers, 1892-1896.

Papers relating to the Building Committees of Bedford College, including Minutes and papers of the Premises Committee, 1908-1915; Minutes and papers of the South Villa Demolition Committee, 1919-1921; Minutes of the Building Fund Committee, 1908-1914; Minutes of the Building Committee, 1926-1932; Minutes of the Committee for Alterations to the Library, 1931-1932; Minutes and papers of the Reconstruction Committee, 1943-1967, and its Sub-Committee, 1947-1949; Minutes of the Buildings Committee, 1954-1978; Minutes of the House Committee, 1876-1975; Minutes and reports of the Household Management Committee, 1972-1978; Minutes of the Estate Management Committee, 1978-1983.

Papers relating to Special and Ad Hoc Committees of Bedford College, including papers of a Special Committee, 1878; papers of a Special (Treasury Grant) Committee, 1905-1906; papers of a Special Joint Committee (Acland Committee), 1901; papers of a Special Committee on Organisation and Finance, 1901-1919; and papers of a Special Committee on the Admission of Men, 1963-1964; papers of a Joint Committee of Governors and Council to Review the Charter and Statutes, 1966; papers relating to the Mallaby Report on machinery of government and the Ward-Jackson Review of Committee Structure, 1968-1969; papers of a joint Committee of the Councils of Bedford and Westfield Colleges, 1979-1982; papers of a Joint Planning Committee of King's College London and Bedford College, 1981; papers of a Joint Planning Committee of Royal Holloway and Bedford Colleges, 1982; papers of Joint Meetings of the Councils of Bedford and Royal Holloway Colleges, 1983-1985; papers and correspondence relating to the merger of Royal Holloway and Bedford Colleges, 1982-1983.

Bedford College , Council , Committees
GB 0505 RHC GB150-216 · 1887-1982

Minute books of the Finance Committee, 1887-1973; Minute book of the Garden Committee, 1890-1912; Minute books of the Library Committee, 1892-1965; Minute and Agenda books of the Education Council, 1898-1921; Minute books of the Staff and Appointments Committee, 1929-1963; Minute book of the Investment Committee, 1950-1976; Minute book of the Planning Committee, 1959-1965; Minute book of the House Committee, 1887; reports, memoranda and letters relating to the Committee on Chapel Services, 1887, 1896-1898; minutes, reports and memoranda of the Post-War Policy Committee, 1943-1947; Minutes of the Publicity Committee, 1967-1969; Minutes of the Halls of Residence Sub-Committee, 1964-1965; Minutes of the Residential Costs Sub-Committee, 1965-1967; Minutes, Annual Reports and catalogues of the University of London Botanical Supply Unit Sub-Committee, 1950-1982; Minute books containing minutes of ad hoc committees, 1892-1965, on subjects including Chapel services, building, College curriculum, College Constitution, staff salaries and pensions, appointments and publicity.

Royal Holloway College , Committees of the Council
Cousins, (Ethel) Constance
GB 0102 MS 380325 · Created 1865-1974

Papers, 1865-1974, of and relating to (Ethel) Constance Cousins, including correspondence with her family, photographs, press cuttings and the unpublished typescript biography by her niece Janet E. Cousins. Also includes letters dated 1893-1900 from her father, Rev. William Edward Cousins, chiefly from Madagascar.

Cousins , Ethel Constance , 1882-1944 , medical missionary
Faculties of Bedford College
GB 0505 BC AL130-199 · 1907-1985

Minutes, 1907-1984, and papers, 1944-1985 of the Faculty of Arts; Arts Faculty Signature Book; papers of the Secretary to the Faculty of Arts, 1982-1984; Minutes, 1907-1985, and papers and correspondence, 1944-1985, of the Faculty of Science; Minutes and papers of the Joint Faculties of Arts and Science, 1929-1984; [Minutes] of the Committee of the Faculties of Arts and Science considering the Financing of Research and Publication, 1964; Minutes and papers of the Staff Student Joint Committee, 1968-1985.

Bedford College , Faculties
GB 0505 RHC AL140-170 · 1897-1967

Minute books of the Faculty of Arts, 1897-1974; Minute books of the Faculty of Science, 1898-1967.

Royal Holloway College , Faculties
GB 0366 BF · Collection · c1930s-1980s

Papers of Brenda Francis, 1930s-1980s, comprising a large collection of photographs of domestic science, home economics, needlework, cookery, child care and homecraft teaching in London schools, possibly compiled as a reference collection intended for the use of teachers; minutes, circulated papers and reports of the United Kingdom Federation for Education in Home Management, 1954-1962; some printed material about home economics education.

Photographs: Large collection of photographs of domestic science, home economics, needlework, cookery, child care and homecraft teaching in London schools and other educational institutions such as open-air schools and teachers centres from the 1930s to the 1980s, possibly compiled as a reference collection intended for the use of teachers;

Publications: Printed material about home economics education, including works published by the ILEA, booklets published by the International Federation of Home Economics, relating to the 10th and 12th international congresses, regulations on teaching domestic education in 19th and 20th century, a publication of the Administration of Home Economics Education in Finland, a reference pack for teachers of pupils of ESN(s) [Severely educationally sub-normal] schools, and a work published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.;

Minutes and Papers: Relating to the meetings, activities and correspondence of the United Kingdom Federation for Education in Home Management.

