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        513 Descripción archivística resultados para Instituciones religiosas

        513 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
        GB 0074 ACC/2712 · Colección · 1591-2010

        Records of the United Synagogue's Head Office, including minutes, agendas, presented papers, printed annual reports and accounts, byelaws and standing orders, papers relating to property, letter books and correspondence, financial accounts, insurance papers, membership papers, records relating to staff, administrative records, photographs, press cuttings, orders of service, Aubrey Newman's files, and papers relating to Soviet Jewry. This material has been catalogued in 20 sub-fonds (ACC/2712/01 to ACC/2712/20).

        Also included in this collection are records of the individual member synagogues; these comprise mainly membership records, but there are also administrative and financial records for some synagogues. Records of bodies connected with the United Synagogue to a greater or lesser extent are also included in this collection, such as the Office of the Chief Rabbi, London Beth Din and Beth Hamedrash, the Kashrut Commission and various Jewish friendly societies and charities. The United Synagogue's close links with Anglo-Jewish education are also represented in the collection, including records of individual schools such as the Jews' Free School. These records have been catalogued in 47 separate sub-fonds (ACC/2712/AJE to ACC/2712/WWS). Please see individual sub-fonds for further information.

        PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 ACC/2712/JSH · Colección · 1812-1821

        Records of Jews' Hospital, consisting of minutes.

        PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 ACC/2712/USY · Colección · 1807-1880

        Records of the Union of Synagogues, consisting of articles of agreement, minutes of the conjoint committee of the Great, New and Hambro Synagogues, minutes of the Conjoint Committee for managing the West Ham Burial Ground, correspondence, accounts and burial returns.

        PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 ACC/2712/WNS · Colección · 1906-1991

        Records of the Western Synagogue, Marylebone, consisting of registers of kethubot [marriage contracts].

        PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 ACC/2776 · Colección · 1944-1987

        Records of Enfield Wel-Care, 1944-1987, including minute books; annual reports; papers relating to fundraising; newsletters; financial accounts; correspondence; papers of the Chairman; pamphlets; and papers relating to the winding up of Enfield Wel-Care.

        Sin título
        GB 0122 Series A · Serie · 1501-1847

        Pre-reformation papers and papers of the English Secular Clergy, 1501-1688 and papers of the Vicars Apostolic of the London District, 1688-1847.

        The papers chiefly comprise correspondence with the Roman agent; papers relating to Synods; copies of Pastorals; correspondence with Vicars Apostolic and clergy from the Western, Midland and Northern Districts and Scotland; correspondence with Irish Bishops; correspondence with institutions of the English Catholic diaspora; correspondence with Bishops and clergy abroad notably with the Catholic Church in the British colonies; legal papers including wills, bequests, leases and trusts and papers of institutions of the English Catholic diaspora including Douai College, 1652-1789; St Omers College, 1762-1772; the English College Rome, 1701-1783; the English College Lisbon, 1708-1791; the English Seminary Paris (also known as St Gregory's, Paris), 1762-1777 and student register for the English College Lisbon, 1628-1715.

        The papers of the Vicars Apostolic of the London District include papers from the episcopacy of Bishop John Leyburn, 1688-1702, Bishop Bonaventure Giffard, 1703-1734; Bishop Benjamin Petre, 1734-1758; Bishop Richard Challoner, 1758-1781; Bishop James Robert Talbot, 1781-1789; Bishop John Douglass, 1791-1798; Bishop William Poynter, 1812-1827; Bishop James Yorke Bramston, 1828-1836 and Bishop Thomas Griffiths, 1836-1847.

        Highlights of the collection include: a consultation about the dowry of Catherine of Aragon, c 1509; copy of a letter from Mary Queen of Scots, c 1586; letter from St Henry Walpole to Father Persons, 13 Nov 1593; chart of the Royal succession down to James VI of Scotland as published in Father Persons' book on the succession, 1593; letters of Cardinal William Allen; letter from Father Henry Garnet relating to the Gunpowder Plot, c 1605 and a petition from the Citizens of London to Charles I complaining about Popery, 1640.

        Sin título
        GB 1556 WL 1162 · 1937

        Copy of a summary of the case against Seventh Day Adventists Reformists at a special court in Mannheim, Hesse, Germany, 1937. Includes a history of the origins of the church during World War One; short biographical accounts of some of its members; and list of defendants and their legal representatives. Under the names of each of the accused are listed the particular charges. Robert Eduard Rupprecht is listed first as leader of the Mannheim branch of the organisation.

        Sin título
        GB 0103 MS GERM 24 · Late 15th century (some dated 1491, 1493, 1496), 16th century

        Manuscript volume, late 15th century: Sammelhandschrift, a collection of miscellaneous texts, some dated 1491, 1493, 1496, and including a Carthusian calendar, sermons, religious poems, prayers, and other texts. With some 16th-century text and annotations.

        Sin título
        Saint Leopold Manuscript
        GB 0103 MS HISPAN 1 · Late 15th century-early 16th century

        Manuscript volume, late 15th-early 16th century: Canonic. De S Leopoldo; De Fondatione Monasterii S Leopoldi Neuburgensis (a text by J F de Pavinis concerning the canonization of St Leopold, and the foundation of the monastery of St Leopold at Neuberg).

        Sin título
        GB 0103 MS LAT 5 · c1300

        Manuscript volume, c1300: Martyrologium (martyrology), for Franciscan use, with calendar tables.

        Sin título
        Breviary and Missal
        GB 0103 MS LAT 6 · 13th century

        Thirteenth-century manuscript volume. The back bears the inscription: Fragment of 13th century lectionary. The volume comprises fragments of two different manuscripts: Breviarium (breviary, ff 1-18), written for Franciscan use and including hagiographical texts; Missale (missal, ff 19-27v). Very fine miniature depicting the Crucifixion on folio 19r, missing the left hand figure.

        Sin título
        HALL, Stuart George (b 1928)
        GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP91 · 1970-1980

        The papers of Professor Stuart George Hall comprise correspondence, journals and papers, 1967-1980; in particular a draft typescript paper on the origins of Easter, 1976; correspondence relating to lectureships in ecclesiastical history, the training for the ministry at King's and student assessment, 1978-1979; correspondence and papers relating to Hall's diocesan work in Nottinghamshire and as a Nottingham University Theology Faculty representative on various committees, 1970-1978; printed conference proceedings for conferences on patristic and biblical studies, 1971-1973.

        Sin título
        Port Royal de Paris, Abbey
        GB 0100 KCLCA Port Royal · [Late 19th century]

        Manuscript translation, [late 19th century], of a Rule relating to the Abbey of Port Royal, France. Incomplete. The contents are: Small part of the Constitutions of the Abbey; Advice to the Mistress of the Novices; The manner of conferring the novice's habit; Thoughts on the ceremony of vesture; The manner of receiving women at their profession; Thoughts on the ceremony of profession; Spirit of the Monastery of Port Royal; Regulations for the children.

        Sin título
        WILLIAMS, William Samuel (fl 1895-1938)
        GB 0100 KCLCA Williams WS · 1934

        Papers of William Samuel Williams, 1934, comprising a copy of his book The Case for the Lay Ministry of the Church of England: readers, evangelists and parish clerks, etc (Parrett & Neves, Chatham, 1934); papers originally enclosed in the book, 1934, comprising reviews from the Church Times, copy memoranda from Williams and others relating to the office of Reader, papers and correspondence relating to the Church Assembly Lay Readers Group.

        Sin título
        El Salvador: Political Pamphlets
        GB 3032 EN 320 PAM · 1976-

        Reports, pamphlets, platforms, constitutions, conference proceedings, manifestos, newspaper advertisements, histories, testomonies and letters, 1976 onwards, issued by American Friends Service Committee, Amnesty International, Archbishop Oscar Romero Christian Legal Aid Service, Asociación de Trabajadores Agropecuarios y Campesinos de El Salvador (ATACES), Bloque Popular Revolucionario (El Salvador), Catholic Church, Catholic Institute for International Relations, Center for National Security Studies, Central America Human Rights Committee, Comisión de Derechos Humanos de El Salvador, Comité de Madres y Familiares de Presos y Desaparecidos políticos de El Salvador, Comité Mexicano de Solidaridad con el Pueblo Salvadoreño, Comisión de Refugiados Salvadoreños, Comité pro Libertad de los Presos Políticos de El Salvador, Conferencia Sindical Internacional de Solidaridad con los Trabajadores y el Pueblo de El Salvador (1981 : Bogotá, Colombia), Coordinadora Revolucionaria de Masas, Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (El Salvador), Faculty for Human Rights in El Salvador and Central America (U.S.), Frente de Acción Popular Unificada(FAPU), Foreign Policy Association, Frente de Acción Popular Unificada (El Salvador), Frente Democrático Revolucionario, Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional, Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America, International Commission of Jurists, Law Union of Ontario, Movimiento de Liberación Popular (El Salvador), Movimiento Nacional Revolucionario (El Salvador), Organization of American States, Parliamentary Human Rights Group, Partido Comunista de El Salvador, Partido de la Revolución Salvadoreña, Partido Demócrata Cristiano (El Salvador), Partido Union Democratica Nacionalista (El Salvador), Radio Farabundo Martí, Socorro Jurídico Cristiano, Unidad Nacional de Trabajadores Salvadoreños, United States Dept. of State, United States House Committee on Appropriations (Subcommittee on Foreign Operations), and World Council of Churches.