Francis , Brenda , fl 1930-1990 , teacher
GB 0101 ICS 149 · 1984-2006

Papers of Shirley Gordon, 1984-2006, including reports by Gordon including 'Report on Central American Mission Visit 26th February - 28th March 1986'; report for the Commonwealth Secretariat, 'Commonwealth Student Mobility in the Nineteen Eighties', 1984; abstract, 'Issues raised by Ladies in limbo: the fate of women's bureaux six case studies from the Caribbean' prepared by Gordon and 'An evaluation of the Canadian UNICEF committee - CIDA/NGO division three year programme 1983- 1986'. Papers relating to research by Gordon including notes and photocopies of archival material including of the registry of baptisms, Falmouth Methodist Society Island of Jamaica; Typescript papers by Gordon including 'VI Decolonisation'; 'Historical perspectives on the education of women in the Caribbean'; 'Food supply and pricing'; 'The impact of macro-economic policies on women', 28 Nov 1986; 'Contemporania: A New Phase of Third World Educational Development'; proofs with corrections and typescript index for 'Our cause for His glory: Christianisation and emancipation in Jamaica'; 'Bahamian history'; edited proofs of God Almighty Make Me Free; 'God is dumb until the dumb speaks: religious life in Jamaica before emancipation'; 'The Christianisation of Jamaica during slavery'; 'God is all we got to gamble wit' Roots of Afro-Jamaican Religion and comments by Gordon on H Fergus', History of Education in the Leeward Islands (for UWI press, 2001); Press cuttings including obituary of Edna Manley, The Times, 27 Feb 1987 and on the Gulf War, 1991; Correspondence , 1989-1994, on topics including vol. 5 of UNESCO General History of the Caribbean, 1993-1994; the history of missionaries; the 'Christianisation' of Jamaica; missionary activity and with US and UK archives; Papers by others including 'The contributions of Joseph John Williams, S.J., 1875-1940 to the study of religion in the history of Africa and the Caribbean', by Robert J Stewart; 'The work of the Anglican church in Jamaica 1826- 1845' , MA research paper by Fay Aileen Williams, UWI 1987; 'Hilary's tales - from the 1998 crop', 'Hilary's tales - the harvest of 1999', 'Still more tales, 2001', by Hilary Semmens and paper [by John Macpherson] on St. Anthony's Church, Montserrat. Papers on the 'Gender and Education' programme, Women and Development Studies, Faculty of Education and The Women's Studies Group, University of the West Indies (UWI) Nov 1989; proposal to the Spencer Foundation, 'Education and society in the Creole Caribbean'; paper from the Second Meeting of Commonwealth Ministers Responsible for Women's Affairs, 'The policy process: integrating women and development initiatives', 1987 and programme for opening ceremony and list of participants for the 3rd disciplinary seminar, 'Gender and Education', UWI, 1989. Personal papers including letter from solicitors regarding citizenship of Jamaica; letter confirming honour of 'Friend of West Indian Education', Jamaica Historical Society; certificate for travel to British West Indies, 1958; copy of Gordon's will; programme for Gordon's memorial service, with notes from John MacPherson, Hilary Semmens, and Tony Elvin and obituary in The Guardian, 2006.

Gordon , Shirley Courtenay , 1920-2006 , Professor of Education
Governors of Bedford College
GB 0505 BC GB122-129 · 1849-1985

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Bedford College, later known as the Governors Meetings, 1849-1985, including minutes of the provisional General Committee of 1849 which contain copies of the report of the Sub-Committee on the Government of Bedford College and a copy of the original prospectus; typescript Minutes and Agendas of the Special General Meetings to deal with wartime and post-war crises, 1941-1951; Register of Governors, 1909; Minutes of the Fellows Sub-Committee of the Council, 1977-1984.

Bedford College , Board
Bedford College , Members
Bedford College , Governors
HEMMING, Alice (1907-1994)
GB 106 7ALH · Fonds · 1951-1972

The archive consists of papers and publicity material relating to the Commonwealth Countries League, personal correspondence and publicity for the Women's Freedom League and the establishment of the Mermaid Theatre.

Hemming , Alice , 1907-1994 , President of the Commonwealth Countries League
GB 0505 GB 131 · 1874-1894

Papers, 1874-1894, mainly relating to the foundation and early life of Royal Holloway College, notably Thomas Holloway's original address announcing his intention to found the College, given at a meeting of pioneers in women's education held at his Oxford Street offices, London, 10 Feb 1875; copies of deeds dating from 1711-1756 and concerning the sale of land on the Mount Lee Estate, [1874], and a copy of Thomas Holloway's conveyance of the Mount Lee Estate to chosen Trustees in May 1876; letters from William Henry Crossland to Thomas Holloway, 1874-1885, comprising receipts [for expenses to do with the building of the College], and correspondence between John Thompson, George Martin-Holloway and Crossland, 1882-1887, concerning works subsidiary to the main building; estimates for electrical and engineering work on the College, 1883-1886; financial statements, 1883-1889, relating to the Trustee's Investments, a rough account of money spent on Royal Holloway College and the Holloway Sanatorium, and Trustees' balance sheets; correspondence between Thomas Holloway, the Rt Hon David Chadwick, the Rt Hon William Ewart Gladstone, Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Henry Stafford Northcote, John Watts, the Rt Hon Samuel Morley, Walpole Lloyd Greenwell and Professor Thorold Rogers MP mainly relating to the drawing up of the Declaration of Trust and the Deed of Foundation for the College, and the appointment of Trustees, 1876-1883; a draft manuscript account of Thomas Holloway's life and work [by George Martin-Holloway], [1883]; papers, 1884-1894, relating to the Governors of the College, mainly material relating to the legal aspects of their appointment, and correspondence relating to Governors' meetings and the constitution of the Board; letters from Sir Henry Ponsonby, (Albert) Edward (Wilfred), Count Gleichen and D W Welch relating to the opening of Royal Holloway College, 1885; papers relating to the appointment of Matilda Ellen Bishop as Principal of the College, 1886-1887; letters, 1887-1889, relating to entrance requirements, scholarships and prizes, notably from Prince Christian, Randall Davidson, David Chadwick and Edward Benson, Archbishop of Canterbury; letters to George Martin-Holloway from Most Rev Randall Davidson, Dean of Windsor, Henry Thring, 1st Baron Thring, and Fleetwood L Edwards (Sec to Prince Christian), 1887, concerning the unveiling of the statues of Queen Victoria and Thomas and Jane Holloway at Royal Holloway College. Letters to George Martin-Holloway relating to the opening of the Holloway Sanatorium, 1885.

Holloway , Sir , George , Martin- , 1833-1895 , Knight , formerly George Martin , patent medicine vendor
GB 106 10/08 · Fonds · [1890]-1905

Scrapbooks of press cuttings, printed material and photographs relating to Ruth Homan's career as a member of the London School Board (London County Council). It includes an album of press cuttings and albums of photographs of domestic science teaching / domestic service training in the London area showing classrooms, girls at school and some photographs of girls and boys playing.

Homan , Ruth , fl 1870s-1900s , née Waterlow , member of the London School Board
HUBBACK, Judith (b 1917)
GB 106 7JUH · Fonds · 1948-1997

The archive consists of:

  • Questionnaires (1948-1950), pamphlets, articles and press cuttings related to 'Graduate Wives' (1953-1955);

  • Scrapbook of reviews of 'Wives Who Went to College' (1957-1958);

  • Letters of provenance from donor (1997).