        Sin título
        GB 0102 CWM · Created 1764-1977

        Records, 1764-1977, of Council for World Mission predecessor bodies, including records of the London Missionary Society, 1764-1966, the Commonwealth Missionary Society, 1836-1966, and some records of the Congregational Council for World Mission from 1966.

        Sin título
        Nutt, William Harwood
        GB 0102 CWM/LMS Africa Personal Boxes 7-8 · 1892-1904

        Papers, 1892-1904, of William Harwood Nutt, concerning his time with the London Missionary Society at Fwambo and Kambole in Central Africa, and comprising letters, 1892-1896, to and from his family and other correspondents; notes on supplies, 1892-1894; journals, 1892-1896, including notes on trips; meteorological registers, 1893-1895; surgical and medical records, 1894; three official papers on African affairs, 1895-1896; manuscripts, notes, and sketches, including maps, on Central Africa, its people, customs and beliefs, climate and topography; photographic negatives and prints of people and scenes; manuscript papers by Nutt on native treatment of disease in Central Africa, 1904.

        Sin título
        Thompson, Ralph Wardlaw
        GB 0102 CWM/LMS Home Personal Boxes 2-3 · 1746-1918

        Papers, 1746-1918, of and relating to Dr Ralph Wardlaw Thompson and his family, comprising correspondence and papers concerning his antecedents and family, 1746-1872, including letters to the Rev Dr Ralph Wardlaw, 1795-1852, and papers concerning Dr John Wardlaw, 1838-1872; Bible given to Ralph Wardlaw Thompson by his parents, 1847; four letters to Thompson, 1851-1866, including one from Ralph Wardlaw; palm leaf address to Thompson and Albert Spicer, London Missionary Society (LMS) deputation members in India, 1882; Thompson's diaries of a deputational visit to India, China and South Africa, 1882-1883; notes of deputational visits to South Africa, 1892, 1898, and to the South Seas and Papua New Guinea, 1897; notes on the LMS conference at Shanghai and on a deputational visit to India, 1907; notes for speeches, 1880s-1890s and undated; decorative addresses presented to Thompson, 1880, 1908; letters received on Thompson's death, 1916; biographical material on Thompson collected by Basil Mathews, 1916-1918.

        Sin título
        Bach, Thomas and Lucy
        GB 0102 CWM/LMS India Personal Box 5 · 1894-1900

        Papers, 1894-1900, of Thomas and Lucy Bach, comprising correspondence, 1894-1898, largely between Thomas and Lucy Bach and their families, including comments on Lucy's health, life in India, and missionary work; photographs, 1895-[1899], of people and scenes in India, including religious and educational subjects; printed papers, 1898-1900, relating to London Missionary Society (LMS) missionary work and the Bachs' life in India; St John's Gospel written on palm leaves in various languages and another palm leaf book, both undated.

        Sin título
        Holmes, John Henry
        GB 0102 CWM/LMS Papua New Guinea Personal Boxes 3-7 · 1893-1933

        Papers, 1893-1933, of John Henry Holmes, comprising diaries, 1893-1900, 1906-1907, 1915, including observations on his activities and on life in Papua and notes on subjects including anthropology; correspondence with Alfred Cort Haddon, 1904-1906, 1922, comprising letters received and copy letters sent and chiefly concerning Holmes' study of Elema totemism; typescript articles on Papuan beliefs, including the totemism of the Elema tribes, 1914 and undated; printed comparative tables of languages spoken in different parts of Papua, 1915; photographs showing examples of the technology of the Orokaiva tribes of northern Papua; sketch maps of Papua; manuscript notes on anthropology, 1913; typescript children's stories about missionary work and life in Papua, set in the Moru and Urika districts, 1933 and undated.