Hubback , Judith , b 1917 , psychologist
GB 106 9/12 · Fonds · 1869-1907

The collection contains a series of letters addressed to Louisa Hubbard concerning articles for the Woman's Gazette, Work and Leisure and the Englishwoman's Yearbook; women's education; professions for women and letters of condolence written to Louisa's brother on her death.

Hubbard , Louisa Maria , 1836-1906 , promoter of employment for women and journal editor
GB 0102 IMC/CBMS/A · 1910-1945

Joint archive, largely dating from 1910-1945, of the International Missionary Council and Conference of British Missionary Societies, relating to co-operative missionary endeavours in Africa (chiefly British Africa, but also including areas under Belgian, Portuguese and French control).

General files on Africa include records on missionary work and related issues including land rights, colonial administration, diet, co-operative organizations, customs including polygamy, initiation, and witchcraft, medical work, and alcohol traffic; the IMC and its relation to African mission councils; International Institute of African Languages and Cultures; population and health in Africa; Africa Education Group, relating to educational policy, provision and finance, including women's education, training of educational missionaries, African marriage customs and their relation to Christian practice, adult education, and missionary work in rural areas; High Leigh (Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire) Conference (1924) on educational missionary work in Africa; Le Zoute Conference (1926) on missionary work in Africa; educational policy; Advisory Committee on Education in the Colonies, relating to Colonial Office policy (including British colonies outside Africa), the topics including women's education, use of the vernacular and bilingualism, teacher training, language teaching, social and economic development, finance, indigenous art, biology, superannuation, English examinations, and higher education teaching materials, with sections relating to particular African colonies.

Files on East Africa include general records on British colonial policy and administration, agriculture, and Swahili; and education in East Africa. Files on Kenya include records on the Kenya Missionary Council and Christian Council of Kenya; the political situation and land question; indigenous labour and slavery; Indian population; and educational policy, practice, finance, the conscience clause in religious education, women's education, and educational advisor; and correspondence on missionary work and related issues. Files on Tanganyika include records on the Tanganyika Missionary Council, relations between different missionary societies, indigenous life, colonial administration, German and other missions; Tanganyika Mission Property Trust; and education in Tanganyika. Files on Uganda include records on land tenure, education, including women's education, and Swahili; and missionary societies in Ruanda-Urundi. Files on Abyssinia comprise records on missionary work and religious freedom, including the Italian occupation.

Files on West Africa include general records on education, including the Phelps Stokes Commission. Files on the Gold Coast include records on education, colonial administration, the Basel Mission, the Bremen Mission and other missionary societies, the Christian Council of the Gold Coast, medical and educational missionary work. Files on Sierra Leone include records on education. Files on Nigeria include records on the Christian Council of Nigeria and other Christian and missionary organisations and on education. Files on the Cameroons include records on various missionary societies. Files on French Africa include records on education.

Files on French West & Equatorial Africa include records on missionary activity and education. Files on the Congo include records on the Congo Protestant Council, missionary activity and conferences, religious freedom and interdenominational relations including Roman Catholicism; Belgian government policy regarding missions and the Brussels Bureau representing Belgian missions; education; and missionary work of various nations.

Files on Portuguese Africa include records on missionary work, including medical work, and interdenominational relations; religious liberty, Portuguese government policy, and the Lisbon Centre for liaison. Files on Portuguese West Africa include records on the Angola Evangelical Alliance, Portuguese colonial administration, and various missionary societies. Files on Portuguese East Africa include records on the Portuguese East Africa Evangelical Missionary Association, work of various missionary societies, religious liberty and Portuguese government policy.

Files on Central Africa and Nyasaland include records on colonial administration, work of missionary societies, land tenure, indigenous labour and slavery, and on colonial educational policy in Nyasaland. Files on Northern Rhodesia include records on the General Missionary Conference of Northern Rhodesia, colonial administration, mining, and education; and on the United Missions in the Copperbelt, including its foundation, policy, annual reports, finance, miners' unrest, property, education policy, women's work, social welfare, literature and literacy, British Committee, correspondence with other societies, reorganisation, Team/Field Committee, and personnel. Files on Southern Rhodesia include records on the South Rhodesia Missionary Conference, indigenous affairs including land tenure, education, indigenous preachers, and colonial administration. Files on South Africa include records on the General Missionary Conference of South Africa and the Christian Council of South Africa, missionary work, indigenous affairs including land tenure, interethnic relations, and education. Files on South and South West Africa includes records on German missions and indigenous affairs. Files on the protectorates of Swaziland, Basutoland and Bechuanaland include records on education and the transfer of the protectorates to South Africa.

There are also files on the Egypt Mission Property Trust.

International Missionary Council Conference of British Missionary Societies
GB 0102 IMC/CBMS/I · 1902-1963

Microfiche copy of the joint archive of the International Missionary Council and Conference of British Missionary Societies, largely dating from 1910-1945 with some material dating from 1902-1963, relating to co-operative missionary endeavours in India, and comprising minutes and papers of the National Missionary Council (NMC) and its successor the National Christian Council (NCC), 1912-1963, and of provincial mission councils (including Burma and Ceylon), 1913-1947; NMC correspondence and papers, 1912-1922, including some relating to the NMC survey, 1914-1920; NCC correspondence and papers, 1922-1951, on missionary work and related issues; papers on the NCC and the Christian Medical Association of India, medical work and medical education, 1928-1943; NCC Review, 1926-1950; papers on Christian literature, 1918-1943, and statistics for Indian Christians, 1922-1945; papers on NCC surveys on conditions in rural and industrial work and post-war economic reconstruction, 1927-1948; NCC mass movement and evangelism, 1929-1941; comity between different missions, 1917-1945; devolution of mission property, 1937-1947; the Jacobite (Syrian) Church (Orthodox), Travancore, 1929-1942; Benares City Mission, 1928-1949; interdenominational Church Union in South India, 1928-1947; various printed material, 1919-1957; papers on Indian government, constitutional reform, political affairs and independence, including implications for the Christian minority, 1915-1950; general educational provision and educational policy in India, 1911-1925, 1940; the 'conscience cause' in education, 1902-1925; Village Education Commission (which reported in 1920), 1904-1922, and related subjects, 1924-1949; the '4 1/2 Colleges Appeal' for women's education, 1926-1930; the Lindsay Commission on Higher (Christian) Education, 1929-1931, and the resulting Central Board of Christian Higher Education, 1931-1948, British Advisory Committee on Christian Higher Education, 1931-1939, and American Advisory Committee on Christian Higher Education, 1931-1938; papers on the Indian Christian Colleges Appeal, 1928-1948; High Schools Survey and related subjects, 1916-1935; theological education, including individual colleges, 1919-1948; women's education, including medical education and missionary training, 1916-1949; various Colleges, 1920-1951; various printed papers on Indian education, 1938-1946. Some material relates to Pakistan, the Punjab, and Bengal, as well as to India as demarcated in the modern period.

International Missionary Council Conference of British Missionary Societies
GB 106 7MAJ · Fonds · 1956-1997

The archive consists of a typescript biography and curriculum vitae (1997); correspondence (1956-1987).

Jackson , Mary Alexandra , 1905-1977 , nee Telford , teacher and voluntary worker
Jenner Letters
GB 0103 MS MISC 3J · 1861-1895

Five letters from Sir William Jenner to Dr Charles John Hare, discussing his appointment (presumably as royal physician), 1861; referring to a charitable donation, 1867; news of his family and house, 1890; on admitting women to the College (University College London), opposing the admission of women to the profession, and family news, 1895; and discussing Hare's lectures and other matters, mentioning the Queen and referring to practical arrangements relating to Jenner's whereabouts (undated). Press cutting, including an obituary of Hare from the British Medical Journal, 1898.

Jenner , Sir , William , 1815-1898 , 1st Baronet , physician
GB 106 7JEN · Fonds · 1768-1773

The archive consists of documents relating to the educational and personal expenses of a young lady, Mary Jennings [also known as Polly Jennings], comprising:

  • 2 receipted accounts for amounts due to [Sarah and Eliza] Munn covering board, teaching, French, English, dancing, books, fowls when ill and covering the half-years Dec 1768 to Jun 1769 and Dec 1770 - Jun 1771

  • 5 receipted bills to Miss Jennings of Greenwich, for haberdashery, linen and shoes, etc, 1768-1771

  • Statement of income and expenditure of Mary / Polly Jennings for 1772-1773, signed by her uncle Solomon Bay

  • Bill payable to [Nathan or Nathaniel] Clissold, signed by Solomon Bay, 29 Mar 1773.

Jennings , Mary , fl 1768-1773
GB 0505 BC GB121 · 1849-1893

Minutes of the Ladies Committee, 1849-1893, including the provisional Ladies Committee set up in 1849 and containing a list of the original Lady Visitors and a draft of the rules concerning the conduct of the young ladies; locked book containing notes by the Lady Visitors, 1850-1851, and lists of members of the House Committee, Library Committee, Education Committee and the Council, 1882-1893.

Bedford College , Ladies Committee

Records of the Royal Free Hospital Medical School (RFHSM) (formerly the London School of Medicine for Women (LSMW) and the London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women, 1874-1998, comprising:

Administrative records, 1874-1998: Annual Reports (printed), 1874-1997; Governing Body minutes 1875-1898; Executive Council minutes 1874-1898; Members of the School minutes 1898-1998, register of Vice Presidents and Members, 1898-1953; Council minutes 1898-1998; Joint meeting between Council and Royal Free Hospital Weekly Board minutes 1928-1943; School Committee [renamed Education Committee in 1930] minutes 1898-1998; Secretary's letter books 1897-1908; volume of letters relating to the foundation and early history of the School and medical education for women, including two letters by Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, 1874-1882; Agenda Books for College Committees, 1933-1985; Attendance Books for College Committees, 1942-1998; minutes and reports of temporary and standing sub-committees of Council and School/Education Committee, 1902-1958; Heads of Department meeting minutes 1966-1998; Pathology Unit Joint Committee minutes 1931-1948; Joint Garden Committee (with University of London School of Pharmacy) minutes 1955-1966; Animal House Committee minutes 1933-1975; Interdepartmental Workshop Sub-Committee minutes 1951-1978; General Staff Meeting minutes 1925-1939.

Financial records including minutes of meetings minutes of meetings of the four original Trustees of the School, A T Norton, Dr King Chambers, Isabel Thorne and Sophia Louisa Jex-Blake, 1874-1875; selection of audited accounts, 1875-1900; Finance Committee minutes 1910-1978; Gift Books, 1925, 1945-1957.

Student Records: Prospectus (printed) 1874-1998; Register of Students, 1874-1927; Register of Qualified Students, 1877-1951; Register of Clinical Students, 1877-1948; Register of recipients of the Dr Edith Peachey Phipson Postgraduate Scholarship, 1912-1948; Registers of results of school examinations, 1874-1916; Registers of results of professional examinations, 1890-1920; student files 1874-1949 (records for 1874-1891 are incomplete), containing copy of application form, some files also contain attendance and examination records, correspondence and additional biographical information; Students' Council minutes 1905-1914; Students' Union minutes 1914-1970; Students' Union Committee minutes 1914-1971; Students Union Finance Committee minutes 1917-1959; copies of School/Hospital Magazine 1895-1974; Club and Society records, 1941-1961, including Languages Society, 1941-1942, Natural History Society, 1956-1960, Netball Club 1956-1960, Tennis Club 1956-1960, Table-tennis Club 1950-1961 and Lacrosse Club 1952-1959; Students' Aid Fund papers 1942-1970; Sports Ground Advisory Committee minutes and reports, 1926-1929; Old Students' Association financial records including Annual Accounts and Balance Sheets, 1930-1965.

Library records including Library Sub-Committee minutes 1894-1979; account books 1932-1983; acquisition lists 1901-1932; copy of Library Rules [c1894].

Legal and Estates papers including Memorandum and Articles of Association of the School of Medicine, 1898, with related correspondence, 1918-1939, copies of Constitution of the School, 1878, 1890, 1908, with related correspondence, 1926-1931; petitions, drafts and final versions of Charter and Statutes, 1938, and revisions, 1947, 1961), with related correspondence, 1925-1976 and copies of the University of London Act and Statutes, 1959, 1978; Agreements made between the Royal Free Hospital and School of Medicine, 1877, 1883, 1887, 1893, 1898, 1904, 1911, and 1931, with related correspondence, 1892-1936; Correspondence relating to the attempt by the School to purchase the freehold of the land of the School buildings from Foundling Estates, 1925-1927; correspondence relating to the purchase of 72-84 Tavistock Place, and to the construction of an extension to the School, 1938-1953; inventory of fixtures etc at the Pavilion (30 Henrietta St), 1874; inventory and insurance valuation of furniture and effects at the School, 1941.

Correspondence and papers on School Centenary celebrations, 1973-1975.

Photographs of school buildings, staff and students, 1874-1998.