        Sin título
        GB 0102 IMC/CBMS/I · 1902-1963

        Microfiche copy of the joint archive of the International Missionary Council and Conference of British Missionary Societies, largely dating from 1910-1945 with some material dating from 1902-1963, relating to co-operative missionary endeavours in India, and comprising minutes and papers of the National Missionary Council (NMC) and its successor the National Christian Council (NCC), 1912-1963, and of provincial mission councils (including Burma and Ceylon), 1913-1947; NMC correspondence and papers, 1912-1922, including some relating to the NMC survey, 1914-1920; NCC correspondence and papers, 1922-1951, on missionary work and related issues; papers on the NCC and the Christian Medical Association of India, medical work and medical education, 1928-1943; NCC Review, 1926-1950; papers on Christian literature, 1918-1943, and statistics for Indian Christians, 1922-1945; papers on NCC surveys on conditions in rural and industrial work and post-war economic reconstruction, 1927-1948; NCC mass movement and evangelism, 1929-1941; comity between different missions, 1917-1945; devolution of mission property, 1937-1947; the Jacobite (Syrian) Church (Orthodox), Travancore, 1929-1942; Benares City Mission, 1928-1949; interdenominational Church Union in South India, 1928-1947; various printed material, 1919-1957; papers on Indian government, constitutional reform, political affairs and independence, including implications for the Christian minority, 1915-1950; general educational provision and educational policy in India, 1911-1925, 1940; the 'conscience cause' in education, 1902-1925; Village Education Commission (which reported in 1920), 1904-1922, and related subjects, 1924-1949; the '4 1/2 Colleges Appeal' for women's education, 1926-1930; the Lindsay Commission on Higher (Christian) Education, 1929-1931, and the resulting Central Board of Christian Higher Education, 1931-1948, British Advisory Committee on Christian Higher Education, 1931-1939, and American Advisory Committee on Christian Higher Education, 1931-1938; papers on the Indian Christian Colleges Appeal, 1928-1948; High Schools Survey and related subjects, 1916-1935; theological education, including individual colleges, 1919-1948; women's education, including medical education and missionary training, 1916-1949; various Colleges, 1920-1951; various printed papers on Indian education, 1938-1946. Some material relates to Pakistan, the Punjab, and Bengal, as well as to India as demarcated in the modern period.

        Sin título
        GB 0102 IMC FBN 125-9 · 1906-1948

        Microfiche copy of the archive, 1906-1948, of the World Alliance for Promoting International Friendship through the Churches, including minutes of International Council and committees including a refugee committee, records of the Youth Commission, records of its conferences, records on relations with other organizations, records on peace negotiations and minority questions, and correspondence between its leaders.

        Sin título
        Melanesian Mission
        GB 0102 MEL M · Created 1848-1984

        Records, 1848-1984, of the Melanesian Mission, including minute books; correspondence, journals and diaries of pioneer missionaries including R H Codrington and J C Patteson; correspondence of more recent missionaries; logs relating to the Mission vessels including the first 'Southern Cross' log book, 1855. Material relating to the Church of Melanesia includes the proceedings of the Provincial Synod from its inception in 1975, conference reports, and lists of missionaries from the Mission's beginnings to the 1920s. Printed materials include the Southern Cross Log, 1895-1954, 1963-1973, and Annual Reports, 1864-1939 (1917 and 1923 missing). There are also a large number of photographs and manuscript maps of the Diocese of the Melanesian Mission dating from 1875 onwards.

        Sin título
        Baldwin, Arthur
        GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/Central Africa/FBN 12-13 (Box 608) · 1889-1902

        Papers, 1889-1902, of Arthur Baldwin, comprising diaries, 1889-1899, describing his journeys, work and life in Africa, including domestic activities and agricultural concerns; letters from Baldwin to his mother, 1889-1902, recounting his activities; letters from F Coillard to Baldwin, 1893-1895, concerning missionary work and concerns; undated manuscript notes on Coillard; undated map marked 'Proposal for a new mission Moomba'; letter to Mr Baldwin from F Pickering, 1897; letter to Mrs Baldwin from Mrs C Thackeray in New Zealand [1908]; nine photographs of southern Africa, mostly undated landscapes but including one of mission staff, 1899, among them some indigenous workers.