Ephemera, including photographs, papers, medals, prizes and biographical information relating to former staff and students of the School, 1874-1998, mainly donated by alumni and their families or collected by the Honorary Archivists.

Publications and press cuttings on the history of medical education for women, 1869-2001.

London School of Medicine for Women London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine
GB 0097 MACDONALD · 1893-1923

Margaret MacDonald's correspondence, papers and lectures, on subjects including factory and shop legislation, the employment of women, housing, the Licensing Bills of 1901-1902, Sunday School teaching, vagrant children, women's organizations and women's suffrage, and the Franco-British Exhibition at Hammersmith in 1908. James Ramsay MacDonald's papers, correspondence and press cuttings on subjects including the financing and aftermath of World War I, Labour Party policy and his leadership of the party, working conditions, and women's education.

Macdonald, Margaret Ethel, 1870-1911, nee Gladstone, socialist, feminist and social reformer Macdonald, James Ramsay, 1866-1937, statesman
Magazines of Bedford College
GB 0505 BC AS200-205 · 1886-1985

Bound volumes of the Bedford College Magazine, 1886-1921; copies of the Magazine of Bedford Knowledge, 1896; copies of The Owlet, 1906; copies of The Balance, magazine of the Society for the Study of Womens' Franchise, 1913; copies of Minerva Smiles, 1918; copies of the Bedford College Union Magazine, 1921-1941; 'Bedford writings', compiled from literary pieces from the Bedford College Union Magazine, 1943 and 1945; copies of The Unicorn, 1946-1965, the Bedford News, 1946-1961, the Inner Circular, 1962-1982, and The Absorber, 1981-1985; brochures and programmes for College events, 1903-1985.

Bedford College
GB 0505 BC GB140-144 · 1860-1928

Minutes of the Committee of the Managers of the Residence, 1869-1899; financial material, including Account Book, 1860-1880, Bank Books, 1876-1927, bills and receipts, 1876-1891, and a tax forms, 1924-1926; legal documents, 1870-1894, including a Declaration of Trust, Tenancy Agreements, and lawyers' bills; letters, 1888-1892, from Elizabeth Ann Bostock and Eleanor Elizabeth Smith to Blanche Shadwell and Lucy Russell, Honorary Secretary of the Council, mostly concerning plans for building the Shaen Wing at York Place; general papers and correspondence, 1856-1905, including reports on the drainage at Bedford Square, notes on teaching and curriculum, notes concerning the winding up of the Trust, and the finances of Bedford College, letters concerning the administration of the Residence and the Reid Trust, and death certificates of Shaw and Eldebrook; Report and correspondence of the Residence Sub-Committee concerning the choice of a site for new buildings and the raising of funds, 1901-1907, including papers relating to an offer by the Trustees to give the capital of the Residence Trust to a fund being raised for the rebuilding of the College; correspondence and papers, 1873-1928, relating to the removal of Bedford College to Baker Street and Regent's Park. Plan for a tablet commemorating Sir Hildred Carlile, [1914].

Bedford College , Managers of the Residence
MARSH, Neville (b 1943)
GB 0100 KCLCA Q/PP3 · 1963-1986

The papers of Neville Marsh comprise the manuscript of his history of Queen Elizabeth College with copies of the published work and correspondence connected with its research and publication, 1985-1986; draft lectures by Marsh on blood pressure, circulation and kidney function, 1963-[1981].

Marsh , Neville Alexander , b 1943 , lecturer in physiology
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP83 · c1830-1972

Correspondence and papers of and relating to Frederick Denison Maurice, c1830-1972, including a letter from Maurice to his mother, 1833; the manuscript, c1830-c1834, of Maurice's novel Eustace Conway (published in three volumes, Richard Bentley, London, 1834); ordination certificates and licences to preach, 1834-1871; various pamphlets by Maurice, 1841-1859, including a letter to Samuel Wilberforce on reasons for not joining a party in the church, 1841, one on education, 1847, and a plan for a female college, 1855; five manuscript letters, undated [? 1843], to Sara Coleridge, daughter of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, on religious subjects and bereavement and commenting on her Essay on Rationalism (1843); King's College London correspondence, comprising letters from Maurice, 1841-1853 and undated, pertaining to teaching, students, academic and College matters, including his professorship of Divinity, 1846, and correspondence between Maurice and Richard William Jelf, Principal of King's College London, to be laid before Council, 1853; printed material including copies of the correspondence between Maurice and Jelf, 1853; manuscript letter from Maurice to 'My dear Friends' via Brooke Lambert on leaving King's, 1853; manuscript letter from J[ulius] C Hare to [Derwent] Coleridge (son of Samuel Taylor Coleridge), 1853, concerning a protest against Maurice's expulsion from his theological professorship at King's College; newspapers and news cuttings on Maurice's dismissal by the Council of King's College, 1853; a copy of Maurice's The Doctrine of Sacrifice (1854), inscribed by him; manuscript letter from Charles Kingsley, 1859, soliciting Maurice's help in finding a curate; engraving of Maurice, 1860; manuscript sermon by Maurice on Proverbs c XII v 20, 'Deceit is in the heart ... ', given at St Peter's, Vere Street, [1860s]; copy of Maurice's The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven (1864), inscribed to his son J F Maurice. A scrapbook contains two letters from Maurice to Miss Duncan, one dated 1868 and thanking her for a gift; printed obituaries of Maurice, including news cuttings; portraits of Maurice, including a photograph; a printed catalogue of his works; a printed leaflet on the Working Men's College, London, 1872; manuscript notes (not Maurice's) on sermons preached by him; a printed sermon on Maurice by Charles Kingsley, 1873, for an industrial school for girls in Charlotte Street, Portland Place, London (established by Maurice in 1867); manuscript extracts of letters from T[homas] Hughes (the author?) to Maurice. Other printed material comprises articles and sermons on Maurice's death in 1872, and items relating to a dinner held at Lincoln's Inn, 1972, for its centenary. A manuscript letter from Emily Hill to Mrs Shaen, 1872, describes Maurice's death and a manuscript letter from Charles Kingsley to Maurice's widow, 1872, thanks her for a Greek testament. Other memorabilia relate to Maurice, his family, and friends.