        Sin título
        Broadbent, Samuel
        GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/South Africa/FBN 10 ( Box 604) · 1815-1894

        Papers, 1815-1894, of and relating to Samuel Broadbent, comprising his ordination certificate, 1815; notes for a sermon preached in Greetland before leaving for Ceylon, 1815; family letters, 1818-1872; printed Encyclopaedia of Knowledge [before 1826] belonging to Broadbent, vestige of his possessions destroyed at Maquassie in 1826, with a manuscript note by him [after 1826] concerning its history; volume containing manuscript English-Bechuana vocabulary and Lord's Prayer, undated, and other loose Bechuana texts; South African scalping knife; account [after 1832] of the life of Louisa Frances Broadbent; notes of Broadbent's journey to southern Ireland on missionary deputation with the Rev W Toase, 1833; printed article by Broadbent on agriculture in South Africa, 'Incidental results of Christian Missions', 1850; printed map of south-eastern Africa, 1857; various manuscript reminiscences by Broadbent, undated; photograph of Samuel Broadbent, unframed, and another, framed (with copy negative), both undated; manuscript copies [19th century] from letters of Miss Broadbent concerning the last hours of Samuel Broadbent, 1867; the Rev T A Chalker's 'The Story of an African Mission', from the Methodist Record (1894), mentioning Broadbent; undated photograph of the gravestone of Samuel and Sarah Broadbent; manuscript transcript [19th century] of the epitaph on the gravestone of Louisa Frances Broadbent.

        Sin título
        Hunt, John
        GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/South Seas/FBN 36-37 (Boxes 649-650) · 1833-1938

        Papers, 1833-1938, of and relating to John Hunt and his family, comprising correspondence, 1833-1868, of John and Hannah Hunt, the correspondents mainly family members but including some other missionaries; 'scrapbook' kept at the Wesleyan Theological Institution, Hoxton, commencing 1835, containing entries by Hunt on religious subjects; certificates, 1838, of ordination and oath of allegiance; Hunt's journals, 1838-1848, including the journey to Fiji and life and work there, one volume including an autobiographical account of his early life and religious experiences; Hunt's sermon notes and religious writings, largely undated [1830s-1840s], including a volume presented to R B Lyth, 1842; poems by Hunt, including some Fijian verses, undated; Hunt's manuscript memoir of the Rev William Cross [1843-1844]; pen believed to have belonged to John Hunt; photographic copies of a portrait of Hunt; the first Tongan Bible [published in 1839], with an inscription regarding its provenance, 1842; printed letter by James Calvert on Hunt's death, 1848; biographical account of Hunt [by R B Lyth] [after 1848]; notebook [of Hannah Hunt], some entries inscribed E A Hunt and dated 1860, including notes on Lincolnshire and other English localities, the Scriptures, poetry, Shakespeare, and history; notebook of poems from Elsie and Hannah Hunt to their mother [Hannah Hunt], 1875; photograph [of Hannah Hunt]; miscellaneous papers of Hannah Hunt Richings, 1864-1881, including photographs of her and her husband Lewis, undated; notebook of Eliza-Ann Hunt, containing diary entries, 1874-1888, and other entries including poetry and stories; papers, 1920-1938, including letters, press cuttings, and notes, relating to John Hunt, his work in Fiji, and his Lincolnshire connections.

        Sin título
        Beckingsale, Laura Elsie
        GB 0102 MS 354917 · Created 1911-1912

        Letters, 1911-1912, from Laura Beckingsale, written in diary form to colleagues in London describing her experiences during the Chinese Revolution of 1911-1912, in Wuchang and Hankow, where she worked for the London Missionary Society.

        Sin título
        Shaw, Mabel
        GB 0102 MS 380319 · Created 1915-1973

        Miscellaneous papers, 1915-1973, of Mabel Shaw, including her correspondence (1930-1973) and circular letters; personal papers; prayer texts and poems; reports, including Decenial Report on the Women's and Girl's Work in Mbereshi (1930-1940); and miscellaneous photographs from Mbereshi.

        Sin título
        Sabin, Margaret Katherine
        GB 0102 MS 380320 · Created 1919-1962

        Papers, 1919-1962, of Margaret Katherine Sabin, including notes, letters and photographs. Letters include those written to her family (1919-1950), describing work at the school and mission station in Mbereshi. Also includes photographs of Mbereshi.

        Sin título
        Moore, Rev Reginald John Beagarie
        GB 0102 MS 380399 · Created 1924-1962

        Papers, 1924-1962, of Reginald John Beagarie Moore, comprising correspondence and papers relating to his missionary work in Africa. Includes annual reports of the United Missions in the Copperbelt (1937-1940); reports of his work at Mindolo (1934-1939, not 1936-1937); typescript copies of his publications; copies of published articles; and photographs of Copperbelt scenes. Also includes a copy of Moore's anthropological study The Witchdoctor's Prescription.

        Sin título
        Shembe, Prophet Isaiah
        GB 0102 MS 380453 · c1932

        Photocopies of three manuscript notebooks containing chronicles of the Nazareth Baptist Church, written c1932, ranging from accounts of miraculous events to the day to day life of the Church in Inanda, letters to dissident priests and accounts of church finances.