Maurice , Frederick Denison , 1805-1872 , theologian and Christian Socialist
GB 0370 CLM · 1866-1935

This collection contains the papers of Constance Maynard from 1866-1935. It comprises diaries of a varying nature relating to all aspects of the life of Constance Maynard including her Greenbook diaries 1866-1935 - of her emotions, thoughts, extracts from letters, sermons and texts; her Diaries 1871-1913 - detailing weekly activities and events of both a personal and work nature; her Sundial Diaries 1911-1935 - recording the search for both cottages, the Sundial, Little Bookham and the Sundial, Gerrard's Cross, and subsequently details of life in retirement such as accounts of her visitors, visits made, community work and works read and written; her Travel Diaries, 1868-1926 - of her college vacations, holidays, tours and visits, detailing companions and places visited with some photographs, maps and drawings; Diaries regarding Effie [Stephanë Anthon] 1887-1915 - detailing the life, character and relationship with Effie [Stephanë Anthon] from the arrangement of her adoption until her death; the Autobiography written 1915-1933 - covering 1849-1927, divided into seven parts and further into chapters by Constance Maynard, covering all aspects of her life, and including her edited version of a history of the Henry Maynard family, c.1920s, originally written by her Cousin Mary [HM King] 1910, covering 1839-1910; Writings by Constance Maynard 1870-1931 - including indexed anthologies of her own poems, and of poems by other authors, anecdotes told to her, notes on subjects such as Euminides and the Parables, Extracts from Texts, and a Bible with extensive notes added by Constance Maynard; Writings by Family and Friends 1871-1905 - including diaries and notebooks of Catherine Firth, Dora Maynard and Mabel Prideaux; and Personal Memorabilia, 1868-1913 - including her Girton College Degree Certificate, a life painting of Limpsfield, a book presented to her by Westfield College on her retirement and a life painting of The Sundial, Little Bookham.

The 'green book diaries' and autobiography have been digitised and are available on the website, http://www.library.qmul.ac.uk/archives/digital/constance_maynard.

Maynard , Constance Louisa , 1849-1935 , Mistress of Westfield College
GB 0097 MILL-TAYLOR · Collection · 1817-1918

Correspondence of John Stuart Mill; correspondence of Helen Taylor concerning the publication and translation of John Stuart Mill's works and correspondence, the Moral Reform Union, women's suffrage, the social position and education of women, the London School Board and education, literary work, the land question, political questions, Irish affairs, miscellaneous public interests, and private correspondence; letters of appreciation and criticism of John Stuart Mill's work and character, and of sympathy on his death; other miscellaneous letters concerning John Stuart Mill; additional correspondence of John Stuart Mill; correspondence of Harriet Taylor and other members of the Taylor family; material relating to honorary degrees, society memberships, etc. conferred on John Stuart Mill; note books, etc. of John Stuart Mill, including botanical notebooks; writings by Helen Taylor, including "Limits of Local Government", "Municipal Vote etc", and her diaries; letters, speeches and articles by and concerning John Stuart Mill, extracted from newspapers and periodicals; miscellaneous papers of John Stuart Mill, Helen Taylor, Harriet Taylor, and others; and photographs and press cuttings.

Mill , James , 1773-1836 , philosopher Mill , John Stuart , 1806-1873 , philosopher MP Mill , Harriet Taylor , 1807-1858 , nee Hardy , philosopher Taylor , Helen , 1831-1907 , suffragist
GB 0106 7MSM · Fonds · 1920-1930

Papers of Margaret Stevenson Miller, comprising:
Articles by Miller in 'Incorporated Secretaries' Journal' (June-July 1927); copy of Stansfeld trust Lecture (1924); papers of the Six Point group including newsletter and leaflets on meetings (n.d.); press-cuttings on careers for women; manuscript and typed materials including summaries of books on women in industry and employment of women graduates and lectures given to women's organisations in Liverpool (1920s).

Miller , Margaret Stevenson , 1896-[1979] , lecturer
GB 2457 · 1850-2003

Archives of the North London Collegiate School (NLCS) comprising:

records of governance including rough Governors Meeting minutes 1898-1919; signed minutes of the Governors of North London Collegiate School and Camden School for Girls (Frances Mary Buss Foundation), 1870-1992; Governors meeting attendance book 1910-1940; Governors meetings and Finance Committee attendance book, 1949-1958, 1975-1994; NLCS Trustees attendance book 1871-1875; record of Appointment of Governors 1875-1910, 1958-1977; Governors agenda book 1873-1875, also containing Reception Committee minutes 1879; Governors agenda books 1910-1914, 1927-1959; Governors agenda book 1910-1913 also containing Finance and General Purposes Committee agendas 1958-1959; Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes, 1970-1982; Finance Reports NLCS and CSFG 1875-1890, 1921-1933; Treasurers meetings minutes 1895-1910; Schools Committee minutes 1910-1913; Schools Committee attendance book, 1910-1914; Memorial Committee minutes 1871; Building Committee minutes 1875; minutes of the Trustees of the Frances Mary Buss Memorial Scholarship Fund, 1897-1937; minutes of the Frances Mary Buss Memorial Travelling Scholarship 1964-1965 and 1969;

NLCS correspondence 1871-1883; NLCS Secretary's reports 1871-1875; Headmistresses report to Governors, 1871-1920;

administrative records including inventory of equipment and furniture Sep 1875-1904; NLCS Dates of Terms, 1877-1939; Timetable analysis 1947-1966; Billetting addresses in Luton; Secretary's information notebook; NLCS Visitors books 1884-1917, 1949-1965; Examiners reports 1891-1903;

records relating to school staff including Staff Meetings minutes 1885-1894, 1912-1986; Staff meetings attendance book 1874-1913; Staff register 1883-1927; Staff register of appointments 1893-1932; Register of mistresses and administrative staff 1909-1938; Teachers agreement book; Staff attendance register 1882-1886, 1933-1958; Staff address books, 1917-1956; Staff Dramatic Club minutes, [1965]-1970; Staff log book (scrap book) 1937-1955; rough notes of lectures on English composition 1860-1876; Camden School for Girls (staff) salaries book 1909-1914;

student records including admission books, 1850-1911; Admission register index 1925-1938, with index 1935-1938; Admissions application forms, 1871-present; Register of applications 1874-1942; Register of pupils 1875-1878; New entrants to school, 1942-1978; Withdrawal books 1871-1906; Camden and NLCS register of [withdrawn] pupils, 1871-1878; Leaving lists 1939-1979;

scholarships register 1894-1941; Scholarships, exhibitions and prizes register 1873-1918; Register of London County Council Scholars at NLCS 1910-1930;

medical record register 1882-1884; Miss Buss Gymnasium medical notes 1882-1886; Gymnasium medical reports 1885; Mrs Hoggan's private (medical) notes 1882-1885; Mrs Hoggan's medical notes to Miss Buss 1882-1885;

records of pupils' examinations including NLCS external examinations results 1873 - 1890; NLCS Special Examinations results 1874-1887, containing copies of some question papers; Register of external examinations results 1890-1930; University of London examinations results including general school examination, higher school examinations, Oxford and Cambridge examinations, general certificate of education, and O levels, 1931-1979; Record of GCSE certificates sent to girls who have left, 1952-1970; Register of honours gained chiefly by old pupils, 1911-1936; Class reports 1874-1876; Summary of old pupil reports 1884-1914; Holiday work reports 1882-1919; Results of school sports competitions 1890-1920, 1926-1938; Prize day reports and lists, 1850-1909; Printed prize lists 1874-1909; Upper V examination totals 1931-1976;

records of pupils meetings and societies including Prefects and monitors meetings minutes, 1880-1970 (incomplete); Form minute books including third to sixth forms 1948-1957; Lower Fifth form imposition book 1937-1939; Upper Fifth form after-school fixture book; Botanical Club minutes 1885-1891; Debating Society minutes 1887-1913; Sunshine League minutes 1904-1920; Science Club notes and queries 1909-1930, Science Club Committee minutes 1931-1937, Science Club General Meeting minutes 1932-1936, Science Club Photographic section and General meeting minutes 1961-1970; Classical Society minutes 1914-1927; Sketch Club minutes 1928-1936; Current Affairs Club news cuttings, 1942-1947;

certificates of NLCS students 1882-1914, 1936-1946;

examples of pupils work including Log book of Bromley Camp 1927, 1928, 1934, 1929; Writing book 1955-1956; Housewifery notes, with sewing samples, 1904; geography project, 1921, Dame Kitty's book - 1966 contains copies of poems by junior students; Cookery notes, (with recipes) 1904; compositions 1899; The Searchlight, manuscript magazine Vol 1 - 1912, Vol 2 1913, Vol 3, mss, 1914; photographs 1920s in student workbook titled Hygiene; displays 1947, 2000, 2002; journal of exchange visit 1967;

personal papers including Miriam Shillito's (English teacher) letters and papers 1935-1949, and photograph album 1919-1935; Monkhouse sketch books, [1935-1937]; Hill family - Gladys, Kathleen and Lucy - NLCS, student exercise books, notebooks, photos, letters, 1905-1919 (1 box);

personal papers of Dame Kitty Anderson (1903-1979), Headmistress from 1944 - 1965, comprising Founders Day address (undated), certificates to 1924-1971, greeting cards 1956; log book, 1943-1944 and Bath High School photos, 1973; thesis 'The treatment of vagrancy and the relief of the poor and destitute in the Tudor period, based upon the local records of London to 1552 and then to 1576', Submitted for PhD, University London, 1933; letters of congratulation on her DBE award; and related papers;

material relating to Madeleine McLauchlan, Headmistress from 1965-1985, comprising photographs, mainly speeches, invitations, and school files, [1965-1985]; and papers of Joan Clanchy, Headmistress from 1986-1997, comprising photographs, news cuttings, letters and school files [1985-1997];

records relating to the Association of former pupils of NLCS including reports of the Old Pupils Association, 1874-1901; minutes of Old Girls Association general meetings 1916-1939; Old Girls Association attendance book (with addresses) 1916-1953; minutes of Old North Londoners Association Committee 1916-1956; minutes of Old North Londoners Association Annual Business meetings 1941-1979;

records of the Parents Guild including minutes of the Parents Guild Committee 1928-1973, Parents Guild cash book 1928-1940;

financial records of the school including Registration fees, 1963-1972; Fees ledgers 1879, 1939-1943, 1945-1956; Fee books 1872-1976 (incomplete); Ledgers, 1854-1858, 1872-1907, 1910-1982; Day book 1872-1875; Cash books 1872-1907, 1924-1926, 1938-1986; Cash journal 1910-1952; Cash payments 1952-1964; Petty cash books 1921-1926, 1930-1941, 1963-1974; Cash book (House) 1905-1910, 1910-1924; House Keeping petty cash book 1911-1915; Botany and Chemistry cash book, 1914-1961; Physics petty cash book 1917-1975; Staff Committee accounts 1937-1968; Staff salaries books 1875-1923, 1932-1950; NLCS superannuation book 1922-1950; Vouchers II (bills) 1899-1912 ; House receipts 1895-1915; and printed copies of audited accounts;

scrap books and news cuttings collections including scrapbook titled 'Edinburgh Schools' containing pamphlets and notes on schools in Edinburgh, [1871-1872]; newspaper cuttings 1871-1892 relating to NLCS, Camden School, and women's education; general newspaper cuttings 1883-1892; news cutting relating to the School, 1899-1900; news cuttings relating to Frances Mary Buss, 1894-1900; Scrap book of printed critiques of 'Our Magazine, 1883-1893; and two albums containing pamphlets and press cuttings 1850-1876, 1877-1914; Elizabeth II Coronation cuttings; press cuttings relating to former pupils (undated);

records relating to Frances Mary Buss House (FMBH), Bromley-by-Bow, including FMBH Society (executive) committee minutes 1919-1931; Society minutes 1927-1936; general meetings minutes 1924-1968; attendance at Annual General Meetings, 1932-1970; bank book 1932-1944; receipt books 1968-1978; cash books 1925-1929, 1937-1941; FMBH Thrift Club ledgers 1953-1969-1979; FMBH log book of evacuation to Oxford,1940-1942; photographs and drawings including drawings of Sandall Rd buildings, 1939; photographs of school exterior, 1982; albums depicting school life [1900-2000]; NLCS Senior Dramatic Club albums, 1910-1938; evacuation to Luton 1939; school photograph albums, 1877, 1892, 1895 1896, 1900; staff holiday album, 1897; collection of forms, sports, events and staff photographs [1920-1950]; glass plate slides, including images of staff members and pupils, also relating to missionary work (approx 75 slides); photographs of Dame Alice Owen and Dame Kitty Anderson. 1949; photographs of staff and pupil groups, [1850-2003]; various maps and plans relating to the school premises; copy of typescript essay 'Pioneers of women's education in Victorian Britain, a study of the problems found in the education of middle class women in Victorian Britain and the work of the women who solved them', Valerie McAlister, 1992; copies of thesis 'Common threads, curriculum relationship between mathematics and needlework in the history of education', Mary Harris;

publications including Our Magazine, 1875-2000; Camden Magazines 1948-1956, 1958-1959, 1961-1967; NLCS Final year/Sixth form year book 1992-2002; Omnibuss Magazine (Junior School), 1996-present; Online Magazine (publication of the Old North Londoners), 1995-present;

boxes of papers relating to School Advisory Council; Applications for Headmistress 1917, 1940; Fees, free places, scholarships and subsidies by local councils 1920s-1930s; 1990-1992; National Curriculum Council; FMB House, Bromley; Canons Month, 1960s and Vice Versa, 1980s; Done family; Camden School; Head Mistress's Conference 1964; London County Council Minutes and Reports 1901-1911, 1912, 1920, 1921; Education Bills 1869-1901 and departmental memoranda; Centenary letters; Association of Head Mistresses 1887-1977; Direct Grant; Centenary Press;