        Sin título
        Sibree, James
        GB 0102 MS 380616 · 1836-1926

        Five notebooks containing the memoirs of James Sibree, 1836-1879, 1913-1926, recording his early life in Hull, family history, training at Spring Hill, missionary work in Madagascar and in Vizagapatam, India, with the London Missionary Society, and his later years.

        Sin título
        Seager, Rev Cecil Edward
        GB 0102 MS 380675 · Created 1930s-1990s

        Material, 1930s-1990s, relating to southern Africa and the work of Cecil Edward Seager. Includes a video and transcript of early cine-film from the period in which Seager was stationed at Dombodema and Tjimali (1930s-1940s); correspondence (1933-1994); press cuttings; and typescripts of a play written by Seager entitled A Christian Cavalcade (1948).

        Sin título
        GB 0102 PCE · Created 1842-1972

        Records, 1842-1972, of the Presbyterian Church of England Foreign Missions Committee (or English Presbyterian Mission), comprising:
        Home Office (central administration) papers, consisting of general correspondence, including minutes and office copies of material, Finance Committee papers, including minutes, 1920-1937, files of correspondence and reports with Internal and External Organisations, and annual field reports from missionaries overseas;
        Overseas papers from the various mission fields, consisting of general correspondence and reports, field reports and correspondence from individuals, and reports concerning particular hospitals, schools and Institutions;
        Women's Missionary Association papers;
        publications, other printed materials, and some photographic material.

        Sin título
        Paris Evangelical Missionary Society
        GB 0102 PEMS · 1827-1935

        Microfiche copy of missionary correspondence in the archive of the Paris Evangelical Missionary Society, 1827-1935, comprising incoming correspondence from missionaries in the field in Algeria (Kabylia), 1885-1894, Cameroun, 1919-1935, Congo-Gabon, 1888-1935, Lesotho, 1827-1935, Madagascar, 1894-1935, Senegal, 1862-1935, Togo, 1930-1935, Zambia, 1880-1935, New Caledonia/Maré (Loyalty Islands), 1880-1884, 1890-1935, and Tahiti, 1865-1935.

        Sin título
        Ridge, William Sheldon and Frances
        GB 0102 PP MS 30 · Created c1917-1948

        Papers, c1917-1948, of William Sheldon Ridge, comprising photographs, manuscripts of books containing material used for his lectures on Chinese international relations, and miscellaneous papers. Includes papers relating to his wife Frances.

        Sin título
        Rawcliffe, Rt Rev Derek Alec
        GB 0102 PP MS 61 · Created 1953-1986

        Papers, 1953-1986, dating predominantly from the 1960s and 1970s, on Melanesian culture, government and geography and the work of the church in the New Hebrides, collected by the Rt Rev Derek Rawcliffe.

        Sin título
        ACC/1413 · Colección · 1888-1944

        Records of the Park Chapel, Hornsey, including declaration of trust and deeds; Deacons' Meeting minutes; Church Meeting minutes; Church registers of attendance; service sheets; financial records; papers relating to buildings and property; correspondence; papers relating to societies including the Sunday School and Dorcas Society; papers relating to the choir; papers relating to Hornsey British School; Church magazines and year books; plans; photographs; printed material; papers relating to the Blenheim Road Mission; papers relating to the Grove Mission and registers of marriages and baptisms at the Mount View Chapel, 1887-1913.

        Sin título
        ACC/1443 · Colección · 1969-1979

        Preaching plans and directories for Methodist circuits including the Ealing and Acton Circuit, 1978; Enfield Circuit, 1975-1976; Finchley and Hendon Circuit, 1973; Finsbury Park Circuit, 1969; Finsbury Park and Southgate Circuit, 1977-1978; Harlesden Circuit, 1973; Harrow Circuit, 1978; Highgate Circuit, 1977-1979; Teddington Circuit, 1977-1978 and Wembley and Golders Green Circuit, 1977-1978.

        Sin título
        ACC/2113 · Colección · 1914-1967

        Records of Hillingdon Methodist Circuit, comprising Circuit Foreign Missionary Committee minute book, 1935-1967 and Methodist Missionary Society Circuit account books, 1914-1962.