Audio visual material including video about Kitty Anderson 1965-1979, and audio cassette recording of Open University Program on Frances Mary Buss and Dorothea Beale, NLCS Handel Concert [1985], Women's House, 2000, NLCS Founders Day, Memorial Service for student, 2002;

audio visual material relating to the history of NLCS and Canons, includes 'Everyone Matters', BBC, 1965 featuring Dame Kitty Anderson, and scenes of school life; and 'Story of Canons: nine centuries of building at Canons', 1997.

North London Collegiate School , Camden , 1850-1939 North London Collegiate School , Edgware , 1939-
GB 106 8SUF · Fonds · 1974-1981

The collection consists of 205 interviews available in digital audio file format and one folder of contextual material relating to the interviews, including essays and reports by Brian Harrison. The digital files are copies of the original oral history interview recordings that are held on reel-to-reel cassette.

Harrison , Sir , Brian , b 1937 , Knight , historian
Osterberg Collection
GB 2121 Osterberg Collection · [1885]-1986

Records of Bergman Osterberg Physical Training College, later Dartford College of Physical Education, comprising meetings of the Committee of Management, [1916-1960]; minutes of Governors meetings, 1962-1965; minutes of the Governing Body, 1970-1976; ?minutes of College Committee meetings, 1927-1937; minutes of College and Council meetings, 1955-1964; minutes of the College Council, 1968-1969; minutes of the Academic Board, 1969, 1972-1975;

minutes of Library Committee meetings, 1956-1962; minutes of the Games Committee, 1919; minutes of Games meetings, 1949-1955; Games Executive meetings, 1979-1983; minutes of the Bergman Osterberg Union of Trained Gymnastic Teachers, 1916-1917; minutes of staff meetings, 1951-1959, 1969-1973; minutes of the Staff Council, 1972-1977; minutes of Dartford Sports Association, 1980-1981; minutes of the B.Ed Honours (Physical Education) Course Committee, 1980-1985; minutes of the Staff/Student Advisory Committee, 1982;

students' book, 1900-1914, giving lists and details of students; card indexes recording details of former students; pass lists and examiners reports, 1971-1986; Thames Polytechnic examination papers, 1980-1986; student assessments and reports, 1935-1938, 1946-1962; individual student records, 1915-1921; student entry files, 1921-1947; uniform lists, 1911-1950s; rules of residence at the College, 1947; papers relating to staff appointments;

papers relating to the College remedial clinic for children, [1900-1964], including details of treatment and exercises, case histories and photographs of patients; patient record cards, 1950s-1960s; record book, containing photographs and clinical details; correspondence; patient case book, 1916-1921;

volumes recording sports matches, notably lacrosse, cricket, hockey, swimming, netball and tennis, some with photographs, 1904-1985;

plans, maps and drawings of site buildings, [1895-1995]; letters and plans relating to the site and buildings, 1950s; papers relating to college properties; papers relating to the amalgamation of Dartford College with Thames Polytechnic, [1975-1976]; prospectuses, 1891-1982; programmes, 1891-1977;

papers relating to the College during the Second World War, [1939-1945]; College papers relating to the removal of the College to Newquay, Cornwall, [1941]; papers relating to establishment of the University of London Diploma in Physical Education, 1930-1939; correspondence, 1945-1948; correspondence and press cuttings relating to proposals on teacher training, 1982; papers relating to proposal to close teacher training courses at Thames Polytechnic, 1982;

financial records, notably staff pay salary books, 1953-1961; Games Association accounts, 1969-1986; Principals' account, 1944-1951; Bergman Osterberg Trust financial records, notably accounts and ledgers, 1922-1960; correspondence of the College Bursar and Treasurer, 1950s-1960s; papers relating to staff salaries and other expenditure, 1946-1960; deeds and correspondence relating to Pauline Ada Starling Memorial Fund, 1928, and the Bergman Osterberg Trust;

photographs of College life (loose and in albums), including views of College buildings, staff and students, student activities, the remedial clinic, sports and sports teams, classrooms, outdoor activities, dance and gymnastic displays, royal visits, 1890s-1970s; photographs of principals, 1891-1978, including Madame Bergman Osterberg;

letters to Madame Bergman Osterberg, 1906-1915 (in Swedish); notes by Madame Bergman Osterberg, 1887-1911, including notes on the Theory of Movement; scrapbook of College history compiled by Madame Bergman Osterberg, [1885-1915];

certificates awarded to students, [1914-1948]; information files, [1902-1985], relating to individual students and staff, College administration and management, buildings, curriculum and syllabuses;

records relating to the Bergman Osterberg Union, namely Committee Meeting minutes, 1940-1987; magazines, 1917-1996; Bergman Osterberg Trust, anniversaries and celebrations, finance;

memoirs relating to the College, 1900s-1970s; essays by old students relating to College life between 1892-1914; letters from old students who attended the College between 1891-1981; press cuttings relating to the College, 1932-1975; scrapbook of royal visit, 1918;

notes by E A Macleod, relating to theory of education and movement, biology, theory of games, practical science, anatomy, physiology, undated; notes (in Swedish) by Miss A Wikner, relating to pedagogical gymnastics, symptamology, gymnastic exercises, history, physiology, [1904]; exercise books of Katharine Lewis, 1930s, relating to various subjects taught at the College; course notes and lesson plans prepared by Margaret E Welch, 1964, on anatomy, physiology, remedial work; student notes by Cath Martineau, 1948-1951, including notes on anatomy, physiology, pathology, theory of movement.

Hampstead College of Physical Training Bergman Osterberg Physical Training College Dartford College of Physical Education Dartford College