        Sin título
        ACC/2114 · Colección · 1894-1984

        Records of Hayes End Methodist Church, including marriage registers, 1935-1980; baptism register, 1897-1951; Trustees' meetings minutes, 1895-1948; Trustees' Treasurer's accounts, 1894-1974; correspondence, 1932-1954; Leaders' meetings minutes, 1919-1973; Local Trustees' meetings minutes, 1937-1940; Society Stewards' accounts, 1914-1933; Wesley Guild, 1923-1950; Youth Council, 1950-1977; Young Wives, 1962-1969; pulpit notices, 1915-1984; class books, 1915-1973; collection journals, 1910-1973; Poor Fund accounts, 1935-1974 and Sunday School, 1914-1937.

        Sin título
        ACC/2330 · Colección · 1806-1970

        Records of the City Road Circuit including Quarterly Meeting minute books, 1817-1852 and 1925-1952; Circuit Stewards account book, 1922-1922; Class book, 1806-1828; Class moneys and subscription lists, 1795-1898; Twentieth Century Fund account book, 1899-1903; schedule of Methodist Trust Property, 1938-1970; Education Schedule book; 1888-1893; Circuit Statement of income and expenditure, 1906-1916; notice of proposed amalgamation of Wesley's Chapel Circuit (i.e. City Road Circuit) and Highbury Circuit, 1916.

        Records relating to Angel Alley Chapel, including agreement regarding Angel Alley Wesleyan Chapel and School, Bishopsgate Street Without, 1865; deed of appointment of new Trustees, and vesting of part of Trust property, 1882; schedule of deeds and documents, 1820-1882, compiled 1883.

        Records relating to Chequer Alley Chapel including schedule of deeds and documents, 1801-1865, compiled 1867; schedule of sale of chapel, 1882.

        Records relating to Wesley's Chapel, City Road, including registers of baptisms, 1838-1946; register of burials, 1779-1784; Trustees Meeting minute books, 1822-1874 and 1934-1973; Trustees Meeting account book, 1860-1892; Conference Commission on Wesley's Chapel minute book, 1972-1973; Leaders Meeting minute book, 1807-1894 and 1933-1955; Society Stewards account books, 1808-1912; Society Stewards book, including a reprint of The Duties of Wesleyan Stewards: with other information concerning their Office by Reverend E. Workman, 1906-1913; Missionary Committee minute book, 1877-1899; Christian Workers' Association minute book, 1887-1897; Conference Committee minute book, 1928-1961; Collection books, 1839-1869; Poor Fund account books, 1789-1964; Sunday School papers, 1912-1958; appeal letter relating to restoration of Wesley's Chapel, 1892; key plan showing layout of roof timbers of chapel, 1931.

        Records relating to Hackney Road Chapel (formerly Middlesex Chapel), including register of baptisms, 1880-1954; Trustees Meeting minute book, 1820-1978; Leaders Meeting minute book, 1891-1953.

        Records relating to Jewin Street Chapel including register of baptisms, 1842-1890; Trustees Meeting minute books, 1842-1962; documents relating to Jewin Street Trust, 1843-1886; legal documents relating to the Jewin Street property, 1843-1886; papers relating to the appointment of Trustees, 1891-1899; certificate for the solemnization of marriages, 1873; correspondence with Charity Commission, 1892; letter from Wesleyan Chapel Committee consenting to sale of Chapel, 1886.

        Records relating to New North Road Chapel including register of marriages, 1851-1912; Trustees Meeting minute book, 1848-1919; Trustees Treasurers account book, 1917-1920; Leaders Meeting minute book, 1897-1919; Building Account, later incorporating Trust Account; 1848-1895; architect's report on buildings with sketch plans showing proposed alterations, 1916.

        Records relating to Radnor Street Chapel comprising Trustees Meeting minute books, 1885-1940.

        Records relating to Spitalfields Chapel comprising Sunday School Tract Society minute book, 1821-1829.

        Records relating to Wilson Street Welsh Chapel including schedule for purchase of Chapel, 1881; leave of Chapel Committee to purchase chapel, 1881; contract for sale and purchase, 1881; requisitions on title and repairs, 1881; authority to pay Consideration Money, 1881; Return to Chapel Committee, 1883.

        Records of Tavistock Square House comprising file containing correspondence, draft list of deeds and draft accounts, 1921-1928.

        Records of Great Queen Street Chapel comprising Day School Committee minute book, 1871-1906.

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        ACC/2384 · Colección · 1903-1951

        Records of the Denbigh Road Wesleyan Methodist Church, comprising Poor's Stewards' or Poor Fund account book, 1903-1935; 47th Kensington Group Rover Troop minute book, 1930-1931; Rovers Round Table Conference minute book, 1935-1939; Rovers Round Table Conference attendance/signatures book, 1935-1939 and Bayswater circuit plan, 1951.

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        ACC/2672 · Colección · 1811-2002

        Records of the East Hill United Reformed Church, including baptism register, 1850-1853; minutes of church meetings, 1850-1854; marriage register, 1850-May 1854; minutes of Officers and Teachers Memorial Hall Sunday School, 1938 - 1939; minutes of church meetings, 1826-1948 and 1959-1969; minutes of Deacon's meetings, 1853-1981; minutes of other committees, 1853-1996; financial accounts of the London Missionary Society, 1929-1948; annual Church Manuals, 1886-1956 and 1956; minutes of Elder's meetings, 1985-2000; agendas, minutes and notes of Site Meetings regarding redevelopment, 2001-2002; financial accounts and ledgers, 1926-1997; correspondence, particularly relating to building works, 1915-2001; and Church Record newsletters, 1959-1962.

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        ACC/2709 · Colección · 1804-1988

        Records of the Christ Church at Whetstone United Reformed Church including Church Meeting minutes; Deacons' Meeting minutes; papers regarding buildings and property; papers relating to charity and fundraising; register of baptisms, marriages and burials, 1936-1962; Sunday School minutes; Church magazines and Year Books; press cuttings; publication The History of Christ Church at Whetstone by H.E. Hill, 1988 and other papers relating to the history of the church.

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        ACC/3393/SH · Subfondo · 1935-1992

        Records of South Harrow Methodist Church, 1935-1992, including membership roll; Leader's Meeting minutes; general correspondence; financial accounts; annual reports; papers regarding Trustees; papers regarding the construction of a new building; correspondence regarding staff members; pulpit notice book; Missionary Committee minutes; Women's Committee minutes; Youth Council minutes; Sunday School minutes and registers; Church newsletters and magazines; orders of service, programmes, leaflets and circulars; newspaper cuttings and an audio tape recording of the old organ being played.

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        ACC/3422 · Colección · 1870-1989

        Records of the Leysian Mission Circuit; Leysian Mission; Haggerston Methodist Mission and Shoreditch Methodist Mission, 1870-1989.

        Records of the Leysian Mission Circuit, 1885-1989, including Quarterly Meeting minutes; Circuit Meeting minutes; papers of the Home Mission; Christian Citizenship Committee minutes; papers regarding property and investments; financial accounts; Circuit newsletters; annual reports; plans of chapels and halls; orders of service for special occasions; papers regarding the Mission including Executive Committee minutes and papers regarding Resthaven Holiday Home.

        Records of the Leysian Mission, 1889-1989, including Trustees Meeting minutes; Leaders' Meeting minutes; Executive Committee minutes; Relief Committee minutes and papers; financial records; papers regarding staff; annual reports; membership registers; Sunday School registers and other papers; Brass Band Committee minutes; Men's Club Committee minutes and papers; papers of various other Mission groups and societies; issues of the "Leysian Mission Magazine"; publications and reports about the work of the Mission.

        Records of the Haggerston Methodist Mission, Brownlow Street, 1870-1989, including Trustees Meeting minutes; Leaders Meeting minutes; collection journals and other financial records; correspondence; papers regarding the Sunday School; papers of various other Mission groups and societies and Temperance Roll pledge book.

        Records of the Shoreditch Methodist Mission, Nichols Square, Hackney Road, 1941-1972, including cash book and administrative papers.

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        GB 0074 LMA/4060 · Colección · 1801-1996

        Records of the Field Lane Foundation. The earliest records date to 1842 in its incarnation as the Sabbath School. These comprise management committee minutes which run as a continuous series to 1984 and reflect the change from Sabbath School to Ragged School in 1850.

        Important series include the deeds and papers of Field Lane dating from 1801 to 1961. There are also series relating to each of the major homes and organisations associated with or run by the Field Lane Association including the Home Workers Aid Association and the 5 holiday or retirement homes: Eastwood, Dovers, The Priory, Holly Hill and Singholm. There is also a set of annual reports from 1847-1996 and a series of printing blocks used for many of the Field Lanes' publications.

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        GB 0074 LMA/4447 · Colección · 1897-1999

        Records of the Grand Order of Israel and Shield of David Friendly Society. The records relate to the administration of the Society, property investments and the social aspects of the Society, for example, there are files relating to the Annual Dinner and Ball, quizzes and newsletters.

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        N/C/57 · Colección · 1847-1851

        Minutes of meetings of Young Men's Association, list of essays read at meetings, attendance register of Association, and minutes of preliminary meeting of Young Men's Prayer Meeting, 1847-1851.

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